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Criterion 4.7<br />

An occupational health and safety plan is documented, effectively communicated and<br />

implemented<br />

PTTN has established a safety, health and environment policy and certified SMK3. The organisation<br />

structure of Panitia Pembina Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (P2K3), or Guiding Committee on<br />

Occupational Health and Safety, has been established. Explanation and communication of the policy<br />

is the responsibility of the safety engineer (SM-P2K3) who daily monitors and inspects all facilities in<br />

the mill and estates for emergencies. There are regular monthly meetings between the management<br />

and workers on health and safety issues. All the permanent employees and contract workers are<br />

insured under JAMSOSTEK A record of JAMSOSTEK payment installment was sighted. All<br />

employees, especially those in high risk work, undergo an annual health examination with the results<br />

submitted to Dinas Tenaga Kerja – Balai Hiperkes Dan Keselamatan Kerja Provinsi Sumatera Utara<br />

(Department of Labor, Province of North Sumatra). PTTN provide 3 company clinics and 1 central<br />

clinic and there are 2 company physicians, nurses and midwives to serve the employees and their<br />

dependents in estates. However, there was no record or evidence that clinical weighing scale and<br />

stethoscope in Payabaung clinic in good condition. A Minor non-compliance was issued. (See NCR<br />

T-05.07/2011).<br />

The physicians visit the clinic twice a week. During their absence, the daily operations are conducted<br />

by the nurses, sometimes include giving prescription to the patients. However, it was found that there<br />

was no working instruction for nurses to prescribe medicine for patients, especially antibiotic.. A Minor<br />

non-compliance was issued. (See NCR T-06.07/2011)<br />

Medical waste from Payabaung clinic, periode April-June was kept not in appropriate manner, such as<br />

no labelled of waste, and not kept in appropriate place. A Minor non-compliance was issued.<br />

All the operations have been risk assessed for obtaining SMK3 certification. The P2K3 team<br />

identified and analysed the risks for all routine and non-routine activities in Langga Payung POM,<br />

Langga Payung Estate, Paya Baung Estate and Normark Estate. However, it was found that none of<br />

harvesting workers wear safety helmet in Langga Payung Estate, Paya Baung Estate and Normark<br />

Estate because the company doesn’t provide it for workers. The risk assessment and related SOP do<br />

not emphasize the need to wear appropriate PPE against the risk of being hit by harvested FFB fallen<br />

from palms. A Minor non-compliance was issued. (See NCR T-03.07/2011)<br />

The P2K3 team responsible to assured that all P2K3 and K3 equipment, such as fire extinguishers,<br />

PPE, hydrants, P3K tool kits (medical box) are available on worksites by regular checking in the mill<br />

and estates. However, it was found that one of the operators was not wearing appropriate safety<br />

shoes as required in “IK12 rev00, dated 02.07.2010” while uprooting woody growths (Dongkel Anak<br />

Kayu) in Block 26. A Minor non-compliance was issued. (See NCR T-10.07/2011)<br />

PTTN has developed procedures for accidents and emergency preparadness The effectiveness of<br />

this procedure is tested every year. Workers in hazardous areas are provided training to minimize<br />

their risk in an annual training program on safety and health issues including training for K3<br />

regulations and legislations of the Republic of Indonesia, first aid training and emergency drills.<br />

Records of work accidents were compiled every month and cases of accidents being fully investigated<br />

by the company physician which had been trained Hyperkes and assigned as P2K3 officer as<br />

required in SMK3 report, the records are kept 5 years and regularly submitted to DISNAKER, the<br />

Regional Labor Department, and JAMSOSTEK for insurance claims.<br />

Compliance Status : Not Compliant.<br />

Criterion 4.8<br />

All staff, workers, smallholders and contractors are appropriately trained<br />

Mill / estate managers have identified the training needs in each section / department to organize an<br />

annual training program. Records of training for each employee in the mill and plantations such as<br />

attendance sheets, documented training plans/ programs and records of training sessions held,<br />

Public Summary Report PT.Tapian Nadenggan –Langga Payung Mill Page 26

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