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pleasures associated with them. He was constantly thinking from that early age about the unseen,<br />

micro world inside the human body, not in the medical terms but from the spiritual point of view.<br />

Within no time he realized that it was God who resided deep inside him. From that point onwards<br />

the only aim that beckoned him was untiring efforts to get to God, to know him to the fullest extent<br />

and finally to merge with him while still alive, which he was able to do. This is far easier said than<br />

done. For this to become a reality he strove very hard and did Sadhana for 12 years at Takli. Finally<br />

he got everything he was striving for and thus became unified first with the God and then with the<br />

Parbrahma. He was the epitome of ultimate knowledge and he spread it in bounties to the people<br />

who had the desire for it.<br />

The real Shree Samarth was a spiritual personality to the core and all<br />

throughout his life he almost always remained in the state of Samadhi though for the outside world<br />

he seemed like any other normal person. He had to do this and maintain this fine balance because<br />

of the sociopolitical circumstances prevalent during his times. People looked up to him as their<br />

leader and hence he had to guide them in times of impending disasters in someone’s personal life or<br />

for the society on the whole. He did it so tactfully that only those inclined towards spirituality knew<br />

that though he was doing his duties towards the society his mind was never ever wavering from the<br />

state of Samadhi. Such was his greatness that despite carrying on the mantle of the society’s burden<br />

deep inside him he never forgot the God and the Parbrahma who were the creators of this universe.<br />

It was like someone doing great deeds factually visible for others but for him it is nothing rather<br />

than deep sleep. It may seem impossible for us the lesser mortals but nothing is impossible for the<br />

great Sages like Shree Samarth and he proved it by his work during his lifetime.<br />

<strong>THE</strong> SOCIETY DURING <strong>SHREE</strong> <strong>SAMARTH</strong>’S PERIOD<br />

The times were difficult for the Indians during Shree Samarth’s<br />

period as outsiders were ruling India. They had encroached upon the ancient and great Indian<br />

culture and the repercussions of their authoritarian rule were devastating. Worse, the Indians<br />

themselves were following in their footsteps for petty gains, and those who dared raise their voice<br />

were thrown to the gallows. The Brahmins, who were supposedly the custodians of religion, were<br />

doing things which were considered unreligious, the warrior caste which was doing the job of<br />

protecting the country and the people from any invaders were now taking pride in just serving the<br />

foreign rulers and gaining small benefits for themselves, the traders were nothing short of traitors as<br />

they joined hands with the bureaucrats to meet their dirty business gains, not to talk about the<br />

common men who were left bewildered by all this unforeseen transformation. The situation at best<br />

could be described by one word, chaotic. Hindu religion was there only for the names sake.<br />

Everyone became too much selfish which was neither good for him or for the society. The virtues<br />

of the society on the whole seemed to have vanished and the vices gained the upper hand. Living<br />

itself had become so difficult that people wondered if death would be a better option. They were<br />

subjected to atrocities not only by the rulers but by the opportune goons who thrived in this<br />

atmosphere. Every passing day seemed like an eon for the common man. Surviving in such a<br />

chaotic situation was possible only for the haves as the have-nots were at the mercy of all the evil<br />

forces working in unison. Shree Samarth was very much distressed with the plight of the people<br />

and therefore, though he liked to remain in solitude most, he decided that he had to take a plunge in<br />

the social life to ease out the miseries of the people.

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