annual report and accounts 2010 - RSPB

annual report and accounts 2010 - RSPB

annual report and accounts 2010 - RSPB


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<strong>RSPB</strong> Trustees' Report <strong>and</strong> Accounts<br />

for the year ended 31 March <strong>2010</strong>

<strong>RSPB</strong><br />

Trustees’ Report <strong>and</strong> Accounts<br />

for the year ended<br />

31 March <strong>2010</strong>

<strong>RSPB</strong> trustees’ <strong>report</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>accounts</strong> 2009‐10<br />

Contents<br />

Operating statement<br />

i<br />

<strong>RSPB</strong> <strong>accounts</strong> in context<br />

ii<br />

Trustees’ <strong>report</strong> 1<br />

Charity <strong>and</strong> consolidated balance sheets 19<br />

Consolidated cash flow statement 21<br />

Notes to the <strong>accounts</strong> 22<br />

Acknowledgements 2009‐10 – thank you for supporting us 40<br />

How you can help the <strong>RSPB</strong> 46

<strong>RSPB</strong> trustees’ <strong>report</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>accounts</strong> 2009‐10<br />

Operating statement<br />

Operating statement<br />

for the year ended 31 March <strong>2010</strong><br />

<strong>2010</strong>(<br />

£m(<br />

2009(<br />

£m(<br />

Income (<br />

Membership subscriptions & donations 37.0) 36.4)<br />

Legacies 27.9) 26.6)<br />

Grants, commercial donations & trusts 31.8) 25.5)<br />

Commercial trading 19.6) 0 17.6)<br />

L<strong>and</strong> rents, farming & advisory 4.6) 4.7)<br />

Financial income ‐ interest & profit on sale of fixed assets 1.0) 1.0)<br />

Total income 121.9) 111.8)<br />

Cost of generating income<br />

Cost of goods for resale 12.0) 10.4)<br />

Other cost of generating income 15.2) 15.1)<br />

Total cost of generating income 27.2) 25.5)<br />

Net income available for charitable purposes 94.7) 86.3)<br />

Expenditure on charitable purposes<br />

Acquisition of nature reserves & operating assets 9.2) 9.3)<br />

Conservation on <strong>RSPB</strong> nature reserves 27.6) 25.2)<br />

Conservation – research, policy & advisory services<br />

Education, publications & films<br />

Membership services & enquiries<br />

Governance<br />

32.0)<br />

13.3)<br />

3.8)<br />

0.4)<br />

30.0)<br />

13.0)<br />

3.9)<br />

0.4)<br />

Total expenditure on charitable activities<br />

86.3)<br />

81.8)<br />

Net operating income<br />

8.4)<br />

4.5)<br />

Other movements<br />

Gain / (Loss) on investment assets<br />

Pension scheme<br />

Stock, debtors & creditors<br />

Total other movements 1.0) (3.0)<br />

Movement in available cash & investments 9.4) 1.5)<br />

1.8)<br />

(1.9)<br />

1.1)<br />

(2.1)<br />

(1.5)<br />

0.6)<br />

Statement of net assets<br />

as at 31 March <strong>2010</strong><br />

<strong>2010</strong>(<br />

£m(<br />

2009(<br />

£m(<br />

Nature reserves 118.8) 109.6)<br />

Tangible assets 4.2) 4.2)<br />

Cash & investments<br />

Stock, debtors & creditors<br />

Pension liability<br />

30.1)<br />

2.8)<br />

(34.7)<br />

20.6)<br />

3.8)<br />

(22.1)<br />

Net assets 121.2) 116.1)<br />

Financial reserves<br />

as at 31 March <strong>2010</strong><br />

<strong>2010</strong>(<br />

£m(<br />

2009(<br />

£m(<br />

Available reserves 32.9) 24.5)<br />

Held for specific purposes (19.9) (15.0)<br />

Free financial reserves 13.0) 9.5)<br />

Representing future expenditure cover of 9 weeks 7 weeks<br />

i<br />


<strong>RSPB</strong> trustees’ <strong>report</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>accounts</strong> 2009‐10<br />

<strong>RSPB</strong> <strong>accounts</strong> in context<br />

<strong>RSPB</strong> <strong>accounts</strong> in context<br />

The <strong>RSPB</strong>’s <strong>accounts</strong> have been prepared in<br />

accordance with the recommendations of the<br />

Accounting <strong>and</strong> Reporting by Charities:<br />

Statement of Recommended Practice (revised<br />

2005) (SORP). We have also prepared the<br />

Operating statement to assist readers who<br />

simply wish to gain a speedy overview of<br />

<strong>RSPB</strong>’s financial position.<br />

Expenditure on charitable activities was £86.3<br />

million, a rise of £4.5 million, including the<br />

capital cost of buying (<strong>and</strong> setting up) nature<br />

reserves <strong>and</strong> operating assets at £9.2 million.<br />

The remaining £77.1 million furthers nature<br />

conservation through research, monitoring,<br />

managing our nature reserves, advocacy <strong>and</strong><br />

campaigning, education <strong>and</strong> public<br />

engagement, supporting overseas<br />

conservation projects <strong>and</strong> governance.<br />

Within expenditure, administrative<br />

overheads, including governance, are<br />

approximately 6% of our charitable<br />

expenditure <strong>and</strong> membership related costs a<br />

further 4%. This leaves 90% of our resources<br />

available to be spent directly on conservation.<br />

Money raised for conservation (Net income<br />

available for charitable purposes) increased by<br />

£8.4 million reaching £94.7 million in 2009‐10.<br />

This sum is net of the £15.2 million cost of<br />

generating income <strong>and</strong> a further £12.0 million<br />

goods for resale for our trading operation. The<br />

majority of products sold relate directly to our<br />

charitable objectives, such as bird food <strong>and</strong><br />

feeders, optics <strong>and</strong> wildlife books <strong>and</strong> videos.<br />

More than two thirds of income is derived from<br />

individuals <strong>and</strong> with the membership renewal<br />

rate approaching 90%, the loyalty of our<br />

members provides a robust foundation for our<br />

work. Much of the remaining third comes from<br />

grants, corporate relationships <strong>and</strong> l<strong>and</strong> related<br />

income. Whilst each of these sources fluctuates,<br />

the diversity provides reasonable stability.<br />

Free financial reserves are deliberately<br />

maintained at a modest level to maximise the<br />

funds available for immediate conservation<br />

needs. These currently st<strong>and</strong> at £13.0 million,<br />

representing nine weeks’ of expenditure.<br />

The defined benefit pension scheme is included<br />

in the <strong>RSPB</strong>’s <strong>accounts</strong> in accordance with<br />

accounting guidelines. The scheme is relatively<br />

immature in that there are significantly more<br />

contributing members than pensioners;<br />

therefore the net liability of the scheme, at £34.7<br />

million (2009: £22.1 million), will not crystallise<br />

for some years. The <strong>RSPB</strong> trustees do not<br />

consider the liability to represent a constraint<br />

over the use of financial reserves for the<br />

foreseeable future.<br />

During the year, a review of the benefits<br />

accruing for those in the final salary scheme,<br />

which closed to new entrants in February 2007,<br />

was initiated. The outcome of this review is<br />

likely to result in a reduction in benefits<br />

accruing of around 25% <strong>and</strong> a sharing of the risk<br />

of increased longevity.<br />

The assets <strong>and</strong> liabilities of the pension scheme are<br />

reviewed every three years, following which a<br />

plan is agreed with the pension scheme trustees to<br />

make good any deficit. The next review is<br />

currently underway.<br />

www.rspb.org.uk<br />


<strong>RSPB</strong> trustees’ <strong>report</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>accounts</strong> 2009‐10<br />

Trustees’ <strong>report</strong><br />

Trustees’ <strong>report</strong><br />

Reference <strong>and</strong> administrative details<br />

of the charity, its advisers <strong>and</strong> trustees<br />

The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds<br />

(the <strong>RSPB</strong>) originated in 1889. Our membership<br />

now st<strong>and</strong>s at 1,076,112, including 192,462 in<br />

our junior membership Wildlife Explorers. This<br />

makes us one of the largest voluntary wildlife<br />

conservation organisations in the world. Within<br />

Scotl<strong>and</strong>, Northern Irel<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> Wales, we are<br />

known as <strong>RSPB</strong> Scotl<strong>and</strong>, <strong>RSPB</strong> Northern<br />

Irel<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>RSPB</strong> Cymru respectively.<br />

Registration<br />

Charity registered in Engl<strong>and</strong> & Wales<br />

number 207076, in Scotl<strong>and</strong> number<br />

SC037654.<br />

Registered office<br />

The Lodge<br />

S<strong>and</strong>y<br />

Bedfordshire SG19 2DL<br />

Principal professional advisers<br />

Bankers<br />

Co‐operative Bank plc<br />

4 th Floor<br />

9 Prescot Street<br />

London E1 8BE<br />

Lloyds TSB Bank plc<br />

Public & Community Sector<br />

25 Gresham Street<br />

London EC2V 7HN<br />

Independent auditors<br />

Horwath Clark Whitehill LLP<br />

Chartered Accountants & Registered<br />

Auditors<br />

St. Bride’s House<br />

10 Salisbury Square<br />

London EC4Y 8EH<br />

Insurance brokers<br />

Aon Limited<br />

Somerset House<br />

47‐49 London Road<br />

Redhill<br />

Surrey RH1 1LU<br />

Investment advisers<br />

Cambridge Associates<br />

80 Victoria Street<br />

Cardinal Place<br />

London SW1E 5JL<br />

Legal advisers<br />

Hewitsons<br />

Shakespeare House<br />

42 Newmarket Road<br />

Cambridge CB5 8EP<br />

Speechly Bircham<br />

6 New Street Square<br />

London EC4A 3LX<br />

Turcan Connell<br />

Princes Exchange<br />

1 Earl Grey Street<br />

Edinburgh EH3 9EE<br />

Withers LLP<br />

16 Old Bailey<br />

London EC4M 7EG<br />

Pension administrators<br />

Mercer Human Resource Consulting Limited<br />

Mercer House<br />

Thames Side<br />

Windsor<br />

Berkshire SL4 1QN<br />

www.rspb.org.uk 1

<strong>RSPB</strong> trustees’ <strong>report</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>accounts</strong> 2009‐10<br />

Trustees’ <strong>report</strong><br />

Management, Council <strong>and</strong> Directorate<br />

Patron:<br />

Her Majesty the Queen<br />

President:<br />

Mr Julian Pettifer (retired 3 October 2009)<br />

Ms Kate Humble (elected 3 October 2009)<br />

Vice Presidents:<br />

Dr Elizabeth Andrews<br />

Mr Nick Baker<br />

Lord Buxton of Alsa KCVO (deceased 1 September 2009)<br />

Ms Kate Humble (elected President 3 October 2009)<br />

The Earl of Lindsay<br />

Professor Ian Newton OBE FRS FRSE<br />

Mr Chris Packham<br />

Baroness Young of Old Scone<br />

Sir David Attenborough OM CH CVO CBE FRS<br />

Viscount Blakenham<br />

Mr Adrian Darby OBE<br />

Professor Sir John Lawton CBE FRS<br />

Sir John Lister‐Kaye Bt<br />

Mr Bill Oddie OBE<br />

Mr Julian Pettifer (re‐appointed 3 October 2009)<br />

Trustees:<br />

Council Chairman<br />

Mr Ian Darling FRICS<br />

Committees:<br />

Honorary Treasurer <strong>and</strong> Chairman – Finance <strong>and</strong> Audit Committee: Mr Alan Martin<br />

Chairman – Conservation Committee: Dr Andrew Brown<br />

Chairman – Communications Committee: Mr Anthony Thomas OBE<br />

Country Advisory Committees:<br />

Chairman – Committee for Northern Irel<strong>and</strong>: Dr Julian Greenwood<br />

Chairman – Committee for Scotl<strong>and</strong>: Mrs Pamela Pumphrey<br />

Chairman – Committee for Wales: Professor Steve Ormerod FIEEM<br />

Other Council Members:<br />

Mr James Alex<strong>and</strong>er (elected 3 October 2009) Mr Brin Best (retired 3 October 2009)<br />

Mr Keith Betton (retired 3 October 2009)<br />

Professor Valerie Brown<br />

Professor Fred Cooke CM (retired 3 October 2009) Mr Alan Cranston (retired 3 October 2009)<br />

Mr Huw Jones<br />

Mr Gilbert Little OBE<br />

Sir Anthony Milbank Bt<br />

Professor David Mitchell<br />

Professor David Norman (retired 3 October 2009) Mr Shyam Parekh<br />

Ms Rosemary Radcliffe CBE<br />

Ms Carol Rawlings<br />

Mr Patrick Stirling‐Aird MBE (elected 3 October 2009) Mr Geoff Woodard<br />

Management Board:<br />

Chief Executive Sir Graham Wynne CBE (retired 23 May <strong>2010</strong>)<br />

Dr Mike Clarke (appointed 24 May <strong>2010</strong>)<br />

Director, Conservation<br />

Dr Mark Avery<br />

Director, Finance<br />

Mr Alan Sharpe<br />

Director, Human Resources<br />

Ms Anne Harley MBE<br />

Director, International Operations Mr Alistair Gammell OBE (retired 28 July 2009)<br />

Mr Tim Stowe (appointed 1 October 2009)<br />

Director, Marketing<br />

Mrs Karen Rothwell<br />

Director, Operations Dr Mike Clarke (retired 21 May <strong>2010</strong>)<br />

Director, Public Affairs<br />

Mr Mike Hodgson<br />

Director, Scotl<strong>and</strong><br />

Mr Stuart Housden OBE<br />

2 www.rspb.org.uk

<strong>RSPB</strong> trustees’ <strong>report</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>accounts</strong> 2009‐10<br />

Trustees’ <strong>report</strong><br />

Structure, governance <strong>and</strong> management<br />

Legal structure<br />

The <strong>RSPB</strong> is a non‐statutory body incorporated<br />

by Royal Charter. The Charter was originally<br />

granted in 1904 <strong>and</strong>, together with the Statutes,<br />

provides the rules <strong>and</strong> guidelines under which<br />

the <strong>RSPB</strong> operates. After approval by the Privy<br />

Council, Supplemental Charters were granted<br />

by Her Majesty the Queen in 1957 <strong>and</strong> 1996.<br />

The <strong>RSPB</strong>’s commercial activities are<br />

undertaken by its wholly‐owned trading<br />

subsidiary, <strong>RSPB</strong> Sales Limited, <strong>and</strong> all profits<br />

are donated under Gift Aid to the <strong>RSPB</strong>.<br />

<strong>RSPB</strong> Sales Limited was incorporated as a<br />

company in 1992 to conduct trading activities<br />

in support of the <strong>RSPB</strong>’s charitable objectives.<br />

The principal activity is the sale of goods by<br />

mail order <strong>and</strong> through retail outlets. The<br />

company is registered under company<br />

number 2693778.<br />

March Farmers (Washl<strong>and</strong>) Limited, company<br />

registration number 01039814, is a whollyowned<br />

subsidiary acquired in 2008 to secure the<br />

leasehold interest in l<strong>and</strong> in Cambridgeshire.<br />

The trustees are members of Council, which is<br />

the ultimate governing body.<br />

New trustees are nominated by Council or<br />

members, <strong>and</strong> elected for a five‐year term of<br />

office by the membership at the AGM.<br />

Council sets policy <strong>and</strong> is responsible for the<br />

conduct of the <strong>RSPB</strong>’s affairs <strong>and</strong> for ensuring<br />

that the charity operates in accordance with<br />

the Royal Charter, the Statutes <strong>and</strong> the law.<br />

Council comprises the President, the<br />

Chairman, the Treasurer, the Chairmen of the<br />

Country Advisory Committees for Scotl<strong>and</strong>,<br />

Wales <strong>and</strong> Northern Irel<strong>and</strong>, <strong>and</strong> not more<br />

than 18 ordinary members.<br />

Council has three committees: Finance <strong>and</strong><br />

Audit, Conservation <strong>and</strong> Communications. Its<br />

policy is also influenced by the Country<br />

Advisory Committees.<br />

The day‐to‐day management of the Charity is<br />

delegated to the Chief Executive, who <strong>report</strong>s to<br />

the Council, <strong>and</strong> is carried out by the<br />

Management Board.<br />

Following their election to Council, each trustee<br />

receives a briefing pack outlining their role,<br />

together with information on the <strong>RSPB</strong>, its<br />

structure <strong>and</strong> work. An induction day, taking a<br />

strategic look at the roles <strong>and</strong> responsibilities of<br />

trustees <strong>and</strong> management, is offered to each new<br />

trustee, followed by opportunities to learn more<br />

about specialist areas of the <strong>RSPB</strong>’s work,<br />

through individual meetings with staff at the<br />

UK headquarters, regional <strong>and</strong> country offices,<br />

<strong>and</strong> nature reserves. A special study weekend is<br />

held each year in an area of high nature<br />

conservation importance, focusing on species<br />

<strong>and</strong> habitat management work that the <strong>RSPB</strong> is<br />

undertaking. Similar events are held for the<br />

Country Advisory Committees.<br />

The <strong>RSPB</strong>’s main UK headquarters is in S<strong>and</strong>y,<br />

Bedfordshire, with country headquarters for<br />

Scotl<strong>and</strong>, Northern Irel<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> Wales in<br />

Edinburgh, Belfast <strong>and</strong> Cardiff; <strong>and</strong> regional<br />

offices in Engl<strong>and</strong>, Scotl<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> Wales. The<br />

<strong>RSPB</strong> has UK‐wide operations with nature<br />

reserves located across all four countries.<br />

The <strong>RSPB</strong> is the UK Partner organisation of<br />

BirdLife International, the global partnership of<br />

bird conservation organisations that strives to<br />

conserve birds, their habitats <strong>and</strong> global<br />

biodiversity, working with people towards<br />

sustainability in the use of natural resources.<br />

www.rspb.org.uk 3

<strong>RSPB</strong> trustees’ <strong>report</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>accounts</strong> 2009‐10<br />

Trustees’ <strong>report</strong><br />

Accounts<br />

The trustees are required to prepare financial<br />

statements for each financial year, which give<br />

a true <strong>and</strong> fair view of the Charity’s <strong>and</strong> the<br />

group’s financial activities during the year <strong>and</strong><br />

of its financial position at the end of the year.<br />

The requirements are set out in the Charter<br />

<strong>and</strong> Statutes, the consolidating Charities Act of<br />

1993, the Charities Accounts (Scotl<strong>and</strong>)<br />

Regulations 2006 <strong>and</strong> the Charities <strong>and</strong><br />

Trustee Investment (Scotl<strong>and</strong>) Act 2005.<br />

In preparing these statements, the trustees<br />

follow best practice <strong>and</strong>:<br />

select suitable accounting policies <strong>and</strong><br />

then apply them consistently<br />

make judgements <strong>and</strong> estimates that are<br />

reasonable <strong>and</strong> prudent<br />

state whether applicable accounting<br />

st<strong>and</strong>ards have been followed<br />

prepare the financial statements on the<br />

going concern basis.<br />

The trustees are responsible for ensuring that<br />

accounting records are kept which:<br />

enable them to ascertain the financial<br />

position of the Charity <strong>and</strong> the group<br />

disclose with reasonable accuracy the<br />

financial position of the Charity <strong>and</strong> the<br />

group<br />

enable them to ensure that the financial<br />

statements comply with the Charities Act<br />

1993 <strong>and</strong> to publish a summary of the<br />

<strong>accounts</strong> in Birds magazine.<br />

The trustees are also responsible for<br />

safeguarding the assets of the Charity <strong>and</strong><br />

hence for taking reasonable steps for the<br />

prevention <strong>and</strong> detection of fraud <strong>and</strong> other<br />

irregularities.<br />

Risk management<br />

The <strong>RSPB</strong> trustees are responsible for the<br />

identification <strong>and</strong> management of the major<br />

risks facing the organisation. Risk management<br />

is well established at the <strong>RSPB</strong> <strong>and</strong> is considered<br />

in every aspect of our work. Managing large<br />

areas of countryside, much of it visited by many<br />

people, entails risk <strong>and</strong> dem<strong>and</strong>s constant<br />

attention. In response to the recommendations<br />

set out in the Accounting <strong>and</strong> Reporting by<br />

Charities: Statement of Recommended Practice<br />

(revised 2005) (SORP), the trustees consider the<br />

risk register on an <strong>annual</strong> basis. In undertaking<br />

this work, the trustees review risk in its broadest<br />

sense <strong>and</strong> consider anything that might<br />

undermine the capacity of the Charity to fulfil its<br />

charitable objectives.<br />

The register provides a comprehensive view of the<br />

following areas of risk:<br />

our responsibility to staff, supporters,<br />

volunteers <strong>and</strong> visitors<br />

our reputation<br />

our physical assets (including financial assets)<br />

retaining <strong>and</strong> maintaining know‐how<br />

the external environment<br />

our sources of income.<br />

This <strong>annual</strong> risk review assesses each of the major<br />

risks faced <strong>and</strong> the effectiveness of the<br />

arrangements for managing them. Following the<br />

most recent review, the trustees confirm that they<br />

are satisfied with such arrangements.<br />

Objectives <strong>and</strong> activities<br />

The trustees confirm that they have referred to the<br />

guidance contained in the Charity Commission’s<br />

general guidance on public benefit when<br />

reviewing objectives <strong>and</strong> activities.<br />

The <strong>RSPB</strong> is the UK charity working to secure a<br />

healthy environment for birds <strong>and</strong> wildlife,<br />

helping to create a better world for us all.<br />

The objectives of the <strong>RSPB</strong> are to:<br />

conserve wild birds <strong>and</strong> the environment on<br />

which wild birds depend, maintaining bird<br />

numbers, diversity <strong>and</strong> natural geographic<br />

distribution<br />

conserve natural <strong>and</strong> semi‐natural habitats<br />

<strong>and</strong> to recreate habitats<br />

encourage others to practise the conservation<br />

of wild birds <strong>and</strong> habitats<br />

promote knowledge of conservation through<br />

education <strong>and</strong> research.<br />

The <strong>RSPB</strong> has a range of means of achieving these<br />

objectives, combining them to best effect. For the<br />

4 www.rspb.org.uk

<strong>RSPB</strong> trustees’ <strong>report</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>accounts</strong> 2009‐10<br />

Trustees’ <strong>report</strong><br />

purposes of preparing our <strong>accounts</strong>, these means<br />

are grouped under four main headings:<br />

Conservation on <strong>RSPB</strong> nature reserves,<br />

Conservation – research, policy & advisory<br />

services, Education, publications & films, <strong>and</strong><br />

Membership services & enquiries.<br />

Conservation on <strong>RSPB</strong> nature reserves<br />

We manage, as nature reserves, 209 prime<br />

sites in the UK covering 143,217 hectares<br />

(353,889 acres), which are home to<br />

populations of 80% of the most rare or<br />

threatened bird species in the UK.<br />

We acquire new reserves, following a<br />

Council‐agreed strategy, <strong>and</strong> devote<br />

resources to safeguarding <strong>and</strong> recreating<br />

habitats.<br />

We provide facilities, including<br />

classrooms <strong>and</strong> viewing areas, to enhance<br />

the visitor experience on our reserves.<br />

Conservation – research, policy & advisory services<br />

All of our conservation work is<br />

underpinned by research <strong>and</strong><br />

investigation, much of which is carried out<br />

by our scientists <strong>and</strong> specialist advisers.<br />

Birds <strong>and</strong> their habitats are affected by a<br />

wide range of human activity. Our policy<br />

work therefore covers a broad range of<br />

issues, from agriculture to energy,<br />

transport, overseas aid, education <strong>and</strong> the<br />

economy.<br />

We seek to influence l<strong>and</strong>‐use <strong>and</strong><br />

economic policies so that the environment<br />

is at the heart of all Government decisions.<br />

We defend <strong>and</strong> promote the<br />

implementation of laws <strong>and</strong> policies<br />

designed to protect wildlife.<br />

Education, publications <strong>and</strong> films<br />

We work with the support of our<br />

members <strong>and</strong> other supporters to use their<br />

voice most effectively to benefit nature<br />

conservation.<br />

We seek public underst<strong>and</strong>ing <strong>and</strong><br />

support for conservation with a strong<br />

emphasis on youth <strong>and</strong> education.<br />

We work to encourage an appreciation<br />

<strong>and</strong> underst<strong>and</strong>ing of the environment, to<br />

ensure that it is included in the National<br />

Curriculum for schools, <strong>and</strong> to provide<br />

resources for classroom studies.<br />

Membership services <strong>and</strong> enquiries<br />

We provide services to our members <strong>and</strong><br />

supporters <strong>and</strong> respond to more than<br />

240,000 enquiries each year.<br />

We administer our relationship with around<br />

2.5 million members, supporters <strong>and</strong><br />

volunteers.<br />

We send our members a magazine to keep<br />

them aware of <strong>and</strong> involved with the work<br />

of the <strong>RSPB</strong>.<br />

Our website receives 10.8 million visits per<br />

year.<br />

Generating funds<br />

We receive most of our financial support<br />

from individuals through a range of<br />

activities. <strong>RSPB</strong> membership is the<br />

foundation of everything we do <strong>and</strong> we<br />

endeavour to increase this each year.<br />

We also aim to build lasting support from<br />

institutional bodies. These include statutory<br />

grant funders, trusts <strong>and</strong> corporate bodies.<br />

Much of what we do to deliver conservation<br />

also generates income. This ranges from<br />

l<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> farming income through to the sale<br />

of research material to other appropriate<br />

organisations.<br />

Our trading operation focuses on the sale of<br />

bird care products, optics <strong>and</strong> educational<br />

material to support our work.<br />

In all of these activities, we receive extensive<br />

assistance from volunteers, who are at the heart<br />

of what the <strong>RSPB</strong> does <strong>and</strong> achieves; without<br />

their help, the <strong>RSPB</strong>’s work would be greatly<br />

diminished. Volunteers founded the <strong>RSPB</strong> in<br />

1889 <strong>and</strong> they are still fundamental to our work.<br />

They carry out a variety of roles, from practical<br />

conservation <strong>and</strong> field surveys, to support for<br />

office <strong>and</strong> retail activities. All the volunteers are<br />

doing vital jobs that help us to undertake our<br />

work. In addition, we have hundreds of<br />

thous<strong>and</strong>s of people who put time <strong>and</strong><br />

enthusiasm into our citizen science projects,<br />

such as Big Garden Birdwatch.<br />

For further information about the <strong>RSPB</strong>, please<br />

request a copy of our leaflet Introducing the<br />

<strong>RSPB</strong>, or visit our website: www.rspb.org.uk.<br />

www.rspb.org.uk 5

<strong>RSPB</strong> trustees’ <strong>report</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>accounts</strong> 2009‐10<br />

Trustees’ <strong>report</strong><br />

Achievements<br />

The <strong>RSPB</strong>’s long term vision is set out in its<br />

strategy document ‐ A voice for conservation:<br />

Future Directions IV – our plans for 2007‐2012.<br />

Our medium term objectives are drawn from<br />

the strategy albeit that some have had to be<br />

modified in the light of the economic<br />

recession. We <strong>report</strong> here on our achievements<br />

against the following indicators of<br />

performance:<br />

For further details on our achievements, please<br />

refer to the <strong>RSPB</strong> Annual Review 2009‐10<br />

available from Membership Services, The<br />

<strong>RSPB</strong>, UK Headquarters, The Lodge, S<strong>and</strong>y,<br />

Beds SG19 2DL: Telephone 01767 693680 or<br />

our website www.rspb.org.uk.<br />

Indicators of performance<br />

Acquisition of l<strong>and</strong> as nature reserves<br />

Populations of priority bird species in the<br />

UK <strong>and</strong> on <strong>RSPB</strong> reserves<br />

Status of other special wildlife in the UK<br />

<strong>and</strong> on <strong>RSPB</strong> reserves<br />

Status of priority bird species in the UK<br />

<strong>and</strong> abroad<br />

Protection of key sites <strong>and</strong> habitats<br />

Stopping extinction<br />

Securing the most important sites abroad<br />

Numbers of children learning in the<br />

natural world<br />

Involvement of people<br />

<strong>RSPB</strong> membership<br />

Money for conservation<br />

6 www.rspb.org.uk

<strong>RSPB</strong> trustees’ <strong>report</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>accounts</strong> 2009‐10<br />

Trustees’ <strong>report</strong><br />

Acquisition of l<strong>and</strong> as nature reserves<br />

Objective Achievement Future plans<br />

We will continue to<br />

seek new sites <strong>and</strong><br />

extend existing ones to<br />

add to our nature<br />

reserve network.<br />

Extending existing<br />

sites is sensible for<br />

both ecological <strong>and</strong><br />

financial reasons.<br />

The number of reserves held now st<strong>and</strong>s at 209, with two<br />

added during 2009‐10, plus extensions to a further 10. The<br />

current area under <strong>RSPB</strong> management is 143,217 hectares<br />

(353,889 acres).<br />

New reserves were: in Engl<strong>and</strong>, Wallasea Isl<strong>and</strong>; in Scotl<strong>and</strong>,<br />

Crook of Baldoon.<br />

Reserves extended were: in Engl<strong>and</strong>, Snape, Geltsdale,<br />

Bracklesham Bay, Langstone Harbour, Lydden Valley <strong>and</strong><br />

Rainham Marshes; in Northern Irel<strong>and</strong>, Portmore Lough; <strong>and</strong><br />

in Scotl<strong>and</strong>, Vane Farm, Forsinard Flows <strong>and</strong> Balnahard.<br />

There were no extensions to reserves in Wales.<br />

We will continue to<br />

seek new sites <strong>and</strong><br />

extend existing ones<br />

to add to our nature<br />

reserve network.<br />

Priority habitats<br />

remain blanket bog;<br />

chalk grassl<strong>and</strong>; wet<br />

grassl<strong>and</strong>; lowl<strong>and</strong><br />

heath; native<br />

pinewood; native<br />

broadleaved<br />

woodl<strong>and</strong>; upl<strong>and</strong><br />

bogs; upl<strong>and</strong> dry<br />

heath; machair;<br />

reedbeds <strong>and</strong><br />

saltmarsh.<br />

Conservation on <strong>RSPB</strong> nature reserves<br />

Populations of priority bird species on <strong>RSPB</strong> reserves<br />

Objective Achievement Future plans<br />

We will continue our<br />

work to maintain or<br />

enhance the<br />

populations of priority<br />

bird species.<br />

On our reserves, population trends are available for 23 priority<br />

bird species. These show that 12 are currently making good or<br />

satisfactory progress towards achieving their 2012 targets,<br />

while eleven are doing less well. We would draw attention to:<br />

From a recent low point of 11 booming males in four counties<br />

in 1997 there has been yet another increase in the number <strong>and</strong><br />

range of booming bitterns to 82 in the UK. On <strong>RSPB</strong> reserves,<br />

there were 33 booming males on 13 sites (40% of total UK<br />

population) in 2009. We saw the first successful breeding at<br />

Lakenheath Fen, <strong>and</strong> consolidation of breeding success at<br />

Ham Wall (both newly created reedbeds) with an increase<br />

from one to seven nests.<br />

Numbers of corncrakes on <strong>RSPB</strong> reserves have increased by<br />

19% since 2008, to 289. The re‐introduced population at the<br />

Nene Washes reserve increased from nine calling birds in 2008<br />

to 13 calling birds in 2009 (<strong>and</strong> from 14 to 23 calling birds<br />

(including five birds released in 2009) on the whole of the<br />

Washes). Four of these were unringed first year birds, most<br />

likely hatched on the Nene Washes last year.<br />

On our existing<br />

reserve network, we<br />

will maintain or<br />

enhance the<br />

populations of<br />

priority bird species.<br />

We will continue our<br />

extensive research,<br />

management <strong>and</strong><br />

advocacy work to<br />

improve the fortunes<br />

of birds outside our<br />

reserves.<br />

www.rspb.org.uk. 7

<strong>RSPB</strong> trustees’ <strong>report</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>accounts</strong> 2009‐10<br />

Trustees’ <strong>report</strong><br />

Status of other special wildlife in the UK <strong>and</strong> on <strong>RSPB</strong> reserves<br />

Objective Achievement Future plans<br />

We will continue our<br />

work to enhance the<br />

fortunes of other<br />

priority species on our<br />

nature reserves.<br />

Work during 2009‐10 focused on continuing to update our<br />

database of non‐avian species on reserves, <strong>and</strong> ensuring that<br />

we take account of the habitat requirements of species for<br />

which <strong>RSPB</strong> has special responsibility. So far, we have<br />

identified 304 species for which <strong>RSPB</strong> reserves support more<br />

than 20% of the UK population or distribution. Of these, about<br />

70 species appear to require special habitat management over<br />

<strong>and</strong> above ‘best practice’ management of their particular<br />

habitat.<br />

The <strong>RSPB</strong> has special responsibility for the Biodiversity Action<br />

Plans for nine non‐avian priority species, including the great<br />

yellow bumblebee, pine hoverfly <strong>and</strong> stinking hawk’s‐beard (a<br />

plant). Two of the original 11 species, medicinal leech <strong>and</strong> icy<br />

rock moss, no longer qualify as BAP priority species, as <strong>RSPB</strong>organised<br />

surveys have found their populations to be larger<br />

than previously thought. Work in 2009 concentrated on seven<br />

of the species (two are conserved via habitat measures).<br />

Prospects are generally judged to be good or satisfactory for<br />

six of the seven species. Work to enhance populations of the<br />

great yellow bumblebee has been particularly successful with<br />

newly created nectar <strong>and</strong> pollen‐rich ‘bird <strong>and</strong> bee’ crops at<br />

<strong>RSPB</strong>’s new reserve at Broubster Leans, Caithness, being used<br />

by the bees.<br />

These remain<br />

unchanged: the<br />

conservation status<br />

of special animals<br />

<strong>and</strong> plants on our<br />

nature reserves will<br />

be maintained or<br />

improved.<br />

Conservation – research, policy & advisory services<br />

Status of priority bird species in the UK <strong>and</strong> abroad<br />

Objective Achievement Future plans<br />

We will continue our<br />

work to maintain or<br />

enhance the<br />

populations of priority<br />

bird species.<br />

Across the UK, we can <strong>report</strong> against 28 species for this<br />

indicator. Of these, 13 are making good or satisfactory<br />

progress, the picture is mixed for another eight, while seven<br />

are judged to be doing poorly.<br />

A project, set up in collaboration with Natural Engl<strong>and</strong> to<br />

counter population <strong>and</strong> range declines of twites, has made<br />

good progress in its first year since the baseline survey. A<br />

detailed habitat intervention h<strong>and</strong>book for l<strong>and</strong> managers <strong>and</strong><br />

advisors has been produced <strong>and</strong> is being actively used in the<br />

South Pennines, <strong>and</strong> 21 agri‐environment agreements in<br />

targeted areas are underway.<br />

During 2009, the <strong>RSPB</strong> worked closely with the Highways<br />

Agency <strong>and</strong> Natural Engl<strong>and</strong> to agree the appropriate level of<br />

mitigation required to avoid an adverse effect on stonecurlews<br />

in the Breckl<strong>and</strong> SPA from the dualling of the A11<br />

between Fiveways <strong>and</strong> Thetford.<br />

On our existing<br />

reserve network, we<br />

will maintain or<br />

enhance the<br />

populations of<br />

priority bird species.<br />

We will continue our<br />

extensive research,<br />

management <strong>and</strong><br />

advocacy work to<br />

improve the fortunes<br />

of birds outside our<br />

reserves.<br />

8 www.rspb.org.uk

<strong>RSPB</strong> trustees’ <strong>report</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>accounts</strong> 2009‐10<br />

Trustees’ <strong>report</strong><br />

Protection of key sites <strong>and</strong> habitats<br />

Objective Achievement Future plans<br />

We will press<br />

governments to adopt<br />

policies that protect the<br />

very best wildlife sites<br />

(including at sea).<br />

Stopping extinction<br />

Objective Achievement Future plans<br />

Most species under<br />

imminent threat of<br />

extinction occur<br />

outside the UK. We<br />

will continue to help<br />

BirdLife International<br />

Partners to protect bird<br />

species <strong>and</strong> their<br />

habitats, focusing<br />

particularly on those<br />

species most<br />

threatened with<br />

extinction.<br />

We celebrated the UK Marine & Coastal Access Act <strong>and</strong> the<br />

Marine (Scotl<strong>and</strong>) Act finally receiving Royal Assent <strong>and</strong><br />

becoming law in November 2009 <strong>and</strong> March <strong>2010</strong> respectively.<br />

We started work on the <strong>RSPB</strong>’s Titchwell Marsh Coastal<br />

Change Project. This three‐year project will secure the longterm<br />

future from coastal erosion of this part of the<br />

internationally important North Norfolk Coast. By allowing<br />

the current brackish marsh to return to the sea, the freshwater<br />

habitats behind the new sea wall will be protected.<br />

We produced two major <strong>report</strong>s with farming <strong>and</strong><br />

environmental partners, pressing the need for major reform of<br />

the Common Agricultural Policy to benefit the farmed<br />

environment. The <strong>report</strong>s have been well received by the<br />

European Commission.<br />

A male sociable lapwing has now been tracked for 17,000<br />

miles, returning to the same area in Sudan in three consecutive<br />

winters. We have identified shooting as a key threat in Syria<br />

<strong>and</strong> Iraq <strong>and</strong> discovered a new major stopover site in<br />

Kazakhstan.<br />

The Albatross Task Force has achieved notable successes.<br />

Reports this year indicate that by adopting strict regulation in<br />

the Asian Distant pelagic longline Fleet in South Africa,<br />

seabird bycatch was reduced by 85% in 2008. Since work<br />

began in the Chilean pelagic longline fleet, the seabird bycatch<br />

has dropped from over 550 birds in 2007 to around 22 birds in<br />

2009. In Brazil, longline bycatch has been reduced from 0.99<br />

birds per 1,000 hooks in 2007 to 0.11 birds per 1,000 hooks in<br />

2009.<br />

Following last year’s success in rearing white‐backed vultures<br />

in captivity, this year the first ever chick was raised from an<br />

artificially incubated egg, <strong>and</strong> we also achieved the first ever<br />

hatching of slender billed vulture chick in captivity at the<br />

vulture recovery centre at Pinjore, India.<br />

For the second consecutive spring, in 2009 there was no legal<br />

spring hunting season for quails <strong>and</strong> turtle doves in Malta. In<br />

September, the European Court found Malta in breach of the<br />

Birds Directive for allowing a hunting season for these birds in<br />

2006 <strong>and</strong> 2007 but in a surprise, <strong>and</strong> in our view incorrect,<br />

ruling opened up the possibility of limited spring hunting in<br />

the future, a development we will be watching closely.<br />

We will strive to<br />

prevent any net loss of<br />

nationally or<br />

internationally<br />

important sites for<br />

birds.<br />

We will continue our<br />

campaign for a<br />

Northern Irel<strong>and</strong><br />

Marine Bill. We are<br />

focussed on effective<br />

implementation of the<br />

new marine legislation,<br />

in particular the<br />

designation of an<br />

ecologically coherent<br />

network of marine<br />

protected areas that<br />

delivers better<br />

protection for our<br />

seabirds at sea.<br />

We will continue to try<br />

to reduce the risk of<br />

extinction for critically<br />

endangered species.<br />

www.rspb.org.uk 9

<strong>RSPB</strong> trustees’ <strong>report</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>accounts</strong> 2009‐10<br />

Trustees’ <strong>report</strong><br />

Securing the most important sites abroad<br />

Objective Achievement Future plans<br />

We will continue to<br />

work with BirdLife<br />

International Partners<br />

to protect important<br />

habitats, particularly<br />

the Harapan Rainforest<br />

in Sumatra <strong>and</strong> the<br />

Gola Rainforest in<br />

Sierra Leone.<br />

Our work with our BirdLife International partner in Belarus to<br />

restore huge peat wetl<strong>and</strong>s was boosted by a further grant of<br />

£0.5 million, <strong>and</strong> a similar project for £4.6 million started with<br />

our partner in Ukraine, funded by KfW, the German<br />

development bank on behalf of the German Environment<br />

Ministry.<br />

In Sierra Leone <strong>and</strong> Indonesia, protection of the Gola <strong>and</strong><br />

Harapan forests improved <strong>and</strong> surveys continued to reveal the<br />

wealth of wildlife that still inhabits them. The Harapan forest<br />

project received our largest ever single grant of £6.6 million,<br />

also from KfW, securing its funding until 2013.<br />

In October 2009, the Polish Government announced an<br />

alternative route for the entire Via Baltica expressway. This<br />

route will now avoid important Natura 2000 sites, including<br />

Biebrza marshes, <strong>and</strong> is the culmination of almost a decadeʹs<br />

worth of campaigning. We increased our financial <strong>and</strong><br />

technical support to Nature Kenya, for the Tana River Delta<br />

case, including a renewed court case seeking an injunction to<br />

block the numerous development proposals (mostly large<br />

scale agriculture).<br />

We will help to<br />

increase the number<br />

of Important Bird<br />

Areas that are legally<br />

protected in<br />

countries in which<br />

we are working with<br />

BirdLife partners.<br />

Education, publications & films<br />

Numbers of children learning in the natural world<br />

Objective Achievement Future plans<br />

We will exp<strong>and</strong> our<br />

field teaching on<br />

reserves thereby<br />

helping to increase the<br />

number of<br />

schoolchildren who<br />

enjoy <strong>and</strong> benefit from<br />

an encounter with<br />

nature first h<strong>and</strong>.<br />

We recorded 56,000 children visiting our field teaching<br />

schemes. Although this is a reduction of 5,700, almost every<br />

organisation has <strong>report</strong>ed a difficult year with schools<br />

responding to difficult financial times by organising fewer<br />

visits.<br />

Our newest site, Saltholme, made a real impact in its first<br />

months of operation attracting more than 2,000 children <strong>and</strong><br />

exceeding its targets. Twenty‐two of our sites now have the<br />

Government Quality Badge with six being rated as<br />

outst<strong>and</strong>ing.<br />

We are conducting a full review of our field teaching<br />

operation to improve its efficiency <strong>and</strong> effectiveness.<br />

We are starting an<br />

exciting Government<br />

funded partnership<br />

with the Eden Project<br />

<strong>and</strong> Kew Gardens to<br />

provide two‐day<br />

environmental<br />

experiences for 5,000<br />

teenagers as part of<br />

their work experience.<br />

10 www.rspb.org.uk

<strong>RSPB</strong> trustees’ <strong>report</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>accounts</strong> 2009‐10<br />

Trustees’ <strong>report</strong><br />

Involvement of people<br />

Objective Achievement Future plans<br />

We will offer more<br />

people easy access to<br />

nature <strong>and</strong> conservation<br />

activities through<br />

initiatives such as Date<br />

with Nature Events;<br />

make our network of<br />

nature reserves<br />

welcoming to a broader<br />

audience; have an<br />

engaging <strong>and</strong><br />

informative website;<br />

<strong>and</strong> attract more people<br />

to volunteer their time<br />

<strong>and</strong> intellectual energy.<br />

There were nearly 2 million visits to <strong>RSPB</strong> nature reserves in<br />

2009. Saltholme nature reserve, on Teesside, welcomed 90,000<br />

visitors in its first year.<br />

More than 600,000 people took part in citizen science projects.<br />

The Big Garden Birdwatch exceeded half a million<br />

participants for the second year running <strong>and</strong> we added a new<br />

spring survey called Make Your Nature Count.<br />

The Date with Nature programme grew to eighty projects.<br />

Over half a million people saw species as varied as house<br />

sparrows <strong>and</strong> white‐tailed eagles, red deer <strong>and</strong> water voles.<br />

We will be engaging in<br />

some way with<br />

3.5 million people a<br />

year by 2012 compared<br />

with 3 million<br />

currently.<br />

<strong>RSPB</strong> membership<br />

Objective Achievement Future plans<br />

We wish to continue to<br />

enjoy the support of<br />

more than a million<br />

members to give us the<br />

financial, moral <strong>and</strong><br />

practical backing that<br />

we need to undertake<br />

our ambitious <strong>and</strong><br />

exciting conservation<br />

programme.<br />

2009‐10 was another very strong year for membership<br />

recruitment with 187,000 new members joining – a powerful<br />

demonstration that people care about nature conservation<br />

even in difficult economic times. Retention of existing<br />

members also remained strong <strong>and</strong> our total member number<br />

grew again, to 1,076,112.<br />

We will continue to<br />

recruit <strong>and</strong> keep our<br />

million‐plus members,<br />

<strong>and</strong> aim for growth, as<br />

far as continued<br />

uncertain times allow.<br />

www.rspb.org.uk 11

<strong>RSPB</strong> trustees’ <strong>report</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>accounts</strong> 2009‐10<br />

Trustees’ <strong>report</strong><br />

Generating Funds<br />

Money for conservation<br />

Objective Achievement Future plans<br />

To maintain the breadth<br />

of the <strong>RSPB</strong>’s income<br />

generating activities.<br />

Net income made available for the <strong>RSPB</strong>’s conservation work<br />

increased by 12% over 2008‐9. Given the current economic<br />

climate this is very pleasing <strong>and</strong>, critically, we have been able<br />

to press on with our core conservation work. It is particularly<br />

at times like these when the breadth of financial support is so<br />

important, with membership, legacies <strong>and</strong> grants each<br />

contributing a substantial proportion of the total. Limited<br />

space permits just a few particularly noteworthy examples<br />

here:<br />

Legacy income was strong. The value of estates depends on<br />

property prices <strong>and</strong> the stock market, so there are worries for<br />

future years.<br />

Commercial trading showed strong growth of 11%. Hard<br />

work to improve service levels paid dividends for mail order<br />

customers; 95% of customers now <strong>report</strong> that they are satisfied<br />

or very satisfied. Sales to other retailers, including<br />

supermarkets <strong>and</strong> garden centres, also grew strongly.<br />

Income from membership renewals, appeals <strong>and</strong> raffles held<br />

steady. There has been little growth, although this was not<br />

surprising in a recession.<br />

Grants, commercial donations <strong>and</strong> trusts showed strong<br />

growth this year. This was the result of exceptional grants<br />

secured for international projects, such as Sumatra <strong>and</strong><br />

Belarus, <strong>and</strong> corporate funding for the Wallasea Isl<strong>and</strong> project.<br />

Grants continue to fund a wide range of <strong>RSPB</strong> projects:<br />

L<strong>and</strong>fill Communities Fund for crane re‐introductions,<br />

Heritage Lottery Fund for people engagement in London,<br />

European Regional Development Fund Transnational Cooperation<br />

Programme for seabird research <strong>and</strong> Tubney<br />

Charitable Trust for l<strong>and</strong> acquisition in Scotl<strong>and</strong>’s Flow<br />

Country.<br />

We will continue to<br />

review our 2012 income<br />

objective in light of the<br />

recession’s impact. We<br />

will continue to<br />

maintain diversity in<br />

income streams.<br />

12 www.rspb.org.uk

<strong>RSPB</strong> trustees’ <strong>report</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>accounts</strong> 2009‐10<br />

Trustees’ <strong>report</strong><br />

Financial review<br />

The <strong>accounts</strong>, which form part of this <strong>report</strong>,<br />

comply with the requirements of the Accounting<br />

<strong>and</strong> Reporting by Charities: Statement of<br />

Recommended Practice 2005 (SORP). The trustees<br />

consider that in preparing these <strong>accounts</strong>, they<br />

have consistently applied appropriate accounting<br />

policies supported by reasonable <strong>and</strong> prudent<br />

judgements <strong>and</strong> estimates where required.<br />

A resolution to appoint the firm Horwath Clark<br />

Whitehill LLP as auditors to the organisation was<br />

passed at the Annual General Meeting on<br />

3 October 2009.<br />

Financial reserves policy<br />

The <strong>RSPB</strong> holds financial reserves to be applied to<br />

future activities in a number of categories:<br />

Unrestricted:<br />

General – available to be applied, at the<br />

discretion of the trustees, to any of the <strong>RSPB</strong>’s<br />

charitable purposes.<br />

Designated – funds earmarked by the trustees<br />

to assist in meeting the costs of running nature<br />

reserves. This fund was first established in<br />

2002 in response to an increase in the pace of<br />

l<strong>and</strong> acquisition.<br />

Restricted – to be applied to the specific<br />

purpose(s) intended by the donor.<br />

Endowment – similar to restricted, except that<br />

it is the intention of the donor that the capital<br />

sum be managed to generate a stream of<br />

income. The <strong>RSPB</strong> has one significant<br />

endowment <strong>and</strong> it was the intention of the<br />

donor that the real value of the capital fund be<br />

maintained <strong>and</strong> that income <strong>and</strong> growth be<br />

available to support the management costs of<br />

Needingworth.<br />

Free financial reserves are general reserves held:<br />

to enable the Charity to be responsive to<br />

opportunities<br />

to protect the work of the <strong>RSPB</strong> against<br />

threats, particularly a sudden fall in income.<br />

Each year the trustees consider the appropriate<br />

level of free reserves. They review the <strong>RSPB</strong>’s<br />

requirements <strong>and</strong> consider a sustained fall in<br />

income of 10–15% to be a reasonable basis for<br />

setting a minimum level. It is the intention of the<br />

trustees to hold sufficient reserves to enable<br />

expenditure to be reduced in a managed<br />

fashion, should the need arise, avoiding the<br />

need to halt work abruptly. The trustees have<br />

agreed that free reserves should normally be<br />

within a range of 8–16 weeks of expenditure.<br />

The trustees have fully adopted Financial<br />

Reporting St<strong>and</strong>ard 17 “Retirement Benefits”. The<br />

scheme liabilities are measured at a point in time<br />

for the purposes of FRS 17 but will not crystallise<br />

for some years. Showing the liability in the<br />

<strong>accounts</strong> does not imply a constraint over the use<br />

of reserves for the foreseeable future.<br />

Investment policy <strong>and</strong> powers<br />

<strong>RSPB</strong> investment powers are as set out in the<br />

Society’s governing documents, the Charter <strong>and</strong><br />

Statutes, <strong>and</strong> are wider than those contained in the<br />

Trustees Investment Act 2000.<br />

The <strong>RSPB</strong>’s primary investment objective is to<br />

maintain the real value of its investments. However,<br />

as a proportion of the financial reserves are likely to be<br />

held in the longer term it is appropriate to invest<br />

conservatively a proportion of the funds to generate<br />

income <strong>and</strong>/or real growth. Investment properties<br />

arising from legacies are managed by the <strong>RSPB</strong> until<br />

disposal.<br />

In managing investments, wherever possible, we<br />

follow the principles of Socially Responsible<br />

Investing (SRI). These principles are to:<br />

invest in companies that make a positive<br />

contribution to society<br />

use influence as an investor to encourage best<br />

practice management of social responsibility<br />

issues<br />

avoid investing in companies whose activities<br />

conflict strongly with <strong>RSPB</strong> objectives.<br />

A proportion, approximately 20%, of our<br />

investments are held in pooled funds with F&C<br />

Asset Management <strong>and</strong> Henderson Global<br />

Investors. During 2009‐10 the trustees also<br />

invested in investment grade corporate bonds in<br />

order to provide a financial return in excess of that<br />

available for cash deposits.<br />

The trustees rely upon specialist advisers for<br />

fund selection <strong>and</strong> allocation. Investment<br />

performance is compared to an independent<br />

www.rspb.org.uk 13

<strong>RSPB</strong> trustees’ <strong>report</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>accounts</strong> 2009‐10<br />

benchmark <strong>and</strong> the target for investment<br />

returns is to outperform this benchmark by at<br />

least 1% per annum over a rolling three‐year<br />

period.<br />

The Charity investment of £3,250,000 in <strong>RSPB</strong><br />

Sales Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary, is<br />

held at cost <strong>and</strong> represents the aggregate<br />

amount of the subsidiary’s assets, liabilities <strong>and</strong><br />

funds. <strong>RSPB</strong> Sales Limited Gift Aided its entire<br />

profit of £5,172,000 to the Charity. The trustees<br />

consider this a satisfactory return on their<br />

investment.<br />

On 29 February 2008, the Charity purchased<br />

March Farmers (Washl<strong>and</strong>) Limited in order<br />

to acquire the leasehold interest in l<strong>and</strong> in the<br />

Nene Washes. The Charity investment of<br />

£551,000 in March Farmers (Washl<strong>and</strong>)<br />

Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary, is held at<br />

cost <strong>and</strong> represents the aggregate amount of<br />

the subsidiary’s assets, liabilities <strong>and</strong> funds.<br />

March Farmers (Washl<strong>and</strong>) Limited Gift<br />

Aided its entire profit of £21,000 to the<br />

Charity.<br />

Financial <strong>report</strong> on the year<br />

The Honorary Treasurer <strong>and</strong> Finance Director<br />

routinely <strong>report</strong> on the finances to our members<br />

through Birds magazine. Their <strong>report</strong> is set out<br />

below.<br />

The financial year 2009-10<br />

Weathering the storm was the dominant theme<br />

in our <strong>report</strong> on 2008‐09 <strong>and</strong> with the continued<br />

economic uncertainty it may yet be the<br />

dominant theme for <strong>2010</strong>‐11. So, let’s pause for a<br />

moment to celebrate 2009‐10; not a selfcongratulatory<br />

celebration, but one to<br />

acknowledge that, even in tough recessionary<br />

times, there are many individuals <strong>and</strong><br />

institutions with sufficient passion for nature<br />

<strong>and</strong> the environment to continue to give it their<br />

support. Undoubtedly, resolve will be tested in<br />

the weeks <strong>and</strong> months ahead but the fact that<br />

support has held firm to date is surely worthy of<br />

celebration.<br />

The headlines<br />

We spent £86.3m on charitable activities<br />

in 2009‐10; 6% ahead of 2008‐09.<br />

With net income having risen by 10% to<br />

£94.7m, our operating statement shows<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Trustees’ <strong>report</strong><br />

£8.4m available to add to financial<br />

reserves – increasing the total from<br />

£24.5m to £32.9m.<br />

But this increase in financial reserves<br />

has to be treated with caution, as the<br />

trustees need to earmark over half of<br />

this increase (£4.9m) for specific<br />

purposes.<br />

The earmarked sum is partly to cover<br />

expenditure that was scheduled to be<br />

spent in 2009‐10 but had to be carried<br />

forward to <strong>2010</strong>‐11 (for example because<br />

of poor weather), partly to cover a l<strong>and</strong><br />

purchase commitment for which income<br />

was received in 2009‐10 <strong>and</strong> finally as a<br />

precautionary measure in anticipation<br />

of a tough 2011‐12, in the wake of the<br />

public sector expenditure cuts.<br />

This still leaves £3.5m to bolster our<br />

modest free financial reserves, taking<br />

them to £13.0m. This represents about<br />

nine weeks’ expenditure.<br />

Income highlights<br />

Membership<br />

Throughout the recession, one of the most<br />

reassuring trends has been the number of <strong>RSPB</strong><br />

members joining <strong>and</strong> renewing each month.<br />

Achieving membership growth during a<br />

recession was always going to be tough, so to be<br />

able to <strong>report</strong> an increase to 1,076,112 members<br />

<strong>and</strong> subscription income growth of 2% is<br />

pleasing to say the least. Thank you for your<br />

support.<br />

International funding<br />

One of the more surprising income streams of<br />

the year must be that arising from our<br />

relationship with a German development bank.<br />

This organisation shares the <strong>RSPB</strong>’s<br />

determination to make a significant contribution<br />

to addressing the issue of climate change. The<br />

bank in question is KfW <strong>and</strong> their medium‐term<br />

commitment to these projects, totalling more<br />

than £10m, will help underpin our forestry work<br />

in Indonesia <strong>and</strong> to restore peatl<strong>and</strong>s of Eastern<br />

Europe on a scale previously unimaginable. We<br />

received £2.3m of this in 2009‐10.<br />

Wallasea Isl<strong>and</strong><br />

And whilst on the subject of large‐scale projects,<br />

we should mention the funding associated with<br />

14 www.rspb.org.uk

<strong>RSPB</strong> trustees’ <strong>report</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>accounts</strong> 2009‐10<br />

the acquisition of Wallasea Isl<strong>and</strong>. It is difficult<br />

to envisage how this project could have been<br />

contemplated without our partnerships with<br />

Crossrail <strong>and</strong> the Environment Agency.<br />

Crossrail are contributing to the project as the<br />

best means of securing a dedicated site for<br />

disposal of excavated material from their<br />

tunnelling. The imported material is an essential<br />

part of our habitat design. The Environment<br />

Agency is contributing to meet its obligations to<br />

re‐create intertidal habitat that will be lost<br />

through maintaining sea defences elsewhere.<br />

These contributions explain the sharp year‐onyear<br />

increase in the “Grants, commercial<br />

donations & trusts” line. The expenditure is<br />

shown in “Acquisition of nature reserves”.<br />

<strong>RSPB</strong> trading<br />

Retail, catering, mail order <strong>and</strong> trade (eg via DIY<br />

stores <strong>and</strong> garden centres) each recorded<br />

healthy growth, with mail order in particular<br />

benefiting from recent investment in service<br />

levels. Our customers certainly appeared to<br />

appreciate the improvements <strong>and</strong> voted with<br />

their orders. Even the Bank of Engl<strong>and</strong> noted<br />

that the sale of bird food was one of few<br />

activities to prosper in the depths of a snowy<br />

UK winter!<br />

Legacies<br />

Last year we <strong>report</strong>ed that legacy income<br />

appeared to be falling <strong>and</strong> that we would have<br />

to adjust to lower expectations; barely was the<br />

ink dry on that observation before the trend<br />

reversed <strong>and</strong> by year‐end income finished above<br />

the prior year level. This was clearly assisted by<br />

recoveries in house prices <strong>and</strong> stock markets,<br />

but we are very pleased to admit that we got<br />

this projection wrong. These wonderful bequests<br />

are so important to our work <strong>and</strong> we are<br />

extremely grateful to all those who contribute in<br />

this way.<br />

Expenditure<br />

We find ourselves in the slightly curious<br />

position of needing to <strong>report</strong> on what we<br />

haven’t spent as well as what we have. For a<br />

variety of reasons, most notably the unusually<br />

persistent snow over the winter, progress was<br />

delayed on several major projects, particularly at<br />

nature reserves. Examples include further<br />

development of visitor facilities at Minsmere<br />

<strong>and</strong> Fowlsheugh. As mentioned in the summary<br />

Trustees’ <strong>report</strong><br />

above, financial provision has been made for a<br />

catch up, weather permitting.<br />

More nature reserves<br />

In spite of expenditure constraints, we were able<br />

to continue adding high priority sites. Inevitably<br />

(<strong>and</strong> justifiably), Wallasea dominates <strong>RSPB</strong>ʹs UK<br />

l<strong>and</strong> acquisition headlines – but with more than<br />

a little help from our members, we were able to<br />

also add the fantastic Crook of Baldoon, a<br />

coastal wetl<strong>and</strong> in Dumfries <strong>and</strong> Galloway. Of<br />

course, adding to existing reserves is every bit as<br />

important as acquiring new ones <strong>and</strong> we are<br />

pleased to <strong>report</strong> extensions to old favourites<br />

such as Rainham <strong>and</strong> Vane Farm.<br />

Not taking grants for granted<br />

Much of the <strong>RSPB</strong>’s income growth over recent<br />

years has come in the form of grants. As these<br />

are often restricted, the work they support is<br />

typically of a project nature, such as reserve<br />

improvements at Rainham <strong>and</strong> Saltholme <strong>and</strong><br />

modifications at Titchwell Marsh in anticipation<br />

of continued sea‐level rise. Grant income is a<br />

vital source of income <strong>and</strong> we had to be mindful<br />

of the possible consequences of the long<br />

anticipated cuts in public spending <strong>and</strong> avoid<br />

overstretching core commitments.<br />

Behind the scenes support<br />

There is an ever‐present temptation to scale back<br />

on the support services such as Finance,<br />

Personnel <strong>and</strong> computer technology – or, worse<br />

still, on the long‐term income generating<br />

capacity of the organisation. Indeed, savings<br />

were sought <strong>and</strong> made in these areas; but it was<br />

also necessary to invest. The upgraded trading<br />

process is an obvious example – for success<br />

depended upon the services mentioned working<br />

together; <strong>and</strong> the upgrades were delivered on<br />

time <strong>and</strong> on budget. We have similarly invested<br />

in scaling up our member recruitment activities<br />

– <strong>and</strong> to great effect.<br />

Pensions<br />

We commented last year that most pension<br />

schemes had suffered in the wake of the<br />

financial crisis <strong>and</strong> that the <strong>RSPB</strong>’s scheme was<br />

no exception. With the three‐yearly valuation<br />

(almost) behind us, we now know the scale of<br />

the problem – without changes, <strong>annual</strong><br />

contributions would need to increase by at least<br />

£2m; a level we could not contemplate. While a<br />

www.rspb.org.uk 15

<strong>RSPB</strong> trustees’ <strong>report</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>accounts</strong> 2009‐10<br />

Trustees’ <strong>report</strong><br />

proportion of the shortfall is the result of<br />

increased longevity, most is due to the reaction<br />

of the financial markets to the banking crisis<br />

which, given time, should reverse. But such a<br />

“wait <strong>and</strong> see” approach is not to be<br />

recommended (<strong>and</strong> nor would it be acceptable<br />

to The Pensions Regulator).<br />

Over recent years, many changes have been<br />

made to the scheme, including increased<br />

retirement age, increased employee<br />

contributions, introduction of a lower risk<br />

alternative for new members of staff – <strong>and</strong>, yes,<br />

increased <strong>RSPB</strong> contributions. After long<br />

deliberations, further changes have now been<br />

agreed to reduce the rate at which pension<br />

entitlement is earned in the final salary section<br />

<strong>and</strong> to introduce an arrangement to reduce<br />

<strong>RSPB</strong> exposure to rising life expectancy. The<br />

savings made as a result of these changes will<br />

enable the <strong>RSPB</strong> to meet the increased pension<br />

obligations without significant impact on<br />

operational budgets.<br />

Signed on behalf of the Council<br />

Mr Ian Darling<br />

Chairman<br />

29 June <strong>2010</strong><br />

Looking to the future<br />

The months ahead will be a challenge. The<br />

entire charity sector seems to be in the brace<br />

position, fearful of the direct <strong>and</strong> indirect<br />

impacts of public sector cuts. The questions on<br />

everyone’s lips seem to be: How soon? How<br />

deep? And for how long?<br />

For the <strong>RSPB</strong>’s part, cost constraint <strong>and</strong> some<br />

quite remarkable income successes have put us<br />

in good shape to face <strong>2010</strong>‐11. It is of course you,<br />

through your support, who really sets the pace<br />

at which our conservation work progresses <strong>and</strong>,<br />

as always, we are hugely appreciative. But we<br />

would like to record here also our appreciation<br />

of <strong>RSPB</strong> staff. They took in their stride the pay<br />

freeze of 2009 <strong>and</strong>, together with our industrious<br />

volunteers, responded to the economic<br />

challenges with the same enthusiasm with<br />

which they embrace every challenge. Their hard<br />

work, constraint <strong>and</strong> creativity, combined with<br />

your financial support, has enabled work to<br />

continue apace on most fronts. We are confident<br />

that this successful partnership of supporters,<br />

volunteers <strong>and</strong> staff will continue to serve well<br />

the interests of conservation <strong>and</strong> our birds,<br />

through whatever challenges lie ahead.<br />

16 www.rspb.org.uk

<strong>RSPB</strong> trustees’ <strong>report</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>accounts</strong> 2009‐10<br />

Independent Auditors’ Report to the<br />

Trustees of the Royal Society for the<br />

Protection of Birds<br />

We have audited the group <strong>and</strong> charity financial<br />

statements of the Royal Society for the Protection of<br />

Birds for the year ended 31 March <strong>2010</strong> set out on<br />

pages 18 to 39. These financial statements have been<br />

prepared in accordance with the accounting policies<br />

set out therein.<br />

This <strong>report</strong> is made solely to the charity’s trustees, as<br />

a body, in accordance with section 44 of the Charities<br />

Act 1993 <strong>and</strong> in accordance with section 44(1)(c) of the<br />

Charities <strong>and</strong> Trustee Investment (Scotl<strong>and</strong>) Act 2005.<br />

Our audit work has been undertaken so that we<br />

might state to the charity’s trustees those matters we<br />

are required to state to them in an auditor’s <strong>report</strong><br />

<strong>and</strong> for no other purpose. To the fullest extent<br />

permitted by law, we do not accept or assume<br />

responsibility to anyone other than the charity <strong>and</strong> its<br />

trustees as a body, for our audit work, for this <strong>report</strong>,<br />

or for the opinions we have formed.<br />

Respective responsibilities of trustees <strong>and</strong> auditors<br />

The trustees’ responsibilities for preparing the<br />

Trustees’ Report <strong>and</strong> the financial statements in<br />

accordance with applicable law <strong>and</strong> United Kingdom<br />

Accounting St<strong>and</strong>ards (United Kingdom Generally<br />

Accepted Accounting Practice) are set out in the<br />

Statement of Trustees’ Responsibilities.<br />

We have been appointed as auditors under section 43<br />

of the Charities Act 1993 <strong>and</strong> <strong>report</strong> in accordance<br />

with regulations made under section 44 of that Act.<br />

Our responsibility is to audit the financial statements<br />

in accordance with relevant legal <strong>and</strong> regulatory<br />

requirements <strong>and</strong> International St<strong>and</strong>ards on<br />

Auditing (United Kingdom <strong>and</strong> Irel<strong>and</strong>).<br />

We <strong>report</strong> to you our opinion as to whether the<br />

financial statements give a true <strong>and</strong> fair view <strong>and</strong> are<br />

properly prepared in accordance with the Charities<br />

Act 1993 <strong>and</strong> comply with the requirements of<br />

regulation 8 of the Charities Accounts (Scotl<strong>and</strong>)<br />

Regulations 2006. We also <strong>report</strong> if, in our opinion,<br />

the information given in the Trustees’ Report is not<br />

consistent with the financial statements.<br />

In addition we <strong>report</strong> to you if, in our opinion, the<br />

charity has not kept proper accounting records or if<br />

we have not received all the information <strong>and</strong><br />

explanations we require for our audit.<br />

We read the Trustees’ Report <strong>and</strong> consider the<br />

implications for our <strong>report</strong> if we become aware of any<br />

Independent auditors’ <strong>report</strong><br />

apparent misstatements within it. Our responsibilities<br />

do not extend to other information.<br />

Basis of opinion<br />

We conducted our audit in accordance with<br />

International St<strong>and</strong>ards on Auditing (United Kingdom<br />

<strong>and</strong> Irel<strong>and</strong>) issued by the Auditing Practices Board. An<br />

audit includes examination, on a test basis, of evidence<br />

relevant to the amounts <strong>and</strong> disclosures in the financial<br />

statements. It also includes an assessment of the<br />

significant estimates <strong>and</strong> judgments made by the<br />

trustees in the preparation of the financial statements,<br />

<strong>and</strong> of whether the accounting policies are appropriate<br />

to the charity’s circumstances, consistently applied <strong>and</strong><br />

adequately disclosed.<br />

We planned <strong>and</strong> performed our audit so as to obtain all<br />

the information <strong>and</strong> explanations which we considered<br />

necessary in order to provide us with sufficient<br />

evidence to give reasonable assurance that the financial<br />

statements are free from material misstatement,<br />

whether caused by fraud or other irregularity or error.<br />

In forming our opinion we also evaluated the overall<br />

adequacy of the presentation of information in the<br />

financial statements.<br />

Opinion<br />

In our opinion:<br />

<br />

<br />

the financial statements give a true <strong>and</strong> fair<br />

view, in accordance with United Kingdom<br />

Generally Accepted Accounting Practice, of the<br />

state of the group’s <strong>and</strong> the parent charity’s<br />

affairs as at 31 March <strong>2010</strong> <strong>and</strong> of the group’s<br />

incoming resources <strong>and</strong> application of<br />

resources for the year then ended; <strong>and</strong><br />

the financial statements have been properly<br />

prepared in accordance with the Charities Act<br />

1993 <strong>and</strong> comply with the requirements of<br />

regulation 8 of the Charities Accounts<br />

(Scotl<strong>and</strong>) Regulations 2006.<br />

Horwath Clark Whitehill LLP<br />

Chartered Accountants & Registered Auditors<br />

St Bride’s House<br />

10 Salisbury Square<br />

London EC4Y 8EH, UK<br />

www.rspb.org.uk 17

<strong>RSPB</strong> trustees’ <strong>report</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>accounts</strong> 2009‐10<br />

Consolidated statement of financial activities<br />

Consolidated statement of financial activities<br />

for the year ended 31 March <strong>2010</strong><br />


Note<br />

Unrestricted(<br />

funds(<br />

£’000(<br />

Restricted(<br />

funds(<br />

£’000(<br />

Endowment(<br />

funds(<br />

£’000(<br />

<strong>2010</strong>)<br />

Total(<br />

£’000(<br />


Voluntary income (<br />

Membership subscriptions & donations 2 32,996) 3,941) ‐) 36,937) 36,372)<br />

Legacies 3 26,572) 1,350) ‐) 27,922) 26,598)<br />

Grants, commercial donations & trusts 4 232)<br />

_______)<br />

31,583)<br />

_______)<br />

‐)<br />

_______)<br />

31,815)<br />

_______)<br />

2009)<br />

Total)<br />

£’000)<br />

25,519)<br />

_______)<br />

Total voluntary income 59,800) 36,874) ‐) 96,674) 88,489)<br />

Activities to generate funds (<br />

Commercial trading 19,603) ‐) ‐) 19,603) 17,629)<br />

Investment income & interest 5 502) 66) 46) 614) 833)<br />

Incoming resources from charitable activities<br />

(<br />

Fees & grants for services 2,365) ‐) ‐) 2,365) 2,135)<br />

L<strong>and</strong> & farming income 1,454) ‐) ‐) 1,454) 1,887)<br />

Events & media sales 805)<br />

_______)<br />

‐)<br />

_______)<br />

‐)<br />

_______)<br />

805)<br />

_______)<br />

688)<br />

_______)<br />

Total income from charitable activities 4,624) ‐) ‐) 4,624) 4,710)<br />

Other income<br />

) )<br />

Net gains on disposals of fixed assets 5 413)<br />

_______)<br />

‐)<br />

_______)<br />

‐)<br />

_______)<br />

413)<br />

_______)<br />

178)<br />

_______)<br />

Total incoming resources 84,942) 36,940) 46) 121,928) 111,839)<br />

)_______) )_______) )_______) )_______) )_______)<br />


Cost of generating funds (<br />

Costs of generating voluntary income 10,696) ‐) ‐) 10,696) 10,852)<br />

Costs of activities to generate funds (inc cost of goods) 16,485) ‐) ‐) 16,485) 14,614)<br />

Investment management costs 35)<br />

_______)<br />

5)<br />

_______)<br />

6)<br />

_______)<br />

46)<br />

_______)<br />

26)<br />

_______)<br />

Total cost of generating incoming resources 27,216) 5) 6) 27,227) 25,492)<br />

Net resources available for charitable purposes 57,726) 36,935) 40) 94,701) 86,347)<br />

Charitable revenue expenditure (<br />

Conservation on <strong>RSPB</strong> nature reserves 13,189) 14,387) ‐) 27,576) 25,262)<br />

Conservation – research, policy & advisory services 19,262) 12,697) ‐) 31,959) 29,969)<br />

Education, publications & films 12,291) 990) ‐) 13,281) 12,999)<br />

Membership services & enquiries 3,817)<br />

_______)<br />

‐)<br />

_______)<br />

‐)<br />

_______)<br />

3,817)<br />

_______)<br />

3,863)<br />

_______)<br />

Total charitable revenue expenditure 48,559) 28,074) ‐) 76,633) 72,093)<br />

Governance costs 425)<br />

_______)<br />

Total resources expended 6 76,200)<br />

_______)<br />

‐)<br />

_______)<br />

‐)<br />

_______)<br />

425)<br />

_______)<br />

406)<br />

_______)<br />

28,079)<br />

_______)<br />

6)<br />

_______)<br />

104,285)<br />

_______)<br />

97,991)<br />

_______)<br />

NET MOVEMENT IN FUNDS BEFORE TRANSFERS 8,742) 8,861) 40) 17,643) 13,848)<br />

Transfers (<br />

Gross transfers between funds 18 712)<br />

(712)<br />

_______)<br />

‐(<br />

_______)<br />

‐)<br />

_______)<br />

‐)<br />

_______)<br />

_______)<br />


RECOGNISED (LOSSES) / GAINS 9,454) 8,149) 40) 17,643) 13,848)<br />

Other recognised losses (<br />

Movement in value of investment assets 11 1,034) 366) 443) 1,843) (2,079)<br />

Actuarial loss on pension scheme 22 (14,460)<br />

_______)<br />

‐)<br />

_______)<br />

‐)<br />

_______)<br />

(14,460)<br />

_______)<br />

(12,712)<br />

_______)<br />

(3,972) 8,515) 483) 5,026) (943)<br />

Reconciliation of funds ) ) ) )<br />

Total funds brought forward 34,952)<br />

_______)<br />

79,655)<br />

_______)<br />

1,527)<br />

_______)<br />

116,134)<br />

_______)<br />

117,077)<br />

_______)<br />


_______)<br />

88,170)<br />

_______)<br />

2,010)<br />

_______)<br />

121,160)<br />

_______)<br />

All amounts derive from continuing activities. All gains <strong>and</strong> losses recognised in the year are included in the Consolidated statement of financial activities.<br />

116,134)<br />

_______)<br />

18 www.rspb.org.uk

<strong>RSPB</strong> trustees’ <strong>report</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>accounts</strong> 2009‐10<br />

Charity <strong>and</strong> consolidated balance sheets<br />

Charity <strong>and</strong> consolidated balance sheets<br />

as at 31 March <strong>2010</strong><br />

Note<br />

Charity)<br />

<strong>2010</strong>)<br />

Consolidated)<br />

total)<br />

Charity)<br />

2009)<br />

Consolidated)<br />

total)<br />

£’000) )£’000) )£’000) )£’000)<br />

Fixed assets<br />

Nature reserves 10 118,255) 118,805) 109,037) 109,587)<br />

Other tangible assets 10 4,164) 4,164) 4,192) 4,192)<br />

Investments 11 26,222) 26,222) 16,209) 16,209)<br />

Investment in subsidiary companies 11 3,801) ‐) 3,801) ‐)<br />

_______) _______) _______) _______)<br />

152,442) 149,191) 133,239) 129,988)<br />

Current assets<br />

Stock 401) 1,959) 408) 2,532)<br />

Debtors 12 18,264) 18,954) 12,912) 12,804)<br />

Short‐term cash 1,789) 3,872) 2,269) 4,432)<br />

_______) _______) _______) _______)<br />

20,454) 24,785) 15,589) 19,768)<br />

Creditors amounts falling due within one year 13 (16,140) (17,220) (9,609) (10,537)<br />

_______) _______) _______) _______)<br />

Net current assets 4,314) 7,565) 5,980) 9,231)<br />

_______) _______) _______) _______)<br />

Total assets less current liabilities 156,756) 156,756) 139,219) 139,219)<br />

Creditors amounts falling due in more than one year 15 (938) (938) (952) (952)<br />

_______) )_______) _______) _______)<br />

Net assets excluding pension liability 155,818) 155,818) 138,267) 138,267)<br />

Pension scheme liability 22 (34,658)<br />

_______)<br />

Net assets including pension liability 121,160)<br />

_______)<br />

(34,658)<br />

_______)<br />

121,160)<br />

_______)<br />

(22,133)<br />

_______)<br />

116,134)<br />

_______)<br />

(22,133)<br />

_______)<br />

116,134)<br />

_______)<br />

Represented by<br />

Unrestricted funds<br />

General funds 22,376) 22,376) 15,028) 15,028)<br />

Designated funds 43,262) 43,262) 42,057) 42,057)<br />

Pension reserve 22 (34,658)<br />

_______)<br />

(34,658)<br />

_______)<br />

(22,133)<br />

_______)<br />

(22,133)<br />

_______)<br />

30,980) 30,980) 34,952) 34,952)<br />

Restricted funds 88,170) 88,170) 79,655) 79,655)<br />

Endowment funds 2,010) 2,010) 1,527) 1,527)<br />

_______) _______) _______) _______)<br />

18 & 19 121,160)<br />

_______)<br />

121,160)<br />

_______)<br />

116,134)<br />

_______)<br />

116,134)<br />

_______)<br />

Notes 1 to 22 form an integral part of these <strong>accounts</strong>.<br />

Adopted by <strong>RSPB</strong> Council on 29 June <strong>2010</strong> <strong>and</strong> signed on behalf of the Council by:<br />

Ian Darling<br />

Chairman<br />

Alan Martin<br />

Honorary Treasurer<br />

www.rspb.org.uk 19

<strong>RSPB</strong> trustees’ <strong>report</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>accounts</strong> 2009‐10<br />

Application of net incoming resources<br />

Application of net incoming resources<br />

for the year ended 31 March <strong>2010</strong><br />

<strong>2010</strong>)<br />

£’000)<br />

2009)<br />

£’000)<br />

Net resources available for charitable purposes<br />

Less Total charitable revenue expenditure & governance costs<br />

94,701)<br />

(77,058)<br />

86,347)<br />

(72,499)<br />

_______) _______)<br />

Net incoming resources before losses 17,643) 13,848)<br />

Movement in value of investments & pension scheme (12,617) (14,791)<br />

_______) _______)<br />

Net movement in funds as per statement of financial activities 5,026) (943)<br />

_______) _______(<br />

(<br />

Application of net funds for charity use: (<br />

Nature reserves 9,218) 9,285)<br />

Other tangible assets (28) 62)<br />

Movement on stock, debtors & creditors (1,092) (588)<br />

Movement on pension scheme (12,525) (11,169)<br />

_______) _______)<br />

(4,427) (2,410)<br />

Movement in cash & investments available for future activities 9,453) 1,467)<br />

)<br />

Cash & investments available at start of year 20,641) 19,174)<br />

_______) _______)<br />

Cash & investments available at end of year 30,094) 20,641(<br />

_______) _______)<br />

20 www.rspb.org.uk

<strong>RSPB</strong> trustees’ <strong>report</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>accounts</strong> 2009‐10<br />

Consolidated cash flow statement<br />

Consolidated cash flow statement<br />

for the year ended 31 March <strong>2010</strong><br />

Note<br />

<strong>2010</strong>)<br />

£’000)<br />

2009)<br />

£’000)<br />

Net cash inflow from operating activities 21(a) 17,897) 13,955)<br />

Returns on investments <strong>and</strong> servicing of finance:<br />

Interest received 478) 641)<br />

Dividends received 136) 192)<br />

_______) _______)<br />

614) 833)<br />

Capital expenditure <strong>and</strong> financial investment:<br />

Purchase of nature reserves (10,382) (9,946)<br />

Purchase of other tangible fixed assets (1,478) (1,543)<br />

Proceeds from disposals 959) 247)<br />

Purchase of investments (4,233) (231)<br />

Sale of investments 39) 59)<br />

_______) _______)<br />

(15,095) (11,414)<br />

Management of liquid resources for short term investments<br />

Movement in investment cash (3,976) (2,985)<br />

_______) _______)<br />

(Decrease) / Increase in cash 21(b) (560) 389)<br />

_______) _______)<br />

www.rspb.org.uk 21

<strong>RSPB</strong> trustees’ <strong>report</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>accounts</strong> 2009‐10<br />

Notes to the <strong>accounts</strong><br />

Notes to the <strong>accounts</strong><br />

1 Accounting policies<br />

Basis of <strong>accounts</strong><br />

The <strong>accounts</strong> have been prepared under the<br />

historical cost convention as modified by the<br />

revaluation of certain investments, <strong>and</strong> in<br />

accordance with the recommendations set out in<br />

the Accounting <strong>and</strong> Reporting by Charities:<br />

Statement of Recommended Practice 2005 (SORP),<br />

the Charities Accounts (Scotl<strong>and</strong>) Regulations 2006,<br />

applicable accounting st<strong>and</strong>ards <strong>and</strong> the Charities<br />

Act 1993.<br />

The Charity operates through its 13 Regional <strong>and</strong><br />

Country offices whose operations are fully<br />

integrated into these <strong>accounts</strong>. The Statement of<br />

financial activities (SOFA) <strong>and</strong> balance sheet<br />

consolidate, on a line‐by‐line basis, the financial<br />

statements of the Charity <strong>and</strong> its subsidiary<br />

undertakings: <strong>RSPB</strong> Sales Limited <strong>and</strong> March<br />

Farmers (Washl<strong>and</strong>) Limited. <strong>RSPB</strong> Sales Limited,<br />

incorporated on 4 March 1992 as a wholly owned<br />

subsidiary of The Royal Society for the Protection<br />

of Birds, was established to undertake trading<br />

activities on behalf of the Charity <strong>and</strong> is licensed to<br />

use its name <strong>and</strong> trademark. March Farmers<br />

(Washl<strong>and</strong>) Limited was acquired on 29 February<br />

2008 <strong>and</strong> retains the leases of two pieces of l<strong>and</strong> in<br />

Cambridgeshire.<br />

The Charity holds 40% voting rights in Yayasan<br />

Konservasi Ekosistem Hutan a non‐profit<br />

organisation registered in Indonesia <strong>and</strong><br />

established to facilitate the acquisition of the<br />

Harapan Rainforest, Sumatra. The results have not<br />

been included in these <strong>accounts</strong>; to do so would not<br />

materially alter them.<br />

The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds is a<br />

registered charity <strong>and</strong> as such is potentially exempt<br />

from taxation on its income <strong>and</strong> gains to the extent<br />

that they are applied to its charitable purposes. No<br />

tax charge arises in its subsidiaries, due to their<br />

policies of donating, under Gift Aid, all taxable<br />

profits to the Charity each year.<br />

Funds<br />

Unrestricted funds:<br />

General funds are unrestricted funds which are<br />

available for use at the discretion of the trustees in<br />

furtherance of the objectives of the Charity <strong>and</strong> which<br />

have not been designated for other purposes.<br />

Designated funds are unrestricted funds, which have<br />

been applied or reserved by the trustees for a specific<br />

purpose. The aim <strong>and</strong> use of each designated fund is<br />

set out in the notes to the <strong>accounts</strong> (see Notes 18 & 19).<br />

Restricted funds:<br />

Restricted funds are those which are to be used in<br />

accordance with specific restrictions imposed by<br />

donors or which have been raised by the Charity for<br />

particular purposes. The purpose for which restricted<br />

funds are held is analysed in the notes to the <strong>accounts</strong><br />

(see Notes 18 & 19).<br />

Endowment funds:<br />

Endowment funds are restricted funds that are to be<br />

retained for the benefit of the Charity as a capital<br />

fund. Permanent endowments require the capital to<br />

be maintained <strong>and</strong> only the income <strong>and</strong> capital<br />

growth can be utilised. With expendable<br />

endowments the capital may also be utilised.<br />

Capital expenditure<br />

Purchased assets, individually exceeding £2,500 at<br />

cost, are included on the balance sheet at historic cost<br />

less depreciation <strong>and</strong> any impairments in accordance<br />

with FRS 15. Donated assets are included at market<br />

value as determined by the trustees. Expenditure on<br />

fixed assets is capitalised in the year of acquisition<br />

<strong>and</strong> depreciation is charged <strong>annual</strong>ly.<br />

Depreciation<br />

Nature reserves, either owned as freehold l<strong>and</strong> or<br />

held as leasehold l<strong>and</strong> where the lease is held in<br />

perpetuity, are considered to have an indefinite<br />

useful life <strong>and</strong> are not therefore depreciated. Other<br />

fixed assets are depreciated on a straight‐line basis<br />

over their anticipated useful lives as follows:<br />

Freehold buildings 50 years<br />

Leasehold l<strong>and</strong>, with a fixed Period of lease or 50<br />

term, <strong>and</strong> buildings years, whichever is<br />

shorter<br />

Other fixed assets<br />

4 years<br />

Investments<br />

The investments in the subsidiary undertakings are<br />

stated at cost less provision for impairment; all other<br />

investments are stated at market value. Properties<br />

included in investments are those assigned under<br />

22 www.rspb.org.uk

<strong>RSPB</strong> trustees’ <strong>report</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>accounts</strong> 2009‐10<br />

legacy bequests, awaiting disposal at a future date,<br />

<strong>and</strong> are stated at trustees’ valuation. The SOFA<br />

includes the net gains <strong>and</strong> losses arising on<br />

revaluations <strong>and</strong> disposals throughout the year.<br />

Stocks<br />

Stocks, which include livestock <strong>and</strong> products for<br />

resale, are stated at the lower of cost <strong>and</strong> net<br />

realisable value.<br />

Incoming resources<br />

Incoming resources are included in the SOFA when<br />

the <strong>RSPB</strong> is legally entitled to the income <strong>and</strong> the<br />

amount can be quantified with reasonable<br />

accuracy. If these conditions are not met then the<br />

income is deferred. The following specific policies<br />

apply to categories of income:<br />

i) Membership income is treated as a donation<br />

<strong>and</strong> is accounted for when received.<br />

ii) Legacies are accounted for based on settlement<br />

of the estate or receipt of payment, whichever<br />

is earlier.<br />

iii) Grants received in advance of the associated<br />

work being carried out are deferred only when<br />

the donor has imposed preconditions on the<br />

expenditure of resources (see Note 15).<br />

iv) Gifts in kind <strong>and</strong> donated assets are valued at<br />

their realised amount, or the amount<br />

equivalent to an alternative commercial supply,<br />

<strong>and</strong> are included in the SOFA <strong>and</strong> balance<br />

sheet as appropriate.<br />

Resources expended<br />

All expenditure is accounted for on an accruals<br />

basis <strong>and</strong> has been classified under headings that<br />

aggregate all costs related to that category.<br />

i) Costs of generating voluntary income are those<br />

incurred in seeking voluntary income <strong>and</strong> do<br />

not include the costs of disseminating<br />

information in support of the charitable<br />

activities.<br />

ii) Governance costs are the costs associated with<br />

the governance arrangements of the<br />

<strong>RSPB</strong> which relate to the general running of the<br />

<strong>RSPB</strong>. Included within this category are the<br />

costs associated with the strategic, as<br />

opposed to day‐to‐day management of the<br />

<strong>RSPB</strong>’s activities.<br />

iii) Support costs have been allocated to the<br />

headings in the SOFA on the basis of salary<br />

percentage. This applies to office facilities <strong>and</strong><br />

accommodation, finance, information<br />

Notes to the <strong>accounts</strong><br />

technology, human resources <strong>and</strong><br />

management.<br />

iv) Grants are awarded, at trustees’ discretion, on a<br />

project basis where such projects meet the<br />

<strong>RSPB</strong>’s charitable objectives.<br />

Operating leases<br />

Operating lease rentals are charged to the SOFA<br />

on a straight‐line basis over the length of the<br />

lease.<br />

Foreign currency<br />

Transactions in foreign currencies are translated<br />

at rates prevailing at the date of the transaction.<br />

Balances denominated in foreign currencies are<br />

translated at the rate of exchange prevailing at<br />

the year‐end, in accordance with SSAP 20. Any<br />

gains or losses arising on translations are<br />

<strong>report</strong>ed as part of the transaction within the<br />

SOFA <strong>and</strong> are not material; they are therefore not<br />

disclosed separately.<br />

Pensions<br />

For the defined benefit scheme the amounts<br />

charged in resources expended are the current<br />

service costs <strong>and</strong> gains <strong>and</strong> losses on settlements<br />

<strong>and</strong> curtailments. They are included as part of<br />

staff costs. Past service costs are recognised<br />

immediately in the Statement of Financial<br />

Activities if the benefits have vested. If the<br />

benefits have not vested immediately, the costs<br />

are recognised over the period until vesting<br />

occurs. The interest cost <strong>and</strong> the expected return<br />

on assets are shown as a net amount of other<br />

finance costs or credits adjacent to interest.<br />

Actuarial gains <strong>and</strong> losses are recognised<br />

immediately in “Other recognised gains <strong>and</strong><br />

losses”.<br />

Defined benefit schemes are funded, with the<br />

assets of the scheme held separately from those<br />

of the group, in separate trustee administered<br />

funds. Pension scheme assets are measured at<br />

fair value <strong>and</strong> liabilities are measured on an<br />

actuarial basis using the projected unit method<br />

<strong>and</strong> discounted at a rate equivalent to the<br />

current rate of return on a high quality corporate<br />

bond of equivalent currency <strong>and</strong> term to the<br />

scheme liabilities. The resulting defined benefit<br />

asset or liability is presented separately after<br />

other net assets on the face of the balance sheet.<br />

Full actuarial valuations are obtained triennially.<br />

www.rspb.org.uk 23

<strong>RSPB</strong> trustees’ <strong>report</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>accounts</strong> 2009‐10<br />

Notes to the <strong>accounts</strong><br />

2 Membership subscriptions & donations<br />

<strong>2010</strong>)<br />

£’000(<br />

2009(<br />

£’000(<br />

(<br />

Membership subscriptions 30,004) 29,438)<br />

Donations 6,933) 6,934(<br />

________) ________)<br />

36,937) 36,372(<br />

________) ________)<br />

3 Legacies<br />

The estimated value of legacies notified but neither received nor included in income is £16,319,000<br />

(2009: £18,707,000).<br />

4 Grants, commercial donations & trusts<br />

<strong>2010</strong>)<br />

£’000(<br />

2009(<br />

£’000(<br />

(<br />

Grants 22,615) 23,544)<br />

Commercial donations 7,653) 1,153)<br />

Trusts 1,547) 822)<br />

________) ________)<br />

31,815) 25,519)<br />

________) ________)<br />

Major grants received during the year include the following: <strong>2010</strong>(<br />

£’000(<br />

2009)<br />

£’000(<br />

UK Government (<br />

Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs 4,495) 2,865)<br />

L<strong>and</strong>fill Communities Fund 2,262) 3,783)<br />

Scottish Natural Heritage 1,377) 1,164)<br />

Environment Agency 1,169) 395)<br />

Natural Engl<strong>and</strong> 1,059) 1,478)<br />

Scottish Executive 1,022) 212)<br />

Department for International Development 308) 265)<br />

Department of Environment, Northern Irel<strong>and</strong> 260) 229)<br />

Countryside Council for Wales 252) 295)<br />

Forestry Commission 180) 237)<br />

National Assembly for Wales 179) 176)<br />

East Midl<strong>and</strong>s Development Agency 111) 109)<br />

South East Engl<strong>and</strong> Development Agency 90) 363)<br />

Department of Agriculture & Rural Development, NI 26) 3)<br />

East of Engl<strong>and</strong> Development Agency ‐) 204)<br />

________) ________)<br />

12,790) 11,778)<br />

European Union 2,129) 2,823)<br />

National Lottery Funds 1,476) 2,059)<br />

Local councils & other 6,220) 6,884)<br />

________) ________)<br />

22,615) 23,544)<br />

________) ________)<br />

24 www.rspb.org.uk

<strong>RSPB</strong> trustees’ <strong>report</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>accounts</strong> 2009‐10<br />

Notes to the <strong>accounts</strong><br />

4 Grants, commercial donations & trusts (continued)<br />

(<br />

Grants received were for the following purposes: <strong>2010</strong>)<br />

£’000(<br />

2009)<br />

£’000(<br />

(<br />

Conservation on <strong>RSPB</strong> nature reserves 13,693) 14,397)<br />

Conservation – research, policy & advisory services 6,383) 6,939)<br />

Education, publications & films 1,145) 552)<br />

________) ________)<br />

21,221) 21,888)<br />

Acquisition of nature reserves 1,394) 1,656)<br />

________) ________)<br />

22,615) 23,544)<br />

________) ________)<br />

5 Investment income & interest<br />

<strong>2010</strong>)<br />

£’000)<br />

2009)<br />

£’000(<br />

Income received from: (<br />

Interest on cash 307) 636)<br />

Listed Stock Exchange investments 136) 192)<br />

Corporate Bonds 166) ‐)<br />

Property 5) 5)<br />

________) ________)<br />

614) 833)<br />

________) ________)<br />

Other income:<br />

Net gains on disposals of fixed assets 413) 178)<br />

________) ________)<br />

Included above is investment income of £46,000 (2009: £70,000), which relates to the Hanson<br />

Environment Fund. This treatment has been agreed with the donor <strong>and</strong> the fund is held as an<br />

expendable endowment (see Note 18)<br />

www.rspb.org.uk 25

<strong>RSPB</strong> trustees’ <strong>report</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>accounts</strong> 2009‐10<br />

Notes to the <strong>accounts</strong><br />

6 Total resources expended<br />

Direct(<br />

costs(<br />

£’000(<br />

Support(<br />

costs(<br />

£’000(<br />

<strong>2010</strong>(<br />

Total(<br />

£’000(<br />

2009(<br />

Total(<br />

£’000(<br />

Cost of generating funds:<br />

Costs of generating voluntary income: (<br />

Membership subscriptions & donations 7,692) 418) 8,110) 8,421)<br />

Legacies 767) 33) 800) 924)<br />

Grants, commercial donations & trusts 1,620) 166) 1,786) 1,507)<br />

_______) _______) _______) _______)<br />

10,079) 617) 10,696) 10,852)<br />

Cost of activities to generate funds (incl. cost of goods): (<br />

Commercial trading 16,247) 238) 16,485) 14,614)<br />

Investment management costs 46) ‐)) 46) 26)<br />

_______ _______) _______) _______)<br />

Total cost of generating funds 26,372) 855) 27,227) 25,492)<br />

(<br />

Charitable revenue expenditure: (<br />

Conservation on <strong>RSPB</strong> nature reserves 26,633) 943) 27,576) 25,262)<br />

Conservation – research, policy &<br />

advisory services 29,960) 1,999) 31,959) 29,969)<br />

Education, publications & films 12,708) 573) 13,281) 12,999)<br />

Membership services & enquiries 3,759) 58) 3,817) 3,863)<br />

_______) _______) _______) _______)<br />

73,060) 3,573) 76,633) 72,093)<br />

Governance costs 400) 25) 425) 406)<br />

_______) _______) _______) _______)<br />

Total resources expended 99,832) 4,453) 104,285) 97,991)<br />

_______) _______) _______) _______)<br />

Governance costs include audit, legal advice for trustees <strong>and</strong> the costs associated with constitutional<br />

<strong>and</strong> statutory requirements, such as trustees’ meetings.<br />

Conservation ‐ research, policy & advisory services includes grant payments amounting to £4,311,000<br />

with support costs of £311,000 (2009: £3,836,000; £286,000). Over 100 grants were awarded to<br />

organisations; no grants were made to individuals. A full list is available on request.<br />

26 www.rspb.org.uk

<strong>RSPB</strong> trustees’ <strong>report</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>accounts</strong> 2009‐10<br />

Notes to the <strong>accounts</strong><br />

7 Support costs<br />

Premises)<br />

£’000)<br />

Finance(<br />

& IT(<br />

£’000(<br />

Human)<br />

resources)<br />

£’000)<br />

Mgmnt)<br />

& other)<br />

£’000)<br />

<strong>2010</strong>(<br />

Total(<br />

£’000(<br />

2009(<br />

Total(<br />

£’000(<br />

(<br />

Generating incoming resources 322) 327) 9) 197) 855) 760)<br />

Charitable expenditure:<br />

Conservation on <strong>RSPB</strong> nature<br />

reserves 356) 360) 10) 217) 943) 889)<br />

Conservation – research, policy &<br />

advisory services 753) 764) 22) 460) 1,999) 2,080)<br />

Education, publications & films 216) 219) 6) 132) 573) 562)<br />

Membership services & enquiries 22) 22) 1) 13) 58) 63)<br />

______) ______) ______) ______) ______) ______)<br />

1,347) 1,365) 39) 822) 3,573) 3,594)<br />

Governance costs 9) 9) 1) 6) 25) 25)<br />

______) ______) ______) ______) ______) ______)<br />

Total support costs 1,678) 1,701) 49) 1,025) 4,453) 4,379)<br />

______( ______( ______( ______( ______( ______(<br />

Support costs are included in the expenditure <strong>report</strong>ed in the SOFA <strong>and</strong> have been allocated on the<br />

basis of salary percentage. The cost allocation includes an element of judgement <strong>and</strong> the <strong>RSPB</strong> has<br />

had to consider the cost benefit of detailed calculations <strong>and</strong> record keeping.<br />

8 Audit fees<br />

The total audit fees were: <strong>2010</strong>(<br />

£’000(<br />

2009(<br />

£’000(<br />

(<br />

Charity 30) 30)<br />

<strong>RSPB</strong> Sales Limited 23) 23)<br />

March Farmers (Washl<strong>and</strong>) Limited 3) 3)<br />

______) ______)<br />

56) 56)<br />

______) ______)<br />

No other payments were paid to our external auditors, Horwath Clark Whitehill LLP.<br />

www.rspb.org.uk 27

<strong>RSPB</strong> trustees’ <strong>report</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>accounts</strong> 2009‐10<br />

Notes to the <strong>accounts</strong><br />

9 Staff costs<br />

The average number of employees during the year was 1,967 (2009: 1,903).<br />

Staff numbers by activity: <strong>2010</strong>(<br />

No.)<br />

2009(<br />

No.)<br />

Conservation on <strong>RSPB</strong> nature reserves 607) 556)<br />

Conservation – research, policy & advisory services 783) 780)<br />

Generating incoming resources 306) 301)<br />

Education, publications & films 203) 198)<br />

Membership services & enquiries 65) 64)<br />

Governance 3) 4)<br />

_______) _______(<br />

1,967) 1,903)<br />

_______) _______(<br />

The nature of work undertaken by individual staff traverses the above categories; therefore, the<br />

allocation includes an element of judgement.<br />

<strong>2010</strong>(<br />

£’000(<br />

2009(<br />

£’000(<br />

(<br />

Remuneration 38,129) 36,36,708)<br />

National Insurance 2,712) 2,777)<br />

Pension contributions 5,656) 3,947)<br />

_______( _______(<br />

46,497) 43,432)<br />

_______( _______(<br />

Not included in Pension contributions are payments of £1,500,000 (2009: £563,000) made in line<br />

with the payment schedule recommended by the scheme actuary at the last triennial valuation. No<br />

other benefits were paid to staff during the year.<br />

Number of employees at 31 March(<br />

Total emoluments in b<strong>and</strong>s of £10,000 <strong>2010</strong>(<br />

No.)<br />

2009(<br />

No.)<br />

60,001‐70,000 4) 5)<br />

70,001‐80,000 3) 4)<br />

80,001‐90,000 1) 1)<br />

90,001‐100,000 1) 2)<br />

100,001‐110,000 1) 1)<br />

_______) _______)<br />

10) 13)<br />

_______) _______)<br />

Under the <strong>RSPB</strong>’s pension scheme, which is open to all eligible staff, benefits are accruing for 10<br />

(2009: 12) directors <strong>and</strong> higher paid employees. No remuneration is paid to the members of the<br />

<strong>RSPB</strong>’s Council. The total reimbursement of travelling, accommodation <strong>and</strong> subsistence expenses<br />

incurred by 16 (2009: 25) trustees on Council business amounted to £24,700 (2009: £25,100).<br />

Indemnity insurance premiums paid by the <strong>RSPB</strong> amounted to £13,000 (2009: £13,000).<br />

28 www.rspb.org.uk

<strong>RSPB</strong> trustees’ <strong>report</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>accounts</strong> 2009‐10<br />

Notes to the <strong>accounts</strong><br />

10 Tangible fixed assets – charity <strong>and</strong> consolidated<br />

Freehold<br />

)l<strong>and</strong>)<br />

Nature reserves Other tangible assets Total)<br />

Leasehold) Buildings)<br />

Motor)<br />

l<strong>and</strong>)<br />

vehicles)<br />

Other)<br />

properties<br />

)<br />

£’000(<br />

Equipment,)<br />

fixtures &)<br />

fittings)<br />

£’000( £’000(<br />

£’000( £’000( £’000(<br />

£’000(<br />

Cost ( ( ( ( ( ( (<br />

At 1 April 2009 81,826) 1,449) 30,739) 3,598) 3,410) 11,669) 132,691)<br />

Additions 9,060) 77) 1,245) ‐ 603) 875) 11,860)<br />

Disposals ‐) ‐) (480) ‐ (366) (796) (1,642)<br />

______( ______) ______( ______) ______( ______( _______(<br />

At 31 March <strong>2010</strong> 90,886) 1,526) 31,504) 3,598) 3,647) 11,748) 142,909)<br />

______( ______) ______( ______) ______( ______( _______(<br />

( ( ( ( ( ( (<br />

Depreciation ( ( ( ( ( ( (<br />

At 1 April 2009 ‐) 335) 4,092) 1,461) 2,726) 10,298) 18,912)<br />

Charge for the year ‐) 16) 668) 90) 474) 876) 2,124)<br />

Disposals ‐) ‐ ‐ ‐ (339) (757) (1,096)<br />

______) ______) ______( ______) ______( ______( _______(<br />

At 31 March <strong>2010</strong> ‐) 351) 4,760) 1,551) 2,861) 10,417) 19,940)<br />

______) ______) ______( ______) ______( ______( _______(<br />

( ( ( ( ( ( (<br />

Net book amount: (<br />

( ( ( ( ( ( (<br />

At 31 March <strong>2010</strong> 90,886) 1,175) 26,744) 2,047) 786) 1,331) 122,969)<br />

______) ______) ______) ______) ______) ______) _______)<br />

( ( ( ( ( ( (<br />

At 31 March 2009 81,826) 1,114) 26,647) 2,137) 684) 1,371) 113,779)<br />

______) ______) ______) ______) ______) ______) _______)<br />

Net book amount: <strong>2010</strong>)<br />

£’000(<br />

2009)<br />

£’000)<br />

Nature reserves: ( (<br />

Freehold l<strong>and</strong> 90,886) 82,306)<br />

Leasehold l<strong>and</strong> 1,175) 1,114)<br />

Buildings 26,744) 26,167)<br />

_______) _______)<br />

118,805) 109,587)<br />

Other tangible assets: (<br />

Other properties 2,047) 2,137)<br />

Motor vehicles 786) 684)<br />

Equipment, fixtures & fittings 1,331) 1,371)<br />

_______) _______)<br />

4,164) 4,192)<br />

_______) _______)<br />

122,969) 113,779)<br />

_______) _______)<br />

The Net book amount of the Charity’s Tangible fixed assets is £122,419,000 (2009: £113,229,000). The<br />

wholly owned subsidiary March Farmers (Washl<strong>and</strong>) Limited holds Leasehold l<strong>and</strong> of £550,000<br />

(2009: £550,000); the leases for this l<strong>and</strong> are held in perpetuity <strong>and</strong> no depreciation arises.<br />

www.rspb.org.uk 29

<strong>RSPB</strong> trustees’ <strong>report</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>accounts</strong> 2009‐10<br />

Notes to the <strong>accounts</strong><br />

11 Investments – charity <strong>and</strong> consolidated<br />

Investments at market value: <strong>2010</strong>( 2009(<br />

)£’000( £’000(<br />

Investment cash 16,584) 12,608)<br />

Equities, bonds <strong>and</strong> other stocks:<br />

Equities 4,689) 3,265)<br />

Investment grade corporate bonds 4,618) ‐)<br />

Listed Stock Exchange investments 17) 17)<br />

_______( _______(<br />

9,324) 3,282)<br />

Properties within the UK 314) 319)<br />

_______( _______(<br />

26,222) 16,209)<br />

_______) _______)<br />

Movement during the year: <strong>2010</strong>( 2009(<br />

)£’000( £’000(<br />

Market value at 1 April 2009 16,209) 15,131)<br />

Disposals (39) (59)<br />

Additions 4,233) 231)<br />

Net gain / (loss) on revaluation at 31 March <strong>2010</strong> 1,843) (2,079)<br />

Movement in investment cash 3,976) 2,985)<br />

_______( _______(<br />

Market value at 31 March 26,222) 16,209)<br />

_______) _______)<br />

Historical cost as at 31 March …88,591) 4,397(<br />

_______) _______)<br />

The Charity investments in its wholly owned subsidiaries are held at cost <strong>and</strong> represent the<br />

aggregate amount of the subsidiaries’ assets, liabilities <strong>and</strong> funds. The subsidiary investments are:<br />

<strong>2010</strong>( 2009(<br />

)£’000( £’000(<br />

<strong>RSPB</strong> Sales Limited 3,250) 3,250)<br />

March Farmers (Washl<strong>and</strong>) Limited 551) 551(<br />

_______( _______(<br />

3,801) 3,801(<br />

_______) _______)<br />

30 www.rspb.org.uk

<strong>RSPB</strong> trustees’ <strong>report</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>accounts</strong> 2009‐10<br />

Notes to the <strong>accounts</strong><br />

12 Debtors – charity <strong>and</strong> consolidated<br />

<strong>2010</strong>)<br />

Charity)<br />

£’000)<br />

<strong>2010</strong>)<br />

Consolidated)<br />

total)<br />

£’000)<br />

2009)))<br />

Charity)))<br />

£’000))(<br />

2009(<br />

Consolidated)<br />

(total)<br />

£’000(<br />

Trade debtors 1,574) 3,312) 2,339) 3,534)<br />

Other debtors 2,922) 2,922) 2,545) 2,545)<br />

Legacies 2,551) 2,551) 1,960) 1,960)<br />

Prepayments <strong>and</strong> accrued income 10,065) 10,169) 4,663) 4,765)<br />

Amounts due from subsidiaries 1,152) ‐) 1,405) ‐)<br />

_______) _______) _______) _______)<br />

18,264) 18,954) 12,912) 12,804)<br />

_______) _______) _______) _______)<br />

13 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year – charity <strong>and</strong> consolidated<br />

<strong>2010</strong>)<br />

Charity)<br />

£’000)<br />

<strong>2010</strong>)<br />

Consolidated)<br />

total)<br />

£’000)<br />

2009))<br />

Charity))<br />

£’000)(<br />

2009(<br />

Consolidated)<br />

(total)<br />

£’000(<br />

Trade creditors 3,084) 3,519) 2,206) 2,589)<br />

Other creditors 1,291) 1,291) 889) 889)<br />

Deferred income (see Note 15) 3,615) 3,631) 450) 485)<br />

Accruals 8,150) 8,779) 6,064) 6,574)<br />

_______) _______) _______) _______)<br />

16,140) 17,220) 9,609) 10,537)<br />

_______) _______) _______) _______)<br />

14 Commitments<br />

Commitments for capital expenditure at 31 March not provided for in the <strong>accounts</strong> were<br />

£16,000 (2009: £270,000).<br />

www.rspb.org.uk 31

<strong>RSPB</strong> trustees’ <strong>report</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>accounts</strong> 2009‐10<br />

Notes to the <strong>accounts</strong><br />

15 Deferred income – charity <strong>and</strong> consolidated<br />

Movement during the year: <strong>2010</strong>( 2009(<br />

)£’000( £’000(<br />

Creditors amounts falling due in more than one year:<br />

Balance at 1 April 952) 966)<br />

Amount released to incoming resources (14) (14)<br />

_______) _______)<br />

Balance at 31 March 938) 952)<br />

Creditors amounts falling due within one year:<br />

Balance at 1 April 485) 46)<br />

Amount released to incoming resources (485) (46)<br />

Amount deferred in the year 3,631) 485)<br />

_______) _______)<br />

Balance at 31 March 3,631) 485)<br />

_______) _______)<br />

Deferred income: Balance at 31 March 4,569) 1,437)<br />

_______( _______(<br />

Deferred income includes lease premiums of £938,000 (2009: £952,000) received <strong>and</strong> amortised<br />

over the life of the leases. Income of £3,631,000 (2009: £485,000), where restrictions exist, was<br />

deferred in the year. This amount comprised grants of £3,514,000 <strong>and</strong> commercial trading of<br />

£117,000.<br />

16 Annual commitments under operating leases<br />

Properties <strong>and</strong> equipment are leased by the <strong>RSPB</strong> for defined periods. The <strong>annual</strong> cost of<br />

these is shown below:<br />

<strong>2010</strong>) 2009(<br />

L<strong>and</strong> &) Other) Total) Total(<br />

buildings(<br />

Length of lease remaining £’000( £’000( £’000) £’000(<br />

Less than 1 year 597) 26) 623) 412)<br />

2‐5 years 487) 47) 534) 623)<br />

Over 5 years 452) ‐) 452) 521)<br />

_______) _______) _______) _______)<br />

11,536) 7373) 1,609) 1,556)<br />

_______) _______) _______) _______)<br />

Lease payments of £1,872,000 (2009: £1,871,000) were charged to the Statement of financial<br />

activities during the year.<br />

17 Contingent liabilities<br />

Contingent liabilities relating to charitable work carried out by other organisations, on behalf of<br />

the <strong>RSPB</strong>, amount to £574,000 (2009: £1,035,000) at 31 March.<br />

The trustees have given indemnities to Executors under the st<strong>and</strong>ard terms for legacies received;<br />

they believe the chance of significant claims arising as a result of these to be negligible.<br />

32 www.rspb.org.uk

<strong>RSPB</strong> trustees’ <strong>report</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>accounts</strong> 2009‐10<br />

Notes to the <strong>accounts</strong><br />

18 Statement of funds – charity <strong>and</strong> consolidated<br />

The purpose for which funds are held can be analysed as follows:<br />

Consolidated<br />

1 April)<br />

2009)<br />

Incoming)<br />

Outgoing)<br />

Other)<br />

recognised)<br />

gains)<br />

/ (losses))<br />

£’000(<br />

Transfers)<br />

31 March)<br />

<strong>2010</strong>)<br />

£’000( £’000( £’000)<br />

£’000) £’000(<br />

Unrestricted funds:<br />

General funds 15,028) 83,007) (76,200) 1,034) (493) 22,376)<br />

Pension liability (22,133) 1,935) ‐) (14,460) ‐) (34,658)<br />

Designated funds:<br />

L<strong>and</strong> fund 35,132) ‐) ‐) ‐) 305) 35,437)<br />

Nature reserves 6,925) ‐) ‐) ‐) 900) 7,825)<br />

_______) _______) _______( _______( _______( _______)<br />

Total unrestricted funds 34,952) 84,942) (76,200) (13,426) 712) 30,980)<br />

Restricted funds:<br />

Nature reserves 76,197) 9,042) ‐) ‐) ‐) 85,239)<br />

Conservation on <strong>RSPB</strong> nature<br />

reserves 1,063) 14,629) (14,392) 366) (700) 966)<br />

Conservation – research, policy<br />

& advisory services 2,276) 12,338) (12,697) ‐) (12) 1,905)<br />

Education, publications & films 119) 931) (990) ‐) ‐) 60)<br />

_______) _______) _______( _______( _______( _______)<br />

Total restricted funds 79,655) 36,940) (28,079) 366) (712) 88,170)<br />

Endowment funds 1,527) 46) (6) 443) ‐) 2,010)<br />

_______) _______) _______( _______( _______( _______)<br />

Total funds 116,134( 121,928) (104,285) (12,617) ‐) 121,160)<br />

_______) _______) _______( _______( _______( _______)<br />

(<br />

Charity 116,134) 103,278) (85,635) (12,617) ‐) 121,160)<br />

_______) _______) _______( _______( _______( _______(<br />

Wholly owned subsidiaries:<br />

March Farmers) <strong>RSPB</strong> Sales Ltd)<br />

(Washl<strong>and</strong>)) Ltd)<br />

31 March <strong>2010</strong>)<br />

£’000)<br />

31 March <strong>2010</strong>)<br />

£’000)<br />

Incoming 72) 23,771)<br />

Outgoing (51) (18,599)<br />

_______(<br />

_______(<br />

Profit (Gift Aided to the Charity) 21) 5,172)<br />

______) ______)<br />

A review of funds during the year resulted in the transfer of £712,000 relating to allowable overhead<br />

expenditure previously charged to General funds.<br />

The Charity holds 40% voting rights in Yayasan Konservasi Ekosistem Hutan, a non‐profit<br />

organisation registered in Indonesia <strong>and</strong> established to facilitate the acquisition of the Harapan<br />

Rainforest, Sumatra. The results have not been included in these <strong>accounts</strong>; to do so would not<br />

materially alter them.<br />

www.rspb.org.uk 33

<strong>RSPB</strong> trustees’ <strong>report</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>accounts</strong> 2009‐10<br />

Notes to the <strong>accounts</strong><br />

18 Statement of funds – charity <strong>and</strong> consolidated (continued)<br />

Restricted funds comprise:<br />

The Nature reserves fund represents the historic cost of nature reserves acquired using<br />

restricted funds <strong>and</strong> a further £1,871,000 (2009: £1,742,000) held for future acquisitions.<br />

The other funds held for charitable objectives include grants received of £3,925,000 (2009:<br />

£2,995,000) in advance of the associated work being carried out.<br />

Endowment funds comprise:<br />

Funds that are to be retained for the benefit of the Charity as a capital fund. The Hanson<br />

Environment Fund made a grant of £1,000,000 during 2002 for the creation <strong>and</strong> management of<br />

Needingworth Wetl<strong>and</strong> Nature Reserve. Investment income, net of fees, for this expendable<br />

endowment is currently accruing to the fund.<br />

Unrestricted funds include free <strong>and</strong> general funds that are not designated for particular purposes.<br />

Designated funds comprise:<br />

The L<strong>and</strong> fund represents l<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> buildings purchased using unrestricted funds including the<br />

investment in March Farmers (Washl<strong>and</strong>) Limited.<br />

The nature reserve fund has been designated for:<br />

o Nature reserve acquisition, for potential l<strong>and</strong> purchase.<br />

o Nature reserve start‐up, for the costs of setting up the infrastructure on nature reserves<br />

acquired during the year.<br />

o Stewardship, in recognition of the continuing commitments associated with an<br />

underlying increase in the pace of l<strong>and</strong> acquisition.<br />

19 Analysis of net assets between funds<br />

The trustees consider that sufficient resources are held in a suitable form to enable them to be<br />

applied in accordance with any restrictions imposed, as set out below:<br />

Unrestricted funds<br />

Restricted)<br />

funds)<br />

Endowment<br />

funds<br />

Total)<br />

funds)<br />

General( Designated(<br />

£’000( £’000( £’000) £’000) £’000)<br />

Asset type:<br />

Nature reserves ‐) 35,437) 83,368) ‐) 118,805)<br />

Other tangible assets 4,003) ‐) 161) ‐) 4,164)<br />

Investments 8,232) 7,825) 8,155) 2,010) 26,222)<br />

Current assets 24,785) ‐) ‐) ‐) 24,785)<br />

Current liabilities (13,706) ‐) (3,514) ‐) (17,220)<br />

Long term liabilities (938) ‐) ‐) ‐) (938)<br />

Pension liability (34,658) ‐) ‐) ‐) (34,658)<br />

_______( _______( _______( _______( _______(<br />

(12,282) 43,262) 88,170) 2,010) 121,160)<br />

_______( _______( _______( _______( _______(<br />

34 www.rspb.org.uk

<strong>RSPB</strong> trustees’ <strong>report</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>accounts</strong> 2009‐10<br />

Notes to the <strong>accounts</strong><br />

20 Connected charities<br />

The <strong>RSPB</strong> is one of the global partners in BirdLife International (registered charity number<br />

1042125), an umbrella organisation for entities with similar objectives throughout the world.<br />

Further information about this organisation can be obtained by writing to BirdLife International at<br />

Wellbrook Court, Girton Road, Cambridge CB3 0NA.<br />

21 Cash flow statement<br />

(a)<br />

Net cash inflow from operating activities:<br />

<strong>2010</strong>(<br />

£’000(<br />

2009(<br />

£’000(<br />

Net incoming resources for the year 17,643) 13,848)<br />

Depreciation on fixed assets 2,124) 2,073)<br />

Interest & dividends received (614) (833)<br />

_______( _______(<br />

19,153) 15,088)<br />

Profit on sale of tangible assets (413) (178)<br />

Movement in working capital: )<br />

Decrease / (Increase) in stocks 573) (289)<br />

(Increase) / Decrease in debtors (6,150) 1,074)<br />

Increase / (Decrease) in creditors 6,669) (197)<br />

_______) _______)<br />

1,092) 588)<br />

Movement in pension scheme (1,935) (1,543)<br />

_______) _______)<br />

Net cash inflow from operating activities 17,897) 13,955)<br />

_______) _______)<br />

(b)<br />

Reconciliation to short‐term cash:<br />

(Decrease) / Increase in cash in the year (560) 389)<br />

Short‐term cash at 1 April 4,432) 4,043)<br />

_______( _______(<br />

Short‐term cash at 31 March 3,872) 4,432)<br />

_______( _______(<br />

Analysis of short‐term cash<br />

1 April)<br />

2009)<br />

£’000(<br />

Cash flow)<br />

£’000(<br />

31 March)<br />

<strong>2010</strong>)<br />

£’000(<br />

Short‐term cash 4,432) (560) 3,872)<br />

_______( _______) _______)<br />

4,432) (560) 3,872)<br />

_______( _______( _______(<br />

www.rspb.org.uk 35

<strong>RSPB</strong> trustees’ <strong>report</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>accounts</strong> 2009‐10<br />

Notes to the <strong>accounts</strong><br />

22 Pensions<br />

The <strong>RSPB</strong> operates a defined benefit scheme for the benefit of eligible employees. The assets of the<br />

scheme are held separately from those of the <strong>RSPB</strong>, being invested by professional fund managers,<br />

in accordance with guidelines issued by the trustees of the pension fund.<br />

The contributions are determined by a qualified actuary on the basis of triennial valuations using<br />

the projected unit method. A full actuarial valuation was undertaken as at 1 April 2006. The market<br />

value of the scheme’s assets at the valuation date was £68,300,000 <strong>and</strong> the actuarial value<br />

represented 87% of the benefits that had accrued to members. The deficit amounted to £10,400,000.<br />

The assumptions that have the most significant effect on the result of the valuation are those<br />

relating to the rate of return on investments <strong>and</strong> the rates of increase in salaries <strong>and</strong> pensions. It<br />

was assumed that investment returns would be 1.65% per annum greater than salary increases <strong>and</strong><br />

that pensions in payment would increase at 2.8% per annum on pensions accrued after 5 April 1997<br />

<strong>and</strong> at 3.0% on pensions accrued prior to 6 April 1997. At 31 March <strong>2010</strong>, the full actuarial valuation<br />

as at 1 April 2009 was still being determined.<br />

The <strong>RSPB</strong> has introduced a Sacrifice Scheme where members can opt to reduce their salaries by the<br />

amount of their pension contribution <strong>and</strong> in return the <strong>RSPB</strong> will pay their contribution to the<br />

Pension Fund. This reduces the National Insurance paid by the member <strong>and</strong> the <strong>RSPB</strong> <strong>and</strong> has been<br />

approved by HMRC. Therefore, in <strong>2010</strong> the amount paid by members to the Pension Fund has<br />

reduced.<br />

For the year ended 31 March <strong>2010</strong>, the following contributions were made in line with actuarial<br />

recommendations. On average, the <strong>RSPB</strong> contributed 14.9% of pensionable salaries <strong>and</strong> made a<br />

lump sum contribution of £500,000 (2009: £563,000). In addition, the <strong>RSPB</strong> has made a lump sum<br />

payment of £1,000,000 as part of the deficit recovery program being agreed in relation to the 1 April<br />

2009 valuation. As explained above, where a member has opted for Salary Sacrifice the <strong>RSPB</strong> has<br />

reduced the member’s salary <strong>and</strong> contributed an equal amount to the Pension Fund. The level of<br />

pension contributions in respect of members are as follows:<br />

Where benefits accrued on a 1/80th basis, members contributed 5.0%.<br />

Where benefits accrued on a 1/60th basis, members contributed 7.0%.<br />

Where benefits accrued under the Cash Balance Section members contributed 6.0%.<br />

Financial Reporting St<strong>and</strong>ard 17 – Retirement Benefits (FRS 17) requires the following disclosure.<br />

Changes in the present value of the defined obligation:<br />

<strong>2010</strong>)<br />

£’000(<br />

2009)<br />

£’000(<br />

Defined benefit obligation at start of year 84,710) 89,462)<br />

Current service cost 3,730) 2,959)<br />

Interest cost 5,754) 5,648)<br />

Member contributions 55) 1,833)<br />

Actuarial loss / (gain) 29,545) (13,679)<br />

Benefits paid (2,719) (1,513)<br />

_______(<br />

_______(<br />

Defined benefit obligation at end of year 121,075) 84,710)<br />

_______(<br />

_______(<br />

36 www.rspb.org.uk

<strong>RSPB</strong> trustees’ <strong>report</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>accounts</strong> 2009‐10<br />

Notes to the <strong>accounts</strong><br />

22 Pensions (continued)<br />

Amounts recognised in the balance sheet:<br />

<strong>2010</strong>)<br />

£’000(<br />

2009)<br />

£’000(<br />

Present value of funded obligations (121,075) (84,710)<br />

Fair value of scheme assets 86,417) 62,577)<br />

_______(<br />

_______(<br />

Net liability in the balance sheet (34,658) (22,133)<br />

_______(<br />

_______(<br />

Changes in scheme assets:<br />

<strong>2010</strong>)<br />

£’000(<br />

2009)<br />

£’000(<br />

Fair value of scheme assets at start of year 62,577) 78,498)<br />

Expected return 4,246) 5,640)<br />

Actuarial gain / (loss) 15,085) (26,391)<br />

Employer contribution 7,173) 4,510)<br />

Member contributions 55) 1,833)<br />

Benefits paid (2,719) (1,513)<br />

_______(<br />

_______(<br />

Fair value of scheme assets at end of year 86,417) 62,577)<br />

_______(<br />

_______(<br />

Amounts included in Statement of financial activities:<br />

<strong>2010</strong>)<br />

£’000(<br />

2009)<br />

£’000(<br />

Current service cost 3,730) 2,959)<br />

Interest cost 5,754) 5,648)<br />

Expected return (4,246) (5,640)<br />

_______(<br />

_______(<br />

Amount charged within net movement of funds 5,238) 2,967)<br />

Actuarial loss 14,460) 12,712)<br />

_______(<br />

_______(<br />

Amount charged to statement of financial activities 19,698) 15,679)<br />

_______(<br />

_______(<br />

www.rspb.org.uk 37

<strong>RSPB</strong> trustees’ <strong>report</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>accounts</strong> 2009‐10<br />

Notes to the <strong>accounts</strong><br />

22 Pensions (continued)<br />

The major categories of scheme assets as a percentage of total scheme assets:<br />

<strong>2010</strong>) 2009)<br />

Equities, hedge funds <strong>and</strong> commodities 81%) 71%)<br />

Bonds 9%) 12%)<br />

Property 7%) 7%)<br />

Cash 2%) 9%)<br />

Insured policies 1%) 1%)<br />

_______(<br />

_______(<br />

Actual return on the scheme assets during the year:<br />

<strong>2010</strong>)<br />

£’000(<br />

2009)<br />

£’000(<br />

Actual return on the scheme assets during the year 19,331) (20,751)<br />

_______(<br />

_______(<br />

Principal assumptions expressed as weighted averages:<br />

<strong>2010</strong>) 2009)<br />

Discount rate 5.70%) 6.75%)<br />

Rate of increase in salaries 4.25%) 4.70%)<br />

Rate of increase of pensions in payment 3.60%) 3.40%)<br />

Rate of increase of pensions in deferment 3.60%) 3.40%)<br />

Inflation 3.60%) 3.40%)<br />

Expected long‐term return on plan assets 7.57%) 6.55%)<br />

_______(<br />

_______(<br />

To develop the expected long‐term rate of return on assets assumption, the trustees consider<br />

the current level of expected returns on risk free investments (primarily government bonds),<br />

the historic level of the risk premium associated with the other asset classes in which the<br />

portfolio is invested <strong>and</strong> the expectations for future returns of each asset class. The expected<br />

return for each asset class is then weighted based on the asset allocation to develop the<br />

expected long‐term rate of return on assets assumption for the portfolio.<br />

Weighted average life expectancy for mortality tables used to determine benefit obligations:<br />

<strong>2010</strong>) 2009)<br />

Years)<br />

Years)<br />

Member aged 65 (current life expectancy) – male 21.9) 19.7)<br />

Member aged 45 (life expectancy at 65) – male 23.8) 21.3)<br />

Member aged 65 (current life expectancy) – female 24.7) 22.6)<br />

Member aged 45 (life expectancy at 65) – female 26.6) 24.1)<br />

38 www.rspb.org.uk

<strong>RSPB</strong> trustees’ <strong>report</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>accounts</strong> 2009‐10<br />

Notes to the <strong>accounts</strong><br />

22 Pensions (continued)<br />

Analysis of amount recognised in the Consolidated statement of financial activities under FRS 17:<br />

<strong>2010</strong>) 2009) 2008) 2007) 2006)<br />

£’000) £’000( £’000( £’000( £’000)<br />

Benefit obligation (121,075) (84,710) (89,462) (90,943) (88,033)<br />

Fair value of scheme assets 86,417) 62,577) 78,498) 81,514) 68,233)<br />

_______) _______) _______) _______) _______)<br />

Deficit (34,658) (22,133) (10,964) (9,429) (19,800)<br />

_______( _______( _______( _______( _______(<br />

Actual less expected return on assets 15,085) (26,391) (12,848) 4,520) 8,934)<br />

% of scheme assets 17%) (42%) (16%) 6%) 13%<br />

Experience (loss) / gain arising on<br />

liabilities (1,139) ‐) ‐) 2,567) ‐)<br />

% of scheme liabilities (1%) 0%) 0%) 3%) 0%<br />

www.rspb.org.uk 39

<strong>RSPB</strong> trustees’ <strong>report</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>accounts</strong> 2009‐10<br />

Acknowledgements<br />

Acknowledgements 2009‐10 – thank you for supporting us<br />

Members<br />

The support <strong>and</strong> loyalty of our members is<br />

critical to the success <strong>and</strong> achievements of the<br />

<strong>RSPB</strong>. Meeting the rigorous conservation<br />

targets that we set would not be possible<br />

without the enormous contributions that<br />

members make. Members help in many ways,<br />

all of them equally important: financially,<br />

through volunteering, by supporting <strong>RSPB</strong><br />

campaigns through letter writing, <strong>and</strong> by<br />

helping to deliver <strong>RSPB</strong> projects on the<br />

ground through local groups.<br />

Community groups<br />

<strong>RSPB</strong> local groups, <strong>RSPB</strong> Wildlife Explorer<br />

groups <strong>and</strong> <strong>RSPB</strong> Phoenix groups worked<br />

unstintingly over the year. Local groups<br />

provide a great focus for us in local<br />

communities, involve many people in our<br />

work, <strong>and</strong> raised over £298,000 for <strong>RSPB</strong><br />

conservation projects. Wildlife Explorers (our<br />

junior members) raised more than £33,000 to<br />

plant trees in Sumatra through the Save the<br />

Rainforest Animals appeal.<br />

On behalf of the <strong>RSPB</strong>, <strong>RSPB</strong> local groups <strong>and</strong><br />

Wildlife Explorer groups throughout the UK,<br />

we would like to thank Awards For All<br />

(supported by the ‘good cause’ Lottery<br />

distributors across the UK) for their continued<br />

support of local projects through their<br />

community grants scheme.<br />

Volunteers<br />

The <strong>RSPB</strong> enjoyed the support of over 14,900<br />

volunteers last year, giving the <strong>RSPB</strong> 812,480<br />

hours of their time. This is equivalent to an<br />

extra 416 full‐time staff working for nature<br />

conservation. These volunteers helped with<br />

virtually every aspect of the <strong>RSPB</strong>’s work, <strong>and</strong><br />

we cannot thank them enough for their<br />

generous support. Additionally, 529,076<br />

people spent an hour doing the <strong>RSPB</strong>’s Big<br />

Garden Birdwatch, <strong>and</strong> 69,239 took part in our<br />

new Make Your Nature Count survey.<br />

Legacies<br />

Once again, we are deeply impressed by the<br />

generosity of people who remember the <strong>RSPB</strong><br />

in their wills. This income makes a<br />

tremendous difference to the amount of<br />

conservation work the <strong>RSPB</strong> is able to<br />

undertake. We are grateful to each <strong>and</strong> every<br />

one, <strong>and</strong> we would like to recognise them all<br />

by name, but this is not practical.<br />

However, there are a few people that we<br />

would like to mention for their special<br />

contributions:<br />

Eric Desmond Boyl<strong>and</strong><br />

Eileen Doris Callan<br />

Joan Dora Crane<br />

Stephanie Neville Davies<br />

Thomas Henry Farrer<br />

George Heath<br />

Elsie Sheila Kendall<br />

Raymond Collie Lang<br />

Richard Martin Lee<br />

Donald Bruce Moseley<br />

Harry Albert Ruffle<br />

Annette Barbara Smith<br />

Margaret Mary Turner<br />

Heritage Lottery Fund<br />

The Heritage Lottery Fund has provided<br />

essential support for <strong>RSPB</strong> projects to restore<br />

<strong>and</strong> secure natural heritage for current <strong>and</strong><br />

future generations to enjoy. The <strong>RSPB</strong> is<br />

indebted to HLF for its continued support of<br />

our work.<br />

40 www.rspb.org.uk

<strong>RSPB</strong> trustees’ <strong>report</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>accounts</strong> 2009‐10<br />

Acknowledgements<br />

Charitable Trusts, Non‐Governmental Organisations <strong>and</strong> Individual Donors<br />

We are grateful for the support received <strong>and</strong> would particularly like to acknowledge the following:<br />

H B Allen Charitable Trust<br />

A J H Ashby Will Trust<br />

Basel Zoo – Across the River<br />

The Baxters Foundation<br />

BBC Wildlife Fund<br />

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation<br />

Fund<br />

BirdLife International<br />

BirdLife Preventing Extinctions Programme<br />

Lost Species Fund<br />

British Trust for Ornithology<br />

Cambridge Conservation Initiative<br />

Care‐for‐Nature Trust<br />

The Charities Advisory Trust (Good Gifts)<br />

City Bridge Trust<br />

Conservation International – Global<br />

Conservation Fund<br />

Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF)<br />

Peter Cruddas Foundation<br />

Dansk Ornitologisk Forening<br />

Disney Worldwide Conservation Fund<br />

The Jane Durell Charitable Trust<br />

Ellon Foundation<br />

Esmée Fairbairn Foundation<br />

Donald Forrester Trust<br />

The Gannochy Trust<br />

The Helen <strong>and</strong> Horace Gillman Trusts<br />

Groombridge <strong>and</strong> Eridge Alternatives to<br />

Rubbish (GEAR)<br />

Highl<strong>and</strong> Foundation for Wildlife<br />

Alan John Fraser Hoby Discretionary Trust<br />

International Association for Bear Research<br />

<strong>and</strong> Management<br />

International Union for Conservation of<br />

Nature (IUCN) Ibis Project<br />

J E V B Charitable Trust<br />

Rufford Maurice Laing Foundation<br />

The A G Leventis Foundation<br />

R S MacDonald Charitable Trust<br />

The MacRobert Trust<br />

Michael Marks Charitable Trust<br />

William <strong>and</strong> Doreen Moss<br />

Mull <strong>and</strong> Iona Community Trust<br />

Mull Eagle Watch<br />

Natural Research Ltd<br />

The Nature Trust (S<strong>and</strong>y)<br />

Harold James Newcombe Discretionary Trust<br />

Daniel O’Connor Discretionary Trust<br />

Oglesby Charitable Trust<br />

The David & Lucile Packard Foundation<br />

Paignton Zoo Environmental Park<br />

The Jack Patston Charitable Trust<br />

Pensthorpe Conservation Trust<br />

People’s Postcode Trust<br />

Restore UK<br />

The Robertson Trust<br />

The Helen Roll Charity<br />

John Graham Russell Discretionary Trust<br />

Sant<strong>and</strong>er UK Foundation Ltd<br />

Scottish Crofting Foundation<br />

Scottish Environment LINK<br />

Scottish Power Green Energy Trust<br />

SeaWorld & Busch Gardens Conservation<br />

Fund<br />

The Shears Foundation<br />

Shropshire Wildlife Trust<br />

Nini Isabel Stewart Trust<br />

Sussex Ornithological Society<br />

Teesside Environmental Trust<br />

The Tree Council<br />

Tubney Charitable Trust<br />

Muriel Maud Florence Goldsmith Walker<br />

Discretionary Trust<br />

Whitley Animal Protection Trust<br />

Wildfowl & Wetl<strong>and</strong>s Trust<br />

WWF<br />

www.rspb.org.uk 41

<strong>RSPB</strong> trustees’ <strong>report</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>accounts</strong> 2009‐10<br />

Acknowledgements<br />

L<strong>and</strong>fill Communities Fund<br />

We are grateful for funding support from the following organisations through the L<strong>and</strong>fill<br />

Communities Fund:<br />

Aberdeen Greenspace<br />

Aberdeenshire Council<br />

The Alpha Programme managed by<br />

Groundwork Northern Irel<strong>and</strong><br />

Angus Environmental Trust<br />

Barr Environmental Ltd<br />

Belfast City Council<br />

Biffaward<br />

Cory Environmental Trust in Britain<br />

Down District Council<br />

Falkirk Environment Trust<br />

Glasgow City Council<br />

GrantScape<br />

Green Leeds Ltd<br />

Highl<strong>and</strong> Council<br />

Ibstock Cory Environmental Trust<br />

Lisburn City Council<br />

Newry & Mourne District Council<br />

Perth & Kinross Quality of Life Trust<br />

Shanks First Fund <strong>and</strong> Argyll & Bute Council<br />

SITA Trust<br />

Smith Skip Ltd<br />

Solway Heritage<br />

South West Environmental ActionTrust<br />

(SWEAT)<br />

Staffordshire Environmental Fund<br />

St Modwen Environmental Trust<br />

Trust for Oxfordshire’s Environment with<br />

funds from Viridor Credits’ Oxfordshire<br />

Fund<br />

Ulster Wildlife Trust L<strong>and</strong>fill Communities<br />

Fund<br />

Veolia Environmental Trust<br />

Veolia Havering Riverside Trust<br />

Veolia Pitsea Marshes Trust<br />

Viridor Credits<br />

Waste Recycling Group Ltd (WRG) through<br />

GrantScape’s Biodiversity Challenge Fund<br />

Waste Recycling Group Ltd (WRG) through<br />

Waste Recycling Environmental Ltd (WREN)<br />

42 www.rspb.org.uk

<strong>RSPB</strong> trustees’ <strong>report</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>accounts</strong> 2009‐10<br />

Acknowledgements<br />

Business Supporters <strong>and</strong> Trading Partners<br />

The <strong>RSPB</strong> enjoys successful partnerships with business supporters to our mutual benefit. We would<br />

particularly like to acknowledge the following:<br />

A&C Black (Publishers) Ltd<br />

BBC Countryfile Magazine<br />

BBC Worldwide Ltd<br />

BemroseBooth Ltd<br />

Boehringer Ingelheim<br />

BP through the Scottish Forest Alliance<br />

The Caravan Club<br />

CEMEX UK Ltd<br />

Chevron<br />

Concept Research Ltd<br />

Co‐operative Financial Services<br />

Co‐operative Group<br />

Crossrail Ltd<br />

Dorling Kindersley Ltd<br />

Earthwatch<br />

Enesco Ltd<br />

European Bank for Reconstruction <strong>and</strong><br />

Development<br />

The Famous Grouse<br />

Fulham Heating Merchants Ltd<br />

GDF Suez Energy UK Ltd<br />

Goldman Sachs<br />

Hanson Aggregates Ltd<br />

Holiday Cottages<br />

HSBC Climate Change Partnership<br />

ICB‐Diadem<br />

Jarrold Calendars<br />

Lafarge Aggregates Ltd<br />

L<strong>and</strong>marc Support Services Ltd<br />

Loaf Marketing<br />

Lochcarron of Scotl<strong>and</strong><br />

Mineral Products Association<br />

The Mitsubishi Corporation Fund for Europe<br />

<strong>and</strong> Africa<br />

Nikon UK Ltd<br />

The Puppet Company<br />

PURE<br />

Questmark Ltd<br />

Redeem plc<br />

Robinsons<br />

Scottish & Southern Energy<br />

Scottish Power<br />

Scottish Power Renewables (UK) Ltd<br />

Severn Trent Water<br />

Southern Water<br />

Suttons Consumer Products Ltd<br />

Swarovski Optik<br />

Talisman Energy<br />

Tarmac Ltd<br />

Turcan Connell<br />

United Utilities<br />

Viking Optical Ltd<br />

Volvo Ocean Race<br />

Wessex Water<br />

Wild Republic (UK) Ltd<br />

W. Moorcroft plc<br />

Woodmansterne Publications Ltd<br />

Yorkshire Water<br />

Zeon Ltd<br />

www.rspb.org.uk 43

<strong>RSPB</strong> trustees’ <strong>report</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>accounts</strong> 2009‐10<br />

Acknowledgements<br />

Support from statutory sector <strong>and</strong> other public bodies<br />

We are grateful for co‐operation <strong>and</strong> support from organisations of many kinds, <strong>and</strong> would especially<br />

like to thank the following:<br />

Advantage West Midl<strong>and</strong>s’ Natural Assets<br />

Programme in partnership with Natural<br />

Engl<strong>and</strong><br />

Arnside & Silverdale Area of Outst<strong>and</strong>ing<br />

Natural Beauty (AONB) Sustainable<br />

Development Fund<br />

Basildon District Council<br />

Big Lottery Fund’s Awards for All Programme<br />

Big Lottery Fund – Community Sustainable<br />

Energy Programme<br />

Bonn Convention for Migratory Species (CMS)<br />

Cairngorms National Park Authority<br />

Cairngorms Local Action Group LEADER<br />

2007‐2013, jointly funded by the Scottish<br />

Government <strong>and</strong> the European<br />

Community<br />

Centre for Ecology <strong>and</strong> Hydrology<br />

Ceredigion County Council<br />

Coast, Wolds, Wetl<strong>and</strong>s <strong>and</strong> Waterways<br />

LEADER, through the Rural Development<br />

Programme for Engl<strong>and</strong> (RDPE), jointly<br />

funded by Defra <strong>and</strong> the EU Communities<br />

<strong>and</strong> Local Government (CLG) administered<br />

by Cambridgeshire Horizons<br />

Countryside Council for Wales<br />

The Crown Estate’s Marine Communities<br />

Fund<br />

Department for Business Enterprise &<br />

Regulatory Reform (BERR) under the Low<br />

Carbon Buildings Programme Phase 2<br />

(LCBP2)<br />

Department for Business, Innovation <strong>and</strong><br />

Skills<br />

Department for the Environment, Food <strong>and</strong><br />

Rural Affairs (Defra)<br />

Defra through the Aggregates Levy<br />

Sustainability Fund, administered by<br />

Natural Engl<strong>and</strong><br />

Defra – Darwin Initiative<br />

Department for International Development<br />

(DfID)– Civil Society Challenge Fund<br />

Department of Agriculture &<br />

RuralDevelopment (DARD)<br />

Department of Energy <strong>and</strong> Climate Change<br />

Devon County Council<br />

Dorset AONB Sustainable Development Fund<br />

Dorset County Council<br />

Dumfries <strong>and</strong> Galloway Council<br />

East Midl<strong>and</strong>s Development Agency<br />

English Heritage<br />

Environment Agency<br />

Environment Agency Wales<br />

Environment Wales<br />

European Agricultural Fund for Rural<br />

Development (EAFRD)<br />

European Commission – DG Environment<br />

European Commission – Environment <strong>and</strong><br />

Natural Resources Thematic Programme<br />

(ENRTP)<br />

European Commission – LIFE‐Nature<br />

European Commission – LIFE+ Information<br />

<strong>and</strong> Communication<br />

European Commission – LIFE+ Nature <strong>and</strong><br />

Biodiversity<br />

European Commission – Tropical Forests <strong>and</strong><br />

Other Forests in Developing Countries<br />

Programme<br />

European Regional Development Fund<br />

(ERDF)<br />

ERDF – INTERREG IVA 2 Seas Cross‐border<br />

Cooperation Programme 2007‐2013<br />

ERDF – INTERREG IVB North Sea Region<br />

Transnational Cooperation Programme<br />

2007‐2013<br />

ERDF – INTERREG IVB North West Europe<br />

Transnational Cooperation Programme<br />

2007‐2013<br />

European Union (EU) – EDF‐9 (through DG<br />

Development)<br />

Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO) /<br />

DfID – Overseas Territories Environment<br />

Programme (OTEP)<br />

Forestry Commission Engl<strong>and</strong><br />

Forestry Commission Scotl<strong>and</strong><br />

Forestry Commission through Better<br />

Woodl<strong>and</strong>s for Wales<br />

Forestry Commission Wales<br />

Forth Valley & Lomond LEADER 2007‐2013,<br />

jointly funded by the Scottish Government<br />

<strong>and</strong> the European Community<br />

French Government’s Fonds Français pour<br />

l’Environnement Mondial (FFEM)<br />

44 www.rspb.org.uk

<strong>RSPB</strong> trustees’ <strong>report</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>accounts</strong> 2009‐10<br />

Acknowledgements<br />

German Federal Ministry for the Environment,<br />

Nature Conservation <strong>and</strong> Nuclear Safety<br />

(BMU), via KfW Development Bank<br />

German Government’s Centrum für<br />

Internationale Migration und Entwickling<br />

Heritage Lottery Fund<br />

Highl<strong>and</strong> LEADER 2007‐2013, jointly funded<br />

by the Scottish Government <strong>and</strong> the<br />

European Community<br />

Homes <strong>and</strong> Communities Agency’s Parkl<strong>and</strong>s<br />

Funding administered by Essex County<br />

Council<br />

Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC)<br />

Kirklees Metropolitan Borough Council<br />

Lake District National Park Authority<br />

Lancashire County Council, through the<br />

Lancashire Locals Climate Change Fund<br />

Lancashire County Council Local Gateway<br />

Grant<br />

Leeds City Council Key Fund<br />

Ministry of Defence<br />

Natural Engl<strong>and</strong><br />

Natural Engl<strong>and</strong> – Access Management Grant<br />

Scheme<br />

Natural Engl<strong>and</strong> – Access to Nature, part of<br />

the Big Lottery Fund’s Changing Spaces<br />

programme<br />

Natural Engl<strong>and</strong> – Countdown <strong>2010</strong><br />

Biodiversity Action Fund<br />

Natural Engl<strong>and</strong> – Wetl<strong>and</strong> Vision Grant<br />

Scheme<br />

Natural Environment Research Council<br />

Northern Irel<strong>and</strong> Environment Agency<br />

Northern Irel<strong>and</strong> Tourist Board<br />

Northumberl<strong>and</strong> Coast AONB Sustainable<br />

Development Fund<br />

Oldham Improving Perceptions<br />

Orkney Isl<strong>and</strong>s Council<br />

Scottish Agricultural College<br />

Scottish Environmental Protection Agency<br />

Scottish Government Rural Payments <strong>and</strong><br />

Inspections Directorate<br />

Scottish Government Science Engagement<br />

Grants Scheme<br />

Scottish Government Third Sector Enterprise<br />

Fund<br />

Scottish Natural Heritage<br />

Somerset County Council<br />

South East Engl<strong>and</strong> Development Agency<br />

(SEEDA)<br />

South Pennines LEADER<br />

Staffordshire County Council through the<br />

Aggregates Levy Sustainability Fund<br />

Strathclyde Police<br />

Teignbridge District Council<br />

USAID STEWARD Programme<br />

US Fish <strong>and</strong> Wildlife Service<br />

Wales Council for Voluntary Action – Russell<br />

Commission Youth Volunteering Grant<br />

Welsh Assembly Government<br />

Welsh Assembly Government through the<br />

Department of Economy <strong>and</strong> Transport<br />

Yorkshire Dales National Park<br />

Yorkshire Forward<br />

www.rspb.org.uk 45

<strong>RSPB</strong> trustees’ <strong>report</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>accounts</strong> 2009‐10<br />

How you can help the <strong>RSPB</strong><br />

How you can help the <strong>RSPB</strong><br />

There are many ways you can help <strong>and</strong> this<br />

section outlines the most common ways<br />

people support us ‐ just choose whatever suits<br />

you.<br />

Join the <strong>RSPB</strong><br />

Whether you want membership for yourself or<br />

someone else, why not join today?<br />

Remember nature in your will<br />

If you have had a lifetimeʹs pleasure from<br />

birds, why not help ensure their future by<br />

leaving a legacy to the <strong>RSPB</strong> in your will?<br />

Any amount, large or small, will be put to<br />

excellent use.<br />

Campaigns <strong>and</strong> appeals<br />

Support our campaigns <strong>and</strong> appeals <strong>and</strong> you<br />

can help our work to secure a healthy<br />

environment for birds <strong>and</strong> wildlife. We need<br />

your support to help wild birds <strong>and</strong> the wild<br />

places they live in ‐ <strong>and</strong> to dem<strong>and</strong> better laws<br />

to protect them.<br />

Shopping<br />

Buy your gifts, bird food, binoculars <strong>and</strong> a<br />

range of other products. Or support us<br />

through <strong>RSPB</strong> Energy, holidays <strong>and</strong> more. All<br />

sales benefit the <strong>RSPB</strong>.<br />

Get involved<br />

Writing letters <strong>and</strong> e‐mails direct to your MP<br />

<strong>and</strong> other decision‐makers can really make a<br />

difference for birds <strong>and</strong> wildlife. Join other<br />

<strong>RSPB</strong> campaigners <strong>and</strong> make sure your voice<br />

is heard.<br />

Fundraise for wildlife<br />

Have fun <strong>and</strong> meet like‐minded people. Learn<br />

new skills <strong>and</strong> put old ones to good use. And<br />

help birds <strong>and</strong> wildlife while you do it.<br />

Local groups<br />

<strong>RSPB</strong> local groups are a great way to meet<br />

new friends <strong>and</strong> help out the <strong>RSPB</strong> where you<br />

live. They are open to all <strong>and</strong> you will receive<br />

a very warm welcome.<br />

Volunteering for the <strong>RSPB</strong><br />

Looking for an exciting <strong>and</strong> interesting way to<br />

make a difference for wild birds <strong>and</strong> the<br />

environment? Why not consider volunteering?<br />

You donʹt have to know anything about birds<br />

to volunteer with the <strong>RSPB</strong>.<br />

For more information on how you can<br />

support the <strong>RSPB</strong> please visit our website<br />

www.rspb.org.uk or telephone Membership<br />

Services on 01767 693680.<br />

46 www.rspb.org.uk

Our supporters have been<br />

magnificent over the last<br />

year. They’ve been with us<br />

helping to reverse the decline<br />

in farml<strong>and</strong> birds, on boats<br />

saving albatrosses, enjoying<br />

our nature reserves <strong>and</strong><br />

giving a voice to nature in all<br />

corners of the globe as well<br />

as in their back gardens.<br />

Thank you if you are one<br />

of them. Please join us<br />

to create even more<br />

successes this year.<br />



The <strong>RSPB</strong>, The Lodge, S<strong>and</strong>y, Bedfordshire,<br />

SG19 2DL. Tel: 01767 680551<br />


Midl<strong>and</strong>s Office<br />

46 The Green, South Bar,<br />

Banbury, Oxfordshire<br />

OX16 9AB<br />

Tel: 01295 253330<br />

Eastern Engl<strong>and</strong> Office<br />

Stalham House, 65 Thorpe<br />

Road, Norwich NR1 1UD<br />

Tel: 01603 661662<br />

London Area Office<br />

Second Floor, 65 Petty France,<br />

London SW1H 9EU<br />

Tel: 020 7808 1240<br />

Northern Engl<strong>and</strong> Offices<br />

Westleigh Mews, Wakefield<br />

Road, Denby Dale,<br />

Huddersfield HD8 8QD<br />

1 Sirius House, Amethyst Road,<br />

Newcastle Business Park,<br />

Newcastle upon Tyne NE4 7YL<br />

7.3.1 Cameron House, White<br />

Cross Estate, Lancaster<br />

LA1 4XQ<br />

For all offices, ring<br />

0300 777 2676<br />

South East Engl<strong>and</strong> Office<br />

2nd Floor, Frederick House,<br />

42 Frederick Place, Brighton,<br />

East Sussex BN1 4EA<br />

Tel: 01273 775333<br />

South West Engl<strong>and</strong> Office<br />

Keble House, Southernhay<br />

Gardens, Exeter, Devon<br />

EX1 1NT<br />

Tel: 01392 432691<br />


Northern Irel<strong>and</strong><br />

Headquarters<br />

Belvoir Park Forest, Belfast<br />

BT8 7QT<br />

Tel: 028 9049 1547<br />


Scotl<strong>and</strong> Headquarters<br />

Dunedin House, 25 Ravelston<br />

Terrace, Edinburgh EH4 3TP<br />

Tel: 0131 311 6500<br />

East Scotl<strong>and</strong> Office<br />

10 Albyn Terrace, Aberdeen<br />

AB10 1YP Tel: 01224 624824<br />

North Scotl<strong>and</strong> Office<br />

Etive House, Beechwood Park,<br />

Inverness IV2 3BW<br />

Tel: 01463 715000<br />

South <strong>and</strong> West<br />

Scotl<strong>and</strong> Office<br />

10 Park Quadrant, Glasgow<br />

G3 6BS Tel: 0141 331 0993<br />

WALES<br />

Wales Headquarters<br />

Sutherl<strong>and</strong> House,<br />

Castlebridge, Cowbridge<br />

Road East, Cardiff CF11 9AB<br />

Tel: 029 2035 3000<br />

North Wales Office<br />

Unit 14, Llys Castan, Ffordd y<br />

Parc, Parc Menai, Bangor,<br />

Gwynedd LL57 4FD<br />

Tel: 01248 672850<br />

The <strong>RSPB</strong> speaks out for birds <strong>and</strong> wildlife,<br />

tackling the problems that threaten our<br />

environment. Nature is amazing –<br />

help us keep it that way.<br />

We belong to BirdLife International,<br />

the global partnership of bird<br />

conservation organisations.<br />

www.rspb.org.uk<br />

Front cover by Andy Hay (rspb-images.com)<br />

The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (<strong>RSPB</strong>) is a registered charity:<br />

Engl<strong>and</strong> & Wales no. 207076, Scotl<strong>and</strong> no. SC037654 500-0026-10-11

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