Child Support Enforcement - Sarpy County Nebraska

Child Support Enforcement - Sarpy County Nebraska

Child Support Enforcement - Sarpy County Nebraska


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contumacious, but it provides no reason to entirely discharge Sivick’s reimbursement<br />

obligation.<br />

Spady v. Spady, 284 Neb. 885 (December 2012)<br />

The word “support” in § 42-351(2) is not by its terms limited to child support. Further,<br />

we look to the immediately preceding provision, § 42-351(1), which refers to “support<br />

of minor children [and] the support of either party.” Section 42-351(1) shows that the<br />

word “support” is used statutorily in § 42-351 to refer to child support and spousal<br />

support, i.e., alimony.<br />

Components of a series or collection of statutes pertaining to a certain subject<br />

matter are in pari materia and should be conjunctively considered and construed to<br />

determine the intent of the Legislature, so that different provisions are consistent,<br />

harmonious, and sensible. Travelers Indem. Co. v. Gridiron Mgmt. Group, 281 Neb.<br />

113, 794 N.W.2d 143 (2011).<br />

Tax Exemptions<br />

Emery v. Moffett, 269 Neb. 867, 697 N.W.2d 249 (2005)<br />

Foster v. Foster, 266 Neb. 32, 662 NW2d 191 (2003), and…<br />

Hall v. Hall, 238 Neb. 686, 472 N.W.2d 217 (1991)<br />

We hold that a tax dependency exemption is nearly identical in nature to an award of<br />

child support or alimony and is thus capable of being modified as an order of<br />

support.<br />

Hall v. Hall, 238 Neb. 686, 472 N.W.2d 217 (1991)<br />

[T]he fact that [the custodial parent] did not respond to [the non custodial parent]’s<br />

motion for modification of their divorce decree is not determinative of the status of<br />

the tax exemptions. [The noncustodial parent] may not be granted the exemptions<br />

simply on [the custodial parent’s] failure to respond or appear. Rather, this court,<br />

under its equity powers, balances the interests of the parties and then determines<br />

where the equities lie.<br />

The trial court in this case did not specifically allocate the tax exemptions. However,<br />

since federal tax laws determine the placement of the exemptions absent<br />

reallocation by the state court, the custodial parent is presumed to retain the tax<br />

exemptions.<br />

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