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walk of life you have to put in your best possible efforts. Those who are unable to do this remain jealous of others or meet their doom in a very bad state. Those who don’t have the real Vairagya, the experience of the self, pure karma and don’t indulge in worship may call themselves as the Sadhak but in reality they are no better than any other vicious ones. They never feel that they have wasted their life. On top of it all most of the people most of the times are jealous of others. Such types of people get nothing out of life. Blessed are those who have Vairagya. Such ones with experience of the self, no desires and lust and those who have sacrificed everything using the innate wisdom as the tool for it are demigods. Lord Mahesh is the ideal as far as Vairagya is concerned. He turned his back upon everything that was offered to him and found happiness in living a life almost akin to that of a beggar. Those mentioned as demigods are respected very highly by the people and they flock to them. Those without it live a very sad life. Men, who don’t become corrupt, don’t leave the worship of the God despite having the ultimate knowledge and never indulge in any debate despite knowing everything, are very few in number. Others who heavily outnumber them have many vices outnumbering a very few virtues. The difference lies not only in Vairagya but in hoping for unnecessary things. You should give your body the bare minimum what it requires. You should never take any credit whatsoever for any karma that you do with the firm knowledge that you are the medium through whom the things are being done and also that the visible is totally untrue. You should try to be with those who know where to show their valor, the worth of working hard, know what is to be sacrificed by pure philosophical thought, behaves exactly as he speaks and on top of that know the whole chronology of the creation. If you are lucky to spend time with such ones then your spiritual path is made much simpler. END OF THE SEVENTH SAMAS THE SEVENTH SAMAS – KALROOPNIRUPAN (ABOUT THE TIME) The original Maya emanated from the Parbrahma. The pure feeling in the Maya thus formed is the God of the universe. Then the ten faceted Nature expanded. The whole universe as is visible to you was thus formed. When nothing of these is there only the Parbrahma exists. There is nothing like time at the state of Parbrahma. It comes into existence only when the Maya starts building its illusions. Therefore there are only two things which exist, the Parbrahma and the illusory Maya. Time exists only when Maya is in existence otherwise it ceases to exist. The sky is nothing but the highest expansion. It is an immeasurable breach which is also the time. We measure this breach or delay on the basis of the sunlight, the absence of it or the movement of the sun. The three properties are exquisitely mixed with each other. They are inseparable. The creation of the entire universe from the beginning till the end is on account of these properties. The three Lords too are no exception to this as far as their origin and end is concerned.

The times are known by the happenings then; say for example all the happenings in the life of a man from his birth to death are known to him and others by the time scale. When a thing is viewed differently from what it is really, it is because of the lack of knowledge. Most of us do this and therefore we go on a path which takes us down rather than upwards. It takes us from the micro to the macro. Exactly opposite occurs with the really knowledgeable. They go to the root cause of this whole illusion, the original Maya. He knows that everything has originated from here. It is difficult to reach this stage but not impossible as it can be done on the basis of your wisdom. Therefore Shree Samarth advises both the spiritual and those leading a family life to walk on this path. Those without wisdom lead a life like that of the animals. It is futile to be amongst them. If they start on the path of spirituality, worship the God then they will get to the desired goal. It is important to remember that nothing comes with you after your death except your karmas. Therefore you shouldn’t have a desire for the things which are visible. With quiet calm thoughts you should think with wisdom about the most micro thing by which you will get to the God. There is no greater gain than this. While leading the family life there is no harm in doing the necessary karmas, but there shouldn’t be an excess of it. By living like this you can achieve bliss. Man is condemned to be dependent where he has to bear many types of apprehensions and grief. In this market of life you should strive for the benefit of the God which becomes your gain. If you do this then you get the value for your life. If you don’t then your life is a mere waste. END OF THE EIGHTH SAMAS THE NINTH SAMAS – YATNASHIKVAN (ABOUT THE IMPORTANCE OF TRYING HARD) Shree Samarth tells the story of a man who was very idle on account of which he had to face immense difficulties in life. He was on the verge of ending his life. The disciples asked him, how he should lead his further life. Shree Samarth says that it is a universal truth that nothing can be done without working for it. To do it well one should be very careful. He should have perseverance. He should leave his idleness forever. All the doubts which arise while working for something should be ruthlessly thrown out. You should get up early in the morning. First remember the God and then try to remember newer things which you have read regarding the real knowledge. Perform the morning chores. Then worship the God. Afterwards eat some fruits and then start on your job. While doing it you should be able to scrutinize what is good and what is bad in everything including the people. Your dealings should be clear and transparent. Never advise others if you aren’t in a position to do so. Be always alert. Never lose your sense of conscience, morals and ethics. While doing all this you should always try to keep everyone around you as happy as possible. You should most of the times talk about the God. While doing this you should try to make it as entertaining as possible despite trying to get and impart the real knowledge. It should be done in such a way that the audience will automatically be induced to hail the God. All the aspects of spirituality and Sadhana should be included in your talk. Your talk

The times are known by the happenings then; say for example all the<br />

happenings in the life of a man from his birth to death are known to him and others by the time<br />

scale.<br />

When a thing is viewed differently from what it is really, it is because<br />

of the lack of knowledge. Most of us do this and therefore we go on a path which takes us down<br />

rather than upwards. It takes us from the micro to the macro. Exactly opposite occurs with the<br />

really knowledgeable. They go to the root cause of this whole illusion, the original Maya. He<br />

knows that everything has originated from here. It is difficult to reach this stage but not impossible<br />

as it can be done on the basis of your wisdom. Therefore Shree Samarth advises both the spiritual<br />

and those leading a family life to walk on this path.<br />

Those without wisdom lead a life like that of the animals. It is futile<br />

to be amongst them. If they start on the path of spirituality, worship the God then they will get to<br />

the desired goal. It is important to remember that nothing comes with you after your death except<br />

your karmas. Therefore you shouldn’t have a desire for the things which are visible. With quiet<br />

calm thoughts you should think with wisdom about the most micro thing by which you will get to<br />

the God. There is no greater gain than this. While leading the family life there is no harm in doing<br />

the necessary karmas, but there shouldn’t be an excess of it. By living like this you can achieve<br />

bliss. Man is condemned to be dependent where he has to bear many types of apprehensions and<br />

grief. In this market of life you should strive for the benefit of the God which becomes your gain. If<br />

you do this then you get the value for your life. If you don’t then your life is a mere waste.<br />

END OF <strong>THE</strong> EIGHTH SAMAS<br />

<strong>THE</strong> NINTH SAMAS – YATNASHIKVAN<br />

(ABOUT <strong>THE</strong> IMPORTANCE OF TRYING HARD)<br />

Shree Samarth tells the story of a man who was very idle on account<br />

of which he had to face immense difficulties in life. He was on the verge of ending his life. The<br />

disciples asked him, how he should lead his further life.<br />

Shree Samarth says that it is a universal truth that nothing can be<br />

done without working for it. To do it well one should be very careful. He should have perseverance.<br />

He should leave his idleness forever. All the doubts which arise while working for something<br />

should be ruthlessly thrown out.<br />

You should get up early in the morning. First remember the God and<br />

then try to remember newer things which you have read regarding the real knowledge. Perform the<br />

morning chores. Then worship the God. Afterwards eat some fruits and then start on your job.<br />

While doing it you should be able to scrutinize what is good and what is bad in everything<br />

including the people. Your dealings should be clear and transparent. Never advise others if you<br />

aren’t in a position to do so. Be always alert. Never lose your sense of conscience, morals and<br />

ethics. While doing all this you should always try to keep everyone around you as happy as<br />

possible.<br />

You should most of the times talk about the God. While doing this<br />

you should try to make it as entertaining as possible despite trying to get and impart the real<br />

knowledge. It should be done in such a way that the audience will automatically be induced to hail<br />

the God. All the aspects of spirituality and Sadhana should be included in your talk. Your talk

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