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Marla Marcinko<br />

(Articles are in reverse chronological order)<br />

TAB 7<br />

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (PA)<br />

May 19, 2002<br />



Correction: The following CORRECTION/CLARIFICATION appeared on May 26, 2002.<br />

If Zelienople goes ahead with work on the Scholar's Run dam, it will use funds from its Water<br />

Revenue Bond Series. The wrong bond series was reported in a story last Sunday.<br />

Article Text:<br />

Zelienople's borough manager, engineer, water superintendent and some council members plan<br />

to take a long, hard look at the Scholar's Run dam project before committing funds to it.<br />

Begun as a $60,000 project to improve the borough's water supply during the dry season, the<br />

project has ballooned in cost -- council learned last month that price tag was at an estimated<br />

$250,000.<br />

Dale Krysinski, engineer for Killam Associates of Pittsburgh, estimated that installing a second<br />

intake pipe could cost the borough as much as $140,000. The dam already has one intake pipe<br />

that pulls water from Scholar's Run into the reservoir.<br />

"We're trying to coordinate these things," said borough manager Marla Marcinko. "We<br />

question how much further to go on the parallel intake line. We may make some changes."<br />

Councilman William Dickinson said the borough's previous engineering problems with storm<br />

sewers, water system and roads had been costly. He suggested hiring a second engineering firm<br />

to check the design of the dam upgrades.<br />

"Burn me once; burn me twice; burn me three times. How many times are we going to get<br />

burnt?" Dickinson said.<br />

Council passed Dickinson's motion for a second engineering firm to review Killam's design by a<br />

vote of 4-2.<br />

Tom Thompson, an engineer for Gannett and Fleming Inc., who was at the meeting to speak<br />

about a different project, said such peer reviews are common for jobs backed by state loans.<br />

However, Zelienople did not receive a state loan for the dam project. The $60,000 comes from<br />

AK Steel as part of a consent decree issued by the federal Environmental Protection Agency. AK<br />

Steel was legally dumping nitrates in Connoquenessing Creek, which is Zelienople's backup<br />

water source when Scholar's Run has too little water, but the company agreed to cut back<br />

substantially as part of the consent decree.<br />

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