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THE SECOND SAMAS – SHIVSHAKTINIRUPAN (ABOUT THE CAUSAL) The Parbrahma is utterly immovable and purest. It is formless and without any vices. It is the only permanent thing and has no bounds. It is always there. At its place there is no knowledge or the lack of it, there is no memory or amnesia. It is the most complete one, without any properties and completely independent. In this Parbrahma emanated the imagination of itself. In this imagination there was equality of properties. This is akin to clouds covering the sky for a while before disappearing. This cloud cover is the original Maya. It takes no time for it to originate or to decimate. The equality of properties which originated from the Parbrahma which is without properties is known as the God who is half male and half female. All the powers are concentrated in it and therefore all the things were created from it. Then was formed the purest principle where the other properties except for the virtuousness are hidden. You have to either search the macrocosm to know the micro one or vice a versa. It is just like turning your thought process from macro towards micro or vice a versa. Shree Samarth here gives a simile. You can see the seed inside the fruit but not the fruit inside the seed. But a single seed is capable of giving rise to many fruits. In the microcosm there is a difference between the genders which we have seen to have originated during the first imagination at the place of the Parbrahma. In the original Maya all the imaginations are in the form of seeds but in the most micro forms. The visible has its origin in desire which again is in the micro form. Therefore we fail to imagine that there is something more important than the visible in existence. The secret of this universe is in the micro form thus which also is incomprehensible for the most. Keeping it like this is the law of the nature. To understand the differences which are common in the micro as well as the macrocosm we just have to look at the males and the females. The males are attracted to the females and vice a versa. In fact the original desire has no such difference. We feel this because of the presence of the bodies which are different outwardly. When the mind body intellect conglomerate disappears this difference also goes. Coming back to this difference, there are many types of love seen between the bodies and the minds. This need not be expanded upon. What should however be kept in mind is that this also has its origin in the first imagination. END OF THE SECOND SAMAS THE THIRD SAMAS – SHRAVANNIRUPAN (ABOUT LISTENING) Shree Samarth says that listening about the acquisition of the real self is the best as far as whatever we listen to acquire any knowledge is concerned. You should think over what you have listened to and imbibe that which will definitely yield the final goal. At the same time you have to be very careful while you are doing this. Whatever you offer to the God should be the best. While thinking your mind should be fully concentrated which has to be more so when you are listening and thinking about the religious scriptures or books.

In spirituality you have to have the proof by your own experience. The more you gain in experiences the less your imagination. All the great men lived for the search of the Atman whose real worth is indescribable. This singular Atman runs the entire show of this universe. Without it everything would be utterly dead and useless and therefore it is of utmost importance to consistently search for it. Each and every action has the wish of the Atman behind it. Wherever the Atman unveils itself only there is the possibility of getting the knowledge about it. The greatest and the biggest knowledge is that about the Atman. It is different from all the basic elements and the principles. One who goes beyond the wind with the knowledge of what is Atman and what isn’t finds the Atman within himself. Wind, sky, the Maya with properties, the original Maya and the original genders are absolutely micro and hence incomprehensible. The Atman is beyond them. The chaos created by the Maya doesn’t allow most to think about it but he who thinks with that vision to find out the micro gets its knowledge. Basically the original imagination giving rise to the Maya and the feeling that I am the Parbrahma should also go by which you become totally freed in every sense of that word. One who thoughtfully goes into the most micro has a better chance of reaching up to the Parbrahma. The rest remain in the specter of the visible and hence are subject to all its vices. Therefore it is essential to avoid the visible and search the invisible, abstract Parbrahma. The knowledge of the Yoga and the microcosm is inferior to that of philosophy which in turn is inferior to that of the Atman. While discovering the principles go to the roots of the original Maya. You will find the first imagination there which you should embrace to become unified with the Parbrahma from which it originates. Beyond the Atman is the Parbrahma without properties. It is omnipresent, greatest of the great, biggest of the big, smallest of the small which becomes comprehensible by your micro thinking where the macro as well as the microcosm disappear, as preached by the Guru. END OF THE THIRD SAMAS THE FOURTH SAMAS – ANUMANNIRSAN (GETTING RID OF THE IMAGINARY) By spreading spirituality amongst people they get definitely benefited. If you are doing that then you shouldn’t be bored by the questions of the people. Try to answer them in a manner in which neither the sequence nor the chronology will be lost. Never allow controversies to stem from what you talk. Never also put two views which are poles apart without giving proper explanations for both otherwise the listeners will catch you on the wrong foot anytime. If the speaker himself doesn’t know his subject then the listeners’ doubts would remain unanswered. If the speaker talks about the duality and the lack of it in the same breath giving the same importance to both of them then definitely the listeners would gain nothing out of the talk except confusion. The speaker therefore should help the listeners to swim across the illusory ocean of the Maya. He should explain in details about all the micro principles.

In spirituality you have to have the proof by your own experience.<br />

The more you gain in experiences the less your imagination. All the great men lived for the search<br />

of the Atman whose real worth is indescribable. This singular Atman runs the entire show of this<br />

universe. Without it everything would be utterly dead and useless and therefore it is of utmost<br />

importance to consistently search for it. Each and every action has the wish of the Atman behind it.<br />

Wherever the Atman unveils itself only there is the possibility of getting the knowledge about it.<br />

The greatest and the biggest knowledge is that about the Atman. It is<br />

different from all the basic elements and the principles. One who goes beyond the wind with the<br />

knowledge of what is Atman and what isn’t finds the Atman within himself. Wind, sky, the Maya<br />

with properties, the original Maya and the original genders are absolutely micro and hence<br />

incomprehensible. The Atman is beyond them. The chaos created by the Maya doesn’t allow most<br />

to think about it but he who thinks with that vision to find out the micro gets its knowledge.<br />

Basically the original imagination giving rise to the Maya and the feeling that I am the Parbrahma<br />

should also go by which you become totally freed in every sense of that word.<br />

One who thoughtfully goes into the most micro has a better chance of<br />

reaching up to the Parbrahma. The rest remain in the specter of the visible and hence are subject to<br />

all its vices. Therefore it is essential to avoid the visible and search the invisible, abstract<br />

Parbrahma. The knowledge of the Yoga and the microcosm is inferior to that of philosophy which<br />

in turn is inferior to that of the Atman. While discovering the principles go to the roots of the<br />

original Maya. You will find the first imagination there which you should embrace to become<br />

unified with the Parbrahma from which it originates. Beyond the Atman is the Parbrahma without<br />

properties. It is omnipresent, greatest of the great, biggest of the big, smallest of the small which<br />

becomes comprehensible by your micro thinking where the macro as well as the microcosm<br />

disappear, as preached by the Guru.<br />

END OF <strong>THE</strong> THIRD SAMAS<br />

<strong>THE</strong> FOURTH SAMAS – ANUMANNIRSAN<br />

(GETTING RID OF <strong>THE</strong> IMAGINARY)<br />

By spreading spirituality amongst people they get definitely<br />

benefited. If you are doing that then you shouldn’t be bored by the questions of the people. Try to<br />

answer them in a manner in which neither the sequence nor the chronology will be lost. Never<br />

allow controversies to stem from what you talk. Never also put two views which are poles apart<br />

without giving proper explanations for both otherwise the listeners will catch you on the wrong foot<br />

anytime.<br />

If the speaker himself doesn’t know his subject then the listeners’<br />

doubts would remain unanswered. If the speaker talks about the duality and the lack of it in the<br />

same breath giving the same importance to both of them then definitely the listeners would gain<br />

nothing out of the talk except confusion. The speaker therefore should help the listeners to swim<br />

across the illusory ocean of the Maya. He should explain in details about all the micro principles.

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