Child Support Enforcement - Sarpy County Nebraska

Child Support Enforcement - Sarpy County Nebraska

Child Support Enforcement - Sarpy County Nebraska


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State on Behalf of Hopkins v. Batt, 253 Neb. 852, 573 N.W.2d 425 (1998)<br />

We have construed § 43-1411 as a means by which the State, in its parens patriae<br />

role, may bring a paternity action on behalf of a minor child for future support. …In<br />

contrast to § 43-512.03, the State's right to sue under this section is not conditioned<br />

upon the payment of public assistance benefits for the minor child.<br />

§43-1411.01. Paternity or parental support; jurisdiction; termination of parental rights;<br />

provisions applicable.<br />

(1) An action for paternity or parental support under sections 43-1401 to 43-1418 may be<br />

initiated by filing a complaint with the clerk of the district court as provided in section 25-2740.<br />

Such proceeding may be heard by the county court or the district court as provided in section<br />

25-2740. A paternity determination under sections 43-1411 to 43-1418 may also be decided in a<br />

county court or separate juvenile court if the county court or separate juvenile court already has<br />

jurisdiction over the child whose paternity is to be determined.<br />

(2) Whenever termination of parental rights is placed in issue in any case arising under sections<br />

43-1401 to 43-1418, subsection (5) of section 42-364 and the Parenting Act shall apply to such<br />

proceedings.<br />

Source: Laws 1997, LB 229, § 38; Laws 1998, LB 1041, § 46; ; Laws 2004, LB 1207, § 40; ; Laws<br />

2008, LB1014, § 46.; Operative date Operative date April 17, 2008<br />

§43-1412 Paternity; action to establish; procedure; public hearings prohibited; evidence;<br />

default judgment; decree; payment of costs and fees.<br />

(1) The method of trial shall be the same as that in other civil proceedings, except that the trial<br />

shall be by the court without a jury unless a jury is requested (a) by the alleged father, in a<br />

proceeding instituted by the mother or the guardian or next friend, or (b) by the mother, in a<br />

proceeding instituted by the alleged father. It being contrary to public policy that such<br />

proceedings should be open to the general public, no one but the parties, their counsel, and others<br />

having a legitimate interest in the controversy shall be admitted to the courtroom during the trial<br />

of the case. The alleged father and the mother shall be competent to testify. The uncorroborated<br />

testimony (i) of the mother, in a proceeding instituted by the mother or the guardian or next<br />

friend, or (ii) of the alleged father, in a proceeding instituted by the alleged father, shall not<br />

alone be sufficient to support a verdict or finding that the alleged father is actually the father.<br />

Refusal by the alleged father to comply with an order of the court for genetic testing shall be<br />

deemed corroboration of the allegation of paternity. A signed and notarized acknowledgment of<br />

paternity or a certified copy or certified reproduction thereof shall be admissible in evidence in<br />

any proceeding to establish paternity without the need for foundation testimony or other proof of<br />

authenticity or accuracy.<br />

If it is determined in this proceeding that the alleged father is actually the father of the child, a<br />

judgment shall be entered declaring the alleged father to be the father of the child.<br />

(2) A default judgment shall be entered upon a showing of service and failure of the defendant<br />

to answer or otherwise appear.<br />

(3) If a judgment is entered under this section declaring the alleged father to be the father of the<br />

child, the court shall retain jurisdiction of the cause and enter such order of support, including the<br />

amount, if any, of any court costs and attorney’s fees which the court in its discretion deems<br />

appropriate to be paid by the father, as may be proper under the procedure and in the manner<br />

specified in section 43-512.04. If it is not determined in the proceeding that the alleged father is<br />

actually the father of the child, the court shall, if it finds that the action was frivolous, award<br />

court costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the alleged father, with such costs and fees to be paid<br />

by the plaintiff.<br />

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