1998 Self-Study Report - Saddleback College

1998 Self-Study Report - Saddleback College 1998 Self-Study Report - Saddleback College

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The institution has professionally qualified staff to provide appropriate supporto users of information and learning resources, including training in the effective application of information technology to student learning. In July, 1997, the District Board of Trustees reorganized the administrative structure of the College without input from the College community.The Dean of Learning Resources was transferred to IVC and another Dean now oversees the Library, Distance Learning, Teleconferencing, the Interdisciplinary Computer Center, and the Learning Assistance Program as well as the Technology and Applied Science division, the ITC, and Technology Services for the entire campus. The library employseven full-time and several part-time librarians with MLS degrees (one doctorate), one secretary, three LibraryTechnicians, four Library Assistant I Is, one full-time Library Assistant I, three part-time Library Assistant Is, one Media Services Supervisor, one Specialist Aide and several student aides.The ICC/LAP employees include one Senior Instructional Assistance Specialist and five part-time Instructional Assistance SPecialists ! one Specialist Aide, student aides, and numerous volunteer tutors. The Dean oversees the Innovation and Technology Center.The ITC Director supervises two fulltime Senior Lab Technicians, two full-time Instructional Assistants for Computers, two full-time User Services Analysts, two full-time and two part-time Audio-Visual Technicians. Librarians also provide basic and advanced instruction in learning to use traditional and electronic research resources in the ITC. Response to the IES indicated broad satisfaction (64 percent) with the availability of information about and training for new technologies (Ref. 6.8).Seventy-nine percent of the respondents agreed that library services are satisfactory (Ref.6.7).Staffing seems to be adequate in the library to satisfy faculty and staff needs. Response to the CCSEQ showed that a large percentage of students never or rarely use the library or its resources. (Ref. 6.10). A possible explanation is that not all instructors include library research in their curriculum and therefore students do not have a curriculum-related need to use the library.Another possible conclusion is that students surveyed were from classes which do not yet rely heavily upon library research for completing class assignments (e.g. ESL and some vocational classes). While it may appear that the library is adequately staffed, it is importanto note that there are several vacancies.Two full-time Library Assistant II positions are vacant. Both positions are critical to providing appropriate support to students and other users of information and learning resources. Fifty-four percent of faculty, staff and administrators responding to the IES agreed that the services available for tutoring are satisfactory (Ref.6.2). However, IES question 84 indicates that

percent of the respondents did not have enough knowledge about the ICC to know if the services were satisfactory (Ref.6.2). Although response to the IES reported widespread satisfaction with ITC services, there was a significant (27 percent) number of respondents not aware of ITC services (Ref. 6.12). $. The institution provides sufficient and consistent financial support for the effective maintenance, security, and improvement of its information and learning resources. The library’s annual book budget for the last several years has remained at approximately $25,000.The periodicals budget also has been $25,000 per year.The media supply account which pays for electronic resource subscriptions has been $8,000 to $14,000 a year. At the end of each academic year this account is augmented by dedicated revenues that enable acquisition of audiovisual resources. Supplemental funding ($47,000 since 1993) from the Associated Student Government (ASG), the Friends of the Library (nearly $28,000 since 1992),and other sources, has allowed the library maintain an adequate level of service. Throughout 1996 and 1997,the District Technology Initiative provided a campus-wide network of computer equipment to improve access to information and learning resources electronically. A network-based security system is being examined to secure and protect the equil~ment housed in the library and other campus buildings. The LAP tutor budget has been reduced by one-half during the last ten years, from $40,000 to $20,000 annually. At the same time, the rate of pay for tutors has increased from $3.85 to $5.75 per hour. Forty-five percent of faculty and staff responding to the IES did not agree that the College allocates sufficient financial resources to the library collection and other learning resources (Ref. 6.3).While College financial support has been level, it is importanto note that, according to the ~ over the last five years the cost of books and periodicals has increased by 15 percent and 11 percent respectively.In addition, sufficient funds for purchasing audiovisual materials for instruction have not been available.The income from the student use of copiers that had been transferred to the media supply account is now no longer available due to a new photocopy service contract.The division has been fortunate to receive additional suppbrt from the ~ ~Tl’lN~iqRl~ ~lX

percent of the respondents did not have enough knowledge about the ICC to know if the services<br />

were satisfactory (Ref.6.2).<br />

Although response to the IES reported widespread satisfaction with ITC services, there was a<br />

significant (27 percent) number of respondents not aware of ITC services (Ref. 6.12).<br />

$. The institution provides sufficient and consistent financial support for the effective<br />

maintenance, security, and improvement of its information and learning resources.<br />

The library’s annual book budget for the last several years has remained at approximately<br />

$25,000.The periodicals budget also has been $25,000 per year.The media supply account which<br />

pays for electronic resource subscriptions has been $8,000 to $14,000 a year. At the end of each<br />

academic year this account is augmented by dedicated revenues that enable acquisition of<br />

audiovisual resources.<br />

Supplemental funding ($47,000 since 1993) from the Associated Student Government (ASG),<br />

the Friends of the Library (nearly $28,000 since 1992),and other sources, has allowed the library<br />

maintain an adequate level of service.<br />

Throughout 1996 and 1997,the District Technology Initiative provided a campus-wide network<br />

of computer equipment to improve access to information and learning resources electronically. A<br />

network-based security system is being examined to secure and protect the equil~ment housed<br />

in the library and other campus buildings.<br />

The LAP tutor budget has been reduced by one-half during the last ten years, from $40,000 to<br />

$20,000 annually. At the same time, the rate of pay for tutors has increased from $3.85 to $5.75<br />

per hour.<br />

Forty-five percent of faculty and staff responding to the IES did not agree that the <strong>College</strong><br />

allocates sufficient financial resources to the library collection and other learning resources (Ref.<br />

6.3).While <strong>College</strong> financial support has been level, it is importanto note that, according to the<br />

~ over the last five years the cost of books and periodicals has increased by 15<br />

percent and 11 percent respectively.In addition, sufficient funds for purchasing audiovisual<br />

materials for instruction have not been available.The income from the student use of copiers that<br />

had been transferred to the media supply account is now no longer available due to a new photocopy<br />

service contract.The division has been fortunate to receive additional suppbrt from the<br />

~ ~Tl’lN~iqRl~ ~lX

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