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and not unnecessarily indulge in fruitlessly debating over a subject he knows very little of. From the Parbrahma originated the Maya which we see in the gross form of the nature consisting of basic elements and the properties. The original Maya is in the form of the wind which is the ultimate power wherein resides the conscious feeling which in its original form is purest and the most truthful and hence doesn’t affect the Parbrahma. It is thus absolutely wrong to accuse the Parbrahma of any desire. Shree Samarth says that he has told it umpteenth of times that the Parbrahma is beyond the human powers of description and imagination. The original Maya inhabits a part of the Parbrahma. At that part is the conscious feeling that I am the Brahma. The basis of this feeling is known as the God. This God is relatively related to the three properties which show him to have three different parts which we know as those representing the three properties, the Lords Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh. Thus it is clear that although they seem to be different they are part of a singular feeling. The conscious feeling which expressed itself in the form of the bodies of the three Lords who then thought about the creation of the males and females of all the species which were immediately created as also the other live forms. The Lord primarily responsible for this creation and the creation of the rest of the universe is the Lord Brahma. Thus the Lord Brahma created the bodies from whom innumerable other bodies were formed and also the nature expanded. Lord Vishnu maintains all of these through the conscious feeling. Lord Mahesh destroys everything at the appropriate time through the loss of this conscious feeling. This is how the universe is created, maintained and destroyed. The description of the doomsday will come in the next samas. THE END OF THE FOURTH SAMAS THE FIFTH SAMAS – PANCHPRALAY (THE FIVE ULTIMATE DESTRUCTIONS) In the live form there are two ultimate destructions, deep sleep and death. In the universe too there are two ultimate destructions, when the three great Lords sleep and when the three great Lords also die which heralds the onset of the final destruction. The fifth ultimate destruction is that of the lack of wisdom which is very important indeed. When one is deeply asleep all his karmas when he is awake stop which in a way is the death of his karmas for that particular time. Death of the body can occur on account of many reasons. At the time of death not only the soul leaves the body but also the mind and its feelings. When Lord Brahma goes to sleep the entire live forms stop functioning and their micro forms stay in the wind of the universe. After he gets up from his sleep he again reorganizes the universe. When the Lord Brahma is on the death bed the final destruction of the universe starts. For hundreds of years there are no rains whereby all the live forms die, the earth cracks beyond imagination, the unbearable heat of the sun literally starts burning the earth which ultimately is completely burnt. The heaven and hell are also destroyed. All the Gods go into their wind forms. Then it starts raining as nobody has ever seen whereby the whole universe seems to be full of water. At this time all the power or energy in the universe is converted into infinite fire which burns the water and everything else too. Then starts the play of the wind, which is so fearsome that it destroys the omnipresent fire. This wind finally disappears in the Parbrahma where

the utmost pure conscious feeling remains but the flame of the universe is gone. All the basic elements, the properties and the God also disappear in the Parbrahma. The whole sequence of these events is exactly opposite of that of the formation of the universe. The names and the properties mentioned here are there because of the nature created by the Maya and this nature itself disappears into the Parbrahma which is the only truth. In the context of this Shree Samarth says that by realizing that this visible universe is untrue through the application of wisdom of what is Atman and what isn’t one can himself make all the visible disappear so that he gets the view of the Parbrahma which isn’t subject to destruction. This, Shree Samarth calls as the ultimate destruction of the lack of wisdom. He goes on further and adds that this is the most difficult thing to do and which only the Saints and the Guru are able to do easily and therefore this whole exercise has to be undertaken under their guidance and with their blessings. END OF THE FIFTH SAMAS THE SIXTH SAMAS – BHRAMNIRUPAN (ABOUT THE ILLUSIONS) During the period of the creation and the destruction of the universe the Parbrahma never loses its formless state and there occurs no change in it. It is there before the creation, during the creation, when the creation progresses and during the final destruction. It is the only thing which is there all the time all the while. For a time period there is this illusion of the universe. The really knowledgeable knows this because he applies his knowledge of what is true and what isn’t and the wisdom of what is Atman and what isn’t. Most of the people in the universe lack this knowledge and therefore if a really knowledgeable person tells them the reality they plainly ignore him. Shree Samarth here tells that only he is knowledgeable and a great personality who is eons away from this/these illusions and in fact is never a part of it. He also defines the illusions of all of us who lack the knowledge in simple words, “The only reality and the only truth is the Parbrahma. When it is not experienced and in its place whatever else is experienced is an illusion!” All the things which have an end are illusions which include even the Gods. Shree Samarth then explains this concept of illusion by giving many examples for the sake of the understanding of the common man. The entire universe with the only exception of the Parbrahma is an illusion. Even the so called miracles which are supposedly performed by the Saints or Sages are also illusions. The disciples raise some doubts here. If we worship the Saints or Sages do we get some enlightening experiences or not? We do experience the power of the Saints or Sages of yore even today, and then are we right in thinking that they are still here because some of their desires haven’t been yet fulfilled? They request Shree Samarth to elucidate about this. END OF THE SIXTH SAMAS

the utmost pure conscious feeling remains but the flame of the universe is gone. All the basic<br />

elements, the properties and the God also disappear in the Parbrahma. The whole sequence of these<br />

events is exactly opposite of that of the formation of the universe. The names and the properties<br />

mentioned here are there because of the nature created by the Maya and this nature itself disappears<br />

into the Parbrahma which is the only truth.<br />

In the context of this Shree Samarth says that by realizing that this<br />

visible universe is untrue through the application of wisdom of what is Atman and what isn’t one<br />

can himself make all the visible disappear so that he gets the view of the Parbrahma which isn’t<br />

subject to destruction. This, Shree Samarth calls as the ultimate destruction of the lack of wisdom.<br />

He goes on further and adds that this is the most difficult thing to do and which only the Saints and<br />

the Guru are able to do easily and therefore this whole exercise has to be undertaken under their<br />

guidance and with their blessings.<br />

END OF <strong>THE</strong> FIFTH SAMAS<br />

<strong>THE</strong> SIXTH SAMAS – BHRAMNIRUPAN (ABOUT <strong>THE</strong> ILLUSIONS)<br />

During the period of the creation and the destruction of the universe<br />

the Parbrahma never loses its formless state and there occurs no change in it. It is there before the<br />

creation, during the creation, when the creation progresses and during the final destruction. It is the<br />

only thing which is there all the time all the while. For a time period there is this illusion of the<br />

universe. The really knowledgeable knows this because he applies his knowledge of what is true<br />

and what isn’t and the wisdom of what is Atman and what isn’t.<br />

Most of the people in the universe lack this knowledge and therefore<br />

if a really knowledgeable person tells them the reality they plainly ignore him. Shree Samarth here<br />

tells that only he is knowledgeable and a great personality who is eons away from this/these<br />

illusions and in fact is never a part of it. He also defines the illusions of all of us who lack the<br />

knowledge in simple words, “The only reality and the only truth is the Parbrahma. When it is not<br />

experienced and in its place whatever else is experienced is an illusion!” All the things which have<br />

an end are illusions which include even the Gods. Shree Samarth then explains this concept of<br />

illusion by giving many examples for the sake of the understanding of the common man.<br />

The entire universe with the only exception of the Parbrahma is an<br />

illusion. Even the so called miracles which are supposedly performed by the Saints or Sages are<br />

also illusions. The disciples raise some doubts here.<br />

If we worship the Saints or Sages do we get some enlightening<br />

experiences or not? We do experience the power of the Saints or Sages of yore even today, and<br />

then are we right in thinking that they are still here because some of their desires haven’t been yet<br />

fulfilled? They request Shree Samarth to elucidate about this.<br />

END OF <strong>THE</strong> SIXTH SAMAS

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