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eligion at all. He is by nature easily impressionable by the worse. He has enough or even more than enough money, still wants more and yet is utterly miserly. He thinks that he is the most beautiful, strongest, most astute and the greatest of them all. He is full of pride for the most trivial things. He always thinks badly of others and most of the times feels that by doing this he will be benefited. He, is full of jealousy, lust, always conspires against others and thinks that all the others are nothing as compared to him. A materialistic person is always apprehensive about how will he succeed in this difficult family life, he thinks about the happiness he enjoyed and is now unhappy that the things which gave him happiness aren’t there anymore. He wants to be richer than the others. He always likes others to fight and induces them to do so; he is idlest of the idle. He loves the things like narcotics which cultivate addiction. He positively dislikes worshiping the God, likes to make propaganda of the others’ vices, likes to steal, can’t resist sweets and can’t tolerate fasting. He always likes to be neck deep in lust. This is the property because of which one has to undergo the cycle of birth and death and terrible unhappiness during life as that human being is unaware of the Parbrahma and hence is in love with all that is visible. The way to overcome all this is simple or so it seems, worshipping the God! The worship of the God should be done with your body, mind and all the senses by offering him all that you have. One should try to give away all the material things to those who are needy. Even while performing your duties during family life one shouldn’t for a second forget the God. I have tried to define many aspects of the impure property of being materialistic. It should be remembered though that those who are materialistic but are pure at heart and willing to learn eventually turn to spirituality. The signs of this are found in the property of being truthful which completely leads you to the worship of the God. Now I will describe the signs of being highly temperamental. END OF FIFTH SAMAS THE SIXTH SAMAS – TAMOGUN LAKSHAN (SIGNS OF BEING HIGHLY TEMPERAMENTAL) Now I will describe the signs of the highly temperamental people. They are highly annoyed whenever they have to face grief, they very easily get angry and in the fit of anger they can beat even the elders and the younger ones from their own family, they can even kill others in this state or are least bothered about their own life. These people like to go to war on any trivial issues. They are always doubtful of others, unsure about themselves, like to sleep all the time and their aims constantly change. They have insatiable hunger during which they can eat any damn thing, they are highly foolish, they are so thoughtless that they can give their life if someone whom they love dies, they have suicidal tendencies, they are terribly cruel and like to kill for the sake of it. They very much like all sorts of addictions. They have tremendous hatred and jealousy towards others because of which they are ever ready to harm others. They are highly arrogant. They always like to be at a place where fights are going on. They take vicarious pleasure in, putting obstacles in the path of the worshippers, bulldozing the temples and cutting the trees. They are attracted towards the vices and dislike the virtues and are not afraid of sinning.

They always trouble those who are harmless and weak. They are in the habit of making blunders purposefully which will land others in a precarious position. They can even put others or their property on fire just to enjoy their grief. They create situations where others will be forced to fight which they like to watch and then to participate. They are very happy if others are aggrieved. They break the religious norms every now and then. Kindness is a word missing in their dictionary. Their dictionary tells them to do things which are never to be done by a human being. They are not in a habit to listen to the others not even the Saints. They take pleasure in doing obscure things which would create nuisance. They are extremely idle and don’t possess any memory. If at all they worship the God they do it for some gain and threaten the God that if their demands are not granted by him they would do anything to harm the God’s reputation! Their behavior is totally antisocial. They are the root cause of most of the problems on this earth. This is what leads to the downfall of such people and therefore all the more reason to part with it if one has any signs of it. Everyone has to bear the good or bad outcome of his deeds sometime or the other. The materialistic and temperamental have to undergo the cycle of birth and death. To stop it one requires being wise, calm and being truthful. I have described the signs of the property of truthfulness in the next samas. END OF THE SIXTH SAMAS THE SEVENTH SAMAS – SATVAGUN LAKSHAN (SIGNS OF TRUTHFULNESS AND VIRTUOSITY) Now listen to the signs of truthfulness and the virtues which are but rarely found. They are needed for, worship, getting over the problems of the family life and even Yogi’s need it for achieving their goal. These qualities help in getting to the path of Moksha and the way to the God. They are the beauty of the spiritualism, the pride of the Sages; the vices vanish in their presence. They give the utmost happiness and help in avoiding the cycle of birth and death. They are the beginning of knowledge and all the good deeds. When they express themselves in one’s being he starts to, love the God more than anything else, and behave with utmost wisdom all the time, look beyond happiness and grief. The people who possess these qualities are, all the time interested in spiritualism, ready to help others, very pure at heart, clean from within and without, studious, induce others to study, ever ready to part with anything they possess for the needy, able to imbibe the preaching of the Vedas and follow them immediately, always on the look out for pilgrimages where they not only visit the holy shrines but renovate those which need it and build hostels for accommodating the poor worshippers free of cost and also schools which teach and preach the real knowledge and prepare big gardens, they make sure that water and other things of daily need will be available aplenty, they are willing to give all that they have for providing food and shelter to those who don’t have it and all this is done by them without any expectation from anyone including the God. They, offer all they have to the God, don’t eat anything till they have offered the best food prepared that day to the God, despite being rich consider themselves lucky if they get a chance to do anything for the shrines including mopping the floors and serving food

They always trouble those who are harmless and weak. They are in<br />

the habit of making blunders purposefully which will land others in a precarious position. They can<br />

even put others or their property on fire just to enjoy their grief. They create situations where others<br />

will be forced to fight which they like to watch and then to participate. They are very happy if<br />

others are aggrieved. They break the religious norms every now and then. Kindness is a word<br />

missing in their dictionary. Their dictionary tells them to do things which are never to be done by a<br />

human being.<br />

They are not in a habit to listen to the others not even the Saints.<br />

They take pleasure in doing obscure things which would create nuisance. They are extremely idle<br />

and don’t possess any memory. If at all they worship the God they do it for some gain and threaten<br />

the God that if their demands are not granted by him they would do anything to harm the God’s<br />

reputation!<br />

Their behavior is totally antisocial. They are the root cause of most of<br />

the problems on this earth. This is what leads to the downfall of such people and therefore all the<br />

more reason to part with it if one has any signs of it.<br />

Everyone has to bear the good or bad outcome of his deeds sometime<br />

or the other. The materialistic and temperamental have to undergo the cycle of birth and death. To<br />

stop it one requires being wise, calm and being truthful. I have described the signs of the property<br />

of truthfulness in the next samas.<br />

END OF <strong>THE</strong> SIXTH SAMAS<br />



Now listen to the signs of truthfulness and the virtues which are but<br />

rarely found. They are needed for, worship, getting over the problems of the family life and even<br />

Yogi’s need it for achieving their goal. These qualities help in getting to the path of Moksha and<br />

the way to the God. They are the beauty of the spiritualism, the pride of the Sages; the vices vanish<br />

in their presence. They give the utmost happiness and help in avoiding the cycle of birth and death.<br />

They are the beginning of knowledge and all the good deeds. When<br />

they express themselves in one’s being he starts to, love the God more than anything else, and<br />

behave with utmost wisdom all the time, look beyond happiness and grief.<br />

The people who possess these qualities are, all the time interested in<br />

spiritualism, ready to help others, very pure at heart, clean from within and without, studious,<br />

induce others to study, ever ready to part with anything they possess for the needy, able to imbibe<br />

the preaching of the Vedas and follow them immediately, always on the look out for pilgrimages<br />

where they not only visit the holy shrines but renovate those which need it and build hostels for<br />

accommodating the poor worshippers free of cost and also schools which teach and preach the real<br />

knowledge and prepare big gardens, they make sure that water and other things of daily need will<br />

be available aplenty, they are willing to give all that they have for providing food and shelter to<br />

those who don’t have it and all this is done by them without any expectation from anyone including<br />

the God.<br />

They, offer all they have to the God, don’t eat anything till they have<br />

offered the best food prepared that day to the God, despite being rich consider themselves lucky if<br />

they get a chance to do anything for the shrines including mopping the floors and serving food

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