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here that enmity breeds enmity and nothing else. Therefore such people never allow any enmity or hatred to develop. They are also utterly cool in any given situation and forgiveness is their other name. If a wise man comes in contact with an unwise one he comes to know of the lack of good qualities in him at once, whereas a common man finds it difficult to know the good qualities in the wise. Those who have the company of unwise who don’t know anything about morals, ethics or justice are bound to create chaos which has to be rectified by the wise in the end. Only very few people in the world can be of the level of a Saint who spread happiness all around. They understand the social mind and the social ethos. They also know the ways to calm down even the vicious and highly temperamental. Such a person’s wisdom is highly powerful. He guides many a people and motivates the masses towards a just cause. To achieve this status you have to think deeply and wisely in solitude wherein you have to be in unison with the God all the time. Solitude is the best thing for acquiring and using your wisdom, for knowing where to put in your efforts, where your intellect traverses the entire universe. In solitude try to remember everything so that you get to know the mistakes you might have committed. Try to be like your soul in its micro form to peep inside you and in its macro one to get the universal view. Those who like solitude get the real knowledge very early. All the great Saints liked solitude very much indeed so much so that they have to leave it only for the sake of the society howsoever it may be against their will. Common man is afraid of solitude and hence he first has to know how much beneficial it is and practice it as often as he can so that he understands the benefits of it. Those who love solitude immensely are nothing but real knowledge in the human form. END OF THE TENTH SAMAS END OF THE EIGHTEENTH DASHAK THE NINETEENTH DASHAK – SHIKWAN (PREACHING) THE FIRST SAMAS – LEKHANKRIYANIRUPAN (ABOUT THE PROCESS OF WRITING) During the times of Shree Samarth all the material to be preserved for posterity had to be in the written form and hence in this Samas he elaborates about the art of writing. He says that: Your writing should be so simple yet beautiful that all should be very appreciative about it and be highly happy with it. The alphabets should be in circular format as far as possible, should be preferably written in dark black ink and the lines should seem to be a diamond necklace. Every alphabet should be clearly written and the distance between two words

should never change. The style of writing a book should remain throughout the same and the reader should wonder if it has been wholly written in a single sitting and with a single pen. The color of the written words should never change throughout a book. The letters should have their own characteristics which should be maintained. The line spacing shouldn’t change either. The alphabets shouldn’t be elongated but as much circular as they can be. First of all before writing you should decide upon the margins which should also be constant, they should be always laid down with the black lead. Wherever markers are to be put a thought should go earlier into it for making the space for the markers to look as an inherent part of the book rather than an artifact. There shouldn’t be any mistakes whatsoever in the writing. The writer should never be casual in this respect. Those who are young should take extra precautions for all this. The aim should be to attract the readers towards your work. The font of the letters should be medium, not too small or too big. The spacing should be adequate. The writing should be such that in due course of time even if the paper wears off the words shouldn’t. The people should envy your writing and should start searching for who has written it not only for the content but especially for the art of writing. This requires a lot of manual work but it is worth it as the posterity will definitely remember you. Then Shree Samarth tells in details about the process of making an exquisite quality paper, ink and the pen as were available during his times. He even mentions about the scales which were rarely used then if at all. He also lays emphasis on decorating your work by art. He then elaborates about the different types of inks and the methods of their preparation. After writing the book it has to be bound in the best possible manner to preserve it. He mentions various ways of doing this but advocates wooden binding or spiral binding with the silk threads which are very resistant to wear and tear. He also says that the book should be preserved in various types of clothes including the bags which have a close resemblance to the plastic ones in vogue today! He ends up by saying that all the precautions should be taken to keep the book in its original form. It is important to note here that he paid attention to writing in such minute details which goes a long way in portraying him as the Saint with possibly the broadest vision and the one who gave attention to all the things that mattered. That probably is the defining line between him and the others. END OF THE FIRST SAMAS THE SECOND SAMAS – VIVARANNIRUPAN (ABOUT THE KNOWLEDGEABLE) Here Shree Samarth tells about those who are knowledgeable and how should they behave in general. He should be amenable to dialogue. He should know the various meanings of the words and the ways in which they can be used. He should be aware of all types of doubts, the ways to clarify them, the things coming out of experience and the wonders which astonish a common man but not him because he is already in the knowledge of the cause of them. He should have experienced the hypothesis and the theorems so that he can tell them to the ordinary with conviction. Without experience everything is meaningless.

here that enmity breeds enmity and nothing else. Therefore such people never allow any enmity or<br />

hatred to develop. They are also utterly cool in any given situation and forgiveness is their other<br />

name.<br />

If a wise man comes in contact with an unwise one he comes to know<br />

of the lack of good qualities in him at once, whereas a common man finds it difficult to know the<br />

good qualities in the wise. Those who have the company of unwise who don’t know anything about<br />

morals, ethics or justice are bound to create chaos which has to be rectified by the wise in the end.<br />

Only very few people in the world can be of the level of a Saint who<br />

spread happiness all around. They understand the social mind and the social ethos. They also know<br />

the ways to calm down even the vicious and highly temperamental. Such a person’s wisdom is<br />

highly powerful. He guides many a people and motivates the masses towards a just cause.<br />

To achieve this status you have to think deeply and wisely in solitude<br />

wherein you have to be in unison with the God all the time. Solitude is the best thing for acquiring<br />

and using your wisdom, for knowing where to put in your efforts, where your intellect traverses the<br />

entire universe. In solitude try to remember everything so that you get to know the mistakes you<br />

might have committed. Try to be like your soul in its micro form to peep inside you and in its<br />

macro one to get the universal view. Those who like solitude get the real knowledge very early. All<br />

the great Saints liked solitude very much indeed so much so that they have to leave it only for the<br />

sake of the society howsoever it may be against their will. Common man is afraid of solitude and<br />

hence he first has to know how much beneficial it is and practice it as often as he can so that he<br />

understands the benefits of it. Those who love solitude immensely are nothing but real knowledge<br />

in the human form.<br />

END OF <strong>THE</strong> TENTH SAMAS<br />

END OF <strong>THE</strong> EIGHTEENTH DASHAK<br />



(ABOUT <strong>THE</strong> PROCESS OF WRITING)<br />

During the times of Shree Samarth all the material to be preserved for<br />

posterity had to be in the written form and hence in this Samas he elaborates about the art of<br />

writing. He says that:<br />

Your writing should be so simple yet beautiful that all should be very<br />

appreciative about it and be highly happy with it. The alphabets should be in circular format as far<br />

as possible, should be preferably written in dark black ink and the lines should seem to be a<br />

diamond necklace. Every alphabet should be clearly written and the distance between two words

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