RxAmerica Prior Authorization Criteria:

RxAmerica Prior Authorization Criteria:

RxAmerica Prior Authorization Criteria:


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<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Ondansetron is indicated:<br />

A. For the prevention or treatment of nausea/vomiting.<br />


Ondansetron is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Verification of B vs D criteria as per CMS regulations<br />

B. This must NOT be a full therapeutic replacement for IV therapy for a patient<br />

receiving cancer treatment<br />

C. AND the patient must be receiving highly emetogenic chemotherapy, radiation<br />

therapy, or post-operative treatment.<br />

D. OR the patient is not being treated for chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or postoperative<br />

treatment.<br />

E. AND the patient has previous trial or contraindication to BOTH Promethazine<br />

AND Prochlorperazine<br />

F. AND the failure on Promethazine and Prochlorperazine is verified through chart<br />

notes submitted by the prescribing physician<br />

G. Brand name will only be approved with failure on ALL available generic<br />

formulations<br />


Ondansetron is NOT covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. The patient is receiving Ondansetron as a full therapeutic replacement for IV<br />

therapy for a patient receiving cancer treatment.<br />

B. The patient has NOT tried and failed BOTH Promethazine and Prochlorperazine.<br />

C. Chart notes documenting failure on Promethazine and Prochlorperazine are not<br />

submitted for review.<br />



Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


2 Weeks Per treatment<br />



Actimmune® is indicated:<br />

A. Chronic Granulomatous Disease<br />

B. Severe Malignant Osteopetrosis<br />

<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Actimmune® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Documented Chronic Granulomatous Disease or Severe Malignant Osteopetrosis<br />

B. AND have had CBC, differential, and platelet counts to illustrate Hepatic levels<br />

WNL. Tests need to be administered in three month intervals to avoid hepatic<br />

toxicity<br />

C. AND no history of myelosuppression.<br />


Actimmune® is NOT covered for members with the following criteria:<br />

A. Hypersensitivity to E.Coli derived products and/or interferon gamma.<br />



Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


3 months<br />



A. Osteoporosis<br />

B. Osteoporosis Prophylaxis<br />

C. Paget’s Disease:<br />

<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



A. Patient has failure to generic alendronate or contraindication<br />

B. AND has diagnosis of Osteoporosis indicated by a T-Score of 2.5 or more<br />

standard deviations below the young-adult mean BMD or X-ray illustrating<br />

fracture in the spine and/or hip.<br />

C. For Paget’s Disease the member must have documented failure to alendronate<br />

therapy for 6 months or contraindication to alendronate<br />


Actonel is not covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. No documentation to failure to alendronate therapy,<br />

B. Or T-Score value that does not indicate osteoporosis<br />



Chart Notes. T-score or X-ray<br />

illustrating fracture<br />


Plan Year<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />

ADAGEN<br />


Adagen® is indicated:<br />

A. Adenosine Deaminase (ADA) deficiency<br />


Adagen® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Documented diagnosis of Adenosine Deaminase (ADA) deficiency<br />

B. AND patient has failed bone marrow transplantation or is not a suitable<br />

candidate for bone marrow transplantation<br />

C. AND is being used for direct replacement for deficient enzyme (no benefit<br />

achieved in patients with immunodeficiency due to other causes)<br />


Adagen® is NOT covered for members with the following criteria:<br />

A. Immunodeficencies that do not have an association with adenosine deaminase<br />

B. Patient has diagnosis of severe thrombocytopenia<br />

C. Use for preparatory or support therapy for bone marrow transplantation<br />


Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Endocrinologist<br />


Plan Year<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



A. All FDA approved indications not otherwise excluded from Part D.<br />


Afinitor is covered for patient that meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Patient must have previous trial and failure with one of the following:<br />

a. Sutent<br />

b. Nexavar<br />


The following copies of chart notes/laboratory reports are required:<br />

A. Documentation of previous trial/failure of Sutent or Nexavar<br />


Patient must be 18 years of age or older<br />


Oncologist<br />


Plan Year<br />



Agrylin® is indicated:<br />

A. Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia<br />

B. Polycythemia Vera<br />

C. Thrombocytosis<br />

<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Agrylin® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Agrylin® is not covered unless contraindication to the all commercially<br />

available generic anagrelide products. Therefore only generic anagrelide will<br />

be covered.<br />

B. AND is being used for Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia, Polycythemia Vera,<br />

Thrombocytosis<br />

a. Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia diagnosis:<br />

i. Persistent granulocyte count Greater than or equal to<br />

50,000/mcL w/o infection<br />

ii. Absoulte basophil count Greater than or equal to 100/mcL<br />

iii. Evidence for hyperplasia of the granulocytic line in the bone<br />

marrow<br />

iv. Philadelphia chromosome is present<br />

v. Luekocyte alkaline phosphatase Less than or equal to lower<br />

limit of the lab range<br />

b. Polycythemia Vera diagnosis:<br />

i. Increased red cell mass<br />

ii. Normal arterial oxygen saturation<br />

iii. Splenomegaly<br />

iv. Platelet Count Greater than or equal to 400,000/mcL w/o iron<br />

deficiency or bleeding<br />

v. Leukocytosis Greater than or equal to 12,000/mcL w/o<br />

infection<br />

vi. Elevated leukocyte alkaline phosphatase<br />

vii. Elevated serum B12<br />

c. Thrombosytosis diagnosis:<br />

i. Platelet Count Greater than or equal to900,000/mcL<br />

ii. Profound megakaryocytic hyperplasia in bone marrow<br />

iii. Absence of Philadelphia chromosome<br />

iv. Normal red cell mass<br />

v. Normal serum iron and ferritin and normal marrow iron stores<br />

C. AND patient does not have severe hepatic impairment<br />

D. AND patient does not have known or suspected heart disease a pre-treatment<br />

cardiovascular examination is required to ensure safety.<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />


(Continued)<br />


Agrylin® is NOT covered for members with the following criteria:<br />

A. Severe hepatic impairment<br />

B. Women who are or may become pregnant<br />

C. Known heart disease<br />


Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Oncologist or Hematologist<br />


2 months<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Aldurazyme® is indicated:<br />

A. For patients with Hurler and Hurler-Scheie forms of Mucopolysaccharidosis I<br />

(MPS) and for patients with the Scheie form who have moderate-to-severe<br />

symptoms.<br />


Aldurazyme® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Diagnosis is documented as Hurler syndrome (MPS 1H) or Hurler-Scheie<br />

syndrome (MPS IS).<br />

B. OR the diagnosis is documented as Scheie syndrome (MPS IS).<br />

C. AND the patient has at least two of the listed moderate-to-severe symptoms.<br />

Impaired vision Recurrent otitis media Recurrent<br />

sinopulmonary<br />

infections<br />

Impaired hearing Upper airway obstruction Malaise and reduced<br />

endurance<br />

Corneal clouding Macrocephaly Reduced joint range<br />

of motion<br />

Progressively<br />

coarse facial<br />

features<br />

Carpal tunnel<br />

syndrome<br />

Cardiac<br />

abnormalities and<br />

valvular disease<br />

Coarse facial features<br />

Delayed or regressed<br />

mental development<br />

Communicating<br />

hydrocephalus<br />

Umbilical and<br />

inguinal hermias<br />

Hepatosplenomegaly<br />

Spinal cord<br />

compression<br />

Sleep apnea Short stature Reduced pulmonary<br />

function<br />

Bone deformities<br />

D. AND diagnosis has been confirmed by diagnostic method (measurement of alphaiduronidase<br />

activity) or antenatal diagnosis (enzymatic assay).<br />

E. AND if the patient has previously received at least 26 weeks of Aldurazyme®<br />

therapy, they must show an improvement in lung function (forced vital capacity<br />

[FVC] from when therapy was started.<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />


(Continued)<br />


Aldurazyme® is NOT covered for members with the following criteria:<br />

A. The diagnosis is NOT documented as Hurler syndrome, Hurler-Scheie syndrome<br />

or Scheie syndrome.<br />

B. If the diagnosis is Scheie syndrome and they do not have at least two mild-tomoderate<br />

severe symptoms.<br />

C. If the diagnosis has NOT been confirmed by diagnostic method or antenatal<br />

diagnosis.<br />

D. If the patient has previously received at least 26 weeks of Aldurazyme® therapy<br />

and they have not shown an Improvement in lung function [FVC].<br />


Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Endocrinologist<br />


Plan Year<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Alferon N® is indicated:<br />

A. For intralesional treatment of refractory or recurring external condylomata<br />

acuminate in patients 18 years or age or older.<br />


Alferon N® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Patient has NO allergy to egg protein, immunoglobulin (IgG) or neomycin.<br />

B. AND the patient must have a diagnosis for Condylomata Acuminata.<br />

C. AND the patient is 18 years of age or older.<br />

D. AND the prescribing physician is a board certified dermatologist or obtained a<br />

consult from the listed specialty.<br />

E. AND the patient has tried, failed or intolerant to a 16 week course of Aldara®<br />

treatment.<br />

F. AND approval can be allowed for up to 8 weeks.<br />

G. AND if the patient has received previous therapy, the patient must not initiate<br />

therapy until 3 months after the initial course of therapy unless the warts enlarge<br />

or new warts appear.<br />

H. AND the initial therapy must have shown a clinical benefit that shows resolution<br />

or decrease in wart size. And approval can be allowed for up to 8 weeks.<br />


Alferon N® is NOT covered for members with the following criteria:<br />

A. Patient has an allergy to egg protein, immunoglobulin or neomycin.<br />

B. The diagnosis is NOT Condylomata Acuminata.<br />

C. If the diagnosis is for Condylomata Acuminata and the patient meets one or more<br />

of the following criteria:<br />

D. AND the patient is under the age of 18 years old<br />

E. AND/OR the prescribing physician is NOT a dermatologist or has NOT obtained<br />

a consult.<br />

F. AND/OR the patient has NOT tried, failed or is intolerant to a 16 week course of<br />

Aldara®.<br />

G. AND/OR the patient has received previous therapy and the request is NOT<br />

beyond 3 months from the initial request AND/OR NO new warts have appeared<br />

or enlarged<br />

H. AND/OR the initial therapy has NOT shown a clinical benefit.<br />



Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


8 weeks<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Amitiza® is indicated:<br />

A. For the treatment of chronic idiopathic constipation in adults.<br />

B. For the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome-constipation predominant<br />

C. All other FDA approved indications not otherwise excluded from Part D<br />


Amitiza® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Diagnosis is documented as chronic idiopathic constipation OR irritable bowel<br />

syndrome-constipation predominant.<br />

B. AND patient is 18 years of age or older.<br />

C. AND the patient has NO history of mechanical gastrointestional obstruction.<br />

D. AND the patient is not pregnant if female.<br />

E. AND the patient meets 2 (two) or more of the following ROME criteria for the<br />

diagnosis of chronic constipation for at least 12 weeks in the preceding 12<br />

months:<br />

a. Straining during Greater than 25% of bowel movement.<br />

b. Lumpy or hard stools for Greater than 25% of bowel movement.<br />

c. Less than 3 (three) stools per week.<br />

d. Sensation of incomplete evacuation for Greater than 25% of bowel<br />

movement.<br />

e. Sensation of anorectal blockage for Greater than 25% of bowel movement.<br />

f. Loose stools not present.<br />

g. Manual maneuvers are needed to facilitate Greater than 25% of bowel<br />

movement.<br />

F. AND the patient has tried and failed a drug regimen of lactulose for greater than 3<br />

(three) months. (Please verify that the patient has received polyethylene glycol<br />

therapy for three months by reviewing the patient’s drug history or the patient’s<br />

chart notes).<br />

G. AND if the patient has received previous Amitiza® therapy, the physician must<br />

show a documented Improvement in the patient’s stool frequency, stool<br />

consistency and/or abdominal distention from the beginning of Amitiza®<br />

treatment.<br />

H. AND evidence of ROME criteria, failure to drug regimens and improvement in<br />

symptoms are documented in patient’s chart notes provided by prescribing<br />

provider.<br />


Amitiza® is NOT covered for members with the following criteria:<br />

A. Diagnosis is NOT documented as chronic constipation OR irritable bowel<br />

syndrome-constipation predominant.<br />

B. Patient is 17 years of age or younger.<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />


(Cotninued)<br />

C. Patient does NOT meet 2 of the ROME criteria for chronic constipation.<br />

D. Patient has NOT failed a 3 month trial of polyethylene glycol.<br />

E. Patient has NOT failed a 3 month trial of lactulose.<br />

F. If the patient has had previous Amitiza® and has NOT shown an improvement in<br />

symptoms.<br />

G. Provider has NOT provided the patient’s chart notes for documentation.<br />



Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Plan Year<br />



Agrylin® is indicated:<br />

A. Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia<br />

B. Polycythemia Vera<br />

C. Thrombocytosis<br />

<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Agrylin® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Agrylin® is not covered unless contraindication to the all commercially available<br />

generic anagrelide products. Therefore only generic anagrelide will be covered.<br />

B. AND is being used for Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia, Polycythemia Vera,<br />

Thrombocytosis<br />

a. Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia diagnosis:<br />

i. Persistent granulocyte count Greater than or equal to 50,000/mcL w/o<br />

infection<br />

ii. Absoulte basophil count Greater than or equal to 100/mcL<br />

iii. Evidence for hyperplasia of the granulocytic line in the bone marrow<br />

iv. Philadelphia chromosome is present<br />

v. Luekocyte alkaline phosphatase Less than or equal to lower limit of<br />

the lab range<br />

b. Polycythemia Vera diagnosis:<br />

i. Increased red cell mass<br />

ii. Normal arterial oxygen saturation<br />

iii. Splenomegaly<br />

iv. Platelet Count Greater than or equal to 400,000/mcL w/o iron<br />

deficiency or bleeding<br />

v. Leukocytosis Greater than or equal to 12,000/mcL w/o infection<br />

vi. Elevated leukocyte alkaline phosphatase<br />

vii. Elevated serum B12<br />

c. Thrombosytosis diagnosis:<br />

i. Platelet Count Greater than or equal to900,000/mcL<br />

ii. Profound megakaryocytic hyperplasia in bone marrow<br />

iii. Absence of Philadelphia chromosome<br />

iv. Normal red cell mass<br />

v. Normal serum iron and ferritin and normal marrow iron stores<br />

vi. AND patient does not have severe hepatic impairment<br />

vii. AND patient does not have known or suspected heart disease a pretreatment<br />

cardiovascular examination is required to ensure safety.<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />


(Continued)<br />


Agrylin® is NOT covered for members with the following criteria:<br />

A. Severe hepatic impairment<br />

B. Women who are or may become pregnant<br />

C. Known heart disease<br />


Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Oncologist or Hematologist<br />


2 months<br />



Antizol® is indicated:<br />

A. Ethylene Glycol Poisoning<br />

B. Methanol Poisoning<br />

<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Antizol® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Patient is suffering from acute methanol or ethylene glycol poisoning<br />

B. AND verification of all B vs. D criteria indicate coverage by Part D<br />


Antizol® is NOT covered for members with the following criteria:<br />

A. Known hypersensitivity to fomepizole or other pyrazoles<br />



Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


3 days<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />

ATGAM<br />


Atgam® is indicated:<br />

A. Aplastic Anemia<br />

B. Kidney Transplant Rejection or prophylaxis<br />


Atgam® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Patient is receiving concomitant immunosuppressive therapy<br />

B. AND verification of all B vs. D criteria indicate coverage by Part D<br />


Atgam® is NOT covered for members with the following criteria:<br />

A. Patients not receiving concomitant immunosuppressive therapy<br />

B. Medication should be administered through Medicare Part B<br />



Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Initial authorization: 14 days<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />

AVONEX<br />


Avonex® is indicated:<br />

A. For the treatment of patients with relapsing forms of multiple sclerosis to slow the<br />

accumulation of physicial disability and decrease the frequency of clinical<br />

exacerbations. Safety and efficacy in patients with chronic progressive multiple<br />

sclerosis have not been established.<br />


Avonex® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. The prescribing provider is a neurologist or has obtained a consult from the listed<br />

specialty.<br />

B. AND the diagnosis is documented as Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis.<br />

(Avonex® does not have the indication for primary progressive, secondary<br />

progressive or progressive relapsing multiple sclerosis).<br />

C. AND the patient has a history of at least two focal neurological deficits (e.g., loss<br />

of vision, double vision, localized numbness, localized weakness, walking gait<br />

abnormalities, slurred speech, tingling) in which the second deficit followed after<br />

the resolution of the first deficit.<br />

D. AND an MRI has been performed and is suggestive of multiple sclerosis<br />

(evidence of lesion).<br />

E. AND the patient will NOT be receiving Avonex® therapy in combination with<br />

interferon-beta therapy (e.g., Rebif®, or Betaseron®), Copaxone® or<br />

mitoxantrone. (Please verify that the patient is not on duplicate therapy by<br />

reviewing the patient’s drug history or chart).<br />

F. AND if the patient has received previous Avonex® therapy, the provider can<br />

document a decrease in the frequency of clinical relapses OR slowing in the<br />

progression of the disease OR the patient has remained stable OR lesions on MRI<br />

have diminished after initiation of therapy.<br />


Avonex® is NOT covered for members with the following criteria:<br />

A. The prescribing provider is NOT a neurologist or the prescribing provider has<br />

NOT obtained a consult from the listed specialty.<br />

B. The diagnosis is NOT documented as Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis.<br />

C. The diagnosis is documented as primary progressive, secondary progressive or<br />

progressive relapsing multiple sclerosis.<br />

D. The patient has NO history of at least two focal neurological deficits.<br />

E. The patient has a history of at least two focal neurological deficits but the initial<br />

deficit did not resolve before the start of the second deficit.<br />

F. An MRI has NOT been performed.<br />

G. An MRI has been performed but is NOT suggestive of multiple sclerosis (no<br />

evidence of lesion).<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />

AVONEX<br />

(Continued)<br />

H. The patient will be receiving Avonex® therapy in combination with interferonbeta<br />

therapy (e.g., Rebif® or Betaseron®), Copaxone® or mitoxantrone.<br />

I. If the patient has received previous Avonex® therapy and he/she cannot show a<br />

decrease in the frequency of clinical relapses or slowing in the progression of the<br />

disease or a decrease in the lesions on MRI or stability of the disease.<br />


Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Neurologist<br />


Plan Year<br />



Azathioprine is indicated:<br />

A. Kidney rejection prophylaxis<br />

B. Rheumatoid arthritis<br />

<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Azathioprine is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Patient is diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis<br />

a. Failure to 3 months therapy of NSAIDs<br />

B. Kidney Transplant Prophylaxis<br />

a. Coverage of Kidney transplant is not covered or was not covered by<br />

Medicare Part B<br />


Azathioprine is NOT covered for members with the following criteria:<br />

A. Kidney transplantation or other form of transplant surgery was covered by<br />

Medicare Part B.<br />



Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Plan Year<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />

BANZEL<br />


Banzel® is indicated:<br />

A. For treatment of Lennox-Gastaut syndrome<br />


Banzel® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Patient must be diagnosed with Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome<br />

B. Patient must be 4 years old or greater.<br />


Banzel® is NOT covered for members with the following criteria:<br />

A. Diagnosis is NOT Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome<br />

B. Patient is less than 4 years old<br />

C. Patient is diagnosed with Familial Short QT Syndrome<br />



Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Plan Year<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Betaseron® is indicated:<br />

A. For the treatment of relapsing forms of multiple sclerosis to reduce the frequency<br />

of clinical exacerbations. Patients with multiple sclerosis in whom efficacy has<br />

been demonstrated include patients who have experienced a first clinical episode<br />

and have MRI features consistent with multiple sclerosis.<br />


Betaseron® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. The prescribing provider is a neurologist or has obtained a consult from the listed<br />

specialty.<br />

B. AND the diagnosis is documented as Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis.<br />

(Betaseron® does not have the indication for primary progressive, secondary<br />

progressive or progressive relapsing multiple sclerosis).<br />

C. AND the patient has a history of at least two focal neurological deficits (e.g., loss<br />

of vision, double vision, localized numbness, localized weakness, walking gait<br />

abnormalities, slurred speech, tingling) in which the second deficit followed after<br />

the resolution of the first deficit. AND an MRI has been performed and is<br />

suggestive of multiple sclerosis (evidence of lesion).<br />

D. AND the patient will NOT be receiving Betaseron® therapy in combination with<br />

interferon-beta therapy (e.g., Rebif®, or Avonex®), Copaxone® or mitoxantrone.<br />

(Please verify that the patient is not on duplicate therapy by reviewing the<br />

patient’s drug history or chart).<br />

E. AND if the patient has received previous Betaseron® therapy, the provider can<br />

document a decrease in the frequency of clinical relapses OR slowing in the<br />

progression of the disease OR the patient has remained stable OR lesions on MRI<br />

have diminished after initiation of therapy.<br />


Betaseron® is NOT covered for members with the following criteria:<br />

A. A.The prescribing provider is NOT a neurologist or the prescribing provider has<br />

NOT obtained a consult from the listed specialty.<br />

B. B.The diagnosis is NOT documented as Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis.<br />

C. The diagnosis is documented as primary progressive, secondary progressive or<br />

progressive relapsing multiple sclerosis.<br />

D. The patient has NO history of at least two focal neurological deficits.<br />

E. The patient has a history of at least two focal neurological deficits but the initial<br />

deficit did not resolve before the start of the second deficit.<br />

F. An MRI has NOT been performed.<br />

G. An MRI has been performed but is NOT suggestive of multiple sclerosis (no<br />

evidence of lesion).<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />


(Continued)<br />

H. The patient will be receiving Betaseron® therapy in combination with interferonbeta<br />

therapy (e.g., Rebif® or Avonex®), Copaxone® or mitoxantrone.<br />

I. If the patient has received previous Betaseron® therapy and he/she cannot show a<br />

decrease in the frequency of clinical relapses or slowing in the progression of the<br />

disease or a decrease in the lesions on MRI or stability of the disease.<br />


Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Neurologist<br />


Plan Year<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Buphenyl® is indicated:<br />

A. Argininosuccinic acid synthease deficiency<br />

B. Carbamoyl Phosphate synthetase deficiency<br />

C. Ornithine Transcarbamoylase deficiency<br />


Buphenyl® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Buphenyl® is used to treat urea cycle disorders diagnosed by FDA approved<br />

indications as stated above<br />


Buphenyl® is NOT covered for members with the following criteria:<br />

A. To treat hyperammonemia<br />


Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Endocrinologist<br />


Plan Year<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />

BYETTA<br />


Byetta® is indicated:<br />

A. For adjunctive therapy to improve glycemic control in patients with type-2<br />

diabetes mellitus who are taking metformin, a sulfonylurea, a thiazolidinedione, a<br />

combination of metformin and a sulfonylurea, or a combination of metformin and<br />

a thiazolidinedione, but have not achieved adequate glycemic control.<br />


Byetta® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. The patient is diagnosed as having type-2 diabetes.<br />

B. AND the patient has an HbA1c level greater than 7.<br />

C. AND the patient’s current drug therapy includes metformin (eg. Metformin,<br />

Avandiamet®, or ActoPlus Met®) and therapy has been escalated to the highest<br />

tolerated dose, (Please verify that the patient has received metformin therapy by<br />

reviewing the patient’s drug history). OR if the patient is unable to take<br />

metformin due to clinical contraindications they can substitute the metformin<br />

requirement with a maximum tolerated dose of a sulfonylurea (chorpropramide,<br />

tolazamide, glipizide, glimepiride, or glyburide).<br />

D. AND the patient’s current drug therapy includes a thiazolidnedione (eg.<br />

Avandia®, Avandiamet®, Actos® or ActoPlus Met®) and therapy has been<br />

escalated to the highest tolerated dose. (Please verify that the patient has received<br />

thiazolidnedione therapy by reviewing the patient’s drug history).<br />

E. AND the patient has a creatinine clearance of greater than 30 ml/minute or normal<br />

kidney function.<br />

F. AND the patient does NOT have severe GI disease.<br />

G. AND the patient does NOT have gastroparesis.<br />

H. AND evidence of diagnosis and HbA1c is documented in the patient’s chart notes<br />

provided by the prescribing provider.<br />

I. AND if the patient has received previous Byetta® therapy, the physician must<br />

show a documented reduction in the patient’s HbA1c since initiating Byetta®<br />

therapy.<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />

BYETTA<br />

(Continued)<br />


Byetta® is NOT covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. The patient has NOT been diagnosed as having type-2 diabetes.<br />

B. The patient has an HbA1c level less than 7.<br />

C. The patient’s current drug therapy does NOT include metformin (eg. Metformin,<br />

Avandiamet®, or ActoPlus Met®) and therapy has NOT been escalated to the<br />

highest tolerated dose, (Please verify that the patient has received metformin<br />

therapy by reviewing the patient’s drug history). OR if the patient is unable to<br />

take metformin due to clinical contraindications they have NOT substituted the<br />

metformin requirement with a maximum tolerated dose of a sulfonylurea<br />

(chorpropramide, tolazamide, glipizide, glimepiride, or glyburide).<br />

D. The patient’s current drug therapy does NOT include a thiazolidnedione (eg.<br />

Avandia®, Avandiamet®, Actos® or ActoPlus Met®) and therapy has NOT been<br />

escalated to the highest tolerated dose. (Please verify that the patient has<br />

received thiazolidnedione therapy by reviewing the patient’s drug history).<br />

E. The patient has a creatinine clearance of less than 30 ml/minute.<br />

F. The patient has severe GI disease.<br />

G. The patient has gastroparesis.<br />

H. No evidence of diagnosis or HbA1c is documented in the patient’s chart notes<br />

provided by the prescribing provider.<br />

I. If the patient has received previous Byetta® therapy, and the physician has NOT<br />

shown a documented reduction in the patient’s HbA1c since initiating Byetta®<br />

therapy.<br />

J. Diagnosis is documented as weight loss.<br />

K. Diagnosis is documented as type-1 diabetes.<br />

L. Diagnosis is documented as ketoacidosis.<br />



Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Plan Year<br />



Campath® is indicated:<br />

A. Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia<br />

<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Campath® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Campath® is approved for the diagnosis of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia<br />

B. AND if the medication meets B vs. D determination that the medication should be<br />

covered by Medicare Part D<br />


Campath® is NOT covered for members with the following criteria:<br />

A. To treat non-FDA indications<br />


Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Oncologist<br />


Plan Year<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Campral® delayed-release tablets are indicated for maintenance of abstinence from<br />

alcohol in patients with alcohol dependence that are abstinent at treatment initiation.<br />


Campral® delayed-release tablets are covered for members who meet the following<br />

criteria:<br />

A. Clinical diagnosis for alcohol dependence<br />

B. AND clinical evidence indicated that the consumer will be abstinent at least 5<br />

days prior treatment initiation.<br />

C. AND a trial of naltrexone (oral/injectable) has been attempted, at clinically<br />

significant dosage and duration. Or therapy is documented to be clinically<br />

inappropriate (hepatic insufficiency, chronic pain medication use).<br />

D. AND medication administration should be part of a comprehensive psychosocial<br />

treatment program.<br />


Campral® delayed-release tablets are NOT covered for members with the following<br />

criteria:<br />

A. For patients who cannot reach abstinence prior to therapy initiation<br />



Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


6 months<br />



Camptosar® is indicated:<br />

A. Colorectal Cancer<br />

<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Camptosar® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Camptosar® is approved for the diagnosis of Colorectal Cancer<br />

B. AND if the medication meets B vs. D determination that the medication should be<br />

covered by Medicare Part D<br />


Camptosar® is NOT covered for members with the following criteria:<br />

A. To treat non-FDA indications<br />


Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Oncologist<br />


Plan Year<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Immune Globulin is indicated:<br />

A. For the treatment of primary immunodeficiency<br />

B. For the treatment of idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura<br />

C. For the treatment of Kawasaki disease<br />


Immune Globulin is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Verify B vs. D criteria per CMS guidelines<br />

a. Treatment of hypergammaglobulinemia<br />

B. AND the patient is diagnosed with primary immunodeficiency<br />

C. OR the patient is diagnosed with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura<br />

D. OR the patient is diagnosed with Kawasaki disease<br />


Immune globulin is NOT covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Medication is covered by Part B per CMS guidelines<br />

B. The diagnosis is NOT hypergammaglobulinemia, primary immunodeficiency, OR<br />

Kawasaki disease<br />



Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


6 months<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Cellcept® is indicated:<br />

A. Heart Transplant Rejection Prophylaxis<br />

B. Kidney Transplant Rejection Prophylaxis<br />

C. Liver Transplant Rejection Prophylaxis<br />


Cellcept® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. If the patient is female and of childbearing years, she is NOT pregnant, has NO<br />

plans for pregnancy and has been educated on the potential dangers of Cellcept®<br />

therapy.<br />

B. AND diagnosis is documented as the prophylaxis of organ rejection in a patient<br />

receiving or received an organ transplant.<br />

C. AND the transplant was NOT covered by Medicare Part A/B. (Please verify the<br />

payer of the transplant. If Medicare paid for the transplant, Cellcept® is covered<br />

by Medicare Part A/B).<br />

D. AND approval can be allowed for up to one year.<br />


Cellcept® is NOT covered for members with the following criteria:<br />

A. Hypersensitivity to Mycophenolate<br />

B. The patient is female and of childbearing years and is pregnant or has plans for<br />

pregnancy.<br />

C. The diagnosis is NOT documented as prophylaxis of organ rejection after<br />

receiving an organ transplant or a compendia listed indication.<br />

D. The transplant was paid for by Medicare Part A/B<br />



Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Plan Year<br />



Ceredase® is indicated:<br />

A. Gaucher’s disease<br />

<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Ceredase® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Patient has documented diagnosis of Gaucher’s disease<br />

B. AND can not tolerate Imiglucerase therapy<br />

C. AND B vs. D criteria is determined that this medication should be paid for by<br />

Medicare Part D<br />


Ceredase® is NOT covered for members with the following criteria:<br />

A. Patients who can tolerate Imiglucerase therapy<br />

B. When therapy is covered by Medicare Part B<br />



Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Plan Year<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Cerezyme® is indicated:<br />

A. For long-term enzyme replacement therapy for pediatric and adult patients with a<br />

confirmed diagnosis of type-1 Gaucher disease that results in one or more of the<br />

following conditions: Anemia, thrombocytopenia, bone disease, hepatomegaly or<br />

splenomegaly.<br />


Cerezyme® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Diagnosis is documented as mild-to-moderate type-1 Gaucher disease.<br />

B. AND diagnosis has been confirmed by bone marrow histology, DNA testing or<br />

measurement of b-glucocerebrosidase enzyme activity less than 30%.<br />

C. AND the patient has at least one of the following conditions: Anemia,<br />

thrombocytopenia, bone disease, hepatomegaly or splenomegaly.<br />

D. AND if the patient has previously received 24 months of Cerezyme® therapy,<br />

they must show a decrease in liver and spleen volume and/or increases in platelet<br />

count and/or increases in hemoglobin concentration since starting therapy.<br />


Cerezyme® is NOT covered for members with the following criteria:<br />

A. The diagnosis is NOT documented as mild-to moderate type-1 Gaucher disease.<br />

B. Diagnosis has NOT been confirmed by bone marrow histology, DNA testing or<br />

measurement of enzyme activity.<br />

C. The patient does not have at least one of the following conditions: Anemia,<br />

thrombocytopenia, bone disease, hepatomegaly or splenomegaly.<br />

D. If the patient has previously received 24 months of Cerezyme® therapy and they<br />

have NOT shown a decrease in liver and spleen volume and/or increases in<br />

platelet count and/or increases in hemoglobin concentration since starting therapy.<br />


Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Endocrinologist<br />


Plan Year<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />

CIMZIA<br />


Cimzia® is indicated:<br />

A. For treatment of moderately to severely active Crohn’s disease to reduce signs<br />

and symptoms and to maintain clinical response in patient who have an<br />

inadequate response to conventional therapy.<br />


Cimzia® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Verification of B vs D criteria per CMS guidelines<br />

B. Patient has NO history of auto immune disease, recurring infections, heart failure,<br />

immuno suppression or malignancies.<br />

C. AND the diagnosis is documented as Crohn’s Disease<br />

D. AND the patient has tried, failed and/or had an inadequate response to a 60-day<br />

trial of at least two Crohn’s disease conventional therapies that may include the<br />

following: Sulfazalazine, Azulfidine®, balsalazide, Colazal®, mesalamine,<br />

Asacol®, Canasa®, Lialda®, Pentasa®, Rowasa®, azathioprine, Imuran®,<br />

cyclosporine, Neoral®, Sandimmune®, Gengraf®, methotrexate, mercaptopurine,<br />

or Purinethol®.<br />

E. OR if the patient has received previous Cimzia® therapy, the patient must see an<br />

improvement in clinical symptoms that can include reduced abdominal pain,<br />

diarrhea, cramps, and/or fistulas.<br />

F. AND the patient will NOT receive combination therapy with other biologic<br />

and/or retinoid therapy. (Eg. Enbrel®, Humira®, Remicade®, Kineret®,<br />

Orencia®, Soriatane® Tysabri®, Raptiva® and Rituxan®. (Please verify that the<br />

patient is not on duplicate therapy by reviewing the patient’s drug history or<br />

chart).<br />

G. AND evidence of diagnosis, previous failed therapy, or clinical improvement is<br />

documented in patient’s chart notes provided by prescribing provider.<br />


Cimzia® is NOT covered for members with the following criteria:<br />

A. Medication is paid for by Part B<br />

B. Patient has a history of auto immune disease, recurring infections, heart failure,<br />

immuno suppression or malignancies.<br />

C. The prescribing provider is NOT a gastroenterologist or obtained a consult from<br />

the listed specialty.<br />

D. The diagnosis is NOT documented as severe Crohn’s disease<br />

E. The diagnosis is listed as ulcerative colitis.<br />

F. The patient has NOT failed at least two 60-day conventional drug regimens.<br />

G. If the patient is receiving combination therapy that includes any one of the<br />

following medications: Enbrel®, Humira®, Remicade®, Tysabri®, Kineret®,<br />

Orencia®, Soriatane® or Rituxan®.<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />

CIMZIA<br />

(Continued)<br />

H. If the patient has received previous Cimzia® therapy and the provider has NOT<br />

shown an improvement in clinical symptoms.<br />

I. Evidence of diagnosis, previous failed therapy and symptoms are NOT<br />

documented in patient’s chart notes provided by the prescribing provider.<br />


Chart notes documenting previous trial failure of at least TWO of the following:<br />

Sulfazalazine, Azulfidine®, balsalazide, Colazal®, mesalamine, Asacol®, Canasa®,<br />

Lialda®, Pentasa®, Rowasa®, azathioprine, Imuran®, cyclosporine, Neoral®,<br />

Sandimmune®, Gengraf®, methotrexate, mercaptopurine, or Purinethol®.<br />


Patient must be 18 years of age or greater<br />


Gastroenterologist<br />


Plan Year<br />



Cladribine is indicated:<br />

A. Hairy Cell Leukemia<br />

<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Cladribine is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Patient is diagnosed with Hairy Cell Leukemia<br />

B. AND is being diagnosed by an Oncologist<br />

C. AND the medication meets B vs. D determination criteria that authorized<br />

coverage to Medicare Part D<br />


Cladribine is NOT covered for members with the following criteria:<br />

A. Non FDA approved indications<br />


Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Oncologist<br />


7 days<br />



Amnesteem® is indicated:<br />

A. Acne Vulgaris<br />

B. Cystic Acne<br />

<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Amnesteem® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. For the treatment of Acne Vulgaris and Cystic Acne<br />

B. AND Prescribed by a dermatologist<br />

C. AND documentation of failure oral antibiotics for 3 months<br />

D. AND documentation of failure of topical acne preparations for 3 months (benzoyl<br />

peroxide, topical tretinoin cream, topical antibiotics)<br />

E. AND in female patients a negative pregnancy test, mother is not breast feeding, or<br />

intentions of pregnancy<br />

F. AND No history of depression<br />


Amnestem® is NOT covered for members with the following criteria:<br />

A. Severe hepatic impairment<br />

B. Women who are or may become pregnant, or breast feeding<br />

C. History of depression<br />

D. Hypersensitivity to retenoids<br />


Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Dermatologist<br />


20 months<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Colony Stimulating Factor is indicated:<br />

A. Chemotherapy Induced Neutropenia<br />

B. Febrile Neutropenia<br />

C. Neutropenia<br />

D. Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Mobilization<br />


Colony Stimulating Factor is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Patient is diagnosed with approved indication as stated above<br />

B. AND lab values indicate necessity for therapy (Chart Notes required to<br />

substantiate need)<br />

C. AND B vs. D criteria indicates that coverage should be through Medicare Part D<br />


Colony Stimulating Factor is NOT covered for members with the following criteria:<br />

A. Inadequate chart notes to substantiate need for Colony Stimulating Factor<br />


Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Oncologist<br />


3 months<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Copaxone® is indicated:<br />

A. For reduction of the frequency of relapses in patients with Relapsing-Remitting<br />

Multiple Sclerosis.<br />

B. All other FDA approved indications not otherwise excluded from Part D.<br />


Copaxone® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. The prescribing provider is a neurologist or has obtained a consult from the listed<br />

specialty.<br />

B. AND the diagnosis is documented as Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis.<br />

(Copaxone® does not have the indication for primary progressive, secondary<br />

progressive or progressive relapsing multiple sclerosis).<br />

C. AND the patient has a history of at least two focal neurological deficits (e.g., loss<br />

of vision, double vision, localized numbness, localized weakness, walking gait<br />

abnormalities, slurred speech, tingling) in which the second deficit followed after<br />

the resolution of the first deficit.<br />

D. AND the patient will NOT be receiving Copaxone® therapy in combination with<br />

interferon-beta therapy (e.g., Rebif®, Avonex®, or Betaseron®) or mitoxantrone.<br />

(Please verify that the patient is not on duplicate therapy by reviewing the<br />

patient’s drug history or chart).<br />

E. AND if the patient has received previous Copaxone® therapy, the provider can<br />

document a decrease in the frequency of clinical relapses OR slowing in the<br />

progression of the disease OR the patient has remained stable OR lesions on MRI<br />

have diminished after initiating therapy.<br />


Copaxone® is NOT covered for members with the following criteria:<br />

A. The prescribing provider is NOT a neurologist or the prescribing provider has<br />

NOT obtained a consult from the listed specialty.<br />

B. The diagnosis is NOT documented as Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis.<br />

C. The diagnosis is documented as primary progressive, secondary progressive or<br />

progressive relapsing multiple sclerosis.<br />

D. The patient has NO history of at least two focal neurological deficits.<br />

E. The patient has a history of at least two focal neurological deficits but the initial<br />

deficit did not resolve before the start of the second deficit.<br />

F. An MRI has NOT been performed.<br />

G. An MRI has been performed but is NOT suggestive of multiple sclerosis (no<br />

evidence of lesion).<br />

H. The patient will be receiving Copaxone® therapy in combination with interferonbeta<br />

therapy (e.g., Rebif®, Avonex®, or Betaseron®) or mitoxantrone.<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />


(Continued)<br />

I. If the patient has received previous Copaxone® therapy and he/she cannot show a<br />

decrease in the frequency of clinical relapses or slowing in the progression of the<br />

disease or a decrease in the lesions on MRI or stability of the disease.<br />


Chart Notes<br />


Neurologist<br />


Plan Year<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Cyclophosphamide is indicated:<br />

A. Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia<br />

B. Acute Myelogenous Leukemia<br />

C. Breast Cancer<br />

D. Burkitt’s Lymphoma<br />

E. Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia<br />

F. Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia<br />

G. Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma<br />

H. Hodgkin’s Disease<br />

I. Multiple Myeloma<br />

J. Mycosis Fungoides<br />

K. Nephrotic Syndrome<br />

L. Neuroblastoma<br />

M. Non-Hodkin’s Lymphoma<br />

N. Ovarian Cancer<br />

O. Retinoblastoma<br />

P. Malignant histiocytosis<br />

Q. All other FDA approved<br />

indications not otherwise<br />

excluded from Part D<br />


Cyclophosphamide is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Patient is diagnosed with FDA indicated diagnosis as described above<br />

B. AND the medication meets B vs. D determination criteria that authorized<br />

coverage to Medicare Part D<br />


Cyclophosphamide is NOT covered for members with the following criteria:<br />

A. Non FDA approved indications<br />


Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Oncologist<br />


Initial authorization: 1 month<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Cyclosporine is indicated:<br />

A. Heart Transplant Prophylaxis<br />

B. Kidney Transplant Prophylaxis<br />

C. Liver Transplant Prophylaxis<br />

D. Psoriasis<br />

E. Rheumatoid Arthiritis<br />

F. All other FDA approved indications not otherwise excluded from Part D<br />


Cyclosporine is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Approved for all prophylaxis diagnoses as described above (Heart, Kidney, Liver)<br />

B. AND prescribed by Transplant Surgeon<br />

C. AND B vs. D determination has been established that medication should be<br />

covered by Medicare Part D<br />

D. If diagnosis of Psoriasis must be diagnosed by a Dermatologist<br />

E. AND documented failure to at least two different topical steroids<br />


Cyclosporine is NOT covered for members with the following criteria:<br />

A. Non FDA approved indications<br />


Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Oncologist<br />


Plan Year<br />



Cyklokapron® is indicated:<br />

A. Bleeding Prophylaxis<br />

B. Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding<br />

C. Hemophilia A/B<br />

D. Hemorrhage<br />

<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Cyklokapron® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Patient is diagnosed with FDA approved indications as stated above<br />

B. AND the patient meets B vs. D determination that requires Medicare Part D<br />

payment<br />


Cyklokapron® is NOT covered for members with the following criteria:<br />

B. Non-FDA approved indications<br />



Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


1 month<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Cytarabine is indicated:<br />

A. Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia<br />

B. Acute Myelogenous Leukemia<br />

C. Carcinomatous meningitis<br />

D. Chronic Myelogernous Leukemia<br />

E. All other FDA approved indications not otherwise excluded from Part D<br />


Cytarabine is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Patient is diagnosed with FDA approved indications as stated above<br />

B. AND medication is being prescribed by an Oncologist<br />

C. AND patient does not have an active infection<br />

D. AND the patient meets B vs. D determination that requires Medicare Part D<br />

payment<br />


Cytarabine® is NOT covered for members with the following criteria:<br />

A. Non-FDA approved indications<br />


Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Oncologist<br />


Plan Year<br />



Dacogen® is indicated for:<br />

A. Myelodysplastic Syndrome<br />

<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Dacogen® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Patient is diagnosed with Myelodysplastic Syndrome<br />

B. AND medication is prescribed by an Oncologist<br />

C. AND B vs. D criteria is met to ensure coverage should be through Medicare Part<br />

D.<br />


Dacogen® is NOT covered for members with the following criteria:<br />

A. Non-FDA approved indications<br />

B. Patient is pregnant<br />

C. Children<br />


Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Oncologist<br />


24 weeks<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Durezol® is indicated:<br />

A. For treatment of postoperative ocular pain<br />

B. For treatment of postoperative ocular inflammation<br />


Durezol® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Prescribed by Ophthalmologist<br />

B. Must be used for postoperative ocular pain OR postoperative ocular inflammation<br />


Durezol® is NOT covered for members with the following criteria:<br />

A. Prescribed by non-ophthalmologist<br />

B. Used for non-postoperative treatment<br />


Opthalmologist<br />



Chart notes per Covered Uses<br />


4 weeks<br />



Elaprase® is indicated:<br />

A. Hunter Syndrome<br />

<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Elaprase is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Approve only for patients diagnosed with mucopolysaccharidosis II (Hunter<br />

Syndrome)<br />


Elaprase® is NOT covered for members with the following criteria:<br />

A. Non-FDA approved indications<br />


Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Endocrinologist<br />


Plan Year<br />



Elidel® is indicated:<br />

A. Atopic dermatitis (eczema)<br />

<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />

ELIDEL<br />


Elidel® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Diagnosis is documented as atopic dermatitis or eczema<br />

B. The prescribing physician is a dermatologist<br />

C. The patient is age 2 or older<br />

D. Patients greater than 12 years of age have completed a documented trial and<br />

failure of first-line agents including high potency topical steroids or have<br />

documented intolerance or unresponsiveness to high potency topical steroids.<br />

E. The patient is not immunocompromised<br />


Elidel® is NOT covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. The documented diagnosis is NOT atopic dermatitis or eczema<br />

B. The prescribing physician is NOT a dermatologist<br />

C. The patient is less than 2 years old<br />

D. Patients greater than 12 years of age who have NOT completed a documented<br />

trial and failure of first-line agents including high potency steroids<br />

E. The patient is immunocompromised<br />

F. The patient has used Elidel® for 6 weeks or more without improvement<br />


Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Dermatologist<br />


Plan Year<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Eligard® is indicated:<br />

A. For the palliative treatment of advanced prostate cancer, particularly when<br />

orchiectomy or estrogen therapy are not indicated or are unacceptable<br />

B. For the management of endometriosis including pain relief and reduction of<br />

endometriotic lesions<br />

C. For the treatment of central precocious puberty (idiopathic or neurogenic) in<br />

children less than 8 or 9 years old<br />

D. For the preoperative treatment of anemia due to uterine leiomyomata (fibroids) in<br />

combination with iron supplementation when iron therapy alone fails to correct<br />

the anemia<br />


Eligard® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. The documented diagnosis is one of the FDA approved indications listed above.<br />

B. If the diagnosis is advanced prostate cancer, orchiectomy or estrogen therapy are<br />

documented as unacceptable.<br />

C. If the diagnosis is endometriosis the patient has completed documented trial and<br />

failures of oral contraceptives, medroxyprogesterone, and Danazol<br />

D. If the diagnosis is precocious puberty, patient must be less than 9 years old<br />

E. AND verification of all B vs. D criteria indicate coverage by Part D<br />


Eligard® is NOT covered for members with the following criteria:<br />

A. If there is not a documented diagnosis as listed under the FDA-approved<br />

indications above.<br />

B. If the diagnosis is advanced prostate cancer, orchiectomy or estrogen therapy are<br />

not indicated for are unacceptable.<br />

C. If the diagnosis is endometriosis, the patient has completed a documented trial<br />

and failure of oral contraceptives, medroxyprogesterone, and Danazol.<br />

D. If the diagnosis is precocious puberty, the patient must be less than 9 years old at<br />

beginning of treatment. Treatment should be discontinued before age 11 for<br />

females and age 12 for males.<br />

E. If the patient is female and she is pregnant, has plans for pregnancy or has NOT<br />

been educated on the potential dangers of Lupron® therapy in pregnancy.<br />


Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Oncologist<br />


6 months<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />

ELITEK<br />


Elitek® is indicated:<br />

A. For the prevention of hyperuricemia in patients with leukemia, lymphoma, or<br />

solid tumor malignancies who are receiving anti-cancer therapy expected to result<br />

in tumor lysis<br />


Elitek® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. The prescribing physician is a board certified oncologist.<br />

B. AND the use is documented as prevention of hyperuricemia<br />

C. AND the patient has leukemia, lymphoma or a solid tumor malignancy<br />

D. AND the patient is receiving chemotherapy expected to result in tumor lysis<br />

E. AND verification of all B vs. D criteria indicate coverage by Part D<br />


Elitek® is NOT covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. The prescribing physician is NOT a board certified oncologist<br />

B. The use is NOT documented as prevention of hyperuricemia<br />

C. The patient does NOT have leukemia, lymphoma or a solid tumor malignancy<br />

D. The patient is NOT receiving chemotherapy expected to result in tumor lysis<br />


Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Oncologist<br />


Plan Year<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Eloxatin® is indicated:<br />

A. For the treatment of stage III colon cancer patients who have undergone complete<br />

resection of the primary tumor<br />

B. For the treatment of advanced colorectal cancer<br />


Eloxatin® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. The prescribing physician is a board certified oncologist.<br />

B. AND if the patient is female and of childbearing years, she is NOT pregnant, has<br />

NO plans for pregnancy and has been educated on the potential dangers of<br />

Eloxatin® therapy in pregnancy.<br />

C. AND the diagnosis is documented as treatment for stage III colon cancer and the<br />

patient has undergone complete resection of the primary tumor, or advanced<br />

colorectal cancer.<br />

D. AND Eloxatin® is to be administered with infusional 5-fluorouracil and<br />

leucovorin.<br />


Eloxatin® is NOT covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. The prescribing physician is NOT a board certified oncologist or nephrologist.<br />

B. If the patient is female and she is pregnant, has plans for pregnancy or has NOT<br />

been educated on the potential dangers of Eloxatin ® therapy in pregnancy.<br />

C. The diagnosis is NOT documented as treatment for stage III colon cancer and the<br />

patient has undergone complete resection of the primary tumor, or advanced<br />

colorectal cancer.<br />

D. Eloxatin® is NOT administered with infusional 5-fluorouracil and leucovorin.<br />


Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Oncologist<br />


Plan Year<br />



Emend® is indicated:<br />

A. Nausea/Vomitting<br />

<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />

EMEND<br />


Emend® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Documented trial and failure to Ondansetron<br />

B. Part B will be billed if the medication is being used for cancer treatment and as a<br />

“full replacement” of intravenous administration within 48 hours of cancer<br />

treatment and<br />

C. The physical prescription written by the prescriber states: “As a full therapeutic<br />

replacement for an intravenous anti-emetic drug as part of a cancer<br />

chemotherapeutic regiment.”<br />

D. If the requirements in Step A and B are verified then 48 hours of therapy will be<br />

billed to Part B.<br />

E. If the requirements in Step 1 and 2 are not met, 48 hours past the administration<br />

of chemotherapy, or the initial 48 hours supply has been dispensed then the<br />

medication will be billed to Part D.<br />

Emend must also meet the above criteria and the following to be covered under Part B:<br />

A. Administered in combination with a 5HT 3 Antagonist (Zofran, Kytril, Anzemet)<br />

and dexamethasone.<br />

B. Beneficiary has received one or more of the following chemotherapeutic agents:<br />

a. Carmustine (BiCNU)<br />

b. Cisplatin (Platinol)<br />

c. Cyclophosphamide<br />

(Cytoxan)<br />

d. Dacarbazine (DTIC-<br />

Dome)<br />


Emend® is NOT covered for members with the following criteria:<br />

A. Non-FDA approved indications<br />

B. Nausea from non-oncologic related conditions or medications<br />

C. Has not had trial and failure to Ondansetron<br />


Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />

e. Mechlorethamine<br />

(Mustargen)<br />

f. Streptozocin (Zanosar)<br />

g. Doxorubicin<br />

(Adriamycin)<br />

h. Epirubicin (Ellence)<br />

i. Lomustine (CeeNu)<br />


Oncologist<br />


6 months<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />

EMSAM<br />


EMSAM® is indicated for:<br />

A. The treatment of major depressive disorder.<br />

B. All other FDA approved indications not otherwise excluded from Part D<br />


EMSAM® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Clinical diagnosis of major depressive disorder not responsive other<br />

antidepressants<br />

B. At least 2 documented trials (clinically sufficient dose and duration) of the<br />

following: Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRI),<br />

Serotonin/Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors (SNRI), bupropion, mirtazapine, or<br />

tricyclic/tetracyclic antidepressants<br />

C. Clinical diagnosis of major depressive disorder for those patients who cannot take<br />

any oral preparations (including commercially available liquid antidepressants).<br />

D. For requests over 6mg/24 hours, patient must agree to adhere to a tyramine<br />

restrictive diet.<br />


EMSAM® is NOT covered for members with the following criteria:<br />

A. Recent pharmacy claims of the following, unless provider can document an<br />

appropriate medication discontinuation date.<br />

a. At least 4-5 half-lives (approximately 1 week) for the following<br />

medication and their active metabolites: SSRIs, SNRIs, TCAs, MAOIs,<br />

meperidine, other analgesics (tramadol, methadone, and propoxyphene),<br />

dextromethorphan, St.John’s wort, mirtazapine, bupropion, or buspirone.<br />

b. Claims within 5 weeks for fluoxetine.<br />

B. Concurrent selegiline treatment.<br />


Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Psychiatrist<br />


Plan Year<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />

ENBREL<br />


Enbrel® is indicated:<br />

A. For reducing signs and symptoms in patients with active ankylosing spondylitis.<br />

B. For the treatment of adult patients (18 years or older) with chronic moderate to<br />

severe plaque psoriasis who are candidates for systemic therapy or phototherapy.<br />

C. For reducing signs and symptoms of moderately to severely active polyarticularcourse<br />

juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA) in patients who have had an inadequate<br />

response to 1 (one) or more disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARD).<br />

D. For reducing signs and symptoms, inducing major clinical response, inhibiting the<br />

progression of structural damage, and improving physical function in patients<br />

with moderately to severely active rheumatoid arthritis. Enbrel® can be initiated<br />

in combination with methotrexate (MTX) or used alone.<br />

E. For reducing signs and symptoms, inhibiting the progression of structural damage<br />

of active arthritis, and improving physical function in patients with psoriatic<br />

arthritis. Enbrel® can be used in combination with methotrexate in patients who<br />

do not respond adequately to methotrexate alone.<br />


Enbrel® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Patient has NO history of auto immune disease, recurring infections, heart failure,<br />

immuno suppression or malignancies.<br />

B. AND the prescribing provider is a rheumatologist, dermatologist, orthopedist or<br />

has obtained a consult from the listed specialties.<br />

C. AND diagnosis is documented as moderate to severe active rheumatoid arthritis.<br />

a. AND the patient has at least four (4) of the following symptoms:<br />

i. Morning stiffness.<br />

ii. Arthritis of three (3) or more joint areas.<br />

iii. Arthritis of hand joints.<br />

iv. Symmetric arthritis.<br />

v. Rheumatoid nodules.<br />

vi. Serum rheumatoid factor.<br />

vii. Radiographic changes.<br />

b. AND the patient has had at least an 8-week maximum tolerated dose trial<br />

and failure to at least two 2 of the following DMARDS listed:<br />

Methotrexate, cyclosporine, Neoral®, Samdimmune®, Gengraf®,<br />

azathioprine, Imuran®, penicillamine, Cuprimine®, Depen®,<br />

sulfasalazine, Azulfidine®, leflunomide, Arava®, gold sodium thiomalate,<br />

Aurolate®, aurothioglucose, Solganal®, auranofin, Ridaura®,<br />

hydroxychoroquine, Plaquenil®. (Verification can be made by reviewing<br />

the patient’s drug history or patient’s chart).<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />

ENBREL<br />

(Continued)<br />

c. AND if the patient has received previous Enbrel® therapy, the provider<br />

must show an improvement in clinical symptoms that may include<br />

improvement in tender and swollen joint count, mobility, stiffness or delay<br />

in progression of disease.<br />

D. OR the diagnosis is juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.<br />

a. AND the age of the patient is 17 years old or less.<br />

b. AND the patient has had at least a 6-week duration of persistent arthritis in<br />

one or more joints.<br />

c. AND the patient has had at least an 8-week maximum tolerated dose trial<br />

and failure to at least two(2) of the following DMARDS listed:<br />

Methotrexate, cyclosporine, Neoral®, Samdimmune®, Gengraf®,<br />

azathioprine, Imuran®, penicillamine, Cuprimine®, Depen®,<br />

sulfasalazine, Azulfidine®, leflunomide, Arava®, gold sodium thiomalate,<br />

Aurolate®, aurothioglucose, Solganal®, auranofin, Ridaura®,<br />

hydroxychoroquine, Plaquenil®. (Verification can be made by reviewing<br />

the patient’s drug history or patient’s chart).<br />

d. AND if the patient has received previous Enbrel® therapy, the provider<br />

must show an improvement in clinical symptoms that may include<br />

improvement in tender and swollen joint count, mobility, stiffness or delay<br />

in progression of disease.<br />

E. OR the diagnosis is documented as psoriatic arthritis.<br />

a. AND the patient has at least one of the following symptoms:<br />

i. Three (3) or more swollen joints.<br />

ii. Three (3) or more tender joints.<br />

b. AND the patient has had at least an 8-week maximum tolerated dose trial<br />

and failure to at least two (2) of the following DMARDS listed:<br />

(methorexate, cyclosporine, Neoral®, Sandimmune®, Gengraf®,<br />

azathioprine, Imuran®, penicillamine, Cuprimine®, Depen®,<br />

sulfasalazine, Azulfidine®, leflunomide, Arava®, gold sodium thiomalate,<br />

Aurolate®, aurothioglucose, Solganal®, auranofin, Ridaura®,<br />

hydroxychoroquine, Plaquenil®) if methotrexate is contraindicated.<br />

(Verification can be made by reviewing the patient’s drug history or<br />

patient’s chart).<br />

c. AND if the patient has received previous Enbrel® therapy, the provider<br />

must show an improvement in clinical symptoms that may include<br />

improvement in tender and swollen joint count, mobility, stiffness or delay<br />

in progression of disease.<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />

ENBREL<br />

(Continued)<br />

F. OR the diagnosis is documented as active ankylosing spondylitis.<br />

a. AND the patient has tried and failed at least a 60-day trial of at least two<br />

non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) drugs that can include any two<br />

of the following medications: Diclofenac, etodolac, fenoprofen,<br />

flurbiprofen, ibuprofen, indomethacin, celecoxib, Celebrex®, ketoprofen,<br />

meclofenamate, nabumetone, naproxen, oxaprozin, piroxicam, sulinidac,<br />

or tolmetin. (Please verify that the patient has received NSAID therapy by<br />

reviewing the patient’s drug history).<br />

b. AND if the patient has received previous Enbrel® therapy, the provider<br />

must show an improvement in clinical symptoms that may include<br />

improvement in tender and swollen joint count, mobility, stiffness or delay<br />

in progression of disease.<br />

G. OR the diagnosis is documented as chronic moderate to severe plaque psoriasis.<br />

a. AND the patient has had the disease for 1 year or greater.<br />

b. AND the patient’s age is 18 years old or older.<br />

c. AND the involvement of plaque psoriasis is 10% or greater of the patient’s<br />

total body surface area (BSA) OR if the BSA is less than 10%, the plaque<br />

psoriasis must involve areas that will prevent the patient from performing<br />

crucial daily functions such as walking (eg. feet).<br />

d. AND the patient has tried and failed at least a 60-day trial of three (3)<br />

conventional therapies that may include any of the following:<br />

i. High potency topical steroid treatment.<br />

ii. Calcipotriene (Dovenex®)<br />

iii. Phototherapy.<br />

iv. Retinoids (Soriatane®)<br />

v. Methotrexate.<br />

vi. Cyclosporine.<br />

e. AND If this is the initial plaque psoriasis request for Enbrel®, 50 mg<br />

twice a week therapy is ONLY approved for 3 months. OR if the patient<br />

has received Enbrel® therapy for greater than three(3) months, the patient<br />

must see a significant reduction in plaque thickness, erythemia,<br />

desquamation and affected body surface area. AND therapy is only<br />

allowed 50 mg once a week. (Please verify patient’s chart notes to verify<br />

clinical improvement).<br />

f. AND the patient will NOT receive combination therapy with other<br />

biologic and retinoid therapy. (Eg. Humira®, Remicade®, Kineret®,<br />

Orencia®, Soriatane®, Raptiva® and Rituxan®. (Please verify that the<br />

patient is not on duplicate therapy by reviewing the patient’s drug history<br />

or chart).<br />

g. AND evidence of diagnosis, previous failed therapy or clinical<br />

improvement is documented in patient’s chart notes provided by<br />

prescribing provider.<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />

ENBREL<br />

(Continued)<br />


Enbrel® is NOT covered for members with the following criteria:<br />

A. The diagnosis is NOT documented as severe active rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile<br />

rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis or chronic<br />

moderate to severe plaque psoriasis.<br />

B. The diagnosis is listed as Crohn’s Disease or ulcerative colitis.<br />

C. If the diagnosis is listed as severe active rheumatoid arthritis, the patient does<br />

NOT have four of the listed symptoms.<br />

D. If the diagnosis is listed as severe active rheumatoid arthritis, the patient has NOT<br />

failed two 8-week maximum tolerated DMARD trials.<br />

E. If the diagnosis is juvenile rheumatoid arthritis and the patient is over the age of<br />

17 years old.<br />

F. If the diagnosis is juvenile rheumatoid arthritis and the patient has NOT had at<br />

least a 6-week duration of persistent arthritis on one or more joints.<br />

G. If the diagnosis is juvenile rheumatoid arthritis and the patient has NOT failed a<br />

two 8-week maximum tolerated DMARD trials.<br />

H. If the diagnosis is psoriatic arthritis and the patient does NOT have three swollen<br />

joints or three tender joints.<br />

I. If the diagnosis is psoriatic arthritis and the patient has NOT failed two 8-week<br />

maximum tolerated DMARD trials.<br />

J. If the diagnosis is ankylosing spondylitis and the patient has NOT failed two 60-<br />

day NSAID drug regimens.<br />

K. If the diagnosis is chronic moderate to severe plaque psoriasis and the patient has<br />

NOT had the disease for 1 year or greater.<br />

L. If the diagnosis is chronic moderate to severe plaque psoriasis and the<br />

involvement is less than 10% of body surface area or does NOT involve an area<br />

that will affect a critical daily function.<br />

M. If the diagnosis is chronic moderate to severe plaque psoriasis and the patient has<br />

NOT failed a 60-day trial to two conventional therapies.<br />

N. If the diagnosis is chronic moderate to severe plaque psoriases and the patient has<br />

received Enbrel® therapy greater than 3 months and the provider is requesting 50<br />

mg twice a week.<br />

O. If the diagnosis is chronic moderate to severe plaque psoriases and the patient has<br />

received Enbrel® therapy greater than 3 months and the patient has NOT shown a<br />

significant reduction in plaque thickness, erythemia, desquamation and affected<br />

BSA.<br />

P. If the patient is receiving combination therapy that includes any one of the<br />

following medications: Humira®,<br />

Q. Remicade®, Kineret®, Orencia®, Soriatane®or Rituxan®.<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />

ENBREL<br />

(Continued)<br />

R. If the patient has received previous Enbrel® therapy and the provide has NOT<br />

shown an improvement in clinical symptoms.<br />

S. Evidence of diagnosis, previous failed therapy and symptoms are NOT<br />

documented in patient’s chart notes provided by the prescribing provider.<br />


Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Rheumatologist and Dermatologist<br />


Plan Year<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />

ERAXIS<br />


Eraxis® is indicated:<br />

A. For the treatment of candidemia and other Candida infections.<br />


Eraxis® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. The prescribing physician is an infectious disease specialist.<br />

B. AND the patient is 2 years of age or older.<br />

C. AND the diagnosis is documented as candidemia or another Candida infection<br />

D. AND the patient has completed a documented trial and failure of Fluconazole<br />

E. AND verification of all B vs. D criteria indicate coverage by Part D<br />


Eraxis® is NOT covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. The prescribing physician is NOT an infectious disease specialist<br />

B. The patient is under the age of 2 years old.<br />

C. The diagnosis is NOT documented as candidemia or another Candid infection<br />

D. The patient has NOT completed a documented trial and failure of Fluconazole<br />


Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Infectious Disease<br />


6 Months<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



erythropoietin is indicated:<br />

A. For the treatment of anemia associated with chronic renal failure (CRF), including<br />

patients on dialysis and patients not on dialysis. Erythropoietin is indicated to<br />

elevate or maintain the red blood cell level (as manifested by the hematocrit or<br />

hemoglobin determinations) and to decrease the need for transfusions in these<br />

patients.<br />

B. Non-dialysis patients with symptomatic anemia considered for therapy should<br />

have a hemoglobin less than 10 g/dL.<br />

C. For the treatment of anemia related to therapy with zidovudine in HIV-infected<br />

patients.<br />

D. For the treatment of anemia in patients with non-myeloid malignancies where<br />

anemia is due to the effect of concomitantly administered chemotherapy.<br />

E. For the treatment of anemic patients (hemoglobin Greater than 10 to Less than or<br />

equal to 13 g/dL) who are at high risk for perioperative blood loss from elective,<br />

noncardiac, nonvascular surgery to reduce the need for allogenic blood<br />

transfusions.<br />


Erythropoietin is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Lab values have been completed within 30 days of the request.<br />

B. AND the diagnosis is documented as treatment for a surgery patient who is at<br />

high risk for perioperative blood loss.<br />

a. AND the patient’s hemoglobin is Greater than 10 to Less than or equal to<br />

12 g/dL OR hematocrit Less than or equal to 33%.<br />

b. AND the patient is receiving iron supplementation. (Please verify in the<br />

patient’s drug history or chart that the patient is receiving iron therapy).<br />

c. AND surgery is within 30 days of request.<br />

d. AND therapy is NOT being used to prevent a patient from receiving a<br />

transfusion for religious reasons.<br />

e. AND the patient is presenting to a retail pharmacy with a prescription for<br />

erythropoietin (Medicare Part B only pays for erythropoietin when a<br />

physician or facility dispenses the medication from their own supply).<br />

f. AND authorization can be allowed for up to one month. (Treatment can<br />

include 4 weekly doses).<br />

C. OR the diagnosis is documented as the treatment of anemia associated with<br />

chronic renal failure.<br />

a. AND the patient is NOT on dialysis. (Please verify if the patient is on<br />

dialysis. Medicare Part B pays for erythropoietin when the patient is<br />

receiving dialysis).<br />



<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />

(Continued)<br />

b. AND it is the initial request for erythropoietin (Patient has not received<br />

erythropoietin therapy for at least 12 weeks):<br />

c. AND the patient’s transferrin saturation is at least 20%. (Please verify the<br />

lab value in the patient’s chart).<br />

d. AND the patient’s ferritin level is at least 100 ng/mL. (Please verify the<br />

lab value in the patient’s chart.)<br />

e. AND the patient’s hemoglobin is Less than or equal to 11 g/dL OR<br />

hematocrit Less than or equal to 33%.<br />

f. AND the patient is presenting to a retail pharmacy with a prescription for<br />

erythropoietin (Medicare Part B only pays for erythropoietin when a<br />

physician or facility dispenses the medication from their own supply).<br />

g. AND authorization can be allowed for up to 12 weeks.<br />

h. AND/OR the patient has received previous erythropoietin therapy within<br />

the last 12 weeks.<br />

i. AND the patient’s hemoglobin is Less than 12 g/dL OR hematocrit Less<br />

than 36%.<br />

j. AND the patient’s transferrin saturation is at least 20%.<br />

k. AND the patient’s ferritin level is at least 100 ng/mL.<br />

l. AND the patient has experienced an increase in hemoglobin or hematocrit<br />

since the initial erythropoietin treatment and therapy is needed to maintain<br />

the patient’s current hemoglobin or hematocrit level.<br />

m. AND the patient is presenting to a retail pharmacy with a prescription for<br />

erythropoietin (Medicare Part B only pays for erythropoietin when a<br />

physician or facility dispenses the medication from their own supply).<br />

n. AND authorization can be allowed for up to 24 weeks.<br />

D. OR the diagnosis is documented as treatment of anemia in an HIV-infected<br />

patient.<br />

a. AND it is the initial request for erythropoietin (Patient has not received<br />

erythropoietin therapy for at least 12 weeks):<br />

b. AND the patient is on anti-retroviral therapy. (e.g. Epivir, lamivudine,<br />

Zerit, stavudine, Hivid, Retrovir, zidovudine, Ziagen, Entriva, Combivir,<br />

Trizivir, Truvada, Epzicom, Viramune, Rescriptor, Sustiva, Atripla,<br />

Fuzeon). (Please verify the use of anti-retroviral by reviewing the<br />

patient’s chart or drug history).<br />

c. AND the patient’s transferrin saturation is at least 20%. (Please verify in<br />

the patient’s chart)<br />

d. AND the patient’s hemoglobin is Less than or equal to 11 g/dL OR<br />

hematocrit Less than or equal to 33%. (Please verify in the patient’s chart.)<br />



<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />

(Continued)<br />

e. AND the patient is presenting to a retail pharmacy with a prescription for<br />

erythropoietin (Medicare Part B only pays for erythropoietin when a<br />

physician or facility dispenses the medication from their own supply).<br />

f. AND authorization can be allowed for up to 12 weeks.<br />

g. AND/OR the patient has received previous erythropoietin therapy within<br />

the last 12 weeks.<br />

h. AND the patient is on anti-retroviral therapy. (e.g. Epivir, lamivudine,<br />

Zerit, stavudine, Hivid, Retrovir, zidovudine, Ziagen, Entriva, Combivir,<br />

Trizivir, Truvada, Epzicom, Viramune, Rescriptor, Sustiva, Atripla,<br />

Fuzeon). (Please verify the use of anti-retroviral by reviewing the<br />

patient’s chart or drug history).<br />

i. AND the patient’s serum erythropoietin level was Less than or equal to<br />

500 mUnits/mL at the time therapy was initiated. (Please verify in the<br />

patient’s chart).<br />

j. AND the patient’s transferrin saturation is at least 20%. (Please verify in<br />

the patient’s chart)<br />

k. AND the patient’s hemoglobin is Less than or equal to 12 g/dL OR<br />

hematocrit Less than or equal to 36%. (Please verify in the patient’s<br />

chart.)<br />

l. AND the patient has experienced an increase in hemoglobin or hematocrit<br />

since the initial erythropoietin treatment and therapy is needed to maintain<br />

the patient’s current hemoglobin or hematocrit level.<br />

m. AND the patient is presenting to a retail pharmacy with a prescription for<br />

erythropoietin (Medicare Part B only pays for erythropoietin when a<br />

physician or facility dispenses the medication from their own supply).<br />

n. AND authorization can be allowed for up to 24 weeks.<br />

E. OR the diagnosis is documented as treatment of anemia in cancer patients on<br />

chemotherapy.<br />

a. AND it is the initial request for erythropoietin (Patient has not received<br />

erythropoietin therapy for at least 12 weeks):<br />

b. AND the patient has a non-myeloid malignancy.<br />

c. AND the patient is receiving a chemotherapy regimen to treat the nonmyeloid<br />

malignancy.<br />

d. AND the patient’s transferrin saturation is at least 20%. (Please verify in<br />

the patient’s chart)<br />

e. AND the patient’s serum erythropoietin level is Less than or equal to 200<br />

mUnits/mL. (Please verify in the patient’s chart. Levels above<br />

200mUnits/mL is not recommended).<br />

f. AND the patient’s hemoglobin is Less than or equal to 11 g/dL OR<br />

hematocrit Less than or equal to 33%. (Please verify in the patient’s<br />

Chart).<br />



<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />

(Continued)<br />

g. AND the patient is presenting to a retail pharmacy with a prescription for<br />

erythropoietin (Medicare Part B only pays for erythropoietin when a<br />

physician or facility dispenses the medication from their own supply).<br />

h. AND authorization can be allowed for up to 12 weeks.<br />

i. AND/OR the patient has received previous erythropoietin therapy within<br />

the last 12 weeks.<br />

j. AND the patient has a non-myeloid malignancy.<br />

k. AND the patient is receiving a chemotherapy regimen to treat the nonmyeloid<br />

malignancy.<br />

l. AND the patient’s transferrin saturation is at least 20%.<br />

m. AND the patient’s serum erythropoietin level was Less than or equal to<br />

200 mUnits/mL at the time therapy was initiated. (Please verify in the<br />

patient’s chart. Levels above 200mUnits/mL is not recommended).<br />

n. AND the patient’s hemoglobin is Less than or equal to 12 g/dL OR<br />

hematocrit Less than or equal to 36%. (Please verify in the patient’s chart.)<br />

o. AND the patient has experienced an increase in hemoglobin or hematocrit<br />

since the initial erythropoietin treatment and therapy is needed to maintain<br />

the patient’s current hemoglobin or hematocrit level.<br />

p. AND the patient is presenting to a retail pharmacy with a prescription for<br />

erythropoietin (Medicare Part B only pays for erythropoietin when a<br />

physician or facility dispenses the medication from their own supply).<br />

q. AND authorization can be allowed for up to 24 weeks.<br />

F. OR the diagnosis is documented as anemia secondary to myelodysplasia.<br />

a. AND it is the initial request for erythropoietin (Patient has not received<br />

erythropoietin therapy for at least 12 weeks):<br />

b. AND the patient’s serum erythropoietin level is Less than or equal to 500<br />

mUnits/mL. (Please verify in the patient’s chart).<br />

c. AND the patient’s transferrin saturation is at least 20%. (Please verify in<br />

the patient’s chart)<br />

d. AND the patient’s hemoglobin is Less than or equal to 11 g/dL OR<br />

hematocrit Less than or equal to 33%. (Please verify in the patient’s chart.)<br />

e. AND the patient is presenting to a retail pharmacy with a prescription for<br />

erythropoietin (Medicare Part B only pays for erythropoietin when a<br />

physician or facility dispenses the medication from their own supply).<br />

f. AND authorization can be allowed for up to 12 weeks.<br />

g. AND/OR the patient has received previous erythropoietin therapy within<br />

the last 12 weeks.<br />

h. AND the patient’s serum erythropoietin level was less than or equal to 500<br />

mUnits/mL at the time therapy was initiated. (Please verify in the patient’s<br />

chart).<br />



<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />

(Continued)<br />

i. AND the patient’s transferrin saturation is at least 20%. (Please verify in<br />

the patient’s chart)<br />

j. AND the patient’s hemoglobin is Less than or equal to 12 g/dL OR<br />

hematocrit Less than or equal to 36%. (Please verify in the patient’s chart.)<br />

k. AND the patient has experienced an increase in hemoglobin or hematocrit<br />

since the initial erythropoietin treatment and therapy is needed to maintain<br />

the patient’s current hemoglobin or hematocrit level.<br />

l. AND the patient is presenting to a retail pharmacy with a prescription for<br />

erythropoietin (Medicare Part B only pays for erythropoietin when a<br />

physician or facility dispenses the medication from their own supply).<br />

m. AND authorization can be allowed for up to 24 weeks.<br />


Erythropoietin is NOT covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. The patient’s transferrin saturation is NOT at least 20%. (Please verify the lab<br />

value in the patients chart).<br />

B. OR the patient’s ferritin level is NOT at least 100 ng/mL. (Please verify the lab<br />

value in the patients chart.)<br />

C. OR the patient’s hemoglobin is greater than 10 g/dL OR hematocrit greater than<br />

33%.<br />



Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


12 weeks<br />



Amifostine is indicated:<br />

A. Nephrotoxicity Prophylaxis<br />

B. Xerostomia Prophylaxis<br />

<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />

ETHYOL<br />


Amifostine is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Patient is being treated for FDA indications as stated above<br />

B. AND being prescribed by an Oncologist<br />

C. AND B vs. D criteria indicates coverage should be through Medicare Part D<br />


Amifostine is NOT covered for members with the following criteria:<br />

A. Non-FDA approved indications<br />

B. Known hypotension with dehydration<br />

C. Hypersensitivity to aminothiol or mannitol<br />



Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


6 months<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />

EXELON<br />


A. Alzheimers<br />

B. Parkinson’s Dementia<br />

C. All other FDA approved indications not otherwise excluded from Part D<br />


Exelon is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. For treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease:<br />

a. Failure to at least a three month trial with Aricept<br />

B. For treatment of Parkinson’s Disease:<br />

a. Trial with at least TWO of the following:<br />

i. Amantadine<br />

ii. Bromocriptine<br />

iii. Carbidopa/Levodopa<br />

iv. Comtan<br />

v. Mirapex<br />

vi. Ropinirole<br />

vii. Selegiline<br />


Exelon is not covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. No documented trial and failure to Aricept and Namenda therapy<br />



Chart Notes<br />


Plan Year<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />

EXJADE<br />


Exjade® is indicated:<br />

A. For the treatment of chronic iron toxicity secondary to transfusional iron<br />

overload (e.g. due to transfusional hemosiderosis in patients with chronic<br />

anemias such as thalassemia and sickle cell anemia)<br />

B. All other FDA approved indications not otherwise excluded from Part D<br />


Exjade® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Patient has a diagnosis of transfusion-dependent anemia (β-thalassemia, sickle<br />

cell disease, Diamond-Blackfan anemia, or myelodysplastic syndrome) and<br />

chronic iron overload due to blood transfusions, evidenced by serum ferritin<br />

1,000-8,000ng/mL.<br />

B. Patient failed Desferal therapy due to compliance or is unable to use it<br />

(documentation of noncompliance, adverse effects, and/or contraindications).<br />

C. Exjade is being prescribed by a hematologist or other specialist.<br />

Recommended monitoring includes monthly serum ferritin, baseline and monthly serum<br />

creatinine, monthly urine protein, monthly LFTs, baseline and yearly auditory and<br />

ophthalmic testing, including slit-lamp examination and dilated funduscopy.<br />


Exjade® is NOT covered for members with the following criteria<br />

A. The diagnosis is not documented as chronic iron toxicity secondary to<br />

transfusional iron overload.<br />


Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Hematologist<br />


3 months<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Fabrazyme® is indicated:<br />

A. For use in patients with Fabry disease.<br />


Fabrazyme® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Diagnosis is documented as a patient with Fabry disease.<br />

B. AND the diagnosis has been confirmed with an enzyme assay measuring a<br />

deficient activity of alpha-galactosidase enzyme.<br />


Fabrazyme® is NOT covered for members with the following criteria:<br />

A. The diagnosis is NOT documented as Fabry disease.<br />

B. The diagnosis has not been confirmed with an enzyme assay measuring the<br />

deficient activity of alpha-glactosidase enzyme.<br />



Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Plan Year<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Immune Globulin is indicated:<br />

A. For the treatment of primary immunodeficiency<br />

B. For the treatment of idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura<br />

C. For the treatment of Kawasaki disease<br />


Immune Globulin is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Verify B vs. D criteria per CMS guidelines<br />

B. Treatment of hypergammaglobulinemia<br />

C. AND the patient is diagnosed with primary immunodeficiency<br />

D. OR the patient is diagnosed with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura<br />

E. OR the patient is diagnosed with Kawasaki disease<br />


Immune globulin is NOT covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

C. Medication is covered by Part B per CMS guidelines<br />

D. The diagnosis is NOT hypergammaglobulinemia, primary immunodeficiency, OR<br />

Kawasaki disease<br />



Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Plan Year<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />

FORTEO<br />


Forteo® is indicated:<br />

A. For the treatment of postmenopausal women with osteoporosis who are at high<br />

risk for fracture. These include women with a history of osteoporotic fracture, or<br />

who have multiple risk factors for fracture, or who have failed or are intolerant of<br />

previous osteoporosis therapy.<br />

B. For the treatment to increase bone mass in men with primary or hypogonadal<br />

osteoporosis who are at high risk for fracture.<br />


Forteo® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Patient has NOT been diagnosed with Paget’s disease nor has high levels of<br />

alkaline phosphatase.<br />

B. AND the patient does NOT have pre-existing hypercalcemia, skeletal<br />

malignancies, or prior radiation therapy involving the skeleton.<br />

C. AND if the patient is female, is she age 50 years old or older (postmenopausal).<br />

D. AND diagnosis is documented as postmenopausal women with osteoporosis or a<br />

man with primary or hypgonadal osteoporosis.<br />

E. AND the patient has at least two of the following fracture risk fractures:<br />

a. T score Less than or equal to - 2.5.<br />

b. <strong>Prior</strong> fragility fracture (Counts as two risk fractures).<br />

c. Age Greater than or equal to 70 years old.<br />

d. Family history (1 st degree relative).<br />

F. AND the patient has failed to have an adequate response to treatment with a<br />

bisphosphonate therapy (Fosamax®, alendronate, Actonel®, risedronate,<br />

Boniva® and/or Reclast®) for at least 1 year. (Please verify that the patient has<br />

received bisphosphonate therapy by reviewing the patient’s drug history or<br />

patient’s chart).<br />

G. AND patient has NOT had accumulative Forteo® therapy for more than 24<br />

months (Lifetime therapy).<br />

H. AND evidence of diagnosis, risk fractures, and tried bisphosphonate therapy is<br />

documented in patient’s chart notes provided by prescribing provider.<br />


Forteo® is NOT covered for members with the following criteria:<br />

A. Patient has been diagnosed with Paget’s disease and/or has high levels of alkaline<br />

phosphatase and/or has hypercalcemia and/or skeletal malignancies and/or prior<br />

radiation therapy involving the skeleton.<br />

B. If the patient is female and is under the age of 50 and has not experienced<br />

menopause.<br />

C. Diagnosis is NOT documented as osteoporosis.<br />

D. The patient does NOT have at least TWO risk factors.<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />

FORTEO<br />

(Continued)<br />

E. The patient has NOT had an adequate response to bisphosphonate treatment.<br />

F. The patient has had more than 24 months of Forteo® therapy.<br />



Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Plan Year<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Immune Globulin is indicated:<br />

A. For the treatment of primary immunodeficiency<br />

B. For the treatment of idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura<br />

C. For the treatment of Kawasaki disease<br />

D. All other FDA approved indications not otherwise excluded from Part D<br />


Immune Globulin is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Verify B vs. D criteria per CMS guidelines<br />

a. Treatment of hypogammaglobulinemia<br />

B. OR the patient is diagnosed as per FDA-Approved indications above<br />


Immune globulin is NOT covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Medication is covered by Part B per CMS guidelines<br />



Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Plan Year<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Immune Globulin is indicated:<br />

A. For the treatment of primary immunodeficiency<br />

B. For the treatment of idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura<br />

C. For the treatment of Kawasaki disease<br />


Immune Globulin is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Verify B vs. D criteria per CMS guidelines<br />

B. Treatment of hypergammaglobulinemia<br />

C. AND the patient is diagnosed with primary immunodeficiency<br />

D. OR the patient is diagnosed with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura<br />

E. OR the patient is diagnosed with Kawasaki disease<br />


Immune globulin is NOT covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Medication is covered by Part B per CMS guidelines<br />

B. The diagnosis is NOT hypergammaglobulinemia, primary immunodeficiency, OR<br />

Kawasaki disease<br />



Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Plan Year<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Immune Globulin is indicated:<br />

A. For the treatment of primary immunodeficiency<br />

B. For the treatment of idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura<br />

C. For the treatment of Kawasaki disease<br />


Immune Globulin is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Verify B vs. D criteria per CMS guidelines<br />

B. Treatment of hypergammaglobulinemia<br />

C. AND the patient is diagnosed with primary immunodeficiency<br />

D. OR the patient is diagnosed with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura<br />

E. OR the patient is diagnosed with Kawasaki disease<br />


Immune globulin is NOT covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Medication is covered by Part B per CMS guidelines<br />



Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


6 months<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Gleevec® is indicated:<br />

A. For newly diagnosed adult patients with Philadelphia chromosome positive<br />

chronic myeloid leukemia (Ph+CML) in chronic phase.<br />

B. For patients with Ph+CML in blast crisis, accelerated phase, or in chronic phase<br />

after failure of interferon-alpha therapy.<br />

C. For pediatric patients with Ph+CML in chronic phase who are newly diagnosed or<br />

whose disease has recurred after stem cell transplant or who are resistant to<br />

interferon-alpha therapy.<br />

D. For adult patients with relapsed or refractory Philadelphia chromosome positive<br />

acute lymphoblastic leukemia (Ph+ ALL).<br />

E. For adult patients with myelodysplastic/myeloproliferative diseases (MDS/MPD)<br />

associated with PDGFR (platelet-derived growth factor receptor) gene rearrangements.<br />

F. For adult patients with aggressive systemic mastocytosis (ASM) without the<br />

D816V c-Kit Mutation or with C-Kit mutation status unknown.<br />

G. For adult patients with hypereosinophilic syndrome (HES) and/or chronic<br />

eosinophilic Leukemia (CEL) who have the FIP1L1-PDGFR alpha fusion kinase,<br />

FIP1l1-PDGFR alpha fusion kinase negative or unkown.<br />

H. For adult patients with unresectable, recurrent and/or metastatic<br />

dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans (DFSP).<br />

I. For patients with Kit (CD117) positive unresectable and/or metastatic malignant<br />

gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST).<br />


Gleevec® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. The prescribing physician is board certified as an oncologist, hemaatologist or has<br />

obtained a consult from any of the listed specialties.<br />

B. AND if the patient is female, she is NOT pregnant AND has no plans to conceive.<br />

C. AND diagnosis is documented as KIT (CD117) positive unresectable and/or<br />

metastatic malignant gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST).<br />

D. OR diagnosis is documented as an adult patient with Philadelphia chromosome<br />

positive chronic myeloid leukemia (Ph+CML) in chronic phase, in blast crisis or<br />

in accelerated phase.<br />

E. OR an adult patient with relapsed or refractory Philadelphia chromosome positive<br />

acute lymphoblastic leukemia (Ph+ ALL).<br />

F. OR a pediatric patient with Ph+CML.<br />

a. And the pediatric patient is in a chronic phase.<br />

G. OR an adult patient with myelodysplastic/ myeloproliferative disease<br />

(MDS/MPD).<br />

a. AND the MDS/MPD is associated with PDGFR (platelet-derived growth<br />

factor receptor) gene re-arrangements.<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />


(Continued)<br />

H. OR an adult patient with aggressive systemic mastocytosis (ASM).<br />

a. And the patient does not have a D816V C-Kit mutation or the c-Kit<br />

mutation status is unknown.<br />

I. OR an adult patient with hypereosinophilic syndrome (HES) and/or chronic<br />

eosinophilic leukemia (CEL).<br />

J. OR an adult patient with unresectable, recurrent and/or metastatic<br />

dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans (DFSP).<br />

K. AND if the patient has received previous Gleevec® therapy, the provider must<br />

show a documented hematologic or cytogenic response to imatinib.<br />

L. Patient is on duplicate therapy that can include interferon alpha therapy (eg.<br />

Intron-A®, Roferon A®, Pegasys®, and or Infergen®). (Please verify that the<br />

patient has received interferon alpha therapy by reviewing the patient’s drug<br />

history).<br />

M. AND evidence of diagnosis and hematologic or cytogenic response (for retreatment)<br />

documented in patient’s chart notes provided by the prescribing<br />

provider.<br />


Gleevec® is NOT covered for members with the following criteria:<br />

A. Patient is female is pregnant or plans to conceive.<br />

B. Patient’s diagnosis is NOT documented in the patient’s chart notes as KIT<br />

(CD117) positive unresectable and/or metastatic malignant GIST, or an adult with<br />

Ph+CML in chronic phase, blast crisis or in accelerated phase, or an adult patient<br />

with relapsed or refractory PH+ALL, or an adult patient with MDS/MPD that is<br />

NOT associated with PDGFR gene re-arrangements, or an adult diagnosed patient<br />

with HES and/or CEL or an adult patient diagnosed with unresectable, recurrent<br />

and/or metastatic DFSP.<br />

C. OR the diagnosis is a pediatric patient with Ph+CML not the in chronic phase.<br />

D. OR the diagnosis is an adult patient with MDS/MPD and is NOT associated with<br />

PDGFR gene re-arrangements.<br />

E. OR the patient has received previous Gleevec® therapy and has not shown a<br />

hematologic or cytogenic response.<br />


Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Oncologist<br />


6 months<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Gonadotropin is indicated for:<br />

A. Cryptorchidism<br />

B. Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, In male patients<br />


Gonadotropin is covered for members who meet either of the following criteria:<br />

A. In a Male patient<br />

a. If the patient has a diagnosis of prepubertal cryptochidism not due to<br />

anatomic obstruction or hypogonadism secondary to a pituitary deficiency.<br />

b. AND If the patient does not have any signs of the following diagnoses:<br />

i. Precocious puberty, or<br />

ii. Prostatic carcinoma or other androgen dependent neoplasm<br />

c. And is not being used in the treatment of obesity.<br />

B. Not covered for female patients<br />


Gonadotropin is NOT covered for members of the following criteria:<br />

A. In a Male patient:<br />

a. If the patient does NOT have a diagnosis of prepubertal cryptochidism not<br />

due to anatomic obstruction or hypogonadism secondary to a pituitary<br />

deficiency.<br />

b. If the patient does have any signs of the following diagnoses:<br />

i. Precocious puberty, or<br />

ii. Prostatic carcinoma or other androgen dependent neoplasm<br />

c. If it is being used in the treatment of obesity.<br />

B. If patient is female<br />


Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Endocrinologist<br />


Plan Year<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />


Indications / Required <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />

Treatment will be approved when any of the following indication(s) exists:<br />

A. Chronic Hepatitis C Virus (HCV), Genotype 1 or 4<br />

a. Recent lab reports documenting elevated HCV RNA are required, along<br />

with genotype.<br />

b. Request is initiated by a GI or infectious disease specialist.<br />

c. Initial authorization will be given for 12 weeks. At 12 weeks, an early<br />

viral response (EVR) must be documented via repeat HCV RNA assay.<br />

(EVR during the first 12 weeks is predictive of the patients viral<br />

response3).<br />

d. For patients with a greater than2log reduction in viral load, therapy may<br />

be continued up to a total of 48 weeks treatment.<br />

e. For patients who fail to achieve a 2log reduction, treatment should be<br />

discontinued. These patients have a less then 2% chance of achieving an<br />

SVR with continued therapy3,4.<br />

B. Chronic Hepatitis C Virus (HCV), Genotype 2, 3, 5, or 6<br />

a. Recent lab reports documenting elevated HCV RNA are required, along<br />

with genotype.<br />

b. Request is initiated by a GI or infectious disease specialist. 12. Initial<br />

authorization will be given for 12 weeks. At 12 weeks, an early viral<br />

response (EVR) must be documented via repeat HCV RNA assay. (EVR<br />

during the first 12 weeks is predictive of the patient’s viral response3).<br />

c. For patients with a greater than2log reduction in viral load, therapy may<br />

be continued up to a total of 24 weeks treatment.<br />

d. For patients who fail to achieve a 2log reduction, treatment should be<br />

discontinued. These patients have a less then 2% chance of achieving an<br />

SVR with continued therapy3,4.<br />

C. Retreatment (not approvable)<br />

a. Re-treatment of non-responders to standard interferon-ribavirin<br />

combinations is not generally indicated, and therefore will not be<br />

approved. Only 15-20% of nonresponders achieve an SVR upon retreatment.<br />

Response rates are even poorer for those with Genotype 1.<br />

b. For patients who have relapsed after combination treatment, re-treatment<br />

is generally not indicated and is currently being studied. Upon retreatment,<br />

most of these patients relapse as well<br />

D. OR the indication is documented as chronic hepatitis B<br />

a. AND the patient has evidence of a positive HBsAg (+ or -) serological<br />

marker for greater than 6 months OR evidence by a liver biopsy showing<br />

chronic hepatitis<br />

b. AND the patient has a Hepatitis B viral load greater than 100,000 copies<br />

per ml<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Hepsera® is indicated:<br />

A. For the treatment of chronic hepatitis B in patients Greater than or equal to 12<br />

years of age.<br />


Hepsera® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Patient is age 12 years or older.<br />

B. AND the patient has been diagnosed with chronic hepatitis B.<br />

C. AND the patient has evidence of a positive HBsAg (+ or -) serological marker for<br />

greater than 6 months OR evidence by a liver biopsy showing chronic hepatitis.<br />

(Please verify that the patient has a HBsAg serological marker for greater than 6<br />

months or a positive liver biopsy by reviewing the patient’s drug history or chart).<br />

D. AND the patient has a Hepatitis B viral load greater than 100,000 copies per ml.<br />

E. AND the patient has elevations in liver aminotransferases (ALT or AST) that are<br />

two (2) times greater than normal.<br />

F. AND the patient has been tested for HIV. (Hepsera® therapy can cause HIV<br />

resistance in untreated HIV infection). AND if the patient has received previous<br />

Hepsera® treatment, there is documented clinical improvement shown by a drop<br />

in viral load or reduction in the patient’s liver aminotransferases. (Please verify<br />

patient’s chart notes to verify drop in viral load or reduction in liver<br />

aminotransferases from their starting level).<br />

G. AND the patient is not receiving duplicate therapy that includes Baraclude®,<br />

Tyzeka®, Epivir®, Intron A® and/or Infergen®. (Please verify that the patient<br />

does not have duplicate therapy by reviewing the patient’s drug history or chart).<br />

H. AND evidence of diagnosis, serological markers, liver biopsy, viral load, and<br />

liver aminotransferases is documented in patient’s chart.<br />


Hepsera® is NOT covered for members with the following criteria:<br />

A. Patient is under the age of 12 years old.<br />

B. Patient has NOT been diagnosed with chronic hepatitis B.<br />

C. Patient has NO evidence of a Hepatitis B serological marker for greater than 6<br />

months OR evidence by a positive liver biopsy.<br />

D. Patient does NOT have a Hepatitis B viral load greater than 100,000 copies per<br />

ml.<br />

E. Patient does NOT have liver aminotransferases (ALT or AST) that are two (2)<br />

times greater than normal.<br />

F. Patient has NOT been tested for HIV.<br />

G. Patient is on duplicate therapy that can include one of the following: Baraclude®,<br />

Tyzeka®, Epivir®, Intron-A®, and or Infergen®.<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />


(Continued)<br />

H. Prescriber has provided no evidence of diagnosis, serological markers, viral load,<br />

duplicate therapy or liver Aminotransferases.<br />



Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Plan Year<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />

HUMIRA<br />


Humira® is indicated:<br />

B. For reducing signs and symptoms in patients with active ankylosing spondylitis.<br />

C. For the treatment of adult patients (18 years or older) with moderate to severe<br />

chronic plaque psoriasis who are candidates for systemic therapy or phototherapy.<br />

D. For reducing signs and symptoms, inducing major clinical response, inhibiting the<br />

progression of structural damage, and improving physical function in patients<br />

with moderately to severely active rheumatoid arthritis. Humira® can be used<br />

alone or in combination with methotrexate or other disease-modifying antirheumatic<br />

drugs (DMARDS).<br />

E. For reducing signs and symptoms, inhibiting the progression of structural damage,<br />

and improving physical function in patients with psoriatic arthritis. Humira® can<br />

be used in alone or in combination with DMARDS.<br />

F. For reducing signs and symptoms and inducing and maintaining clinical remission<br />

in adult patients with moderately to severely active Crohn’s disease who have had<br />

an inadequate response to conventional therapy. Humira® is indicated for<br />

reducing signs and symptoms and inducing clinical remission in patients who<br />

have lost response to or are intolerant to infliximab.<br />

G. All other FDA approved indications not otherwise excluded from Part D<br />


Humira® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

H. Patient has NO history of auto immune disease, recurring infections, heart failure,<br />

immuno suppression or malignancies.<br />

I. AND the prescribing provider is a gastroenterologist, rheumatologist,<br />

dermatologist, orthopedist or has obtained a consult from the listed specialties.<br />

J. AND diagnosis is documented as moderate to severe active rheumatoid arthritis.<br />

a. AND the patient has at least four (4) of the following symptoms:<br />

i. Morning stiffness.<br />

ii. Arthritis of three (3) or more joint areas.<br />

iii. Arthritis of hand joints.<br />

iv. Symmetric arthritis.<br />

v. Rheumatoid nodules.<br />

vi. Serum rheumatoid factor.<br />

vii. Radiographic changes.<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />

HUMIRA<br />

(Continued)<br />

b. AND the patient has had at least an 8-week maximum tolerated dose trial<br />

and failure to at least two (2) of the following DMARDS listed:<br />

Methotrexate, cyclosporine, Neoral®, Sandimmune®, Gengraf®,<br />

azathioprine, Imuran®, penicillamine, Cuprimine®, Depen®,<br />

sulfasalazine, Azulfidine®, leflunomide, Arava®, gold sodium thiomalate,<br />

Aurolate®, aurothioglucose, Solganal®, auranofin, Ridaura®,<br />

hydroxychoroquine, Plaquenil®. (Verification can be made by reviewing<br />

the patient’s drug history or patient’s chart).<br />

c. AND if the patient has received previous Humira® therapy, the provider<br />

must show an improvement in clinical symptoms that may include<br />

improvement in tender and swollen joint count, mobility, stiffness or<br />

progression of disease.<br />

K. OR the diagnosis is documented as psoriatic arthritis.<br />

a. AND the patient has at least one of the following symptoms:<br />

i. Three (3) or more swollen joints.<br />

ii. Three (3) or more tender joints.<br />

b. AND the patient has had at least an 8-week maximum tolerated dose trial<br />

and failure to at least two (2) of the following DMARDS listed:<br />

(cyclosporine, Neoral®, Sandimmune®, Gengraf®, azathioprine,<br />

Imuran®, penicillamine, Cuprimine®, Depen®, sulfasalazine,<br />

Azulfidine®, leflunomide, Arava®, gold sodium thiomalate, Aurolate®,<br />

aurothioglucose, Solganal®, auranofin, Ridaura®, hydroxychoroquine,<br />

Plaquenil®) if methotrexate is contraindicated. (Verification can be made<br />

by reviewing the patient’s drug history or patient’s chart).<br />

c. AND if the patient has received previous Humira® therapy, the provider<br />

must show an improvement in clinical symptoms that may include<br />

improvement in tender and swollen joint count, mobility, stiffness or delay<br />

in progression of disease.<br />

L. OR the diagnosis is documented as active ankylosing spondylitis.<br />

a. AND the patient has tried and failed at least a 60-day trial of at least two<br />

non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) drugs that can include any two<br />

of the following medications: Diclofenac, etodolac, fenoprofen,<br />

flurbiprofen, ibuprofen, indomethacin, celecoxib, Celebrex®, ketoprofen,<br />

meclofenamate, nabumetone, naproxen, oxaprozin, piroxicam, sulinidac,<br />

or tolmetin. (Please verify that the patient has received NSAID therapy by<br />

reviewing the patient’s drug history).<br />

b. AND if the patient has received previous Humira® therapy, the provider<br />

must show an improvement in clinical symptoms that may include<br />

improvement in tender and swollen joint count, mobility, stiffness or delay<br />

in the progression of disease.<br />

M. OR the diagnosis is documented as chronic moderate to severe plaque psoriasis.<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />

HUMIRA<br />

(Continued)<br />

a. AND the patient has had the disease for 1 year or greater.<br />

b. AND the patient’s age is 18 years old or older.<br />

c. AND the involvement of plaque psoriasis is 10% or greater of the patient’s<br />

total body surface area (BSA) OR if the BSA is less than 10%, the plaque<br />

psoriasis must involve areas that will prevent the patient from performing<br />

crucial daily functions such as walking (eg. feet).<br />

d. AND the patient has tried and failed at least a 60-day trial of two (2)<br />

conventional therapies that may include any of the following:<br />

i. High potency topical steroid treatment.<br />

ii. Calcipotriene (Dovonex®)<br />

iii. Phototherapy.<br />

iv. Retinoids (Soriatane®)<br />

v. Methotrexate.<br />

vi. Cyclosporine.<br />

e. If the patient has received Humira® therapy for greater than three (3)<br />

months, the patient must see a significant reduction in plaque thickness,<br />

erythemia, desquamation and affected body surface area.(Please verify<br />

patient’s chart notes to verify clinical improvement).<br />

N. OR the diagnosis is documented as Crohn’s Disease:<br />

a. AND the patient has tried, failed and/or had an inadequate response to a<br />

60-day trial of at least two Crohn’s disease conventional therapies that<br />

may include the following: Sulfazalazine, Azulfidine®, balsalazide,<br />

Colazal®, mesalamine, Asacol®, Canasa®, Lialda®, Pentasa®,<br />

Rowasa®, azathioprine, Imuran®, cyclosporine, Neoral®, Sandimmune®,<br />

Gengraf®, methotrexate, mercaptopurine, or Purinethol®.<br />

b. AND if the patient has received previous Humira® therapy, the patient<br />

must see an improvement in clinical symptoms that can include reduced<br />

abdominal pain, diarrhea, cramps, and/or fistulas.<br />

c. AND the patient will NOT receive combination therapy with other<br />

biologic and/or retinoid therapy. (Eg. Enbrel®, Remicade®, Kineret®,<br />

Orencia®, Soriatane® Tysabri®, Raptiva® and Rituxan®. (Please verify<br />

that the patient is not on duplicate therapy by reviewing the patient’s drug<br />

history or chart).<br />

d. AND evidence of diagnosis, previous failed therapy, or clinical<br />

improvement is documented in patient’s chart notes provided by<br />

prescribing provider.<br />


Humira® is NOT covered for members with the following criteria:<br />

J. Patient has a history of auto immune disease, recurring infections, heart failure,<br />

immuno suppression or malignancies.<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />

HUMIRA<br />

(Continued)<br />

K. The prescribing provider is NOT a rheumatologist, gastroenterologist,<br />

dermatologist, orthopedist or obtained a consult from the listed specialties.<br />

L. The diagnosis is NOT documented as severe active rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s<br />

disease, psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis or chronic moderate to severe<br />

plaque psoriasis.<br />

M. The diagnosis is listed as ulcerative colitis.<br />

N. If the diagnosis is listed as severe active rheumatoid arthritis, the patient does<br />

NOT have four of the listed symptoms.<br />

O. If the diagnosis is listed as severe active rheumatoid arthritis, the patient has NOT<br />

failed a 8-week maximum tolerated trial to at least two DMARDs.<br />

P. If the diagnosis is psoriatic arthritis and the patient does NOT have three swollen<br />

joints or three tender joints.<br />

Q. If the diagnosis is psoriatic arthritis and the patient has NOT failed a 8-week<br />

maximum tolerated trial to at least two DMARDs.<br />

R. If the diagnosis is ankylosing spondylitis and the patient has NOT failed two 60-<br />

day NSAID drug regimens.<br />

S. If the diagnosis is chronic moderate to severe plaque psoriasis and the patient has<br />

not had the disease for 1 year or greater.<br />

T. If the diagnosis is chronic moderate to severe plaque psoriasis and the<br />

involvement is less than 10% of body surface area or does NOT involve an area<br />

that will affect a critical daily function.<br />

U. If the diagnosis is chronic moderate to severe plaque psoriasis and the patient has<br />

NOT failed a 60-day trial to two conventional therapies.<br />

V. If the diagnosis is documented as Crohn’s disease and the patient has NOT failed<br />

at least two 60-day conventional drug regimens.<br />

W. If the patient is receiving combination therapy that includes any one of the<br />

following medications: Enbrel®, Remicade®, Tysabri®, Kineret®, Orencia®,<br />

Soriatane® or Rituxan®.<br />

X. If the patient has received previous Humira® therapy and the provider has NOT<br />

shown an improvement in clinical symptoms.<br />

Y. Evidence of diagnosis, previous failed therapy and symptoms are NOT<br />

documented in patient’s chart notes provided by the prescribing provider.<br />


Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Rheumatologist, Dermatologist and<br />

Gastroenterology<br />


Plan Year<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Imitrex® is indicated:<br />

A. For the treatment of migraine headache attacks with or without aura and cluster<br />

headache<br />

B. All other FDA approved indications not otherwise excluded from Part D<br />


Imitrex® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. The patient is 18 years of age or older.<br />

B. AND the diagnosis is documented as migraine headache or cluster headache<br />

C. AND the the patient has completed a documented trial and failure of an abortive<br />

medication such as Fioricet, Fiorinal, Tylenol and NSAIDs<br />


Imitrex® is NOT covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. A. The patient is under the age of 18 years old. .<br />

B. The diagnosis is NOT migraine headache or cluster headache<br />

C. The patient has not completed a documented trial and failure of an abortive<br />

medication such as Fioricet, Fiorinal, Tylenol and NSAIDS<br />



Chart Notes<br />


Plan Year<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Increlex® is indicated:<br />

A. For the long-term treatment of growth failure in children with severe primary<br />

IGF-1 deficiency (Primary IGFD) or with growth hormone (GH) gene deletion<br />

who have developed neutralizing antibodies to growth Hormone.<br />


Increlex® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. The prescribing physician is a board certified endocrinologist.<br />

B. AND the patient is between the age of 2 years old and 20 years old.<br />

C. AND the patient has no evidence of a closed epiphyses.<br />

D. AND the patient does NOT have any evidence of active malignancy.<br />

E. AND the patient is not being treated with chronic anti-inflammatory steroids.<br />

F. AND the diagnosis is documented as the treatment of growth failure in a child<br />

with severe primary IGF-1 deficiency or with growth hormone gene deletion who<br />

have developed neutralizing antibodies to growth hormone.<br />

G. AND the patient has a basal IGF-1 standard deviation score Less than or equal to<br />

-3 based on lab reference for age and sex. (Please verify the IGF-1 level in the<br />

patient’s chart notes and ensure the test was performed within 3 months of the<br />

initial request).<br />

H. AND the patient has a normal or elevated growth hormone level that has been<br />

confirmed with at least one growth hormone stimulation test. (Please verify the<br />

stimulation test result in the patient’s chart notes).<br />

I. AND the patient has severe growth retardation with a height standard deviation<br />

(SDS) score more than 3 SDS below the mean for chronological age and sex and<br />

their target height based on mid-parental height calculation. (Please verify the<br />

SDS score in the patient’s chart notes).<br />

J. AND all indications of secondary IGF-1 have been ruled out such as growth<br />

hormone deficiency, hypothyroidism and malnutrition.<br />

K. AND the patient is not taking or has no plans to receive growth hormone therapy<br />

in combination with Increlex® therapy. (Please review the patient’s drug history<br />

or drug chart to verify that the patient will not be receiving growth hormone<br />

therapy (e.g. Humatrope®, Genotropin®, Norditropin®, Serostim®, Nutropin®,<br />

Saizen®, Tev-Tropin®, Zorbtive®).<br />

L. AND if the patient has received previous mescasermin therapy, the patient must<br />

meet all of the following criteria:<br />

M. There has been an increase in height velocity Greater than 2.5 cm total growth in<br />

one year of therapy.<br />

N. There is no evidence of epiphyseal closure.<br />

O. The patient has NOT met their expected final adult height or targeted height based<br />

on mid-parental height calculation or their current absolute height is Less than or<br />

equal to 25 th percentile (defined as 68 inches in males and 63 inches in females.<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />


(Continued)<br />


Increlex® is NOT covered for members with the following criteria:<br />

A. The prescribing physician is NOT a board certified endocrinologist.<br />

B. The patient is NOT between the age of 2 years old and 20 years old.<br />

C. The patient has evidence of a closed epiphyses.<br />

D. The patient has evidence of active malignancy.<br />

E. The patient is being treated with chronic anti-inflammatory steroids.<br />

F. The diagnosis is NOT documented as the treatment of growth failure in a<br />

child with severe primary IGF-1 deficiency or with growth hormone gene<br />

deletion who have developed neutralizing antibodies to growth hormone.<br />

G. If the diagnosis is documented as the treatment of growth failure in a child<br />

with severe primary IGF-1 deficiency or with growth hormone gene deletion<br />

who have developed neutralizing antibodies to growth hormone and the<br />

patient meets any of the following criteria:<br />

H. The patient has a basal IGF-1 standard deviation score Greater than -2.9 based<br />

on lab reference for age and sex.<br />

I. AND the patient has a low growth hormone level ([Max peak Less thanLess<br />

than 5ng/mL by RIA or Less than 2.5 ng/mL by IRMA]) that has been<br />

confirmed with at least one growth hormone stimulation test.<br />

J. The patient’s normal growth hormone level has not been confirmed by at least<br />

one growth hormone stimulation test.<br />

K. The patient does NOT have severe growth retardation.<br />

L. Indications of secondary IGF-1 have NOT been ruled out such as growth<br />

hormone deficiency, hypothyroidism and malnutrition.<br />

M. The patient is taking or has plans to receive growth hormone therapy in<br />

combination with Increlex® therapy.<br />

N. If the patient has received previous mescasermin therapy and the patient meets<br />

any of the following criteria:<br />

1. There has been an increase in height velocity Less than 2.5 cm total<br />

growth in one year of therapy.<br />

2. There is evidence of epiphyseal closure.<br />

3. The patient has met their expected final adult height or targeted height<br />

based on mid-parental<br />

height calculation or their current absolute height is Less than 25 th<br />

percentile (defined as 68 inches in males and 63 inches in females).<br />


Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Endocrinologist<br />


Plan Year<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />

INSPRA<br />


Inspra® is indicated:<br />

A. Improving survival of stable patients with left ventricular systolic dysfunction<br />

(LVEF Less than 40%) and CHF after an acute myocardial infarction.<br />

B. Hypertension, alone or combined with other agents.<br />


Inspra® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. The patient has had a serum potassium level taken within 10 days of initiation of<br />

therapy and the level is Less than 5.5 mEq/L.<br />

B. AND the patient is NOT receiving any potent CYP3A inhibitors that will affect<br />

the metabolism of Inspra®. (e.g. diltiazem, Cardizem®, Cartia XT®, Diltia<br />

XT®, Tiazac®, ketoconazole, verapamil, Calan®, Covera®, Verelan®, Isoptin®,<br />

vinblastine, doxorubicin, isoniazid, ritonavir, Norvir®, Kaletra®, cyclosporine,<br />

Viracept®, Crixivan®, Fortovase®, Invirase®, ciprofloxacin, Cipro®,<br />

itraconazole, Sporonax®, norfloxacin, voriconazole, Vfend®, rifampin, rifabutin).<br />

(Please verify that the patient is not receiving any of these medications by<br />

reviewing the patient’s drug history or chart).<br />

C. AND the diagnosis is documented as hypertension.<br />

D. AND the patient has tried and failed maximum tolerated doses of a 60-day trial or<br />

had unacceptable toxicity to spironolactone (Aldactone®, Spirono®). (Please<br />

review the patient’s drug history or chart to verify a trial to spironolactone).<br />

E. AND the patient does NOT have type-2 diabetes with microalbuminuria.<br />

F. AND the patient does NOT have a serum creatinine Greater than 2 mg/dL in<br />

males or Greater than 1.8 mg/dL in females.<br />

G. AND the patient does NOT have a creatinine clearance Less than or equal to 50<br />

mL/min.<br />

H. AND the patient is NOT or will be taking Inspra® in combination with potassium<br />

supplements or potassium sparing diuretics (e.g. amiloride, spironolactone or<br />

triamterene). (Please review the patient’s drug history or chart to verify no<br />

concomitant use with potassium supplements or potassium sparing diuretics).<br />

I. AND if the patient has had previous Inspra® therapy, he/she must show a<br />

decrease in systolic and diastolic blood pressure since initiating Inspra® therapy.<br />

J. AND/OR the diagnosis is documented as a patient with left ventricular systolic<br />

dysfunction and/or congestive heart failure after an acute myocardial infarction.<br />

K. AND the patient has tried and failed maximum tolerated doses of a 60-day trial or<br />

had unacceptable toxicity to spironolactone (e.g. Aldactone®, Spirono®). (Please<br />

review the patient’s drug history or chart to verify a trial to spironolactone).<br />

L. AND the patient does NOT have a creatinine clearance Less than or equal to 30<br />

mL/ min.<br />

M. AND if the patient has had previous Inspra® therapy, he/she must show an<br />

improvement in left ventricular systolic dysfunction and/or congestive heart<br />

failure symptoms (e.g. fatigue, edema, shortness of breath) since initiating<br />

Inspra® therapy.<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />

INSPRA<br />

(Continued)<br />


Inspra® is NOT covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. The patient has NOT had a serum potassium level taken within 10 days of<br />

initiation of therapy.<br />

B. The patient has had a serum potassium level taken within 10 days of initiation of<br />

therapy and the level is Greater than 5.5 mEq/L.<br />

C. The patient is receiving a potent CYP3A inhibitors that will affect the metabolism<br />

of Inspra®.<br />

D. The diagnosis is NOT documented as hypertension, heart failure or left<br />

ventricular systolic dysfunction.<br />

E. The diagnosis is documented as hypertension and the patient meets any of the<br />

following criteria:<br />

F. The patient has NOT tried and failed maximum tolerated doses of at least a 60-<br />

day trial or had unacceptable toxicity to spironolactone (Aldactone®, Spirono®).<br />

G. The patient has type-2 diabetes with microalbuminuria.<br />

H. The patient has a serum creatinine Greater than 2 mg/dL in males or Greater than<br />

1.8 mg/dL in females.<br />

I. The patient has a creatinine clearance Less than or equal to 50 mL/min.<br />

J. The patient is or will be taking Inspra® in combination with potassium<br />

supplements or potassium sparing diuretics.<br />

K. If the patient has had previous Inspra® therapy and he/she has NOT shown a<br />

decrease in systolic and diastolic blood pressure since initiating Inspra® therapy.<br />

L. The diagnosis is documented as a patient with left ventricular systolic dysfunction<br />

and/or congestive heart failure after an acute myocardial infarction and the patient<br />

meets any of the following criteria:<br />

M. The patient has NOT tried and failed maximum tolerated doses of at least a 60-<br />

day trial or had unacceptable toxicity to spironolactone (e.g. Aldactone®,<br />

Spirono®).<br />

N. The patient has a creatinine clearance Less than or equal to 30 mL/ min.<br />

O. If the patient has had previous Inspra® therapy and he/she has NOT shown an<br />

improvement in left ventricular systolic dysfunction and/or congestive heart<br />

failure symptoms (e.g. fatigue, edema, shortness of breath) since initiating<br />

Inspra® therapy.<br />


Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Cardiologist<br />


Plan Year<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />

INTRON A<br />


Intron® A is indicated:<br />

A. For the treatment of patients 18 years of age or older with hairy cell leukemia.<br />

B. For an adjuvant to surgical treatment in patients 18 years of age or older with<br />

malignant melanoma who are free of disease but at high risk for system<br />

recurrence, within 56 days of surgery.<br />

C. For the initial treatment of clinically aggressive follicular Non-Hodgkin’s<br />

Lymphoma in conjunction with anthracycline-containing combination<br />

chemotherapy in patients 18 years of age or older. (Efficacy in patients with lowgrade,<br />

low-tumor burden follicular Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma has not been<br />

demonstrated.)<br />

D. For intralesional treatment of selected patients 18 years of age or older with<br />

condylomata acuminate involving external surfaces of the genital and perianal<br />

areas.<br />

E. For the treatment of selected patients 18 years of age or older with AIDS-Related<br />

Kaposi’s Sarcoma.<br />

F. For the treatment of chronic hepatitis C in patients 18 years of age or older with<br />

compensated liver disease who have a history of blood or blood-product exposure<br />

and/or are HCV antibody positive.<br />

G. For the treatment of chronic hepatitis B in patients 1 years of age or older with<br />

compensated liver disease.<br />


Intron® A is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Patient has NO history of decompensated liver disease, autoimmune hepatitis or is<br />

an immunosuppressed transplant recipient.<br />

B. AND the patient does NOT have a history of a serious psychiatric condition or<br />

clinical depression.<br />

C. AND the patient has received an eye exam to screen and has NO evidence of an<br />

ophthalmologic disorder.<br />

D. AND the patient has a normal thyroid status or is maintained in the normal lab<br />

value range by medication.<br />

E. AND the patient has NO history of an autoimmune disease such as vasculitis,<br />

Raynaud’s phenomenon, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus erythematosus or<br />

rhabdomyolsis.<br />

F. AND the patient could NOT have undergone a liver transplant and therapy is<br />

being uses as a prophylaxis or treatment of established heptatis C to reduce<br />

allograft failure.<br />

G. AND the indication is documented as Hairy Cell Leukemia.<br />

a. AND the patient is 18 years of age or older.<br />

b. AND the prescribing physician is a board certified oncologist.<br />

c. AND approval can be allowed for up to 6 months.<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />

INTRON A<br />

(Continued)<br />

d. AND if the patient has received previous therapy, the patient must meet<br />

previous criteria and experience a positive response to therapy that<br />

includes a delayed or no progression of disease.<br />

H. OR the indication is documented as Malignant Melonoma.<br />

a. AND the patient is 18 years of age or older.<br />

b. AND the prescribing physician is a board certified oncologist.<br />

c. AND the patient has received surgical treatment within 56 weeks of<br />

request.<br />

d. AND the patient is free of disease but at high risk for recurrence.<br />

e. AND approval can be allowed for up to 52 weeks.<br />

f. AND if the patient has received previous therapy, the patient must have<br />

had a recurrence of disease and surgical treatment within 56 weeks of<br />

request.<br />

I. OR the indication is documented as Follicular Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.<br />

a. AND the patient is 18 years of age or older.<br />

b. AND the prescribing physician is a board certified oncologist.<br />

c. AND Intron® A therapy will be used in combination with an<br />

anthracycline-containing combination chemotherapy agent (eg.<br />

daunorubicin, doxorubicin, epirubicin, idarubicin, Cerubidine®,<br />

DaunoXome®, Adriamycin®, Rubex®, Doxil®, Evacet®, Ellence®,<br />

Idamycin®). (Please verify that the patient will be receiving<br />

anthracycline® therapy by reviewing the patient’s drug history or chart).<br />

d. AND the patient does not does not have low-grade, low-tumor burden<br />

disease (Efficacy has not been demonstrated).<br />

e. AND approval can be allowed for up to 1 year.<br />

f. AND if the patient has received previous therapy, the patient must have<br />

had treatment with an anthracycline-containing agent and meet the above<br />

criteria. Approval can be allowed for up to 1 year.<br />

J. OR the indication is documented as Condylomata Acuminata.<br />

a. AND the patient is 18 years of age or older.<br />

b. AND the prescribing physician is a board certified dermatologist or<br />

obtained a consult from the listed specialty.<br />

c. AND the area of involvement includes external surfaces of the genital<br />

and/or perianal area.<br />

d. AND the patient has tried, failed or intolerant to a 16 week course of<br />

Aldara® treatment.<br />

e. AND approval can be allowed for up to 3 weeks.<br />

f. AND if the patient has received previous therapy, the patient must initiate<br />

therapy on week 12 through 16 for an additional course of 3 weeks. The<br />

patient must also meet the same initial requirements and shown a positive<br />

benefit with the initial therapy defined as resolution or decrease in wart<br />

size.<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />

INTRON A<br />

(Continued)<br />

K. OR the indication is documented as AIDS-Related Kaposi’s Sarcoma.<br />

a. AND the patient is 18 years of age or older.<br />

b. AND the prescribing physician is an infectious disease specialist or has<br />

obtained a consult from the listed specialty.<br />

c. AND approval can be allowed for up to one year.<br />

d. AND if the patient has received previous therapy, the patient must meet<br />

previous criteria and experience a positive response to therapy that<br />

includes a delay or NO disease progression. Approval can be allowed for<br />

up to one year.<br />

L. OR the indication is documented as Chronic Hepatitis C.<br />

a. AND the prescribing physician is a gastroenterologist or trained in<br />

infectious disease or has obtained a consult from the listed specialties.<br />

b. AND the diagnosis has been confirmed by a positive enzyme immunoassay<br />

(eg. EIA, ELISA).<br />

c. AND a HCV RNA quantitative assay has been performed to confirm<br />

active HCV replication.<br />

d. AND a biopsy has been performed showing that the patient has a fibrosis<br />

level of 1 through 4.<br />

e. AND the patient has had at least a 3 month trial and failure to Pegasys® or<br />

Peg-Intron®.<br />

f. AND the patient has had at least a 3 month trial and failure to ribavirin.<br />

g. AND therapy will be given in conjunction with ribivarin therapy.<br />

h. AND approval can be allowed for up to 16 weeks.<br />

i. AND if the patient has received previous 16 week therapy, the patient<br />

must meet previous criteria AND show a two-log drop in their HCV RNA<br />

level and a drop in AST and ALT lab values. If patient meets criteria,<br />

approval can be allowed up to a year with a lifetime maximum treatment<br />

of 24 months.<br />

M. OR the indication is documented as Chronic Hepatitis B.<br />

a. AND the prescribing physician is a gastroenterologist or trained in<br />

infectious disease or has obtained a consult from the listed specialties.<br />

b. AND the patient has evidence of a positive HBsAg (+ or -) serological<br />

marker for greater than 6 months OR evidence by a liver biopsy showing<br />

chronic hepatitis. (Please verify that the patient has an HBsAg serological<br />

marker for greater than 6 months or a positive liver biopsy by reviewing<br />

the patient’s drug history or chart).<br />

c. AND the patient has a Hepatitis B viral load greater than 100,000 copies<br />

per ml.<br />

d. AND the patient has elevations in liver aminotransferases (ALT or AST)<br />

that are two (2) times greater than normal.<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />

INTRON A<br />

(Continued)<br />

e. AND if the patient is 12 years of age or older, they must have tried or<br />

failed at least a 6 month trial of Hepsera®, Baraclude® or Tyzeka®.<br />

Patients age 11 years or younger do not require a trial and failure.<br />

(Therapy can be verified by reviewing the patient’s chart as well as<br />

reviewing to see that there was no drop in viral load or reduction in liver<br />

aminotransferases.<br />

f. AND the patient is not receiving duplicate therapy that includes<br />

Baraclude®, Tyzeka®, Epivir®, Intron A® and/or Infergen®. (Please<br />

verify that the patient does not have duplicate therapy by reviewing the<br />

patient’s drug history or chart).<br />

g. AND approval can be allowed for up to one year.<br />

h. AND if the patient has received previous Intron® A treatment, there must<br />

be documented clinical improvement shown by a drop in viral load or<br />

reduction in the patient’s liver aminotransferases AND still the presence of<br />

a viral load for continued therapy. (Please verify patient’s chart notes to<br />

verify drop in viral load or reduction in liver aminotransferases from their<br />

starting level).<br />

N. OR the indication is documented as an indication listed in compendia.<br />

a. The prior authorization request should be reviewed by a prior<br />

authorization pharmacist. Pharmacist should review the drug study for:<br />

b. A study can be found.<br />

c. The study shows clinical improvement with treatment.<br />

d. If there are first line treatments, the patient has tried and failed.<br />

e. The patient meets the criteria of the study.<br />

f. The study has clinical validity (eg. blinded, substantial population).<br />

g. The study’s population meets the patient’s demographics.<br />

h. The patient’s disease status is not terminal and therapy will provide<br />

benefit.<br />

i. The patient will not receive duplicate therapy.<br />

j. <strong>Authorization</strong> period or re-treatment is within timeframe of study.<br />


Intron® A is NOT covered for members with the following criteria:<br />

A. Patient has a history of decompensated liver disease, autoimmune hepatitis or is<br />

an immunosuppressed transplant recipient.<br />

B. Patient has a history of a serious psychiatric condition or clinical depression.<br />

C. The patient has NOT received an eye exam and/or has evidence of an<br />

ophthalmologic disorder.<br />

D. The patient has an abnormal thyroid status that cannot be maintained by<br />

medication.<br />

E. The patient has a history of an autoimmune disease.<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />

INTRON A<br />

(Continued)<br />

F. The patient has undergone a liver transplant and is using therapy as a prophylaxis<br />

or treatment to reduce allograft failure.<br />

G. The indication is Hairy Cell Leukemia and the patient is under the age of 18<br />

and/or<br />

a. The physician is NOT a board certified oncologist.<br />

b. If the patient has received a previous therapy and he/she shows<br />

progression of disease while on previous therapy.<br />

H. The indication is Malignant Melonoma and the patient is under the age of 18<br />

and/or:<br />

a. The physician is NOT a board certified oncologist.<br />

b. The patient has NOT received surgical treatment within 56 weeks of the<br />

request.<br />

c. The patient has evidence of disease.<br />

d. If the patient has received previous therapy and he/she shows NO positive<br />

response with previous treatment or has had NO surgical treatment within<br />

56 weeks of the request.<br />

I. The indication is Follicular Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and the patient is under<br />

the age of 18 and/or: The physician is NOT a board certified oncologist.<br />

a. Therapy will NOT be used in combination with an anthracycline<br />

containing medication.<br />

b. The patient has low-grade, low-tumor burden.<br />

J. The indication is Condylomata Acuminata and the patient is under the age 18<br />

and/or:<br />

a. The physician is NOT a board certified dermatologist or obtained a<br />

consult.<br />

b. The area of involvement does NOT involve external surfaces of the genital<br />

and/or perianal area.<br />

c. The patient has NOT failed a 16 week course of Aldara® treatment.<br />

d. If the patient has received previous therapy and the request is not on week<br />

12 through 16 of treatment and/or has NOT shown a positive benefit.<br />

K. The indication is AIDS-Related Kaposi’s Sarcoma and the patient is under the age<br />

of 18 and/or:<br />

a. The physician is not an infectious disease specialist or obtained a consult.<br />

b. If the patient has had previous therapy and he/she does NOT show a delay<br />

in disease progression.<br />

L. The indication is Chronic Hepatitis C and the prescribing physician is NOT a<br />

gastroenterologist or trained in infectious disease or obtained a consult and/or:<br />

a. The diagnosis has NOT been confirmed by a positive enzyme immunoassay.<br />

b. No assay has been done to confirm active HCV replication.<br />

c. A biopsy has NOT been performed or does NOT show fibrosis.<br />

d. The patient has NOT had a trial and failure to Pegasys® or Peg-Intron®.<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />

INTRON A<br />

(Continued)<br />

e. The patient has NOT had a trial and failure to ribivarin.<br />

f. If the patient has had previous therapy and he/she has NOT shown a twolog<br />

drop in their HCV RNA level and a drop in their AST and ALT lab<br />

values.<br />

g. The patient has had a lifetime therapy of 24 months.<br />

M. The indication is Chronic Hepatitis B and the prescribing physician is NOT a<br />

gastroenterologist or a trained Infectious disease specialist or obtained a consult<br />

and/or:<br />

a. The patient has NO evidence of an HBsAg serological marker for greater<br />

than 6 months or evidence of chronic hepatitis by liver biopsy.<br />

b. The patient does NOT have a viral load greater than 100,000 copies per<br />

ml.<br />

c. The patient does NOT have two times greater than normal liver<br />

aminotransferases.<br />

d. The patient is 12 years of age or older and has NOT had a 6 month trial<br />

and failure of Hepsera®, Baraclude® or Tyzeka®.<br />

e. The patient is receiving duplicate therapy with Hepsera®, Baraclude®,<br />

Epivir®, Infergen® or Tyzeka®.<br />

f. If the patient has had previous therapy and he/she has NOT shown a drop<br />

in viral load or reduction in their liver aminotransferases or NO presence<br />

of a viral load.<br />

N. The indication is listed as acute chronic hepatitis C. (Many individuals will clear<br />

their viral load with their own immune system).<br />

O. The indication is listed as a Compendia indication and no studies are found to<br />

validate efficacy and/or:<br />

a. The study shows NO clinical improvement with treatment.<br />

b. Patient has NOT tried first line therapy.<br />

c. The patient does NOT meet the criteria of the study.<br />

d. The study has NO clinical validity (eg. un-blinded, one patient).<br />

e. The study’s population does NOT meet the patient’s demographics.<br />

f. The patient’s disease status is terminal and therapy will provide no benefit.<br />

g. The patient is receiving duplicate therapy.<br />


Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Dermatologist, Oncologist, Infectious<br />

Disease<br />


Plan Year<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />

INVEGA<br />


Invega® is indicated:<br />

A. For the acute and maintenance treatment of schizophrenia.<br />


Invega® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. The prescribing physician is a psychiatrist or has obtained a consult from the<br />

listed specialty.<br />

B. AND the patient is 18 years of age or older.<br />

C. AND the diagnosis is NOT documented as dementia-related psychosis.<br />

D. AND the patient does NOT have congenital long QT syndrome or NO history of<br />

cardiac arrhythmias.<br />

E. AND the diagnosis is documented as schizophrenia.<br />

F. AND the patient has tried and failed (schizophrenia is unmanaged) a 30-day trial<br />

or had unacceptable toxicity to risperidone (Risperdal®) AND at least ONE of the<br />

following medications: Seroquel®, Zyprexa®, Geodon®, or Abilify®. (Please<br />

review the patient’s drug history or chart to verify a trial to risperidone and one<br />

other antipsychotic medication).<br />

G. AND Invega® therapy will NOT be used in combination with risperidone<br />

therapy. (Please review the patient’s drug history or chart to verify no<br />

combination use with risperidone (Risperdal®).<br />

H. AND if the patient has received previous Invega® therapy, the provider has seen<br />

clinical evidence demonstrating improvement in schizophrenia symptoms.<br />


Invega® is NOT covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. The prescribing physician is NOT a psychiatrist or the prescriber has NOT<br />

obtained a consult from the listed specialty.<br />

B. The patient is under the age of 18 years old.<br />

C. The diagnosis is documented as dementia-related psychosis.<br />

D. The patient does have congenital long QT syndrome or has a history of cardiac<br />

arrhythmias.<br />

E. The diagnosis is NOT documented as schizophrenia.<br />

F. The patient has NOT tried and failed a 30-day trial or had unacceptable toxicity to<br />

risperidone (Risperdal®).<br />

G. The patient has NOT tried and failed a 30-day trial or had an unacceptable<br />

toxicity to at least ONE of the following medications: Seroquel®, Zyprexa®,<br />

Geodon®, or Abilify®.<br />

H. Invega® therapy will be used in combination with risperidone therapy.<br />

I. If the patient has received previous Invega® therapy and the provider has NOT<br />

seen any clinical evidence demonstrating improvement in schizophrenia<br />

symptoms.<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />

INVEGA<br />

(Continued)<br />


Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Psychiatrist<br />


Plan Year<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Itraconazole is indicated:<br />

A. For Aspergillosis, histoplasmosis, blastomycosis, candidiasis, onychomycosis.<br />


Itraconazole is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Diagnosis is documented as one of the above diagnoses.<br />

B. AND if diagnosis is aspergilosis the patient is intolerant of or refractory to<br />

amphotericin B therapy<br />

C. AND if the diagnosis is oropharyngeal candidiasis the patient is unresponsive or<br />

refractory to fluconazole therapy.<br />

D. AND if the patient is female and of childbearing years, she is NOT pregnant, has<br />

NO plans for pregnancy, is on a form of contraception or has NO ability to<br />

conceive and has been educated on the potential dangers of Itraconazole therapy.<br />


Itraconazole is NOT covered for members with the following criteria:<br />

A. The diagnosis is NOT documented as Aspergillosis, histoplasmosis,<br />

blastomycosis, candidiasis, onychomycosis.<br />

B. If the diagnosis is aspergillosis and the patient has NOT failed or is refractory to<br />

Amphotercin B therapy.<br />

C. If the diagnosis is onychomycosis due to dermatophytes (tinea unguium) and the<br />

patient IS NOT immunocompromised<br />

D. If the diagnosis is oropharyngeal and/or oral candidiasis and any formulation<br />

other than Itraconazole oral solution is requested.<br />

E. If the diagnosis is oropharyngeal candidiasis and the patient had NOT failed or is<br />

not refractory to fluconazole therapy.<br />



Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


12 weeks<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Immune Globulin is indicated:<br />

A. For the treatment of primary immunodeficiency<br />

B. For the treatment of idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura<br />

C. For the treatment of Kawasaki disease<br />


Immune Globulin is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Verify B vs. D criteria per CMS guidelines<br />

B. Treatment of hypergammaglobulinemia<br />

C. AND the patient is diagnosed with primary immunodeficiency<br />

D. OR the patient is diagnosed with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura<br />

E. OR the patient is diagnosed with Kawasaki disease<br />


Immune globulin is NOT covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Medication is covered by Part B per CMS guidelines<br />

B. The diagnosis is NOT hypergammaglobulinemia, primary immunodeficiency, OR<br />

Kawasaki disease<br />



Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Plan Year<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Ixempra® is indicated:<br />

A. For the treatment of breast cancer in patients with metastatic or locally advanced<br />

breast cancer that is resistant or refractory to anthracyclines, taxanes, and<br />

capecitabine OR refractory to anthracyclines and taxanes when capecitabine is<br />

being used in combination.<br />


Ixempra® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Verify B vs. D criteria per CMS guidelines<br />

B. Incident to a physician’s service<br />

C. AND the patient is diagnosed with metastatic or locally advanced breast cancer<br />

D. AND the patient has previous trial and failure on a taxane<br />

E. AND chart notes documenting previous failure to a taxane are received<br />

F. AND the patient has previous failure to anthracyclines or further therapy is<br />

contraindicated<br />

G. AND chart notes documenting failure or contraindication to anthracycline therapy<br />

are received<br />

H. AND treatment with Ixempra® follows 1 (ONE) of the following:<br />

I. Patient has previous trial and failure using capecitabine with chart notes<br />

documenting this failure are provided<br />

J. Patient will be using capecitabine in combination with Ixempra® and written<br />

medical summary is provided that shows dosing strategy<br />


Ixempra® is NOT covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Medication is covered by Part B per CMS guidelines<br />

B. The diagnosis is NOT metastatic or locally advanced breast cancer<br />

C. The patient has NO previous treatment with anthracycline AND taxane<br />

D. Patient will NOT be receiving capecitabine in combination with Ixempra®<br />

treatment OR has not had previous failure on treatment with capecitabine<br />

E. Chart notes documenting previous failure or contraindication to anthracycline<br />

treatment, taxane trial and failure, and capecitabine failure or dosing strategy<br />

along with Ixempra® treatment are not received or do not address the needed<br />

information<br />


Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Oncologist<br />


Plan Year<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Keppra XR® is indicated:<br />

A. For treatment of myoclonic seizures<br />

B. For treatment of partial seizures<br />

C. For treatment of tonic-clonic seizures<br />


Keppra XR® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Patient must have previous trial/failure of generic Levetiracetam<br />


Keppra XR® is NOT covered for members with the following criteria:<br />

A. Diagnosis is NOT myoclonic, partial, or tonic-clonic seizures<br />

B. Patient has no previous trial/failure of generic Levetiracetam.<br />



Chart notes per Covered Uses<br />


Plan Year<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />

KETEK<br />


Ketek® is indicated:<br />

A. For the treatment of community-acquired pneumonia*Ketek is no longer<br />

indicated for the treatment of sinusitis or bronchitis per FDA warning letter issued<br />

2/12/2007<br />


Ketek® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. The patient is diagnosed with community-acquired pneumonia<br />

B. AND the patient has had previous failed therapy on BOTH of the following:<br />

C. Azithromycin<br />

D. A fluoroquinolone<br />

E. AND chart notes are submitted that document failure on BOTH azithromycin<br />

AND a fluoroquinolone (including length of therapy of both agents)<br />


Ketek® is NOT covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. The diagnosis is NOT community-acquired pneumonia<br />

B. The patient has NO previous treatment with azithromycin AND a fluoroquinolone<br />

C. Chart notes documenting previous failure or contraindication to azithromycin<br />

AND a fluoroquinolone are not received or do not address the needed information<br />

D. The patient has previously shown macrolide hypersensitivity<br />

E. The patient has pre-existing QT prolongation or torsades de pointes<br />



Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


10 days<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Kineret® is indicated:<br />

A. For reducing the signs and symptoms and slowing the progression of structural<br />

damage of moderately to severely active rheumatoid arthritis in patients who have<br />

failed other therapies.<br />

B. All other FDA approved indications not otherwise excluded from Part D<br />


Kineret® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Verification of B vs. D coverage per CMS guidelines<br />

a. Incident to a physician’s service<br />

B. AND the patient must have a minimum of 4 of the following symptoms in<br />

accordance with American College of Rheumatology:<br />

a. Morning stiffness<br />

b. Arthritis of 3 or more joint areas<br />

c. Arthritis of hand joints<br />

d. Symmetric arthritis<br />

e. Rheumatoid nodules<br />

f. Serum rheumatoid factor<br />

g. Radiographic changes<br />

C. AND the patient must have previous trial and failure or contraindication on ALL<br />

of the following:<br />

a. 1 DMARD (Sulfasalazine, Hydroxychloroquine, Cyclosporine,<br />

oral/injectable Gold, Penicillamine, Azathioprine, Leflunomide,<br />

Methotrexate)<br />

b. Humira®<br />

D. AND chart notes documenting previous trial/failure of 1 DMARD AND Humira®<br />


Kineret® is NOT covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Medication is paid for by Part B per CMS guidelines<br />

B. The diagnosis is NOT rheumatoid arthritis<br />

C. The patient has NO previous treatment with The patient has no previous<br />

trial/failure of at least 1 DMARD AND Humira®<br />

D. Chart notes documenting patient’s previous trials and failures are not provided or<br />

do not address the needed information.<br />

i. Route of administration is IM or IV<br />

ii. Patient is currently immunosuppressed or has current infection<br />


Chart notes as per Covered Uses<br />


Rheumatologist and Neurologist<br />


Plan Year<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Lamisil AT Topical Spray 1%® is indicated:<br />

A. For the treatment of tinea infections due to susceptible organisms Interdigital<br />

tinea pedis (athlete’s foot), tinea cruris (jock itch), or tinea corporis (ringworm).<br />


Lamisil AT Topical Spray 1%® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Diagnosis is documented as interdigital tinea pedis (athlete’s foot), tinea cruris<br />

(jock itch), or tinea corporis (ringworm).<br />

B. Patient has completed a documented 4 week trail and failure of generic terbinafine<br />

cream.<br />


Lamisil AT Topical Spray 1%® is NOT covered for members with the following criteria:<br />

A. The diagnosis is NOT documented as interdigital tinea pedis (athlete’s<br />

foot), tinea cruris (jock itch), or tinea corporis (ringworm).<br />

B. The patient has not completed a documented 4 week trial and error of<br />

generic terbinafine cream.<br />



Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Plan Year<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Letairis® is indicated:<br />

A. For the treatment of pulmonary hypertension in patients with WHO Class II or III<br />

symptoms, to improve exercise capacity and to delay clinical worsening.<br />


Letairis® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. The providing prescriber is a board certified pulmonologist or cardiologist.<br />

B. Diagnosis is documented as pulmonary hypertension in patients with WHO Class<br />

II or III symptoms.<br />

C. AND if the patient is female and of childbearing years, she is NOT pregnant, has<br />

NO plans for pregnancy, is on a form of contraception or has NO ability to<br />

conceive and has been educated on the potential dangers of Letairis® therapy.<br />

D. PAH is not associated with portal hypertension, sickle cell disease, or<br />

thromboembolic disease.<br />

E. Baseline liver aminotranferases are less than 3X ULN.<br />

F. Mean PAP is greater than or equal to 25mm Hg at rest.<br />

G. Documented trial and failure of treatment with a calcium channel blocker.<br />


Letairis® is NOT covered for members with the following criteria:<br />

A. The diagnosis is NOT documented as pulmonary hypertension in patients with<br />

WHO Class II or III symptoms<br />

B. Diagnosis has NOT been confirmed by a board certified pulmonologist or<br />

cardiologist.<br />

C. The patient is female and of childbearing years, she is pregnant, has plans for<br />

pregnancy, is not on a form of contraception or has the ability to conceive.<br />

D. The patient has PAH associated with portal hypertension, sickle cell disease, or<br />

thromboembolic disease.<br />

E. Baseline liver aminotranferases are greater than 3X ULN.<br />

F. Mean PAP is less than 25mm Hg at rest.<br />

G. No documented trial and failure of treatment with a calcium channel blocker.<br />


Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Pulmonologist and Cardiologist<br />


Plan Year<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Leucovorin is indicated:<br />

A. For the treatment of florouracil therapy, macrocytic anemia, megaloblastic<br />

anemia, MTX toxicity prophylaxis, pyrimethamine toxicity/prophylaxis,<br />

trimethoprim toxicity/prophylaxis, trimetrexate toxicity/prophylaxis<br />


Leucovorin is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Patient is prescribed Leucovorin for an indicated diagnosis as illustrated above<br />

B. AND patient does not suffer from pernicious anemia<br />

C. AND B vs. D criteria determines that the medications should be covered by<br />

Medicare Part D<br />


Leucovorin is NOT covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Non approved indications<br />

B. Patients that have pernicious anemia<br />



Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Plan Year<br />



Cladribine is indicated:<br />

A. Hairy Cell Leukemia<br />

<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Cladribine is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Patient is diagnosed with Hairy Cell Leukemia<br />

B. AND is being diagnosed by an Oncologist<br />

C. AND the medication meets B vs. D determination criteria that authorized<br />

coverage to Medicare Part D<br />


Cladribine is NOT covered for members with the following criteria:<br />

A. Non FDA approved indications<br />


Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Oncologist<br />


Plan Year<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Lidoderm® is indicated:<br />

A. For treatment of postherpetic neuralgia<br />

B. All other FDA approved indications not otherwise excluded from Part D<br />


Lidoderm® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Diagnosis is documented as postherpetic neuralgia<br />

B. Patient has completed a documented 1 month trial and failure of two of the<br />

following:<br />

a. Opiate analgesics<br />

b. Gabapentin<br />

c. Tricyclic antidepressants (amitriptyline, nortriptyline or desipramine)<br />

d. Topical capsaicin<br />


Lidoderm® is NOT covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Diagnosis is NOT documented as postherpetic neuralgia<br />

B. Patient has NOT completed a documented 1 month trial and failure of two of the<br />

following:<br />

a. Opiate analgesics<br />

b. Gabapentin<br />

c. Tricyclic antidepressants (amitriptyline, nortriptyline or desipramine)<br />

d. Topical capsaicin.<br />



Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


3 months<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />

LOVAZA<br />


Lovaza® is indicated:<br />

A. As an adjunct to diet to reduce triglyceride levels in adult patients with very<br />

high (Greater than or equal to 500 mg/dL) triglyceride levels.<br />


Lovaza® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. The patient is 18 years of age or older.<br />

B. AND the patient has a triglyceride level of 500 mg/dL or greater. (Please review<br />

the patient’s chart to verify their triglyceride level).<br />

C. AND the patient has tried and failed or is intolerant to at least a 60-day drug<br />

regimen to two of the following drug classes (Please review the patient’s drug<br />

history or chart to verify the use of each drug class):<br />

a. Niacin (e.g. Niaspan®, Niacor®, niacin).<br />

b. Fenofibrate (e.g. Tricor®, Triglide®, Lofibra®, Antara®, fenofibrate).<br />

c. Gemfibrozil (e.g. gemfibrozil, Lopid®). does NOT have gastroparesis.<br />

D. AND if the patient has had previous Lovaza® therapy, he/she must show a<br />

reduction in their triglyceride level since initiating Lovaza® therapy.<br />


Lovaza® is NOT covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. The patient is under the age of 18 years old.<br />

B. The patient has a triglyceride level less than 500 mg/dL.<br />

C. The patient has NOT tried and failed or is intolerable to at least a 60-day drug<br />

regimen to two of the following drug classes:<br />

a. Niacin (e.g. Niaspan®, Niacor®, niacin).<br />

b. Fenofibrate (e.g. Tricor®, Triglide®, Lofibra®, Antara®, fenofibrate).<br />

c. Gemfibrozil (e.g. gemfibrozil, Lopid).<br />

D. If the patient has had previous Lovaza® therapy and he/she has not shown a<br />

reduction in their triglyceride level since initiating Lovaza® therapy.<br />



Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Plan Year<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Lupron® is indicated:<br />

A. For the palliative treatment of advanced prostate cancer, particularly when<br />

orchiectomy or estrogen therapy are not indicated or are unacceptable<br />

B. For the management of endometriosis including pain relief and reduction of<br />

endometriotic lesions<br />

C. For the treatment of central precocious puberty (idiopathic or neurogenic) in<br />

children less than 8 or 9 years old<br />

D. For the preoperative treatment of anemia due to uterine leiomyomata (fibroids) in<br />

combination with iron supplementation when iron therapy alone fails to correct<br />

the anemia<br />


Lupron® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. The documented diagnosis is one of the FDA approved indications listed above.<br />

B. If the diagnosis is advanced prostate cancer, orchiectomy or estrogen therapy are<br />

documented as unacceptable.<br />

C. If the diagnosis is endometriosis the patient has completed documented trial and<br />

failures of at least two of the following: oral contraceptives,<br />

medroxyprogesterone, and Danazol<br />

D. If the diagnosis is precocious puberty, patient must be less than 9 years old<br />

E. AND verification of all B vs. D criteria indicate coverage by Part D<br />


Lupron® is NOT covered for members with the following criteria:<br />

A. If there is not a documented diagnosis as listed under the FDA-approved<br />

indications above.<br />

B. If the diagnosis is advanced prostate cancer, orchiectomy or estrogen therapy are<br />

not indicated for are unacceptable.<br />

C. If the diagnosis is endometriosis, the patient has NOT completed a documented<br />

trial and failure of at least two of the following: oral contraceptives,<br />

medroxyprogesterone, and Danazol.<br />

D. If the diagnosis is precocious puberty, the patient is NOT less than 9 years old at<br />

beginning of treatment. Treatment should be discontinued before age 11 for<br />

females and age 12 for males.<br />

E. If the patient is female and she is pregnant, has plans for pregnancy or has NOT<br />

been educated on the potential dangers of Lupron® therapy in pregnancy.<br />


Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


OBGYN and Oncologist and<br />

Endocrinologist<br />


3 months<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Marinol® is indicated:<br />

A. For the treatment of anorexia associated with weight loss in patients with AIDS.<br />

B. For the treatment of nausea and vomiting associated with cancer chemotherapy in<br />

patients who have failed to respond adequately to conventional antiemetic<br />

treatments.<br />

C. All other FDA approved indications not otherwise excluded from Part D.<br />


Marinol® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. The diagnosis is documented as anorexia associated with weight loss in a patient<br />

with AIDS.<br />

a. AND the patient has had an involuntary weight loss of Greater than 10%<br />

of pre-illness baseline body weight or body mass index (BMI) Less than<br />

20 kg/m 2 in the absence of a concurrent illness or medical condition other<br />

than HIV infection that may cause weight loss.<br />

b. AND the patient has failed to respond to a 30-day drug regimen of<br />

megestrol (Megace®) AND an anabolic steroid (e.g. Testim®,<br />

Androgel®, testosterone enanthate, testosterone cypionate, Testoderm®,<br />

Androderm®, methyltestosterone, or fluoxymesterone). (Please verify the<br />

use of megestrol and an anabolic steroid by reviewing the patient’s drug<br />

history or chart).<br />

c. AND if the patient has received previous Marinol® therapy, he/she must<br />

show a positive response to treatment by maintaining or increasing their<br />

initial weight and/or muscle mass before initiating Marinol® therapy.<br />

B. The diagnosis is documented as nausea and vomiting associated with cancer<br />

chemotherapy in a cancer patient.<br />

a. AND the patient is receiving a chemotherapy or radiation regimen.<br />

(Please verify in the patient’s chart notes).<br />

b. AND if Marinol® therapy is NOT being used as a full therapeutic<br />

replacement for an intravenous anti-emetic drug (e.g., Aloxi®, Zofran®).<br />

If Marinol® is used as a full replacement of IV antiemetic administration<br />

and the treatment is or will be within 48 hours of cancer treatment,<br />

Medicare Part B will pay for the therapy. Please verify with the provider).<br />

c. AND if Marinol® therapy is being used as a full therapeutic replacement<br />

for an intravenous anti-emetic drug (e.g., Aloxi®, Zofran® BUT<br />

Marinol® treatment will NOT be within 48 hours of cancer treatment. (If<br />

Marinol® is used as a full replacement of IV antiemetic administration<br />

and the treatment is or will be within 48 hours of cancer treatment,<br />

Medicare Part B will pay for the therapy. (Please verify with the provider).<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />


(Continued)<br />

d. AND the patient has had a full trial and failure through at least one cycle<br />

of chemotherapy with IV Zofran® AND at least two of the following oral<br />

anti-emetic agents:<br />

i. metoclopramide.<br />

ii. promethazine.<br />

iii. prochlorperazine.<br />

iv. dimenhydrinate.<br />

v. meclizine.<br />

vi. trimethobenzamide.<br />

vii. Oral 5-HT3 receptor Antagonist (e.g., Anzemet®, Zofran®,<br />

Kytril®, Zomig®).<br />

e. AND if the patient has received previous Marinol® therapy, he/she must<br />

show a positive response by showing a reduced incidence of emesis and/or<br />

nausea.<br />


Marinol® is NOT covered for members with the following criteria:<br />

A. The diagnosis is not documented as anorexia associated with weight loss in a<br />

patient with AIDS or nausea and vomiting associated with cancer chemotherapy<br />

in a cancer patient.<br />

B. The diagnosis is documented as anorexia associated with weight loss in a patient<br />

with AIDS and the patient meets any of the following criteria.<br />

a. The patient has NOT had an involuntary weight loss of Greater than 10%<br />

of pre-illness baseline body weight or body mass index (BMI) Less than<br />

20 kg/m 2 in the absence of a concurrent illness or medical condition other<br />

than HIV infection that may cause weight loss.<br />

b. The patient has NOT failed to respond to a 30-day drug regimen of<br />

megestrol (Megace®) AND an anabolic steroid (e.g. Testim®,<br />

Androgel®, testosterone enanthate, testosterone cypionate, Testoderm®,<br />

Androderm®, methyltestosterone, or fluoxymesterone).<br />

c. If the patient has received previous Marinol® therapy and he/she has NOT<br />

shown a positive response to treatment by maintaining or increasing their<br />

initial weight and/or muscle mass before initiating Marinol® therapy.<br />

C. The diagnosis is documented as nausea and vomiting associated with cancer<br />

chemotherapy in a cancer patient.<br />

a. The patient is NOT receiving a chemotherapy or radiation regimen.<br />

b. Marinol® therapy is being used as a full therapeutic replacement for an<br />

intravenous anti-emetic drug (e.g., Aloxi®, Zofran®) and treatment is or<br />

will be within 48 hours of cancer treatment.<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />


(Continued)<br />

c. The patient has NOT had a full trial and failure through at least one cycle<br />

of chemotherapy with IV Zofran® AND at least two of the following oral<br />

anti-emetic agents:<br />

i. metoclopramide.<br />

ii. promethazine.<br />

iii. prochlorperazine.<br />

iv. dimenhydrinate.<br />

v. meclizine.<br />

vi. trimethobenzamide.<br />

vii. Oral 5-HT3 receptor Antagonist (e.g., Anzemet®, Zofran®,<br />

Kytril®, Zomig®).<br />

d. If the patient has received previous Marinol® therapy and he/she has not<br />

shown a positive response by showing a reduced incidence of emesis<br />

and/or nausea.<br />



Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


6 months<br />



Mesnex® is indicated:<br />

A. Hemorrhagic Cystitis<br />

<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />

MESNEX<br />


Mesnex® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Patient is diagnosed with approved indication as stated above<br />

B. AND patient is being administered with ifosfamide or cyclophosphamide<br />

C. AND B vs. D criteria indicates that coverage should be through Medicare Part D<br />


Mesnex® is NOT covered for members with the following criteria:<br />

A. Receiving medications other than ifosfamide or cyclophosphamide.<br />


Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Oncologist<br />


3 months<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />

MIACALCIN This PA criteria is for the injection only<br />


Miacalcin® is indicated:<br />

A. Hypercalcemia<br />

B. Osteoporosis<br />

C. Paget’s Disease<br />


Miacalcin® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Injection for Hypercalcemia and Paget’s Disease:<br />

a. Patient is diagnosed with approved indication as stated above<br />

b. AND B vs. D criteria indicates that coverage should be through Medicare<br />

Part D<br />

B. Injection for Osteoporosis:<br />

a. Patient can not use Nasal Miacalcin<br />

b. AND has diagnosis of Osteoporosis indicated by a T-Score of 2.5 or more<br />

standard deviations below the young-adult mean BMD.<br />


Miacalcin® is NOT covered for members with the following criteria:<br />

A. Non-FDA approved indications<br />



Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Plan Year<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Myfortic® is indicated:<br />

A. For the prophylaxis of organ rejection in patients receiving allogeneic renal<br />

transplants, administered in combination with cyclosporine and corticosteroids.<br />


Myfortic® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. If the patient is female and of childbearing years, she is NOT pregnant, has NO<br />

plans for pregnancy and has been educated on the potential dangers of Myfortic®<br />

therapy.<br />

B. AND diagnosis is documented as the prophylaxis of organ rejection in a patient<br />

receiving or received an organ transplant.<br />

C. AND the transplant was NOT covered by Medicare Part A. (Please verify the<br />

payer of the transplant. If Medicare paid for the transplant, Myfortic® is covered<br />

by Medicare Part B).<br />

D. AND approval can be allowed for up to one year.<br />


Myfortic® is NOT covered for members with the following criteria:<br />

A. The patient is female and of childbearing years and is pregnant or has plans for<br />

pregnancy.<br />

B. The diagnosis is NOT documented as prophylaxis of organ rejection after<br />

receiving an organ transplant or a compendia listed indication.<br />

C. The transplant was paid for by Medicare Part A.<br />



Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Plan Year<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Myozyme® is indicated:<br />

A. For use in patients with Pompe disease (alpha glucosidase deficiency).<br />

Myozyme® has been shown to improve ventilator-free survival in patients with<br />

infantile-onset Pompe disease. Use of Myozyme® in patients with other forms of<br />

Pompe disease has not been adequately studied to assure safety and efficacy.<br />


Myozyme® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Diagnosis is documented as infantile-onset Pompe disease (glycogen storage<br />

disease type II, GSD II, glycogenosis type II, acid maltase deficiency disease).<br />

B. AND diagnosis has been confirmed by an enzymatic assay showing a deficiency<br />

in acid alpha glucosidase.<br />

C. AND the patient is NOT receiving treatment at home. (Myozyme® therapy<br />

would be paid by Medicare Part B).<br />

D. AND/OR if the patient is in a hospital or long term care facility (LTC) or skilled<br />

nursing facility (SNF) and the payer of the stay is NOT Medicare Part A.<br />

(Medicare Part A can pay for the first 110 days and Myozyme® therapy would be<br />

paid by Medicare Part B. (Please verify payer).<br />

E. AND the medication is NOT being administered using an IMPLANTABLE<br />

F. PUMP. (Please verify the delivery method of the medication. Administration<br />

through an implantable pump is covered under Medicare Part B.)<br />

G. AND approval can be allowed for up to one year.<br />


Myozyme® is NOT covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Diagnosis is NOT documented as infantile-onset Pompe disease (glycogen<br />

storage disease type II, GSD II, glycogenosis type II, acid maltase deficiency<br />

disease).<br />

B. Diagnosis is documented as late-onset Pompe disease.<br />

C. Diagnosis has NOT been confirmed by an enzymatic assay showing a deficiency<br />

in acid alpha glucosidase.<br />

D. The patient is receiving treatment at home. (Myozyme® therapy would be paid<br />

by Medicare Part B).<br />

E. The patient is in a hospital or long term care facility (LTC) or skilled nursing<br />

facility (SNF) and the payer of the stay is Medicare Part A. (Medicare Part B<br />

would pay for Myozyme® therapy).<br />

F. The patient is in a hospital or LTC or SNF and the medication is being<br />

administered using an IMPLANTABLE PUMP. (Administration through an<br />

implantable pump is covered under Medicare Part B.)<br />


Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Endocrinology<br />


Plan Year<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Naglazyme® is indicated:<br />

A. For patients with Mucopolysaccharidosis VI (MPS VI).<br />


Naglazyme® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Diagnosis is documented as mucopolysaccharidosis VI (MPS VI).<br />

B. AND diagnosis has been confirmed by an enzymatic assay showing a deficiency<br />

in N-acetylgalactosamine activity.<br />

C. AND the patient has at least one of the listed MPS VI symptoms.<br />

Impaired vision Recurrent otitis media. Recurrent<br />

sinopulmonary<br />

infections<br />

Impaired hearing Upper airway obstruction Malaise and reduced<br />

endurance<br />

Corneal clouding Macrocephaly Reduced joint range<br />

of motion<br />

Progressively<br />

coarse facial<br />

features<br />

Carpal tunnel<br />

syndrome<br />

Cardiac<br />

abnormalities and<br />

valvular disease<br />

Reduced<br />

pulmonary<br />

function<br />

Short stature<br />

Communicating<br />

hydrocephalus<br />

Spinal cord compression<br />

Hepatospenomegaly<br />

Umbilical and<br />

inguinal hernias<br />

Hepatosplenomegaly<br />

Sleep apnea<br />

Dysostosis mutiplex<br />

D. AND if the patient has previously received Naglazyme® therapy, they must show<br />

an improvement in walking and/or stair-climbing capacity since initiating therapy.<br />


E. Naglazyme® is NOT covered for members with the following criteria:<br />

F. The diagnosis is NOT documented as mucopolysaccharidosis VI (MPS VI).<br />

G. Diagnosis has NOT been confirmed by enzymatic assay that shows a deficiency<br />

in N-acetylgalactosamine activity.<br />

H. The patient does NOT have at least one of the listed symptoms of MPS VI.<br />

I. If the patient has previously received Naglazyme® therapy and they have not<br />

shown an improvement in walking or stair-climbing capacity.<br />


Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Endocrinologist<br />


Plan Year<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Neurontin® is indicated:<br />

A. For the symptomatic treatment of neuropathic pain associated with post-herpetic<br />

neuralgia and diabetic peripheral neuropathy<br />

B. For the adjunctive treatment of partial seizures with or without secondary<br />

generalized tonic-clonic seizures<br />

DOSE<br />

The recommended dose of Neurontin® is:<br />

A. Initially 300 mg PO three times per day. Can increase up to 3600 mg/day.<br />


Neurontin® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. The patient is diagnosed with either neuropathic pain OR partial seizures<br />

B. AND the patient has previous trial/failure with maximum doses of oral gabapentin<br />

capsules/tablets<br />

C. AND chart notes are received documenting trial of gabapentin capsules/tablets<br />


Neurontin® is NOT covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. The diagnosis is NOT neuropathic pain OR partial seizures<br />

B. The patient has NO previous treatment with maximum doses of gabapentin<br />

capsules/tablets<br />

C. Chart notes documenting previous failure or contraindication to gabapentin<br />

capsules/tablets are not received or do not address the needed information<br />



Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Plan Year<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Neutrexin® is indicated:<br />

A. For the treatment of moderate-to-severe pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP) in<br />

immunocompromised patients<br />


Neutrexin® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Verification of B vs. D criteria per CMS guidelines<br />

B. Incident to a physician’s service<br />

C. AND the patient is diagnosed with moderate to severe pneumocystis pneumonia<br />

(PCP)<br />

D. AND the patient is immunocompromised (including HIV and oncology patients)<br />

E. AND the patient has previous trial/failure or contraindication to<br />

sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim AND pentamidine<br />

F. AND the patient is concurrently taking leucovorin with treatment<br />

G. AND chart notes are received that document patient’s immune status as well as<br />

previous trial and failure or contraindication to sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim<br />

AND pentamidine<br />


Neutrexin® is NOT covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Medication is paid for by Part B<br />

B. The diagnosis is NOT pneumocystis pneumonia<br />

C. The patient is NOT immunocompromised<br />

D. The patient has NO previous trials with sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim AND<br />

pentamidine<br />

E. The patient is NOT taking leucovorin with treatment<br />

F. Chart notes documenting previous failure or contraindication to<br />

sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim AND pentamidine are not received or do not<br />

address the needed information<br />


Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Infectious Disease<br />


21 days<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Nexavar® is indicated:<br />

A. For the treatment of unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma.<br />

B. For the treatment of advanced renal cell carcinoma.<br />


Nexavar® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. The prescribing physician is a board certified oncologist or nephrologist.<br />

B. AND if the patient is female and of childbearing years, she is NOT pregnant, has<br />

NO plans for pregnancy and has been educated on the potential dangers of<br />

Nexavar® therapy in pregnancy.<br />

C. AND the patient will NOT be treated with interferon alfa (Roferon-A®,<br />

Pegasys®, Intron-A®, Peg-Intron®) or interleukin-2 (Proleukin®) therapy in<br />

combination with Nexavar® treatment. (Please verify the patient’s drug history or<br />

patient chart to verify that the patient is not on interferon alfa or interleukin-2<br />

therapy).<br />

D. AND the diagnosis is documented as treatment for hepatocellular carcinoma.<br />

a. AND the carcinoma is surgically unresectable.<br />

b. AND if the patient has received previous Nexavar® therapy, he/she has<br />

evidence of clinical improvement from the pretreatment report and or the<br />

patient has stable disease (tumor size within 25% of baseline).<br />

E. AND/OR the diagnosis is documented as metastatic (advanced) renal cell<br />

carcinoma.<br />

a. AND the carcinoma is surgically unresectable.<br />

b. AND if the patient has had previous Nexavar® therapy, he/she has<br />

evidence of clinical improvement from the pretreatment report and or the<br />

patient has stable disease (tumor size within 25% of baseline).<br />


Nexavar® is NOT covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. The prescribing physician is NOT a board certified oncologist or nephrologist.<br />

B. If the patient is female and she is pregnant, has plans for pregnancy or has NOT<br />

been educated on the potential dangers of Nexavar® therapy in pregnancy.<br />

C. The patient will be receiving interferon alfa or Proleukin® therapy in combination<br />

with Nexavar® treatment.<br />

D. The diagnosis is NOT documented as treatment for hepatocellular or renal cell<br />

carcinoma.<br />

E. The diagnosis is documented as treatment for hepatocellular carcinoma and they<br />

meet any of the following criteria.<br />

a. The carcinoma is resectable.<br />

b. If the patient has received previous Nexavar® therapy and he/she has<br />

evidence of tumor growth greater than 25% of the baseline tumor size.<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />


(Continued)<br />

F. The diagnosis is documented as renal cell carcinoma and they meet any of the<br />

following criteria:<br />

a. The carcinoma is not metastatic.<br />

b. The carcinoma can be surgically resectable.<br />

c. If the patient has had previous Nexavar® therapy and he/she has evidence<br />

of tumor growth greater than 25% of the baseline tumor size.<br />



Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Plan Year<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Nicotrol® is indicated:<br />

A. For use as an aid in the treatment of nicotine withdrawal following cessation of<br />

smoking<br />

DOSE<br />

The recommended dose of Nicotrol® is:<br />

A. Nasal spray: 1 spray into each nostril 1-2 times each hour as needed whenever the<br />

patient feels the need to smoke. Recommended duration is three months.<br />

B. Inhaler: 24 to 64 mg (6 to 16 cartridges) per day for up to 12 weeks.<br />


Nicotrol® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. The patient is diagnosed with nicotine addiction or withdrawal following<br />

cessation of smoking<br />

B. AND the patient has stopped smoking previous to receiving medication<br />

C. AND the patient is enrolled in a smoking cessation program<br />

D. AND documentation verifying enrollment in a smoking cessation program is<br />

provided<br />

E. AND the request is for 3 months or less<br />


Nicotrol® is NOT covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. The diagnosis is NOT withdrawal due to smoking cessation<br />

B. The patient has NOT stopped smoking<br />

C. The patient is NOT enrolled in a smoking cessation program<br />

D. The request is for more than 3 months<br />

E. Documentation of enrollment in a smoking cessation program is received or does<br />

not address the needed information<br />



Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


3 months<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Mitoxantrone is indicated:<br />

A. For the treatment of acute myelogenous leukemia (AML)<br />

B. For the treatment of secondary (chronic) progressive, progressive relapsing, or<br />

worsening relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis to reduce neurologic disability<br />

and/or frequency of clinical relapses<br />

C. For the palliative treatment of severe pain related to advanced hormone-refractory<br />

prostate cancer in combination with corticosteroids<br />


Mitoxantrone® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. For Acute myelogenous leukemia:<br />

a. The documented diagnosis is acute myelogenous leukemia<br />

B. For Multiple Sclerosis:<br />

a. The diagnosis is documented as secondary (chronic) progressive,<br />

progressive relapsing, or worsening relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis<br />

C. For Prostate Cancer:<br />

a. Tthe diagnosis is documented as prostate cancer<br />


Mitoxantrone is NOT covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. The diagnosis is NOT acute myelogenous leukemia, prostate cancer or secondary<br />

(chronic) progressive, progressive relapsing, or worsening relapsing-remitting<br />

multiple sclerosis<br />

B. The diagnosis is documented as primary progressive multiple sclerosis<br />



Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Plan Year<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />




Novarel is indicated for:<br />

A. Cryptorchidism<br />

B. Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, In male patients<br />

C. Ovulation induction<br />


Novarel is covered for members who meet either of the following criteria:<br />

A. In a Male patient<br />

a. If the patient has a diagnosis of prepubertal cryptochidism not due to<br />

anatomic obstruction or hypogonadism secondary to a pituitary deficiency.<br />

b. AND If the patient does not have any signs of the following diagnoses:<br />

i. Precocious puberty, or<br />

ii. Prostatic carcinoma or other androgen dependent neoplasm<br />

c. And is not being used in the treatment of obesity.<br />


Novarel is NOT covered for members of the following criteria:<br />

A. In a Male patient:<br />

a. If the patient does NOT have a diagnosis of prepubertal cryptochidism not<br />

due to anatomic obstruction or hypogonadism secondary to a pituitary<br />

deficiency.<br />

b. If the patient does have any signs of the following diagnoses:<br />

i. Precocious puberty, or<br />

ii. Prostatic carcinoma or other androgen dependent neoplasm<br />

c. If it is being used in the treatment of obesity.<br />

B. If patient is female<br />


Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Endocrinologist<br />


Plan Year<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Immune Globulin is indicated:<br />

A. For the treatment of primary immunodeficiency<br />

B. For the treatment of idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura<br />

C. For the treatment of Kawasaki disease<br />


Immune Globulin is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Verify B vs. D criteria per CMS guidelines<br />

a. Treatment of hypergammaglobulinemia<br />

B. AND the patient is diagnosed with primary immunodeficiency<br />

C. OR the patient is diagnosed with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura<br />

D. OR the patient is diagnosed with Kawasaki disease<br />


Immune globulin is NOT covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Medication is covered by Part B per CMS guidelines<br />

B. The diagnosis is NOT hypergammaglobulinemia, primary immunodeficiency, OR<br />

Kawasaki disease<br />



Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Plan Year<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Octreotide is indicated for:<br />

A. Acromegaly, Inadequate response to or ineligible for surgery, radiation, or<br />

bromocriptine mesylate<br />

B. Carcinoid syndrome, Metastatic; symptomatic treatment<br />

C. Vasoactive intestinal peptide-secreting tumor, Associated diarrhea<br />

Safety and efficacy in children not established<br />


Octreotide is covered for members who meet either of the following criteria:<br />

A. AND If the patient has ONE of the following diagnoses<br />

a. Acromegaly<br />

b. Vasoactive intestinal peptide-secreting tumor<br />

c. Carcinoid syndrome<br />

B. AND If the prescriber has documentation of the diagnosis with corresponding<br />

chemical markers of the above.<br />


Octreotide is NOT covered for members who meet either of the following criteria:<br />

A. If the patient does NOT have ONE of the following diagnoses?<br />

a. Acromegaly<br />

b. Vasoactive intestinal peptide-secreting tumor, or<br />

c. Carcinoid syndrome, or<br />

B. If the prescriber does NOT have documentation of the diagnosis with<br />

corresponding chemical markers of the above.<br />


Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Endocrinologist, Gastroenterologist and<br />

Oncologist<br />


6 months<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Orencia® is indicated:<br />

A. For the treatment of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis AND juvenile<br />

idiopathic arthritis to reduce signs and symptoms of the disease, to induce major<br />

clinical response, to slow the progression of structural damage, and to improve<br />

physical function in patients with an inadequate response to one or more disease<br />

modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs) such as methotrexate or TNF<br />

antagonists.<br />

B. All other FDA approved indications not otherwise excluded from Part D<br />


Orencia® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Patient must be diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis OR juvenile idiopathic<br />

arthritis<br />

B. AND the patient must have a minimum of 4 of the following symptoms in<br />

accordance with American College of Rheumatology:<br />

a. Morning stiffness<br />

b. Arthritis of 3 or more joint areas<br />

c. Arthritis of hand joints<br />

d. Symmetric arthritis<br />

e. Rheumatoid nodules<br />

f. Serum rheumatoid factor<br />

g. Radiographic changes<br />

C. AND the patient must have previous trial and failure or contraindication on ALL<br />

of the following:<br />

a. 1 DMARD (Sulfasalazine, Hydroxychloroquine, Cyclosporine,<br />

oral/injectable Gold, Penicillamine, Azathioprine, Leflunomide,<br />

Methotrexate)<br />

b. Humira®<br />

D. AND chart notes documenting previous trial/failure of 1 DMARD AND Humira®<br />


Orencia® is NOT covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. The patient is NOT diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis OR juvenile idiopathic<br />

arthritis<br />

B. The patient has Less than 4 of symptoms in accordance with American College of<br />

Rheumatology<br />

C. The patient has no previous trial/failure of at least 1 DMARDs AND Humira®<br />

D. Chart notes documenting patient’s previous trials and failures are not provided or<br />

do not address the needed information.<br />



Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Plan Year<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Orfadin® is indicated:<br />

A. For the treatment of heredity tyrosinemia type I.<br />

B. All other FDA approved indications not otherwise excluded from Part D<br />


Orfadin® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Patient must be diagnosed with hereditary tyrosinemia type I.<br />

B. AND the patient must have documented treatment protocol of protein-restricted<br />

diet that is low in phenylalanine.<br />

C. AND the patient’s baseline liver function tests (LFTs) must be within normal<br />

limits.<br />

D. AND the patient’s baseline LFTs must be submitted via the prescribing physician<br />

for evaluation.<br />


Orfadin® is NOT covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. The patient is NOT diagnosed with hereditary tyrosinemia type I<br />

B. The patient does NOT have documented treatment protocol of protein-restricted<br />

diet<br />

C. The patient’s baseline LFTs are not within normal limits<br />

D. Chart notes documenting patient’s baseline LFTs are not provided or do not<br />

address the needed information.<br />


Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Endocrinologist<br />


Plan Year<br />



Orthoclone® is indicated:<br />

A. Heart Transplant Rejection<br />

B. Kidney Transplant Rejection<br />

C. Liver Transplant Rejection<br />

<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Orthoclone® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Patients being treated for Heart, Lung, or Kidney transplant<br />

B. AND has been unresponsive to high dose steroids<br />

C. AND is suffering Acute rejection<br />

D. AND patient is free of hypervolemia<br />

E. AND B vs. D criteria is determined that coverage should be through Medicare<br />

Part D<br />


Orthoclone® is NOT covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Not being used for Acute rejection<br />

B. Patient suffers hypervolemia<br />

C. If Medication should be covered by Medicare B<br />



Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Plan Year<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



All FDA-approved indications not otherwise excluded from Part D<br />


Plan Year<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Oxsoralen® is indicated:<br />

A. For the treatment of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma<br />

B. For the treatment of psoriasis<br />

C. For the treatment of vitiligo<br />

D. All other FDA approved indications not otherwise excluded from Part D<br />


Oxsoralen® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Patient must be diagnosed with T-cell lymphoma OR psoriasis OR vitiligo.<br />

B. AND the patient must have previous trial/failure or contraindication to ALL of the<br />

following:<br />

a. At least 1 topical steroid<br />

b. Dovonex®.<br />

C. AND chart notes must be submitted documenting previous trials on topical steroid<br />

and Dovonex®.<br />


Orxsoralen® is NOT covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. The patient is NOT diagnosed with T-Cell lymphoma, psoriasis, or vitiligo<br />

B. The patient has NO previous trial on at least 1 topical steroid and Dovonex®<br />

C. Chart notes documenting patient’s previous trials on topical steroids and<br />

Dovonex® are not submitted or do not address the needed information.<br />


Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Dermatologist and Oncologist<br />


Plan Year<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



pamidronate is indicated:<br />

A. For the treatment of hypercalcemia<br />

B. For the treatment of osteolytic metastases<br />

C. For the treatment of Paget’s disease<br />

D. Osteoporosis<br />


pamidronate is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Patient must be diagnosed with hypercalcemia<br />

B. AND the patient’s hypercalcemia must be associated with malignancy<br />

C. AND lab reports showing patient’s high calcium are submitted<br />

D. OR patient is diagnosed with osteolytic metastases<br />

E. AND the patient is also diagnosed with multiple myeloma<br />

F. AND the patient is currently receiving antineoplastic therapy<br />

G. OR the patient is diagnosed with Paget’s disease<br />

H. AND disease is moderate to severe<br />

I. AND patient has documented high alkaline phosphatasse and normal calcium<br />

levels<br />

J. AND osteomalacia has been ruled out<br />

K. OR diagnosis of osteoporosis<br />

L. AND the patient has previously failed at least 2 (TWO) of the following: Actonel,<br />

Fosamax, Boniva, Miacalcin<br />

M. AND Chart notes documenting failure on two of the above agents are received<br />


pamidronate is NOT covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. The patient is NOT diagnosed with hypercalcemia, osteolytic metastases, Paget’s<br />

disease, or osteoporosis<br />

B. The patient does NOT have the appropriate comorbidities (i.e. cancer) if<br />

diagnosed with hypercalcemia or<br />

osteolytic metastases.<br />

C. The patient has no previous trial/failure of Actonel, Fosamax, Boniva, or<br />

Miacalcin if diagnosed with<br />

Osteoporosis<br />

D. Chart notes documenting patient’s previous trials and failures are not provided or<br />

do not address the needed information.<br />

E. Osteomalacia has not been ruled out if patient has diagnosis of Paget’s disease<br />



Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Plan Year<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Immune Globulin is indicated:<br />

A. For the treatment of primary immunodeficiency<br />

B. For the treatment of idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura<br />

C. For the treatment of Kawasaki disease<br />


Immune Globulin is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Verify B vs. D criteria per CMS guidelines<br />

a. Treatment of hypergammaglobulinemia<br />

B. AND the patient is diagnosed with primary immunodeficiency<br />

C. OR the patient is diagnosed with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura<br />

D. OR the patient is diagnosed with Kawasaki disease<br />


Immune globulin is NOT covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Medication is covered by Part B per CMS guidelines<br />

B. The diagnosis is NOT hypergammaglobulinemia, primary immunodeficiency, OR<br />

Kawasaki disease<br />



Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Plan Year<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Immune Globulin is indicated:<br />

A. For the treatment of primary immunodeficiency<br />

B. For the treatment of idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura<br />

C. For the treatment of Kawasaki disease<br />


Immune Globulin is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Verify B vs. D criteria per CMS guidelines<br />

B. Treatment of hypergammaglobulinemia<br />

C. AND the patient is diagnosed with primary immunodeficiency<br />

D. OR the patient is diagnosed with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura<br />

E. OR the patient is diagnosed with Kawasaki disease<br />


Immune globulin is NOT covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Medication is covered by Part B per CMS guidelines<br />



Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Plan Year<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />




Pregnyl is indicated for:<br />

A. Cryptorchidism<br />

B. Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, In male patients<br />


Pregnyl is covered for members who meet either of the following criteria:<br />

A. In a Male patient<br />

a. If the patient has a diagnosis of prepubertal cryptochidism not due to<br />

anatomic obstruction or hypogonadism secondary to a pituitary deficiency.<br />

b. AND If the patient does not have any signs of the following diagnoses:<br />

i. Precocious puberty, or<br />

ii. Prostatic carcinoma or other androgen dependent neoplasm<br />

c. And is not being used in the treatment of obesity.<br />


Pregnyl is NOT covered for members of the following criteria:<br />

C. In a Male patient:<br />

d. If the patient does NOT have a diagnosis of prepubertal cryptochidism not<br />

due to anatomic obstruction or hypogonadism secondary to a pituitary<br />

deficiency.<br />

e. If the patient does have any signs of the following diagnoses:<br />

i. Precocious puberty, or<br />

ii. Prostatic carcinoma or other androgen dependent neoplasm<br />

f. If it is being used in the treatment of obesity.<br />

D. If patient is female<br />


Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Endocrinologist<br />


Plan Year<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Prograf® is indicated:<br />

A. For the prophylaxis of organ rejection in patients receiving allogeneic liver,<br />

kidney or heart transplants.<br />


Prograf® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Diagnosis is documented as the prophylaxis of organ rejection in a patient<br />

receiving or received an organ transplant.<br />

B. AND the transplant was NOT covered by Medicare Part A. (Please verify the<br />

payer of the transplant. If Medicare paid for the transplant, Prograf® is covered<br />

by Medicare Part B).<br />

C. AND the transplant was paid by Medicaid or other sources<br />

D. OR is an approved compendia indication.<br />

E. AND the Prograf® formulation is the oral tablet.<br />

F. AND approval can be allowed for up to one year.<br />

G. OR the Prograf® formulation is the IV vial.<br />

H. AND the patient is in a hospital or long term care facility (LTC) or skilled nursing<br />

facility (SNF) and the payer of the stay is NOT Medicare Part A. (Medicare Part<br />

A can pay for the first 110 days and Prograf® therapy would be paid by Medicare<br />

Part B. Please verify payer).<br />

I. AND the medication is NOT being administered using an IMPLANTABLE<br />

PUMP. (Please verify the delivery method of the medication. Administration<br />

through an implantable pump is covered under Medicare Part B.)<br />

J. AND approval can be allowed for up to one year.<br />

K. AND/OR the patient is receiving treatment at home.<br />

L. AND the medication is NOT being administered using an IMPLANTABLE or<br />


M. AND approval can be allowed for up to one year.<br />


Prograf® is NOT covered for members with the following criteria:<br />

A. The diagnosis is NOT documented as prophylaxis of organ rejection after<br />

receiving an organ transplant or a compendia listed indication.<br />

B. The transplant was paid for by Medicare Part A.<br />

C. The request is for Prograf® IV formulation in a patient in a hospital or LTC or<br />

SNF that has Medicare Part A coverage.<br />

D. The request is for Prograf® IV formulation and the medication is being<br />

administered using an implantable pump.<br />

E. The request is for Prograf® IV formulation in a patient at home and the<br />

medication is being administered using an implantable or external pump.<br />



Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Plan Year<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Promacta® is indicated:<br />

A. For the treatment of idiopathic thrombocytic purpura<br />

B. For the treatment of thrombocytopenia<br />


Promacta® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Patient must be diagnosed with idiopathic thrombocytic purpura OR<br />

thrombocytopenia<br />

B. AND Patient must have previous trial/failure to a corticosteroid<br />

C. OR Patient must have previous trial/failure to immune globulin<br />

D. OR Patient must have had splenectomy<br />


Promacta® is NOT covered for members with the following criteria:<br />

A. Patient is NOT diagnosed with idiopathic thrombocytic purpura OR<br />

thrombocytopenia<br />

B. Patient has not had previous trial/failure with corticosteroid OR immune globulin<br />

OR splenectomy<br />

C. Patient must not have pre-existing chronic hepatic disease<br />


Chart notes documenting previous trial/failure of corticosteroid OR immune globulin OR<br />

chart notes documenting splenectomy.<br />


Plan Year<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Provigil® is indicated:<br />

A. For improved wakefulness in adult patients with excessive sleepiness associated<br />

with narcolepsy, obstructive sleep apnea/hypopnea syndrome (OSAHS) and shift<br />

work sleep disorder (SWSD).<br />

B. All other FDA approved indications not otherwise excluded from Part D<br />


Provigil® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. The prescribing physician is board certified as a sleep specialist, ear, nose and<br />

throat specialist, neurologist or pulmonologist or has obtained a consult from any<br />

of the listed specialties.<br />

B. Diagnosis is documented as excessive daytime sleepiness associated with<br />

narcolepsy.<br />

C. OR diagnosis is documented as shift work sleep disorder when the patient meets<br />

the following criteria<br />

D. OR diagnosis is documented as treatment of excessive daytime sleepiness<br />

associated with OSAHS when the patient meets the following criteria:<br />

a. The patient is receiving nasal continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP)<br />

or bi-level positive airway pressure (BIPAP) for at least 1 month,<br />

b. AND CPAP or BIPAP therapy must be continued on a routine basis in<br />

combination with Provigil® therapy,<br />

c. AND the daytime fatigue is significantly impacting, impairing, or<br />

compromising the patient’s ability to function normally,<br />

d. AND the patient is compliant with CPAP or BIPAP therapy.<br />

E. OR diagnosis is documented as fatigue associated with Multiple Sclerosis when<br />

the patient meets the following criteria:<br />

a. Patient has had an adequate trial of amantadine and fatigue is still<br />

unmanageable.<br />

b. AND Provigil® therapy will NOT be prescribed in combination with any<br />

of the following long acting medications used for insomnia: flurazepam,<br />

Dalmane®, eszopiclone, Lunesta®) estazolam, Prosom® temazepam,<br />

Restoril®.<br />

c. AND documentation that the patient is not on Xyrem® therapy.<br />

d. AND evidence of diagnosis documented in patient’s chart notes provided<br />

by prescribing provider.<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />


(Continued)<br />


Provigil® is NOT covered for members with the following criteria:<br />

A. The prescribing physician is NOT board certified as a sleep specialist, ear, nose<br />

and throat specialist, neurologist or pulmonologist or has NOT obtained a consult<br />

from any of the listed specialties.<br />

B. If the diagnosis is OSAHS and NO NPSG diagnostic has been performed.<br />

C. If the diagnosis is OSAHS and the patient has not received CPAP or BIPAP<br />

therapy for at least 1 month.<br />

D. If the diagnosis is OSAHS and the daytime fatigue is NOT significantly<br />

impacting, impairing, or compromising the patient’s ability to function normally.<br />

E. If the diagnosis is OSAHS and CPAP or BIPAP therapy is NOT being continued<br />

with Provigil® therapy.<br />

F. If the diagnosis is fatigue associated with Multiple Sclerosis and the patient has<br />

NOT had an adequate trial of amantadine.<br />

G. Patient is receiving a long acting medication for insomnia.<br />

H. Patient is currently receiving Xyrem® therapy.<br />

I. Provider does not provide patient chart notes for documentation.<br />

J. If the diagnosis is listed as depression, Parkinsons’ disease, or fatigue not<br />

associated with narcolepsy, OSAHS or shift work.<br />



Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Plan Year<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Pulmozyme® solution is indicated:<br />

A. For the management of cystic fibrosis patients to improve pulmonary function.<br />


Pulmozyme® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. The patient is a cystic fibrosis patient and medication is being used to improve<br />

pulmonary function and/or reduce the frequency of respiratory infections.<br />

B. AND the patient will be using one of the following nebulizers: Hudston T UPdraft<br />

II®, Marquest Acorn II®, PARI LC Jet+, Pari BABY®, Durable<br />

Sidestream®. (Safety and efficacy have only been shown with these nebulizers).<br />

C. AND the patient will be using one of the following compressors: Pulmo-Aide®,<br />

PARI PRONEB®, Mobilaire®, Porta-Neb®. (Safety and efficacy have only been<br />

shown with these compressors).<br />

D. AND the patient is being treated in a hospital or long-term care facility (LTC) or a<br />

skilled-nursing facility (SNF).<br />

E. AND the payer of the stay is NOT Medicare Part A. ((Medicare Part A can pay<br />

for the first 110 days and Pulmozyme® would be paid by Medicare Part B.<br />

Please verify payer).<br />

F. AND approval can be allowed for up to one year.<br />

G. AND/OR the patient is being treated at home.<br />

H. THEN Pulmozyme® is NOT covered. (Patients using a medication with a<br />

nebulizer are covered under Medicare Part B).<br />

I. AND if the patient has previously received Pulmozyme®, he/she must show an<br />

improvement in pulmonary function and/or reduction in the frequency of<br />

respiratory infections since initiating therapy.<br />


Pulmozyme® is NOT covered for members with the following criteria:<br />

A. Patient is NOT a cystic fibrosis patient.<br />

B. The medication is NOT being used to improve pulmonary function and/or reduce<br />

the frequency of respiratory infections.<br />

C. If the patient is being treated in a hospital or long-term facility (LTC) or a skillednursing<br />

facility (SNF) and the payer of the stay is Medicare Part A.<br />

D. The patient is being treated at home. (Patients using medication with a nebulizer<br />

are covered under Medicare Part B).<br />

E. If the patient has previously received Pulmozyme® and he/she has NOT shown<br />

an improvement in pulmonary function and/or reduction in the frequency of<br />

respiratory infections since initiating therapy.<br />


Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Pulmonologist<br />


Plan Year<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />

RANEXA<br />


Ranexa® is indicated:<br />

B. For the treatment of chronic angina. Because Ranexa® prolongs the QT interval,<br />

it should be reserved for patients who have not achieved an adequate response<br />

with other antianginal drugs. Ranexa® should be used in combination with<br />

amlodipine, beta-blockers or nitrates.<br />


Ranexa® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. The diagnosis documented as chronic angina with symptoms limiting daily<br />

activities.<br />

B. AND the prescribing physician is a board certified cardiologist or has obtained a<br />

consult from the listed specialty.<br />

C. AND the patient has NO pre-existing QT prolongation (eg. ventricular<br />

tachycardia, congenital long QT syndrome, uncorrected hypokalemia).<br />

D. AND the patient has NO hepatic impairment (Child-Pugh Classes A [mild], B<br />

[moderate], or C [severe].<br />

E. AND the patient is NOT receiving a medication that prolongs the QT interval (eg.<br />

amiodarone, Cordarone®, Pacerone®, droperidol, chlorpromazine, erythromycin,<br />

Biaxin®, clarithromycin, sotalol, Betapace®, thioridazine, Mellaril®, flecainide,<br />

Tambocor®, haloperidol, Haldol®, quinine, procainamide, quinidine, Geodon®,<br />

Effexor XR®, Propulsid®, Risperdal®, Serevent®, Imitrex®, tamoxifen,<br />

tizanidine, Zanaflex®, Zomig®, Seroquel®, Tikosyn®, Anzemet®,<br />

dysopyramide, Norpace®, Orap®, fluoxetine, Prozac®, Foscavir®, Dynacirc®,<br />

isradipine, Avelox®, Amerge®, Cardene®, Sandostatin®, paroxetine, Paxil®,<br />

mesoridazine, or Serentil®). (Please verify that the patient is not receiving any<br />

of these medications by reviewing the patient’s drug history or chart).<br />

F. AND the patient is NOT receiving any potent CYP3A inhibitors that will affect<br />

the metabolism of Ranexa®. (eg. diltiazem, Cardizem®, Cartia XT®, Diltia<br />

XT®, Tiazac®, ketoconazole, verapamil, Calan®, Covera®, Verelan®, Isoptin®,<br />

vinblastine, doxorubicin, isoniazid, ritonavir, Norvir®, Kaletra®, cyclosporine,<br />

Viracept®, Crixivan®, Fortovase®, Invirase®, ciprofloxacin, Cipro®,<br />

itraconazole, Sporonax®, norfloxacin, voriconazole, Vfend®, rifampin, rifabutin).<br />

(Please verify that the patient is not receiving any of these medications by<br />

reviewing the patient’s drug history or chart).<br />

G. AND the patient has tried, failed and/or been intolerant (continues to have angina<br />

that limits daily activities) to a 30-day trial of at least one agent two of the<br />

following three classes: (Please verify that the patient has tried, failed or is<br />

intolerant to at least one agent in each class for at least 30 days by reviewing the<br />

patient’s drug history or chart).<br />

a. Betablockers: (eg. Toprol XL®, atenolol, Coreg®, propranolol, bisprolol,<br />

metoprolol, timolol, acebutolol, nadolol, propranolol).<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />

RANEXA<br />

(Continued)<br />

b. Calcium Channel Blocker: (eg. amlodipine, nifedipine, nosoldipine,<br />

isradipine, diltiazem, nicardipine, felodipine, verapamil, Norvasc®,<br />

Exforge®, Caduet®, Lotrel®, Azor®).<br />

c. Nitrate: (eg. isosorbide, Isordil®, Dilatrate SR®, Monoket®, Ismo®,<br />

Imdur®, nitroglycerin, Nitro-Time®).<br />

H. AND therapy will be given in combination with amlodipine, a beta blocker and/or<br />

a nitrate. (eg. amlodipine, Norvasc®, Exforge®, Caduet®, Lotrel®, Azor®,<br />

Toprol XL®, metoprolol, atenolol, bisprolol, timolol, acebutolol, nadolol,<br />

propranolol, Coreg®, isosorbide, Isordil®, Dilatrate SR®, Monoket®, Ismo®,<br />

Imdur®, nitroglycerin, Nitro-Time®) (Please verify that the patient is or will be<br />

receiving one of these medications to be taken in combination with Ranexa® by<br />

reviewing the patient’s drug history or chart).<br />

I. AND if the patient has received prior treatment with Ranexa®.<br />

J. The patient must experience a decrease in angina frequency since initiating<br />

treatment.<br />

K. AND approval can be allowed for up to 3 months for the initial request (To ensure<br />

efficacy of the medication) and up to one year for extended authorization.<br />


Ranexa® is NOT covered for members with the following criteria:<br />

A. The diagnosis is NOT documented as chronic angina.<br />

B. The prescribing physician is NOT a board certified cardiologist or has NOT<br />

obtained a consult from the listed specialty.<br />

C. The patient has a pre-existing QT prolongation (eg. ventricular tachycardia,<br />

congenital long QT syndrome, uncorrected hypokalemia).<br />

D. The patient has hepatic impairment (Child-Pugh Classes A [mild], B [moderate],<br />

or C [severe].<br />

E. The patient is receiving a medication that prolongs the QT interval.<br />

F. The patient is receiving a potent CYP3A inhibitors that will affect the metabolism<br />

of Ranexa®.<br />

G. The patient has NOT tried, failed and/or been intolerant (continues to have<br />

angina) to a 30-day trial of at least one agent in two ot the three medication<br />

classes of beta blockers, calcium channel blockers and nitrates.<br />

H. Therapy will NOT be given in combination with amlodipine, a beta blocker<br />

and/or a nitrate.<br />

I. If the patient has received prior treatment with Ranexa® and has NOT<br />

experienced a decrease in angina frequency since initiating treatment.<br />


Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Cardiologist<br />


Plan Year<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Rapamune® is indicated:<br />

A. For the prophylaxis of organ rejection in patients aged 13 years or older receiving<br />

renal transplants.<br />


Rapamune® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Diagnosis is documented as the prophylaxis of organ rejection in a patient<br />

receiving or received an organ transplant.<br />

B. AND the transplant was NOT covered by Medicare Part A. (Please verify the<br />

payer of the transplant. If Medicare paid for the transplant, Rapamune® is<br />

covered by Medicare Part B).<br />

C. AND approval can be allowed for up to one year.<br />

D. OR the indication is documented as an indication listed in compendia.<br />

E. The prior authorization request should be reviewed by a prior authorization<br />

pharmacist. Pharmacist should review the drug study for:<br />

F. A study can be found.<br />

G. The study shows clinical improvement with treatment.<br />

H. If there are first line treatments, the patient must have tried and failed. (e.g.<br />

Psoriasis patients should have tried and failed methotrexate).<br />

I. The patient meets the criteria of the study.<br />

J. The study has clinical validity (e.g. blinded, substantial population).<br />

K. The study’s population meets the patient’s demographics.<br />

L. The patient’s disease status is not terminal and therapy will provide benefit.<br />

M. The patient will not receive duplicate therapy.<br />

N. <strong>Authorization</strong> period or re-treatment is within timeframe of study.<br />


Rapamune® is NOT covered for members with the following criteria:<br />

F. The diagnosis is NOT documented as prophylaxis of organ rejection after<br />

receiving an organ transplant or a compendia listed indication.<br />

G. The transplant was paid for by Medicare Part A.<br />

H. The indication is listed in compendia and the patient has not tried and failed first<br />

line therapy.<br />

I. The indication is listed in compendia and there is no study or the study has no<br />

clinical validity.<br />

J. The patient is receiving duplicate therapy.<br />



Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Plan Year<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Regranex® is indicated:<br />

A. For the treatment of diabetic foot ulcer<br />

B. For the treatment of wound management<br />


Regranex® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Must be used for treatment of lower-extremity diabetic ulcers<br />

B. AND the ulcer must extend into subcutaneous tissue<br />

C. AND the tissue must have an adequate blood supply<br />

D. AND the patient must have concurrent good ulcer treatment practices including<br />

ALL of the following:<br />

a. Debridgement<br />

b. Pressure relief<br />

c. Infection relief<br />

E. AND the above good ulcer treatment practices must be documented through chart<br />

notes<br />

F. AND the ulcer must be less than 10 cm 2 in size<br />

G. AND the patient must have somewhat controlled diabetes (A1c less than 10.0%)<br />

H. AND the patient’s A1c is verified though lab report submitted<br />

I. Initial authorization for 10 weeks. If additional authorization is needed chart<br />

notes showing at least a 30% reduction in ulcer size are required for additional<br />

approval of another 10 weeks. Total of 20 weeks of treatment.<br />


Regranex® is NOT covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. The patient is not diagnosed with diabetes<br />

B. The ulcer is greater than 10 cm 2 in size<br />

C. Good ulcer treatment practices are NOT being utilized<br />

D. Patient’s A1c is greater than 10.0%<br />

E. Chart notes documenting patient’s A1c are not received or do not address the<br />

needed information.<br />



Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


10 weeks<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Reslistor® is indicated:<br />

A. For treatment of opiate-induced constipation in patients with advanced illness<br />

who are receiving palliative care when response to laxative therapy has been<br />

insufficient.<br />


Relistor® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. B vs D determination per CMS guidelines<br />

B. Patient must have previous trial/failure on BOTH of the following:<br />

a. Polyethylene Glycol<br />

b. Amitiza<br />


Relistor® is NOT covered for members with the following criteria:<br />

A. Diagnosis is NOT opiate-induced constipation<br />

B. Patient has no previous trial/failure of BOTH Polyethylene Glycol AND Amitiza<br />



Chart notes per Covered Uses<br />


4 Months<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Revatio® is indicated:<br />

A. For the treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension (WHO Group 1) to improve<br />

exercise ability.<br />


Revatio® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Patient is age 18 years or older.<br />

B. AND the prescribing provider is a pulmonologist, and/or cardiologist or has<br />

obtained a consult from the listed specialties.<br />

C. AND the diagnosis is documented as pulmonary arterial hypertension.<br />

D. AND the patient is NOT on any nitrate therapy (eg. isosorbide, Isordil®, Diltrate-<br />

SR®, Ismo®, Monoket®, Imdur®, nitroglycerin, NitroQuick®, Nitrostat®,<br />

Nitrotab®, Nitro-Time®, Nitro-Bid®, Minitran®, Nitro-Dur®, Nitrek®).<br />

(Verification can be made by reviewing the patient’s drug history or patient’s<br />

chart).<br />

E. AND the patient does NOT have pulmonary veno-occlusive disease (PVOD),<br />

(contraindicated).<br />

F. AND the patient has NOT suffered a myocardial infarction (MI), stroke or lifethreatening<br />

arrhythmia with the last 6 months. (Contraindicated).<br />

G. AND the patient does NOT have coronary artery disease causing unstable angina.<br />

(Contraindicated).<br />

H. AND the patient does NOT have blood pressure Greater than 170/110.<br />

(Contraindicated).<br />

I. AND the patient does NOT have retinitis pigmentosa. (contraindicated).<br />

J. AND the patient has had an adequate trial and failure (4 weeks or more) or is not<br />

a candidate for calcium channel blocker therapy. (eg. nifedipine, Adalat CC®,<br />

Nifedical XL®, Procardia®, Procardia XL®, amlodipine, Norvasc®, diltiazem,<br />

Cardizem®, Cartia XT®, Dilacor XR®, Diltia XT®, Tiazac®, Cardizem CD®).<br />

(Verification can be made by reviewing the patient’s drug history or patient’s<br />

chart).<br />

K. AND the patient will NOT receive combination therapy with a prostacyclin<br />

(Flolan®, Ventavis®, Remodulin®) or an endothelin antagonist (Tracleer®) or a<br />

phosphodiesterase type-5 inhibitor (Viagra®) agent. Combination therapy has not<br />

been approved by the FDA. (Please verify that the patient is not on duplicate<br />

therapy by reviewing the patient’s drug history or chart).<br />

L. AND the diagnosis is documented as pulmonary arterial hypertension class 1<br />

defined by the World Health Organization (WHO).<br />

M. AND the diagnosis is NOT documented as pulmonary arterial hypertension class<br />

2, 3, or 4 defined by the WHO.<br />

N. AND therapy is being prescribed to improve exercise ability.<br />

O. AND the dose does not exceed 20 mg three times a day.<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />


(Continued)<br />

P. AND if the patient has received previous Revatio® therapy, the patient must see<br />

an improvement in their exercise ability (walking distance), dyspnea fatigue<br />

and/or an improvement in functional status (New York Heart Association (NYHA<br />

functional class).<br />


Revatio® is NOT covered for members with the following criteria:<br />

A. Patient is under the age of 18 years old.<br />

B. The prescribing provider is NOT a pulmonologist, and/or cardiologist or obtained<br />

a consult from the listed specialties.<br />

C. The diagnosis is NOT listed as pulmonary hypertension.<br />

D. The diagnosis is listed as impotence.<br />

E. The patient is receiving nitrate therapy.<br />

F. The patient has pulmonary veno-occlusive disease (PVOD).<br />

G. The patient has suffered a MI, stroke or life-threatening arrhythmia within the last<br />

6 months.<br />

H. The patient has coronary artery disease causing unstable angina.<br />

I. The patient has a blood pressure Greater than 170/110.<br />

J. The patient has retinitis pigmentosa.<br />

K. The patient has NOT had an adequate 4-week trial and failure to a calcium<br />

channel blocker therapy.<br />

L. The patient will receive Tracleer®, Flolan®, Ventavis®, Viagra®, or<br />

Remodulin® therapy while receiving a Revatio® drug regimen. (Please verify<br />

that the patient does not have duplicate therapy by reviewing the patient’s drug<br />

history or chart).<br />

M. The patient’s pulmonary arterial hypertension has NOT been classified as class 1<br />

defined by the WHO.<br />

N. The patient’s pulmonary arterial hypertension has been classified as class 2, 3, or<br />

4 by the WHO.<br />

O. Revatio® is NOT being prescribed to improve exercise ability.<br />

P. The dose exceeds 20 mg three times a day.<br />

Q. If the patient has received previous Revatio® therapy and they have NOT seen an<br />

improvement in their exercise ability (walking distance) and/or an improvement<br />

in their NYHA functional classification.<br />

R. Evidence of diagnosis, WHO classification, and exercise ability and/or dyspnea<br />

fatigue is NOT documented in the patient’s chart notes provided by prescribing<br />

provider.<br />


Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Pulmonologist and Cardiologist<br />


Plan Year<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Revlimid® is indicated:<br />

A. For the treatment of multiple myeloma when used in combination with<br />

dexamethasone in patients who have received at least one prior therapy.<br />

B. For the treatment of patients with transfusion-dependent anemia due to low or<br />

intermediate-1 risk myelodysplastic syndromes [MDS] associated with a deletion<br />

5q cytogenetic abnormality with or without additional cytogenetic abnormalities.<br />

C. All other FDA approved indications not otherwise excluded from Part D<br />


Revlimid® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. If the patient is female and is of childbearing age, she is NOT pregnant, does<br />

NOT have plans for pregnancy, is using a reliable method of contraception and is<br />

participating in the RxAssist program.<br />

B. AND if the patient is male, he has received both oral and written warnings of the<br />

potential risks of taking lenalidomide and exposing a fetus to the drug.<br />

C. AND diagnosis is documented as multiple myeloma.<br />

D. AND the patient has tried and failed to respond to at least one therapy listed<br />

below: (Please verify that the patient has failed previous therapy by reviewing the<br />

patient’s chart).<br />

a. Melphalan.<br />

b. Carmustine.<br />

c. Cyclophosphamide.<br />

d. Doxorubicin<br />

e. Doxorubicin liposomal.<br />

f. Bortezomib.<br />

g. Zoledronic Acid.<br />

E. AND the patient has tried and failed to respond to a thalidomide regimen. (Please<br />

verify that the patient has failed previous thalidomide therapy by reviewing the<br />

patient’s drug history and/or chart).<br />

F. AND lenalidomide therapy will and/or currently is being used in combination<br />

with dexamethasone. (Please verify by reviewing the patients drug history or<br />

chart).<br />

G. AND if the patient has received previous Revlimid® therapy, he/she has shown a<br />

delay or experienced no disease progression.<br />

H. AND/OR diagnosis is documented as transfusion-dependent anemia in a low or<br />

intermediate-1 risk myelodysplastic syndrome associated with a deletion 5q<br />

cytogenetic abnormality.<br />

I. AND the patient has received 2 or more units of red blood cells [RBC] within 8<br />

weeks of the reported anemia.<br />

J. AND if the patient has received previous Revlimid® therapy, he/she can show<br />

stabilization of anemia by having experienced one of the following:<br />

a. 50% reduction in blood transfusions.<br />

b. An increase in hemoglobin of at least 1g/dL over baseline.<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />


(Continued)<br />

c. The absence of the pretreatment cytogenetic abnormality or a reduction in<br />

the number of abnormal cells of at least 50%.<br />


Revlimid® is NOT covered for members with the following criteria:<br />

A. The patient is a female patient of child bearing age that is pregnant or has plans<br />

for pregnancy, is NOT using a reliable form of contraception or is NOT<br />

participating in the RxAssist program.<br />

B. The patient is a male and has NOT received both oral and written warnings on the<br />

potential risk of taking lenalidomide and exposing a fetus to the drug.<br />

C. The diagnosis is NOT documented as multiple myeloma or transfusion-dependent<br />

anemia in a low or intermediate-1 risk myelodysplastic syndrome associated with<br />

a deletion 5q cytogenetic abnormality.<br />

D. The diagnosis is documented as multiple myeloma and the patient has NOT tried<br />

and failed at least one of the following listed therapies: Melphalan, carmustine,<br />

cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, bortezomib, or zoledronic acid.<br />

E. The diagnosis is documented as multiple myeloma and the patient has NOT tried<br />

and failed thalidomide therapy.<br />

F. The diagnosis is documented as multiple myeloma and the patient is NOT taking<br />

lenalidomide therapy in combination with dexamethasone.<br />

G. The diagnosis is documented as multiple myeloma in a patient previously<br />

receiving Revlimid® therapy and he/she has shown disease progression.<br />

H. The diagnosis is transfusion-dependent anemia in a low or intermediate-1 risk<br />

myelodysplastic syndrome associated with a deletion 5q cytogenetic abnormality<br />

and the patient has NOT received 2 or more units of red blood cells within 8<br />

weeks of the reported anemia.<br />

I. If the diagnosis is transfusion-dependent anemia in a low or intermediate-1 risk<br />

myelodysplastic syndrome associated with a deletion 5q cytogenetic abnormality<br />

in a patient that has received previous Revlimid® therapy and he/she has not<br />

shown stabilization of the anemia.<br />


Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Hematologist and Oncologist<br />


6 months<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Risperdal® is indicated:<br />

A. For the acute and maintenance treatment of schizophrenia<br />

B. For the short-term treatment of acute mania or mixed episodes associated with<br />

bipolar disorder (bipolar I disorder)<br />

C. Irritability related to autism<br />


Risperdal® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. The prescribing physician is a psychiatrist or has obtained a consult from the<br />

listed specialty.<br />

B. AND the patient is 5 years of age or older.<br />

C. AND the diagnosis is NOT documented as dementia-related psychosis.<br />

D. AND the patient does NOT have congenital long QT syndrome or NO history of<br />

cardiac arrhythmias.<br />

E. AND the diagnosis is documented as schizophrenia, acute mania or autism<br />

F. AND Risperdal® will NOT be used in combination with another atypical<br />

antipsychotic drug. (Please reviewthe patient’s drug history or chart to verify no<br />

combination use with another atypical antipsychotic drug)<br />

G. AND if the patient has received previous Risperdal® therapy, the provider has<br />

seen clinical evidence demonstrating improvement in schizophrenia symptoms.<br />


Risperdal® is NOT covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. The prescribing physician is NOT a psychiatrist or the prescriber has NOT<br />

obtained a consult from the listed specialty.<br />

B. The patient is under the age of 5 years old.<br />

C. The diagnosis is documented as dementia-related psychosis.<br />

D. The patient does have congenital long QT syndrome or has a history of cardiac<br />

arrhythmias.<br />

E. Risperdal® therapy will be used in combination with another atypical<br />

antipsychotic drug<br />

F. If the patient has received previous Risperdal® therapy and the provider has NOT<br />

seen any clinical evidence demonstrating improvement in schizophrenia<br />

symptoms.<br />



Chart Notes<br />


Plan Year<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



RotaTeq®® is indicated:<br />

A. For the prophylaxis of gastroenteritis caused by rotavirus infection<br />


RotaTeq® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Must be used for prophylaxis against rotavirus infection<br />

B. AND the patient must be between 6-12 weeks old upon first dose<br />

C. AND the patient will receive all three doses before 32 weeks of age<br />

D. AND request is for 3 doses (or less if patient has already received 1-2 doses)<br />


RotaTeq® is NOT covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. RotaTeq® is not being used for ANY other diagnosis than prophylaxis against<br />

rotavirus infection<br />

B. The patient is less than 6 weeks old or greater than 12 weeks old<br />

C. Patient will not receive all three doses before 32 weeks of age<br />

D. Request is for more than 3 doses<br />



Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Plan Year<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />

SAIZEN<br />


A. Somatropin is indicated (Not all branded medications have each indication listed<br />

below. Please refer to reference symbol for actual indication):<br />

A. For the long-term treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to<br />

an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone.<br />

B. For the long-term treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to<br />

Prader-Willi syndrome.*<br />

C. For long-term replacement therapy in adults with growth hormone deficiency of<br />

either childhood or adult-onset etiology.*<br />

D. For the treatment of short stature associated with Turner syndrome in patients<br />

whose epiphyses are not closed.<br />

E. For the long-term treatment of idiopathic short stature, also called non-growth<br />

hormone deficient short stature, defined by height SDS less than or equal to -2.25<br />

and associated with growth rates unlikely to permit attainment of adult height in<br />

the normal range, in pediatric patients whose epiphyses are not closed and for<br />

whom diagnostic evaluation excludes other causes associated with short stature<br />

that should be observed or treated by other means.<br />

F. For replacement of endogenous growth hormone in adults with growth hormone<br />

deficiency who meet both of the following 2 criteria:<br />

a. Adult onset: Patients who have growth hormone deficiency either alone,<br />

or with multiple disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy,<br />

or trauma.<br />

b. Child onset: Patients who were growth-hormone-deficient during<br />

childhood who have growth hormone deficiency confirmed as an adult.<br />

G. For the long-term treatment of children with growth failure due to inadequate<br />

secretion of endogenous growth hormone.<br />

H. For the treatment of growth failure associated with chronic renal insufficiency up<br />

to the time of renal transplantation.<br />

I. For the long-term treatment of growth failure associated with Turner syndrome.<br />

J. For the replacement of endogenous growth hormone in patients with adult growth<br />

hormone deficiency who<br />

K. meet both of the following 2 criteria:<br />

a. Adult onset: Patients who have adult growth hormone deficiency either<br />

alone or with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism) as a result<br />

of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or<br />

trauma.<br />

b. Child onset: Patients who were growth hormone deficient during<br />

childhood, confirmed as an adult.<br />

L. For the treatment of HIV patients with wasting or cachexia to increase lean body<br />

mass and body weight, and improve physical endurance. Concomitant<br />

antiretroviral therapy is necessary.<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />

SAIZEN<br />

(Continued)<br />

M. For the treatment of short bowel syndrome in patients receiving specialized<br />

nutritional support. =<br />

N. All other FDA approved indications not otherwise excluded from Part D<br />


Somatropin® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. The prescribing physician is a board certified endocrinologist or infectious disease<br />

specialist.<br />

B. The request for somatropin is the formulary covered agent. (Please review drug<br />

formulary to ensure prior authorization is for the formulary covered medication).<br />

C. The patient is 20 years of age or older.<br />

D. AND the patient does NOT have any evidence of active malignancy.<br />

E. AND the diagnosis is documented as growth hormone deficiency in an adult<br />

needing replacement with endogenous growth hormone.<br />

a. AND the patient has a biochemical diagnosis of growth hormone<br />

deficiency, means of a negative response to 2) standard growth hormone<br />

stimulation tests [Max peak less than 5ng/mL by RIA or Less than 2.5<br />

ng/mL by IRMA] OR an IGF-1 level that is two standard deviations below<br />

normal for the patient’s age group. (Please verify the growth hormone or<br />

IGF-1 level in the patient’s chart notes and ensure the tests were<br />

preformed within 3 months of the initial request).<br />

b. AND the growth hormone deficiency is due to at least one of the<br />

following etiologies:<br />

i. Pituitary or hypothalamus surgery<br />

ii. Pituitary or hypothalamus disease.<br />

iii. Pituitary or hypothalamus injury.<br />

iv. Radiation therapy.<br />

v. Growth-hormone deficiency during childhood. (Requires an<br />

additional stimulation test during adulthood).<br />

c. AND the patient has symptoms of growth hormone deficiency that<br />

includes one of the following:<br />

i. Reduced bone density of more than (1) standard deviation below<br />

the age and gender-specific mean.<br />

ii. Evidence of cardiac decompensation defined as reduced ejection<br />

fracture of Less than 50%.<br />

d. AND if the patient has received previous somatropin therapy, he/she has<br />

shown an improvement in quality of life and/or symptoms (bone mass,<br />

muscle mass, strength, body fat and/or cholesterol).<br />

F. AND/OR the diagnosis is documented as AIDS wasting or AIDS cachexia.<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />

SAIZEN<br />

(Continued)<br />

a. AND the patient has had an involuntary weight loss of Greater than 10%<br />

of pre-illness baseline body weight or body mass index (BMI) Less than<br />

20 kg/m 2 in the absence of a concurrent illness or medical condition other<br />

than HIV infection that may cause weight loss.<br />

b. AND the patient has failed to respond to a 30-day drug regimen of<br />

megestrol (Megace®) AND an anabolic steroid (e.g. Testim®,<br />

Androgel®, testosterone enanthate, testosterone cypionate, Testoderm®,<br />

Androderm®, methyltestosterone, or fluoxymesterone). (Please verify the<br />

use of megestrol and an anabolic steroid by reviewing the patient’s drug<br />

history or chart).<br />

c. AND if the patient has received previous somatropin therapy, he/she must<br />

show a positive response to treatment by maintaining or increasing their<br />

initial weight and/or muscle mass before initiating somatropin therapy.<br />

G. AND/OR the diagnosis is documented as a patient with short bowel syndrome.<br />

a. AND the patient is receiving specialized nutritional therapy and parental<br />

nutrition stable.<br />

b. AND the small intenstine is Less than 200 cm in length and at least 2<br />

months post resection.<br />

c. AND the patient has 30% or greater functioning colon with at least 15 cm<br />

of intact jejunum or at least 90 cm of intact jejunum and/or ileum.<br />

d. AND the patient has an intach stomach and duodenum.<br />

e. AND the patient has stable hepatic and renal status (billirubin Less than 3<br />

X ULN and Creatinine Less than 3mL/dL).<br />

f. AND if the patient has received previous somatropin therapy, he/she must<br />

show a positive response by showing a reduction on their dependence on<br />

total parenteral nutrition.<br />


Somatropin® is NOT covered for members with the following criteria:<br />

A. The prescribing physician is NOT a board certified endocrinologist or infectious<br />

disease specialist.<br />

B. The request for somatropin is NOT the formulary covered agent.<br />

C. The patient has evidence of active malignancy.<br />

D. The patient is NOT 20 years of age or older.<br />

E. The diagnosis is NOT documented as growth hormone deficiency in an adult<br />

needing replacement with endogenous growth hormone, AIDS wasting or AIDS<br />

cachexia or short bowel syndrome.<br />

F. If the diagnosis is documented as growth hormone deficiency in adult and they<br />

meet any of the following criteria:<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />

SAIZEN<br />

(Continued)<br />

a. The patient does NOT have a biochemical diagnosis of growth hormone<br />

deficiency to 2 standard growth hormone stimulation tests or an IGF-1<br />

level that is NOT two standard deviations below normal for the patient’s<br />

age group.<br />

b. The growth hormone deficiency is NOT due to at least one of the<br />

following etiologies:<br />

i. Pituitary or hypothalamus surgery<br />

ii. Pituitary or hypothalamus disease.<br />

iii. Pituitary or hypothalamus injury.<br />

iv. Radiation therapy.<br />

v. Growth-hormone deficiency during childhood.<br />

c. The patient does NOT have symptoms of growth hormone deficiency that<br />

includes one of the following:<br />

i. Reduced bone density of more than (1) standard deviation below<br />

the age and gender-specific mean.<br />

ii. Evidence of cardiac decompensation defined as reduced ejection<br />

fracture of Less than 50%.<br />

d. If the patient has received previous somatropin therapy and he/she does<br />

not show an improvement In quality of life and/or symptoms (bone mass,<br />

muscle mass, strength, body fat and/or cholesterol).<br />

G. If the diagnosis is documented as AIDS wasting or AIDS cachexia and they meet<br />

any of the following criteria:<br />

a.<br />

The patient has NOT had an involuntary weight loss of Greater than 10%<br />

of pre-illness baseline body weight or body mass index (BMI) Less than<br />

20 kg/m 2 .<br />

b. The patient has had an involuntary weight loss of Greater than 10% of preillness<br />

baseline body weight or body mass index (BMI) Less than 20<br />

kg/m2 but the weight loss happened with a concurrent illness or medical<br />

condition other than HIV infection.<br />

c. The patient has NOT failed a 30 day drug regimen of megestrol<br />

(Megace®) AND an anabolic steroid.<br />

d. If the patient has received previous somatropin therapy and he/she has<br />

NOT shown a positive response to treatment by maintaining or increasing<br />

their initial weight before initiating somatropin therapy.<br />

H. If the diagnosis is documented as a patient with short bowel syndrome and they<br />

meet any of the following criteria:<br />

a. The patient is NOT receiving specialized nutritional therapy or NOT<br />

parental nutrition stable.<br />

b. The small intenstine is Greater than 200 cm in length and NOT at least 2<br />

months post resection.<br />

c. The patient has Less than 30% or functioning colon with Less than 15 cm<br />

of intact jejunum or Less than 90 cm of intact jejunum and/or ileum.<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />

SAIZEN<br />

(Continued)<br />

d. The patient does not have an intact stomach and duodenum.<br />

e. The patient does NOT have stable hepatic and renal status (billirubin<br />

Greater than 3 X ULN and Creatinine Greater than 3mL/dL).<br />

f. If the patient has received previous somatropin therapyand he/she has<br />

NOT shown a positive response by showing a reduction on their<br />

dependence on total parenteral nutrition.<br />

I. The diagnosis is for cystic fibrosis, Down syndrome, fibromyalgia, infertility,<br />

obesity, delayed growth and development, familial or idiopathatic short stature in<br />

an adult, dwarfism, skeletal dysplasia, osteogenesis imperfecta, Bloom syndrome,<br />

respiratory failure, inflammatory bowel disease, burn injuries, muscular<br />

dystrophy, Noonan syndrome, Spina Bifida, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis,<br />

osteoporosis, post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, hypertension,<br />

hypophosphatemic rickets or adult short stature.<br />



Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Plan Year<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Sancuso® is indicated:<br />

A. For prophylaxis of chemotherapy-induced nausea/vomiting in patients receiving<br />

moderately and/or highly emetogenic chemotherapy for up to 5 consecutive days<br />


Sancuso® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Patient must have previous trial/failure on oral Ondansetron OR Granisetron.<br />


Sancuso® is NOT covered for members with the following criteria:<br />

A. Used for non-chemotherapy-induced nausea/vomiting<br />

B. Patient has no previous trial/failure of oral Ondansetron OR Granisetron.<br />



Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Plan Year<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Simulect® is indicated:<br />

A. Kidney Transplant Rejection Prophylaxis<br />


Simulect® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Patient is undergoing Kidney Transplant<br />

B. AND the surgery is not paid for be Medicare Part B<br />

C. AND B vs. D criteria determines that the medication should be covered through<br />

Medicare Part D<br />


Simulect® is NOT covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Transplant other than kidney<br />

B. Service is covered by Medicare Part A/B<br />



Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Plan Year<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Somavert® is indicated:<br />

A. For the treatment of acromegaly in patients who have an inadequate response to<br />

surgery and/or radiation therapy and/or other medical therapies, or for whom<br />

these therapies are not appropriate.<br />


Somavert® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Diagnosis is documented as acromegaly.<br />

B. AND the diagnosis has been verified with an elevated IGF-1 level or growth<br />

hormone levels with a glucose tolerance test. (Please review the patient’s chart<br />

notes for documentation).<br />

C. AND the patient has received and failed surgery or radiation therapy. (Please<br />

review the patient’s chart notes for documentation of attempt to remove tumor by<br />

surgery or radiation).<br />

D. AND the patient has tried and failed at least a 3 month trial of Sandostatin® or<br />

octreotide or Somatuline® (lanveotide).<br />

E. AND liver tests (ALT, AST) have been performed and the upper limit of normal<br />

(ULN) is within a range of normal to 3 times ULN.<br />

F. AND the patient will not receive combination therapy that can include<br />

Sandostatin®, octreotide or Somatuline®.<br />

G. AND if the patient has previously received Somavert® therapy, they must have a<br />

reduction in their serum IGF-1 concentration level since starting therapy.<br />


Somavert® is NOT covered for members with the following criteria:<br />

A. The diagnosis is NOT documented as acromegaly.<br />

B. The patient chart notes do not show an elevated IGF-1 level or growth hormone<br />

levels with a glucose tolerance test.<br />

C. The patient has NOT failed surgery or radiation therapy.<br />

D. The patient has NOT tried and failed a 3 month trial of Sandostatin® or octreotide<br />

or Somatuline®.<br />

E. The patient has liver tests higher than three times the ULN.<br />

F. The patient is receiving Sandostatin®, octreotide or Somatuline® therapy.<br />

G. If the patient has received previous Somavert® therapy and he/she has NOT<br />

shown a reduction in their initial IGF-1 concentration since starting therapy.<br />


Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Endocrinologist<br />


Plan Year<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Sporanox® is indicated:<br />

A. For the treatment of infection with aspergillosis, blastomycosis, candidiasis,<br />

histoplasmosis, and onychomychosis<br />


Sporanox® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Must be used for treatment of aspergillosis infection<br />

a. AND the patient must have previous trial/failure of amphotericin B<br />

b. AND chart notes documenting positive culture of aspergillosis as well as<br />

previous failure on amphotericin B must be received<br />

B. OR the patient must be diagnosed with blastomycosis (pulmonary or<br />

extrapulmonary)<br />

a. AND Dose is no more than 400 mg once daily PO.<br />

C. OR the patient must be diagnosed with candidiasis<br />

a. AND the patient has previous tried and failed or had contraindication to<br />

fluconazole<br />

b. AND the trial of fluconazole is documented in chart notes and submitted<br />

D. OR the patient is diagnosed with histoplasmosis<br />

a. AND the dose is no more than 400 mg/day*Note: if diagnosis is<br />

disseminated histoplasmosis treatment should be for 6-12 months<br />

E. OR the patient must be diagnosed with onychomycosis<br />

a. AND the patient must have previous trial and failure or contraindication to<br />

terbinafine<br />

b. AND chart notes are submitted that document trial and failure on<br />

terbinafine<br />

F. Brand name for 100 mg capsule will only be approved with failure on ALL<br />

available generic formulations<br />


Sporanox® is NOT covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. The patient is not diagnosed with an FDA-approved use (aspergillosis,<br />

blastomycosis, candidiasis, histoplasmosis, onychomycosis)<br />

B. The dosage is greater than 400 mg/day<br />

C. The patient is not properly tried on preceding first-line therapies for aspergillosis,<br />

candidiasis, and onychomycosis as outlined in Sanford Guide<br />

D. Chart notes documenting patient’s previous medication trials as indicated above<br />

are not received or do not address the needed information.<br />



Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


12 Weeks<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Sucraid® is indicated:<br />

A. For oral replacement therapy of the genetically determined sucrase deficiency,<br />

which is part of congenital sucrase-isomaltase deficiency (CSID)<br />


Sucraid® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. The patient must be diagnosed with congenital sucrase-isomaltase deficiency<br />

B. AND the diagnosis must be verified with chart notes showing specific genetic<br />

testing showing sucrase deficiency<br />


Sucraid® is NOT covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. The patient is NOT diagnosed with congenital sucrase-isomaltase deficiency<br />

B. The dosage is greater than 2 mL/day<br />

C. Patient has either yeast or glycerin hypersensitivity<br />

D. No genetic testing to specifically show sucrase deficiency has been performed<br />

E. Chart notes documenting genetic testing are not received or do not address the<br />

needed information.<br />


Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Endocrinologist<br />


Plan Year<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />

SUTENT<br />


Sutent® is indicated:<br />

A. For the treatment of gastrointestinal stromal tumor after disease progression on or<br />

intolerance to imatinib mesylate.<br />

B. For the treatment of advanced renal cell carcinoma.<br />


Sutent® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. The prescribing physician is a board certified oncologist, gastroenterologist or<br />

nephrologist.<br />

B. AND if the patient is female and of childbearing years, she is NOT pregnant, has<br />

NO plans for pregnancy and has been educated on the potential dangers of<br />

Sutent® therapy in pregnancy.<br />

C. AND the patient will NOT be treated with interferon alfa (Roferon-A®,<br />

Pegasys®, Intron-A®, Peg-Intron®) or interleukin-2 (Proleukin®) therapy in<br />

combination with Sutent® treatment. (Please verify the patient’s drug history or<br />

patient chart to verify that the patient is not on interferon alfa or interleukin-2<br />

therapy).<br />

D. AND the diagnosis is documented as treatment for gastrointestinal stromal tumor<br />

(GIST).<br />

a. AND GIST is unresectable and/or metastatic malignant.<br />

b. AND the patient has experienced disease progression while trying or<br />

intolerant to at least a 30-day Gleevec® drug regimen. (Please verify the<br />

patient’s drug history or chart to verify a trial of Gleevec®).<br />

c. AND if the patient has received previous Sutent® therapy, he/she has no<br />

evidence of disease progression (tumor growth) since initiating Sutent®<br />

therapy.<br />

E. AND/OR the diagnosis is documented as metastatic (advanced) renal cell<br />

carcinoma.<br />

a. AND the carcinoma is surgically unresectable.<br />

b. AND if the patient has had previous Sutent® therapy, he/she has no<br />

evidence of disease progression since initiating Sutent® therapy.<br />


Sutent® is NOT covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. The prescribing physician is NOT a board certified oncologist, gastroenterologist<br />

or nephrologist.<br />

B. If the patient is female and she is pregnant, has plans for pregnancy or has NOT<br />

been educated on the potential dangers of Sutent® therapy in pregnancy.<br />

C. The patient will be receiving interferon alfa or Proleukin® therapy in combination<br />

with Sutent® treatment.<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />

SUTENT<br />

(Continued)<br />

D. The diagnosis is NOT documented as treatment for gastrointestinal stromal tumor<br />

(GIST) or renal cell carcinoma.<br />

E. The diagnosis is documented as treatment for gastrointestinal stromal tumor<br />

(GIST) and they meet any of the following criteria.<br />

a. GIST is resectable.<br />

b. The patient has NOT had a 30-day Gleevec® drug trial.<br />

c. The patient has tried Gleevec® therapy and is NOT intolerant and has<br />

NOT experienced disease progression while receiving a 90-day Gleevec®<br />

drug regimen.<br />

d. If the patient has received previous Sutent® therapy and he/she has<br />

evidence of disease progression (tumor growth) since initiating Sutent®<br />

therapy.<br />

F. The diagnosis is documented as renal cell carcinoma and they meet any of the<br />

following criteria:<br />

a. The carcinoma is not metastatic.<br />

b. The carcinoma can be surgically resectable.<br />

c. If the patient has had previous Sutent® therapy and he/she has evidence of<br />

disease progression since initiating Sutent® therapy.<br />


Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Oncologist<br />


Plan Year<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />

SYMLIN<br />


Symlin® is indicated:<br />

A. For type-1 diabetes: As an adjunct treatment in patients who use mealtime insulin<br />

therapy and who have failed to achieve desired glucose control despite optimal<br />

insulin therapy.<br />

B. For type-2 diabetes: As an adjunct treatment in patients who use mealtime insulin<br />

therapy and who have failed to achieve desired glucose control despite optimal<br />

insulin therapy, with or without a concurrent sulfonylurea agent and/or<br />

metformin.<br />


Symlin® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. The patient does NOT have gastroparesis.<br />

B. AND the patient’s HbA1c is greater than 7% but lower than 9%. (Please verify<br />

the patient’s HbA1c by reviewing the patient’s chart notes).<br />

C. AND the patient has NOT had recurrent severe hypoglycemia during the past 6<br />

months.<br />

D. AND the patient will NOT be taken Symlin® in combination with any of the<br />

following medications that may alter gastrointestinal motility: metoclopramide,<br />

Reglan®, dexpanthenol, Zelnorm®, erythromycin, cisapride, Propulsid®,<br />

clarithromycin, Biaxin®, ranitidine, Zantac®, nizatidine, Axid®, neostigmine,<br />

lidocaine or Amitiza®. (Please verify the use of medications that can increase GI<br />

motility by reviewing the patient’s drug history or chart).<br />

E. AND the patient is over the age of 2 years old.<br />

F. AND the patient is NOT currently receiving a Byetta® drug regimen. (Please<br />

verify if the patient is receiving Byetta® by reviewing their drug history or chart).<br />

G. AND the diagnosis is documented as diabetes type-1.<br />

H. AND the patient has tried and failed at least a three-month optimization of insulin<br />

therapy that includes a trial and failure to short acting insulin. (e.g. Humulin® R,<br />

Novolin® R, Humulin® 70/30, Humulin® 50/50, Humalog®, Novolog®,<br />

Apidra® and Exubra®). (Please verify the use of short-acting insulin by<br />

reviewing the patient’s drug history or chart).<br />

I. AND the patient will continue the use of short-acting insulin during treatment<br />

with Symlin®.<br />

J. AND if the patient has had previous Symlin® therapy, he/she must show a<br />

reduction in their HbA1c since initiating Symlin® therapy.<br />

K. AND/OR the diagnosis is documented as diabetes type-2.<br />

L. AND the patient has tried and failed at least a three-month optimization of insulin<br />

therapy that includes a trial and failure to BOTH short and long-acting insulin.<br />

M. Short acting insulin: (e.g. Humulin® R, Novolin® R, Humulin® 70/30,<br />

Humulin® 50/50, Humalog®, Novolog®, Apidra® and Exubra®). (Please verify<br />

the use of a short-acting insulin by reviewing the patient’s drug history or chart).<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />

SYMLIN<br />

(Continued)<br />

N. Long acting insulin: (e.g. NPH, Humulin® N, Novolin® N, Humulin® 70/30,<br />

Humulin® 50/50, Lente, Humulin® L, Humulin® U, Humalog® 75/30, Lantus®,<br />

Levenir®). (Please verify the use of a long-acting insulin by reviewing the<br />

patient’s drug history or chart).<br />

O. AND the patient will continue the use of short-acting insulin during treatment<br />

with Symlin®.<br />

P. AND if the patient has had previous Symlin® therapy, he/she must show a<br />

reduction in their HbA1c since initiating Symlin® therapy. (Please verify the<br />

HbA1c in the patient’s chart).<br />


Symlin® is NOT covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. The patient has gastroparesis.<br />

B. The patient’s HbA1c is less than 7% or greater than 9%.<br />

C. The patient has had recurrent severe hypoglycemia during the past 6 months.<br />

D. The patient will be taken Symlin® in combination with any of the following<br />

medications that may alter gastrointestinal motility: metoclopramide, Reglan®,<br />

dexpanthenol, Zelnorm®, erythromycin, cisapride, Propulsid®, clarithromycin,<br />

Biaxin®, ranitidine, Zantac®, nizatidine, Axid®, neostigmine, lidocaine or<br />

Amitiza®.<br />

E. The patient is under the age of 2 years old.<br />

F. The patient is currently receiving a Byetta® drug regimen.<br />

G. The diagnosis is NOT documented as diabetes type-1 or type-2.<br />

H. The patient has NOT tried and failed at least a three-month optimization of insulin<br />

therapy that includes a trial and failure to short acting insulin. (e.g. Humulin® R,<br />

Novolin® R, Humulin® 70/30, Humulin® 50/50, Humalog®, Novolog®,<br />

Apidra® and Exubra®).<br />

I. The patient will NOT continue to use short-acting insulin during treatment with<br />

Symlin®.<br />

J. The diagnosis is documented as diabetes type-2 and they have not tried and failed<br />

a three-month optimization of insulin therapy that includes a trial and failure to<br />

long-acting insulin.<br />

K. If the patient has had previous Symlin® therapy, he/she must show a reduction in<br />

their HbA1c since initiating Symlin® therapy.<br />


Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Endocrinologist<br />


Plan Year<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Synarel® is indicated:<br />

A. For treatment of endometriosis<br />

B. For treatment of precocious puberty<br />

C. All other FDA approved indications not otherwise excluded from Part D<br />


Synarel® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. The patient must be diagnosed with endometriosis<br />

a. AND the patient has previous trial and failure on ALL of the following:<br />

i. 1 form of oral contraceptive pills<br />

ii. Leuprolide<br />

b. AND treatment duration is no longer than 6 months<br />

B. OR the patient must be diagnosed with precocious puberty<br />

a. AND the patient is determined to have significant advancement of bone<br />

age due to significant early maturation<br />

b. AND the patient must be younger than 10 years old<br />


Synarel® is NOT covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

F. The patient is NOT diagnosed with endometriosis or precocious puberty<br />

G. The dosage is greater than 800 mcg/day is diagnosed with endometriosis OR 1800<br />

mcg/day if diagnosed with precocious puberty<br />

H. The patient is pregnant (category X)<br />

I. If diagnosed with endometriosis, no previous trial and failure on 1 form of oral<br />

contraceptive pills AND leuprolide<br />

J. Chart notes documenting trials on oral contraceptives pills and leuprolide are not<br />

received or do not address the needed information<br />

K. If diagnosed with precocious puberty, patient is 10 years old or older<br />


Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


OBGYN and Endocrinologist<br />


6 months<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Tamiflu® is indicated:<br />

A. For prophylaxis for infections due to influenza A or B following close contact<br />

with an infected individual or during a community outbreak<br />

B. For treatment of uncomplicated influenza type A or type B infection in patients<br />

who have been symptomatic for no more than 2 days<br />

C. All other FDA approved indications not otherwise excluded from Part D<br />


Tamiflu® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. The patient must be diagnosed with influenza A or B infection<br />

B. AND the patient must have been symptomatic for no more than 2 days<br />

C. AND treatment is for no more than 5 days<br />

D. OR The patient is receiving prophylaxis<br />

E. AND treatment is for no more than 6 weeks<br />

F. AND if treatment is greater than 10 days a written medical summary documenting<br />

need for more than 10 days must be submitted with request<br />


Tamiflu® is NOT covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. The patient is NOT diagnosed with influenza A or B infection or prophylaxis for<br />

influenza A or B infection after contact with infected individual<br />

B. The request is for more than 10 capsules (for prophylaxis, patient may fill up to 6<br />

weeks if initial 10 days is not effective)<br />

C. more than 10 days of therapy, a written medical summary illustrating need for<br />

additional treatment due to inefficacy of initial therapy is not received<br />



Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Up to 6 weeks<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Tarceva® is indicated:<br />

A. For the monotherapy treatment of patients with locally advanced or metastatic<br />

non-small cell lung cancer after failure of at least one prior chemotherapy<br />

regimen.<br />

B. For the first-line treatment of patients with locally advanced, unresectable or<br />

metastatic pancreatic cancer when used in combination with gemcitabine.<br />


Tarceva® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. The prescribing physician is a board certified oncologist or nephrologist.<br />

B. AND if the patient is female and of childbearing years, she is NOT pregnant, has<br />

NO plans for pregnancy and has been educated on the potential dangers of<br />

Tarceva® therapy in pregnancy.<br />

C. AND the diagnosis is documented as treatment for non-small cell lung cancer.<br />

a. AND the cancer is locally advanced or metastatic (Stage 3 or Stage 4).<br />

b. AND the patient’s disease has progressed after completing or had<br />

unacceptable toxicity to at least one of the following chemotherapy<br />

regimens:<br />

i. Platinum-based regimen: (e.g. carboplatin, Paroplatin®, cisplatin,<br />

Platinol®, oxaliplatin, or Eloxatin®)<br />

ii. axoid-based regimen: (e.g. paclitaxel, Taxol®, Onxol®,<br />

Abraxane®, docetaxel, or Taxotere®).<br />

c. AND Tarceva® therapy will NOT be used in combination with any other<br />

chemotherapy agent. (Please verify that the patient is not receiving<br />

additional chemotherapy by reviewing the patient’s drug history or chart.)<br />

d. AND if the patient has received previous Tarceva® therapy, the provider<br />

has evidence of clinical improvement from the pretreatment report by<br />

showing no increase in tumor size and/or progression of disease.<br />

D. AND/OR the diagnosis is documented as pancreatic cancer.<br />

a. AND the cancer is surgically unresectable.<br />

b. AND the cancer is locally advanced or metastatic (Stage 3 or Stage 4).<br />

c. AND the patient will and/or has received Tarceva® therapy in<br />

combination with gemcitabine (Gemzar®) on a 4 and/or 8 week cycle.<br />

d. AND if the patient has had previous Tarceva® therapy, the provider has<br />

evidence of clinical improvement from the pretreatment report by showing<br />

no increase in tumor size and/or progression of disease.<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />


(Continued)<br />


Tarceva® is NOT covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. The prescribing physician is NOT a board certified oncologist or nephrologist.<br />

B. If the patient is female and of childbearing years and she is pregnant, has plans for<br />

pregnancy or has NOT been educated on the potential dangers of Tarceva®<br />

therapy in pregnancy.<br />

C. The diagnosis is NOT documented as non-small cell lung cancer or pancreatic<br />

cancer.<br />

D. AND the diagnosis is documented as treatment for non-small cell lung cancer and<br />

the patient meets any of the following criteria:<br />

a. The cancer is NOT locally advanced or metastatic (Stage 3 or Stage 4).<br />

b. The patient’s disease has NOT progressed after completing a platinumbased<br />

or taxoid-based chemotherapy regimen.<br />

c. The patient did NOT complete or had NO unacceptable toxicity to a<br />

platinum-based or taxoid based chemotherapy regimen.<br />

i. Tarveca® therapy will or has been used in combination with<br />

another chemotherapy agent.<br />

ii. If the patient has received previous Tarceva® therapy and the<br />

provider has NO evidence of clinical improvement from the<br />

pretreatment report or shows an increase in tumor size and/or<br />

progression of disease.<br />

E. AND/OR the diagnosis is documented as pancreatic cancer and the patient meets<br />

any of the following criteria:<br />

a. The cancer is surgically resectable.<br />

b. The cancer is NOT locally advanced or metastatic (Stage 3 or Stage 4).<br />

c. The patient will NOT or has NOT received Tarceva® therapy in<br />

combination with gemcitabine (Gemzar®) on a 4 and/or 8 week cycle.<br />

d. If the patient has had previous Tarceva® therapy and the provider has NO<br />

evidence of clinical improvement from the pretreatment report or shows<br />

an increase in tumor size and/or progression of disease.<br />


Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Oncologist<br />


6 months<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Targretin® is indicated:<br />

A. Oral: For the treatment of cutaneous manifestations of cutaneous T-cell<br />

lymphoma (CTCL)<br />

B. Topical: For treatment of stage 1A or 1B cutaneous T-cell lymphoma who have<br />

refractory or persistent disease after other therapies or who have not tolerated<br />

other therapies<br />


Targretin® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. The patient must be diagnosed with cutaneous manifestations of cutaneous T-cell<br />

lymphoma (CTCL)<br />

B. AND the patient must have advanced disease (if oral is used)<br />

C. OR the patient must be diagnosed with stage 1A or 1B cutaneous T-cell<br />

lymphoma with cutaneous manifestations<br />

D. AND the patient has previously failed treatment with at least 1 (ONE) topical<br />

steroid OR phototherapy<br />


Targretin® is NOT covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. The patient is NOT diagnosed with cutaneous manifestations of cutaneous T-cell<br />

lymphoma<br />

B. If requesting oral, the patient does NOT have advanced disease<br />

C. If requesting topical, the patient does NOT have stage 1A or 1B<br />

D. If requesting topical, the patient has NOT previously attempted treatment with at<br />

least 1 (ONE) topical steroid OR phototherapy<br />

E. Chart notes documenting previous trial on topical steroid(s) or phototherapy are<br />

not received or do not address the needed information<br />


Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Dermatologist and Oncologist<br />


Plan Year<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Tasigna® is indicated:<br />

A. For the treatment of chronic phase and accelerated phase Philadelphia<br />

chromosome positive (Ph+) chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) in patients<br />

resistant to or intolerant to prior therapy that included imatinib.<br />


Tasigna® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. The patient must be diagnosed with Philadelphia chromosome positive chronic<br />

myelogenous leukemia<br />

B. AND the dosing must be 400 mg twice daily<br />

C. AND the patient must have previous trial and failure or intolerance to prior<br />

therapy that included imatinib<br />

D. AND chart notes documenting previous trial/failure or intolerance to imatinib<br />

therapy must be received<br />


Tasigna® is NOT covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. The patient is NOT diagnosed with Philadelphia chromosome positive chronic<br />

myelogenous leukemia<br />

B. The request is for more than 400 mg twice daily<br />

C. The patient has NOT previously attempted treatment with imatinib<br />

D. Chart notes documenting previous trial on imitinib are not received or do not<br />

address the needed information<br />



Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Plan Year<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Somatropin is indicated (Not all branded medications have each indication listed below.<br />

Please refer to reference symbol for actual indication):<br />

A. For the long-term treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to<br />

an inadequate secretion of endogenous growth hormone.<br />

B. For the long-term treatment of pediatric patients who have growth failure due to<br />

Prader-Willi syndrome.*<br />

C. For long-term replacement therapy in adults with growth hormone deficiency of<br />

either childhood or adult-onset etiology.*<br />

D. For the treatment of short stature associated with Turner syndrome in patients<br />

whose epiphyses are not closed.<br />

E. For the long-term treatment of idiopathic short stature, also called non-growth<br />

hormone deficient short stature, defined by height SDS less than or equal to -2.25<br />

and associated with growth rates unlikely to permit attainment of adult height in<br />

the normal range, in pediatric patients whose epiphyses are not closed and for<br />

whom diagnostic evaluation excludes other causes associated with short stature<br />

that should be observed or treated by other means.<br />

F. For replacement of endogenous growth hormone in adults with growth hormone<br />

deficiency who meet both of the following 2 criteria:<br />

a. Adult onset: Patients who have growth hormone deficiency either alone,<br />

or with multiple disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy,<br />

or trauma.<br />

b. Child onset: Patients who were growth-hormone-deficient during<br />

childhood who have growth hormone deficiency confirmed as an adult.<br />

G. For the long-term treatment of children with growth failure due to inadequate<br />

secretion of endogenous growth hormone.<br />

H. For the treatment of growth failure associated with chronic renal insufficiency up<br />

to the time of renal transplantation.<br />

I. For the long-term treatment of growth failure associated with Turner syndrome.<br />

J. For the replacement of endogenous growth hormone in patients with adult growth<br />

hormone deficiency who meet both of the following 2 criteria:<br />

a. Adult onset: Patients who have adult growth hormone deficiency either<br />

alone or with multiple hormone deficiencies (hypopituitarism) as a result<br />

of pituitary disease, hypothalamic disease, surgery, radiation therapy, or<br />

trauma.<br />

b. Child onset: Patients who were growth hormone deficient during<br />

childhood, confirmed as an adult.<br />

K. For the treatment of HIV patients with wasting or cachexia to increase lean body<br />

mass and body weight, and improve physical endurance. Concomitant<br />

antiretroviral therapy is necessary.<br />

L. For the treatment of short bowel syndrome in patients receiving specialized<br />

nutritional support.<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />


(Continued)<br />


Somatropin® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. The prescribing physician is a board certified endocrinologist or infectious disease<br />

specialist.<br />

B. The request for somatropin is the formulary covered agent. (Please review drug<br />

formulary to ensure prior authorization is for the formulary covered medication).<br />

C. The patient is 20 years of age or older.<br />

D. AND the patient does NOT have any evidence of active malignancy.<br />

E. AND the diagnosis is documented as growth hormone deficiency in an adult<br />

needing replacement with endogenous growth hormone.<br />

a. AND the patient has a biochemical diagnosis of growth hormone<br />

deficiency, means of a negative response to 2) standard growth hormone<br />

stimulation tests [Max peak less than 5ng/mL by RIA or Less than 2.5<br />

ng/mL by IRMA] OR an IGF-1 level that is two standard deviations below<br />

normal for the patient’s age group. (Please verify the growth hormone or<br />

IGF-1 level in the patient’s chart notes and ensure the tests were<br />

preformed within 3 months of the initial request).<br />

b. AND the growth hormone deficiency is due to at least one of the<br />

following etiologies:<br />

i. Pituitary or hypothalamus surgery<br />

ii. Pituitary or hypothalamus disease.<br />

iii. Pituitary or hypothalamus injury.<br />

iv. Radiation therapy.<br />

v. Growth-hormone deficiency during childhood. (Requires an<br />

additional stimulation test during adulthood).<br />

c. AND the patient has symptoms of growth hormone deficiency that<br />

includes one of the following:<br />

i. Reduced bone density of more than (1) standard deviation below<br />

the age and gender-specific mean.<br />

ii. Evidence of cardiac decompensation defined as reduced ejection<br />

fracture of Less than 50%.<br />

d. AND if the patient has received previous somatropin therapy, he/she has<br />

shown an improvement in quality of life and/or symptoms (bone mass,<br />

muscle mass, strength, body fat and/or cholesterol).<br />

F. AND/OR the diagnosis is documented as AIDS wasting or AIDS cachexia.<br />

a. AND the patient has had an involuntary weight loss of Greater than 10%<br />

of pre-illness baseline body weight or body mass index (BMI) Less than<br />

20 kg/m 2 in the absence of a concurrent illness or medical condition other<br />

than HIV infection that may cause weight loss.<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />


(Continued)<br />

b. AND the patient has failed to respond to a 30-day drug regimen of<br />

megestrol (Megace®) AND an anabolic steroid (e.g. Testim®,<br />

Androgel®, testosterone enanthate, testosterone cypionate, Testoderm®,<br />

Androderm®, methyltestosterone, or fluoxymesterone). (Please verify the<br />

use of megestrol and an anabolic steroid by reviewing the patient’s drug<br />

history or chart).<br />

c. AND if the patient has received previous somatropin therapy, he/she must<br />

show a positive response to treatment by maintaining or increasing their<br />

initial weight and/or muscle mass before initiating somatropin therapy.<br />

G. AND/OR the diagnosis is documented as a patient with short bowel syndrome.<br />

a. AND the patient is receiving specialized nutritional therapy and parental<br />

nutrition stable.<br />

b. AND the small intenstine is Less than 200 cm in length and at least 2<br />

months post resection.<br />

c. AND the patient has 30% or greater functioning colon with at least 15 cm<br />

of intact jejunum or at least 90 cm of intact jejunum and/or ileum.<br />

d. AND the patient has an intach stomach and duodenum.<br />

e. AND the patient has stable hepatic and renal status (billirubin Less than 3<br />

X ULN and Creatinine Less than 3mL/dL).<br />

f. AND if the patient has received previous somatropin therapy, he/she must<br />

show a positive response by showing a reduction on their dependence on<br />

total parenteral nutrition.<br />


Somatropin® is NOT covered for members with the following criteria:<br />

A. The prescribing physician is NOT a board certified endocrinologist or infectious<br />

disease specialist.<br />

B. The request for somatropin is NOT the formulary covered agent.<br />

C. The patient has evidence of active malignancy.<br />

D. The patient is NOT 20 years of age or older.<br />

E. The diagnosis is NOT documented as growth hormone deficiency in an adult<br />

needing replacement with endogenous growth hormone, AIDS wasting or AIDS<br />

cachexia or short bowel syndrome.<br />

F. If the diagnosis is documented as growth hormone deficiency in adult and they<br />

meet any of the following criteria:<br />

a. The patient does NOT have a biochemical diagnosis of growth hormone<br />

deficiency to 2 standard growth hormone stimulation tests or an IGF-1<br />

level that is NOT two standard deviations below normal for the patient’s<br />

age group.<br />

b. The growth hormone deficiency is NOT due to at least one of the<br />

following etiologies:<br />

i. Pituitary or hypothalamus surgery<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />


(Continued)<br />

ii. Pituitary or hypothalamus disease.<br />

iii. Pituitary or hypothalamus injury.<br />

iv. Radiation therapy.<br />

v. Growth-hormone deficiency during childhood.<br />

c. The patient does NOT have symptoms of growth hormone deficiency that<br />

includes one of the following:<br />

i. Reduced bone density of more than (1) standard deviation below<br />

the age and gender-specific mean.<br />

ii. Evidence of cardiac decompensation defined as reduced ejection<br />

fracture of Less than 50%.<br />

d. If the patient has received previous somatropin therapy and he/she does<br />

not show an improvement In quality of life and/or symptoms (bone mass,<br />

muscle mass, strength, body fat and/or cholesterol).<br />

G. If the diagnosis is documented as AIDS wasting or AIDS cachexia and they meet<br />

any of the following criteria:<br />

a. The patient has NOT had an involuntary weight loss of Greater than 10%<br />

of pre-illness baseline body weight or body mass index (BMI) Less than<br />

20 kg/m 2 .<br />

b. The patient has had an involuntary weight loss of Greater than 10% of preillness<br />

baseline body weight or body mass index (BMI) Less than 20<br />

kg/m2 but the weight loss happened with a concurrent illness or medical<br />

condition other than HIV infection.<br />

c. The patient has NOT failed a 30 day drug regimen of megestrol<br />

(Megace®) AND an anabolic steroid.<br />

d. If the patient has received previous somatropin therapy and he/she has<br />

NOT shown a positive response to treatment by maintaining or increasing<br />

their initial weight before initiating somatropin therapy.<br />

H. If the diagnosis is documented as a patient with short bowel syndrome and they<br />

meet any of the following criteria:<br />

a. The patient is NOT receiving specialized nutritional therapy or NOT<br />

parental nutrition stable.<br />

b. The small intenstine is Greater than 200 cm in length and NOT at least 2<br />

months post resection.<br />

c. The patient has Less than 30% or functioning colon with Less than 15 cm<br />

of intact jejunum or Less than 90 cm of intact jejunum and/or ileum.<br />

d. The patient does not have an intact stomach and duodenum.<br />

e. The patient does NOT have stable hepatic and renal status (billirubin<br />

Greater than 3 X ULN and Creatinine Greater than 3mL/dL).<br />

f. If the patient has received previous somatropin therapyand he/she has<br />

NOT shown a positive response by showing a reduction on their<br />

dependence on total parenteral nutrition.<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />


(Continued)<br />

I. The diagnosis is for cystic fibrosis, Down syndrome, fibromyalgia, infertility,<br />

obesity, delayed growth and development, familial or idiopathatic short stature in<br />

an adult, dwarfism, skeletal dysplasia, osteogenesis imperfecta, Bloom syndrome,<br />

respiratory failure, inflammatory bowel disease, burn injuries, muscular<br />

dystrophy, Noonan syndrome, Spina Bifida, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis,<br />

osteoporosis, post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, hypertension,<br />

hypophosphatemic rickets or adult short stature.<br />



Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Plan Year<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Torisel® is indicated:<br />

A. For the treatment of advanced renal cell carcinoma<br />


Torisel® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Verification of B vs. D criteria as per CMS regulations<br />

a. Incident to a physician’s service<br />

B. AND the patient must be diagnosed with renal cell carcinoma<br />

C. AND the patient must have advanced disease as indicated by 1 (ONE) of the<br />

following<br />

a. Patients with metastatic disease<br />

b. Patients with locally advanced disease not curable with resection<br />

D. AND must be prescribed by oncologist or nephrologist<br />


Torisel® is NOT covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. The medication is a Part B medication per CMS guidelines<br />

B. The diagnosis is NOT renal cell carcinoma<br />

C. The patient does NOT have advanced disease<br />

D. Prescribing physician is NOT an oncologist or nephrologist<br />


Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Oncologist<br />


Plan Year<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Tracleer® is indicated:<br />

A. For the treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension in patients with World<br />

Health Organization Class III or IV symptoms, to improve exercise ability and<br />

decrease the rate of clinical worsening.<br />


Tracleer® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. If the patient is female and is of childbearing age, she is NOT pregnant, does<br />

NOT have plans for pregnancy and is using a reliable method of contraception.<br />

(contraindicated).<br />

B. AND the patient is not on a drug regimen for cyclosporine (eg. Gengraf®,<br />

Neoral®, Sandimmune®) and/or glyburide (eg. Diabeta®, Micronase®,<br />

Glynase®). (contraindicated). (Verification can be made by reviewing the<br />

patient’s drug history or patient’s chart).<br />

C. AND the patient does not have elevated aminotransferases (eg. AST, ALT)<br />

greater than three (3) times the upper limit of normal and/or bilirubin greater than<br />

two (2) times the upper limit of normal. (Verification can be made by reviewing<br />

the patient’s drug history or patient’s chart).<br />

D. AND the prescribing provider is a pulmonologist, and/or cardiologist or has<br />

obtained a consult from the listed specialties.<br />

E. AND the diagnosis is documented as pulmonary arterial hypertension.<br />

F. AND the patient does NOT have pulmonary veno-occlusive disease (PVOD),<br />

(contraindicated).<br />

G. AND the patient has had an adequate trial and failure (4 weeks or more) or is not<br />

a candidate for calcium channel blocker therapy. (eg. amlodipine, Norvasc®,<br />

nifedipine, Adalat CC®, Nifedical XL®, Procardia®, Procardia XL®, diltiazem,<br />

Cardizem®, Cartia XT®, Dilacor XR®, Diltia XT®, Tiazac®, Norvasc®,<br />

amlodipine, or Cardizem CD®). (Verification can be made by reviewing the<br />

patient’s drug history or patient’s chart).<br />

H. AND the patient will NOT receive combination therapy with a prostacyclin<br />

(Flolan®, Ventavis®, Remodulin®) or a phosphodiesterase type-5 inhibitor<br />

(Viagra®, Revatio®) agent. Combination therapy has not been approved by the<br />

FDA. (Please verify that the patient is not on duplicate therapy by reviewing the<br />

patient’s drug history or chart).<br />

I. AND the diagnosis is documented as pulmonary arterial hypertension class III or<br />

IV defined by the World Health Organization (WHO).<br />

J. AND the diagnosis is NOT documented as pulmonary arterial hypertension class I<br />

or II defined by the WHO.<br />

K. AND therapy is being prescribed to improve exercise ability.<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />


(Continued)<br />

L. AND if the patient has received previous Tracleer® therapy, the patient must see<br />

an improvement in their exercise ability (walking distance), dyspnea fatigue, an<br />

improvement in functional status (New York Heart Association (NYHA<br />

functional class) and/or NO clinical worsening of pulmonary hypertension.<br />


Tracleer® is NOT covered for members with the following criteria:<br />

A. A female patient of child bearing age that is pregnant or has plans for pregnancy<br />

or is NOT using a reliable form of contraception.<br />

B. The patient will be taking cyclosporine and/or glyburide therapy concurrently<br />

with Tracleer® therapy.<br />

C. The patient has elevated aminotransferase levels greater than three (3) times the<br />

upper limit of normal and/or bilirubin greater than two (2) times the upper limit of<br />

normal.<br />

D. The prescribing provider is NOT a pulmonologist, and/or cardiologist or obtained<br />

a consult from the listed specialties.<br />

E. The diagnosis is NOT listed as pulmonary hypertension.<br />

F. The patient has pulmonary veno-occlusive disease (PVOD).<br />

G. The patient is a candidate for calcium channel blocker therapy (CCB) and has<br />

NOT had an adequate 4-week trial and failure to a CCB drug regimen.<br />

H. The patient will receive Revatio®, Flolan®, Ventavis®, or Remodulin® therapy<br />

while receiving a Tracleer® drug regimen. (Please verify that the patient does not<br />

have duplicate therapy by reviewing the patient’s drug history or chart).<br />

I. The patient’s pulmonary arterial hypertension has NOT been classified as class III<br />

or IV defined by the WHO.<br />

J. The patient’s pulmonary arterial hypertension has been classified as class I or II<br />

by the WHO.<br />

K. Tracleer® is NOT being prescribed to improve exercise ability.<br />

L. If the patient has received previous Tracleer® therapy and they have NOT seen an<br />

improvement in their exercise ability (walking distance), dyspnea fatigue and/or<br />

an improvement in their NYHA functional classification.<br />

M. Evidence of diagnosis, WHO classification, lab values and exercise ability is<br />

NOT documented in the patient’s chart notes provided by prescribing provider.<br />


Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Pulmonologist<br />


6 months<br />



Tretinoin is indicated:<br />

A. Acne Vulgaris<br />

B. Cystic Acne<br />

<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Avita® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Patient is diagnosed with Acne Vulgaris or Cystic Acne<br />

B. AND failure to topical benzoyl peroxide products and topical antibiotics<br />


Tretinoin is NOT covered for members with the following criteria:<br />

A. Using for facial wrinkles or other cosmetic indications<br />



Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


3 months<br />



A. Hyperlipopoteinemia<br />

B. Hypertriglyceridemia<br />

<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />

TRICOR<br />


Tricor is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Failure or contraindications to generic Fenofibrate<br />


Tricor is not covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. No failure or contraindications to Fenofibrate<br />



Chart Notes<br />


Plan Year<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />

TYKERB<br />


Tykerb® is indicated:<br />

A. In combination with capecitabine, for the treatment of patients with advanced or<br />

metastatic breast cancer whose tumors over express HER2 and who have received<br />

prior therapy including an anthracycline, a taxane, and trastuzumab.<br />


Tykerb® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. The prescribing physician is a board certified oncologist.<br />

B. AND if the patient is female and of childbearing years, she is NOT pregnant, has<br />

NO plans for pregnancy and has been educated on the potential dangers of<br />

Tarceva® therapy in pregnancy.<br />

C. AND the diagnosis is documented as treatment for breast cancer.<br />

D. AND the cancer is advanced or metastatic (Stage 3 or Stage 4).<br />

E. AND a fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) or immunohistochemistry (IHC)<br />

test has been preformed to confirm HER2 protein over expression with a score of<br />

+2 or better.<br />

F. AND patient’s disease has progressed after completing or had unacceptable<br />

toxicity to all three of the following chemotherapy regimens:<br />

a. Anthracycline regimen: (e.g. daunorubicin, DaunoXome®, doxorubicin,<br />

Adriamycin®, Doxil®, epirubicin, Ellence®, idarubicin, Idamycin®).<br />

b. Taxane regimen: (e.g. paclitaxel, Taxol®, Onxol®, Abraxane®,<br />

docetaxel, or Taxotere®).<br />

c. trastuzumab (Herceptin®).<br />

G. AND Tykerb® therapy will be or is being used in combination with capecitabine<br />

(Xeloda®). (Please verify that the patient is receiving Xeloda® therapy by<br />

reviewing the patient’s drug history or chart.)<br />

H. AND Tykerb® therapy will NOT be used in combination with an anthracycline<br />

regimen, Herceptin® or a Taxane regimen.<br />

I. AND if the patient has received previous Tykerb® therapy, the provider has<br />

evidence of clinical improvement from the pretreatment report by showing no<br />

increase in tumor size and/or progression of disease.<br />


Tykerb® is NOT covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. The prescribing physician is NOT a board certified oncologist.<br />

B. If the patient is female and of childbearing years and is pregnant, has plans for<br />

pregnancy or has NOT been educated on the potential dangers of Tarceva®<br />

therapy in pregnancy.<br />

C. The diagnosis is NOT documented as treatment for breast cancer.<br />

D. The diagnosis is documented as treatment for breast cancer and the patient meets<br />

any of the following criteria:<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />

TYKERB<br />

(Continued)<br />

E. The cancer is NOT advanced or NOT metastatic (Stage 3 or Stage 4).<br />

F. A fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) or immunohistochemistry (IHC) test<br />

has NOT been preformed to confirm HER2 protein over expression.<br />

G. A FISH or IHC test has been performed but the score was less than +2.<br />

H. The patient has NOT completed and NOT failed an anthracycline, taxane and<br />

Herceptin® drug regimen.The patient’s disease has NOT progressed after<br />

completing an anthracycline, taxane and Herceptin® drug regimen.<br />

I. Tykerb® therapy will NOT be or is NOT being used in combination with<br />

capecitabine (Xeloda®).<br />

J. Tykerb® therapy will be used in combination with an anthracycline regimen,<br />

Herceptin® or a Taxane regimen.<br />

K. If the patient has received previous Tykerb® therapy and the provider has NO<br />

evidence of clinical improvement from the pretreatment report or shows an<br />

increase in tumor size and/or progression of disease.<br />


Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Oncologist<br />


Plan Year<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />

TYZEKA<br />


Tyzeka® is indicated:<br />

A. For the treatment of chronic hepatitis B in adults with evidence of active viral<br />

replication and either evidence of persistent elevations in serum aminotransferases<br />

(ALT or AST) or histologically active disease.<br />


Tyzeka® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Patient is age 16 years or older.<br />

B. AND the prescribing provider is a gastroenterologist or trained in infectious<br />

disease or has obtained a consult from the listed specialties.<br />

C. AND the patient has been diagnosed with chronic hepatitis B.<br />

D. AND the patient has evidence of a positive HBsAg (+ or -) serological marker for<br />

greater than 6 months OR evidence by a liver biopsy showing chronic hepatitis.<br />

(Please verify that the patient has a HBsAg serological marker for greater than 6<br />

months or a positive liver biopsy by reviewing the patient’s drug history or chart).<br />

E. AND the patient has a Hepatitis B viral load greater than 100,000 copies per ml.<br />

F. AND the patient has elevations in liver aminotransferases (ALT or AST) that are<br />

two (2) times greater than normal.<br />

G. AND the patient has been tested for HIV. (Tyzeka® therapy can cause HIV<br />

resistance in untreated HIV infection).<br />

H. AND if the patient has received previous Tyzeka® treatment, there is documented<br />

clinical improvement shown by a drop in viral load or reduction in the patient’s<br />

liver aminotransferases. (Please verify patient’s chart notes to verify drop in viral<br />

load or reduction in liver aminotransferases from their starting level).<br />

I. AND the patient is not receiving duplicate therapy that includes Hepsera®,<br />

Baraclude®, Epivir®, Intron A® and/or Infergen®. (Please verify that the patient<br />

does not have duplicate therapy by reviewing the patient’s drug history or chart).<br />

J. AND evidence of diagnosis, serological markers, liver biopsy, viral load, and<br />

liver aminotransferases is documented in patient’s chart.<br />


Tyzeka® is NOT covered for members with the following criteria:<br />

A. Patient is under the age of 16 years old.<br />

B. The provider is NOT a gastroenterologist, trained in infectious disease or obtained<br />

a consult from the listed specialties.<br />

C. Patient has NOT been diagnosed with chronic hepatitis B.<br />

D. Patient has NO evidence of a Hepatitis B serological marker for greater than 6<br />

months OR evidence by a positive liver biopsy.<br />

E. Patient does NOT have a Hepatitis B viral load greater than 100,000 copies per<br />

ml.<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />

TYZEKA<br />

(Continued)<br />

F. Patient does NOT have liver aminotransferases (ALT or AST) that are two (2)<br />

times greater than normal.<br />

G. Patient has NOT been tested for HIV.<br />

H. Patient is on duplicate therapy that can include one of the following: Hepsera®,<br />

Baraclude®, Epivir®, Intron-A®, and or Infergen®.<br />

I. Prescriber has provided no evidence of diagnosis, serological markers, viral load,<br />

duplicate therapy or liver aminotransferases.<br />


Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Infectious Disease<br />


Plan Year<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Vesanoid® is indicated:<br />

A. For the treatment of remission induction in acute promyelocytic leukemia<br />


Vesanoid® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. The patient is diagnosed with acute promyelocytic leukemia<br />

B. AND the medication is being used for induction of remission<br />

C. AND the patient has no previous history of trial on Vesanoid®<br />

D. AND the request is for no more than 90 days<br />

E. AND the request comes from an oncologist<br />


Vesanoid® is NOT covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. The diagnosis is NOT acute promyelocytic leukemia<br />

B. The medication is being used for maintenance therapy<br />

C. The patient has previous history of trial of Vesanoid®<br />

D. The request is for more than 90 days<br />

E. The request does not come from an oncologist<br />


Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Oncologist<br />


90 days<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />

VFEND<br />


Vfend® is indicated:<br />

A. For the treatment of infection with invasive aspergillosis, candidiasis, furariosis,<br />

Scedosporium apiospermum<br />


Vfend® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. The patient is diagnosed with invasive aspergillosis<br />

a. AND the patient has had previous trial and failure or contraindication to<br />

itraconazole*If aspergillosis infection is extrapulmonary no previous trial<br />

is required<br />

b. AND chart notes documenting trial and failure or contraindication to<br />

itraconazole are received<br />

B. OR the patient is diagnosed with candidiasis<br />

a. AND the patient has previous trial and failure or contraindication to<br />

BOTH fluconazole and itraconazole<br />

b. AND chart notes documenting trial and failure or contraindication to<br />

itraconazole are received<br />

C. OR the patient is diagnosed with furariosis or Scedosporium sp.<br />

a. AND Vfend® is being used as salvage therapy due to failure of other<br />

therapies<br />

b. AND chart notes documenting previous treatment failures is received<br />


Vfend® is NOT covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. The diagnosis is NOT invasive aspergillosis, candidiasis, furariosis, or<br />

Scedosporium sp. infection<br />

B. If being used for aspergillosis or candidiasis, previous medication regimens as<br />

noted have not been utilized<br />

C. If being used for furariosis or Scedosporium sp., NOT being used for salvage<br />

therapy<br />

D. Chart notes documenting previous regimens is not received or do not address<br />

needed information<br />


Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Infectious Disease<br />


1 month<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />

VIDAZA<br />


Vidaza® is indicated:<br />

A. For the treatment of myelodysplastic syndrome.<br />


Vidaza® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Verify B vs. D criteria per CMS guidelines<br />

a. Incident to a physician’s service<br />

B. AND the patient is diagnosed with myelodysplastic syndrome<br />

C. AND the patient has low probability to respond to immunosuppressive therapy<br />

(IST)<br />

D. AND chart notes documenting low serum epopoietin as well as documentation<br />

showing reasoning for patient’s low probability to respond to IST<br />

E. AND for extended authorization, patient is showing benefit from treatment<br />


Vidaza® is NOT covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Medication is covered by Part B per CMS guidelines<br />

B. The diagnosis is NOT myelodysplastic syndrome<br />

C. Patient has HIGH probability to respond to IST<br />

D. Chart notes documenting epopoietin levels and low probability for benefit from<br />

IST are not received or do not address the needed information<br />


Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Oncologist<br />


4 months<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />

VIMPAT<br />


All FDA approved indications not otherwise excluded from Part D<br />


Vimpat® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. A.Patient will receive Vimpat as an adjunctive anticonvulsant.<br />

B. Patient has a documented trial/failure/contraindication to two or more of the<br />

following:<br />

a. Carbamazepine<br />

b. Divalproex<br />

c. Gabapentin<br />

d. Lamotrigine<br />

e. Levetiracetam<br />

f. Oxcarbazepine<br />

g. Phenytoin<br />

h. Pregabalin<br />

i. Tiagabine<br />

j. Topiramate<br />

k. Valproic acid<br />

l. Zonisamide<br />


The following copies of chart notes/laboratory reports are required:<br />

A. Documentation showing that Vimpat will be given as an adjunctive<br />

anticonvulsant<br />

B. Documentation showing that the patient has had a previous<br />

trial/failure/contraindication to two or more of the following:<br />

a. Carbamazepine<br />

b. Divalproex<br />

c. Gabapentin<br />

d. Lamotrigine<br />

e. Levetiracetam<br />

f. Oxcarbazepine<br />

g. Phenytoin<br />

h. Pregabalin<br />

i. Tiagabine<br />

j. Topiramate<br />

k. Valproic acid<br />

l. Zonisamide<br />


Covered for 17 years and older<br />


Plan Year<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Vistide® is indicated:<br />

A. Cytomegalovirus<br />

B. Cytomegalovirus retinitis<br />

C. Cytomegalovirus retinitis prophylaxis<br />

D. All other FDA approved indications not otherwise excluded from Part D<br />


Vistide® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Patient is diagnosed with approved indication as stated above<br />

B. AND patient has AIDS<br />

C. AND patient is NOT taking one of the following medications:<br />

a. Aminoglycosides<br />

b. Amphotericin B<br />

c. Foscarnet<br />

d. NSAIDs<br />

e. Pentamidine<br />

f. Tacrolimus<br />

g. Vancomycin<br />

D. AND (in prophylaxis patients) CD4+ count is Less than 100-150 cells/ mm 3<br />

E. AND B vs. D criteria indicates that coverage should be through Medicare Part D<br />


Vistide® is NOT covered for members with the following criteria:<br />

A. Non-FDA approved indications<br />

B. Patients without AIDS<br />

C. If patient is taking<br />

a. Aminoglycosides<br />

b. Amphotericin B<br />

c. Foscarnet<br />

d. NSAIDs<br />

e. Pentamidine<br />

f. Tacrolimus<br />

g. Vancomycin<br />


Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Infectious Disease<br />


3 months<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Immune Globulin is indicated:<br />

A. For the treatment of primary immunodeficiency<br />

B. For the treatment of idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura<br />

C. For the treatment of Kawasaki disease<br />


Immune Globulin is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Verify B vs. D criteria per CMS guidelines<br />

a. Treatment of hypergammaglobulinemia<br />

B. AND the patient is diagnosed with primary immunodeficiency<br />

C. OR the patient is diagnosed with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura<br />

D. OR the patient is diagnosed with Kawasaki disease<br />


Immune globulin is NOT covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Medication is covered by Part B per CMS guidelines<br />

B. The diagnosis is NOT hypergammaglobulinemia, primary immunodeficiency,<br />

Idiopathic Thrombocytopenia Purpura OR Kawasaki disease<br />



Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Plan Year<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Xenazine® is indicated:<br />

A. For treatment of chorea associated with Huntington’s Disease<br />


Xenazine® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Patient must be diagnosed with Huntington’s chorea<br />

B. Patient must have previous trial/failure of Haloperidol<br />


Xenazine® is NOT covered for members with the following criteria:<br />

A. Diagnosis is NOT Huntington’s chorea<br />

B. Patient has no previous trial/failure on Haolperidol<br />

C. Patient has significant hepatic disease<br />

D. Patient is taking concurrent MAOI therapy<br />

E. Patients diagnosed with torsade de pointes<br />



Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Plan Year<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />

XOLAIR<br />


Xolair® is indicated:<br />

A. For adults and adolescents (12 years of age and above) with moderate to severe<br />

persistent asthma who have a positive skin test to a perennial aeroallergen and<br />

whose symptoms are inadequately controlled with inhaled corticosteroids. Safety<br />

and efficacy have not been established in other allergic conditions.<br />

B. All other FDA approved indications not otherwise excluded from Part D<br />


Xolair® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. The patient must be 12 years of age or older.<br />

B. AND the prescribing provider is a board certified pulmonologist, allergist or<br />

immunologist.<br />

C. AND the patient is NOT a current smoker.<br />

D. AND the diagnosis is documented as moderate-to-severe persistent asthma and<br />

there is evidence of reversible disease (20% or greater improvement in peak<br />

expiratory flow [PEF] with a short acting bronchodilator challenge). (Please<br />

verify the patient’s chart notes for diagnosis).<br />

E. AND the patient has tested positive to a perennial aeroallergen skin test. (Please<br />

verify the patient’s chart notes for a positive aeroallergen skin test).<br />

F. AND the patient’s baseline IgE is between 30 and 700 IU/ mL. (Please verify IgE<br />

level in the patient’s chart notes).<br />

G. AND the patient has been compliant and maintained on standard inhaled<br />

corticosteroid therapy for at least 6-months and still remains inadequately<br />

controlled. (Please verify the patient’s chart notes or drug history to verify their<br />

use of an inhaled corticosteroid [e.g. QVAR®, Pulmicort®, AeroBid®, Flovent®,<br />

Azmacort®, Asmanex®).<br />

H. AND the patient has had a 3-month trial and failure or intolerant to a long acting<br />

beta agonist agent that can Include Symbicort®, Foradil®, Serevent®, or<br />

Advair®.<br />

I. AND if the patient has received prior treatment with Xolair®,<br />

J. The patient must experience a reduction in symptoms and improvement in their<br />

FEV1 or PEF before initiation of re-treatment.<br />


Xolair® is NOT covered for members with the following criteria:<br />

A. The patient is under the age of 12 year old.<br />

B. The prescribing provider is NOT a board certified pulmonologist, allergist or<br />

immunologist.<br />

C. The patient is a current smoker.<br />

D. The diagnosis is NOT documented as moderate-to-severe persistent asthma OR<br />

there is NO evidence of reversible disease.<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />

XOLAIR<br />

(Continued)<br />

E. The diagnosis is documented as a food (e.g. peanut) or latex allergy.<br />

F. The diagnosis is documented as allergic rhinitis.<br />

G. The patient has NOT tested positive to a perennial aeroallergen skin test.<br />

H. The patient’s baseline IgE is NOT between 30 and 700 IU/ mL.<br />

I. The patient has NOT been compliant and maintained on standard inhaled<br />

corticosteroid therapy for at least 6-months.<br />

J. The patient has NOT had a 3-month trial and failure or intolerant to a long acting<br />

beta agonist agent.<br />

K. If the patient has received prior treatment with Xolair® and NOT experienced a<br />

reduction in symptoms and improvement in their FEV1 or PEF.<br />


Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Pulmonologist, allergist, or<br />

immunologist<br />


Plan Year<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />

XYREM<br />


Xyrem® is indicated:<br />

A. For the treatment of excessive daytime sleepiness and cataplexy in patients with<br />

narcolepsy.<br />

Xyrem® is only available through the Xyrem® Success Program. Physicians may contact<br />

the centralized pharmacy at 1-866-977-3688. The Xyrem® success program ensures that<br />

the patient reads and understands the risks associated with Xyrem® use.<br />


Xyrem® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. The prescribing provider is a board certified sleep specialist, pulmonologist,<br />

neurologist or psychiatrist.<br />

B. AND the diagnosis is documented as excessive daytime sleepiness with<br />

symptoms that limits their ability to perform normal daily activities.<br />

C. OR the diagnosis is documented as cataplexy (a condition characterized by weak<br />

or paralyzed muscles) in patients with narcolepsy. (Please verify cataplexy<br />

diagnosis in patient’s chart notes).<br />

D. AND the patient has tried and failed (continues to have symptoms) to at least a 4-<br />

week therapy of the highest tolerated dose of Provigil®. (Please verify the use of<br />

Provigil® by reviewing the patient’s drug history or chart notes).<br />

E. AND the patient is NOT being treated with a sedative hypnotic agent (e.g.<br />

flurazepam, Dalmane®, zolpidem, Ambien®, eszopiclone, Lunesta® estazolam,<br />

Prosom®, temazepam, Restoril®, chloral hydrate).(Please verify the use of a<br />

sedative hypnotic® by reviewing the patient’s drug history or chart notes).<br />

F. AND the patient will NOT be receiving combination therapy with Provigil®.<br />

(Please verify the potential Of combination use by reviewing the patient’s drug<br />

history or chart notes).<br />

G. AND if the patient has received prior treatment with Xyrem®.<br />

H. The patient must experience a decrease in daytime sleepiness and/or cataplexy in<br />

a narcoleptic patient.<br />

I. AND approval can be allowed for 3 months for the initial authorization or up to 1<br />

year for an additional request.<br />


Xyrem® is NOT covered for members with the following criteria:<br />

A. The prescribing provider is NOT a board certified sleep specialist,<br />

pulmonologist, neurologist or psychiatrist.<br />

B. The patient has NOT tried and failed at least a 4-week therapy of the highest<br />

tolerated dose of Provigil®.<br />

C. The patient is being treated with a sedative hypnotic agent.<br />

D. The patient is receiving combination Xyrem® therapy with Provigil®.<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />

XYREM<br />

(Continued)<br />


Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Endocrinologist<br />


3 months<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Zavesca® is indicated:<br />

A. For the treatment of adult patients with mild-to-moderate type-1 Gaucher disease<br />

for whom enzyme replacement therapy is not a therapeutic option.<br />


Zavesca® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Diagnosis is documented as mild-to-moderate type-1 Gaucher disease.<br />

B. AND the patient is 18 years of age or older.<br />

C. AND diagnosis has been confirmed by bone marrow histology, DNA testing or<br />

measurement of b-glucocerebrosidase enzyme activity less than 30%.<br />

D. AND the patient has a hemoglobin concentration above 9 g/dL or a platelet count<br />

above 50 x10 9 /L or active bone disease. (Zavesca® has not been evaluated in<br />

patients with severe disease).<br />

E. AND the patient has tried and failed enzyme replacement therapy (e.g.<br />

Ceredase®, Cerezyme®) or is not a therapeutic option (e.g. allergy,<br />

hypersensitivity). (Please verify trial in the patient’s drug history or chart).<br />

F. AND if the patient is female and of childbearing years, she is NOT pregnant, has<br />

NO plans for pregnancy, is on a form of contraception or has NO ability to<br />

conceive and has been educated on the potential dangers of Zavesca® therapy.<br />

G. AND if the patient has previously received 24 months of Zavesca® therapy, they<br />

must show a decrease in liver and spleen volume and/or increases in platelet count<br />

and/or increases in hemoglobin concentration.<br />


Zavesca® is NOT covered for members with the following criteria:<br />

A. The diagnosis is NOT documented as mild-to moderate type-1 Gaucher disease.<br />

B. The patient is under the age of 18 years old.<br />

C. Diagnosis has NOT been confirmed by bone marrow histology, DNA testing or<br />

measurement of enzyme activity.<br />

D. The patient has a hemoglobin concentration below 9 g/dL or a platelet count<br />

below 50 x10 9 /L or active bone disease.<br />

E. The patient has not tried, failed or intolerant to enzyme replacement therapy.<br />

F. If the patient is female and of childbearing years, she cannot be pregnant, have<br />

plans for pregnancy, and not educated on the potential risk of pregnancy with<br />

Zavesca® therapy.<br />

G. If the patient has previously received 24 months of Zavesca® therapy and has<br />

NOT shown a decrease in liver and spleen volume and/or increases in platelet<br />

count and/or increases in hemoglobin concentration since starting Zavesca®<br />

therapy.<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />


(Continued)<br />


Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Endocrinologist<br />


Plan Year<br />



Zemplar® is indicated:<br />

A. Secondary Hyperparathyroidism<br />

<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Zemplar® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Zemplar is being prescribed for Secondary Hyperparathyroidism<br />

B. AND Intact Parathyroid Hormone (iPTH) Greater than240 pg/mL (or Greater<br />

than4 times theupper limit of normal)<br />

C. AND Corrected serum calcium Less than 10.5 mg/dL<br />

D. AND Corrected Ca XP Less than 70<br />

E. OR Failure (or contraindication) of Rocaltrol/Calcijex/Hectorol oral or injection<br />

therapy by demonstrating iPTH level Greater than180 pg/mL (or Greater than 3<br />

times the upper limit of normal) despite adequate therapy<br />

F. OR Development of hypercalcemia (serum calcium Greater than 11.5 mg/dL)<br />

despite adequate therapy and discontinuance of calcium based phosphate binders<br />

For Renewal <strong>Authorization</strong>:<br />

A. iPTH Greater than 120 pg/mL (or 2 times the upper limit of normal)<br />

B. AND Corrected serum calcium Less than 11.5 mg/dL<br />

C. AND Corrected Ca XP Less than 75<br />


Zemplar® is NOT covered for members with the following criteria:<br />

D. Hypercalcemia<br />

E. Vitamin D toxicity<br />

F. Concurrent use with Vitamin D analogs<br />


Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Endocrinologist<br />


Plan Year<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



Zenapax® is indicated:<br />

A. Kidney Transplant Rejection Prophylaxis<br />


Zenapax® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Zenapax is being prescribed for Kidney transplantation prophylaxis<br />

B. AND the patient is greater than 11 months old<br />

C. AND B vs. D criteria is determined that coverage should be through Medicare<br />

Part D.<br />


Zenapax® is NOT covered for members with the following criteria:<br />

A. Zenapax is NOT being prescribed for Kidney transplantation prophylaxis<br />

B. The patient is less than 11 months old<br />

C. B vs. D criteria is determined that coverage should be through Medicare Part B<br />



Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


10 weeks<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />



A. Acute Psychosis<br />

B. Agitation<br />

C. Bipolar Disorder<br />

D. Mania<br />

E. Schizophrenia.<br />

F. All other FDA approved indications not otherwise excluded from Part D<br />


Zyprexa-Zydis is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Patients that have an FDA approved indication that are NPO (Nothing By Mouth).<br />

B. Chart notes required indicating that patient can not take tablets or capsules.<br />


Zypresxa-Zydis is not covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Patient has other tablets or capsules in their medication profile indicating that they can<br />

take Zyprexa tablets<br />



Chart Notes<br />


Plan Year<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />

ZYVOX<br />


Zyvox® is indicated For the following aerobic and facultative Gram-positive<br />

microorganisms.<br />

A. Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococcus faecium, including cases with concurrent<br />

bacteremia.<br />

B. Nosocomial pneumonia caused by Staphylococcus aureus (methicillin-susceptible<br />

and methicillin-resistant strains), or Streptococcus pneumoniae (including multidrug<br />

resistant strains [MDRSP]).<br />

C. Complicated skin and skin structure infections, including diabetic foot infections,<br />

without concomitant osteomyelitis, caused by Staphylococcus aureus (methicillinsusceptible<br />

and methicillin-resistant strains), Streptococcus pyogenes, or<br />

Streptococcus agalactiae. (Zyvox® has not been studied in the treatment of<br />

decubitus ulcers).<br />

D. Uncomplicated skin and skin structure infections caused by Staphylococcus<br />

aureus (methicillin-susceptible only) or Streptococcus pyogenes.<br />

E. Community-acquired pneumonia caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae (including<br />

multi-drug resistant strains [MDRS]), including cases with concurrent bacteremia<br />

or Staphylococcus aureus (methicillin-susceptible strains only).<br />


Zyvox® is covered for members who meet the following criteria:<br />

A. Therapy is NOT being used for prophylaxis therapy.<br />

B. The infection is NOT a decubitus ulcer. (Zyvox® has not been studied in the<br />

treatment of decubitus ulcers).<br />

C. The prescriber has provided chart notes, lab values and susceptibility results that<br />

document that the pathogen is susceptible to Zyvox®, other medications that the<br />

organism is susceptible to have been tried, the infection is a covered indication<br />

listed below, and the organism is a covered pathogen also listed below:<br />

D. A first time Zyvox® request to treat an infection caused by Vancomycin-<br />

Resistant Enterococcus faecium.<br />

a. AND approval can be allowed for 14 to 28 days.<br />

b. OR a request to extend Zyvox® treatment beyond the initial 14 to 28 day<br />

approved treatment for an infection caused by Vancomycin-Resistant<br />

Enterococcus faecium.<br />

c. AND an in-vitro susceptibility test (within 5-days of the request) that<br />

shows a continued presence of the pathogen and the organism’s continued<br />

susceptibility to Zyvox®.<br />

d. AND approval can be allowed for an additional 14 to 28 days.<br />

E. OR a first time Zyvox® request to treat a nosocomial pneumonia infection caused<br />

by Staphylococcus aureus (methicillin-susceptible and methicillin-resistant<br />

strains) or Streptococcus pneumoniae (including multi-drug resistant strains<br />

[MDRSP]).<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />

ZYVOX<br />

(Continued)<br />

a. AND the susceptibility report shows that the pathogen is not susceptible to<br />

any other antibiotic OR the provider can show a documented trial and<br />

failure or intolerance to the listed susceptible antibiotic.<br />

b. AND approval can be allowed for up to 14 days.<br />

c. OR a request to extend Zyvox® treatment beyond the initial 10-14 day<br />

approved treatment for a nosocomial pneumonia infection caused by<br />

Staphylococcus aureus or Streptococcus pneumoniae.<br />

d. AND an in-vitro susceptibility test (within 5-days of the request) that<br />

shows a continued presence of the pathogen and the organism’s continued<br />

susceptibility to Zyvox®.<br />

e. AND approval can be allowed for up to 14 days.<br />

F. OR a first time Zyvox® request to treat complicated skin and skin structure<br />

infections, including diabetic foot infections, without concomitant osteomyelitis,<br />

caused by Staphylococcus aureus (methicillin-susceptible and methicillin-resistant<br />

strains) OR Streptococcus pyogenes OR Streptococcus agalactiae.<br />

a. AND the susceptibility report shows that the pathogen is not susceptible to<br />

any other antibiotic OR the provider can show a documented trial and<br />

failure or intolerance to the listed susceptible antibiotic.<br />

b. AND the patient does NOT have osteomyelitis.<br />

c. AND approval can be allowed for up to 14 days.<br />

G. OR a request to extend Zyvox® treatment beyond the initial 10-14 day approved<br />

treatment for a complicated skin and skin structure infections, including diabetic<br />

foot infections, without concomitant osteomyelitis, caused by Staphylococcus<br />

aureus (methicillin-susceptible and methicillin-resistant strains) OR Streptococcus<br />

pyogenes OR Streptococcus agalactiae..<br />

a. AND in-vitro susceptibility test (within 5-days of the request) that shows a<br />

continued presence of the pathogen and the organism’s continued<br />

susceptibility to Zyvox®.<br />

b. AND the patient does NOT have osteomyelitis.<br />

c. AND approval can be allowed for up to 14 days.<br />

H. OR a first time Zyvox® request to treat uncomplicated skin and skin structure<br />

infections caused by methicillin-susceptible only -Staphylococcus aureus.<br />

a. AND the pathogen is methicillin-susceptible only.<br />

b. AND the susceptibility report shows that the pathogen is not susceptible to<br />

any other antibiotic OR the provider can show a documented trial and<br />

failure or intolerance to the listed susceptible antibiotic.<br />

c. AND approval can be allowed for up to 14 days.<br />

d. OR a request to extend Zyvox® treatment beyond the initial 10-14 day<br />

approved treatment for an uncomplicated skin and skin structure infections<br />

caused by methicillin-susceptible only -Staphylococcus aureus.<br />

e. AND the pathogen is methicillin-susceptible only.<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />

ZYVOX<br />

(Continued)<br />

f. AND in-vitro susceptibility test (within 5-days of the request) that shows a<br />

continued presence of the pathogen and the organism’s continued<br />

susceptibility to Zyvox®.<br />

g. AND approval can be allowed for up to 14 days.<br />

I. OR a first time Zyvox® request to treat uncomplicated skin and skin structure<br />

infections caused by Streptococcus pyogenes.<br />

a. AND the susceptibility report shows that the pathogen is not susceptible to<br />

any other antibiotic OR the provider can show a documented trial and<br />

failure or intolerance to the listed susceptible antibiotic.<br />

b. AND approval can be allowed for up to 14 days.<br />

c. OR a request to extend Zyvox® treatment beyond the initial 10-14 day<br />

approved treatment for an uncomplicated skin and skin structure infections<br />

caused by Streptococcus pyogenes.<br />

d. AND in-vitro susceptibility test (within 5-days of the request) that shows a<br />

continued presence of the pathogen and the organism’s continued<br />

susceptibility to Zyvox®.<br />

e. AND approval can be allowed for up to 14 days.<br />

J. OR a first time Zyvox® request to treat community-acquired pneumonia caused<br />

by Streptococcus pneumoniae (including multi-drug resistant strains [MDRS]),<br />

including cases with concurrent bacteremia.<br />

a. AND the susceptibility report shows that the pathogen is not susceptible to<br />

any other antibiotic OR the provider can show a documented trial and<br />

failure or intolerance to the listed susceptible antibiotic.<br />

b. AND approval can be allowed for up to 14 days.<br />

c. OR a request to extend Zyvox® treatment beyond the initial 10-14 day<br />

approved treatment for a community-acquired pneumonia caused by<br />

Streptococcus pneumoniae.<br />

d. AND in-vitro susceptibility test (within 5-days of the request) that shows a<br />

continued presence of the pathogen and the organism’s continued<br />

susceptibility to Zyvox®.<br />

e. AND approval can be allowed for up to 14 days.<br />

K. OR a first time Zyvox® request to treat community-acquired pneumonia caused<br />

by Staphylococcus aureus (methicillin-susceptible strains only).<br />

a. AND the pathogen is methicillin-susceptible.<br />

b. AND the susceptibility report shows that the pathogen is NOT susceptible<br />

to any other antibiotic OR the provider can show a documented trial and<br />

failure or intolerance to the listed susceptible antibiotic.<br />

c. AND approval can be allowed for up to 14 days.<br />

d. OR a request to extend Zyvox® treatment beyond the initial 10-14 day<br />

approved treatment for a community-acquired pneumonia caused by<br />

Staphylococcus aureus (methicillin-susceptible strains only).<br />

e. AND the pathogen is methicillin-susceptible.<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />

ZYVOX<br />

(Continued)<br />

f. AND in-vitro susceptibility test (within 5-days of the request) that shows a<br />

continued presence of the pathogen and the organism’s continued<br />

susceptibility to Zyvox®.<br />

g. AND approval can be allowed for up to 14 days.<br />


A. Therapy is being used for prophylaxis.<br />

B. The infection is a decubitus ulcer.<br />

C. The diagnosis is neutropenia.<br />

D. The prescriber has not provided chart notes to document diagnosis, organism,<br />

susceptibility results and failure to other medications.<br />

E. The infection is caused by Enterococcus faecium but is NOT Vancomycin-<br />

Resistant.<br />

F. Susceptibility test shows the pathogen susceptible to another antibiotic and no<br />

drug regimen and been tried and failed.<br />

G. The patient has received previous Zyvox® therapy and an in-vitro susceptibility<br />

test has NOT been provided OR is NOT within 5 days of the request OR the<br />

pathogen is no longer susceptible to Zyvox®.<br />

H. The diagnosis is nosocomial pneumonia but the infection is NOT caused by<br />

Staphylococcus aureus or Streptococcus pneumoniae.<br />

I. The diagnosis is complicated skin and skin structure infections and the patient has<br />

osteomyelitis.<br />

J. The diagnosis is complicated skin and skin structure infections and NOT caused<br />

by Staphylococcus aureus or Streptococcus pyogenes or Streptococcus agalactiae.<br />

K. The diagnosis is uncomplicated skin and skin structure infections and the<br />

infection is caused by methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus.<br />

L. The diagnosis is uncomplicated skin and skin structure infections and the<br />

infection is NOT caused by methicillin susceptible Staphylococcus aureus or<br />

Streptococcus pyogenes.<br />

M. The diagnosis is community-acquired pneumonia and the infection is NOT caused<br />

by Streptococcus pneumoniae OR methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus.<br />

N. The diagnosis is community-acquired pneumonia and the infection is caused by<br />

methicillin-resistant Staphylcoccus aureus.<br />



Chart notes as indicated in Covered Uses<br />


Plan Year<br />


<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />

INDEX<br />

5<br />

5HT-3 ANTAGONISTS ....................................1<br />

A<br />

ACTIMMUNE ...................................................2<br />

ACTONEL .........................................................3<br />

ADAGEN ...........................................................4<br />

AFINITOR .........................................................5<br />

AGRYLIN..........................................................6<br />

ALDURAZYME ................................................8<br />

ALFERON N....................................................10<br />

AMITIZA .........................................................11<br />

ANAGRELIDE ................................................13<br />

ANTIZOL.........................................................15<br />

ATGAM ...........................................................16<br />

AVONEX .........................................................17<br />

AZATHIOPRINE.............................................19<br />

B<br />

BANZEL ..........................................................20<br />

BETASERON ..................................................21<br />

BUPHENYL.....................................................23<br />

BYETTA ..........................................................24<br />

C<br />

CAMPATH ......................................................26<br />


.....................................................................27<br />

CAMPTOSAR..................................................28<br />

CARIMUNE.....................................................29<br />

CELLCEPT ......................................................30<br />

CEREDASE .....................................................31<br />

CEREZYME ....................................................32<br />

CHORIONIC GONADOTROPIN ...................76<br />

CIMZIA............................................................33<br />

CLADRIBINE..................................................35<br />

CLARAVIS......................................................36<br />

COLONY STIMULATING FACTOR.............37<br />

COPAXONE ....................................................38<br />

CYCLOPHOSPHAMIDE ................................40<br />

CYCLOSPORINE............................................41<br />

CYKLOKAPRON............................................42<br />

CYTARABINE ................................................43<br />

D<br />

DACOGEN ......................................................44<br />

DUREZOL .......................................................45<br />

E<br />

ELAPRASE......................................................46<br />

ELIDEL ........................................................... 47<br />

ELIGARD........................................................ 48<br />

ELITEK ........................................................... 49<br />

ELOXATIN..................................................... 50<br />

EMEND........................................................... 51<br />

EMSAM .......................................................... 52<br />

ENBREL.......................................................... 53<br />

ERAXIS........................................................... 58<br />


.................................................................... 59<br />

ETHYOL ......................................................... 64<br />

EXELON ......................................................... 65<br />

EXJADE .......................................................... 66<br />

F<br />

FABRAZYME ................................................ 67<br />

FLEBOGAMMA............................................. 68<br />

FORTEO.......................................................... 69<br />

G<br />

GAMASTAN .................................................. 71<br />

GAMMAGARD .............................................. 72<br />

GAMUNEX..................................................... 73<br />

GLEEVEC....................................................... 74<br />

H<br />

HEPATITIS C ................................................. 77<br />

HEPSERA ....................................................... 79<br />

HUMIRA......................................................... 81<br />

I<br />

IMITREX ........................................................ 85<br />

INCRELEX ..................................................... 86<br />

INSPRA........................................................... 88<br />

INTRON A ...................................................... 90<br />

INVEGA.......................................................... 96<br />

ITRACONAZOLE .......................................... 98<br />

IVEEGAM....................................................... 99<br />

IXEMPRA ..................................................... 100<br />

K<br />

KEPPRA XR ................................................. 101<br />

KETEK.......................................................... 102<br />

KINERET ...................................................... 103<br />

L<br />

LAMISIL AT TOPICAL SPRAY 1%........... 104<br />

LETAIRIS ..................................................... 105<br />

LEUCOVORIN ............................................. 106<br />

LEUSTATIN ................................................. 107<br />

LIDODERM .................................................. 108<br />


LOVAZA .......................................................109<br />

LUPRON DEPOT ..........................................110<br />

M<br />

MARINOL .....................................................111<br />

MESNEX .......................................................114<br />

MIACALCIN .................................................115<br />

MYFORTIC ...................................................116<br />

MYOZYME ...................................................117<br />

N<br />

NAGALZYME...............................................118<br />

NEURONTIN SOLUTION............................119<br />

NEUTREXIN .................................................120<br />

NEXAVAR ....................................................121<br />

NICOTROL....................................................123<br />

NOVANTRONE ............................................124<br />

NOVAREL.....................................................125<br />

O<br />

OCTAGAM....................................................126<br />

OCTREOTIDE...............................................127<br />

ORENCIA ......................................................128<br />

ORFADIN ......................................................129<br />

ORTHOCLONE.............................................130<br />

OXANDROLONE .........................................131<br />

OXSORALEN................................................132<br />

P<br />

PAMIDRONATE...........................................133<br />

PANGLOBULIN............................................134<br />

POLYGAM ....................................................135<br />

PREGNYL......................................................136<br />

PROGRAF......................................................137<br />

PROMACTA..................................................138<br />

PROVIGIL .....................................................139<br />

PULMOZYME...............................................141<br />

R<br />

RANEXA .......................................................142<br />

RAPAMUNE..................................................144<br />

REGRANEX ..................................................145<br />

RELISTOR.....................................................146<br />

REVATIO ......................................................147<br />

REVLIMID ....................................................149<br />

RISPERDAL ..................................................151<br />

<strong>RxAmerica</strong><br />

<strong>Prior</strong> <strong>Authorization</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong>:<br />

ROTATEQ .................................................... 152<br />

S<br />

SAIZEN......................................................... 153<br />

SANCUSO .................................................... 158<br />

SIMULECT ................................................... 159<br />

SOMAVERT ................................................. 160<br />

SPORANOX.................................................. 161<br />

SUCRAID...................................................... 162<br />

SUTENT........................................................ 163<br />

SYMLIN........................................................ 165<br />

SYNAREL..................................................... 167<br />

T<br />

TAMIFLU ..................................................... 168<br />

TARCEVA .................................................... 169<br />

TARGRETIN ................................................ 171<br />

TASIGNA...................................................... 172<br />

TEV-TROPIN................................................ 173<br />

TORISEL....................................................... 178<br />

TRACLEER .................................................. 179<br />

TRETINOIN PRODUCTS ............................ 181<br />

TRICOR ........................................................ 182<br />

TYKERB ....................................................... 183<br />

TYZEKA ....................................................... 185<br />

V<br />

VESANOID................................................... 187<br />

VFEND.......................................................... 188<br />

VIDAZA........................................................ 189<br />

VIMPAT........................................................ 190<br />

VISTIDE........................................................ 191<br />

VIVAGLOBIN .............................................. 192<br />

X<br />

XENAZINE................................................... 193<br />

XOLAIR........................................................ 194<br />

XYREM......................................................... 196<br />

Z<br />

ZAVESCA..................................................... 198<br />

ZEMPLAR .................................................... 200<br />

ZENAPAX .................................................... 201<br />

ZYPREXA ZYDIS........................................ 202<br />

ZYVOX ......................................................... 203<br />


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