Left-Sided Portal Hypertension - SASSiT

Left-Sided Portal Hypertension - SASSiT Left-Sided Portal Hypertension - SASSiT


1148 Dig Dis Sci (2007) 52:1141–1149 35. Negus D, Cotton P (1973) Splenic vein thrombosis with pancreatic pseudocyst. Proc Roy Soc Med 66:649–650 36. Wolloch Y, Chaimoff C, Lubin E, et al. (1974) Splenic vein thrombosis, segmental portal hypertension and bleeding esophageal varices produced by a congenital pancreatic cyst. Israel J Med Sci 10:670–673 37. Harnar T, Johansen K, Haskey R, et al. (1982) Left-sided portal hypertension from pancreatic pseudotumor. Am J Gastroenterol 77:639–641 38. Vos LJM, Potocky V, Broker FHL, et al. (1974) Splenic vein thrombosis with oesophageal varices: A late complication of umbilical vein catheterization. Ann Surg 180:152–156 39. Honda Y, Ueda M, Kyoi M, et al. (1978) An unusual case of portosystemic encephalopathy caused by splenic vein occlusion following gastrectomy. Am J Gastroenterol 69:590–593 40. Koehler RE (1981) Splenic vein obstruction due to metastatic hypernephroma. Gastrointest Radiol 6:365–370 41. Shaldon S, Sherlock S (1962) Portal hypertension in the myeloproliferative syndrome and the reticuloses. Am J Med 32:758– 764 42. Takeuchi H, Suzuki M, Unno M, et al. (2000) Splenic vein occlusion secondary to tuberculous lymphadenitis at the splenic hilum. Surg Today 30:383–385 43. Alam H, Kim D, Provido H, et al. (1997) Portal venous thrombosis in the adult. Surgical implications in an era of dynamic imaging. Am Surg 63:681–684 44. Bradley EL (1987) The natural history of splenic vein thrombosis due to chronic pancreatitis: indications for surgery. Int J Pancreatol 2:87–92 45. Warshaw AL, Jin GL, Ottinger LW (1987) Recognition and clinical implication of mesenteric and portal vein obstruction in chrnic pancreatitis. Arch Surg 122:410–415 46. Blendis LM, Banks DC, Ramboer C, et al. (1970) Spleen blood flow and splanchnic haemodynamics in blood dyscrasia and other splenomegalies. Clin Sci 38(1):73–84 47. Witte CL, Chung YC, Witte MH, et al. (1969) Observations on the origin of ascites from experimental extrahepatic portal congestion. Ann Surg 170:1002–1015 48. Marshall JP, Smith PD, Hoyumpa AM (1977) Gastric varices: problem in diagnosis. Am J Dig Dis 22:947–955 49. Muhtehaler C, Gerlock AJ, Goncharenko V, et al. (1979) Gastric varices secondary to splenic vein occlusion: radiographic diagnosis and clinical significance. Radiology 132:593–598 50. Rice RP, Thompson WM, Keloin FM, et al. (1977) Gastric varices without esophageal varices: an important pre-endoscopic diagnosis. JAMA 237:1976–1979 51. Korr S, Wohl GT (1960) Clinical importance of gastric varices. N Engl J Med 263:665–669 52. Gabrielson N (1971) Diagnosis of gastric varices by conventional roentgenography as compared with splenoportal phlebography. Acta Radiol Diagn 11:506–514 53. Cho KJ, Martel W (1978) Recognition of splenic vein occlusion. Am J Roentgenol 131:439–443 54. Okuda K, Yasumoto M, Goto A, et al. (1973) Endoscopic observations of gastric varices. Am J Gastroenterol 60:357–365 55. Mathur SK, Dalvi An, Someshwar V, et al. (1990) Endoscopic and radiological appraisal af gastric varices. Br J Surg 77:432– 435 56. Yale CE, Crummy AB (1971) Splenic vein thrombosis and bleeding esophageal varices. JAMA 217:317–320 57. Gattoni F, Baldini U, Pozzato C, et al. (1990) Pure and diluted contrast media in the visualization of the portal venous system using digital angiography. Radiol Med (Torino) 80:321–324 58. Johansen K, Paun M (1990) ltrasonography of the portal vein. Surg Clin North Am 70:181–190 59. Alpern MD, Rubin JM, Williams DM (1987) Porta hepatis: duplex Doppler US with angiographic correlation. Radiology 162:53–56 60. Finn JP, Kane RA, Edelman LJ, et al. (1993) Imaging of the portal venous system in patients with cirrhosis: MR angiography vs. duplex Doppler sonography. Am J Roentgenol 161:989–994 61. Naik KS, Ward J, Irving HC, et al. (1997) Comparison of dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI and Doppler ultrasound in the preoperative assessment of the portal venous system. Br J Radiol 70:43–49 62. Capasso P, Dondelinger RF (1998) Vascular disorders of the liver. In: Gazelle GS, Saini S, Mueller PR (eds) Hepatobiliary and pancreatic radiology: imaging and intervention. 1st ed. Thieme, New York, pp 294–334 63. Wiersema MJ, Kochman ML, Cramer HM, et al. (1994) Endosonography-guided real-time fine needle aspiration biopsy. Gastrointest Endosc 40:700–707 64. Lewis JD, Faigel DO, Morris JB, et al. (1998) Splenic vein thrombosis secondary to focal pancreatitis diagnosed by endoscopic sonography. J Clin Gastroenterol 26:54–56 65. Rosch T (1994) Endoscopic ultrasonography in pancreatic cancer. Endoscopy 26:806–807 66. Wiersema MJ, Hawes RH, Lehman GA, et al. (1993) Prospective evaluation of endoscopic ultrasonography and endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography in patients with chronic abdominal pain of suspected pancreatic origin. Endoscopy 25:555– 564 67. Lo GH, Lai KH,Wang SJ, et al. (1997) Comparison of endoscopic ultrasound and computed tomogram in the evaluation of periesophageal varices. J Ultrasound Med 5:83–88 68. Caletti GC, Brocchi E, Baraldini M, et al. (1990) Assessment of portal hypertension by endoscopic ultrasonography. Gastrointest Endosc 36:21–27 69. Caletti GC, Brocchi E, Ferrari A, et al. (1992) Value of endoscopic ultrasonography in the management of portal hypertension. Endoscopy 24:342–346 70. Lo GH, Lai KH, Cheng JS, et al. (1999) Prevalence of paraesophageal varices and gastric varices in patients achieving variceal obliteration by banding ligation and by injection sclerotherapy. Gastrointest Endosc 49:428–436 71. Boustiere C, Dumas O, Jouffre C, et al. (1993) Endoscopic ultrasonography classification of gastric varices in patients with cirrhosis. Comparison with endoscopic findings. J Hepatol 19:268–272 72. Gollin G, Ward B, Meier GH, et al. (1994) Central splanchnic venous thrombosis: often unsuspected, usually uncomplicated. J Clin Gastroenterol 18:109–113 73. Vogelzang RL, Gore RM, Anschuetz SL, et al. (1988) Thrombosis of the splanchnic veins: CT diagnosis. AJR Am J Roentgenol 150:93–96 74. Rahmouni A, Mathieu D, Mondher G, et al. (1992) Value of CT and sonography in the conservative management of acute splenoportal and superior mesenteric venous thrombosis. Gastrointest Radiol 17:135–140 75. Mori H, McGrath FP, Malone DE, et al. (1992) The gastrocolic trunk and its tributaries: CT evaluation. Radiology 182:871–877 76. Finn JP, Edelman RR, Jenkins RL, et al. (1991) Liver transplantation: MR angiography with surgical validation. Radiology 179:265–269 77. Prince MR (1994) Gadolinium-enhanced MR aortography. Radiology 191:155–164 78. Edelman RR, Zhao B, Liu C, et al. (1989) MR angiography and dynamic flow evaluation of the portal venous system. AJR Am J Roentgenol 153:755–760 79. Ward J, Martinez D, Chalmers AG, et al. (1993) Rapid dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging of the liver and portal vein. Br J Radiol 66:214–222 Springer

Dig Dis Sci (2007) 52:1141–1149 1149 80. Hughes LA, Hartnell GG, Finn JP, et al. (1996) Time-of-flight MR angiography of the portal venous system: value compared with other imaging procedures. Am J Roentgenol 166:375–378 81. Nghiem HV, Freeny PC, Winter TC III, et al. (1994) Phasecontrast MR angiography of the portal venous system: preoperative findings in liver transplant recipients. Am J Roentgenol 163:445–450 82. Johnson C, Ehmann RL, Rakela J, et al. (1991) MR angiography in portal hypertension: detection of varices and imaging techniques. J Comput Assist Tomogr 15:578–584 83. Taylor CR, McCauley TR (1992) Magnetic resonance imaging in the evaluation of the portal venous system. J Clin Gastroenterol 14:268–273 84. Levy HM, Newhause JH (1988) MR imaging of portal vein thrombosis. Am J Roentgenol 151:283–286 85. Erden A, Erden I, Yağmurlu B, et al. (2003) Portal venous system. Evaluation with contrast-enhanced 3D MR portography. J Clin Imag 27:101–105 86. Lin J, Zhou KR, Chen ZW, et al. (2003) 3D contrast-enhanced MR portography and direct X-ray portography: a correlation study. Eur Radiol 13:1277–1285 87. Kreft B, Strunk H, Flacke S, et al. (2000) Detection of thrombosis in the portal venous system: comparison of contrast-enhanced MR angiography with intraarterial digital substraction angiography. Radiology 216:88–92 88. Babb RR (1976) Splenic vein obstruction: a curable cause of variceal bleeding. Am J Dig Dis 21:512–513 89. Burbige EJ, Tarder G, Garson S, et al. (1978) Colonic varices. A complication of pancreatitis with splenic vein thrombosis. Dig Dis 23:752–755 90. Sarin SK (1997) Long-term follow-up of gastric variceal schlerotherapy: an eleven-year experience. Gastrointest Endosc 46:8–14 91. Rengstorff DS, Binmoeller KF (2004) A pilot study of 2-octyl cyanoacrylate injection for treatment of gastric varices in humans. Gastrointest Endosc 59:553–558 92. Iwase H, Maeda O, Shimada M, et al. (2001) Endoscopic ablation with cyanoacrylate glue for isolated gastric variceal bleeding. Gastrointest Endosc 53:585–592 93. Oho K, Iwao T, Sumino M, et al. (1995) Ethanolamine oleate versus butyl cyanoacrylate for bleeding gastric varices: a nonrandomized study. Endoscopy 27:349–354 94. Sarin SK, Jain AK, Jain M, et al. (2002) A randomized controlled trial of cyanoacrylate versus alcohol injection in patient with isolated fundic varices. Am J Gastroenterol 97:10–15 95. Roesch W, Rexroth G (1989) Pulmonary, cerabral and coronary emboli during bucrylate injection of bleeding fundic varices. Endoscopy 30:89–90 96. Shim CS, Cho YD, Kim JO, et al. (1996) A case of portal and splenic vein thrombosis after histoacryl injection therapy in gastric varices. Endoscopy 28:461 97. Tan YM, Goh KL, Kamarulzaman A, et al. (2002) Multiple systemic embolism wiyh septicemia after gastric variceal obliteration with cyanoacrylate. Gastrointest Endosc 55:276–277 98. Thavanathan J, Heughan C, Cummings TM (1992) Splenic vein thrombosis as a cause of variceal bleeding. Can J Surg 35:649– 652 99. Jones KB, deKoos PT (1984) Postembolization splenic abscess in a patient with pancreatitis and splenic vein thrombosis. South Med J 77:390–393 100. Fujitani RM, Johs SM, Cobb SR, et al. (1988) Preoperarative splenic artery occlusion as an adjunct for high risk splenectomy. Am Surg 54:602–608 101. Stein M, Link DP (1999) Symtomatic spleno-mesenteric-portal venous thrombosis: recanalization and reconstriction with endovascular stents. J Vasc Intervent Radiol 10:363–371 Springer

1148 Dig Dis Sci (2007) 52:1141–1149<br />

35. Negus D, Cotton P (1973) Splenic vein thrombosis with pancreatic<br />

pseudocyst. Proc Roy Soc Med 66:649–650<br />

36. Wolloch Y, Chaimoff C, Lubin E, et al. (1974) Splenic vein thrombosis,<br />

segmental portal hypertension and bleeding esophageal<br />

varices produced by a congenital pancreatic cyst. Israel J Med Sci<br />

10:670–673<br />

37. Harnar T, Johansen K, Haskey R, et al. (1982) <strong>Left</strong>-sided portal<br />

hypertension from pancreatic pseudotumor. Am J Gastroenterol<br />

77:639–641<br />

38. Vos LJM, Potocky V, Broker FHL, et al. (1974) Splenic vein<br />

thrombosis with oesophageal varices: A late complication of umbilical<br />

vein catheterization. Ann Surg 180:152–156<br />

39. Honda Y, Ueda M, Kyoi M, et al. (1978) An unusual case of<br />

portosystemic encephalopathy caused by splenic vein occlusion<br />

following gastrectomy. Am J Gastroenterol 69:590–593<br />

40. Koehler RE (1981) Splenic vein obstruction due to metastatic<br />

hypernephroma. Gastrointest Radiol 6:365–370<br />

41. Shaldon S, Sherlock S (1962) <strong>Portal</strong> hypertension in the myeloproliferative<br />

syndrome and the reticuloses. Am J Med 32:758–<br />

764<br />

42. Takeuchi H, Suzuki M, Unno M, et al. (2000) Splenic vein occlusion<br />

secondary to tuberculous lymphadenitis at the splenic hilum.<br />

Surg Today 30:383–385<br />

43. Alam H, Kim D, Provido H, et al. (1997) <strong>Portal</strong> venous thrombosis<br />

in the adult. Surgical implications in an era of dynamic imaging.<br />

Am Surg 63:681–684<br />

44. Bradley EL (1987) The natural history of splenic vein thrombosis<br />

due to chronic pancreatitis: indications for surgery. Int J<br />

Pancreatol 2:87–92<br />

45. Warshaw AL, Jin GL, Ottinger LW (1987) Recognition and clinical<br />

implication of mesenteric and portal vein obstruction in chrnic<br />

pancreatitis. Arch Surg 122:410–415<br />

46. Blendis LM, Banks DC, Ramboer C, et al. (1970) Spleen blood<br />

flow and splanchnic haemodynamics in blood dyscrasia and other<br />

splenomegalies. Clin Sci 38(1):73–84<br />

47. Witte CL, Chung YC, Witte MH, et al. (1969) Observations on<br />

the origin of ascites from experimental extrahepatic portal congestion.<br />

Ann Surg 170:1002–1015<br />

48. Marshall JP, Smith PD, Hoyumpa AM (1977) Gastric varices:<br />

problem in diagnosis. Am J Dig Dis 22:947–955<br />

49. Muhtehaler C, Gerlock AJ, Goncharenko V, et al. (1979) Gastric<br />

varices secondary to splenic vein occlusion: radiographic diagnosis<br />

and clinical significance. Radiology 132:593–598<br />

50. Rice RP, Thompson WM, Keloin FM, et al. (1977) Gastric varices<br />

without esophageal varices: an important pre-endoscopic diagnosis.<br />

JAMA 237:1976–1979<br />

51. Korr S, Wohl GT (1960) Clinical importance of gastric varices.<br />

N Engl J Med 263:665–669<br />

52. Gabrielson N (1971) Diagnosis of gastric varices by conventional<br />

roentgenography as compared with splenoportal phlebography.<br />

Acta Radiol Diagn 11:506–514<br />

53. Cho KJ, Martel W (1978) Recognition of splenic vein occlusion.<br />

Am J Roentgenol 131:439–443<br />

54. Okuda K, Yasumoto M, Goto A, et al. (1973) Endoscopic observations<br />

of gastric varices. Am J Gastroenterol 60:357–365<br />

55. Mathur SK, Dalvi An, Someshwar V, et al. (1990) Endoscopic<br />

and radiological appraisal af gastric varices. Br J Surg 77:432–<br />

435<br />

56. Yale CE, Crummy AB (1971) Splenic vein thrombosis and bleeding<br />

esophageal varices. JAMA 217:317–320<br />

57. Gattoni F, Baldini U, Pozzato C, et al. (1990) Pure and diluted<br />

contrast media in the visualization of the portal venous system<br />

using digital angiography. Radiol Med (Torino) 80:321–324<br />

58. Johansen K, Paun M (1990) ltrasonography of the portal vein.<br />

Surg Clin North Am 70:181–190<br />

59. Alpern MD, Rubin JM, Williams DM (1987) Porta hepatis: duplex<br />

Doppler US with angiographic correlation. Radiology 162:53–56<br />

60. Finn JP, Kane RA, Edelman LJ, et al. (1993) Imaging of the<br />

portal venous system in patients with cirrhosis: MR angiography<br />

vs. duplex Doppler sonography. Am J Roentgenol 161:989–994<br />

61. Naik KS, Ward J, Irving HC, et al. (1997) Comparison of dynamic<br />

contrast-enhanced MRI and Doppler ultrasound in the preoperative<br />

assessment of the portal venous system. Br J Radiol<br />

70:43–49<br />

62. Capasso P, Dondelinger RF (1998) Vascular disorders of the liver.<br />

In: Gazelle GS, Saini S, Mueller PR (eds) Hepatobiliary and<br />

pancreatic radiology: imaging and intervention. 1st ed. Thieme,<br />

New York, pp 294–334<br />

63. Wiersema MJ, Kochman ML, Cramer HM, et al. (1994)<br />

Endosonography-guided real-time fine needle aspiration biopsy.<br />

Gastrointest Endosc 40:700–707<br />

64. Lewis JD, Faigel DO, Morris JB, et al. (1998) Splenic vein thrombosis<br />

secondary to focal pancreatitis diagnosed by endoscopic<br />

sonography. J Clin Gastroenterol 26:54–56<br />

65. Rosch T (1994) Endoscopic ultrasonography in pancreatic cancer.<br />

Endoscopy 26:806–807<br />

66. Wiersema MJ, Hawes RH, Lehman GA, et al. (1993) Prospective<br />

evaluation of endoscopic ultrasonography and endoscopic<br />

retrograde cholangiopancreatography in patients with chronic abdominal<br />

pain of suspected pancreatic origin. Endoscopy 25:555–<br />

564<br />

67. Lo GH, Lai KH,Wang SJ, et al. (1997) Comparison of endoscopic<br />

ultrasound and computed tomogram in the evaluation of<br />

periesophageal varices. J Ultrasound Med 5:83–88<br />

68. Caletti GC, Brocchi E, Baraldini M, et al. (1990) Assessment of<br />

portal hypertension by endoscopic ultrasonography. Gastrointest<br />

Endosc 36:21–27<br />

69. Caletti GC, Brocchi E, Ferrari A, et al. (1992) Value of endoscopic<br />

ultrasonography in the management of portal hypertension. Endoscopy<br />

24:342–346<br />

70. Lo GH, Lai KH, Cheng JS, et al. (1999) Prevalence of paraesophageal<br />

varices and gastric varices in patients achieving variceal<br />

obliteration by banding ligation and by injection sclerotherapy.<br />

Gastrointest Endosc 49:428–436<br />

71. Boustiere C, Dumas O, Jouffre C, et al. (1993) Endoscopic ultrasonography<br />

classification of gastric varices in patients with cirrhosis.<br />

Comparison with endoscopic findings. J Hepatol 19:268–272<br />

72. Gollin G, Ward B, Meier GH, et al. (1994) Central splanchnic<br />

venous thrombosis: often unsuspected, usually uncomplicated. J<br />

Clin Gastroenterol 18:109–113<br />

73. Vogelzang RL, Gore RM, Anschuetz SL, et al. (1988) Thrombosis<br />

of the splanchnic veins: CT diagnosis. AJR Am J Roentgenol<br />

150:93–96<br />

74. Rahmouni A, Mathieu D, Mondher G, et al. (1992) Value of CT<br />

and sonography in the conservative management of acute splenoportal<br />

and superior mesenteric venous thrombosis. Gastrointest<br />

Radiol 17:135–140<br />

75. Mori H, McGrath FP, Malone DE, et al. (1992) The gastrocolic<br />

trunk and its tributaries: CT evaluation. Radiology 182:871–877<br />

76. Finn JP, Edelman RR, Jenkins RL, et al. (1991) Liver transplantation:<br />

MR angiography with surgical validation. Radiology<br />

179:265–269<br />

77. Prince MR (1994) Gadolinium-enhanced MR aortography. Radiology<br />

191:155–164<br />

78. Edelman RR, Zhao B, Liu C, et al. (1989) MR angiography and<br />

dynamic flow evaluation of the portal venous system. AJR Am J<br />

Roentgenol 153:755–760<br />

79. Ward J, Martinez D, Chalmers AG, et al. (1993) Rapid dynamic<br />

contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging of the liver and<br />

portal vein. Br J Radiol 66:214–222<br />


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