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and grief. These combinations of the Atman and the other things similarly ultimately bring grief and pain. Therefore it is pertinent to get beyond the illusion of this visible rather than considering this short lived happiness as the ultimate. Shree Samarth tells us to remember that behind all the so called happiness which the visible gives you there are multiples of grief. As a proof of this he asks us to remember everything that has occurred from our birth till date. Life is a combination of happiness and grief. Some things go according to our liking and planning whereas others don’t. There are innumerable problems that one has to face day in and day out. Solving those gives you lot of pain and when they are solved for you others may be put in pain! This is the doing of the Atman. There are millions of live forms on this earth which destroy each other for their living. This also is due to the Atman. This Atman is not the Parbrahma but is simply the soul in every living being. All that happens to the body and the mind directly affects the soul. All the living forms on the earth not necessarily enjoy everything. This implies that the God has created everyone with his destiny accompanying him. In this marketplace of the living most run after the usual way of living whereas only few pursue God. Same is true for the real knowledge. In short all the things are decided by the destiny which in turn is decided by the God. Everyone knows that the other name of life is problems which have to be faced by everyone. The greatest problem giving the most prolific pain is the death. Even the time of death which occurs after the human has lived the so called full life is miserable for most. This is the consequence of the temporariness. People say that while you enjoy things remain aloof from them. This is nothing but fooling yourself proving that you aren’t the real Sadhak. The real Sadhak is the one who doesn’t blame the God even at the time of extreme sufferings, physical, psychological or monetary. Shree Samarth naturally advises us to be the real Sadhak. END OF THE SIXTH SAMAS THE SEVENTH SAMAS – JAGJEEVANNIRUPAN (ABOUT LEADING THE LIFE) Just as the water is basically without any taste but acquires the taste of the substance it comes in contact with, the soul in its most original form is most pure but loses its purity after it comes into a body due to basically the pride inside that body. The soul acquires the properties of the body which it resides in. If the body is good then the body and the soul prefer the company of the Saints and the accruing wisdom makes them free of the mind body intellect conglomerate. Therefore Shree Samarth says that it is quite obvious that one who cares for himself in this regard is his own friend and the others are their own enemies. It is futile to convince the second type of people. You should always try to have good companions. You have to take care of yourself and nobody is going to help you in matters except the Guru. You can consult an experienced person and then think over his advice and then act upon it. Whether it is material world or the spiritual one only that person will succeed who has wisdom and acts accordingly. You should try to acquire good things from all those who come in contact with you. It is common

knowledge that you are not only known by the friends you keep but also become like them. When it is so obvious isn’t it foolish to befriend anyone who is a bad person in all respects? So be prudent and do things according to the advice of an experienced and wise person. If you are faced with a grave situation you shouldn’t be frightened by it but face it with courage and wisdom which will win the scenario for you. This will give you immense pleasure. You also unfortunately have to forcefully interact with vicious men who insult and humiliate you. During these times you should remain calm and behave in such a way that your importance isn’t compromised with despite the best efforts of your enemies. What is required throughout your lifetime is wisdom to achieve happiness and acclaim in both material and spiritual fields. It is the rule of the world that there are some who are poor and some are rich. Some are idiots and some are highly intelligent. This difference is going to remain there. But we ourselves see that idiots can become knowledgeable and poor can become rich if they put in the requisite effort. It is also a rule that everything material including money is temporary and whosoever is born is going to die some time or the other. It is up to us to put in that extra bit to make this life more satisfying and in a spiritual sense eternally blissful. Our body can be molded in any which way one wants it to. If you can make it to put in that little bit of extra effort then you can achieve things you might have never thought of. Shree Samarth asks us that if this is the case what we are waiting for. END OF THE SEVENTH SAMAS THE EIGHTH SAMAS – TATWANIRUPAN (ABOUT THE BASIC PRINCIPLES) There are four types of voices. The first one originates from the umbilicus which reaches the heart where it gets converted into sound which is the second type. This sound then comes to the throat from where another component is added; this is the third type. All these are then expressed by the tongue which is the fourth type by which the words are uttered. The voice inherent in the umbilicus is the place of the feelings of the mind. Now Shree Samarth asks us to listen to the five parts of the feelings of the mind. The feeling of the mind has no form and is the purest remembrance of the life without any imagination interfering in it. When there is a doubt about whatever is remembered will really be there or not, it signifies the presence of the mind. It imagines good as well as bad. When the imagination leads to conviction the feeling is transformed into intellect. We then start thinking upon the decision of the intellect which takes the form of the organized thought which is closely related to the pure feeling of the mind. Then we decide that we will do according to our decision and start doing it. This is the beginning of the pride. There are five parts of the feeling of the mind but in totality it is nothing but one only. There are five parts of the life in the live form. They are made up of the wind. One of them is present all over the body. The second one is at the umbilicus. The third is in the throat, fourth is at the anus and the main one is in the mouth and the nose. There are also five organs through which we sense. These are the ears, skin, eyes, tongue and the nose.

knowledge that you are not only known by the friends you keep but also become like them. When it<br />

is so obvious isn’t it foolish to befriend anyone who is a bad person in all respects? So be prudent<br />

and do things according to the advice of an experienced and wise person.<br />

If you are faced with a grave situation you shouldn’t be frightened by<br />

it but face it with courage and wisdom which will win the scenario for you. This will give you<br />

immense pleasure. You also unfortunately have to forcefully interact with vicious men who insult<br />

and humiliate you. During these times you should remain calm and behave in such a way that your<br />

importance isn’t compromised with despite the best efforts of your enemies. What is required<br />

throughout your lifetime is wisdom to achieve happiness and acclaim in both material and spiritual<br />

fields.<br />

It is the rule of the world that there are some who are poor and some<br />

are rich. Some are idiots and some are highly intelligent. This difference is going to remain there.<br />

But we ourselves see that idiots can become knowledgeable and poor can become rich if they put in<br />

the requisite effort. It is also a rule that everything material including money is temporary and<br />

whosoever is born is going to die some time or the other. It is up to us to put in that extra bit to<br />

make this life more satisfying and in a spiritual sense eternally blissful. Our body can be molded in<br />

any which way one wants it to. If you can make it to put in that little bit of extra effort then you can<br />

achieve things you might have never thought of. Shree Samarth asks us that if this is the case what<br />

we are waiting for.<br />

END OF <strong>THE</strong> SEVENTH SAMAS<br />

<strong>THE</strong> EIGHTH SAMAS – TATWANIRUPAN (ABOUT <strong>THE</strong> BASIC PRINCIPLES)<br />

There are four types of voices. The first one originates from the<br />

umbilicus which reaches the heart where it gets converted into sound which is the second type. This<br />

sound then comes to the throat from where another component is added; this is the third type. All<br />

these are then expressed by the tongue which is the fourth type by which the words are uttered. The<br />

voice inherent in the umbilicus is the place of the feelings of the mind. Now Shree Samarth asks us<br />

to listen to the five parts of the feelings of the mind.<br />

The feeling of the mind has no form and is the purest remembrance<br />

of the life without any imagination interfering in it. When there is a doubt about whatever is<br />

remembered will really be there or not, it signifies the presence of the mind. It imagines good as<br />

well as bad. When the imagination leads to conviction the feeling is transformed into intellect. We<br />

then start thinking upon the decision of the intellect which takes the form of the organized thought<br />

which is closely related to the pure feeling of the mind. Then we decide that we will do according<br />

to our decision and start doing it. This is the beginning of the pride. There are five parts of the<br />

feeling of the mind but in totality it is nothing but one only. There are five parts of the life in the<br />

live form. They are made up of the wind. One of them is present all over the body. The second one<br />

is at the umbilicus. The third is in the throat, fourth is at the anus and the main one is in the mouth<br />

and the nose. There are also five organs through which we sense. These are the ears, skin, eyes,<br />

tongue and the nose.

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