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First you realize that the entire visible universe is untrue a feeling which turns into conviction when the thought process matures. With this all your fears are abolished forever and you are finally freed in all the aspects. The Sadhana which takes you to this state is a debt on you and has to be repaid by popularizing the worship in the entire world. All the spiritual sciences preach that once you attain the final real knowledge you are totally independent and there remains nothing for you to be done. Yet Shree Samarth and the other Marathi Saints stress upon the fact that even the greatest among the knowledgeable should be of benefit to the entire society and the humanity. Others might say this in passing but throughout Shree Samarth’s literary works you will find that he says it repeatedly and literally passes it on as an order very vehemently indeed. This is one of the important differences between other Saints and Shree Samarth. END OF THE TENTH SAMAS END OF THE FIFTEENTH DASHAK THE SIXTEENTH DASHAK–SAPTATINWAY (THE POSTERITY OF THE SUN) THE FIRST SAMAS – VALMIKI STAVANNIRUPAN (PRAISING VALMIKI) Valmiki was one of the greatest Rishis. He turned everything into a pure one. He wrote the Ramayana which was to happen in the future. This is an unforeseen happening which no one had done earlier and no one has been able to do it thence. We are very surprised if someone tells what is to happen in the future and his predictions come right. Just think about the fact that Lord Ram was not even born, there wasn’t any basis in the religious books or sciences to predict it yet he told every bit of the story of Lord Ram. Such was the power of Valmiki Rishi. We can’t fathom his poetic power. There have been many poets but Valmiki Rishi is incomparable. In his life before he started the Jap of the Lord Ram’s name he had done many vicious deeds. But because of his incessant Jap of the Lord Ram’s name all that vanished and he became the most pious and the purest. The forest where Valmiki did this also became a revered place and many trees and vegetations on the verge of death in that forest came to life once again because of him. By birth Valmiki was Valha the fisherman and a dacoit also. He killed many for earning his livelihood. Despite this background after his Herculean Sadhana he was worshipped by the Pundits and the Rishis as well. One who has repentance and very truthfully accepts the implications of his vicious deeds is freed from all his evils. His worship almost reached up to destroying his own body. This resulted into a sort of his metamorphosed reincarnation. He sat down for his Sadhana and remained in that position for God knows how many years. The period

was so long that he disappeared under the mountain of dust which completely encapsulated him. This mountain of dust where ants and other arthropods live is called as Valmik in Sanskrit and thus his name. We are left dumbfounded by the magnitude of his worship. No one till then and no one after him have been able to match his worship. He is the greatest amongst all the worshippers and the poets. His talk was absolutely straightforward and was full of conviction. He is the crown of the faithful. He is the role model for all the worshippers of Lord Ram. Just by remembering his Sadhana all the Sadhaks are motivated for theirs. I revere him and prostrate before him for all that he was which my words fall short of describing. If he hadn’t sung the Ramayana we would never have had an access to the story of Lord Ram. Because of this Himalayan deed many of the worshippers of Lord Ram have been eternally blessed. Shree Samarth says that he is the servant of all such worshippers of Lord Ram. END OF THE FIRST SAMAS THE SECOND SAMAS – SURYASTAVAN NIRUPAN (PRAISING THE SUN) All the happenings in the world are dependent upon the Sun. All the karmas go on according to the rising or the setting of the Sun. Nothing would be possible on this earth without the Sun. The Sun is essential not only for the physical happenings but also for the other things as well. Without the rays of Sun nothing is possible. The eyes of all the living represent the Sun. Without the Sun all will be blind. All the powers have their origin in the Sun. If your intellect becomes cold then you will be rendered incapable of acquiring any knowledge. The warmth needed for the survival of the mammals will go if the Sun is not there and they will die very soon. All this goes to show that without the presence of the Sun nothing can happen in this world. The Sun is older than the Gods, the power of the world and the original male gender of the world. Whatever has happened began with the Sun as a witness and vanished under its view. The moon came into existence much later. Sun is the eye of the world. Sun moves around in the universe for the benefit of us. Without the Sun there is darkness of all the sorts and types. The Sun is unparalleled in every aspect. The Sun is for all. He is the ancestor of the Lord Ram. One can’t describe it in totality. Without the Sun Lord Ram wouldn’t have been there. I bow before this supreme power. If you submit before the Sun all of your vices would vanish and your powers of imagination would increase beyond any bounds. END OF THE SECOND SAMAS

First you realize that the entire visible universe is untrue a feeling<br />

which turns into conviction when the thought process matures. With this all your fears are<br />

abolished forever and you are finally freed in all the aspects. The Sadhana which takes you to this<br />

state is a debt on you and has to be repaid by popularizing the worship in the entire world. All the<br />

spiritual sciences preach that once you attain the final real knowledge you are totally independent<br />

and there remains nothing for you to be done. Yet Shree Samarth and the other Marathi Saints<br />

stress upon the fact that even the greatest among the knowledgeable should be of benefit to the<br />

entire society and the humanity. Others might say this in passing but throughout Shree Samarth’s<br />

literary works you will find that he says it repeatedly and literally passes it on as an order very<br />

vehemently indeed. This is one of the important differences between other Saints and Shree<br />

Samarth.<br />

END OF <strong>THE</strong> TENTH SAMAS<br />

END OF <strong>THE</strong> FIFTEENTH DASHAK<br />


(<strong>THE</strong> POSTERITY OF <strong>THE</strong> SUN)<br />


Valmiki was one of the greatest Rishis. He turned everything into a<br />

pure one. He wrote the Ramayana which was to happen in the future. This is an unforeseen<br />

happening which no one had done earlier and no one has been able to do it thence. We are very<br />

surprised if someone tells what is to happen in the future and his predictions come right. Just think<br />

about the fact that Lord Ram was not even born, there wasn’t any basis in the religious books or<br />

sciences to predict it yet he told every bit of the story of Lord Ram. Such was the power of Valmiki<br />

Rishi. We can’t fathom his poetic power.<br />

There have been many poets but Valmiki Rishi is incomparable. In<br />

his life before he started the Jap of the Lord Ram’s name he had done many vicious deeds. But<br />

because of his incessant Jap of the Lord Ram’s name all that vanished and he became the most<br />

pious and the purest. The forest where Valmiki did this also became a revered place and many trees<br />

and vegetations on the verge of death in that forest came to life once again because of him.<br />

By birth Valmiki was Valha the fisherman and a dacoit also. He<br />

killed many for earning his livelihood. Despite this background after his Herculean Sadhana he was<br />

worshipped by the Pundits and the Rishis as well. One who has repentance and very truthfully<br />

accepts the implications of his vicious deeds is freed from all his evils. His worship almost reached<br />

up to destroying his own body. This resulted into a sort of his metamorphosed reincarnation. He sat<br />

down for his Sadhana and remained in that position for God knows how many years. The period

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