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Konrad Hildebrandt<br />

Reference Notes<br />

TAB 6<br />

Mr. Hildebrandt did a fantastic job managing the City’s employees. Occasionally his<br />

relationship with individual staff members could become strained when those employees did not<br />

get what they wanted but, overall, he was fair and pushed his staff to produce a quality product.<br />

Customer service is a major priority for Mr. Hildebrandt. Every Friday from 10 am to 4 pm he<br />

kept his schedule open so residents could come in on their own time and discuss their concerns.<br />

This practice was well known in the community; so, many people took advantage of the<br />

opportunity to speak with him. He never lost his temper, no matter how disrespectful or mean<br />

the resident became. He allowed them to vent then calmed them down by carefully and<br />

thoroughly describing why the City had acted in a certain manner One situation that illustrates<br />

his ability to work well with citizens occurred when a private resident had been digging in his<br />

backyard and hit an aquifer. The resident went to the Public Words Director demanding the City<br />

pay for his damages. The Director explained that the homeowner would have to cover the<br />

damages because the event happened on private property. The man was very upset and went to<br />

Mr. Hildebrandt hoping to receive a different answer. Unfortunately for him, Mr. Hildebrandt<br />

backed up his Director because the city policy clearly stated that residents had to pay for such<br />

damages on private property. Mr. Hildebrandt settled the man down and got him to understand<br />

the City's perspective. When the man left he was not happy about paying to fix the aquifer, but<br />

he understood why he had to pay and was no longer angry with the City.<br />

Cedar Hills is in a great financial situation due to Mr. Hildebrandt’s efforts. He has a strong<br />

understanding of financial principles. In fact, if Mr. Kirk had one negative comment to make<br />

about him, it would be that he did not allow his Finance Director to speak for herself when the<br />

Council asked her questions. Mr. Hildebrandt tended to jump in and answer the questions for<br />

her. However, his financial skills helped the City receive audit awards year after year.<br />

Mr. Hildebrandt was not the best public speaker but was confident in his knowledge of the issues<br />

and represented Cedar Hills professionally. He always kept Council informed. In one particular<br />

case he called Mr. Kirk in the middle of the night to inform him of a successful police operation<br />

that had just broken up a prostitution ring. Mr. Hildebrandt did not want Mr. Kirk to be shocked<br />

by the news when he turned on his television in the morning; so he woke him up to tell him.<br />

Mr. Hildebrandt accomplished a great deal during his ten years as City Manager. One of his<br />

biggest accomplishments was the construction of an independent well system. The project cost<br />

$1.7 million and was incredibly intricate. Cedar Hills sits on a fault line; so the City had to place<br />

its water pipes below that fault to ensure they would not be severed if the fault shifted and caused<br />

an earthquake. He also set up backup generators to protect the City in case of power outages.<br />

Mr. Kirk and Mr. Hildebrandt did not always see eye to eye, but they developed a positive<br />

working rapport. Mr. Hildebrandt has the background, knowledge, and experience necessary to<br />

be a phenomenal City Manager.<br />

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