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Criterion 6.8<br />

Any form of discrimination based on race, caste, national origin, religion, disability, gender,<br />

sexual orientation, union membership, political affiliation, or age, is prohibited.<br />

A policy on equal rights regardless of race, caste, national origin, religion has been established as<br />

stated in “Peraturan Perusahaan PT. Smart Tbk pasal 5, SE No.146/CEO1-SE/04/2010” dated on<br />

13.04.2010 and also socialized in agreements with suppliers/ contractors. PTTN is an equal<br />

opportunity employer, with promotion mainly based on merit. The company policy regarding equal<br />

opportunity employer can be seen on notice boards in estates and mill office and socialized through<br />

meetings, morning muster. Males and females with same qualification status receive the same pay for<br />

the same type or same nature of job, for example administration clerk (not staff), mandor (foremen/<br />

forewomen) at estates, laboratory staff at mill. Interviews with workers and checks on records found it<br />

conformed.<br />

Compliance Status : Full.<br />

Criterion 6.9<br />

A policy to prevent sexual harassment and all other forms of violence against women and to<br />

protect their reproductive rights is developed and applied<br />

PTTN has established a policy on prevention of sexual harassment and protection of reproductive<br />

rights of its female workers such as : maternity leave, menstruation leave, breastfeeding permit as<br />

stated in “Peraturan Perusahaan pasal 5 ayat 3, SE No.145/CEO1-SE/04/2010 tanggal 13 April 2010<br />

perihal sosialisasi masalah sexual harassment“. The policy was socialized to the workers and<br />

contractors. There is gender committee establised to resolve if sexual harassment occurs. Interviews<br />

with female workers confirmed that they really understood the policy about sexual harassment and the<br />

reproductive rights.<br />

Compliance Status : Full.<br />

Criterion 6.10<br />

Growers and mill deal fairly and transparently with smallholders and other local businesses.<br />

PTTN has fair, legal and transparent agreements with its suppliers / contractors and independent<br />

smallholders/ outgrowers. There are transactions and purchase contracts with contractors and local<br />

companies on sale and purchase of FFB, FFB transport and service, maintenance and repair of mill<br />

equipment. The price for FFB is determined by the Head of Regional Plantation Section, Agriculture<br />

Department of Province North Sumatra via a mechanism based on the CPO price, kernel price (index<br />

K) from all palm oil producers and palm oil estates in North Sumatra. Interviews with some<br />

contractors confirmed that they understood the terms of their contracts well and thought them fair,<br />

legal and transparent andfound no grievance about the price. Payment to contractors and<br />

independent smallholders have always been on time as evidenced by their lack of complaints<br />

Compliance Status : Full.<br />

Criterion 6.11<br />

Growers and millers contribute to local sustainable development wherever appropriate<br />

PTTN is committed to support sustainable development of the local communities through its<br />

Corporate Social Responsibility programs which are presented in its Stakeholder meeting.<br />

Identification of projects is based on community needs, the priorities of each mill / estates and the<br />

budget available. The CSR programs in 2010-2011 are :<br />

Education:<br />

• Repairs Junior High Schools “SMP Satu Atap” and religious school in Langga Payung Estate,<br />

• Donation for Junior High School “SMP Satu Atap” in Langga Payung Estate to attend Science<br />

Olympiad in Medan.<br />

• Donation for Elementary School “SDN Mampang” and “SDN Normark” in Normark Estate.<br />

Religious program:<br />

Public Summary Report PT.Tapian Nadenggan –Langga Payung Mill Page 33

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