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you are likely to lose your temper you should forget about improving him and immediately stop talking and leave that place at once. He further adds that most of us judge a person by his outwardly behavior which is wrong. You should be able to gauge what is going on inside his mind and then only you can be a judge of persons failing which you are likely to face difficulties. With most of the people of all the ages you should maintain good relationships remembering that you are going to die one day. If you improve somebody’s status you get more in return. Worship of God, explaining about the greatness of him, right behavior in the society etc. should be done at the appropriate time and place and with the correct people; otherwise all of your good deeds go down the drain. He again stresses upon the right behavior at the right time as a key to happiness. END OF THE SECOND SAMAS THE THIRD SAMAS – BHAKTNIRUPAN (ABOUT THE DISCIPLE) Everyone should think of the life on the earth and the spiritual one. For succeeding in the life on the earth you should have a friend, philosopher and a guide. For spiritual success you must have Guru. By submitting to him unconditionally you should ask the Guru, who is God and who I am. You should continuously think about these two things. You also should think about the commandments which are the basics of the spirituality. When you search and find the purest form of yourself you get the greatest fruit for your efforts on this earth, the Parbrahma. Except for the Parbrahma everything else is temporary. This universe is full of diversely different things which are the illusions created by Maya. The Parbrahma is beyond them. The real Sadhak examines everything on the basis of his wisdom and vanquishes all that is created by the Maya. He also knows what truth is and what isn’t. All the illusions of Maya are full of the five basic elements which are destructible and hence the whole universe is also destructible. Whatever is seen is going to vanish, whatever is born is going to die, whatever is made is going to be destroyed. On doomsday one element consumes another. Without a human other humans can’t be created. Without food the humans can’t survive. Without earth the food can’t exist. Without water the earth can’t exist. Without the light water can’t exist. Without wind the light can’t exist and without the Atman the wind can’t exist, such is the chronology of creation and destruction, both. There is no trace of the five basic elements, the souls or the original Maya at the state of Parbrahma. When you know that the visible is nonexistent it literally ceases to exist for you. When you try to implore the permanent you are convinced of what the real thing is and what isn’t. Once you have full conviction in this your thought about the Atman and the things devoid of it becomes stronger. By continuous thinking your power of thinking is tremendously increased. You can go into the micro thoughts. This empowers you to break the shackles of all that is temporary and reach the only permanent thing. Here it vanishes and you are then finally enlightened with the transcendental experience. You now must have understood what the ultimate God or the Parbrahma is, now you have to understand what is the real you. For that you have to search the principles inside you. When you find them you realize that everything is the play of your mind. When you learn the art of vanquishing your mind the only thing that remains is the Parbrahma.

The meaning of all the religious scriptures and commandments is, “You are the Parbrahma”. You have to unify with it without having any desires. Thence it becomes clear that there is no difference between the Parbrahma and the real you. The apparent difference is created because of your jaundiced view. Once this realization dawns, you acquire the power of totally neglecting all that is falsely implicated in you. Here the knowledge is converted into science, meditation becomes meaningful and all the duality vanishes, the cycle of birth and death is broken all the sins are washed out and you are finally freed of everything. Then you are not bound to and by anything. You get the Moksha. All the doubts are cleared and the problems run away from you. By following this path many have attained their ultimate goal in the spiritual life and they have also helped others seeking their help to get to the place where they are, the Parbrahma. END OF THE THIRD SAMAS THE FOURTH SAMAS – VIVIKVAIRAGYANIRUPAN (ABOUT THE WISDOM AND VAIRAGYA) Even though one has Vairagya but lacks in wisdom he won’t get the ultimate knowledge. Vairagya originates from the many problems of the family life. One who is fed up of the family life gets freed of all apprehensions, grief and dependence upon others the condition for this being he shouldn’t behave like a vicious man without inhibitions. If one possesses wisdom but not the Vairagya or vice a versa then he gets nothing on the basis of any one of the qualities. He is neither successful in family life nor the spiritual one. The knowledge which doesn’t have the base of Vairagya leads to false pride. He is a thief in the garb of a Sage. Wisdom helps in conquering your mind body intellect conglomerate and Vairagya detaches you from the family life. Such a man is freed from within and from without. He is also free of all the bindings. He becomes a Yogi who does what he preaches. The people are astonished at his lifestyle. On one hand he doesn’t have an iota of desires or lust and on the other he is capable of yeoman efforts, endless wisdom and courage beyond imagination. He always indulges in praising the ultimate God with all his might. His simple talk is so powerful as to change the vicious into virtuous. The whole society starts following him. He, for the people is the God. Shree Samarth says that the Vairagya should be ultimate, the knowledge should be of your own experience, the worship should be as preached by the Guru and the deeds should be absolutely pious. These are the qualities of the real Sage. Lack of a single aspect as mentioned earlier throw you amongst the ocean of all the other common men. Only the utmost lucky ones are able to combine wisdom and Vairagya. Shree Samarth says that whatever he has told is perfectly understood by the Sages. END OF THE FOURTH SAMAS

The meaning of all the religious scriptures and commandments is,<br />

“You are the Parbrahma”. You have to unify with it without having any desires. Thence it becomes<br />

clear that there is no difference between the Parbrahma and the real you. The apparent difference is<br />

created because of your jaundiced view. Once this realization dawns, you acquire the power of<br />

totally neglecting all that is falsely implicated in you. Here the knowledge is converted into science,<br />

meditation becomes meaningful and all the duality vanishes, the cycle of birth and death is broken<br />

all the sins are washed out and you are finally freed of everything.<br />

Then you are not bound to and by anything. You get the Moksha. All<br />

the doubts are cleared and the problems run away from you. By following this path many have<br />

attained their ultimate goal in the spiritual life and they have also helped others seeking their help<br />

to get to the place where they are, the Parbrahma.<br />

END OF <strong>THE</strong> THIRD SAMAS<br />


(ABOUT <strong>THE</strong> WISDOM AND VAIRAGYA)<br />

Even though one has Vairagya but lacks in wisdom he won’t get the<br />

ultimate knowledge. Vairagya originates from the many problems of the family life.<br />

One who is fed up of the family life gets freed of all apprehensions,<br />

grief and dependence upon others the condition for this being he shouldn’t behave like a vicious<br />

man without inhibitions. If one possesses wisdom but not the Vairagya or vice a versa then he gets<br />

nothing on the basis of any one of the qualities. He is neither successful in family life nor the<br />

spiritual one.<br />

The knowledge which doesn’t have the base of Vairagya leads to<br />

false pride. He is a thief in the garb of a Sage.<br />

Wisdom helps in conquering your mind body intellect conglomerate<br />

and Vairagya detaches you from the family life. Such a man is freed from within and from without.<br />

He is also free of all the bindings. He becomes a Yogi who does what he preaches. The people are<br />

astonished at his lifestyle. On one hand he doesn’t have an iota of desires or lust and on the other he<br />

is capable of yeoman efforts, endless wisdom and courage beyond imagination.<br />

He always indulges in praising the ultimate God with all his might.<br />

His simple talk is so powerful as to change the vicious into virtuous. The whole society starts<br />

following him. He, for the people is the God.<br />

Shree Samarth says that the Vairagya should be ultimate, the<br />

knowledge should be of your own experience, the worship should be as preached by the Guru and<br />

the deeds should be absolutely pious. These are the qualities of the real Sage. Lack of a single<br />

aspect as mentioned earlier throw you amongst the ocean of all the other common men. Only the<br />

utmost lucky ones are able to combine wisdom and Vairagya. Shree Samarth says that whatever he<br />

has told is perfectly understood by the Sages.<br />

END OF <strong>THE</strong> FOURTH SAMAS

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