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Criterion 4.4<br />

Practices maintain the quality and availability of surface and ground water<br />

PTTN has an implemented water management plan, such as : reuse condensate water from Cooling<br />

turbine into Water Treatment, using condensate from steam boiler as water dilution mixing in CPO<br />

processing, minimize water leakages from water pipes in the mill and estates, using dust conveyor<br />

instead of using water for dust collector boiler, installing float switch to all bathrooms. Record of<br />

water using per ton FFB is available, there is reduction from 1.24 m3 water/ t FFB in 2008 to 1.15m3<br />

water/ t FFB in 2010.. BOD Analysis of surface water is tested regularly by SMARTRI laboratory, the<br />

last record dated on 01. 06.2011. The BOD levels and other parameters such as pH must comply with<br />

the local requirements in the Liquid Waste regulations in environmental decree by Province of North<br />

Sumatra . The BOD data are submitted six-monthly in RKL/ RPL to BAPEDALDA (Regional<br />

Environmental Monitoring Body). Checks on records show that all the data complied with regulation.<br />

The auditor team checked that there were installation of chemical traps and oil traps in the mill to<br />

avoid water and soil contamination around the mill. To avoid the contamination of river water, HCV or<br />

riparian zones are in the process of being restored along the river banks. There are several sign<br />

boards of HCV 4.1 to warn people for not hunting and fishing and to remind workers for not applying<br />

fertilizer and pesticides to the palms in the riparian zones – a 50 meter belt along the river banks on<br />

both sides. Palms with red x markings within the riparian zones will not be maintained. No new<br />

palms will be planted in the riparian zones during replanting. SOP HCV monitoring in the riparian<br />

zone has been established and the records is well maintained. PTTN also established SOP agrochemicals<br />

mixing to avoid mixing of agro-chemicals in proximity of water courses, interview with<br />

spraying workers confirmed that they understood the both of the SOPs well.<br />

Compliance Status : Full.<br />

Figure 4. Sign board of HCV area along the river bank. No fertilizer and pesticide applications for<br />

marked palms within the limit zone.<br />

Criterion 4.5<br />

Pests, diseases, weeds and invasive introduced species are effectively managed using<br />

appropriate Integrated Pest Management (IPM) techniques<br />

PTTN has formulated an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) as recorded in “Laporan Sensus”,. PTTN<br />

practiced incorporating cultural, biological, mechanical or physical methods, by :<br />

1. Identification of pests, diseases and weeds before it become an outbreak of maximum level<br />

2. Introducing of beneficial plants for hosts of pests.<br />

3. Introduction Barn Owl (Tyto alba)<br />

4. Planting LCC<br />

5. Frond stacking<br />

6. Minimise use of agrochemicals.<br />

The use of pesticides is minimized through selective spraying instead of blanket spraying for cases of<br />

severe infestation of weeds.. Oil Palm Leaf Eater Control includes detection, cencus, examination,<br />

treatments, evaluation, monitoring and organisation. Checks on records confirmed there was no<br />

outbreak during the last 5 years. Planting beneficial plants, such as Bunga pukul delapan (Turnera<br />

Public Summary Report PT. Tapian Nadenggan‐Langga Payung Mill Page 23

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