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THE FIFTH SAMAS – BAHUDHADNYAN NIRUPAN (ABOUT COMMON PERCEPTION OF KNOWLEDGE) Till one is enlightened with the real knowledge of the self all other knowledge is meaningless and it can’t make the mind peaceful. A common man is confounded by the terminology of knowledge and wants to know the secrets of knowledge therefore Shree Samarth says that he will tell all about it sequentially. Now all throughout the samas he tells us what is not the real knowledge but is commonly perceived as one. Real knowledge is not the knowledge of, the present, past, future, various sciences including Vedic sciences, various types of works, jobs, businesses, knowing about the intricate nature of various types of people, animals and all the visible things, many types of philosophies, all the arts including the fine arts, commerce, music, languages, all the things related to earth and the universe, oratory, acting, versatility in many fields and so many other things which can be seen or read which are really innumerable to mention. Shree Samarth in essence says that what we all perceive as knowledge including the knowledge of the Vedas is not the real knowledge of the self or that of the Atman! In the real knowledge all the illusions created by the Maya disappear. The disciples then ask him to please tell about the real knowledge which will yield bliss to which Shree Samarth readily obliges and tells that he had to mention about what it is not to remove the doubts and misconceptions, which he did in this samas and in the next he will tell about the real knowledge. END OF THE FIFTH SAMAS THE SIXTH SAMAS – SHUDDHADNYAN NIRUPAN (ABOUT THE PURE KNOWLEDGE) Shree Samarth tells the disciples that the real knowledge is the knowledge of the self. It is enlightenment of owns own self. You should know the God. You should be able to decide what is destructible and what is not. The real knowledge or the Atman or the Parbrahma is indestructible. Where the visible vanishes, the basic elements disappear and there is no place for duality is the knowledge. The experience which is not understood by the mind, the intellect or any flights of thoughts is the knowledge. Where there is no existence for the visible and the feelings is the pure knowledge. The fourth phase of Samadhi is still replete with the experience of the material things and therefore it is not the knowledge because in the stage of realization of self you don’t experience anything else but your own Atman but on top of that in that phase of Samadhi there is duality whereas the real knowledge is without duality. Enlightenment of the fact that I am the pure Parbrahma and experience it too is the real knowledge. The Great sentences of the Upanishads and the preaching of the Vedas, Mother Shruti and other religious epics should be

thought over and be read between the lines to understand the essence of the Parbrahma which should be continuously thought over to attain the real knowledge, simply reading them would serve no purpose. The real, pure and micro meaning of the Great sentences is, “I am the Parbrahma”. The acquisition of the knowledge of the real I, is the most difficult one to acquire but one should not forget that it is inherent in you. This universe comes into being and is destroyed by the wish of the Parbrahma. Till this knowledge is acquired one lives in the realm of the Maya and hence is in a bound state. The person having this ultimate knowledge with the experience of it thinks about it very deeply and on the broadest possible spectrum which reveals to him that there is no duality in anything. The pure self or the Atman which is the cause of this universe when experienced is called as the pure knowledge by the Vedas. When we try to search for the origin of us we land up with our own self which is the ultimate knowledge yielding Moksha. When one gets the ultimate knowledge he is left with no knowledge to acquire as all else originates from the first one. This also broadens the vision of the Sadhak to the greatest possible extent. The great Sages of the yore like Vashishtha, Vyas, Shuk, Narad, Vamdeo, Atri, Shounak, Sanak, and the great Sages of the Nath sect and Janak reached the pinnacle through the acquisition of the knowledge of the self. All the religious books available tell only one thing that the final knowledge which is the mother of all the types of knowledge is the knowledge of the Parbrahma. This knowledge which can’t be imparted by even the Vedas and the Mother Shruti can be attained through the blessings of the Guru. The Guru should be always there in your heart. There is no need for anything else. The Vedas also tell that the preaching of the Guru is the final thing in this world. It imparts endless bliss. I myself have been enlightened with it and am having permanent bliss with the knowledge imparted to me by my Guru Lord Ram. The Great sentence is, “I am the Parbrahma”. It implies that the disciple and the Guru are one and the same. Therefore one should keep the ultimate faith in this secret of the spiritualism which should never be doubted and there should be no illusions about it. When the universe is created the five basic elements are created sequentially. But this universe is temporary and destructible which is destroyed at the time of doomsday when the basic elements are destroyed in the sequence that they are created. Even the original male and the original female (Nature); who are responsible for the creation of all the live forms don’t escape destruction and diffuse into the Parbrahma. When all the visible diffuses with the Parbrahma one doesn’t have to do any conscious effort to get to it as it is the only thing which remains after everything has been destroyed. When the fire of the real knowledge sets in not only the visible disappears but the duality also. When we feel that everything is an illusion our vision turns inside which otherwise is oriented outside which loses its existence and we are easily able to concentrate on the Atman. The disciple who unifies with the Guru in fact doesn’t have to bother about all these the only condition being he should not even for a while lose his faith in the Guru and



Till one is enlightened with the real knowledge of the self all other<br />

knowledge is meaningless and it can’t make the mind peaceful. A common man is confounded by<br />

the terminology of knowledge and wants to know the secrets of knowledge therefore Shree Samarth<br />

says that he will tell all about it sequentially. Now all throughout the samas he tells us what is not<br />

the real knowledge but is commonly perceived as one.<br />

Real knowledge is not the knowledge of, the present, past, future,<br />

various sciences including Vedic sciences, various types of works, jobs, businesses, knowing about<br />

the intricate nature of various types of people, animals and all the visible things, many types of<br />

philosophies, all the arts including the fine arts, commerce, music, languages, all the things related<br />

to earth and the universe, oratory, acting, versatility in many fields and so many other things which<br />

can be seen or read which are really innumerable to mention.<br />

Shree Samarth in essence says that what we all perceive as<br />

knowledge including the knowledge of the Vedas is not the real knowledge of the self or that of the<br />

Atman! In the real knowledge all the illusions created by the Maya disappear. The disciples then<br />

ask him to please tell about the real knowledge which will yield bliss to which Shree Samarth<br />

readily obliges and tells that he had to mention about what it is not to remove the doubts and<br />

misconceptions, which he did in this samas and in the next he will tell about the real knowledge.<br />

END OF <strong>THE</strong> FIFTH SAMAS<br />


(ABOUT <strong>THE</strong> PURE KNOWLEDGE)<br />

Shree Samarth tells the disciples that the real knowledge is the<br />

knowledge of the self. It is enlightenment of owns own self. You should know the God. You should<br />

be able to decide what is destructible and what is not. The real knowledge or the Atman or the<br />

Parbrahma is indestructible. Where the visible vanishes, the basic elements disappear and there is<br />

no place for duality is the knowledge. The experience which is not understood by the mind, the<br />

intellect or any flights of thoughts is the knowledge. Where there is no existence for the visible and<br />

the feelings is the pure knowledge. The fourth phase of Samadhi is still replete with the experience<br />

of the material things and therefore it is not the knowledge because in the stage of realization of self<br />

you don’t experience anything else but your own Atman but on top of that in that phase of Samadhi<br />

there is duality whereas the real knowledge is without duality. Enlightenment of the fact that I am<br />

the pure Parbrahma and experience it too is the real knowledge. The Great sentences of the<br />

Upanishads and the preaching of the Vedas, Mother Shruti and other religious epics should be

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