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THE THIRD SAMAS – SHRESHTHA ANTARATMA NIRUPAN (ABOUT THE GREATES SOUL) The admixture of the five basic elements is evident in everything visible in the entire universe. The root cause of it is the original Maya. The greatest soul is prudent witness to all this. This is akin to the king and his army. The king is the greatest soul and all that is visible is the army. The king has the power of material whereas the ultimate soul has the power of the feeling on account of which it becomes prudent and a witness to all both of which are temporary as they remain till the visible remains. Those are the great people who know that they are the soul and not the body. They are known as the reincarnations of the God. The spectrum of the feeling decides the greatness of the man. Those who constantly go on increasing their sphere of work and thence the work and also endure the pain and suffering that inherently accompanies are favored by the luck. The human life is the same even today but the fools don’t understand it and needless to say that the wise do. The real greatness lies in the wisdom which a common man fails to understand. The common man’s knowledge and perception is dependent upon imagination and therefore he refuses to accept it and on top of it the population of the common men is highest. Therefore it is futile to attempt to tell this. Most of the people are jealous of others’ success and therefore you should not be involved in anyone beyond a certain extent. It is a common habit of all to boast about everything which they even don’t know. It is unfortunate that people expect to be respected just because they were born earlier than others. This is an unwise habit. Respect can never stem out of just chronological age, it has to be earned by your virtues. Shree Samarth advises that though this is the case it is always wise not to insult the elders and the elders also should know the fact and accept whatever worth they are of. The gist of telling all this is that the only elder one is the Atman and he is the eldest who has had the enlightening experience of it. This requires ultimate wisdom, the lack of which leads to wastage of your life. Those who are devoid of wisdom live a futile life. People abhor them. Such people should try to acquire wisdom by any means, the best one is to read from the scholarly books. This requires yeoman efforts but the fruits one reaps are sweetest. A wise man has access to everything in this world. Those who don’t do this face all sorts of problems. They work hard but without any gains and are insulted by the people. END OF THE THIRD SAMAS THE FOURTH SAMAS – SHASHWATBRAHMANIRUPAN (ABOUT THE PERMANENT PARBRAHMA) The plants which arise from the earth finally are either burnt or are used for other purposes through which they ultimately merge into the earth. Earth yields the food which we eat and which goes to the earth only as the excreta. The living matter also merges with the earth after its death. The earth supports all, creates all and then everything goes back to the mother earth. Whatever is created, maintained for some time and then undergoes destruction finally

merges with the earth. Anything which has any form is created and supported by the earth and when the time comes it has to end in the earth itself. You have to understand this by application of wisdom. The root cause of creation and destruction is found here. Just as the ways in which all the things on the earth are made up of earth and merge with her, the entire universe also comes out of the original Maya and finally merges with her. Earth was formed when some part of water on it completely and finally vanished. When the earth is burnt by fire on dooms day it is again occupied by the water. This water is formed from the light which is responsible for the evaporation of the same water. The light in the form of fire originates from the wind which extinguishes it. The wind emanates from the sky and then merges into it. You should think about the creation and destruction of the universe in this manner. The thing created from the other merges with the creator. The five basic elements are also destroyed like this. The only permanent thing left after this final destruction is the Parbrahma. Till you know it you are bound to undergo the cycle of birth and death in any living form. Immovable emanates from the movable and vice a versa. It is pertinently important to know the origin of the utterly immovable. Considering the visible to be true is hypothesis, not believing in the visible is the theorem and beyond all this is the Parbrahma. You have to get this knowledge by experience and by deep insight and thought completely imbibe it. Even a knowledgeable is liable to forget this and revolve in the illusion of the Maya. When the Maya completely vanishes nothing remains which should be thoughtfully understood by the astute. At this precise time you get the enlightening experience. No word can reach there and this is the science and can be known only by self experience. Shree Samarth gives utmost importance to self experience and says that those who believe in others and depend upon imagination lead themselves to their own destruction and therefore the Sadhak should always pursue and strive for the experience of his own and not believe in anything except what is preached by the Guru. END OF THE FOURTH SAMAS THE FIFTH SAMAS – CHANCHAL LAKSHAN (ABOUT THE HIGHLY MOTILE OR THE INSTABLE) Under the guidance of the Nature with its power and the Male counterpart of it with its feelings the three properties work. The three properties and the five basic elements constitute the eight faceted Nature which has a form and yet is in the formless Parbrahma but it is highly micro and motile or instable. On one hand there is immovable Parbrahma at the highest pedestal and on the other there is highly macro, motile visible universe at the lowest possible point. The Parbrahma isn’t expressible whereas the universe is. This contradiction is like that between the cat and the serpent. The expressible pulls the inexpressible in the sphere of visibility and the inexpressible drives the expressible into wilderness. The Parbrahma being the ultimate in stability doesn’t come into this picture anywhere anytime. The micro and motile or instable eight faceted Nature plays this game of creation and destruction of the universe.

merges with the earth. Anything which has any form is created and supported by the earth and<br />

when the time comes it has to end in the earth itself.<br />

You have to understand this by application of wisdom. The root<br />

cause of creation and destruction is found here. Just as the ways in which all the things on the earth<br />

are made up of earth and merge with her, the entire universe also comes out of the original Maya<br />

and finally merges with her. Earth was formed when some part of water on it completely and<br />

finally vanished. When the earth is burnt by fire on dooms day it is again occupied by the water.<br />

This water is formed from the light which is responsible for the evaporation of the same water. The<br />

light in the form of fire originates from the wind which extinguishes it. The wind emanates from<br />

the sky and then merges into it. You should think about the creation and destruction of the universe<br />

in this manner. The thing created from the other merges with the creator. The five basic elements<br />

are also destroyed like this. The only permanent thing left after this final destruction is the<br />

Parbrahma. Till you know it you are bound to undergo the cycle of birth and death in any living<br />

form.<br />

Immovable emanates from the movable and vice a versa. It is<br />

pertinently important to know the origin of the utterly immovable. Considering the visible to be<br />

true is hypothesis, not believing in the visible is the theorem and beyond all this is the Parbrahma.<br />

You have to get this knowledge by experience and by deep insight and thought completely imbibe<br />

it. Even a knowledgeable is liable to forget this and revolve in the illusion of the Maya.<br />

When the Maya completely vanishes nothing remains which should<br />

be thoughtfully understood by the astute. At this precise time you get the enlightening experience.<br />

No word can reach there and this is the science and can be known only by self experience. Shree<br />

Samarth gives utmost importance to self experience and says that those who believe in others and<br />

depend upon imagination lead themselves to their own destruction and therefore the Sadhak should<br />

always pursue and strive for the experience of his own and not believe in anything except what is<br />

preached by the Guru.<br />

END OF <strong>THE</strong> FOURTH SAMAS<br />

<strong>THE</strong> FIFTH SAMAS – CHANCHAL LAKSHAN (ABOUT <strong>THE</strong> HIGHLY MOTILE OR <strong>THE</strong><br />


Under the guidance of the Nature with its power and the Male<br />

counterpart of it with its feelings the three properties work. The three properties and the five basic<br />

elements constitute the eight faceted Nature which has a form and yet is in the formless Parbrahma<br />

but it is highly micro and motile or instable. On one hand there is immovable Parbrahma at the<br />

highest pedestal and on the other there is highly macro, motile visible universe at the lowest<br />

possible point. The Parbrahma isn’t expressible whereas the universe is. This contradiction is like<br />

that between the cat and the serpent. The expressible pulls the inexpressible in the sphere of<br />

visibility and the inexpressible drives the expressible into wilderness. The Parbrahma being the<br />

ultimate in stability doesn’t come into this picture anywhere anytime. The micro and motile or<br />

instable eight faceted Nature plays this game of creation and destruction of the universe.

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