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The king of the universe is the Parbrahma. The original man is the Atman, his son is the virtuous Vishnu, grandson is the materialistic Brahma and the great grandson is the vicious Mahesh. Vicious implies lack of knowledge which veils the real knowledge. The materialistic force covers the virtuosity by which man goes after the organic pleasures and forgets the God. All this implies that the son kills the father and there occurs a free for all chaos wherein the Parbrahma is lost and the man thus can’t get to it. The God in the temple is hidden but if you worship him it reaches him. In the same way Atman is there in every single body but being hidden it isn’t visible. It can’t be worshipped but if you worship the body (Fully knowing that you aren’t the body but the Atman) then it reaches that also. People have imagined that the Nature is the female gender where as the opposite is the male one. If you deeply think over it and have the real experience then you realize that the real thing is the original one where there is no question whatsoever of any gender at all, all this confusion is because of the imagination. When you talk of the genders you see the illusory men and women but as has been said earlier when experienced with a lot of thought going into it you find nothing of this sort. We don’t know who is the real me and if we try to search it then we fail to understand it. We get lost in the infinity of the subject matter and the complexity of its intricacies. We are the Atman which is alone. It acquired many forms and in those forms it hid itself. Thus it became multiplied innumerably but finally it was fed up with this multiplicity and therefore he is detached from everything despite being inside everything. Despite this it has this awe inspiring art of not being subject to any change although the manifestations are forever constantly in a state of flux and change. On top of this it is the life in and of everything. Whatever was to happen has already happened but some so called thinkers imagine differently about it. They also think many things about the origin of the universe but all these are only imaginations and not the reality. The real thing is beyond the human imagination. Some apply a little thought to it but fail to understand the secret or some who have some glimpse of it fail to explain it. The only way to understand it is the enlightening experience of the self. You have got to know who the originator of all the principles is. When you know that you will automatically realize that it is you and you are the omnipresent. This requires ultimate introspection whereas those who are motivated outwardly never ever realize this. The Sadhak should make his mind micro and mix it with that of the others which leads to it being becoming the ultimate macro unifying it with the universe. Without this the mind can never unify with the Parbrahma. If you keep all happy then others will help you otherwise everyone neglects you. Keeping your attention constantly on the Parbrahma is very difficult but you must try it consistently. If you get someone like you doing the same then you become very happy obviously. When you can merge your mind with that of the others you get more chances of getting to the Parbrahma, you can breakdown the instability, your “Me” vanishes, the imaginations go off and the differences fall out. After this you get to see the Parbrahma and thence you always see it around you all the time, not with your vision but with the vision given to you by the Guru which is the vision of the real knowledge. The instable runs continuously in all types of bodies but the Parbrahma remains utterly stable. The instable is highly limited and absolutely temporary. It can’t

explain anything. It can’t even explain itself let alone the highly stable Parbrahma. Human mind is also instable but it also fails to understand the instability around it, forget about the Parbrahma. The human mind being single faceted and limited it can’t understand the multifaceted and unlimited Parbrahma. Lack of the knowledge of what is real and what is not leads to total darkness. The body of the universe is the original Maya. The five basic elements originated from it. The greatest principle is the purest feeling or the flame of the universe or the Atman. This is invisible whereas the visible counterpart of it is the biggest thing. The combination of both is the God. This is required for the worship and Sadhana. But when the life dissolves into the ultimate the real knowledge is gained whence the worship and the Sadhana end. Thus all these end at the point of the greatest principle. Karma, worship and real knowledge are the three parts of the Vedas. The Vedas fall short of the real knowledge. When one has the enlightening experience of the Parbrahma the real knowledge is transformed into science which is beyond the Vedas. END OF THE FIFTH SAMAS THE SIXTH SAMAS – CHATURYA VIVARAN (EXPLAINING THE WISDOM) First the ink was invented with the help of which lot of books were written through which knowledge in many fields was disseminated. Because of the ink you can describe the good and the bad things. You have to understand the importance of the writing and the written material for dissemination and assimilation of the knowledge. Writing and reading can make a wise out of a fool and also help him tread on the path of spiritualism. The society accepts those things which are acceptable to most but that may not be true all the time in case of the wise. Most in the society believe in astrology and destiny but the wise don’t. They know that you are the maker of your destiny. If you listen to others and behave accordingly then you believe in hypotheses which most of the times are contrary to reality. The wise listen to all but accept only those things which are good according to his experience and reject those which are bad in his experience. Don’t say no to anyone but decide for yourself what is good and bad for you. Sometimes even a ridiculously foolish man may give the right advice. The thing is, by just listening to others and not offending them you benefit by their friendship rather than having enmity. If you have prejudice then you are sure to create more enemies than friends. For the same reason there is no point in raising debatable issues. Make friends with most, at times take a back seat and at times turn others upside down but with the use of your wisdom never allow others to know what is going on in your mind. Always try to be good to others and see to it that they are benefited. Never do any harm to anyone. Simultaneously try to teach them the same things and turn them on

explain anything. It can’t even explain itself let alone the highly stable Parbrahma. Human mind is<br />

also instable but it also fails to understand the instability around it, forget about the Parbrahma. The<br />

human mind being single faceted and limited it can’t understand the multifaceted and unlimited<br />

Parbrahma. Lack of the knowledge of what is real and what is not leads to total darkness.<br />

The body of the universe is the original Maya. The five basic<br />

elements originated from it. The greatest principle is the purest feeling or the flame of the universe<br />

or the Atman. This is invisible whereas the visible counterpart of it is the biggest thing. The<br />

combination of both is the God. This is required for the worship and Sadhana. But when the life<br />

dissolves into the ultimate the real knowledge is gained whence the worship and the Sadhana end.<br />

Thus all these end at the point of the greatest principle. Karma, worship and real knowledge are the<br />

three parts of the Vedas. The Vedas fall short of the real knowledge. When one has the enlightening<br />

experience of the Parbrahma the real knowledge is transformed into science which is beyond the<br />

Vedas.<br />

END OF <strong>THE</strong> FIFTH SAMAS<br />

<strong>THE</strong> SIXTH SAMAS – CHATURYA VIVARAN (EXPLAINING <strong>THE</strong> WISDOM)<br />

First the ink was invented with the help of which lot of books were<br />

written through which knowledge in many fields was disseminated. Because of the ink you can<br />

describe the good and the bad things. You have to understand the importance of the writing and the<br />

written material for dissemination and assimilation of the knowledge.<br />

Writing and reading can make a wise out of a fool and also help him<br />

tread on the path of spiritualism. The society accepts those things which are acceptable to most but<br />

that may not be true all the time in case of the wise. Most in the society believe in astrology and<br />

destiny but the wise don’t. They know that you are the maker of your destiny. If you listen to others<br />

and behave accordingly then you believe in hypotheses which most of the times are contrary to<br />

reality. The wise listen to all but accept only those things which are good according to his<br />

experience and reject those which are bad in his experience.<br />

Don’t say no to anyone but decide for yourself what is good and bad<br />

for you. Sometimes even a ridiculously foolish man may give the right advice. The thing is, by just<br />

listening to others and not offending them you benefit by their friendship rather than having enmity.<br />

If you have prejudice then you are sure to create more enemies than friends. For the same reason<br />

there is no point in raising debatable issues. Make friends with most, at times take a back seat and<br />

at times turn others upside down but with the use of your wisdom never allow others to know what<br />

is going on in your mind.<br />

Always try to be good to others and see to it that they are benefited.<br />

Never do any harm to anyone. Simultaneously try to teach them the same things and turn them on

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