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Imagination isn’t useful all the time. This is true in both the family as well as the spiritual life. He should be able to fathom the reason behind those who ask for answers and what is really behind the question so that he can easily and convincingly answer them. Those who lack this wisdom are overlooked by the people. He should talk only when it is absolutely necessary but should have the capacity to listen to all. He should possess the ability to recognize what is going on in the minds of people from their very appearance and talk. He shouldn’t waste his time with the vicious ones. He should always be pleasant to all and never sadden anyone. Despite knowing everything he should wear the garb of a knowledge seeker whereby he never has any ego. His words should be soft and sweet. He should be able to grasp any situation within no time and if it is problematic should solve it immediately with all his skills. He should never enter into any arguments which are futile. He shouldn’t differentiate between anyone as far as possible. He shouldn’t be tired of searching for the best things and giving them away to those who are in need of them. Always help the needy and poor should be his motto. He should leave an everlasting impression wherever he goes. When his qualities are recognized by the people they naturally start adoring him. He should always be in the company of the virtuous yet very simple and modest. His talk should be congruent with his Sadhana which gives immense credibility to it. He should at the same time be careful about where he is going and whom he is meeting, for this he must have the prior information on these. If you want to be known as the friend of the world the secret of that lies in your talk. Wherever you go you should also possess the ability to find out the best possible people who would be around you. You should also be tolerant when others are talking. To know the people at large you have to first get familiar with them and then analyze them. Sift out the good from the bad and use the good ones to weed out the bad. The best thing to achieve this is listening to the Saintly people but better than that is always thinking deeply and introspecting with all the might of your mind. Without understanding anything it is absolutely futile to strive for it. Shree Samarth finally advises to know others to the hilt without which all the efforts of the best go down the drain not to talk about those who just indulge in empty talk. END OF THE SECOND SAMAS THE THIRD SAMAS – KARANTLAKSHANNIRUPAN (ABOUT THE LACKLUSTER) If you have committed sins in your previous life then you become poor in this life which can lead to more sins and this vicious cycle then continues. Your whole life becomes lackluster. You have to avoid that type of behavior which leads to being born as a poor. These people who lack in all the things are always idle and never like to indulge in any type of effort. They are always drowsy, have no sense of what to talk where, don’t pay any attention to others’ feelings, are very poor in reading and writing, unaware of the knowledge to do any business, find it difficult to remember things, don’t like the company of good people but like the same of the bad ones, have the habit of always complaining about everything and everyone, always quarrel with others, like stealing things and indulging in deceit, they lack

prudence, don’t like justice or morals and ethics, always want to grab others’ things. As a result of all these things after a while they are left with nothing. He doesn’t want friendship with the good to whom he abuses all the time, he can’t be controlled by anyone, always does things willfully which are disliked by the society, he is amenable to committing any type of crime, his talk is highly irrelevant and arrogant. He doesn’t believe in anyone neither anyone believes in him. Without knowledge or wealth he is highly proud of himself. If you try to tell him the ways of getting rid of his plight he will throw you out. He doesn’t know anything and is not prepared to listen to those who know. He always boasts of things which he never did. He doesn’t know that without putting your mind and body to the highest of pressures and without hardships and hard work nobody can succeed. It is not at all easy to get respect from the society. Because of this lack of knowledge he is always disliked by the society for which he himself is responsible. He becomes his own enemy. He fails to understand that if he helps others there is some chance that others will help him. It is common knowledge that if you can be of some use to someone only then you will be called for. Thereby such a man who is of no use to anyone is left alone. No one is bothered about him and hence ultimately he becomes highly unhappy and grieves a lot to which nobody responds. Shree Samarth therefore says that it is always advisable to let go all these vices and try to acquire the virtues to make your life worthwhile. END OF THE THIRD SAMAS THE FOURTH SAMAS – SADEVLAKSHAN NIRUPAN (ABOUT THE SIGNS OF GODLY PERSONS) The one who has many inborn virtues and who always helps others and is highly liked by everyone is a Godly person. His writing is beautiful, reads very fast yet clearly and not only understands the meaning of the written word but can convert it into a spoken word which completely describes the meaning of it. He never goes against the wishes of anyone, never leaves the good company. Everybody wants him around no matter where he is. His popularity is ever increasing because he is the friend of the world at large. He doesn’t depend on anyone. His overall presence is reassuring for all. His behavior towards all and sundry never changes, whatever the circumstances and he does everything possible for everybody which consumes his major part of time yet he never forgets to perform his daily Sadhana though outwardly he may be involved in some other activity. He is very humble despite his yeoman deeds. He talks about only the things which he can do and never indulges in empty talk. Because he is respected by most nobody can question his position or insult him. He is never found wanting in anything. Many aspire for his help and he doesn’t disappoint them. In fact he can’t see anyone in distress. He is a master of all arts and sciences but from within he knows the futility of them and the utility of the real knowledge. He is humility personified. He never wastes a

prudence, don’t like justice or morals and ethics, always want to grab others’ things. As a result of<br />

all these things after a while they are left with nothing.<br />

He doesn’t want friendship with the good to whom he abuses all the<br />

time, he can’t be controlled by anyone, always does things willfully which are disliked by the<br />

society, he is amenable to committing any type of crime, his talk is highly irrelevant and arrogant.<br />

He doesn’t believe in anyone neither anyone believes in him. Without knowledge or wealth he is<br />

highly proud of himself. If you try to tell him the ways of getting rid of his plight he will throw you<br />

out.<br />

He doesn’t know anything and is not prepared to listen to those who<br />

know. He always boasts of things which he never did. He doesn’t know that without putting your<br />

mind and body to the highest of pressures and without hardships and hard work nobody can<br />

succeed. It is not at all easy to get respect from the society. Because of this lack of knowledge he is<br />

always disliked by the society for which he himself is responsible. He becomes his own enemy. He<br />

fails to understand that if he helps others there is some chance that others will help him.<br />

It is common knowledge that if you can be of some use to someone<br />

only then you will be called for. Thereby such a man who is of no use to anyone is left alone. No<br />

one is bothered about him and hence ultimately he becomes highly unhappy and grieves a lot to<br />

which nobody responds. Shree Samarth therefore says that it is always advisable to let go all these<br />

vices and try to acquire the virtues to make your life worthwhile.<br />

END OF <strong>THE</strong> THIRD SAMAS<br />


(ABOUT <strong>THE</strong> SIGNS OF GODLY PERSONS)<br />

The one who has many inborn virtues and who always helps others<br />

and is highly liked by everyone is a Godly person. His writing is beautiful, reads very fast yet<br />

clearly and not only understands the meaning of the written word but can convert it into a spoken<br />

word which completely describes the meaning of it. He never goes against the wishes of anyone,<br />

never leaves the good company. Everybody wants him around no matter where he is. His<br />

popularity is ever increasing because he is the friend of the world at large. He doesn’t depend on<br />

anyone. His overall presence is reassuring for all. His behavior towards all and sundry never<br />

changes, whatever the circumstances and he does everything possible for everybody which<br />

consumes his major part of time yet he never forgets to perform his daily Sadhana though<br />

outwardly he may be involved in some other activity. He is very humble despite his yeoman deeds.<br />

He talks about only the things which he can do and never indulges in empty talk. Because he is<br />

respected by most nobody can question his position or insult him. He is never found wanting in<br />

anything.<br />

Many aspire for his help and he doesn’t disappoint them. In fact he<br />

can’t see anyone in distress. He is a master of all arts and sciences but from within he knows the<br />

futility of them and the utility of the real knowledge. He is humility personified. He never wastes a

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