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single moment sitting idle which is the only thing he dislikes. He is a workaholic. It is therefore impossible for poverty even to have a look at him. He stands tall among the masses and the classes too. In his presence there is no chance of quarrels or chaos. He knows the importance of worldly wisdom in routine life and that of the knowledge of what is Atman and what isn’t in the spiritual life. He never indulges in backbiting. He is wisdom in human form. He is perfect in all the karmas, Sadhana, knowledge and Vairagya. His intellect knows no bounds. He thus is omnipresent like the soul; in everybody’s mind with a feeling of great love for him. He is aggrieved by others’ grief and he shares and enjoys others’ happiness. He cares for all as if they are his own children. He is unhappy if people don’t get what they deserve and spares no effort in seeing to it that they get it. He is never affected by anyone who dares to insult him for he knows that the insult is intended towards the body which is nonexistent for him as he is the really knowledgeable. He has scant consideration for the body, its demands and desires. He lives in the body but doesn’t care a bit for it. In gist you should try to emulate him so that you also can become like him. You should also realize that he not only has thrown the mind body intellect conglomerate out forever but has the power of micro and highly penetrable universal wisdom. He forgives all for everything bad they do. Forgiveness is his other name. Even the most vicious are all for him because he has forgiven them and set them free of all the sins they have committed. Everyone thinks that he or she is great but the fact remains that the only great one is the one who is acclaimed by all to be a great. END OF THE FOURTH SAMAS THE FIFTH SAMAS – DEHMANYANIRUPAN (ABOUT THE BODY) Shree Samarth elaborates of the types of Gods who are worshipped, the types of Sadhana. He says that the reason for all these Gods is the original whirl of the universal flame. Gods are small parts of it. The original prudent God is singular. This can be understood only by application of wisdom. Without the body you can’t worship or do Sadhana. If you call this body as totally and completely untrue then you are left with nothing. You can worship because the soul unites with the body. Shree Samarth then gives numerous examples of things you can’t do without the body. Through this body you worship the Gods but he advises that you should give them importance according to their status. Ultimately whomsoever you worship your worship reaches the original God. Body is the manifestation of the Maya but it is also the fruit of the feelings of the original God. (Shree Samarth here is in no way praising the body but only emphasizing that you need a body to achieve the state you aspire for after which you need not pay any attention to the needs of the body) Now Shree Samarth comes to the point which he wants to tell. He says that whatever you want to know about the Atman is hidden inside your body and therefore you should tirelessly and with wisdom try to find that hidden Atman. Once you are able to do this, then

your mind becomes absolutely stable. Some people leave everything without thinking a bit and try to find the God, a path which surely leads to failure in both the material as well as the spiritual life. Here he also says that it is futile to worship anything which is in the spectrum of the properties and the principles. You have to go beyond them to reach to the ultimate thing, the Parbrahma. It is our self created and traditional illusion that we should be able to see the God in some form, without which the life will be a waste. In fact this very thinking is a waste! Those who know the secret of the enlightenment are therefore the really knowledgeable. All the Gods who are traditionally worshipped are the creations of human imagination and it takes a lot of courage and conviction to go beyond them and find out the real and the only truth. You are under the illusion that you are the doer when in fact it is the original God. This happens because you don’t have the micro vision to see the real original God. To get that vision you have to firmly know by your experience that you can’t and don’t do anything and everything is being done through you by the original God. It is not perceivable by your sense organs or your mind. Till your mind is wavering constantly and isn’t stable at all there is no possibility that you will have the enlightening experience. That experience makes you realize that it is the only permanent thing which has no end whereas everything else has an end. See that with your knowledgeable vision and remain in unison with it forever. Once you have achieved this you become the Parbrahma itself and all others are left in dismay by the things you can do. This state can be achieved only by the company of the Saints and your own enlightening experience. If you are able to do this, only then you can get out of the vicious cycle of birth and death. The best way to achieve this is of course the blessings of the Guru and his preaching which shows you the correct path. END OF THE FIFTH SAMAS THE SIXTH SAMAS – BUDDHIVADNIRUPAN (ABOUT PHILOSOPHICAL INTELLIGENCE) The really spiritual one who is highly wise also is accepted by all in totality because he does everything after giving it a due thought which renders his work faultless. He never does anything which can create doubts in the minds of the people. He is prudent enough to know the beginning and end of everything and their consequences also. Some people wear the garb of being spiritual but they have some ulterior motive behind it and finally they are bound to be despised by the very people who had earlier adored them. Shree Samarth now gives examples of fraudulent spiritualism which spells doom for the advisor and the disciple both. He just hates such people who indulge in this. The real Saint never asks for anything from anyone. He wants the popularity of the God to go sky high and even beyond that. He has to turn the people towards worshipping the real God. Understanding the social mind is a very difficult art and therefore only the one who can do it is capable of leading the society in the correct manner. He can organize the various groups in the society by motivating them to work for a good cause. He himself should accept only that which is absolutely praiseworthy and highly adorable. Whatever is lackluster

your mind becomes absolutely stable. Some people leave everything without thinking a bit and try<br />

to find the God, a path which surely leads to failure in both the material as well as the spiritual life.<br />

Here he also says that it is futile to worship anything which is in the spectrum of the properties and<br />

the principles. You have to go beyond them to reach to the ultimate thing, the Parbrahma. It is our<br />

self created and traditional illusion that we should be able to see the God in some form, without<br />

which the life will be a waste. In fact this very thinking is a waste! Those who know the secret of<br />

the enlightenment are therefore the really knowledgeable. All the Gods who are traditionally<br />

worshipped are the creations of human imagination and it takes a lot of courage and conviction to<br />

go beyond them and find out the real and the only truth. You are under the illusion that you are the<br />

doer when in fact it is the original God. This happens because you don’t have the micro vision to<br />

see the real original God. To get that vision you have to firmly know by your experience that you<br />

can’t and don’t do anything and everything is being done through you by the original God. It is not<br />

perceivable by your sense organs or your mind.<br />

Till your mind is wavering constantly and isn’t stable at all there is<br />

no possibility that you will have the enlightening experience. That experience makes you realize<br />

that it is the only permanent thing which has no end whereas everything else has an end. See that<br />

with your knowledgeable vision and remain in unison with it forever. Once you have achieved this<br />

you become the Parbrahma itself and all others are left in dismay by the things you can do. This<br />

state can be achieved only by the company of the Saints and your own enlightening experience. If<br />

you are able to do this, only then you can get out of the vicious cycle of birth and death. The best<br />

way to achieve this is of course the blessings of the Guru and his preaching which shows you the<br />

correct path.<br />

END OF <strong>THE</strong> FIFTH SAMAS<br />



The really spiritual one who is highly wise also is accepted by all in<br />

totality because he does everything after giving it a due thought which renders his work faultless.<br />

He never does anything which can create doubts in the minds of the people. He is prudent enough<br />

to know the beginning and end of everything and their consequences also. Some people wear the<br />

garb of being spiritual but they have some ulterior motive behind it and finally they are bound to be<br />

despised by the very people who had earlier adored them.<br />

Shree Samarth now gives examples of fraudulent spiritualism which<br />

spells doom for the advisor and the disciple both. He just hates such people who indulge in this.<br />

The real Saint never asks for anything from anyone. He wants the popularity of the God to go sky<br />

high and even beyond that. He has to turn the people towards worshipping the real God.<br />

Understanding the social mind is a very difficult art and therefore<br />

only the one who can do it is capable of leading the society in the correct manner. He can organize<br />

the various groups in the society by motivating them to work for a good cause. He himself should<br />

accept only that which is absolutely praiseworthy and highly adorable. Whatever is lackluster

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