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A Sadhak should consistently think about the meaning of the Saint’s preaching to get to the real knowledge. Shree Samarth says that this thing has to be done repeatedly over and over again by which the real knowledge can be acquired, everything can be understood easily and there remains no place for any doubts. END OF THE THIRD SAMAS THE FOURTH SAMAS – ATMANIRUPAN (ABOUT THE ATMAN) Shree Samarth says that the disciples should listen to whatever he is going to say carefully as he is talking out of his own experience. You neither learn from the past or from the experience which leads to making your own life difficult. If you look around yourself then you will find everything in a chaotic condition. This is despite the presence of the law and order. In the same way although everything seems to be chaotic in the universe there is always the presence of the power of the God. All the live bodies on the earth are the homes of the God. He experiences all types of happiness through them. His greatness in its entirety is difficult to understand. His kindness can be experienced to some extent by looking at the mothers’. With this kindness he is able to protect the world despite the chaos. The power of the God is distributed all over the universe. The entire universe runs according to his wishes. This power is in the form of feelings which are responsible for every single moment and the happenings. This God is no one else but the original male which is in turn the ultimately knowledgeable Atman, the Parbrahma. It is present in the living as well as the nonliving controlling their absolute existence. The complexity of the universe up to its ultimate creation, the human being, is nothing but the expression of its power. It is not only the ultimately powerful it is calm beyond any imagination even while running every single moment in every single micro or macro thing. While creating it didn’t differentiate, its intention was to just create and make it viable. The motive behind was neither to create good or bad nor virtuous or vicious. It is present in all and sundry. It is beyond anybody’s imagination except the Saints’ or the Guru’s how the differentiation came into existence. Humans are bewildered and amused at this mystery and to unravel the secret behind it they are in pursuit of knowledge. The way to unify with the God is to constantly remember that everything exists and works on account of his power. During this time when you for a while or more forget about yourself you are in real meditation. When you forget about yourself in all your entirety then meditation bears the fruit of real knowledge. The God or the Atman or the Parbrahma and its power are expressively present everywhere in the universe with real knowledge obviously accompanying it, yet very few are blessed with the knowledge of its presence. You won’t ever get to it or even have a glimpse of it till you shed off all the desires while you are worshipping or performing Sadhana. Worship or Sadhana with desire is a waste of time. The Atman is highly prudent and is a witness to all. To know about it you should have the company of Saints or the Guru, listen to their preaching and above all you should be prepared to acquire the real knowledge through your own experience/s. It has to be experienced by you and not by anybody else to achieve

the ultimate bliss which is the property of the one who experiences it and not of others who just keep on imagining about it. The imagination which came into being of the original male was that of the Atman. From here onwards the play of Maya starts. Everything is occupied by and is activated or deactivated by this imagination of the Atman. You have to go beyond this imagination to avoid the interference of Maya. Then you find out the omnipresent yet indescribable God or Atman or the Parbrahma. If you deeply think over this then you will realize that the Atman being omnipresent it is inside you too thence as a worshipper or Sadhak you are trying to find out the real you inside the virtual you. During worship or Sadhana the duality of the mind body intellect conglomerate remains but when you find the Parbrahma inside you this duality vanishes for ever. The Atman rules the entire universe. There is no doubt that there is power in good deeds or karma but there has to be an uncorrupt feeling all the time while performing karma that it is he who is getting it done through you and you are a mere puppet doing all according to his wish. If you are able to do this all the time then you are not bothered about the outcome of the karma and even if you reap the fruits of it you remain nonchalant and unattached to it and have no pride of any achievement/s. This pride is responsible for the continuation of duality and once it goes for ever the duality too goes and you become the Parbrahma yourself. Further thinking on this will yield the knowledge that the Parbrahma is not only the giver but the doer too through you. You should ultimately realize that you without this knowledge which is practiced and not just preached will remain in the dangerous spectrum of Maya which is utterly untrue. It is hence always preferable to grasp and cling to the knowledge which he is kind enough to dispense and do all the necessary karmas only. It is the self enlightening experience which will make you understand the real meaning of everything. This highlights the importance of the self enlightening experience of the Atman within you. END OF THE FOURTH SAMAS THE FIFTH SAMAS – CHATWARJINNASNIRUPAN (ABOUT THE FOUR BASIC THINGS) The universe by and large comprises of only four basic things. They are the Parbrahma, the Maya, the five basic elements and the basic principles. The Parbrahma is totally different from the others and is beyond the human imagination. It is the purest, highly immotile, without any ills and boundless. It is the basis of everything visible or invisible and is incomparable. The second one is full of all types of imaginations and their manifestations, the original Maya. It has many micro forms which are admixed randomly. The original whirl and the flame of life which emanated from Parbrahma (Which Shree Samarth says is an accusation on the Parbrahma) led to the formation of the original Maya. This original Maya in its purest form is the feeling of the God. It resembles the omnipresent soul, the highly momentary feeling like a whirl which emanated from the utterly immotile Parbrahma. At this stage the three properties are present in equal amounts. It is nothing but the original half male half female yet a complete gender, the original power, the

A Sadhak should consistently think about the meaning of the Saint’s<br />

preaching to get to the real knowledge. Shree Samarth says that this thing has to be done repeatedly<br />

over and over again by which the real knowledge can be acquired, everything can be understood<br />

easily and there remains no place for any doubts.<br />

END OF <strong>THE</strong> THIRD SAMAS<br />

<strong>THE</strong> FOURTH SAMAS – ATMANIRUPAN (ABOUT <strong>THE</strong> ATMAN)<br />

Shree Samarth says that the disciples should listen to whatever he is<br />

going to say carefully as he is talking out of his own experience. You neither learn from the past or<br />

from the experience which leads to making your own life difficult. If you look around yourself then<br />

you will find everything in a chaotic condition. This is despite the presence of the law and order. In<br />

the same way although everything seems to be chaotic in the universe there is always the presence<br />

of the power of the God. All the live bodies on the earth are the homes of the God. He experiences<br />

all types of happiness through them. His greatness in its entirety is difficult to understand. His<br />

kindness can be experienced to some extent by looking at the mothers’. With this kindness he is<br />

able to protect the world despite the chaos.<br />

The power of the God is distributed all over the universe. The entire<br />

universe runs according to his wishes. This power is in the form of feelings which are responsible<br />

for every single moment and the happenings. This God is no one else but the original male which is<br />

in turn the ultimately knowledgeable Atman, the Parbrahma. It is present in the living as well as the<br />

nonliving controlling their absolute existence. The complexity of the universe up to its ultimate<br />

creation, the human being, is nothing but the expression of its power. It is not only the ultimately<br />

powerful it is calm beyond any imagination even while running every single moment in every<br />

single micro or macro thing. While creating it didn’t differentiate, its intention was to just create<br />

and make it viable. The motive behind was neither to create good or bad nor virtuous or vicious. It<br />

is present in all and sundry. It is beyond anybody’s imagination except the Saints’ or the Guru’s<br />

how the differentiation came into existence. Humans are bewildered and amused at this mystery<br />

and to unravel the secret behind it they are in pursuit of knowledge.<br />

The way to unify with the God is to constantly remember that<br />

everything exists and works on account of his power. During this time when you for a while or<br />

more forget about yourself you are in real meditation. When you forget about yourself in all your<br />

entirety then meditation bears the fruit of real knowledge. The God or the Atman or the Parbrahma<br />

and its power are expressively present everywhere in the universe with real knowledge obviously<br />

accompanying it, yet very few are blessed with the knowledge of its presence. You won’t ever get<br />

to it or even have a glimpse of it till you shed off all the desires while you are worshipping or<br />

performing Sadhana. Worship or Sadhana with desire is a waste of time. The Atman is highly<br />

prudent and is a witness to all. To know about it you should have the company of Saints or the<br />

Guru, listen to their preaching and above all you should be prepared to acquire the real knowledge<br />

through your own experience/s. It has to be experienced by you and not by anybody else to achieve

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