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St. Columba’s Valentine Dance February 9, 2003<br />

Kelso Races 32R3 MMM II<br />

1-8 1M and 2W advance and retire and dance back to back<br />

9-16 1W and 2M repeat Bars 1-8<br />

17-24 1C cast off one place lead down through the 3C and cast up around them into 2 nd place.<br />

2C step up on Bars 19-20.<br />

25-32 1C, 2C, and 3C make a wide circle, then advance and retire. All three couples turn with<br />

RH.<br />

Sandy O'er The Lea 32S2 MMM II<br />

1-8 1C & 2C dance rights hands across & left hands back.<br />

9-16 1C & 2C set to partners & cross giving right hands; repeat back to places.<br />

17-24 1C, followed by 2C, lead down the middle for 4 bars, 2C divide to allow 1C to lead both<br />

couples up, ending in middle of dance.<br />

25-32 1C & 2C allemande.<br />

Davy Nick Nack 32H3 Glasgow Assembly<br />

1-8 1C, 2C, & 3C cross by RH, set, cross by RH, & set<br />

9-16 1C turn RH 1½ times, cast, & turn LH to face 1 st corner<br />

17-24 1C turn corners RH ½ way, set to corner, turn corner RH ½ way back to place, & turn<br />

partner LH to face 2 nd corner<br />

25-32 1C turn corner RH ½ way, set to corner, turn corner RH ½ way, turn partner LH to finish<br />

in 2 nd place on own sides<br />

The Starry-Eyed Lassie 32J3 Book 23<br />

1-4 1C & 2C dance RA once round<br />

5-6 1C cast as 2C lead up to top<br />

7-8 1C turn right about with 2 pas-de-basque to finish back to back, ready for double<br />

triangles<br />

9-16 All dance Double Triangles, on the last 2 bars 1C turn right about to finish 1W between<br />

2C & 1M between 3C facing own sides<br />

17-24 1C dance RS reels of 3 across the dance finishing in 2 nd place on opposite sides<br />

25-30 All dance 6 hands once round<br />

31-32 1C cross giving RH<br />

Sugar Candie 32S3 Book 26<br />

1-4 1C set & cast off one place (2C step up)<br />

5-8 1C pass each other LS & dance RS around 1st corner, finish back to back in the center<br />

(1W facing up, 1M facing down)<br />

9-12 1W & 2C and 1M & 3C dance 3 hands once around. 1C finish pulling back RS to face<br />

each other<br />

13-16 1C set and turn with both hands to face 1 st corner<br />

17-24 1C turn corner, partner, corner, partner<br />

25-32 1C dance 6 bar reels of 3 on the sides, giving LS to 1 st corner to begin, cross RH to own<br />


Catch the Wind 32H3 Island Bay Collection<br />

1-8 1C set, cast (2C stepping up), & dance a ½ figure of 8 up around 2C<br />

9-12 1C set twice, 1W pulling back her right shoulder to face out on the last 2 bars<br />

13-16 1W followed by 1M, cast up around 2M & down the middle to finish 1W between the 3C<br />

& 1M between the 2C (both facing the men's side)<br />

17-24 Right Shoulder Reels of 3 across (1M with 2C, 1W with 3C)<br />

25-28 1W followed by 1M, dance down around 3M, casts up & across through 2 nd place<br />

29-32 1W pulls back her right shoulder to face her partner & 1C turns RH once round finishing<br />

in 2 nd place<br />


Kiss Under the Stairs 32J3 MMM II<br />

1-8 1C set, cast, 1C & 3C dance 4 hands once round<br />

9-16 1C set, cast back to 1 st place, 1C & 2C dance 4 hands once round<br />

17-24 1C lead down for 2 bars, up for 2 bars, cast, & turn RH<br />

25-32 1C dance down between 3C & cast up to 2 nd place, all turn partners RH<br />

Mairi's Wedding 40R3 Cosh<br />

1-8 1C turn with right hands, cast off 1 place as 2C steps up, turn with left hands to face 1 st<br />

corners<br />

9-16 1C dance a ½ diagonal reel of 4 with 1 st corners, pass left shoulders, ½ diagonal reel of<br />

4 with 2 nd corners, pass left shoulders<br />

17-24 1C dance a ½ diagonal reel of 4 with partners' 1 st corner positions, pass left shoulder, &<br />

dance a ½ diagonal reel of 4 with partners' 2 nd corner positions, finishing in 2 nd place on<br />

own sides<br />

25-32 Reels of 3 across the dance, 1C give left shoulder to 1 st corner to begin, finish in 2 nd<br />

place on own sides<br />

33-40 6 hands round & back<br />

Gypsy Weaver 32S3 Peet<br />

1-2 1C & 3C dance RS ¾ of the way around partner to finish in a line of 4 in the center of the<br />

dance (women facing down, men facing up)<br />

3-6 1C & 3C dance a ½ reel of 4 up & down the center of the dance<br />

7-8 1C & 3C dance RS ¾ of the way around partner to finish on own sides<br />

9-12 2C & 1C (bottom couples) set & link<br />

13-16 3C & 1C (top couples) set & link (1W & 3M remain facing out)<br />

17-20 Half reels of 3 on the sides (1C & 3C pass RS to begin, 1W remains facing out at the<br />

bottom)<br />

21-24 1W, followed by her partner, casts up around 3W & across the dance; 1W pulls back her<br />

LS & turns her partner with the LH to finish facing 1 st corners (3C step down on bars 23-<br />

24)<br />

25-32 1C dance "Corners Pass & Turn": 1C dance RS around 1 st corner position as 1 st corners<br />

turn with 2 hands & dance back to place; 1C pass RS in the middle to face 2 nd corner;<br />

1C dance RS around 2 nd corner position as 2 nd corners turn with 2 hands & dance back<br />

to place; 1C pass RS to finish in 2 nd place on own sides

Haste to the Wedding 32J2 Book 25<br />

1-8 1C turn RH halfway and lead down the middle, turn RH halfway and lead up to place<br />

9-16 2C repeat<br />

17-24 1C & 2C set, then dance RH across halfway; set, and dance LH across halfway, finish<br />

ready for poussette<br />

25-32 1C & 2C poussette<br />

The Highlandman Kissed His Mother 32R3 MMM I<br />

1-8 1C turn RH, cast, 2C stepping up, 1C turn LH to face 1 st corners.<br />

9-16 1C set to & turn corners<br />

17-24 1C dance a 6 bar reel of 3 with corners, giving LS to 1 st corner to begin, cross to own<br />

sides on bars 23-24<br />

25-32 6 hands round & back<br />

EXTRA<br />

Pelorus Jack 32J3 Book 41<br />

1-4 1C cross by the right & cast off 1 place, 2C stepping up<br />

5-8 1C & 3C dance right hands across, finishing1M facing 3W with his partner behind him<br />

9-12 1C dance a half diagonal reel of three in tandem with 1 st corners (during the reel, 1W<br />

takes the lead from 1M & finishes facing 2W with 1M behind her)<br />

13-16 1C dance a half diagonal reel of three in tandem with 2 nd corners (1M takes the lead to<br />

finish facing 3W [now in the woman's 1 st corner position] with 1W behind him)<br />

17-20 1C dance a half diagonal reel of three in tandem with 1 st corners, finishing 1W facing<br />

2W, with 1M behind her<br />

21-24 1C dance a half diagonal reel of three in tandem, finishing 1M facing out ladies’ side with<br />

1W behind him.<br />

25-30 1C & 2C dance left hands across, retaining LH, 1C cross to own sides<br />

31-32 All three couples set

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