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THE SEVENTH SAMAS – MAHADBHOOTNIRUPAN (ABOUT THE GREATEST OF THEM ALL) The origin of the wind is the Atman. It is the most motile of them all. It comes and goes but is never seen nor is stable anytime. Even the Vedas or the Mother Shruti can’t comprehend it. The first intuition in the Parbrahma is the sign of the Atman. It is nothing but the God of this universe and the origin of the three properties. The five basic elements originated from the three properties which then expressed themselves in different forms. Out of the five basic elements sky is a special one. Greater than that is the Lord Vishnu. The real meaning of this should be understood by experience. You have to find out the basic principle which occupies everything to realize what Atman is. The Atman is the most motile thing without which nothing happens but it is not visible to the so called visibility. You have to acquire that different vision to see it. The Atman occupies the micro as well as the macrocosm. Without it nothing can be there. The forms containing the five basic elements and the three properties are made visible by the Atman. It is responsible for all the things right from the beginning till the end. The Parbrahma is beyond the realm of the Atman. Atman experiences the happiness or the grief as it is connected directly with the body. You have to find it out with the application of wisdom. All that you experience through your senses is because of the Atman. All the functions of the body are carried out by the Atman. The mind is totally under control of the Atman. All the knowledge you acquire is through the Atman. Different types of opinions, differences, debates, decisions and many such other things are done by the Atman. The basic principle of the entire universe is the Atman. It expanded into many forms and gave some meaning to it. One who understands this play of the Atman understands everything. It is really astonishing that despite the Atman being one it expanded into innumerable forms. The macro body is based on the lustful micro one which decides the gender of the living form. This intricate thing is done by the Atman. The male female relationship thus has its origin in the micro form which manifests in the macro one. These two being inseparable at the level of the Atman it is but natural that there have to be some feminine characteristics in the male and vice a versa which has been proved by the modern science too. From the formation of the microcosm we should try to understand that of the macro one. There you will find the origin of this basic duality in the Maya which when turned aside you get to the Parbrahma. END OF THE SEVENTH SAMAS THE EIGHTH SAMAS – ATMARAMNIRUPAN (ABOUT THE ATMAN) Before beginning to discuss about the subject Shree Samarth hails the Ganesha through whose power the intuition emanates. This leads the people to worship and praise the Atman. Through your intelligence you get the indirect knowledge about the Atman but by the

intuition you get to know the Atman directly. He also hails the Goddess of speech who enlightens the mind and unveils the secrets of all the knowledge. Shree Samarth says that of all the names used for the Jap the name of Lord Ram is the best. Even Lord Mahesh was benefited by doing the Jap of the name of Lord Ram. Shree Samarth has given great importance to the Jap. The Jap of the name of the Ram or other Lords, Risihis, Sages and Saints and the expression of the forms of them are two sides of the same coin. As the vision of the Sadhak goes on becoming more and more micro his Jap too follows the same path and finally both of them become as big as to engulf the entire universe. Finally the Jap and the Parbrahma become inseparable. Then he again mentions that the only one Atman is everywhere and is responsible for the activities in the universe. Without the Atman nothing is possible. Without it everything will be dead and still. The really knowledgeable knows the powers of the Atman and therefore keeps his vision glued to the Atman all around him. He knows that it is the only thing full of knowledge. He also knows that the Atman doesn’t differentiate between the pauper and the King. The Atman can’t be experienced by the organs nor can it be perceived by the mind. It can’t be seen by any external appliances. Despite this the organs, the mind and all the external things are controlled by the Atman. The Atman is thus singular but seems to be multiple because of the multiplicity of the bodies and the things. Thus all the duality is due to the Atman but by itself it isn’t a part of it. The duality is due to the Maya which veils the real Atman. It is very difficult indeed to get to know everything about the Atman by yourself and therefore the need of the Guru who is capable of not only simplifying this complicated matter but in fact is able to enlighten you with the realization of it. END OF THE EIGHTH SAMAS THE NINTH SAMAS – NANA UPASANANIRUPAN (ABOUT THE WORSHIPS) There are many types of people in the world and so are the ways of worship. They worship the God in whom they have faith. They also believe that they are worshipping the abstract or the God without any properties by worshipping him. The disciples ask Shree Samarth whether this is true and what his opinion about this is. Shree Samarth says that it is but natural to worship the God in whom one has faith. What they presume while doing this isn’t their mistake for the simple reason that by abstract they imply one having all the powers. The problem lies somewhere else. One has to find out the original thing from which everything has come. Only few think about this. Those who think and know it require immense piety and a different vision altogether. Everyone isn’t endowed with it. This doesn’t mean that one shouldn’t try for it. Rather if you rigorously seek it, it will sometime unveil itself if you have the blessings of the Guru. The disciples now ask about the formless and the one with the form. Shree Samarth says that anything which changes on account of instability and temporariness is the one with the form whereas the one which isn’t subject to any change is the formless and without


(ABOUT <strong>THE</strong> GREATEST OF <strong>THE</strong>M ALL)<br />

The origin of the wind is the Atman. It is the most motile of them all.<br />

It comes and goes but is never seen nor is stable anytime. Even the Vedas or the Mother Shruti<br />

can’t comprehend it. The first intuition in the Parbrahma is the sign of the Atman. It is nothing but<br />

the God of this universe and the origin of the three properties.<br />

The five basic elements originated from the three properties which<br />

then expressed themselves in different forms. Out of the five basic elements sky is a special one.<br />

Greater than that is the Lord Vishnu. The real meaning of this should be understood by experience.<br />

You have to find out the basic principle which occupies everything to realize what Atman is. The<br />

Atman is the most motile thing without which nothing happens but it is not visible to the so called<br />

visibility. You have to acquire that different vision to see it.<br />

The Atman occupies the micro as well as the macrocosm. Without it<br />

nothing can be there. The forms containing the five basic elements and the three properties are<br />

made visible by the Atman. It is responsible for all the things right from the beginning till the end.<br />

The Parbrahma is beyond the realm of the Atman. Atman experiences the happiness or the grief as<br />

it is connected directly with the body. You have to find it out with the application of wisdom.<br />

All that you experience through your senses is because of the Atman.<br />

All the functions of the body are carried out by the Atman. The mind is totally under control of the<br />

Atman. All the knowledge you acquire is through the Atman. Different types of opinions,<br />

differences, debates, decisions and many such other things are done by the Atman. The basic<br />

principle of the entire universe is the Atman. It expanded into many forms and gave some meaning<br />

to it. One who understands this play of the Atman understands everything.<br />

It is really astonishing that despite the Atman being one it expanded<br />

into innumerable forms. The macro body is based on the lustful micro one which decides the<br />

gender of the living form. This intricate thing is done by the Atman. The male female relationship<br />

thus has its origin in the micro form which manifests in the macro one. These two being inseparable<br />

at the level of the Atman it is but natural that there have to be some feminine characteristics in the<br />

male and vice a versa which has been proved by the modern science too. From the formation of the<br />

microcosm we should try to understand that of the macro one. There you will find the origin of this<br />

basic duality in the Maya which when turned aside you get to the Parbrahma.<br />

END OF <strong>THE</strong> SEVENTH SAMAS<br />

<strong>THE</strong> EIGHTH SAMAS – ATMARAMNIRUPAN (ABOUT <strong>THE</strong> ATMAN)<br />

Before beginning to discuss about the subject Shree Samarth hails the<br />

Ganesha through whose power the intuition emanates. This leads the people to worship and praise<br />

the Atman. Through your intelligence you get the indirect knowledge about the Atman but by the

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