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emains the illusions of the visible will also remain. Once the instability goes the illusions too<br />

vanish.<br />

Only the Sanyasi and the one blessed by the God or the Guru have<br />

the right to think about the greatest of the religious scriptures. The real Sanyasi is that one who<br />

leaves all the six types of vices. The true great thinkers can be considered Sanyasi if they are able to<br />

do this. There is no doubt that all the Sadhana that you do will be of help for you in the long run.<br />

Once the owner of this universe is mighty pleased with you only a fool will imagine about anything<br />

else.<br />

When the invisible Parbrahma occupies you with your knowledge not<br />

only does the mind body intellect conglomerate but the soul within also vacate their places for the<br />

Parbrahma. The curtain separating your union with the Parbrahma and the state wherein you are<br />

without it is definitely thin but is the most difficult barrier of duality to cross, and once you cross<br />

that you stay for ever on the other side of it. In fact this duality is the creation of the mind which<br />

makes a mess of everything inside you. The gist then is total control over the mind makes you<br />

prepared for the ultimate gain where everything else disappears including all that is happening<br />

around you.<br />

The Parbrahma is totally complete but invisible. It is beyond any<br />

words or imagination. It can’t be perceived by the mind or the intellect. All this has to be<br />

understood by constantly and very deeply thinking about it. Then once you realize that you have<br />

understood it you come to know the futility of that also! The subject of the enlightening experience<br />

of the self is really highly intriguing. The greatest religious scripture i.e. “You are it, the<br />

Parbrahma” when fully understood by you, you start to be in constant touch with the Parbrahma,<br />

your mind always then finds solace in your real form. After this state is attained the meditating<br />

mind also vanishes. Here the Sadhak (not bodily but in other aspects) and the soul which is witness<br />

to his Sadhana both disappear. This is the purest state of your being. There is nothing here which<br />

can be comprehended by any of your senses. This is the Parbrahma which is the only permanent<br />

thing with which you have now unified. This can only be done only if you relentlessly go on<br />

searching for it through your Sadhana and the most important thing, the blessings of the Guru<br />

without which this is well nigh impossible.<br />

In the state of lack of knowledge you see the nightmare of the visible<br />

which vanishes after the Sun of the knowledge rises. You instantaneously know that all that you<br />

were viewing was utterly untrue. What is more important is the fact that you will never fall in the<br />

trap of the visible any longer. When the real knowledge dawns your body continues living<br />

according to its destiny. Now your body ceases to have any importance. It may go or stay but your<br />

unification with the Parbrahma is eternal and permanent. You are devoid of lust, desires and<br />

organic pleasures. Your mind by deep thinking over what is Atman and what isn’t concentrates<br />

singularly upon the Parbrahma and nothing else; a state which you have to maintain all the time all<br />

the while. If you allow it to divert even a little bit then you are liable to be caught into the trap of<br />

instability. If you are able to concentrate your mind thus, you are certain to unify with the<br />

Parbrahma and then neither the instability nor the visible are able to distract you. If your faith in the<br />

ultimate is truest and purest you will find that the Maya and its so called creations are akin to a<br />

magician’s jugglery and nothing else.

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