here - Satellite Beach

here - Satellite Beach

here - Satellite Beach


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TAB 6<br />

My greatest strengths are that I have the ability to lead and manage! I like to be innovative and<br />

evaluating all services and even line items to see how we can make things better. I know and<br />

feel comfortable working and communicating with everyone – senior citizens, governmental<br />

officials, public safety, boards and commissions, high school aged kids, tiny tots and so forth. I<br />

will ‘step up’ to this great opportunity.<br />

Areas that I need to continue working is everything! I never give a ‘5’ on a performance review<br />

because I firmly believe that we can always get better. Specifically, I sometimes may not<br />

perform my very best based on time constraints and this really does bother me, but that is life!<br />

I understand that coming to <strong>Satellite</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> will require me to learn Florida Law and get up to<br />

speed in other ways. No worries! I am a smart guy and these weaknesses will become strengths<br />

quickly!<br />

One of my bigger achievements so far is keeping every city that I have worked in fiscally strong<br />

and thriving. Everything starts with keeping the finances in order and moves out from t<strong>here</strong>. I<br />

also feel happy about actively working and revamping the Lone Peak Public Safety District<br />

(Fire/EMS). I was put in as the ‘acting’ administrator for the District and soon discovered many<br />

problems. These problems included items all the way to the Public Safety Chief. Unfortunately,<br />

the Chief had to be let go. He was/is a friend of mine, but based on what was going on, the<br />

action had to happen. Through many people, not just me, made this District into one of the best<br />

Fire/EMS working environments in the State and now employees thrive and grow t<strong>here</strong>.<br />

One of my career misgivings has been not understanding and communicating well enough to all<br />

constituents. This problem happened and ended with submitting my resignation from the City<br />

based on the fact that I felt that it was best. This will never happen again. I have learned from<br />

my mistakes and will still trust (but verify) and communicate appropriately.<br />

Unfortunately, I have had to let a variety of people go. I believe that this is one of the very worst<br />

parts of the job. However, I don’t shy away from it either. T<strong>here</strong> has to be trust in the entire<br />

organization. If someone is ‘playing games’ and/or not being accountable, t<strong>here</strong> may be<br />

situation to let them go. I always want people to be wildly successful in their employment, but if<br />

they don’t want that, they need to go.<br />

<strong>Satellite</strong> <strong>Beach</strong> appears to be a great place to work, live and play! An outsider’s perspective –<br />

also basing the statement on the City Council’s 2012 goals – makes me believe that professional<br />

management and accountability is needed. The City’s base or structure seems solid. Finances<br />

(revenues and expenditures) need to be evaluated. Everything starts with a fiscally strong<br />

community. How we do things and/or don’t do things needs to be looked at. Infrastructure,<br />

public safety and finance are the base of the City and areas that expected to be strong. After<br />

solidifying and strengthening the base, we can proactively move to the quality of life and<br />

programs, activities, and assets that the residents want.<br />

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