SEA - Original - Roscommon County Council

SEA - Original - Roscommon County Council

SEA - Original - Roscommon County Council


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FOR THE<br />




Prepared For:<br />

Forward Planning Unit<br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong><br />

Courthouse<br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong><br />

Prepared By:<br />

Fehily Timoney & Co<br />

Core House<br />

Pouladuff Road<br />

Togher<br />

Cork<br />

December 2007


FOR THE<br />




User is Responsible for Checking the Revision Status of This Document<br />

Rev. Description of Changes Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by: Date:<br />

Nr.<br />

0 Issue to Client DE DE 07.12.07<br />

Client:<br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong><br />

Keywords:<br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> Development Plan, Strategic Environmental Assessment,<br />

Environmental Report<br />

Abstract:<br />

An Environmental Report prepared by Fehily Timoney & Company for the<br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> Development Plan 2008-2014

GLOSSARY ................................................................................................................................ I<br />

1. <strong>SEA</strong> INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND ............................................................. 1<br />

1.1. INTRODUCTION AND TERMS OF REFERENCE ...................................................................... 1<br />

1.2. <strong>SEA</strong> DEFINITION AND ROLE ............................................................................................. 1<br />

1.3. LEGISLATION AND GUIDELINES......................................................................................... 1<br />

1.4. <strong>SEA</strong> PROCESS .............................................................................................................. 2<br />

1.5. INTEGRATION OF PLAN REVIEW AND <strong>SEA</strong> ......................................................................... 2<br />

2. <strong>SEA</strong> METHODOLOGY ................................................................................................ 3<br />

2.1. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................... 3<br />

2.2. SCREENING ................................................................................................................... 3<br />

2.3. SCOPING (STATEMENT) .................................................................................................. 3<br />

2.4. THE ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT METHODOLOGY ................................................................ 4<br />

2.5. DIFFICULTIES ENCOUNTERED .......................................................................................... 5<br />

3. ROSCOMMON COUNTY DEVELOPMENT PLAN (2008-2014) ................................. 6<br />

3.1. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................... 6<br />


.................................................................................................................................... 6<br />

3.3. PLAN VISION AND STRATEGIC GOALS ............................................................................... 8<br />

3.4. FORWARD PLANNING STRATEGIC ACTIONS ...................................................................... 9<br />


OF THE PLAN ............................................................................................................... 11<br />

3.6. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION OBJECTIVES................................................................... 14<br />

4. REVIEW OF RELEVANT PLANS AND PROGRAMMES.......................................... 15<br />

4.1. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................. 15<br />

4.2. THE EXTERNAL POLICY CONTEXT ................................................................................... 15<br />

4.3. RELEVANT NATIONAL POLICIES, PLANS AND PROGRAMMES............................................... 15<br />

4.4. THE FINDINGS OF THE CONTEXT REVIEW ........................................................................ 16<br />

5. ENVIRONMENTAL BASELINE................................................................................. 17<br />

5.1. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................. 17<br />

5.2. BIODIVERSITY, FLORA AND FAUNA................................................................................. 17<br />

5.3. WATER AND HYDROGEOLOGY ....................................................................................... 25<br />

5.4. POPULATION AND HUMAN HEALTH................................................................................. 31<br />

5.5. AIR & CLIMATE ............................................................................................................ 32<br />

5.6. CULTURAL HERITAGE AND ARCHAEOLOGY ..................................................................... 34<br />

5.7. LANDSCAPE................................................................................................................. 35<br />

6. CONSULTATION ...................................................................................................... 36<br />

6.1. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................. 36<br />

6.2. CONSULTATION DURING THE <strong>SEA</strong> PROCESS................................................................... 36<br />

6.3. TIME FRAME FOR COMPLETING CONSULTATIONS ............................................................. 38<br />

6.4. SCOPING EXERCISE ..................................................................................................... 38<br />

6.5. RESPONSES TO CONSULTATIONS .................................................................................. 39<br />

7. ENVIRONMENTAL OBJECTIVES, TARGETS AND INDICATORS ......................... 42<br />

7.1. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................. 42<br />

7.2. DEVELOPMENT OF <strong>SEA</strong> OBJECTIVES ............................................................................. 42<br />


8. ALTERNATIVE DEVELOPMENT SCENARIOS........................................................ 58<br />

8.1. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................. 58<br />

8.2. IDENTIFICATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF ALTERNATIVES................................................... 58<br />

8.3. PREFERRED STRATEGY................................................................................................ 64


ENVIRONMENT ........................................................................................................ 65<br />

9.1. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................. 65<br />

9.2. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA................................................................................................. 67<br />

10. MITIGATION MEASURES ........................................................................................ 94<br />

10.1. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................. 94<br />

10.2. MITIGATION MEASURES ................................................................................................ 94<br />

11. MONITORING PROGRAMME................................................................................... 98<br />

11.1. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................. 98<br />

11.2. RESPONSIBILITIES........................................................................................................ 98<br />

11.3. SOURCES OF INFORMATION........................................................................................... 98<br />

11.4. FREQUENCY OF REPORTING ......................................................................................... 99<br />


12. BIBLIOGRAPHY ..................................................................................................... 111<br />


FIGURE 3.1: LOCATION MAP...................................................................................................... 7<br />

FIGURE 3.2: SETTLEMENT STRUCTURE MAP ............................................................................ 13<br />

FIGURE 6.1: SCHEMATIC OF SCOPING CONSULTATION .............................................................. 37<br />



............................................................................................................................ 4<br />

TABLE 3.1: THE STRATEGIC GOALS OF THE COUNTY DEVELOPMENT PLAN ................................. 8<br />


AMONGST OTHERS ............................................................................................... 10<br />


TABLE 5.2: SPECIAL PROTECTION AREAS (SPA’S) IN COUNTY ROSCOMMON ............................ 20<br />

TABLE 5.3: NATURAL HERITAGE AREAS (NHAS) IN CO. ROSCOMMON ...................................... 21<br />

TABLE 5.4: SITE OF GEOLOGICAL IMPORTANCE IN CO. ROSCOMMON........................................ 22<br />

TABLE 5.5: INLAND WATERWAYS ........................................................................................... 24<br />

TABLE 5.6: WATER QUALITY AND BIOTIC INDICES.................................................................... 27<br />

TABLE 5.7: WATER QUALITY TRENDS IN RIVERS IN COUNTY ROSCOMMON................................ 28<br />


TABLE 6.1: OVERVIEW OF CONSULTATION PLAN FOR <strong>SEA</strong> OF DRAFT RCC PLAN (2008-2014)... 38<br />

TABLE 6.2: RESPONSE TO SCOPING REPORT ......................................................................... 40<br />

TABLE 7.1: MOST RELEVANT ENVIRONMENTAL OBJECTIVES..................................................... 43<br />

TABLE 7.2: INTERNAL COMPATIBILITY BETWEEN <strong>SEA</strong> OBJECTIVES ............................................ 44<br />



TABLE 8.1: ALTERNATIVES HIERARCHY................................................................................... 59<br />

TABLE 8.2: ENVIRONMENTAL CRITERIA FOR ASSESSING SCENARIOS.......................................... 63

TABLE 8.3: ASSESSMENT OF PLANNING SCENARIOS................................................................. 64<br />

TABLE 9.1 ENVIRONMENTAL OBJECTIVES .............................................................................. 66<br />

TABLE 11.1: BIODIVERSITY INDICATOR MONITORING PROGRAMME ........................................... 102<br />

TABLE 11.2: CULTURAL HERITAGE INDICATOR MONITORING PROGRAMME ................................ 104<br />

TABLE 11.3: LANDSCAPE INDICATOR MONITORING PROGRAMME.............................................. 106<br />


TABLE 11.5: SOILS AND GEOLOGY INDICATOR MONITORING PROGRAMME ................................ 108<br />

TABLE 11.6: MATERIAL ASSETS INDICATOR MONITORING PROGRAMME .................................... 109<br />

TABLE 11.7: AIR & CLIMATE INDICATOR MONITORING PROGRAMME ......................................... 110


Air Pollutants<br />

Substances or energy, for example, waste heat, in the atmosphere in such quantities<br />

and such duration likely to cause harm to plants or animals, damage to materials and<br />

structures, changes in weather and climate or interfere with the expected life of<br />

property.<br />

Air Quality Standard<br />

The concentration of pollutant over a specific period above which adverse effects on<br />

health or environment may occur, and should not be exceed.<br />

Anthropogenic<br />

Generated and maintained or at least strongly influenced, by human activities.<br />

Aquifer<br />

A rock stratum that contains groundwater and allows this to flow through. Depending<br />

on its geological composition, an aquifer will have a given porosity (and hence waterholding<br />

capacity) and permeability (which effects the rate the potential rate of<br />

groundwater flow).<br />

Architectural Conservation Area<br />

An area or townscape or structure which has special architectural, historical,<br />

archaeological, artistic, cultural, scientific, social or technical interest.<br />

Biodiversity<br />

A comprehensive term for the degree of nature’s variety including the number and<br />

frequency of the ecosystems and species in a given area. It can refer to global,<br />

regional or local ecosystems.<br />

Brownfield sites<br />

The site in an urban area that has been previously built on and that maybe<br />

contaminated.<br />

Catchment Area<br />

An area from which a place draws its population or the area serviced by a<br />

water/sewerage scheme.<br />

Ecosystem<br />

An interactive system consisting of a community and the environment in which it exists.<br />

Esker<br />

A long narrow ridge of sand and gravel deposited by glacial meltwaters.<br />

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Eutrophication<br />

Process or trend of nutrient enrichment, especially by nitrogen or phosphorus that; may<br />

occur naturally, but usually refers to anthropogenic nutrient enrichment which often<br />

leads to ecosystem derogation through excessive nutrient loading.<br />

External Objectives<br />

Objectives to which a plan must have regard, inherited from higher level plans, policies<br />

or programmes to which the plan must have regard and which are external from the<br />

<strong>SEA</strong> process for various reasons.<br />

Greenfield sites<br />

A piece of land that has not been built on.<br />

Groundwater Protection<br />

Protection of groundwater aquifers. Certain developments are subject to special<br />

controls within defined areas close to aquifers.<br />

Habitat<br />

A place where an organism lives, a type of environment inhabited by a particular<br />

species and or communities; often characterised by dominant plant forms, physical<br />

characteristics, or a combination of these, for example, forest, grassland, marsh and<br />

wetland habitats<br />

Infrastructure<br />

Drainage, water supplies, sewerage treatment plants, sewerage networks, lighting,<br />

telephone lines, electricity supplies, railways, roads, buildings, schools, communities<br />

facilities and recreational facilities.<br />

Local Area Plans<br />

A plan prepared and adopted in accordance with Section 10 of the Planning and<br />

Development Act, 2000-2006. These plans must be prepared for designated towns<br />

with a population in excess of 3,000 people within the functional area of the authority.<br />

Recorded Monument<br />

In an archaeological monument protected under the Section 12 of the National<br />

Monuments (Amendments), Act, 1994.<br />

Natural Heritage Area<br />

These are designated sites under the Wildlife (Amendment) Act, 2000. They are<br />

considered by the Parks and Wildlfe Section of the DoEHLG to be of particular<br />

importance in an Irish context.<br />

Objectives<br />

An objective is a specific statement which is a measurable benchmark that can be used<br />

to assess incremental progress in achieving policies and goals within a development<br />

plan.<br />

Policies<br />

These are board statements that set a preferred course of action.<br />

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Protected Structure<br />

A building, feature, site or structure identified in the development plan as worthy of<br />

protection or preservation in accordance to Part 4 of the Planning and Development<br />

Act, 2002-2006.<br />

Run Off<br />

Usually defined as channel flow (stream flow) from a site or catchment; but variously<br />

used by different authors to include overland flow and all flows<br />

Salmonid River<br />

Salmonid river are those identified under the EU Fresh Water Fish Directive<br />

(78/659/EE) where a local authority has an obligation to maintain water quality<br />

standards and to control pollution in these waters.<br />

Scoping<br />

The process of determining whether issues are to be addressed and the setting of a<br />

methodology in which to address them. Scoping is carried out in consultation with a<br />

number of consultees.<br />

Special Areas of Conservation (SAC)<br />

These are sites regulated under the Habitats Regulations which are considered to be of<br />

importance both at an Irish and European level.<br />

Special Protection Areas (SPA)<br />

These are sites that a designated for the protection of bird species under the EU Bird<br />

Directive.<br />

Strategic Environmental Assessment<br />

The formal, systematic valuation of the likely significant environmental effects of<br />

implementing a plan or programme before a decision is made to adopt a plan or<br />

programme.<br />

Sustainable Development<br />

Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of<br />

future generations to meet their own needs.<br />

Water Framework Directive (WFD)<br />

The WFD (2000\60\EC) was transposed into Irish Law under the European<br />

Communities, (Water Policy) Regulations 2003 (SI No. 722 of 2003). These WFD sets<br />

an objective of achieving good status for all water bodies and aims to ensure that no<br />

further deterioration in status of any waters will occur by 2015.<br />

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1. <strong>SEA</strong> INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND<br />

1.1. Introduction and terms of reference<br />

This is the Draft Environmental Report for the Draft <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> Development<br />

Plan (2008-2014) Strategic Environmental Assessment (<strong>SEA</strong>). The purpose of the<br />

report is to set out the likely significant environmental effects of proposed development<br />

in <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong> over the period of the Plan. In particular, the report details the<br />

main conclusions and recommendations, which have emerged from the assessment<br />

process.<br />

The <strong>SEA</strong> is being conducted in compliance with national legislation and guidelines to<br />

improve planning and environmental management in <strong>Roscommon</strong>. This report should<br />

be viewed in parallel with the draft <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> Development Plan. The <strong>SEA</strong><br />

and this report was conducted and prepared by Fehily Timoney and Co, Core House,<br />

Pouladuff Road, Togher, Cork, on behalf of <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong>.<br />

1.2. <strong>SEA</strong> definition and role<br />

<strong>SEA</strong> is a systematic process for predicting, evaluating and mitigating, at the earliest<br />

appropriate stage, the environmental effects of plans or programmes and their<br />

alternatives before they are adopted. It gives the public and other interested parties an<br />

‘early and effective’ opportunity to comment, and to be kept informed of decisions and<br />

how they were made in the Development Plan.<br />

The form and location of development in <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong> will be determined by the<br />

implementation of the <strong>County</strong> Development Plan. In subjecting the preparation of the<br />

plan to an <strong>SEA</strong>, development can be directed to where it is sustainable and compatible<br />

with land uses and to robust receiving environments.<br />

1.3. Legislation and guidelines<br />

The <strong>SEA</strong> Directive (2001/42/EC) requires that an environmental assessment is carried<br />

out on certain plans and programmes which are likely to have significant effects on the<br />

environment. The Directive was transposed into Irish land use planning law, under the<br />

Planning and Development (Strategic Environmental Assessment) Regulations, 2004<br />

(SI No. 436 of 2004).<br />

The following sources of guidance have been used during the preparation of the<br />

Environmental Report and during the overall <strong>SEA</strong> process:<br />

• The Department of the Environment Heritage and Local Government Guidelines to<br />

Regional Authorities and Planning Authorities on the implementation of the<br />

Directive (2004)<br />

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Chapter 1 <strong>SEA</strong> Introduction and Background<br />

• Development of Strategic Environmental Assessment (<strong>SEA</strong>) Methodologies for<br />

Plans and Programmes in Ireland, Synthesis Report, Environmental Protection<br />

Agency (2003)<br />

• A Draft Practical Guide to the Strategic Environmental Assessment Directive. Office<br />

of the Deputy Prime Minister (2004).<br />

1.4. <strong>SEA</strong> Process<br />

The <strong>SEA</strong> process comprises the following principle stages:<br />

• Screening: to determine which plans and programmes are likely to have a<br />

significant impact on the environment<br />

• Scoping: to identify key issues of concern that should be addressed in the<br />

environmental assessment of the Plan and to liaise with Statutory Consultees<br />

• An Environmental Report: which contains the findings of the assessment on the<br />

likely significant effects on the environment of implementing the Plan<br />

• Consultation on the Draft Plan and associated Environmental Report<br />

• An <strong>SEA</strong> Statement: identifies how environmental considerations and consultations<br />

have been integrated into the Final Plan.<br />

1.5. Integration of plan review and <strong>SEA</strong><br />

This Environmental Report was prepared in parallel with the review of the CDP, which<br />

was carried out between July 2006-December 2007. The integration of the <strong>SEA</strong> and<br />

the plan review was achieved through involvement of relevant <strong>SEA</strong> and planning team<br />

members at all stages of the project. This included <strong>SEA</strong> scoping, scoping meetings<br />

with Statutory Consultees and <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong>, public consultation, the<br />

review of the existing situation and the assessment of development options. Full<br />

details of the integration of the <strong>SEA</strong> and plan making will be detailed in the final <strong>SEA</strong><br />

statement, at the end of the process.<br />

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2. <strong>SEA</strong> METHODOLOGY<br />

2.1. Introduction<br />

This section of the Environmental Report sets out and describes how the <strong>SEA</strong> was<br />

undertaken. The <strong>SEA</strong> process began with the scoping exercise in December 2006 at<br />

which time Fehily, Timoney and Co. (FTC) was appointed and will end with the <strong>SEA</strong><br />

Statement, which will be complied after consultation on the Draft Plan and<br />

Environmental Report. Between December 2006 and March 2007 a pre-scoping<br />

issues paper and scoping report was prepared in collaboration with the plan making<br />

team. The scoping issues paper formed part of the official consultation documentation,<br />

which was sent for comment to the official consultees and other interested parties in<br />

February 2007. Following from this a round table scoping meeting was conducted<br />

between the Plan making team, <strong>SEA</strong> team, the EPA and representatives from various<br />

sections within RCC in March 2007. The outcomes of this exercise are detailed<br />

Chapter 6 of this report.<br />

2.2. Screening<br />

The Planning and Development (Strategic Environmental Assessment) Regulations<br />

2004 (SI No. 436 of 2004) requires that <strong>SEA</strong> is carried out in the preparation or review<br />

of City and <strong>County</strong> Development Plans. The draft <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> Development<br />

Plan was automatically screened for a <strong>SEA</strong>, as it is likely to have significant<br />

environmental effects.<br />

2.3. Scoping (Statement)<br />

In consultation with the statutory authorities, the Plan making team and the consultees<br />

(listed in Chapter 6 and given in Appendix 5), opinions and comments were sought as<br />

to the scope of the environmental issues pertinent to the Development Plan and the<br />

appropriate level of detail required to asses these environmental issues. The result of<br />

the scoping exercise has been to focus on the environmental issues which are most<br />

likely to be significantly impacted upon as a result of implementing the Plan. These<br />

include, but are not limited to:<br />

• Water including surface water bodies (rivers and lakes) and groundwater<br />

• Biodiversity, flora and fauna within designated wildlife sites and non-designated<br />

sites and terrestrial habitats.<br />

• Landscape<br />

• Cultural heritage (archaeology and architecture)<br />

The scoping process also preliminarily considered the Plan alternatives, environmental<br />

objectives, targets, indicators and monitoring arrangements. The overall outcome of the<br />

scoping process was to focus attention and resources on the most important<br />

environmental issues facing the county as a result of implementing the Plan.<br />

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The results of the scoping exercise are set out in Chapter 6 of this report.<br />

Chapter 2 <strong>SEA</strong> Methodology<br />

2.4. The Environmental Report methodology<br />

The methodology and sources used to gather baseline information, consider<br />

alternatives, develop objectives, targets, indicators and complete the environmental<br />

assessment are detailed at the beginning of the relevant chapters throughout this<br />

report and are illustrated in Table 2.1 below. In addition, Chapter 6 of this<br />

Environmental Report summarizes the initial public consultation processes.<br />

Table 2.1:<br />

Sources of baseline data for the preparation of the Environmental Report<br />

Key <strong>SEA</strong> Stages<br />

1. Contextual review to identify links with other<br />

International and National policies, plans and<br />

programmes and their potential influence on the<br />

Plan. Identify environmental objectives of relevance<br />

to the Plan<br />

2. Describe the environmental baseline; identification<br />

of the most significant environmental issues and<br />

problems to be assessed and consider the likely<br />

evolution of the baseline in the absence of the Plan<br />

review<br />

3. Identify <strong>SEA</strong> objectives, targets and indicators<br />

against which to test the performance of the Plan<br />

and provide the basis for monitoring<br />

4.Identify alternatives for dealing with the problems<br />

and implementing the Plan objectives<br />

5. Predict, evaluate and mitigate significant impacts<br />

of the Plan on the environment<br />

6. Compile an Environmental Report containing the<br />

above information<br />

7. Consultation: decide who to consult with, how to<br />

respond to comments and integrate them into the<br />

final Plan<br />

8. Monitor the environmental impact of implementing<br />

the Plan<br />

(Adapted from Therivel, 2004)<br />

Chapter of<br />

Environmental Report<br />

Chapter 4<br />

Chapter 5<br />

Chapter 7<br />

Chapter 8<br />

Chapters 9 & 10<br />

Chapter 6<br />

Chapter 11<br />

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Chapter 2 <strong>SEA</strong> Methodology<br />

2.5. Difficulties encountered<br />

The <strong>SEA</strong> Regulations requires any difficulties encountered during the preparation of<br />

the Environmental Report to be recorded. Information gaps were recorded in relation<br />

to the following:<br />

• Biodiversity – No biodiversity plan for the county was available for review.<br />

However, funding is being sought for the preparation of a biodiversity plan for the<br />

county<br />

• Ambient air quality data – no information on ambient air quality was available for<br />

the county<br />

• Brownfield sites/unregulated landfill sites – no information was available on<br />

brownfield sites or unregulated waste disposal sites within the county<br />

• Material Assets – limited information was available on the extent of material assets<br />

in the county. However one of the objectives of the proposed Development Plan is<br />

to undertake a survey of eskers in the county<br />

These information gaps are addressed in the proposed monitoring programme<br />

(Chapter 11) for the Plan.<br />

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3.1. Introduction<br />

The Planning and Development Act 2000, requires a planning authority to make a<br />

Development Plan, which sets out the framework for all future development in the area<br />

every six years. The purpose of the Plan is to set out the overall strategy for the proper<br />

planning and sustainable development of the area. The Plan must consist of a written<br />

statement and attendant maps that give a graphic representation of the objectives<br />

contained in the Plan. It is in this context that <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> has<br />

prepared the Draft <strong>County</strong> Development Plan to which this Environmental Report<br />

refers.<br />

The Draft <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> Development Plan (2008-2014) has been prepared in<br />

response to:<br />

• Requirements under the Planning and Development Act 2000<br />

• The need to provide a framework for the future development of the <strong>County</strong> that is<br />

consistent with higher level strategic planning actions including the National<br />

Development Plan 2007-2013, National Spatial Strategy 2000-2020, the Regional<br />

Planning Guidelines 2004-2016 for the West Region, the ‘<strong>Roscommon</strong> Common<br />

Vision’ 2002-2012 and guidelines on Sustainable Rural Housing 2005. (See<br />

Chapter 4 for complete policy context)<br />

The current <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> Development Plan was adopted on 29 July 2002 and<br />

remains in force until 28 July 2008. Under Section 11(1) of the Planning and<br />

Development Act 2000 this Plan has been subject to review and sets the context for<br />

the Draft Development Plan for the period 2008-2014.<br />

The study area for the <strong>SEA</strong> is shown in Figure 3.1<br />

3.2. Nature and lifespan of the Draft <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> Development<br />

Plan<br />

The Draft <strong>County</strong> Development Plan has been prepared in accordance with the<br />

requirements of Section 10(2) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 and provides<br />

for the proper planning and sustainable development for <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong> for the<br />

years 2008-2014. It contains a written statement of the Vision for the <strong>County</strong>, which<br />

feeds into the Strategic Goals for the Plan (these were defined as Main Aims within the<br />

Managers Report). These goals/aims then form part of each of the chapters, which go<br />

on to define specific policies and objectives.<br />

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Figure 3.1:<br />

Location Map<br />

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3.3. Plan Vision and strategic goals<br />

Chapter 3 <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> Development Plan (2008-2014)<br />

The Vision for <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong> as defined in the <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> Development<br />

Board Strategy: <strong>Roscommon</strong> Common Vision (2002) is as follows:<br />

“<strong>Roscommon</strong> will be a vibrant county with an increased population, an<br />

enhanced quality of life, employment growth, high quality infrastructure<br />

and a strong entrepreneurial spirit. The county will also have a safe, clean<br />

environment, a variety of recreational activities and excellent health and<br />

educational facilities, providing equal opportunities for all.”<br />

To realise this vision for the county, a set of strategic goals have been developed as<br />

follows in Table 3.1.<br />

Table 3.1:<br />

The Strategic Goals of the <strong>County</strong> Development Plan<br />

• Plan for and support the sustainable development of <strong>Roscommon</strong> as an<br />

integrated network of vibrant socially and economically successful settlements,<br />

supporting and contributing to the economic development of the <strong>County</strong>, of its<br />

neighbouring authorities and of the Region.<br />

• Provide for the future well being of the residents of the <strong>County</strong> by:<br />

-promoting the growth of economic activity and increasing employment<br />

-opportunities protecting and improving the quality of the built and natural<br />

environments ensuring the provision of necessary infrastructural and<br />

community services.<br />

• Recognise the largely rural character of the <strong>County</strong> whilst sustaining traditional<br />

rural communities and rural activities.<br />

• Ensure that everyone has the opportunity of obtaining affordable housing, can<br />

enjoy safe and accessible environments, have access to jobs, education and<br />

training, community services and recreational facilities, arts and culture.<br />

• Build on the opportunities which <strong>Roscommon</strong> provides in terms of trade,<br />

business and tourism; promote employment growth and economic activity;<br />

widen and diversify the economic base; and encourage growth in less<br />

developed areas of the <strong>County</strong>.<br />

• Promote a balance of development across the county, by developing a<br />

hierarchy of high quality, vibrant urban centres and clearly delineated areas of<br />

growth.<br />

• Ensure an adequate supply of zoned lands to meet forecast and anticipated<br />

economic and social needs.<br />

• Ensure that the vitality and character of established town and village centres<br />

are maintained.<br />

• Ensure also the cohesive and coherent development of existing and proposed<br />

settlements.<br />

• Protect, maintain and enhance the quality of the natural environment, protect<br />

the unique character of <strong>Roscommon</strong>’s landscapes and conserve its open<br />

spaces and visual amenity.<br />

• Utilise the surrounding natural environment and natural resources, to the benefit<br />

of the <strong>County</strong>, in a managed way that does not compromise these resources.<br />

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• Acknowledge that the archaeological, natural and built heritages are important<br />

elements in the long-term economic development of the county and that it is<br />

important to promote their conservation and enhancement, public access and<br />

enjoyment.<br />

• To promote, encourage and facilitate the development of the tourism industry<br />

through sustainable means, including the conservation, protection and<br />

enhancement of the built and natural heritage, the protection of sensitive<br />

landscapes, cultural and community environments in order to maximise upon<br />

the economic benefits arising from the industry<br />

• Contribute to a sustainable environment by encouraging the development of<br />

buildings of all types that are environmentally efficient to build and run, and<br />

which contribute to the “greening” of the <strong>County</strong> according to the principles of<br />

Local Agenda 21.<br />

• Facilitate the achievement of relevant objectives contained in the <strong>Roscommon</strong><br />

<strong>County</strong> Development Board document <strong>Roscommon</strong> Vision: A Ten Year<br />

Strategy for Economic, Social & Cultural Development.<br />

• Foster the development of socially and economically balanced sustainable<br />

communities, promoting social inclusion and the implementation of the National<br />

Anti-Poverty Strategy.<br />

• Continue to influence regional and national Planning and Development policies<br />

in the interest of the county. To co-operate with the regional authority and other<br />

agencies in meeting the needs and development requirements of the Western<br />

Region in accordance with the National Spatial Strategy and the Regional<br />

Planning Guidelines for the West.<br />

(Source: Chapter 2 of the Draft <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> Development Plan 2008-2014)<br />

3.3.1. Alternatives<br />

To achieve the Strategic Goals of the Plan it is a requirement under the <strong>SEA</strong> Directive<br />

that different or alternatives ways of achieving these goals are identified, described and<br />

evaluated. To develop these strategic alternatives a number of criteria must be present<br />

including: relevant higher-level land use strategic actions (Section 3.4 below), existing<br />

and potential environmental issues and resources (Chapter 5) and geographic scope of<br />

the CDP. In Chapter 8 of this report these alternatives are set out, so that a preferred<br />

alternative is identified and presented to the Elected Members of <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong><br />

<strong>Council</strong> and the Public for consideration.<br />

3.4. Forward Planning Strategic Actions<br />

3.4.1. Introduction<br />

Settlement policy broadly guides where new development will occur in the county and<br />

is a fundamental component of spatial planning. The Draft <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong><br />

Development Plan is situated within a hierarchy of National and Regional settlement<br />

policies (see Chapter 4 and Appendices 1 and 2).<br />

The Plan must be consistent with the objectives of these higher-level strategic actions,<br />

whilst any programmes and projects must in turn be driven by the CDP.<br />

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3.4.2. National Development Plan 2007 – 2013<br />

Chapter 3 <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> Development Plan (2008-2014)<br />

The National Development Plan 2007 – 2013 sets out a strong framework for the<br />

promotion of regional development with a particular focus on investment in the National<br />

Spatial Strategy (NSS) Gateway centres.<br />

3.4.3. National Spatial Strategy (NSS) 2000-2020<br />

The National Spatial Strategy (NSS) sets out a 20 year planning framework designed<br />

to achieve a better balance of social, economic and physical development and<br />

population growth in Ireland. The NSS provides guidance for future development by<br />

identifying settlements to accommodate future growth in order to achieve balanced<br />

regional development.<br />

3.4.4. Regional Planning Guidelines for the West 2004-2016 (RPG’s)<br />

To give effect to the NSS, Regional Planning Guidelines have been published for the<br />

eight regions in the country. The Regional Planning Guidelines for the West Region,<br />

2004 – 2016 have been prepared for the Counties of Galway, Mayo and <strong>Roscommon</strong>.<br />

Several strategies/projects have been proposed as part of the Regional Planning<br />

Guidelines, which are of relevance to <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong>. These are set out in Table<br />

3.2 below.<br />

Table 3.2: Strategies/projects proposed as part of the RPG’s for <strong>Roscommon</strong>,<br />

amongst others<br />

• The upgrading of roads e.g. the N61 between <strong>Roscommon</strong> and Boyle<br />

• Encourage the provision of enterprise parks, incubation centres such as the IDA<br />

park in <strong>Roscommon</strong> Town<br />

• Diversify farm production<br />

• Encourage stronger tourism marketing<br />

• Encourage Large Scale developments such as the Lough Key Forest Park<br />

Development<br />

• In North <strong>Roscommon</strong>, which includes the towns of Strokestown, Boyle,<br />

Ballaghaderreen and Castlerea: focus on tourism, retail development,<br />

enterprise parks, roads and food production<br />

• In <strong>Roscommon</strong> and East Galway which includes <strong>Roscommon</strong> Town, Ballinasloe<br />

and the areas covered by the Athlone Environs Plan: focus on decentralisation,<br />

economic development, tourism, and there may be potential for an airport in<br />

South <strong>Roscommon</strong><br />

(Source: Draft <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> Development Plan 2008-2014)<br />

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3.4.5. Guidelines on Sustainable Rural Housing<br />

Chapter 3 <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> Development Plan (2008-2014)<br />

The Sustainable Rural Housing Guidelines for Planning Authorities (DoEHLG)<br />

acknowledges the long tradition of people living in rural parts of the country.<br />

The Guidelines state that policy for rural settlement must support three overarching<br />

policy objectives:<br />

• Encourage development needed to sustain and renew established rural<br />

communities in both smaller rural towns and villages and wider countryside areas;<br />

• Guide development to the right locations in rural areas in the interest of protecting<br />

natural and man-made assets in those areas; and<br />

• Tailor planning policies to respond to different types of economic, social and<br />

physical circumstances of different types of rural areas.<br />

3.5. Location and nature of proposed development within the area<br />

during the lifetime of the Plan<br />

3.5.1. Population profile<br />

The 2006 Census of Population (Preliminary Report from the Central Statistic Office<br />

CSO) records a population of 58,700 persons in <strong>Roscommon</strong>. This is a growth of 4,926<br />

or 9.2% over the 2002 figure of 53,774 (discussed in detail in Chapter 5). The projected<br />

population increase for the county is expected to be 1.6% per annum. The changes in<br />

population profile have implications for the location, nature and scale of development<br />

within the county.<br />

3.5.2. Scale and nature of development<br />

Based on the analysis of the capacity of towns and villages to accommodate future<br />

growth in <strong>Roscommon</strong> (see Chapter 2 in the Plan), building on the existing <strong>County</strong><br />

Development Plan, the NSS and the RPG’s for the West, a Settlement Strategy is<br />

proposed for the county is shown in Figure 3.2.<br />

3.5.3. The settlement strategy<br />

The development and settlement strategy which forms part of this Development Plan<br />

has as its primary aim to consolidate the county as an attractive place in which to live,<br />

work and recreate, and to facilitate the achievement of a high quality of life for residents<br />

and visitors through the sustainable development of further economic and social<br />

activities in a quality environment.<br />

This Development Plan seeks to promote the development of settlements in<br />

accordance with their location in a hierarchy and as outlined in the NSS and RPG’s. As<br />

part of this hierarchy, the Plan seeks to promote industrial and commercial<br />

development particularly in the larger towns. The strategic aim of these policies is to<br />

create a more sustainable balanced development pattern in <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong>.<br />

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Chapter 3 <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> Development Plan (2008-2014)<br />

The capacity of the settlements have been examined with respect of existing<br />

settlement size, recent trends in population, the presence and capacity of water<br />

services, range of services including health, community, industrial and retail in these<br />

settlements, and character of the settlements in terms of the natural and built<br />

environment, archaeology and landscape character. The settlement hierarchy for the<br />

county as shown in the attached Figure 3.2.<br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong> Town will be promoted as the primary growth centre for employment<br />

generating investment with a strong and attractive residential centre. It will be the<br />

primary retail and service centre as well as a growth centre for industrial development.<br />

Boyle, Castlerea, Ballaghaderreen, and Monksland/Bellanamullia (Athlone Environs)<br />

will be key support towns/settlements. These centres will have a supporting role to the<br />

county town and will act as service centres for their adjacent rural areas. These areas<br />

have a growing residential sector.<br />

Ballinasloe Environs (Creagh), Ballinlough, Ballintober, Ballyleague, Carrick-on-<br />

Shannon Environs (Cortober), Cloonfad, Elphin, Frenchpark, Loughglynn, Roosky,<br />

Strokestown, Termonbarry, and Hodson Bay/Barrymore are key satellite villages.<br />

These towns will be developed as residential and employment centres.<br />

Knockcroghery, Athleague, Ballinameen, Bellanagare(DED), Castleplunket (DED),<br />

Keadue, Arigna, Ballyfarnon, Ballyforan, Cootehall Lecarrow, and Tulsk are key<br />

villages and will provide basic services to their community.<br />

The remaining smaller villages such as Brideswell, Castlecoote, Cloontuskert,<br />

Croghan, Curraghboy, Dysart, Four Roads, Hillstreet, Kilteevan, Knockvicar, Moore,<br />

Mount Talbot, Rahara, Scramoge, Taghmaconnell, Trien, Whitehall will retain their<br />

existing village character and any new developments will harmonise with the ‘old’<br />

existing settlement plan.<br />

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Figure 3.2:<br />

Settlement Structure Map<br />

This is shown on Map (insert Settlement Structure Map here).<br />

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Chapter 3 <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> Development Plan (2008-2014)<br />

The plan seeks to achieve this aim through the development of all parts of the county<br />

through:<br />

• Economic and social development in the towns and villages, where most new<br />

development will be channelled and where it can bring benefits both to the<br />

settlements themselves and to their rural hinterlands; and,<br />

• Growth and diversification in rural areas, especially where there has been an<br />

underlying trend of population decline.<br />

3.6. Environmental Protection Objectives<br />

In addition to the settlement objectives set out in CDP, the Plan is also subject to an<br />

array of International, European and National environmental protection policies and<br />

attendant objectives. The Plan must also be consistent with these objectives, which<br />

are set out in detail in Chapter 7 of this Environmental Report.<br />

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4.1. Introduction<br />

The purpose of the contextual review is to take into consideration the policy and<br />

legislative framework within which the Plan is developed. The Plan must, at a<br />

minimum, fulfill the environmental requirements and meet the targets of these other<br />

plans and policies and must not be in conflict with them.<br />

The Plan is tiered within a hierarchy of policies, plans and strategies, which extend<br />

from the International, EU, national, regional and local levels. The position of the<br />

Development Plan within the hierarchy is detailed below.<br />

4.2. The external policy context<br />

The CDP is most likely to influence local environmental issues such as the protection of<br />

specific amenities, resources, natural and cultural heritage. It will also set the planning<br />

direction for future lower level specific concerns such as those observed in local area<br />

plans and project level environmental impact assessments (EIA’s). The relationship of<br />

the Plan to other relevant international policies, plans and programmes is set out in<br />

Appendix 1.<br />

4.3. Relevant national policies, plans and programmes<br />

The policies and proposals contained in the <strong>Roscommon</strong> CDP (2008-2014) are further<br />

influenced by the objectives of relevant National and Regional policies, plans and<br />

programmes. The relationship of the Plan to national polices, plans and programmes<br />

are set out in Appendix 2.<br />

From this analysis of the policy context within which the <strong>Roscommon</strong> CDP (2008-2014)<br />

occurs, it is clear that a distinction must be made between the different sets of<br />

objectives, which have an influence on the development of this Plan. The external<br />

international and national policy context have a strong role to play in the setting of<br />

higher level agendas such as climate change and biodiversity, while the internal plan<br />

objectives are more specific and localized in their orientation. In addition a third set of<br />

environmental/<strong>SEA</strong> objectives (Chapter 7) must also be taken into account in this<br />

report.<br />

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4.4. The findings of the context review<br />

The findings of the context review have been to:<br />

Chapter 4 Review of Relevant Plans and Programmes<br />

• Identify internal policies, plans and programmes relevant to the Plan<br />

• Identify the external policy, legislative context relevant to the Plan<br />

• Identify key environmental objectives relevant to the Plan (discussed further in<br />

Chapter 7)<br />

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5.1. Introduction<br />

This section of the Environmental Report summarises the environmental baseline in<br />

<strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong>.<br />

The baseline assessment has been conducted in line with the <strong>SEA</strong> Directive and<br />

National Legislation and focuses on biodiversity (flora and fauna), population and<br />

human health, geology and soils, water, air and climate, material assets, cultural<br />

heritage, landscape and interrelationships between topics.<br />

The more significant existing issues identified as a result of the scoping exercise<br />

(Chapter 6) are further highlighted in this assessment exercise (considered in greater<br />

detail in Chapter 9).<br />

The baseline assessment methodology contains the following steps:<br />

• Description of the current state of the environment<br />

• The primary environmental issues of relevance to the Plan<br />

• The characteristics of the environment likely to be significantly affected by the Plan<br />

• The evolution of the environment in the absence of the Plan<br />

• The interaction between environmental topics<br />

As this <strong>SEA</strong> deals with a <strong>County</strong> Development Plan, the baseline data is focused at a<br />

county level. The baseline has been compiled using all available datasets and in<br />

conjunction with indicators suggested during scoping. The main sources of data used<br />

in the compilation of this baseline were (amongst others):<br />

• Strategic Issues Paper<br />

• Scoping Responses from the Environmental Authorities<br />

• Existing environmental databases such as the EPA, the Shannon River Basin<br />

District, and <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong>.<br />

5.2. Biodiversity, Flora and Fauna<br />

5.2.1. Biodiversity in <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong><br />

<strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong> is home to many habitats of both international and national<br />

importance, including eskers, turloughs, raised bog and wetland. There are a number<br />

of pieces of European and National Legislation, which make provision for the protection<br />

of these unique habitats. These pieces of legalisation categorise these habitats into<br />

Special Areas of Conservation (SAC’s), Special Protection Areas (SPA’s) and Natural<br />

Heritage Areas (NHA’s).<br />

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Chapter 5 Environmental Baseline<br />

In addition, the <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong> Biodiversity Working Group is currently preparing<br />

a <strong>County</strong> Biodiversity Plan and this will be implemented within the lifetime of this CDP.<br />

This plan will list all the designated sites and non-designated sites in the county.<br />

With the exception of the eskers, water (surface water or groundwater) plays a vital role<br />

in maintaining these Annex 1: Protected Habitats (Habitats Regulations, 1997).<br />

The River Shannon is the main waterway that flows through the county. Three studies<br />

have been conducted on the River Shannon namely:<br />

• The Waterways Corridor Study, 2004 – This study covered the River Shannon<br />

between Roosky and Lanesborough<br />

• The Waterways Corridor Study, 2004 – This study covered the River Shannon<br />

between Lanesborough and Shannon Bridge<br />

• The Waterways Corridor Study, 2005 – This study area included the Upper<br />

Shannon navigation down to Roosky including the Boyle River, Lough Allen, Lough<br />

Key and the Carnadoe waters<br />

(All of these reports were published by the Heritage <strong>Council</strong>)<br />

The Waterways Corridor Study, 2005, developed a number of strategic aims and<br />

policies for the River Shannon including inter alia:<br />

• Protection of the River Shannon from inappropriate development and promote the<br />

integrated management of the waters<br />

• Assess the carrying capacity of the waterways to accommodate further boating<br />

activity<br />

• Ensure the protection of water quality and the effective management of the<br />

navigable system<br />

• Continue to promote the waterways and educate the public on the benefits and<br />

value of the waterways, including cultural, historic and ecological value<br />

• Ensure the assimilation of adequate ecological information on important sites for<br />

natural heritage and the protection of the ecological integrity of the waterways.<br />

5.2.2. Special Areas of Conservation (SAC’s)<br />

There are 29 no. proposed or candidate SAC’s listed for <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong>. These<br />

are shown in Table 5.1 below and are shown in Table 4.2 of the Scoping Report. Many<br />

of the SACs are highly dependent on water, with the exception of one or two. These<br />

are established under the EU Habitats Directive and are recognised at a European and<br />

National Level.<br />

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Chapter 5 Environmental Baseline<br />

Table 5.1:<br />

Special Areas of Conservation (SAC’s) in <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong><br />

Special Areas of Conservation (SAC’s) in <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong><br />

Site Status Site code Habitat<br />

Annaghmore Lough pcSAC 001626 Alkaline Fen<br />

Ballinturly Turlough cSAC 00588 Turlough<br />

Ballynamona Bog & Corkip Lough pcSAC 002339 Active Raised Bog<br />

Bellanagare Bog pcSAC 000592 Active Raised Bog<br />

Callow Bog pcSAC 000595 Active Raised Bog<br />

Carrowbehy/Cahir Bog cSAC 00597 Active Raised Bog<br />

Castlesampson Esker pcSAC 001625 Orchid Rich Calcareous<br />

Grassland<br />

Cloonchambers Bog pcSAC 000600 Active Raised Bog & Alkine fen<br />

Cloonshanville Bog pcSAC 000614 Active Raised Bog<br />

Coolcam Turlough pcSAC 000218 Turlough<br />

Corbo Bog pcSAC 002349 Active Raised Bog<br />

Corliskea/Trien/Cloonfelliv Bog pcSAC 002110 Active Raised Bog & bog<br />

woodland<br />

Derrinea Bog pcSAC 000604 Active Raised Bog<br />

Drumalough Bog pcSAC 002338 Active Raised Bog<br />

Errit Lough pcSAC 000607 Hard water lake<br />

Four Roads Turlough pcSAC 001637 Turlough<br />

Killeglan Grassland pcSAC 002214 Orchid rich calcareous grassland<br />

Lisduff Turlough pcSAC 000609 Turlough<br />

Lough Arrow pcSAC 001673 Hard water lake<br />

Lough Croan Turlough pcSAC 000610 Turlough<br />

Lough Corrib pcSAC 000297<br />

Lough Forbes Complex pcSAC 001818 Active Raised Bog<br />

Lough Funshinagh pcSAC 000611 Turlough<br />

Lough Ree pcSAC 000440 Active Raised Bog<br />

Mullygollan Turlough pcSAC 000612 Turlough<br />

River Moy pcSAC 000298 Active Raised Bog<br />

Shannon Callows pcSAC 000216 Lowland wet grassland<br />

Tullaghanrock Bog pcSAC 002354 Active Raised Bog<br />

Urlaur Lakes pcSAC 001571 Hard water lakes<br />

pSAC – proposed SAC<br />

pcSAC – proposed candidate for SASC<br />

cSAC – candidate SAC<br />

5.2.3. Special Protection Areas (SPA’s)<br />

There are 6 no. SPA’s (2 no. proposed SPA’s) in <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong> which are given<br />

in Table 5.2 below and are shown in Figure 4.3 of the Scoping report. These are<br />

habitats designated under the European Birds Directive (79/409/EC) and the Irish<br />

Conservation of Wild Bird Regulations (SI 291 of1985). A site synopsis for these sites<br />

is given in Appendix 3.<br />

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Chapter 5 Environmental Baseline<br />

Table 5.2:<br />

Special Protection Areas (SPA’s) in <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong><br />

Special Protection Areas (SPA’s) in <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong><br />

Site Status Site code Species<br />

Bellanagare Bog pSPA 004105 Red Grouse<br />

Lough Gara pSPA 0040048 Greenland White Fronted Goose<br />

and Whooper Swan<br />

Lough Ree SPA 004064 Wigeon, Teal, Pintail, Tufted<br />

Duck, Goldeneye, Golden Plover,<br />

Lapwing<br />

Middle Shannon Callows SPA 004096 Whooper Swan, Mute Swan,<br />

Wigeon, Golden Plover, Lapwing<br />

& Black-Tailed Godwit<br />

Lough Arrow SPA 004050 Great Crested Grebe and<br />

Common Scoter<br />

River Suck Callows SPA 004097 Greenland White Fronted Goose<br />

and Whooper Swan<br />

5.2.4. Natural Heritage Areas (NHA’s)<br />

There is 40 no. proposed or natural heritage areas in Co. <strong>Roscommon</strong> which are<br />

shown in Table 5.3 below and are shown in Figure 4.1 of the Scoping Report. These<br />

are unique Irish habitats that support species or habitats/landscapes of National<br />

importance. The Wildlife (Amendment) Act, 2000 makes provision for designed<br />

habitats. A site synopsis for these sites is given in Appendix 4.<br />

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Chapter 5 Environmental Baseline<br />

Table 5.3:<br />

Natural Heritage Areas (NHAs) in Co. <strong>Roscommon</strong><br />

Natural Heritage Areas (NHAs) in Co. <strong>Roscommon</strong><br />

Site Status Site code Habitat<br />

Ardagh Bog pNHA 001222 Raised Bog<br />

Ardakillin Lough pNHA 001617 Lake<br />

Attishane Turlough pNHA 001618 Turlough<br />

Ballinturly Turlough pNHA 000588 Turlough<br />

Ballynamona bog & Corkip Lough pNHA 002302 Lake<br />

Bella Bridge Bog NHA 000591 Raised Bog<br />

Brierfield Turlough pNHA 000594 Turlough<br />

Carrickynaghtan Bog NHA 001623 Raised Bog<br />

Carrowreagh Turlough pNHA 001624 Turlough<br />

Castleplunket Turlough pNHA 000598 Turlough<br />

Cloonshanville Bog pNHA 000614 Raised Bog<br />

Corbally Turlough pNHA 001627 Turlough<br />

Cornaveagh Bog NHA 000603 Raised Bog<br />

Corrigeenroe Marsh pNHA 000596 Marsh<br />

Corry Mountain Bog pNHA 002321 Upland blanket bog<br />

Cranberry Lough pNHA 001630 Lake<br />

Derrycanan Bog NHA 000605 Raised Bog<br />

Drum Bridge pNHA 001631<br />

Drummans Island pNHA 001633<br />

Feacle Turlough pNHA 001634 Turlough<br />

Fin Lough pNHA 001636 Lake<br />

Hogs Island pNHA 001638<br />

Kilglass & Grange Loughs pNHA 000608<br />

Kilronan Mountain Bog pNHA 000617 Upland blanket bog<br />

Lisnanarriagh Bog NHA 002072 Raised Bog<br />

Lough Arrow pNHA 001673 Lake<br />

Lough Boderg & Lough Bofin pNHA 001642 Lake<br />

Lough Drumharlow pNHA 001643 Lake<br />

Lough Gara pNHA 000587 Lake<br />

Lough Glinn pNHA 001644 Lake<br />

Lough Namuckla Bog NHA 000220 Raised Bog<br />

Lough O’Flynn pNHA 001645 Lake<br />

Lough Ree pNHA 002310 Lake<br />

Moorfield Bog/Farm Cottage NHA 000221 Raised Bog<br />

Newtown Turlough pNHA 001646 Turlough<br />

Rathnalulleagh Turlough pNHA 000613 Turlough<br />

Shad Lough pNHA 001648 Lake<br />

Suck River Callows pNHA 000222 Lowland Wet Grassland<br />

Tawnytaskin Wood pNHA 001651 Wood<br />

Tullaghan Bog NHA 001652 Raised Bog<br />

pNHA – proposed NHA<br />

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Chapter 5 Environmental Baseline<br />

There are other non-designated ecological habitats and species that are of particular<br />

importance in <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong> due to their uniqueness e.g. eskers and their<br />

ecological corridors, as well as hedgerows. A Hedgerow Survey Report, 2004<br />

conducted in the county found that hedgerows and dry stone walls are an important<br />

feature of the <strong>Roscommon</strong> landscape. It is estimated that the total length of<br />

hedgerows in Co. <strong>Roscommon</strong> is 15,574 km whilst remnant hedgerows make up a<br />

further 2,165 km.<br />

5.2.5. Sites of Geological Importance<br />

During the period of the current plan there has been increasing pressure to exploit<br />

eskers for sand and gravel. These eskers are irreplaceable unique habitats both from<br />

an ecological and geological perspective. The Castlesampson Esker has been<br />

identified by the National Parks and Wildlife Services as one of the best examples of<br />

eskers in <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong>. Due to its dry calcareous grassland it is listed as an<br />

Annex 1 Habitat under the EU Habitats Directive. A list of geological important sites as<br />

designed by GSI in Co. <strong>Roscommon</strong> is given in Table 5.4 below.<br />

Table 5.4:<br />

Site of Geological Importance in Co. <strong>Roscommon</strong><br />

Site of Geological Importance in Co. <strong>Roscommon</strong><br />

Theme<br />

Site<br />

No.<br />

Site name IGH Theme –<br />

Primary<br />

IGH10 Road cut<br />

NNW of<br />

Boyle through<br />

Curlews<br />

IGH8 River Boyle Lower<br />

carboniferous<br />

Easting Northing Principal<br />

characteristics<br />

Summary<br />

description<br />

Devonian 179000 307000 Quarry close by with<br />

volcanics exposed.<br />

Includes raindrops<br />

prints<br />

179000 302000 Sandstone, Lst. Sections in the town<br />

itself and around the<br />

river. Boyle<br />

Sandstone and<br />

Kilbryan limestone<br />

IGH7 Tulsk area Quaternary 183000 281000 Superimposed<br />

drumlins<br />

IGH8 Roadstone Lower 183000 301700 Karst Lst.<br />

quarry south carboniferous<br />

Fissures<br />

of Boyle<br />

IGH8 Lough Key<br />

Forest Park<br />

IGH15 Altagowlan Economic<br />

Geology<br />

Lower<br />

carboniferous<br />

184000 304000 Lakeside<br />

Exposure<br />

190300 318700 Disused Coal<br />

Pits<br />

Superimposed<br />

drumlins<br />

Includes Karst<br />

limestone pavement<br />

and fissures<br />

Exposure around the<br />

lake<br />

There are accessible<br />

localities, which<br />

preserve coal<br />

workings and the<br />

rock sequence,<br />

although exposed<br />

coal seams will<br />

always be difficult to<br />

find.<br />

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Chapter 5 Environmental Baseline<br />

Table 5.4:<br />

Site of Geological Importance in Co. <strong>Roscommon</strong> (Cont’d …/)<br />

Site of Geological Importance in Co. <strong>Roscommon</strong><br />

Theme<br />

Site<br />

No.<br />

Site name IGH Theme<br />

– Primary<br />

IGH15 Kilronan –<br />

Geevagh<br />

Economic<br />

Geology<br />

IGH15 Arigna Economic<br />

Geology<br />

IGH7<br />

Castlesampson<br />

Esker<br />

IGH12 Lecarrow clay<br />

pits (Ballybrink<br />

Bay)<br />

IGH7<br />

IGH1-<br />

55<br />

Knocknaool<br />

Esker<br />

Mushroom rock:<br />

Moyvanna<br />

Easting Northing Principal<br />

characteristics<br />

190300 315200 Disused coal<br />

pits<br />

190300 314000 Coal mining<br />

heritage centre<br />

Quaternary 194000 240000 Esker, dry<br />

calcareous<br />

soils, acidic<br />

eskers<br />

Mesozoic/<br />

Cenozoic<br />

IGH15 Gortinee Economic<br />

Geology<br />

Summary description<br />

There are accessible<br />

localities, which<br />

preserve coal workings<br />

and the rock sequence,<br />

although exposed coal<br />

seams will always be<br />

difficult to find<br />

Recently opened coal<br />

mining heritage centre.<br />

Need local knowledge of<br />

best sites<br />

At present the best<br />

preserved esker in the<br />

country. Vegetation<br />

typical of dry,<br />

calcareous soils.<br />

Interesting contrast with<br />

nearby acidic eskers.<br />

198500 256200 Little studied china clay<br />

deposits occur in a<br />

hollow in the local<br />

limestone<br />

Quaternary 198500 256200 Esker A well preserved,<br />

sinuous and slightly<br />

acidic esker. It is easily<br />

accessible and has<br />

good educational<br />

potential<br />

Karst 199577 247153 This stone, and others in<br />

immediate vicinity, have<br />

been interpreted as<br />

marking the former lake<br />

margins of Lough Ree.<br />

Moynvannan 1 stone is<br />

one of the most<br />

‘mushroom-like’ rocks<br />

identified by Dunne<br />

(1998). She also<br />

considered it to be<br />

perhaps the definitive<br />

example of all those<br />

studied<br />

202600 293500 Iron ore in<br />

tholeiitic<br />

volanics. Mined<br />

as early as the<br />

16 th C smelted at<br />

Dromod<br />

Arigna<br />

and<br />

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Chapter 5 Environmental Baseline<br />

Table 5.4:<br />

Site of Geological Importance in Co. <strong>Roscommon</strong> (Cont’d …/)<br />

Site of Geological Importance in Co. <strong>Roscommon</strong><br />

Theme<br />

Site<br />

No.<br />

Site name IGH Theme –<br />

Primary<br />

Easting Northing Principal<br />

characteristi<br />

cs<br />

IGH15 Bencroy/ Economic 204000 319000<br />

IGH15<br />

IGH8<br />

IGH7<br />

Gubnaveagh<br />

Arigna/<br />

Creevelea/<br />

Drumslig<br />

Roadstone<br />

Quarry<br />

North of Boyle<br />

West of Slieve<br />

bawn<br />

Geology<br />

Economic<br />

Geology<br />

Lower<br />

Carboniferous<br />

Quaternary<br />

IGH7 Lough Gara Quaternary 17000 299000 Drumlin<br />

IGH8<br />

IGH1-<br />

Cavetown<br />

House, Clogher<br />

Lough<br />

Lough<br />

Funshinagh<br />

Lower<br />

carboniferous<br />

Summary description<br />

220480 86830 Haematite Wein of haematite in<br />

shaley bed noted on<br />

old GSI 6in. map.<br />

Some viens in district<br />

worked by Sir Walter<br />

Raleigh c 1600<br />

Near metal horseman<br />

statute on road to Sligo<br />

west side<br />

Ribbed Ribbed moraines<br />

moraines<br />

Drumlin landscapes<br />

landscapes<br />

184500 298200<br />

Disappearing<br />

lake<br />

5.2.6. Peatlands and Bogs<br />

Peatlands and bogs are a unique feature of the Co. <strong>Roscommon</strong> landscape. Blanket<br />

bogs are found on high ground, such as the Kilronan Mountains in the north of the<br />

county. Raised bogs are found throughout the rest of the county. Blanket and raised<br />

bogs are considered priority Annex 1 habitats as listed in the EU Habitats Directive.<br />

Many of the NHA’s or pNHA’s (see Table 5.3) are bogs. A number of the SAC’s are<br />

also active raised bogs e.g. Lough Forbes Complex.<br />

5.2.7. Inland Waterways<br />

There are 8 inland waterways (canals and canalised sections of rivers and lakes) in Co.<br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong>. These are shown in Table 5.5 below.<br />

Table 5.5:<br />

Inland Waterways<br />

River Shannon<br />

Boyle River<br />

Boyle Canal<br />

Lough Allen<br />

Jamestown Canal<br />

Carnadoe Waters<br />

River Suck<br />

Lecarrow Canal<br />

These inland waterways support tourism in the county and provide amenities and<br />

associated historical archaeology to locals.<br />

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Chapter 5 Environmental Baseline<br />

5.2.8. Lough Key<br />

Lough Key is located on the Boyle River, a tributary of the Shannon and part of the<br />

Shannon Navigation System. A number of islands and small stretches of Lough Key’s<br />

shoreline (Drum Bridge, Drumman’s Island, Hogs Island, Corrigeenroe Marsh,<br />

Tawnytaskin Wood) including marsh, fen and woodland vegetation are included in<br />

pNHA designation.<br />

5.2.9. Evolution of Biodiversity, Flora and Fauna in the absence of a CDP<br />

In the absence of a <strong>County</strong> Development Plan, development within the county would<br />

have no long term guidance and each planning application would be treated<br />

individually. Consequently, no long term impact or holistic impact on ecological<br />

habitats within the county would be assessed and through time fragmentation of<br />

habitats and loss of habitats would occur. Developments along riverbanks or lakes<br />

would result in a reduction in ecological connectivity within and between these and<br />

other habitats. Developments on flood plains would disrupt the hydrological regime<br />

within these plains with the consequent knock on effects on other aquatic habitats such<br />

as groundwater, lakes, rivers, bogs and turloughs. Pollution of various water bodies<br />

may occur from developments along the edges of water bodies or where single<br />

dwelling units discharge to groundwater.<br />

5.3. Water and Hydrogeology<br />

5.3.1. Introduction<br />

Groundwater forms an integral part of all ecosystems and provides the main source of<br />

drinking water for inhabitants in <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong>. Surface water bodies cover<br />

much of the county and groundwater supplies up to 70% of the inhabitants with<br />

drinking water.<br />

5.3.2. Water Framework Directive<br />

The European Communities (Water Policy) Regulations, 2003 (SI No. 722 of 2003)<br />

transposed the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) into Irish Law. The Water<br />

Framework Directive (WFD) sets an objective of achieving at least good status for all<br />

water bodies and aims to ensure that no further deterioration in status of any waters<br />

will occur by 2015.<br />

Good status for surface water is a combination of the chemical quality, biological<br />

quality and microbiological quality that must be achieved. For groundwater good status<br />

refers to groundwater chemical water quality and quantity.<br />

The governance of water in Ireland is directed through 8 River Basin Districts (RBS’s)<br />

of which 2 are in <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong> (Shannon RBD and the Western Regional RBD).<br />

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Chapter 5 Environmental Baseline<br />

The Shannon River Basin District is the largest in Ireland comprising of land<br />

approximately 18,000 km 2 and almost 1,500 km 2 of coastal waters. Within the<br />

Shannon catchment there are over 7,500 km of rivers and almost 1,700 lakes, 50 of<br />

which are greater than 50 ha in size. Of particular importance to <strong>Roscommon</strong> are<br />

Lough Allen and Lough Ree. The River Suck and the Boyle River are the principal<br />

tributaries of the upper Shannon.<br />

The Shannon River Basin District Article 5 Characterisation Report (2005) summarises<br />

the impacts of human activity on water bodies in the Shannon catchment. The<br />

pressures on the water bodies are grouped into:<br />

• Point source pressure: discharge from a single source such as a wastewater<br />

treatment plant or an industry<br />

• Diffuse source pressures: pressures from agriculture, forestry or septic tanks<br />

• Hydrological pressures: abstractions for industry, or drinking water supplies<br />

• Physical alterations: dredging and river straightening for navigational purposes<br />

5.3.3. Water in the Existing Environment<br />

For the purposes of this section, water in <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong> is categorised as lakes,<br />

rivers and groundwater. These waterbodies are discussed in the following sections.<br />

5.3.4. Lakes<br /> Baseline Assessment<br />

The Shannon River Basin District – Characterisation and Analysis Summary Report<br />

(2005) concludes that for lakes, 74.4% of water bodies and 96.4% of lakes within the<br />

Shannon District are identified as being at risk or significantly at risk.<br />

Lough Key is located on the Boyle River and is a part of the Shannon Navigation<br />

System. The report identifies that:<br />

• Lough Ree is at significant risk from point source pressures<br />

• Lough Gara is probably not at significant risk from point source pressure<br />

• Lough Allen and Lough Key are not significantly at risk from point source pressure<br />

• Lough Allen, Lough Key, Lough Gara and Lough Ree are not at significant risk from<br />

abstraction.<br />

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Chapter 5 Environmental Baseline<br />

5.3.5. Rivers<br /> Baseline Assessment<br />

Surface water bodies in <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong> form part of the Shannon Region with the<br />

River Shannon, River Suck and the Boyle River forming the main rivers in this region.<br />

Other tributaries to the River Shannon include the River Hind, River Clooneigh, River<br />

Owenur and the River Feorish. Rivers in the west of the county include the River<br />

Francis, River Cloonfower and the River Lung. To assess the river water quality FTC<br />

reviewed the biotic indices for the rivers in <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong>.<br />

Biological indicators are probably the best indicators in a water body as they represent<br />

long-term water quality. The Environmental Protection Agency has developed biotic<br />

indices to describe the water quality and these are shown in the table below.<br />

Table 5.6:<br />

Water Quality and Biotic Indices<br />

Water Quality EPA Biotic Index<br />

Unpolluted 4-5 or 5<br />

Slightly polluted 3-4 or 4<br />

Moderately polluted 2-3 or 3<br />

Seriously polluted 1, 1-2 or 2<br />

(Source: EPA)<br />

Source water quality is monitored by <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> on average once a<br />

month for rivers. The data generated is supplied to the EPA for compilation on their<br />

website (www.epa/water/ie). Table 5.7 illustrates the current water quality and<br />

comments on historical water trends in quality in rivers in <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong>.<br />

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Chapter 5 Environmental Baseline<br />

Table 5.7:<br />

Water Quality Trends in Rivers in <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong><br />

River<br />

River Arigna<br />

(Derrenavoggy Bridge)<br />

River Boyle<br />

(Cappanagh Bridge)<br />

Clooneigh River<br />

(South of Derryturk)<br />

Curraghroe Stream<br />

(Bridge North of Drinagh)<br />

River Feorish<br />

(Ballyfarnon)<br />

River Hind<br />

(Ballymurray)<br />

River Hind<br />

(Ballymartin)<br />

River Lung<br />

(u/s of Lough Gara Bridge)<br />

River Owenur<br />

(Ballyoughter House)<br />

River Owenur<br />

(Grange Bridge)<br />

River Lissaphobble<br />

(Bridge d/s<br />

Loughannatryna)<br />

River Suck<br />

(Athleague Bridge)<br />

Current Q<br />

Value<br />

4<br />

4<br />

4<br />

2<br />

5<br />

2-3<br />

2-3<br />

2-3<br />

4<br />

4<br />

2-3<br />

4<br />

Comments<br />

Water quality in this river has been<br />

improving since 1984<br />

Water quality is consistently good in this<br />

river<br />

Water quality in this river has been<br />

improving since 1996<br />

Seriously polluted water quality in this<br />

stream<br />

Water quality is consistently good in this<br />

river<br />

Water quality has consistently declined in<br />

this river since 1971<br />

Water quality has consistently declined in<br />

this river since 1983<br />

Water quality has consistently declined in<br />

this river since 1971<br />

Water quality is consistently good in this<br />

river<br />

Slight deterioration in water quality<br />

between 1984 - 1999<br />

Water quality has consistently declined in<br />

this river since 1987<br />

Water quality is generally good in this river<br />

5.3.6. Groundwater<br /> Baseline Assessment<br />

The landscape of <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong> reflects the varied outlined geology. Soluble<br />

Carboniferous limestone and shale underlay a large proportion of <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong><br />

stretching from Boyle to the southern tip of the county. The depth to bedrock varies<br />

considerably over the county arranging from very thin to more than 20 m in some<br />

places.<br />

Groundwater is the main source of drinking water in the county. Up to 73% of water<br />

abstracted is used in public water systems and 47 of the 56 group water schemes are<br />

supplied by groundwater. Areas not serviced by Public or Group Schemes rely on<br />

individual private wells as their source.<br />

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Chapter 5 Environmental Baseline<br />

The Geological Survey of Ireland/<strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> publication ‘<strong>County</strong><br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong> Groundwater Protection Scheme’ (June 2003) states that a large<br />

proportion of the county is classified as having either extreme or high vulnerability<br />

areas. Areas in the north of the county, particularly where rock is generally at or close<br />

to the surface, are extremely vulnerable.<br />

Areas of extreme vulnerability also exist around Karst features mainly in the clean<br />

limestone aquifers e.g. Oakport, Ballymore and Bisean Limestone. Extremely<br />

vulnerable zones are located along sinking streams, and along the streams that flow<br />

onto aquifers.<br />

Due to the vulnerability of these aquifers <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> has put in place<br />

groundwater source protection zones around 6 no. public supply sources in the county.<br />

These are:<br />

• Boyle – Ardcarne Water Supply Scheme (Rockingham Spring)<br />

• Castlerea Urban/Rural Water Supply Schemes (Longford and Silver Island Springs)<br />

• Ballinlough Water Supply Scheme (Ballybane Spring)<br />

• <strong>Roscommon</strong> Central Water Supply Scheme (Ballinagard Spring)<br />

• Mount Talbot Water Supply Scheme (Mount Talbot Springs)<br />

• Killeglan Water Supply Scheme (Tobermore Springs)<br />

Groundwater dependent terrestrial ecosystems such as turloughs are particularly<br />

important due to the conservation nature of these habitats. Turloughs are listed in<br />

Habitat Directive Annex 1 as priority habitats and many of them are designated as<br />

Special Areas of Conservation (SAC). The need to protect groundwater quality and<br />

quantity is of vital importance in maintaining these unique eco-systems.<br />

5.3.7. Flooding<br />

The Office of Public Works (OPW) completed a flood study for <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong>.<br />

Flooding is proven to occur along the River Shannon, on the eastern bounds of the<br />

<strong>County</strong>.<br />

Flooding is also responsible for the creation of wetlands particularly the Callows which<br />

is one of Ireland’s remaining strongholds for the corncrake.<br />

Applications for developments in areas prone to flooding will need to be carefully<br />

examined to determine both the impact of the development on the flood plain and the<br />

flood plain on development.<br />

5.3.8. Existing Environmental Problems<br />

Housing development and agriculture are the main sources of impact on waterbodies<br />

within the <strong>County</strong>. The Shannon River Basin District Study (2005) has identified that<br />

groundwater in North <strong>Roscommon</strong> is probably at significant risk from diffuse sources of<br />

pollution. The findings of the 2005 EPA Report on drinking water compliance for<br />

<strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong> is shown in Table 5.8.<br />

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Chapter 5 Environmental Baseline<br />

Table 5.8: Drinking water level of compliance, <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong>, 2005<br />

Public Water<br />

Supply<br />

%<br />

Public Group<br />

Water Schemes<br />

%<br />

Private Group<br />

Water schemes`<br />

%<br />

Microbiological 96.0 100.0 77.1<br />

Chemical 99.3 98.8 100<br />

Indicator 95.0 97.4 87.0<br />

River water quality has been deteriorating in some rivers in the county most notably the<br />

Curraghroe Stream (br. North of Drinagh), River Hind (at Ballymurray and Ballymartin),<br />

the River Lung and the River Lissaphobble. To comply with the Water Framework<br />

Directive efforts will be required to raise the water quality status to good (Q4) in these<br />

rivers by 2015. Adequate wastewater treatment infrastructure will be required if<br />

development occurs close to these areas. Stricter agricultural pollution controls,<br />

wastewater treatment, sludge waste management and slurry disposal regimes will be<br />

required within the catchment of these streams/rivers to prevent nutrient rich wastes<br />

entering rivers and lakes.<br />

The lakes in the county are also under pressure from a variety of anthropogenic<br />

nutrient sources. Again stricter control of runoff in lake catchments, controls on<br />

domestic wastewater and slurry disposal regimes will be required to lessen the threat<br />

and improve water quality in these lakes.<br />

Flooding has been identified as an important issue particularly for developments in<br />

areas along the eastern county bounds. Strict control of planning will be required in<br />

these areas and the OPW’s Guidelines on Flood Risk (2005) will need to be adhered<br />

to.<br />

5.3.9. Evolution of Water in absence of CDP<br />

This baseline assessment has shown that a number of waterbodies are under pressure<br />

from various sources of pollution. Housing and agriculture are identified as the main<br />

sources. In the event that the status quo remains then eutrophication (nutrient<br />

enrichment) of lakes is a possibility. In addition the aesthetics of these lakes would<br />

also suffer and then tourism potential would be reduced.<br />

River water quality would also suffer and rivers that currently have low Q ratings would<br />

become more polluted. Some of the rivers in <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong> hold good stocks of<br />

wild brown trout (Boyle River, Feorish River, Upper River Suck and Cloonard River)<br />

and these would eventually become depleted without proper planning controls.<br />

Groundwater, a major source of drinking water and an integral part of unique habitats<br />

in the county, would suffer a similar fate. In the absence of proper planning controls,<br />

diffuse sources of pollution from single dwellings and agriculture would pollute<br />

groundwater, which would negatively impact on all biodiversity.<br />

Flooding could become a major issue along the eastern county bounds and along the<br />

River Shannon if strict planning was not enforced.<br />

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Chapter 5 Environmental Baseline<br />

5.4. Population and Human Health<br />

5.4.1. Population<br />

The 2006 census of population (preliminary report from the CSO) records a population<br />

of 58,700 persons in <strong>Roscommon</strong>. This equates to a population change of 9.2%<br />

between the period 2002–2006. Statistics also show that <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> has the<br />

highest (19%) net migration in the West region (14.9%). Athlone in the same period<br />

had a change of 12.6% and <strong>Roscommon</strong> Rural had a similar change in population.<br />

5.4.2. Human Health<br />

Human health has the potential to be impacted upon by a number of environmental<br />

factors such as water, air/climate, noise/vibration and major accidents.<br />

• Water Quality<br />

The quality of drinking water and its implications for human health is the most pressing<br />

issues for the county. In particular, concern is expressed in relation to water<br />

contamination, flooding, shortages and subsequent impacts on human health. Some of<br />

the private group water schemes in the county have had problems with contamination<br />

particularly, microbial contamination. In 2005 an outbreak of Cryptosporidiosis<br />

occurred in the county.<br />

• Air and Climate<br />

In general air quality in <strong>Roscommon</strong> is good. The main potential sources of air<br />

pollution are dust generated in the extractive industry, dust and odour from waste<br />

management facilities and process related emissions from the IPPC licensed<br />

industries.<br />

However, all of these activities are licensed either directly by the Local Authority or by<br />

the Environmental Protection Agency and consequently strict air emission limit values<br />

are applied to these types of industry. Emissions from coal burning fire stations and<br />

their subsequent potential impacts on global warming is of concern not just to residents<br />

in <strong>Roscommon</strong> but worldwide. Consequently, the plan has particular emphasis on an<br />

Integrated Energy Plan for the county (see Chapter 3 – CDP).<br />

• Noise/Vibration<br />

These potential impacts are associated with the extractive industry.<br />

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Chapter 5 Environmental Baseline<br />

• Waste Management<br />

There is currently one landfill site in Ballaghaderreen operated by <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong><br />

<strong>Council</strong>. This site is operated under a waste licence from the EPA. A private C&D<br />

waste licensed facility operates in <strong>Roscommon</strong> Town. <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> has<br />

provided 39 no. bring bank facilities throughout the county. 3 no. recycling centres are<br />

located in <strong>Roscommon</strong> Town, Boyle Town and Ballaghaderreen. It is noted that old<br />

landfills or illegal dumps may be of concern to human health. Facilities that are not<br />

properly managed can also cause nuisance (odour, dust, litter, noise etc) to local<br />

residences and communities. As part of the EPA’s Code of Practice for Unregulated<br />

Waste Sites (2007), local authorities will now be required to investigate unregulated<br />

sites in their jurisdiction.<br />

• Major Accidents<br />

The impact on human health from major accidents (Seveso 2) sites has been identified<br />

as an issue. Subsequently a <strong>County</strong> Emergency Plan has been put in place to control<br />

the potential risks of major accidents occurring in these sites.<br />

5.4.3. Existing Environmental Problems<br />

Drinking water quality problems have the potential to impact upon human health. The<br />

absence of ambient air quality monitoring data for the county means that it is difficult to<br />

assess the impact of air quality on human health. Similarly the absence of data on the<br />

location and presence of unregulated sites throughout the county means that it is<br />

difficult to assess the impact, if any, of waste management activities on human health.<br />

5.4.4. Evolution of Population and Human Health in the absence of CDP<br />

In the absence of a CDP there would be no organised framework for the provision of<br />

infrastructure and services in the county. This lack of proper infrastructure would result<br />

in environmental pollution. Poor water quality, lack of wastewater infrastructure and<br />

uncontrolled air emissions from waste facilities and industries would adversely impact<br />

on the environment and on human health.<br />

Current statistics for <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong> show that the population has significantly<br />

increased between 2002–2006 and some areas e.g. Athlone Rural, Boyle Rural,<br />

Castlerea Rural and <strong>Roscommon</strong> Rural have grown significantly. The increase in<br />

population in these areas could impact on the biodiversity, water, landscape and<br />

cultural heritage.<br />

5.5. Air & Climate<br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> does not conduct any ambient air quality monitoring in the<br />

county. However, as part of the air quality monitoring programme the EPA has divided<br />

the country into a number of zones depending on population.<br />

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Chapter 5 Environmental Baseline<br />

Ambient air quality monitoring was undertaken by the EPA in Athlone (on the<br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong> Border) between March 2003 and October 2003. The results obtained for<br />

sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, carbon monoxide and benzene were all within the Air<br />

Quality Standard Regulations, 2002 limits.<br />

Generally the results obtained from the EPA’s ambient air quality monitoring in Athlone<br />

are typical in any town in Ireland with similar population and infrastructure levels. This<br />

EPA survey illustrated that air quality in Athlone is good. The lack of significant<br />

industrial developments within the county means that the impact on ambient air quality<br />

in the county is negligible.<br />

A number of IPPC licensed industries are currently located in <strong>Roscommon</strong> and 2 no.<br />

waste management licence facilities are also within the county.<br />

The EPA 2004 report on Air Quality in Ireland found that Greenhouse Gas Emission<br />

levels were 23% above the 1990 levels. The principal contributing economic sectors of<br />

greenhouse gas emissions are the energy, transport and agricultural sectors.<br />

Greenhouse gases and their associated impact on climate change are recognised as a<br />

major environmental threat both globally and nationally. The lack of information on<br />

greenhouse gas emissions for the county means that, the impact of <strong>County</strong><br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong> nationally is difficult to predict.<br />

However, it can be assumed that with the implementation of this CDP which<br />

emphasises amongst others, the use of renewable energy and energy conservation,<br />

greenhouse gas emissions should decrease.<br />

5.5.1. Existing Environmental Problems<br />

There are no significant environmental problems with regard to air in <strong>County</strong><br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong>.<br />

5.5.2. Impacts of Air and Climate in the absence of CDP<br />

In the absence of a CDP for <strong>Roscommon</strong> there would be no framework for the location<br />

of new development and as a consequence uncontrolled dispersed development would<br />

be likely to occur.<br />

With the CDP planning controls for developments and housing both in urban and rural<br />

areas will be required to heat these houses to comply with the energy regulations.<br />

Consequently the uses of energy will be minimised and production of greenhouse<br />

gases will also be reduced.<br />

In the absence of proper planning and development, building construction materials<br />

may not comply with the energy regulations requirements. Greenhouse gas emissions<br />

would increase which would be contrary to the policies of the National Climate Change<br />

Strategy (2007).<br />

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Chapter 5 Environmental Baseline<br />

5.6. Cultural Heritage and Archaeology<br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> classifies a protected structure as one which it considers<br />

to be of special interest from an architectural, historical, archaeological, artistic, cultural<br />

scientific, social or technical point of view. <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> has 262<br />

buildings on the Record Protected Structures (RPS) (Draft <strong>County</strong> Development Plan,<br />

2007). Ministerial recommendations as recommended in 2004 for addition in the draft<br />

plan to the RPS are 385, plus an additional 13 structures as requested by the Elected<br />

Members.<br />

There are 416 structures in <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong> that are included in the <strong>County</strong><br />

National Inventory of Architecture (NIAH). 96 of these were already on the RPS.<br />

There are over 4,400 Recorded Monuments in the county.<br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> has a Heritage Office and part of the work of this section<br />

includes the collection of data on monuments, archaeological objects, archaeological<br />

heritage, wildlife habitats, heritage gardens and parks within the county. The <strong>County</strong><br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong> Heritage Plan 2004-2008 aims to create and promote an increased<br />

knowledge, awareness and appreciation of the natural, built and cultural heritage of<br />

<strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong>, and to conserve it for future generations.<br />

The county has a number of ecclesiastical sites ranging from early Christian<br />

settlements to medieval churches, abbeys and priories. Some of these sites include<br />

the Emlagh High Cross; Oran Round Tower, Medieval Church and Holy Well; Kilronan<br />

Church and Graveyard; and St. Lasiers Holy Well. The Anglo-Norman invasion of<br />

Ireland introduced the estates and manors in which the Lords resided and the majority<br />

of these Anglo-Norman castles are 12 th and 13 th century castles. Examples of these in<br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong> are Cloonburren Motte and Bailey, the medieval town of Rindoon,<br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong> Castle, Ballintober Castle and Galey Castle.<br />

5.6.1. Architectural Heritage<br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong> has a rich architectural heritage in its towns and villages. These include<br />

elegant old houses and their estates. Examples of these are King House in Boyle,<br />

Strokestown Park House, Frybrook House in Boyle and Castlecoote House in<br />

Castlecoote. Other urban buildings of architectural merit include the following in<br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong> Town: Harrison Hall, Bank of Ireland in <strong>Roscommon</strong> town, the Old Gaol in<br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong> (Stonecourt Shopping Centre) in <strong>Roscommon</strong> town, <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong><br />

Library and <strong>County</strong> Museum. Bawn Street in Stokestown is protected as an<br />

Architectural Conservation Area (ACA).<br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> has many fine examples of industrial architecture such as<br />

windmills, water mills, bridges, railways, canals and loughs. Examples include Elphin<br />

Windmill, Lobinroe Windmill and the Claypipe Museum in Knockcroghery, the Arigna<br />

Mining experience and the Derryglad Folk Museum.<br />

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Chapter 5 Environmental Baseline<br />

5.6.2. Existing Environmental Problems<br />

In the event that an archaeological find is discovered then a licence from the DoEHLG,<br />

Heritage Section is required to conduct works in the area.<br />

5.6.3. Impacts of Cultural Heritage and Archaeology in the absence of CDP<br />

In the absence of a CDP development within the county would have no guidance as to<br />

where to be directed. While the individual buildings and sites would be given protection<br />

under various statutory laws, the cultural heritage of these areas would be impacted<br />

upon.<br />

5.7. Landscape<br />

5.7.1. Landscape in the Existing Environment<br />

The Landscape Character Assessment (LCA) conducted by MosArt, 2007 found that<br />

the urban and rural landscapes of <strong>Roscommon</strong> offer many unique features. The<br />

heritage towns within the county are highly valued e.g. <strong>Roscommon</strong>, Boyle and Elphin.<br />

There is a good mix of rare landscape features such as fens, callows, turloughs, eskers<br />

and raised bogs within the county. Water and water bodies such as the rivers and the<br />

lakes offer a unique opportunity to further develop tourism within the county.<br />

5.7.2. Existing problems relating to Landscape<br />

A full Landscape Character Assessment (LCA) prepared by MosArt (2007) for <strong>County</strong><br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong> identified the following issues of concern as a result of the public<br />

workshops:<br />

• The monotony and sterility of some new housing estates in villages and towns<br />

• New buildings do not integrate well with the surrounding area<br />

• The quality of architecture and position of new buildings in scenic areas was an<br />

issue of concern<br />

• The need to retain hedgerows and stone walls<br />

• The visual impact of quarrying in esker regions was seen as a significant issue<br />

• A positive attitude towards the visual appearance of wind farms in the landscape<br />

5.7.3. Impacts of Landscape in the absence of a CDP<br />

It is a possibility that in the absence of a CDP, planning permissions for single dwelling<br />

or agricultural structures could be granted in areas which could not assimilate them and<br />

where scenic views could be negatively impacted on.<br />

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6.1. Introduction<br />

Under the <strong>SEA</strong> Directive there is a very strong emphasis on consultation. The Directive<br />

clearly sets out who should be consulted with, how the results should be considered in<br />

environmental decision-making and how the process should be reported. In particular,<br />

environmental authorities and the public are to be given ‘early and effective’ opportunity<br />

within appropriate time frames to comment on the draft Environmental Report. In<br />

addition a statement must be produced on how their opinions have been addressed in<br />

the report.<br />

In this <strong>SEA</strong>, consultation has played a strong role at all stages in the process including:<br />

pre-scoping, the scoping phase as well as and during the preparation of this<br />

Environmental Report. The Environmental Report will be made available to the elected<br />

members of <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> and the public in tandem with the Draft CDP.<br />

After the statutory consultation period the Environmental Report will take into account<br />

comments received and will be amended as required. As a final stage, a <strong>SEA</strong><br />

Statement will be prepared outlining how the findings of the process have been taken<br />

into account and integrated into the Plan.<br />

6.2. Consultation during the <strong>SEA</strong> process<br />

The Directive makes provision for consultation with the following prescribed bodies<br />

during the <strong>SEA</strong> process:<br />

• Prescribed environmental authorities (Article 6)<br />

• Transboundary consultation (Article 7)<br />

• The general public (Article 6)<br />

In this <strong>SEA</strong> the prescribed environmental authorities consulted with have been:<br />

Environmental Protection Agency<br />

Mr. Tadhg O’Mahony, Environmental Protection Agency, Regional Inspectorate,<br />

Inniscarra, Co. Cork. Tel. No: (021) 486 0818 / Fax: (021) 487 5545 / Email:<br />

t.omahony@epa.ie<br />

Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government<br />

The Manager, Development Applications Unit, Department of the Environment,<br />

Heritage & Local Government, Dun Sceine, Harcourt Lane, Dublin 2. Tel. No: (01)<br />

8883181 / Email: manager.dau@environ.ie<br />

Department of Communications, Marine and Natural Resources<br />

Co-ordination Unit, Department of Communications, Marine & Natural Resources, 1st<br />

Floor, Elm House, Earlsvale Road, Cavan. Tel. No: (01) 678 2900 / Email:<br />

coordination@dcmnr.gov.ie<br />

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Chapter 6 Consultation<br />

Transboundary consultations were undertaken with neighbouring counties who might<br />

be affected by elements of this Plan, e.g. infrastructural provision. These include:<br />

• Leitrim <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong><br />

• Longford <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong><br />

• Offaly <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong><br />

• Westmeath <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong><br />

• Galway <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong><br />

• Sligo <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong><br />

• Mayo <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong><br />

Consultations were also undertaken with the following:<br />

• The Geological Survey of Ireland<br />

• Shannon Regional Fisheries Board<br />

In addition extensive internal consultation was conducted between the <strong>SEA</strong> team, the<br />

Plan making team and those Sections within <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> with an<br />

interest in the <strong>SEA</strong>.<br />

A full list of <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> personnel involved during the consultation<br />

process is given in Appendix 5.<br />

The inclusion of the views and opinions of these various sections has been ongoing<br />

and central in the preparation of this Environmental Report. A schematic of this process<br />

is outline below in Figure 6.1.<br />

Figure 6.1:<br />

Schematic of Scoping Consultation<br />

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Chapter 6 Consultation<br />

6.3. Time frame for completing consultations<br />

The time frame allowed for consultation in Ireland must be in accordance with the<br />

statutory time frames for the preparation of the CDP set out in the 2000 Planning and<br />

Development Act (DoEHLG, 2004). A consultation plan was devised for this <strong>SEA</strong>,<br />

which has run in parallel with the Plan making process. The <strong>SEA</strong> consultation plan is<br />

outlined in Table 6.1.<br />

Table 6.1: Overview of consultation plan for <strong>SEA</strong> of Draft RCC Plan (2008-2014)<br />

Stages of <strong>SEA</strong><br />

<strong>SEA</strong> Screening<br />

<strong>SEA</strong> Scoping<br />

Environmental<br />

Report and draft of<br />

the CDP<br />

Adopted Plan<br />

<strong>SEA</strong> statement,<br />

Monitoring<br />

Who to consult in<br />

domestic situation<br />

Consult with<br />

Statutory Authorities.<br />

Information made<br />

available to public<br />

Consult and meet<br />

with Statutory<br />

Authorities, Plan<br />

team, internal<br />

consultees and<br />

affected public.<br />

Take account of<br />

views expressed<br />

Consultation with<br />

elected members of<br />

RCC and the general<br />

public.<br />

Take account of<br />

opinions expressed<br />

Information made<br />

available to Statutory<br />

Authorities.<br />

Information made<br />

available to the<br />

public.<br />

Transboundary<br />

consultation<br />

Consultation of<br />

authorities in other<br />

counties likely to be<br />

affected<br />

Take account of<br />

results of<br />

transboundary<br />

consultation<br />

Information made<br />

available to the<br />

consulted<br />

neighbouring<br />

counties<br />

Output<br />

<strong>SEA</strong> Screening<br />

Statement<br />

<strong>SEA</strong> Pre Scoping<br />

Issues Paper<br />

<strong>SEA</strong> Scoping Report<br />

<strong>SEA</strong> Scoping<br />

Statement<br />

Draft Environmental<br />

Report<br />

Environmental<br />

Report,<br />

<strong>SEA</strong> Statement<br />

While consultation has been ongoing, the Scoping process has been one of the most<br />

central and fruitful exercises in this <strong>SEA</strong> and is detailed below.<br />

6.4. Scoping Exercise<br />

As part of the scoping exercise undertaken for this <strong>SEA</strong> a pre-scoping issues document<br />

was prepared and circulated to the Plan team outlining all the potential environmental<br />

issues that might be of significance in <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong>.<br />

Following the pre-scoping comments a Scoping Issues Report (2007), was prepared<br />

based on an extensive literature review of relevant documents including <strong>Roscommon</strong><br />

<strong>County</strong> Development Plan, 2002-2008 (2002), <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> Strategic<br />

Issues Paper (2006), Shannon Waterways Corridor Study (2005), <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong><br />

<strong>Council</strong> Managers Report (2006), <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong> Hedgerow Survey Report,<br />

(2004), Lough Key Study, (2002), EPA Environment in Focus Report (2006).<br />

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Chapter 6 Consultation<br />

EPA databases for air and water quality, GSI database on groundwater vulnerability,<br />

the Corine Landuse database, and the NPWS database for designated sites were also<br />

reviewed by FTC.<br />

6.5. Responses to Consultations<br />

Two of the statutory consultees namely the Environmental Protection Agency and the<br />

Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government (Environment and<br />

Heritage Sections) responded during the consultation process. Westmeath <strong>County</strong><br />

<strong>Council</strong> also responded. A summary of their submissions is given below.<br />

6.5.1. Environmental Protection Agency<br />

A meeting was held in the offices of <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> in which the EPA,<br />

members of the <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> planning team and sections and Fehily<br />

Timoney & Company (FTC) were in attendance. The purpose of the meeting was to<br />

review and comment on the Scoping Report prepared by FTC. The key issues<br />

identified during these discussions included:<br />

• Development pressures particularly in <strong>Roscommon</strong> Town, Athlone, Boyle and<br />

single rural housing pressure around Lough Key<br />

• The requirements to protect groundwater because it is the main source of drinking<br />

water in the county<br />

• The unique biodiversity in the county namely raised bogs, orchid rich grasslands<br />

and turloughs<br />

• The presence of eskers in the county<br />

• The quality of lake water in the county and the threats of diffuse sources of pollution<br />

from agriculture<br />

• Protection of scenic views in the landscape<br />

• Risk of flooding particularly to the east of the River Shannon<br />

• Protection of resources such as Lough Key, the River Shannon, eskers, and<br />

heritage<br />

6.5.2. Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government –<br />

Heritage Section<br />

The Heritage Section of the DoEHLG mentioned that in regards to archaeological<br />

heritage the ‘Framework and Principles for the Protection of Archaeological Heritage’<br />

Document (1999) should be applied by all bodies when undertaking or authorising<br />

development.<br />

6.5.3. DoEHLG – Environment Section<br />

The National Parks and Wildlife Services of the DoEHLG commented on the<br />

importance of protecting non-designated sites, as well as the designated sites. The<br />

importance of the protection of Annex 1 Habitats as per the EU Habitats Directive was<br />

emphasised particularly for turloughs and raised bogs. The presence of the corncake<br />

on the seasonally flooded meadows on the Callows was also highlighted.<br />

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Chapter 6 Consultation<br />

Developments along the River Shannon corridor and their potential impacts on this<br />

wildlife corridor and the environment require careful control.<br />

Tourism and development pressure on Lough Key were highlighted in the NPWS<br />

response.<br />

The NPWS response stated that while flooding is a risk to development it is also a<br />

natural event that is required for the maintenance of some protected ecological habitats<br />

such as turloughs and wetlands.<br />

6.5.4. Westmeath <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong><br />

The submission from Westmeath <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> highlighted the following:<br />

• The potential impact from development on Lough Ree which is currently under<br />

significant risk of pollution<br />

• The potential impact from development on the River Shannon<br />

• The ecologically valuable habitats around Athlone and the River Shannon Callows<br />

• The identification of the ‘flood envelope’ after the 1999/2000 flood event of the<br />

River Shannon and the general restrictions on development in this area<br />

• The need to liaise with the OPW on all issues involving river drainage and flood<br />

relief, and when dealing with applications in the vicinity of important drainage<br />

channels<br />

• The need for “plan led” coordinated approach to the sustainable future<br />

development of Athlone<br />

The issues raised during the consultation have all been accounted for in the various<br />

environmental objectives set out in Chapter 7 (refer to Tables 7.3 to 7.10). These are<br />

set out in Table 6.2 below.<br />

Table 6.2:<br />

Response to Scoping Report<br />

Issue<br />

Respondent<br />

Environmental Objective<br />

Tables 7.3 – 7.10<br />

Archaeological Heritage DoEHLG, Heritage Section CHO1, CHO2, CHO3, CHO4, CHO5<br />

Protection of Designated Sites EPA, DoEHLG, NPWS, BO1<br />

Westmeath <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong><br />

Protection of non-designated sites EPA, DoEHLG, NPWS BO2<br />

Protection of turloughs EPA, DoEHLG, NPWS BO1, BO2<br />

Protection of Lough Key EPA, DoEHLG, NPWS, WO1, WO1.1, WO2, WO5, BO1,<br />

Westmeath <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> BO2<br />

Risk of Flooding EPA, DoEHLG, NPWS, WO7, BO1, BO2<br />

Westmeath <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong><br />

Protection of the River Shannon EPA, DoEHLG, NPWS, WO1, WO1.1, WO2, WO5, WO6,<br />

Westmeath <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> BO1, BO2<br />

Landscape and Protection of Scenic EPA<br />

L1, LO1.1, LO1.2, LO2<br />

Views<br />

Requirement to protect groundwater EPA, DoEHLG, NPWS WO3, SGO4<br />

Protection of Surface Water EPA, DoEHLG, NPWS, WO1<br />

Westmeath <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong><br />

Protection of Eskers EPA LO1.1, SG04<br />

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Chapter 6 Consultation<br />

Overall results of the scoping issues exercise were to concentrate on the following top<br />

environmental issues/resources of;<br />

• Water<br />

• Biodiversity<br />

• Cultural Heritage<br />

• Landscape<br />

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7.1. Introduction<br />

In <strong>SEA</strong> the level of detail used to describe the baseline is much less refined that in EIA.<br />

<strong>SEA</strong> uses a combination of objectives, targets and indicators to describe and monitor<br />

change and predict impacts of proposed plans and programmes on the environment<br />

(Therivel, 2004).<br />

Objectives and targets set aims and thresholds that should be taken into account when<br />

assessing the impact of proposed plans on the environment. Indicators are used to<br />

illustrate and communicate impact in a simple and effective manner. Indicators can<br />

also be used to form the basis of a monitoring programme for the Plan, the results of<br />

which will inform the next review. The proposed monitoring programme will be outlined<br />

in more detail in Chapter 11.<br />

As part of this <strong>SEA</strong> exercise two assessments have been carried out:<br />

• Examination of the internal compatibility of the <strong>SEA</strong> objectives to identify potential<br />

areas of conflict in relation to each objective so that subsequent decisions can be<br />

made<br />

• Examination of the compatibility of the <strong>SEA</strong> objectives and the Plan Policies and<br />

Objectives to identify potential areas of conflict between the Plan and the <strong>SEA</strong><br />

7.2. Development of <strong>SEA</strong> objectives<br />

The strategic environmental objectives are derived from International, European and<br />

National policies on various aspects of the environment. Many of these policies have<br />

been transposed into Irish Law and are now mandatory and need to be integrated and<br />

implemented at a county level.<br />

The list of environmental objectives used in this Report is based on the environmental<br />

topics set out in Annex 1 (f) of the <strong>SEA</strong> Directive, which might be significantly impacted<br />

upon by the CDP. These include:<br />

• biodiversity (flora &fauna)<br />

• population/human health<br />

• geology/soil<br />

• water<br />

• air/ climatic factors<br />

• material assets<br />

• cultural heritage<br />

• landscape,<br />

and the interrelationship between these factors.<br />

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Chapter 7 Environmental, Objectives, Targets and Indicators<br />

In the policy context review outlined in Chapter 4 (Appendices 1 & 2), the full set of<br />

environmental objectives of relevance to the Plan is detailed. As part of the scoping<br />

exercise undertaken for this <strong>SEA</strong> and in consultation with the statutory consultees, the<br />

initial set of environmental objectives has been refined. The focus is now on those of<br />

most relevance to this Plan, namely water, biodiversity, cultural heritage and<br />

landscape. These environmental objectives are further defined in Table 7.1. Issues<br />

such as air and climatic factors have been determined not to be of major significance in<br />

the county and to be more appropriately assessed at higher levels in land use planning<br />

and in particular at the Regional and National level by the EPA and the DoEHLG.<br />

Table 7.1:<br />

Most relevant Environmental Objectives<br />

Water<br />

Prevent any deterioration in the status of any waters and to<br />

achieve at least “good status” in all waters by 2015<br />

Biodiversity Maintain and enhance biodiversity.<br />

Cultural Heritage Promote the protection and conservation of cultural heritage<br />

including architecture, archaeology, history and heritage<br />

features<br />

Landscape Conserve and enhance valued natural and historic<br />

landscapes and features within them<br />

Population and Improve people's quality of life based on high-quality<br />

Human Health residential, working and recreational environments and on<br />

sustainable travel patterns<br />

Soils and Geology Maintain the quality of soils and conserve geological<br />

resources<br />

Material Assets Maximise the use of existing infrastructure and plan for future<br />

needs<br />

Air and climate Reduce all forms of air pollution and control greenhouse gas<br />

emissions<br />

7.2.1. The internal compatibility of the <strong>SEA</strong> objectives<br />

The internal compatibility of the <strong>SEA</strong> objectives has been examined to identify potential<br />

areas of consistency and conflict in relation to each objective, so that subsequent<br />

decisions can be well based. In general the eight objectives are compatible with each<br />

other. For example the objective to improve water quality is consistent with enhancing<br />

biodiversity and protecting human health. In some cases, there is no obvious<br />

relationship between the objectives, e.g. no direct link between improving soil quality<br />

and influencing climate change. However there may be some conflict between material<br />

assets, landscape and soils. In respect of these conflicts mitigation measures will be<br />

suggested by this <strong>SEA</strong>.<br />

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Chapter 7 Environmental, Objectives, Targets and Indicators<br />

Table 7.2:<br />

Internal compatibility between <strong>SEA</strong> objectives<br />

Water Bio Cult Land<br />

scape<br />

Pop Soils M.A C&A<br />

1. Water<br />

Achieve at least ‘good status’ in all waters as<br />

√ 0 √ √ √ √ √<br />

per the Water framework Directive<br />

2. Biodiversity<br />

Maintain and enhance biodiversity √ √ √ √ √ ? √<br />

3. Cultural Heritage<br />

Protection & conservation of cultural heritage 0 √ √ √ √ ? O<br />

4.Landscape<br />

Conserve and protect natural & historic √ √ √ √ √ X √<br />

landscapes<br />

5.Population & human health<br />

Improve quality of life √ √ √ √ √ √ √<br />

6.Soils and geology<br />

Maintain quality of soils and conserve √ √ √ √ √ X 0<br />

geological resources<br />

7.Material assets<br />

Max existing infrastructure and plan for future √ ? ? X √ X √<br />

needs<br />

8.Climate &air<br />

Reduce all forms of air pollution<br />

Reduce carbon footprint<br />

√ √ 0 √ √ 0 √<br />

Key<br />

Objectives are mutually<br />

√ supportive<br />

Objectives are consistent<br />

√<br />

Situation cannot be<br />

? determined<br />

No obvious relationship<br />

0 between the objectives<br />

Objectives in conflict<br />

X<br />

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Chapter 7 Environmental, Objectives, Targets and Indicators<br />

7.3. Development of environmental objectives, targets and indicators<br />

The purpose of indicators is to monitor the effectiveness of the Plan in meeting the<br />

<strong>SEA</strong> environmental objectives and targets. The methodology for the development and<br />

selection of the <strong>SEA</strong> indicators has been based on:<br />

• Identification of existing environmental problems, which inform the development<br />

of <strong>SEA</strong> objectives and indicators<br />

• The selection of indicators based on the methodology proposed by Donnelly et<br />

al (2006)<br />

• Selection of a limited number of indicators to keep monitoring manageable and<br />

strategic<br />

The determination of the set of indicators used in the Report has been informed by the<br />

baseline assessment and the scoping process. However, it should be noted that the<br />

final set is also influenced by the availability of existing and relevant indicators, current<br />

monitoring programmes and the scale of application. Where data has not been<br />

available one of the recommendations of this Report is to put a collection and<br />

monitoring system in place.<br />

The following section of this Environmental Report sets out the environmental<br />

objectives, targets and indicators for the environmental aspects that are likely to be<br />

significantly affected by the Plan.<br />

7.3.1. Water<br />

In this section, water includes the following: surface water, groundwater, drinking water<br />

supply, flooding and water infrastructure.<br />

The Water Framework Directive (200/60/EC) was transposed into Irish Law by the<br />

European Communities (Water Policy) Regulations, SI No. 722 of 2003. The Water<br />

Policy Regulations assign responsibility for implementation of the WFD to the EPA,<br />

Local Authorities and relevant Public Authorities. The Local Authorities acting jointly<br />

within each river basin district are given the primary responsibility for the development<br />

and implementation of the statutory River Basin Management Plans. In summary the<br />

Directive requires Member States to protect and restore all waters to good status by<br />

2015. The definition of ‘good status’ as defined by the Water Framework Directive is<br />

equivalent to a Q4 EPA Biotic rating for surface water.<br />

Other pertinent legislation includes the Phosphorus Regulations (SI No. 258 of 1998),<br />

the Nitrates Directive (91/676/EC), the Salmonid Waters Regulations (SI No. 293 of<br />

1988), and the Drinking Water Regulations (SI. No. 155 of 1992) and the Urban<br />

Wastewater Treatment Regulations (SI No. 254 of 2001).<br />

The Phosphorus Regulations requires that phosphorus levels in rivers be maintained or<br />

improved and that a level of 30 µg/l is required for good water quality status.<br />

Measures taken under Nitrates Directive (91/676/EC) action programmes contain rules<br />

limiting the rate of organic nitrogen fertiliser to land.<br />

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Chapter 7 Environmental, Objectives, Targets and Indicators<br />

The Directive specifies that the quantity of organic nitrogen applied to land via<br />

manure/slurry applications shall not exceed 170Kg N/ha. The European Communities<br />

(Quality of Salmonid Waters) Regulations, 1988 (SI. No. 293 of 1988) are used by local<br />

authorities when licensing discharges to waters. Parameters which may be regulated<br />

include temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, suspended solids, BOD, nitrites, petroleum<br />

hydrocarbons, ammonia, zinc and copper. These regulations are particularly important<br />

regarding discharges to salmonid waters such as the River Shannon.<br />

The European Communities Quality of Water Intended for Human Consumption<br />

(Amendment) Regulations, 2003 places a responsibility on local authorities to provide<br />

drinking water that meets prescribed standards. Local authorities are responsible for<br />

monitoring private water supplies for human consumption.<br />

Bathing waters within the county are covered by the Bathing Water Regulations (SI.<br />

No. 155 of 1992) which sets a minimum standard for bathing water quality.<br />

In order for the Development Plan to meet these statutory requirements a number of<br />

objectives, targets and indicators have been set in this Environmental Report. These<br />

are shown in Table 7.3 below.<br />

Table 7.3:<br />

Environmental Objective, targets and Indicators for Water<br />

Water<br />

(W)<br />

Surface<br />

W1<br />

Bathing<br />

W2<br />

Groundwater<br />

W3<br />

Drinking<br />

water<br />

W4<br />

Objective<br />

(WO)<br />

Maintain or<br />

improve the quality<br />

of surface water<br />

W01<br />

Maintain or<br />

improve the Biotic<br />

Quality Rating (Q<br />

Valve) of surface<br />

waters W01.1<br />

Maintain or<br />

improve the quality<br />

of bathing waters<br />

within the lifetime<br />

of the Plan W02<br />

Prevent pollution of<br />

groundwater by<br />

adhering to aquifer<br />

protection plans<br />

W03<br />

Maintain and<br />

improve the quality<br />

of drinking water<br />

supplies W04<br />

Targets<br />

Improvement or<br />

at least no<br />

deterioration in<br />

surface water<br />

quality by 2015<br />

To achieve a Q<br />

Rating of 4 as<br />

per the WFD<br />

‘good’ quality<br />

status by 2015.<br />

Improvement or<br />

at least no<br />

deterioration in<br />

bathing water<br />

quality.<br />

Improvement or<br />

at least no<br />

deterioration in<br />

groundwater<br />

quality<br />

Decrease in the<br />

number of ‘boil<br />

water’ notices<br />

issued<br />

Indicators<br />

(WI)<br />

Changes in water quality as<br />

identified during water quality<br />

monitoring programmes for<br />

example the Water Framework<br />

Directive (WFD) conducted by<br />

RCC and the EPA<br />

WI 1<br />

Biotic Quality Rating<br />

WI1.1<br />

Changes in the quality of bathing<br />

waters (if bathing waters are<br />

designated of which there are<br />

none presently within the county)<br />

as identified during monitoring<br />

conducted by RCC<br />

WI 2<br />

Changes in groundwater quality<br />

as identified during monitoring<br />

programmes conducted by RCC<br />

and the EPA under the WFD<br />

WI 3<br />

Drinking water quality and<br />

bacterial counts and frequency of<br />

‘boil water’ notices<br />

WI 4<br />

Indicator<br />

Information<br />

Source<br />

EPA<br />

RCC<br />

EPA<br />

RCC<br />

EPA<br />

RCC<br />

EPA<br />

RCC<br />

EPA<br />

RCC<br />

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Chapter 7 Environmental, Objectives, Targets and Indicators<br />

Table 7.3:<br />

Environmental objective, targets and Indicators for Water (Cont’d …/)<br />

Water<br />

(W)<br />

Water<br />

Supply<br />

W5<br />

Marinas<br />

W6<br />

Flooding<br />

W7<br />

Objective<br />

(WO)<br />

Promote<br />

sustainable water<br />

use based on long<br />

term protection of<br />

resources W05<br />

Upgrade<br />

infrastructure to<br />

meet future water<br />

supply needs<br />

W05.1<br />

Prepare a marina<br />

water quality<br />

management plan<br />

W06<br />

Prepare a Flood<br />

Risk<br />

Management Plan<br />

for the county<br />

WO7<br />

Mitigate the effect<br />

of flood through<br />

avoidance of<br />

development in<br />

flood plains<br />

Targets<br />

Decrease in the<br />

number of ‘water<br />

shortage’ notices<br />

issued<br />

Implement the Water<br />

Supply Plan as per<br />

the Water Services<br />

National Investment<br />

Programme<br />

Implement the<br />

marina water quality<br />

plan within the<br />

lifetime of the CDP<br />

Implementation of<br />

the Flood Risk<br />

Management Plan<br />

within the lifetime of<br />

the CDP<br />

Decrease in the<br />

number of dwellings<br />

flooded.<br />

Adherence to the<br />

OPW’s Guidelines on<br />

Flood Risk (2005)<br />

Indicators<br />

(WI)<br />

Frequency of<br />

‘water shortage’<br />

notices<br />

WI 5<br />

Sufficient<br />

supply<br />

WI 5.1<br />

water<br />

Preparation of<br />

Marina Water<br />

Quality<br />

Management Plan<br />

during the course<br />

of the Plan<br />

WI 6<br />

Flood Risk<br />

Management Plan<br />

WI 7<br />

Frequency of<br />

flooding events in<br />

the county<br />

WI 7.1<br />

Indicator<br />

Information<br />

Source<br />

RCC<br />

Services<br />

Dept.<br />

RCC Water<br />

Services<br />

Section<br />

RCC<br />

RCC<br />

OPW<br />

RCC<br />

OPW<br />

7.3.2. Biodiversity<br />

Correspondence with the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local<br />

Government stressed the importance of taking care when considering development or<br />

development related matters in or adjacent to sites of ecological importance. Most of<br />

these sites are designated Natural Heritage Areas, Special Areas of Conservation and<br />

Special Protection Areas and are protected under the Wildlife (Amendment) Act 2000,<br />

(NHA’s), the Birds Directive (SPA’s) and the Habitats Regulations (SAC’s). In addition<br />

there are non-designated important ecological habitats in the county.<br />

<strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong> is home to many habitats of both international and national<br />

importance including raised bogs, turloughs, wetlands, eskers and orchid rich<br />

grasslands. Currently the county has 28 SAC’s, 6 SPA’s and 40 NHA’s<br />

A site synopsis, where available, for these sites is given in Appendices 3 and 4. The<br />

non-designated sites are of local importance include hedgerows, eskers and peatlands.<br />

Currently there is no biodiversity plan for the county.<br />

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Chapter 7 Environmental, Objectives, Targets and Indicators<br />

However a study will be conducted by <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> with the main aim<br />

to identify unique habitats and species and to put in place measures to protect these<br />

habitats and species. The council is committed to implementing the findings and<br />

recommendations of the Shannon Waterways Corridor Study. The Shannon<br />

Waterways Corridor Study (2005) identified the presence of zebra mussels in Lough<br />

Key, Acres Lake and Lough Allen. Zebra mussels can promote excessive weed growth<br />

and the resultant decline in recreation value. They have few known predators.<br />

The protection of the biodiversity within the county is also closely linked with the<br />

aquatic and geological environment. Many of the Annex 1 habitats and species have<br />

resulted from the groundwater and geological (karst limestone) features in the county.<br />

The objectives, targets and indicators that will be put in place during the lifetime of this<br />

CPD are given in the Table 7.4 below.<br />

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Chapter 7 Environmental, Objectives, Targets and Indicators<br />

Table 7.4:<br />

Environmental Objectives, Targets and Indicators for Biodiversity<br />

Biodiversity<br />

(B)<br />

Designated<br />

habitat and<br />

species<br />

B1<br />

Species and<br />

habitats in<br />

nondesignated<br />

sites.<br />

B2<br />

Invasive<br />

Species<br />

B3<br />

Objective<br />

(BO)<br />

Conserve<br />

protected habitats<br />

and species<br />

BO1<br />

Conserve the<br />

diversity of<br />

habitats and<br />

species in nondesignated<br />

sites<br />

BO2<br />

Protect aquatic<br />

and terrestrial<br />

habitats from<br />

invasive species<br />

BO3<br />

Targets<br />

No loss of protected habitats<br />

and species during the lifetime<br />

of the CDP.<br />

Carry out habitat mapping for<br />

the <strong>County</strong> to identify significant<br />

local habitats, prioritising Annex<br />

1 species as per the Habitats<br />

Directive.<br />

No loss of significant<br />

hedgerows such as Townland<br />

Boundary Hedges.<br />

No significant loss of roadside<br />

hedgerows.<br />

Ensure that developments<br />

which impact on townland<br />

boundary, roadside hedgerows<br />

or hedgrows which link other<br />

habitats, examine retaining,<br />

translocation or replacement<br />

with<br />

indigenous species. The<br />

overall target is to have no net<br />

loss of hedgerow resources<br />

within the <strong>County</strong>.<br />

Operators who conduct<br />

mechanical hedge cutting<br />

should have achieved the<br />

Teasgasc proficiency standard<br />

MT 1302-Mechancical Hedge<br />

Trimming.<br />

Involve RCC in National and<br />

Regional initiatives to monitor<br />

and control invasive species.<br />

Support initiatives which reduce<br />

the likelihood of invasions.<br />

Help control and manage new<br />

invasive species.<br />

Raise public awareness of<br />

invasive species and address<br />

international applications.<br />

Indicators<br />

(BI)<br />

Removal of<br />

protected habitats<br />

and species within<br />

the county BI 1<br />

Percentage of<br />

unique habitats<br />

and species lost in<br />

non-designated<br />

sites<br />

BI 2<br />

Number and types<br />

of invasive species<br />

identified during<br />

the lifetime of the<br />

CDP BI 3<br />

Indicators<br />

information<br />

Source<br />

RCC<br />

DoEHLG<br />

RCC<br />

DoEHLG<br />

RCC<br />

Biodiversity<br />

B4<br />

Prepare a<br />

Biodiversity Plan<br />

for the county<br />

BO4<br />

No movement of earth from<br />

areas infested with invasive<br />

species.<br />

Implementation of a Biodiversity<br />

Action Plan within the lifetime of<br />

the CDP.<br />

A Biodiversity<br />

Action Plan for<br />

<strong>County</strong><br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong> BI 4<br />

RCC<br />

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Chapter 7 Environmental, Objectives, Targets and Indicators<br />

7.3.3. Cultural Heritage<br />

The implementation of the CDP for <strong>Roscommon</strong> has the potential to impact on<br />

archaeological features and heritage within the county. While a list of the known<br />

archaeological sites and monuments is available for the county and developments will<br />

be avoided or controlled in these areas, the archaeological potential of an area or site<br />

would be more appropriately assessed at a project level. However there are various<br />

pieces of legislation that afford protection to such features.<br />

National Monuments in State or Local Authority care are subject to a preservation order<br />

and will require the consent of the Minister for the Environment under Section 14 of the<br />

1930 National Monument Act as amended by Section 5 of the National Monuments<br />

(Amendment) Act 2004.<br />

The “Framework and Principles for the Protection of the Archaeological Heritage”<br />

document (1999) sets out the archaeological policies and principles that should be<br />

applied by all bodies when understanding or authorising development.<br />

The <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong> Heritage Plan (2004 – 2008) has identified a number of<br />

objectives, including inter alia:<br />

• To raise awareness of our heritage<br />

• To collect and disseminate heritage information<br />

• To promote best practice in heritage conservation and management.<br />

The following objectives and targets will afford protection to protected structures and<br />

monuments and is shown in Table 7.5.<br />

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Chapter 7 Environmental, Objectives, Targets and Indicators<br />

Table 7.5:<br />

Environmental Objectives, Targets and Indicators for Cultural Heritage<br />

Cultural<br />

Heritage<br />

(CH)<br />

Heritage<br />

CH1<br />

Objectives<br />

(CHO)<br />

Promote best<br />

practice in<br />

heritage<br />

conservation and<br />

management<br />

CHO1<br />

Targets<br />

No unauthorised<br />

developments permitted<br />

over the lifetime of the Plan<br />

which will result in the loss<br />

or partial loss of protected<br />

structures or sites of<br />

archaeological importance<br />

Ensure that all planning<br />

applications that might<br />

have an impact on heritage<br />

are referred to the<br />

DoEHLG for comment and<br />

that their recommendations<br />

are adhered to.<br />

Indicators<br />

(CHI)<br />

Number of<br />

unauthorised<br />

developments<br />

permitted over<br />

the lifetime of the<br />

Plan which<br />

resulted in the<br />

loss or partial<br />

loss of protected<br />

structures or sites<br />

of archaeological<br />

status<br />

CHI 1<br />

Indicator<br />

information<br />

Source<br />

RCC<br />

Heritage<br />

Section<br />

DoEHLG<br />

History<br />

CH2<br />

Architectura<br />

l Features<br />

CH3<br />

Archaeology<br />

CH4<br />

Peatlands<br />

CH5<br />

Prepare an<br />

inventory and<br />

map of historical<br />

sites including<br />

battle sites<br />

CHO2<br />

Protection of<br />

individual sites<br />

and complexes<br />

CHO3<br />

Identification and<br />

protection of land<br />

based and<br />

underwater<br />

archaeological<br />

features<br />

CHO4<br />

Development of<br />

peatland<br />

trails/walkways<br />

CHO5<br />

The maintenance of the<br />

most recent data on<br />

historical and battle sites<br />

maintained by the DoEHLG<br />

No unauthorised<br />

developments in protected<br />

sites and complexes<br />

No unauthorised<br />

developments permitted<br />

during the lifetime of the<br />

Plan which could result in<br />

damage to archaeological<br />

features<br />

Provision of at least 1 no.<br />

peatland trail/walkway<br />

within the lifetime of the<br />

Plan<br />

Ensure that RCC<br />

has the most<br />

recent data on<br />

historical and<br />

battle sites<br />

available from the<br />

DoEHLG CHI 2<br />

Number of<br />

unauthorised<br />

developments in<br />

protected sites<br />

and complexes<br />

CHI 3<br />

Number of<br />

unauthorised<br />

developments<br />

permitted which<br />

result in the loss<br />

or damage to<br />

archaeological<br />

features<br />

CHI 4<br />

The number of<br />

peatland<br />

trails/walkways<br />

opened during<br />

the lifetime of the<br />

Plan<br />

CHI 5<br />

RCC<br />

Heritage<br />

Section<br />

DoEHLG<br />

RCC<br />

Heritage<br />

Section<br />

DoEHLG<br />

RCC<br />

Heritage<br />

Section<br />

DoEHLG<br />

RCC<br />

Development<br />

Section<br />

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Chapter 7 Environmental, Objectives, Targets and Indicators<br />

7.3.4. Landscape<br />

A comprehensive landscape character assessment (LCA) has been prepared as part of<br />

the <strong>County</strong> Development Plan. The full document will accompany the CDP and will be<br />

referred to in this Environmental Report. The LCA provided <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong><br />

<strong>Council</strong> will a guide to formulate a set of landscape objectives and policy<br />

recommendations for the county. These in turn will help to develop equilibrium<br />

between, on the one hand, development and change and on the other, protection of<br />

sensitive landscapes by:<br />

• Conserving and enhancing landscape character and diversity<br />

• Preserving sensitive landscapes from developments that might detract from them<br />

• Striking a balance between rural development and landscape protection<br />

• Identification of suitable working landscapes that can accommodate change<br />

The LCA prepared a landscape values map which delineated areas into exceptional<br />

value, very high value, high value and moderate value. The report also contains a<br />

Scenic Routes and Views Map. The LCA provides a detailed landscape assessment of<br />

each of the 36 landscape character areas in the county.<br />

The objectives and targets given in Table 7.6 below will assist to achieve <strong>Roscommon</strong><br />

<strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong>s landscape objectives and policies.<br />

Table 7.6:<br />

Environmental Objectives, Targets and Indicators for Landscape<br />

Landscape<br />

(L)<br />

Natural<br />

Landscape<br />

L1<br />

Urban<br />

Landscape<br />

L2<br />

Objective<br />

(LO)<br />

Designate and protect the<br />

views and prospects as<br />

identified in the<br />

Landscape Character<br />

Assessment (LCA) and<br />

Lough Key Study LO1<br />

Designate and protect<br />

unworked geological<br />

deposits LO1.1<br />

Control of wind energy<br />

developments in areas of<br />

peat and high scenic<br />

value LO1.2<br />

Local area plans for the<br />

major towns should have<br />

objectives to protect their<br />

existing character as<br />

identified in the LCA LO2<br />

Targets<br />

No significant disruption of<br />

designated views and<br />

prospects<br />

Conduct an audit of the<br />

important geological sites<br />

in <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong>, in<br />

conjunction with the<br />

relevant statutory bodies.<br />

No planning permissions<br />

to be granted for the<br />

extractive industry in<br />

protected geological sites.<br />

No permissions granted in<br />

areas of high ecological<br />

and scenic value identified<br />

in the LCA<br />

No unauthorised<br />

developments in major<br />

towns that will impact<br />

significantly on their<br />

existing character<br />

Indicators<br />

(LI)<br />

Number of<br />

developments located<br />

within the designated<br />

views and prospects as<br />

identified in the LCA LI<br />

1<br />

Number of protected<br />

unworked geological<br />

features in the county<br />

LI 2<br />

Number of permissions<br />

granted in areas of<br />

high ecological and<br />

scenic value identified<br />

in the LCA LI 3<br />

Number of<br />

unauthorised<br />

developments in major<br />

towns that will impact<br />

significantly on their<br />

existing character LI 4<br />

Indicator<br />

Information<br />

Source<br />

RCC<br />

RCC<br />

GSI<br />

RCC<br />

RCC<br />

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7.3.5. Population & Human Health<br />

Chapter 7 Environmental, Objectives, Targets and Indicators<br />

The Central Statistic Office (CSO) 2006 population census records a population of<br />

58,700 persons in <strong>Roscommon</strong>. This represents an increase in population of 9.2%<br />

between 2002 and 2006. This exceeds the overall growth for the State (8.2%). It is<br />

conservatively estimated that the population will increase by 1.6% per annum in <strong>County</strong><br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong> during the lifetime of this plan.<br />

Chapter 3 and Figure 3.2 detail the location and potential population growth in <strong>County</strong><br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong> for the lifetime of the plan.<br />

Other objectives relating to human health are contained within objectives for water,<br />

(Table 7.3) biodiversity (Table 7.4) and infrastructure (Table 7.9). The objectives<br />

contained in these tables set out the provision of clean drinking water, adequate<br />

wastewater treatment and protection of amenities.<br />

Table 7.7:<br />

Human Health<br />

Environmental Objectives, Targets and Indicators for Population and<br />

Population<br />

and Human<br />

Health<br />

(P)<br />

Population<br />

P1<br />

Objectives<br />

(PO)<br />

Improve people’s quality<br />

of life based on high<br />

quality living<br />

environments, working<br />

and recreational<br />

facilities<br />

PO1<br />

Implementation of the<br />

<strong>County</strong> Litter<br />

Management Plan 2006<br />

– 2009 and any<br />

subsequent plans<br />

PO1.1<br />

Adhere to the <strong>County</strong><br />

Emergency Plan and<br />

other objectives of<br />

relevance to human<br />

health including:<br />

Targets<br />

No deterioration in human<br />

health as a result of<br />

environmental factors.<br />

Increase in the number of<br />

green spaces available to<br />

the public.<br />

No litter fines during the<br />

lifetime of the Plan<br />

Indicators<br />

(PI)<br />

Occurrence of any<br />

decline in human health<br />

around a particular area<br />

of the county PI 1<br />

Increase in the number<br />

of green spaces<br />

available to the public.<br />

Number of litter fines<br />

issued PI 2<br />

Indicators<br />

Information<br />

Source<br />

RCC<br />

RCC<br />

RCC<br />

• Water<br />

No ‘boil water’ notices<br />

Drinking water quality<br />

Human health<br />

P2<br />

• Air<br />

Maintain or improve levels<br />

of ambient SO 2, NO x,and<br />

particulate matter as<br />

conducted by EPA<br />

monitoring<br />

Maintaining or<br />

improving air quality in<br />

Co. <strong>Roscommon</strong><br />

• Infrastructure<br />

• Waste<br />

PO2<br />

Increase public amenities<br />

Number of new civic<br />

amenity sites provided<br />

during the lifetime of the<br />

Plan<br />

Availability of public<br />

transport<br />

Provision of new civic<br />

amenity sites<br />

PI 3<br />

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Chapter 7 Environmental, Objectives, Targets and Indicators<br />

7.3.6. Soils and Geology<br />

While there is no legislation in Ireland that deals specifically with soils, local authorities<br />

have at their disposal other remedies such as the Water Pollution Act, 1979 and 1990,<br />

the Derelict Buildings Act 1990 and the Waste Management Acts to deal with soil and<br />

potentially contaminated soil. The EPA has recently published a Code of Practice<br />

Environmental Risk Assessment for Unregulated Waste Disposal Sites (2007). In<br />

addition, local authorities are encouraging brownfield site developments to help retain<br />

greenfield sites for other purposes.<br />

Groundwater is the main drinking water source in the county. Groundwater also<br />

contributes to major Annex 1 habitats such as wetlands and turloughs. It also<br />

contributes to other aquatic habitats such as lakes and rivers within the county. The<br />

Geological Survey of Ireland (GSI)/<strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> publication ‘<strong>County</strong><br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong> Groundwater Protection Scheme’ 2003 states that a large proportion of<br />

the county is classed as having either extreme or highly vulnerable areas. A number of<br />

groundwater source protection zones have been delineated around six public water<br />

sources in the county. A Sludge Management Plan for the <strong>County</strong> has been adopted.<br />

The objectives and targets given in Table 7.8 below will assist <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong><br />

council in achieving protection of soil and groundwater in the county.<br />

Table 7.8:<br />

Environmental Objectives, Targets and Indicators for Soils and Geology<br />

Soils and<br />

Geology<br />

(SG)<br />

Soils<br />

SG1<br />

Unregulated<br />

Landfill<br />

SG2<br />

Soil<br />

SG3<br />

Geology<br />

SG4<br />

Objectives<br />

(SGO)<br />

Maximise the<br />

sustainable re-use of<br />

brownfield sites and<br />

maximise the use of the<br />

existing built<br />

environment SGO1<br />

To identify any<br />

unregulated landfill sites<br />

in the county SGO2<br />

Implementation of the<br />

Sludge Management<br />

Plan for the county<br />

SGO3<br />

Identification of<br />

geological resources<br />

SGO4<br />

Targets<br />

Specified percentage of<br />

new applications granted to<br />

be on brownfield sites<br />

At least one unregulated<br />

site to be remediated<br />

during the lifetime of the<br />

Plan<br />

Identification of suitable<br />

sites for sludge disposal<br />

Identification and listing of<br />

unworked geological sites<br />

in the <strong>County</strong> during the<br />

lifetime of the Plan.<br />

No planning permission for<br />

extraction granted in<br />

protected geological sites.<br />

Indicators<br />

(SGI)<br />

Percentage of new<br />

developments on<br />

brownfield sites<br />

SGI 1<br />

Number of sites<br />

identified and<br />

remediated<br />

SGI 2<br />

Water quality<br />

monitoring in surface<br />

water catchments in<br />

these areas SGI 3<br />

The number of<br />

protected unworked<br />

geological sites<br />

identified based on<br />

rarity biodiversity and<br />

aesthetic qualities SGI<br />

4<br />

Indicator<br />

Status<br />

RCC<br />

RCC<br />

RCC<br />

RCC<br />

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Chapter 7 Environmental, Objectives, Targets and Indicators<br />

7.3.7. Material Assets<br />

The CDP and associated growth in the county will place increased environmental<br />

burdens on the environment. Infrastructural mitigation measures will be put in place.<br />

These will include but not be limited to:<br />

• Wastewater treatment plant<br />

• Drinking water treatment plants<br />

• Infrastructure projects such as road, rail and transport<br />

The Urban Waste Water Treatment Regulations (SI No. 254 of 2001) requires<br />

adequate treatment of wastewater discharges to protect against environmental<br />

damage. This piece of legislation coupled with the Water Framework Directive places<br />

a responsibility on public bodies and <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> to maintain good<br />

water quality status in clean waters and to improve water quality in polluted water by<br />

2015.<br />

Drinking water quality is monitored by <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> and regulated<br />

under the European Communities (Drinking Water) Regulations 2000.<br />

Transport 21 was introduced by the Government in 2005 with the aim of creating an<br />

integrated transport network in Ireland. Specific projects identified for <strong>County</strong><br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong> include:<br />

• Upgrading of the N4, N5 and N6<br />

• Upgrading of secondary roads including the N61 Athlone to Boyle Road<br />

• Development of a provincial bus service<br />

While these schemes have been determined by the National Roads Authority, the<br />

chosen preferred route for each will undergo strict environmental assessment prior to<br />

and during construction. The chosen route will be subject to an environmental impact<br />

assessment and the competent authority will be An Bórd Pleanála.<br />

A number of objectives and targets have been included in this Environmental Report to<br />

realise the objectives of the CDP.<br />

Waste management in <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong> falls under the Connaught Waste<br />

Management Plan. This plan is an integrated waste management plan based on the<br />

waste hierarchy established in the EU Framework Directive. The waste hierarchy<br />

places emphasis on the reduction, recycling and reuse concept with minimum<br />

quantities of waste sent for disposal in landfill. The Connaught Waste Management<br />

Plan has set targets for municipal waste for 2013 which include:<br />

• Recycling 48%<br />

• Energy Recovery 33%<br />

• Residual Waste Disposal 19%<br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> has bring banks, recycling centres, a MSW landfill in<br />

Ballaghaderreen and a privately operated C&D facility in <strong>Roscommon</strong> Town.<br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> also has a Litter Plan 2007-2010.<br />

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Chapter 7 Environmental, Objectives, Targets and Indicators<br />

Whilst many of these objectives and targets are driven by European and National<br />

waste management policies the set of objectives and targets for waste management<br />

reflect these goals and ambitions.<br />

Table 7.9:<br />

Environmental Objectives, Targets and Indicators for Material Assets<br />

Material<br />

Assets<br />

(MA)<br />

Transportation<br />

MA1<br />

Waste<br />

management<br />

MA2<br />

Wastewater<br />

Infrastructure<br />

Urban<br />

MA3<br />

Wastewater<br />

Infrastructure<br />

MA4<br />

Wastewater<br />

infrastructure<br />

Rural<br />

MA5<br />

Objectives<br />

(MAO)<br />

Development of an<br />

Integrated Land<br />

Use and<br />

Transportation<br />

Plan (ILUTP’s)<br />

MAO1<br />

Minimise waste<br />

production and<br />

introduce<br />

sustainable waste<br />

management<br />

practices MAO2<br />

Provide and<br />

upgrade existing<br />

wastewater<br />

treatment plants as<br />

per the <strong>County</strong><br />

Development Plan<br />

MAO3<br />

Implementation of<br />

the ‘Towns and<br />

Villages Sewage<br />

Project’ within the<br />

lifetime of the CDP<br />

MAO4<br />

Requirement for<br />

new developments<br />

to meet waste<br />

water treatment<br />

requirements as<br />

detailed in the<br />

EPA’s guidelines<br />

on Treatment<br />

Systems for Single<br />

Houses<br />

MAO5<br />

Targets<br />

Implementation of<br />

the ILUTP’s during<br />

the lifetime of the<br />

CDP<br />

Production in the<br />

quantities of waste<br />

sent to landfill<br />

Increase in the<br />

quantities of waste<br />

sent for recycling<br />

Increase in the<br />

number of bring<br />

banks provided for<br />

in the <strong>County</strong><br />

Provision and<br />

upgrade to provide<br />

adequate<br />

wastewater<br />

infrastructure based<br />

on population<br />

demands<br />

Provision of<br />

wastewater<br />

treatment<br />

infrastructure for<br />

towns identified in<br />

the ‘Towns and<br />

Village sewage<br />

project’<br />

No house will be<br />

granted permission<br />

unless the<br />

requirements of the<br />

EPA’s guidelines<br />

are met<br />

ILUTP’s<br />

MAI 1<br />

Indicators<br />

(MAI)<br />

Quantity of<br />

household waste<br />

sent to landfill<br />

Quantity of<br />

household waste<br />

sent for recycling<br />

The number of<br />

bring banks<br />

provided for in the<br />

<strong>County</strong><br />

MAI 2<br />

The number of<br />

upgrades and/or<br />

construction of<br />

new wastewater<br />

treatment plants<br />

MAI 3<br />

The number of<br />

wastewater<br />

treatment plants in<br />

the <strong>County</strong><br />

MAI 4<br />

Number of single<br />

houses granted<br />

permission and<br />

which meet<br />

wastewater quality<br />

guidelines<br />

MAI 5<br />

Indicator<br />

information<br />

Source<br />

RCC<br />

NRA<br />

RCC<br />

EPA<br />

RCC<br />

RCC<br />

RCC<br />

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Chapter 7 Environmental, Objectives, Targets and Indicators<br />

7.3.8. Air and Climate<br />

The EPA has set limits for ambient air quality in Ireland. Levels of specific analytes<br />

e.g. sulphur dioxide, carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxides in the ambient air have been<br />

established in the Ambient Air Quality Regulations (2002). The main potential sources<br />

of air emissions in the county originate from the quarrying industry, IPPC licensed<br />

industries and waste management industries. The establishment of new power<br />

stations within the county is one of the objectives in relation to electricity in the CDP.<br />

The Plan also lists the requirement of a gas powered generating station in north<br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong>. These generating stations will impact on air quality but will be regulated<br />

by the EPA.<br />

The National Climate Change Strategy 2000 is implemented in Ireland to meet our<br />

commitments under the Kyoto Protocol. In summary it commits Ireland to meeting<br />

greenhouse gas emission targets. The Strategy encourages the use of renewable<br />

energy conservation. The recently published National Climate Change Strategy 2007-<br />

2012 (DoEHLG, 2007) sets out the comprehensive measures that the Irish<br />

Government has put in place to reduce Ireland’s greenhouse gas emissions. The<br />

strategy aims to build on the progress already made since the original National Climate<br />

Change Strategy, 2000. The 2006 Building Regulations sets standards to reduce<br />

energy use in new houses by 20%. The CDP strongly encourages the development of<br />

renewable energy and the development of wind energy at appropriate locations. The<br />

objectives and targets listed in Table 7.10 will help realise these National targets for<br />

climate change.<br />

Table 7.10:<br />

Environmental Objectives, Targets and Indicators for Air and Climate<br />

Air and<br />

Climate<br />

(AC)<br />

Climate<br />

AC1<br />

Air<br />

Quality<br />

AC2<br />

Objectives<br />

(ACO)<br />

Minimise greenhouse<br />

gas emissions to<br />

meet National and<br />

International<br />

standards<br />

ACO1<br />

Building energy<br />

Regulation<br />

ACO2<br />

Licensing of facilities<br />

under the 1987 Air<br />

Pollution Act<br />

ACO3<br />

Installation of a gas<br />

powered generating<br />

station in North<br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong><br />

ACO4<br />

Targets<br />

Increased use of public transport<br />

Increase numbers of cycle lanes<br />

and pedestrian routes in the<br />

<strong>County</strong><br />

Increase number of permissions<br />

granted for renewable energy<br />

projects<br />

Increase in number of energy<br />

audits conducted on existing<br />

facilities and new homes<br />

Air pollution licences for all<br />

facilities coming under the<br />

relevant statutory regulations<br />

Increased number of<br />

households using electricity from<br />

the gas powered generating<br />

station<br />

Indicators<br />

(ACI)<br />

Use of public<br />

transport<br />

Provision of cycle<br />

lanes and walking<br />

routes<br />

Number of<br />

permissions granted<br />

for renewable energy<br />

projects ACI 1<br />

Number of energy<br />

audits conduct ACI 2<br />

Number of licensed<br />

facilities and<br />

compliance with<br />

regulations ACI 3<br />

Provision of gas<br />

powered generating<br />

station ACI 4<br />

Indicator<br />

information<br />

Source<br />

RCC<br />

RCC<br />

RCC<br />

EPA<br />

RCC<br />

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8.1. Introduction<br />

The development and assessment of alternatives (or options) is a legal requirement<br />

under the <strong>SEA</strong> Directive. Under Article 5 (O.J. 2001) plans and programme proponents<br />

should ensure that:<br />

• Reasonable alternatives taking into account the objectives and the geographical<br />

scope of the plan or programme, are identified, described and evaluated (Article<br />

5.1)<br />

• The Environmental Report includes ‘an outline of the reasons for selecting the<br />

alternatives dealt with’ (Annex 1(h))<br />

• A statement is prepared summarising ‘… the reasons for choosing the plan or<br />

programme as adopted, in the light of the reasonable alternatives dealt with’ (Article<br />

9.1(b)).<br />

8.2. Identification and Development of Alternatives<br />

Alternatives must be reasonable, capable of implementation, and should represent a<br />

range of different approaches within the statutory and operational requirements of a<br />

plan. However, the position of the Plan within the planning decision making hierarchy<br />

(Chapters 3 & 4) predetermines the scope of strategic alternatives available. For<br />

example, the higher the level of the plan (see Chapter 3), the more strategic is the<br />

options which are likely to be available. Conversely, lower tier plans, such as a <strong>County</strong><br />

Development Plans, will be framed in a policy context set by the level(s) above them<br />

and thus strategic options may be limited (DoEHLG, 2004). As the ODPM (2005) <strong>SEA</strong><br />

guidelines suggest decisions made at higher levels will close off some alternatives,<br />

leaving in many instances ‘option alternatives’ (Noble, 2000) to be developed and<br />

assessed.<br />

The location of the <strong>Roscommon</strong> CDP within the decision-making hierarchy of the NDP,<br />

NSS and RPG’s for the West implies that strategic options are limited. As a result the<br />

approach chosen has been to consider the likely significant environmental impacts of<br />

different planning scenarios around the preferred strategic option as set out in the RPG<br />

for the West. This is the development in key settlements and rural locations in support<br />

of the development Gateway, hub and linked hub developments of Galway, Tuam and<br />

Castlebar-Ballina.<br />

8.2.1. Description of planning scenarios<br />

For the <strong>SEA</strong> of the <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> Development Plan, three planning scenarios<br />

were developed. The criteria for selection are as follows:<br />

• Objectives set out in higher decision-making context (NSS, RPG for the West,<br />

Guidelines on Sustainable Rural Housing)<br />

• Legal requirements (Planning and Development Act 2000-2006)<br />

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• Geographic Scope of the Plan (<strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong>)<br />

• Plan objectives (set out in Chapter 3)<br />

• Projected population and housing horizons (Chapter 3)<br />

• Infrastructure needs (Chapter 2 of the Plan)<br />

• Existing environmental issues and resources (Chapter 5)<br />

• Alternatives hierarchy (ODPM, 2005, see below)<br />

Hierarchy of alternatives<br />

Chapter 8 Alternative Development Scenarios<br />

The alternatives hierarchy (ODPM, 2005) suggests a fourfold schema based on toplevel<br />

alternatives of need, middle ranking alternatives of process/ how to proceed, and<br />

lower level alternatives of location and timing (Table 8.1). Given the position of this<br />

CDP at the lower levels of the decision-making hierarchy (Chapter 4), for the purposes<br />

of this <strong>SEA</strong> the most appropriate alternatives are those of process and location. Need<br />

has already been established at higher levels and a policy pathway now exists for the<br />

Plan, while the timing of actions is more appropriately addressed to lower levels of<br />

decision making such as LAP’s and projects. In this context the first step is to<br />

determine the mode/process, or how the vision for the <strong>County</strong> should be met. That is,<br />

what combination of policy initiatives should be adopted to achieve the needs of the<br />

plan? Once the type and rough scale of development has been determined, it can then<br />

be decided where development should be located, scale and densities are also<br />

available for consideration at this level.<br />

Table 8.1:<br />

Alternatives hierarchy<br />

Need: Is development necessary?<br />

Mode or Process: How should it be done?<br />

Location: Where should it go?<br />

Timing and detail of implementation<br />

Based on the criteria set out in this section three planning scenarios are described<br />

which present different ways in which the vision for the <strong>County</strong> might be achieved.<br />

These scenarios include:<br />

• Scenario 1: Relaxed Planning<br />

• Scenario 2: Mixed Planning<br />

• Scenario 3: Strict Planning<br />

These scenarios are discussed in further detail in the following sections.<br />

8.2.2. Scenario 1: Relaxed Planning<br />

In this scenario policies in relation to rural housing are relaxed, particularly in the<br />

upland areas of North <strong>Roscommon</strong>. The scenario would not sustain and renew<br />

established rural communities in both smaller rural towns and villages and the wider<br />

countryside areas; development would not occur in locations where they are likely to<br />

have the least amount of impact on the natural environmental and material assets; and<br />

there would be no response to the mix of economic, social and physical circumstances<br />

of different types of rural areas.<br />

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Chapter 8 Alternative Development Scenarios<br />

Overall, in this scenario little consideration is given to the rural character of the county.<br />

The urban settlement strategy would allow for urban expansion and sprawl, which<br />

would result in the loss of distinction between rural and urban centres. The densities of<br />

between 15 to 20 dwellings per hectare would continue to take place on the periphery<br />

or edge of settlements, rather than adhering to the higher densities proposed by the<br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong> Housing Strategy (2007). A simplistic approach would be taken to<br />

development, where all other towns and villages would be considered as having equal<br />

growth potential. In the main growth areas there would be no emphasis on the<br />

development of brownfield sites, which would increase the need for the development of<br />

‘greenfield sites, which would add to urban sprawl. Overall the relaxed approach to<br />

planning would be unsustainable.<br />

Likely plan impacts<br />

The potential direct impacts of relaxed rural housing policies would be an increase in<br />

poorly sited and designed housing; increase in ribbon developments between towns<br />

and villages, as well as along the main roads and around the shore areas of, for<br />

example, Lough Key; and dispersed settlement. The secondary impacts of relaxed<br />

housing developments would be unsustainable transport patterns, lack of alternative<br />

energy provision, lack of timely and needs driven infrastructure provision for water,<br />

sewage, waste management and inefficient use of land resources.<br />

The plan impacts of an urban strategy, which contravenes the objective of developing a<br />

hierarchy of clearly delineated growth areas, would lead to unbalanced growth across<br />

the <strong>County</strong>.<br />

Likely environmental impacts<br />

The potential environmental impacts of relaxed/unsustainable rural housing policies<br />

would be most likely felt in relation to existing and potential environmental issues and<br />

resources, particularly in relation to water, biodiversity, cultural assets and landscape.<br />

This in turn would have negative impacts on the value of the county as an important<br />

tourist destination in the West. If a relaxed attitude is taken to the provision and<br />

development of infrastructure needs in relation to wastewater, and waste management<br />

in settlement centres, environmental degradation will be a likely consequence<br />

particularly in relation to water quality.<br />

The impact of relaxed planning particularly in rural areas would put increased pressure<br />

on water both from a demand and potential contamination point of view. An increase in<br />

demand for potable water would result in the installation of more private wells in the<br />

county which would put increased pressure on this valuable resource. A grant of<br />

planning for individual houses would require treatment of wastewater prior to<br />

discharge. This treatment system would, if correctly operated and maintained, provide<br />

adequate treatment. However, in the event of a malfunction or overload of the<br />

treatment system, then discharges could potentially pollute surface water or<br />

groundwater. Water quality monitoring data for the rivers in <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong><br />

shows that certain rivers such as the River Owenur, the River Suck, the River Hind, the<br />

River Lissaphobble and the Curraghroe Stream are coming under increasing pressure<br />

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Chapter 8 Alternative Development Scenarios<br />

As mentioned previously groundwater dependant terrestrial ecosystems such as<br />

turloughs would come under increasing pressure if the quality and quantity of<br />

groundwater was reduced. Many of the designated ecological habitats such as<br />

turloughs and wetlands are very much dependant on groundwater. Any impact on<br />

groundwater from developments will have a knock-on impact on terrestrial ecosystems.<br />

A relaxed planning policy in the county would mean that a dispersed settlement pattern<br />

would be least sustainable for meeting housing demand and external costs would be<br />

high. The economic cost of providing infrastructure, water, wastewater treatment and<br />

amenities to remote areas would be high. In addition the overall impact of individual<br />

housing and developments in the landscape would be difficult to assess and control.<br />

8.2.3. Scenario 2: Mixed planning<br />

In this scenario some trade off’s between development requirements and<br />

environmental protection are allowed. Here the rural character of the county is<br />

emphasised. Strict attitudes exist to rural housing in vulnerable areas, however,<br />

housing will be facilitated when it is based on good siting and design principles, meet<br />

local needs and strengthens rural communities. Rural diversification will be a priority<br />

in this scenario, which recognises the importance of environmental, cultural and<br />

landscape resources. As a result environmental issues and resources are considered<br />

along side development needs.<br />

In keeping with the <strong>Roscommon</strong> Settlement Strategy and increased development<br />

pressures as well as the decline in the size of households, higher residential densities<br />

will be encouraged. Development of settlements will occur in accordance with their<br />

location in the hierarchy and as a result industrial and commercial development will be<br />

encouraged particularly in the larger towns.<br />

Likely plan impacts<br />

The likely plan impacts of a mixed approach are to create a balanced development<br />

pattern in <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong>. This approach will provide for existing levels of growth<br />

plus projected increases. The provision of physical and social infrastructure will be in<br />

accordance with projected population and housing horizons. Settlement will be based<br />

on the established settlement, which will ensure that the need for centres with different<br />

roles and development potential are recognised. The rural environment will be<br />

protected as a resource, while the rural economy will be supported through<br />

diversification.<br />

Likely environmental impacts<br />

In this scenario environmental impacts will be controlled. Where there is conflict<br />

between environmental and development policy objectives, adequate mitigation<br />

measures can be put in place to remedy the impacts.<br />

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Chapter 8 Alternative Development Scenarios<br />

This scenario allows for controlled development within the county and allows for mixed<br />

planning both urban and rural. This scenario identifies the need for controlled planning<br />

and environmental controls and sets out long-term strategic development in the county.<br />

This scenario allows for the protection of designated sites and waterbodies within the<br />

county. Studies undertaken by the <strong>Council</strong> have identified the requirements for<br />

upgrades and installation of wastewater treatment plants. These will provide protection<br />

to nutrient sensitive rivers such as the River Hind and nutrient sensitive lakes such as<br />

Lough Key and Lough Gara. This will ensure that the <strong>Council</strong>s requirements under the<br />

Water Framework Directive “to ensure good water quality status in all waters” will be<br />

achieved.<br />

This scenario also allows for the provision of water treatment infrastructure and the<br />

provision of a clean constant drinking water supply to the public. The strict<br />

environmental controls that may be attached to a grant of planning for a development<br />

will ensure that any potential environmental damage can be eliminated or significantly<br />

reduced.<br />

This scenario will also ensure that the landscape objectives and policies of<br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> will be adequately addressed in future planning<br />

applications. This scenario provides the council with an opportunity to control planning<br />

in visually sensitive areas whilst also encouraging planning in landscape types that can<br />

accommodate change.<br />

8.2.4. Scenario 3: Strict planning<br />

In this scenario emphasis is placed on preserving the rural environment within the<br />

<strong>County</strong>. As a result policies in relation to rural housing would be strictly enforced<br />

through close adherence to the Sustainable Rural Housing Guidelines for Planning<br />

Authorities (DoEHLG). In particular single rural dwellings would be severely restricted<br />

with little or no development in or close to sensitive areas and landscapes. There would<br />

be strict adherence to EU environmental directives, resulting in strict delineations<br />

between natural and material assets with no trade off between these assets.<br />

Urban development policies would channel all growth into existing urban areas.<br />

Following the Review of <strong>Roscommon</strong> Housing Strategy higher housing densities of<br />

between 35-50 dwellings per hectare would occur, which might lead to urban<br />

consolidation and maintain a distinction between urban and rural areas.<br />

However, such development would have to be fully supported by the provision of<br />

education and employment centres and infrastructure to serve the needs of residential<br />

development. Infrastructural development in relation to transport, energy and waste<br />

management would be driven by principles of sustainability.<br />

Likely plan impacts<br />

The restrictive attitude to rural housing would mean very little rural development of any<br />

kind. The strict preservation of natural and cultural resources would have implications<br />

for existing rural communities as it implies that such areas would largely be associated<br />

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Chapter 8 Alternative Development Scenarios<br />

with amenity rather than other economic activities, which could be carried out in a<br />

sustainable manner without impacting on the inherent conservation value of such<br />

areas. This policy orientation would inevitably lead to the decline in agriculture and<br />

traditional rural activities unless rural diversification towards a form of eco-tourism is<br />

actively promoted and supported.<br />

In this scenario key towns and villages would play a dominant role in the economic<br />

profile of the county. Infrastructural development would be orientated towards these<br />

areas, while peripheral rural areas would experience decline. The sustainability<br />

emphasis on infrastructure might mean that proposed motorway development would be<br />

reconsidered and a stronger emphasis would be placed on public transport such as rail<br />

and bus; waste would be reduced at source leading to a reduction in landfilling and<br />

renewable energy would lead to a decline of reliance on electricity generated energy.<br />

Likely environmental impacts<br />

In this scenario environmental impacts would be minimized and in most circumstances<br />

there would be an improvement in the quality of natural resources.<br />

This scenario would afford full protection of the environment but would comprise<br />

economic development in the county. While tourism and tourist related industries is a<br />

big employer in the county and it is important to ensure that natural resources are<br />

protected, agriculture is still a major employer in the county. People who work the land<br />

should be able to build on their land. However, this scenario would severely restrict<br />

single rural dwellings in these areas.<br />

8.2.5. Assessment of scenarios<br />

In this section the three scenarios outlined are evaluated to determine their overall<br />

individual impact on the environment. Based on this, it should be possible to compare<br />

the alternatives with each other in order to determine a preferred strategy for the<br />

<strong>County</strong>. In the methodology applied here each of the scenarios are broadly assessed<br />

against the main environmental objectives set out in Section 7. The likely significant<br />

impacts are rated according to the scale of impact on the environmental objectives.<br />

Table 8.2:<br />

Environmental criteria for assessing scenarios<br />

Environmental Topic<br />

Water<br />

Biodiversity<br />

Cultural heritage<br />

Landscape<br />

Environmental objective<br />

Prevent any deterioration in the status of any waters and to<br />

achieve at least “good status” in all (surface, groundwater,<br />

river, lake) waters by 2015<br />

Maintain and enhance biodiversity<br />

Promote the protection and conservation of cultural heritage;<br />

including architecture, archaeology, history and heritage<br />

features<br />

Conserve and enhance valued natural, urban and historic<br />

landscapes and features within them<br />

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Chapter 8 Alternative Development Scenarios<br />

Table 8.3:<br />

Assessment of planning scenarios<br />

Environmental<br />

objective<br />

Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3<br />

Water - √/- √<br />

Biodiversity - √/- √<br />

Cultural heritage ? √/- √<br />

Landscape ? √/- √<br />

Key<br />

Positive impact<br />

√<br />

Negative impact<br />

-<br />

No<br />

anticipated<br />

0<br />

impact<br />

Positive<br />

negative<br />

√/-<br />

or<br />

Uncertainneed<br />

info<br />

?<br />

8.3. Preferred Strategy<br />

Based on the environmental assessment of the three alternative policy scenarios, it<br />

was found that Scenario 2, which represents a mixed planning approach, should be the<br />

preferred strategy for the <strong>County</strong>. Scenario 3 performs best from an environmental<br />

perspective; however, its prescriptive orientation is restrictive on human and economic<br />

development. As a result this strong orientation doesn’t represent a sustainable<br />

approach, which must account for both the physical and human environment. Scenario<br />

1 displays the worst environmental performance, while it also performs poorly from a<br />

social and economic perspective.<br />

Overall Scenario 2 recognises that a balance must be struck between the environment<br />

and development and as such most resembles a sustainable alternative.<br />

A full assessment of this scenario (now referred to as the Plan) is presented in Section<br />

9. In this section the plan objectives are fully assessed against the environmental<br />

objectives to determine likely significant environmental impacts.<br />

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9.1. Introduction<br />

The objective of this section is to determine the ‘likely significant’ effects of the Plan on<br />

the environment. The assessment methodology adopted here is based on the<br />

environmental objectives (Chapter 7) and the Plan objectives (as set out in the various<br />

chapters of the Plan). The environmental objectives of water, biodiversity, cultural<br />

heritage and landscape, human health, soils, geology, air and climate (Table 9.1) are<br />

individually assessed against the Plan objectives in relation to:<br />

• Settlement and development<br />

• Infrastructure, transportation and movement<br />

• Economic development and employment<br />

• Urban development<br />

• Rural development<br />

• Built heritage and archaeology<br />

• Natural heritage and landscape character assessment<br />

• Social inclusion and community facilities<br />

• Recreation, leisure and tourism<br />

• <strong>Roscommon</strong> Town Development Plan Strategic Policies and Objectives<br />

• Castlerea Town Development Plan Strategic Policies and Objectives<br />

• Boyle Town Development Plan Strategic Policies and Objectives<br />

• Ballaghadreen Development Plan Strategic Policies and Objectives<br />

• Lough Key Strategic Policies and Objectives<br />

• Creagh, Cortober, Monksland/Bellanamullia and Hodson Bay/Ballymore<br />

Development Plans<br />

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Table 9.1<br />

Environmental Objectives<br />

Environmental Topic<br />

Water (W)<br />

• Surface Water (W1)<br />

• Bathing Water (W2)<br />

• Groundwater (W3)<br />

• Drinking Water (W4)<br />

• Water Supply (W5)<br />

• Marinas (W6)<br />

• Flooding (W7)<br />

Biodiversity (B)<br />

• Protect designated habitats and<br />

species (B1)<br />

• Protected Species and habitats in<br />

non-designated sites (B2)<br />

• Invasive species (B3)<br />

• Biodiversity Plan (B4)<br />

Cultural Heritage (CH)<br />

• Heritage (CH1)<br />

• History (CH2)<br />

• Architectural Features (CH3)<br />

• Archaeology (CH4)<br />

• Peatland (CH5)<br />

Landscape (L)<br />

• Natural landscape (L1)<br />

• Urban landscape (L2)<br />

Population and Human Health (P)<br />

• Population (P1)<br />

• Human Health (P2)<br />

Soils and Geology (SG)<br />

• Soil (SG1)<br />

• Unregulated Landfill (SG2)<br />

• Soil (SG3)<br />

• Geology (SG4)<br />

Material Assets (MA)<br />

• Transportation (MA1)<br />

• Waste Management (MA2)<br />

• Wastewater infrastructure (MA3)<br />

•<br />

• Wastewater infrastructure (MA4)<br />

• Wastewater Infrastructure (MA5)<br />

Air and Climate (AC)<br />

• Climate (AC1)<br />

• Air Quality (AC2)<br />

Environmental Objective<br />

• Maintain or improve the quality of surface water (WO1)<br />

• Maintain or improve the biotic quality rating (Q value) of<br />

surface waters (WO1.1)<br />

• Maintain or improve the quality of bathing waters within<br />

the lifetime of the Plan (WO2)<br />

• Prevent pollution of groundwater by adhering to aquifer<br />

protection plans (WO3)<br />

• Maintain and improve the quality of drinking water<br />

supplies (WO4)<br />

• Promote sustainable water use based on long term<br />

protection of resources (WO5)<br />

• Prepare a marina water quality management plan<br />

(WO6)<br />

• Minimise the risk of flooding (WO7)<br />

• Conserve protected habitats and species (BO1)<br />

• Conserve the diversity of habitats and species in nondesignated<br />

sites (BO2)<br />

• Protect aquatic and terrestrial habitats from invasive<br />

species (BO3)<br />

• Prepare a Biodiversity Plan for the <strong>County</strong> (BO4)<br />

• Promote best practice in heritage conservation and<br />

management (CHO1)<br />

• Prepare an inventory and map of historical sites<br />

including battle sites (CHO2)<br />

• Protection of individual sites and complexes (CHO3)<br />

• Identification and protection of land based and<br />

underwater archaeological features (CHO4)<br />

• Development of peatland trails/walkways (CHO5)<br />

• Designate and protect the views and prospects as<br />

identified in the LCA and Lough Key Study Area (LO1)<br />

• Designate and protect unworked geological deposits<br />

(LO1.1)<br />

• Control of wind energy developments in areas of peat<br />

and high scenic value (LO1.2)<br />

• Local area plans for the major towns should have<br />

objectives to protect their existing character as identified<br />

in the LCA (LO2)<br />

• Improve people’s quality of life based on high quality<br />

residential, working and recreational life (PO1)<br />

• Adhere to <strong>County</strong> Emergency Plan (PO2)<br />

• Maximise use of brownfield sites (SG01)<br />

• Identify any unregulated landfill site (SG02)<br />

• Implementation of Sludge Management Plan for the<br />

county (SG03)<br />

• Identification and protection of geological resources<br />

(SGO4)<br />

• Development of ILUTP’S (MA01)<br />

• Minimise waste production and introduce sustainable<br />

waste management practices (MA02)<br />

• Wastewater infrastructure based on actual population<br />

needs in keeping with the objectives of the Plan (MAO3)<br />

• Implementation of the ‘Towns and Villages Sewage<br />

Project’ (MA04)<br />

• New development for single houses to meet EPA<br />

guidelines for single houses (MAO5)<br />

• Minimise greenhouse gas emissions to meet National<br />

and International standards (ACO1)<br />

• Licencing of facilities under 1987 Air Pollution Act<br />

(AC03)<br />

• Installation of gas powered station (AC04)<br />

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Chapter 9 Assessment of the likely significant effects of the Plan on the Environment<br />

9.2. Assessment criteria<br />

The assessment criteria used is based on the determination of the ‘likely significant’<br />

impacts of the Plan’s policies and objectives on the environmental objectives as shown<br />

in Table 9.1. The likelihood of an impact occurring on any of the environmental<br />

objectives are determined (based on expert judgment of the <strong>SEA</strong> team) and the<br />

significance and duration of the likely impact is then determined. The following criteria<br />

have been used to determine significance of an impact:<br />

• Positive or negative impacts: A positive impact improves the quality of the<br />

environment (e.g. increasing species diversity, improving water quality, improving<br />

amenities). A negative impact reduces the quality of the environment (e.g. reducing<br />

species diversity or removal of habitats). A negative impact can be sufficiently<br />

minimised / eliminated by the installation of appropriate mitigation measures.<br />

These mitigation measures during construction are typically conditioned in a grant<br />

of planning.<br />

• Long-term or short-term: A short-term impact will usually last for the duration of a<br />

project while a long-term impact will last greater than 60 yeas.<br />

• Temporary or permanent: A temporary impact will typically last for the duration of a<br />

project while a permanent impact will typically last over 60 years<br />

Some policies or objectives listed in the CDP, for example, the provision of adequate<br />

wastewater treatment facilities, will have positive and negative, temporary and<br />

permanent and short-term and long-term impacts. The negative, temporary and shortterm<br />

impacts will arise during the construction of the facility. The positive, permanent,<br />

long-term impacts will arise from the operation of the wastewater treatment plant to<br />

ensure compliance with regulatory wastewater quality standards. This will ensure that<br />

water quality in the receiving waterbody will maintain good quality status or improve to<br />

good water quality status by 2015.<br />

Where the environmental impact of policy or objective is uncertain it is given a under<br />

the column titled ‘uncertain impacts’.<br />

Comment is provided in the tables where necessary, for example, where an impact<br />

might register as both positive and negative or long-term and short-term.<br />

The environmental assessment of the various policies and objectives of the Plan are<br />

detailed in the tables in Appendix 6. The environmental assessment table for the<br />

various policies and objectives are shown in Table 9.1.1.<br />

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Table 9.1.1<br />

Environmental Assessment Tables<br />

Strategy Policies & Objectives Table No. in Appendix 6<br />

Settlement Policy & Strategic Policies &<br />

9.2<br />

Development Strategy Objectives<br />

Infrastructure Strategic Policies &<br />

9.3<br />

Objectives<br />

Public Transport Policies &<br />

9.4<br />

Objectives<br />

Road & Traffic Management<br />

9.5<br />

Policies<br />

General Infrastructure<br />

9.6<br />

Policies<br />

Water Policies & Objectives 9.7<br />

Renewable Policies &<br />

9.8<br />

Objectives<br />

Electricity Energy Policies &<br />

9.9<br />

Objectives<br />

Gas Supply Policies &<br />

9.10<br />

Objectives<br />

Telecommunication Policies<br />

9.11<br />

& Objectives<br />

Major Accident Hazard Major Accident Hazard<br />

9.12<br />

Objectives<br />

Economic Development Economic Development &<br />

9.13<br />

Employment<br />

Rural Enterprise<br />

Rural Enterprise Policies &<br />

9.14<br />

Objectives<br />

Tourism Tourism Policies 9.15<br />

Town Centre & Village <strong>Roscommon</strong> Town 9.16<br />

Improvement<br />

Castlerea 9.17<br />

Boyle 9.18<br />

Ballaghadreen 9.19<br />

Strokestown 9.20<br />

Athlone Town 9.21<br />

Carrick-on-Shannon-<br />

9.22<br />

Cortober<br />

Ballinasloe Environs-Creagg 9.23<br />

Retail Policies & Objectives 9.24<br />

Extractive Industry Extractive Industry Policies<br />

9.25<br />

& Objectives<br />

Urban Development Policies & Objectives for<br />

9.26<br />

Urban Development<br />

Rural Development Agricultural Policies &<br />

9.27<br />

Objectives<br />

Agricultural diversification &<br />

9.28<br />

Rural Enterprise<br />

Rural Tourism 9.29<br />

Forestry & Bio-energy Policies & Objectives for<br />

9.30<br />

Forestry & Bio-energy<br />

Wind Farms<br />

Policies & Objectives for<br />

9.31<br />

Wind Farms<br />

Rural Housing Rural Housing Policies 9.32<br />

Built Heritage & Built Heritage Policies & 9.33<br />

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Strategy Policies & Objectives Table No. in Appendix 6<br />

Archaeology<br />

Objectives<br />

Protected Structures Policies<br />

9.34<br />

& Objectives<br />

Architectural Conservation<br />

9.35<br />

Areas Policies & Objectives<br />

Heritage Gardens, Parks,<br />

9.36<br />

Demesnes<br />

Archaeological Heritage<br />

9.37<br />

Policies & Objectives<br />

Natural Heritage & Natural Heritage &<br />

9.38<br />

Landscape Character Geological Policies &<br />

Assessment<br />

Objectives<br />

Natural Conservation<br />

9.39<br />

Policies & Objectives<br />

Hedgerows, Trees and<br />

9.40<br />

Woodlands<br />

Esker, Peatland and<br />

9.41<br />

Turlough objectives<br />

Wetlands Watercourses &<br />

9.42<br />

Fens objectives<br />

Heritage Parks & Gardens<br />

9.43<br />

objectives<br />

Inland Waterways objectives 9.44<br />

Alien Invasive Species<br />

9.45<br />

objective<br />

Social Inclusion & Social Inclusion & Disability<br />

9.46<br />

disability<br />

Policies<br />

Community Facilities 9.47<br />

Childcare Provision 9.48<br />

Policies for Health 9.49<br />

Strategic Policies for<br />

9.50<br />

Education<br />

Policy for Libraries 9.51<br />

Policies for Museums 9.52<br />

Objectives for Burial<br />

9.53<br />

Grounds<br />

Objectives for Place Names 9.54<br />

Recreation, Leisure & Recreation, leisure 9.55<br />

Tourism<br />

Tourism 9.56<br />

Marine Tourism 9.57<br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong> Town Infrastructure 9.58<br />

Residential Development 9.59<br />

Water Services 9.60<br />

Community Facilities 9.61<br />

Commercial/Retail 9.62<br />

Industry 9.63<br />

Recreation & Tourism 9.64<br />

Natural & Built Environment 9.65<br />

Castlerea Infrastructure 9.66<br />

Residential Development 9.67<br />

Water Services 9.68<br />

Community Facilities 9.69<br />

Recreation & Tourism 9.70<br />

Commercial/Retail 9.71<br />

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Strategy Policies & Objectives Table No. in Appendix 6<br />

Industry 9.72<br />

Natural & Built Environment 9.73<br />

Boyle Town Infrastructure 9.74<br />

Residential Development 9.75<br />

Water Services 9.76<br />

Community Facilities 9.77<br />

Commercial/Retail 9.78<br />

Industry 9.79<br />

Recreation & Tourism 9.80<br />

Natural & Built Environment 9.81<br />

Ballaghadreen Infrastructure 9.82<br />

Residential Development 9.83<br />

Water Services 9.84<br />

Community Facilities 9.85<br />

Recreation & Tourism 9.86<br />

Commercial/Retail 9.87<br />

Industry 9.88<br />

Natural & Built Heritage 9.89<br />

Lough Key Natural & Built Heritage 9.90<br />

Recreation & Tourism 9.91<br />

Residential Development 9.92<br />

Infrastructure 9.93<br />

Water Services 9.94<br />

Monksland/ Bellanamullia Infrastructure 9.95<br />

Residential 9.96<br />

Water Services 9.97<br />

Community Facilities 9.98<br />

Industry 9.99<br />

Commercial/Retail 9.100<br />

Natural & Built Heritage 9.101<br />

Recreation & Tourism 9.102<br />

Landuse & Zoning 9.103<br />

Hodson Bay/Barrymore Residential 9.104<br />

Area<br />

Infrastructure 9.105<br />

Tourism & Recreation 9.106<br />

Water Services 9.107<br />

Environment 9.108<br />

Landuse & Zoning 9.109<br />

Creagh Residential 9.110<br />

Infrastructure 9.111<br />

Water Services 9.112<br />

Industry 9.113<br />

Tourism, Recreation &<br />

9.114<br />

Community<br />

Environment 9.115<br />

Landuse & Zoning 9.116<br />

Cortober Residential 9.117<br />

Infrastructure 9.118<br />

Water Services 9.119<br />

Industry 9.120<br />

Recreation & Tourism 9.121<br />

Natural & Built Environment 9.122<br />

Landuse & Zoning 9.123<br />

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Chapter 9 Assessment of the likely significant effects of the Plan on the Environment<br />

9.2.1. Overall Assessment of the <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong> Development Plan<br />

2008-2014<br />

Strategic environmental assessment (<strong>SEA</strong>) is a systematic process for predicting,<br />

evaluating and mitigating, at the earliest appropriate stages, the environmental effects<br />

of Plans or Programs and their alternatives before they are adopted. Fehily Timoney &<br />

Company, Environmental Engineering Consultants, Core House, Pouladuff Road,<br />

Togher, Cork, was retained by <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> to conduct a <strong>SEA</strong> of their<br />

<strong>County</strong> Development Plan. The approach taken by FTC to conduct the assessment<br />

followed the guidelines prepared by the Department of the Environment Heritage and<br />

Local Government (2004) and the content of the <strong>SEA</strong> complies with Schedule 2B<br />

(Information to be Contained in a Environmental Report) of the Planning and<br />

Development (Strategic Environmental Assessment) regulations 2004 (SI No 436 of<br />

2004). A non-technical summary of the <strong>SEA</strong> was also prepared.<br />

Consultations were undertaken with the statutory consultees (The Environmental<br />

Protection Agency, The Department of the Environment Heritage & Local Government<br />

and the Department of Communications Marine and Natural Resources), neighbouring<br />

counties (Leitrim, Longford, Offaly, Westmeath, Galway, Sligo and Mayo), the<br />

Geological Survey of Ireland and the Shannon Regional Fisheries Board. The<br />

inclusion of the views and opinions of these statutory bodies were considered and were<br />

central to the preparation of the environmental report.<br />

A scoping report was prepared by FTC in consultation with <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong><br />

<strong>Council</strong> and the EPA. The result of the scoping exercise helped to focus on the<br />

environmental issues which are most likely to be significantly impacted upon as a result<br />

of implementing the Plan. These included, but are not limited too:<br />

• Water including surface water bodies (rivers and lakes) and groundwater<br />

• Biodiversity, flora and fauna within designated wildlife sites and and nondesignated<br />

sites and terrestrial habitats<br />

• Landscape<br />

• Cultural Heritage (Archaeology and Architecture)<br />

The EU’s 6 th Environmental Action Programme (EAP) has identified four key<br />

environmental priorities including climate change, nature and biodiversity, environment<br />

and health, and natural resources and waste.<br />

The draft <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> Development Plan has been prepared in accordance<br />

with the requirements of Section 10 (2) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 and<br />

provides for the proper and sustainable development for <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong> for the<br />

years 2008-2014. The Plan contains a written statement of the vision for the county<br />

which feeds into the strategic goals for the Plan. These strategic goals then form part<br />

of each of the chapters of the Development Plan and form the basis for the specific<br />

policies and objectives within these sections.<br />

The Plan is tiered within the hierarchy of policies, plans and strategies, which extend<br />

from the International, EU, National, Regional and local levels.<br />

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Chapter 9 Assessment of the likely significant effects of the Plan on the Environment<br />

The external international and national policy context have a strong role to play in the<br />

setting of higher level agendas such as climate change, the Water Framework Directive<br />

and biodiversity, while the internal Plan objectives are more specific and localised in<br />

their orientation.<br />

FTC conducted an assessment of the likely significant effects of the Plan on the<br />

environment. These assessments are detailed in Tables 9.2 to Tables 9.123 in<br />

Appendix 6 and the main findings are summarised below. FTC’s assessment of the<br />

Plan considered the positive, negative, long-term, short-term, temporary and<br />

permanent impacts on the environment.<br />

The assessment methodology adopted is based on the determination of the likely<br />

significant impacts of the Plans policies and objectives set out in the environmental<br />

report.<br />

The assessment of the likely significant effects of the Plan on the top level<br />

environmental issues i.e. water, biodiversity, landscape and cultural heritage are<br />

described below.<br />

Water<br />

The River Shannon is the main waterway that flows through the county. A number of<br />

the Special Areas of Conservation in the <strong>County</strong> are highly dependant on water. A<br />

number of studies have shown (The Waterways Corridor Study, 2004) that the River<br />

Shannon can accommodate further boating activity, increased tourism while with<br />

careful management can still maintain its ecological importance.<br />

Lough Key which is located on the Boyle River also forms an important tourist and<br />

ecological habitat in the county.<br />

A review of data provided by the EPA on water quality in rivers in the county has shown<br />

that in general water quality is good. However, water quality has consistently declined<br />

in a number of rivers since 1971 (River Hind, River Lung and River Lissabphobble).<br />

Groundwater is the main source of drinking water in the county. Up to 73% of water<br />

abstracted is used in public water systems and 47 of the 57 group water schemes are<br />

supplied by groundwater. Reports prepared by the Geological Survey of Ireland have<br />

shown that a large proportion of the county is classified as having either extreme or<br />

high vulnerability areas. There are a number of groundwater source protection zones<br />

around six of the public water supplies in the county.<br />

Groundwater dependant terrestrial ecosystems such as turloughs are particularly<br />

important due to the conservation nature of these habitats. Turloughs are listed as<br />

Habitat Directive Annex 1 priority habitats and many of them are designated as Special<br />

Areas of Conservation.<br />

Works conducted by the Office of Public Works (OPW) concluded that flooding is<br />

proven to occur along the River Shannon on the eastern bounds of the county.<br />

Flooding is responsible for the creation of wetlands particularly in the Callows which is<br />

one of Irelands remaining strongholds fro the corncrake.<br />

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Chapter 9 Assessment of the likely significant effects of the Plan on the Environment<br />

The <strong>County</strong> Development Plan recognises the need to protect water in the county both<br />

from a drinking water perspective, surface water quality perspective and from an<br />

ecological point of view. The proposed <strong>County</strong> Development Plan will take cognisance<br />

of the groundwater protection plans in the county and will adopt a Water Quality<br />

Management Plan for the county. Development will be restricted within the catchment<br />

areas of waterbodies which are used or capable of being used as major water<br />

resources of portable water or for any other beneficial purposes.<br />

As a requirement under the Water Framework Directive <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong><br />

aims to have water quality at “good status” by 2015 within the county for all schemes.<br />

The council will also have regard to the guidance Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems<br />

(SUDS) designed to manage stromwater run off in urban areas. They will also take<br />

cognisance of the OPW’s Guidelines on Flood Risk (2005) publication and Policy 63<br />

and Objective 56 in the Development Plan deals specifically with the OPW’s flood risk<br />

guidance and SUDS respectively.<br />

The council recognises that the development and expansion of the county’s<br />

wastewater and surface water drainage system is essential to the future of sustainable<br />

development of the county and to the improvement of water quality within and adjoining<br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong>. Capital projects to be undertaken during the lifetime of this Plan includes<br />

a number of new and upgrading of existing sewerage facilities in town’s within the<br />

county, the provision of a sludge hub centre and an upgrading of the sewerage scheme<br />

and surface water drainage system in <strong>Roscommon</strong> Town. The existing treatment<br />

capacity in the Monksland area will be expanded to accommodate future development<br />

in this area.<br />

In summary the provision of upgraded and new wastewater treatment facilities within<br />

the county will ensure that the objective of reaching good water quality status by 2015<br />

within the county will be achievable.<br />

The protection of groundwater will ensure that drinking water supplies to people living<br />

in <strong>Roscommon</strong> will be maintained and the number of boil water notices will be<br />

significantly reduced within the period of this Plan.<br />

The new and upgraded infrastructure will ensure that waste generated will be<br />

adequately treated prior to discharge and that <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> will meet its<br />

Water Framework Directive requirements.<br />

Biodiversity<br />

<strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong> is home to many habitats of both international and national<br />

importance, including eskers, turloughs, raised bog and wetland. A number of these<br />

are designated sites under European National Legislation.<br />

There are also a number of sites with geological importance and the Casltesampson<br />

Esker has been identified by the National Parks and Wildlife Service as one of the best<br />

examples of eskers in <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong>. It is listed as an Annex 1 habitat under the<br />

EU Habitats Directive.<br />

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Chapter 9 Assessment of the likely significant effects of the Plan on the Environment<br />

Peatlands and bogs are also a unique feature of the <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong> landscape<br />

and a number of blanket bogs and raised bogs are found within the county.<br />

The county also contains a number of important aquatic habitats such as Lough Key,<br />

the River Shannon and a number of turloughs. Groundwater forms an integral part of<br />

many of these ecosystems and is an important resource within the county both as a<br />

drinking water source and an ecological habitat.<br />

The <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong> Heritage Plan 2002-2008 has as its main objective the<br />

creation and promotion of an increased knowledge and awareness and appreciation of<br />

the natural, built and cultural heritage of <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong>. The council recognises<br />

the importance of hedgerows as wildlife corridors and trees and woodlands as both a<br />

landscape and ecological amenity within the county and has provided a number of<br />

objectives to protect and preserve these habitats. The council also recognises that<br />

there is a need to balance the requirements of aggregate extraction with the<br />

requirements of the conservation of eskers within the county thus allowing them to<br />

survive and achieve their educational, tourist, tourism and recreational potential.<br />

The council recognises the uniqueness of the wetlands, turloughs and fens in the<br />

county and will protect, conserve and enhance these unique habitats during the lifetime<br />

of this Plan.<br />

The River Shannon as a tourist and boating attraction places other water bodies under<br />

threat from invasive species. Invasive species are those whose introduction threatens<br />

native biological diversity. The council recognises that Japanese Knotweed is found in<br />

several locations throughout the county and <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> will support<br />

initiatives to raise awareness of the dangers of the spread of invasive species. There<br />

are a number of objectives contained within the Development Plan specifically<br />

addressing this issue.<br />

FTC’s review of the <strong>County</strong> Development Plan in particular Chapter 8-Natural Heritage<br />

and Landscape Character Assessment found that a number of strategic goals, policies<br />

and objectives specifically address the natural environment in <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong>.<br />

These policies and objectives will assist the council to meet the requirements of EU<br />

and National legislation. By adhering to the policies and objectives <strong>Roscommon</strong><br />

<strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> will be compliant with the National Heritage Plan 2002, the National<br />

Biodiversity Plan 2002 and EU Directives on wild birds and habitats.<br />

Landscape<br />

A Landscape Character Assessment (LCA) conducted in 2007 found that the urban<br />

and rural landscape of <strong>Roscommon</strong> offers many unique features. There are a number<br />

of heritage towns for example <strong>Roscommon</strong>, Boyle and Elphin within the county and<br />

there is a good mix of rare landscape features such as fens, callows and turloughs.<br />

Eskers and raised bogs also offer a unique visual and landscape aspect to the <strong>County</strong>.<br />

Chapter 8-Natural Heritage and Landscape Character Assessment of the Development<br />

Plan addresses landscape characteristics of the county.<br />

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Chapter 9 Assessment of the likely significant effects of the Plan on the Environment<br />

A number of the natural ecological features within the county such as the eskers and<br />

turloughs while being unique ecological habitats are also unique landscape<br />

characteristics and form part of the identification of <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong>.<br />

The council has prepared specific landscape character assessment for the Lough Key<br />

area. <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> recognises the importance of maintaining the<br />

landscape within the county and has developed a number of policies and objectives in<br />

relation to rural tourism, biofuels, windfarm developments and rural type developments.<br />

FTC’s review of these policies found that by incorporating these policies and objectives<br />

in the Development Plan, <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> will preserve the integrity of the<br />

landscape within the county and unique landscape features such as eskers and<br />

turloughs will be maintained and sustained for future generations.<br />

Cultural Heritage<br />

The built heritage in <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong> consists of a range of areas of special<br />

interest including grand buildings such as Strokestown Park House and cathedrals like<br />

St. Nathy’s in Ballaghdreen to thatched cottages scattered around the Country, dry<br />

stone wall field boundaries water pumps bridges etc. <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> has<br />

262 builidings on the record protected structures (RPS) and there are 416 structures in<br />

<strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong> that are included in the <strong>County</strong> national infantry of architecture.<br />

There are over 4,400 recorded monuments in the <strong>County</strong>.<br />

Chapter 7 of the <strong>County</strong> Development Plan-Built Heritage and Archaeology recognises<br />

the importance of <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong>’s heritage and its requirements to comply with<br />

international conventions and agreements such as the Convention Concerning the<br />

Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, Convention for the Protection<br />

Architectural Heritage of Europe, and the European Convention on the Protection of<br />

Archaeological Heritage, 1992. The Development Plan contains a number of policies<br />

and objectives in relation to the built heritage within the county.<br />

Policies and objectives for the record of protected structures are also contained within<br />

the Development Plan and specific features such as roof scapes and chimneys, shop<br />

fronts, heritage gardens parks are protected within the Plan.<br />

These policies contained within the Plan will ensure that the architectural heritage of<br />

<strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong> is maintained and will be sustained for future generations.<br />

In summary FTC’s review of the Development Plan and the preparation of the<br />

Environmental Report found that the Plan is sustainable in terms of environmental<br />

protection. The Plan has a particularly strong emphasis on the protection of the<br />

environment in particular groundwater and the unique ecological and heritage elements<br />

within the county. The Plan has several policies that will be beneficial towards<br />

reducing air pollution and energy consumption. The Plan will put in place infrastructure<br />

that will help to encourage walking and cycling and consequently reduce traffic<br />

congestion and traffic use in urban areas. These policies will help improve air quality<br />

within the county.<br />

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Chapter 9 Assessment of the likely significant effects of the Plan on the Environment<br />

The <strong>County</strong> Development Plan encourages the use of brownfield sites for development<br />

and while the environmental impact of remediation of these brownfield sites prior to<br />

construction will cause short-term environmental impact, in the long term the<br />

environmental benefits will be substantial. It will also help to ensure that virgin sites<br />

area maintained within the <strong>County</strong> and help preserve a sustainable environment within<br />

the county.<br />

The Area Plans for the various towns have identified the need to protect the<br />

environment and the Plan will put in place a number of schemes that will either build or<br />

upgrade existing wastewater treatment plants. The Area Plans have identified the<br />

uniqueness of ecological habitats in the vicinity of these towns and protection is<br />

afforded to same. The Plan recognises the requirement of the <strong>Council</strong> to meet the<br />

requirements of the Water Framework Directive and resources and personnel will be<br />

put in place to ensure that the targets of “good status” will be achieved by 2015.<br />

Overall the implementation of the <strong>County</strong> Development Plan will have a long term<br />

benefit for the county. The Plan allows for sustainable development within its lifetime.<br />

Clearly the Development Plan seeks to enhance and protect the environment while<br />

also allowing for economical development and growth. However, there are some trade<br />

offs between these two main objectives. For example the upgrading and provision of<br />

infrastructure will have short-term temporary negative impact during construction.<br />

However, the long term beneficial effects of these developments will out way the shortterm<br />

negative impacts. Proper management and adherence to planning conditions will<br />

ensure that any environmental impacts are adequately mitigated. The implementation<br />

of the <strong>County</strong> Development Plan will;<br />

• Improve water quality to achieve “good status” by 2012<br />

• Maintain and enhance biodiversity<br />

• Promote the conservation and protection of cultural heritage<br />

• Conserve and enhance valued and natural historic landscape features within them<br />

• Maintain and promote sustainability within the county<br />

• Promote economic growth in the county while still maintaining traditional industries<br />

such as agriculture<br />

• Integrate existing and future land uses including housing, employment, public<br />

amenities and shopping<br />

• Maintain the quality of life of the people living in <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong><br />

A review of the Local Area Plans for:<br />

• Monksland<br />

• Creagh<br />

• Cortober<br />

• Hodson Bay/Barrymore<br />

is included in the following section of this report.<br />

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Review of Monksland/Bellanamullia Area Plan<br />

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Chapter 9 Assessment of the likely significant effects of the Plan on the Environment<br />

Monksland/Bellanamulllia<br />

The assessment of the likely significant affects of the Plan on the<br />

Monksland/Bellanamullia environs is given in Table 9.95 to 9.103.<br />

The assessment methodology adopted here is based on the environmental objectives<br />

and the Plan objectives set out in this Environmental Report. For ease of discussion<br />

the impacts of the zoning in the Monksland/Bellanamullia area on the environmental<br />

objectives are summarised below.<br />

Water<br />

The environmental topics under this heading include surface water, groundwater,<br />

drinking water, water supply and flooding. The landuse policy for the area includes for<br />

the provision of the N6 route, residential development to the north and southeast of the<br />

area, the provision of local centres and neighbourhood centres, business enterprise<br />

park/light industry developments, recreation and amenity areas and green belts.<br />

FTC’s assessment found that developments within these areas will be adequately<br />

catered for by the existing and proposed upgrade of the South <strong>Roscommon</strong> Water<br />

Scheme. The final part of this project will be completed by the 4 th quarter of 2008. The<br />

final phase will involve the development of the Lisbrock source, the construction of a<br />

6,000 m 3 reservoir at Feamore and a large distribution pipeline from this reservoir to<br />

Monksland terminating at Elan. The construction of a large distribution pipeline from<br />

Killeglan source to Monksland and the provision of full treatment plants at Lisbrock and<br />

Killeglan sources will be completed in the near future. The provision of a water<br />

metering system in the area will help identify where water losses may be arising and in<br />

the long term will assist in obtaining a sustainable water supply in the area.<br />

The existing wastewater treatment plant in the area is considered to have adequate<br />

capacity for increased populations during the lifetime of this CDP.<br />

Flooding occurs in the area mainly arising from two sources; the River Shannon and<br />

the River Suck. The provision of land zoning and industrial uses close to the Cross<br />

River will require particular attention. The council has included for a green belt along<br />

the length of the Cross River and this will, if properly maintained, provide in part a flood<br />

control measure. Notwithstanding this, it is recommended that all developments close<br />

to this river should adhere to the guidelines given in the OPW’s Guidelines on Flood<br />

Risk (2005). In addition developers should be required to submit a SUDS report with<br />

planning applications for developments located close to the river.<br />

The Monksland Sewerage Scheme was designed as a separate system i.e. storm and<br />

foul water. <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> is currently working on a major expansion of<br />

the plant to meet the industrial requirements of the area. The discharge, which<br />

currently discharges into the Cross River will be re-routed to discharge into the River<br />

Shannon. The council has received funding from the DoEHLG to advance this project<br />

through planning in 2007-2009. The project will contain a review of the Monksland<br />

area requirements with possible extensions of the collection system to increase the<br />

catchment area of the scheme provided.<br />

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Chapter 9 Assessment of the likely significant effects of the Plan on the Environment<br />

This upgrade will have a beneficial effect on sewerage discharges from the area. The<br />

upgraded plant will operate under best available technology and the impact of<br />

discharges to the River Shannon will have minimal impact on water quality or<br />

biodiversity.<br />

The extension of the collection scheme in the Monksland area will mean that the<br />

number of diffuse pollution sources will be reduced within the area. This reduction of<br />

sources will mean that water quality in both the River Shannon and the Cross River will<br />

improve. The extension of the collection scheme will help achieve the goals of the<br />

Water Framework Directive.<br />

Groundwater supplies approximately 70% of the drinking water in the county and is<br />

therefore a vital resource for development in the county. Groundwater is currently the<br />

only source of drinking water for this scheme. The scheme is supplied by the Killeglan<br />

and Lisbrock groundwater sources. It is understood that these two supplies will be<br />

sufficient to meet the demands for the Monksland area for the next 2 years.<br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> is currently investigating a link with the Athlone Water<br />

Scheme which could be in place by the end of 2008. Policy 20 of the Plan for<br />

Monksland/Bellanamullia states that the council will have regard to the Groundwater<br />

Protection Plans for the Athlone Environs area. A review of the GSI database shows<br />

that groundwater vulnerability in the area is high. Objective 8 for the Water Services<br />

section of the area plan states that the council will seek to ensure that septic tanks and<br />

other individual wastewater treatment systems are installed and maintained to the<br />

highest possible standards. This will ensure that the quality of groundwater as a<br />

drinking water supply will be maintained. The monitoring of drinking water supplies in<br />

the area will identify any deterioration, particularly microbial, in water quality.<br />

Biodiversity<br />

This area of the county has extensive bog areas and the Shannon Callows and the<br />

Lough Ree candidate Special Area of Conservation. The majority of drainage ditches<br />

within the area discharge into Lough Ree. The council in their plan has made provision<br />

to encourage industrial development in the area. A mix of business enterprise<br />

park/light industrial and industrial use zoning is provided for the plan. Objective 24 of<br />

the Area Plan states that planning in the area should conserve the environment of the<br />

Shannon Waterway and River Suck. The council recognises that the inadequate<br />

infrastructure in the area severely limits the development potential of the area. Proper<br />

drainage and management of surface water discharges from the industrial units will be<br />

paramount in protecting Lough Ree as the Water Characterisation Report for the<br />

Shannon River Basin District identifies Lough Ree as been at significant risk from point<br />

source pressures.<br />

The council has however stated that it wishes to promote the development of an<br />

integrated open space/green belt consisting of open spaces vegetation and drainage<br />

channels that will protect locally important and designated biodiversity. The Area Plan<br />

has a green belt along the Cross River and around Crannagh Bog that will help afford<br />

protection to these important ecological habitats.<br />

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Population<br />

Chapter 9 Assessment of the likely significant effects of the Plan on the Environment<br />

The Area Plan recognises that the residential population of Monksland is increasing<br />

rapidly. The Plan has identified that by providing large amounts of land zoned for<br />

residential development it will need to also provide an adequate level of community<br />

facilities, public transport systems, water supplies, wastewater treatment facilities,<br />

employment, schools and shopping facilities etc.<br />

There are three areas zoned for Community and Educational use within the Draft<br />

Monksland Area Plan (Map 35). However, there are only 6.11 acres of new lands<br />

zoned. This land is for a proposed Community Club and park and does not address<br />

the deficit in the provision of community/educational facilities in the area.<br />

The specific objectives for Community and Educational Facilities within the Monksland<br />

Area plan include:<br />

• Provide for health, welfare, community, educational and institutional use including<br />

schools, childcare, community meeting areas, churches etc. in close proximity to<br />

existing and planned residential communities as well as other ancillary services<br />

such as public services and recycling facilities<br />

• Provide for dual use of community facilities where possible and appropriate<br />

Social and affordable housing will be provided during the lifetime of this Plan, through<br />

land acquisition, purchase and/or development through the Part V process.<br />

The council’s Plan provides for a range of housing types, forms and location which will<br />

ensure that houses are available for the increased population but also ensure that the<br />

house types will reflect the character of the area.<br />

Brownfield sites and derelict buildings will be developed where possible. While<br />

remediation of the brownfield sites will cause environmental nuisance in the short-term,<br />

it will be beneficial to the environment in the long-term. The council will impose strict<br />

environmental mitigation requirements for any site remediation works. Redevelopment<br />

of derelict sites will reduce the need for virgin land within the study area.<br />

To reduce the risk of flooding in the residentially zoned land, the council will have<br />

regard to flood plains, work conducted by the Office of Public Works and the provision<br />

of flooding defences.<br />

The Area Plan also provides for the provision and maintenance of an adequate supply<br />

of water, safe and adequate sewage disposal.<br />

The council recognises the need to provide community facilities in the area. To date<br />

they have been active in providing a community centre, sports pitches, playgrounds,<br />

footpaths and lighting, a hotel, gym in the area. The achievement of these policies and<br />

goals will help to maintain and improve the quality of life of residents within this are.<br />

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Chapter 9 Assessment of the likely significant effects of the Plan on the Environment<br />

Archaeology & Cultural Heritage<br />

FTC’s review of the zoning map for the area found that lands to the north of<br />

Bellanamullia are inappropriately zoned. The baseline assessment of SMR’s in this<br />

area has revealed a number of archaeological features in this area including:<br />

• Bullaun Stone – RO 05680<br />

• Church – RO 05678<br />

• Graveyard – RO 05679<br />

• Industrial Chimney – RO 06186<br />

• Burnt Spread – RO 06564<br />

A portion of the re-zoned land falls within the marsh/boggy areas abutting Cushlea<br />

Bog.<br />

An objective of zoning in the Area Plan for New Residential (NR) sites states that<br />

development within these areas will have regard to the overall heritage of the area. It<br />

is recommended that the council requests full archaeological impact assessments,<br />

prepared by registered archaeologists for residential developments close to these<br />

SMR’s.<br />

Similarly developments encroaching on Cushlea Bog should demonstrate to the council<br />

that they will not have an impact on the hydrological regime of Cushlea bog.<br />

Air and Climate<br />

The councils Area Plan recognises the requirements to provide clean air and reduce<br />

carbon emissions. The Plan provides for public transport to reduce car use, and cycle<br />

and walking paths to reduce car use. Regarding industry the council wishes to seek<br />

the provision of improved energy (Policy 34) and communications infrastructure for the<br />

area. The Plan allows for the reservation of lands for the provision of heavy industry,<br />

incinerators and thermal treatment. If the incinerators are of the combined heat power<br />

type then energy generated could be exported to the National Grid. The<br />

incinerators/thermal oxidisers will be subject to licence from the Environmental<br />

Protection Agency (EPA) and will be operated under strict licence limits.<br />

The provision of these policies and objectives will help to maintain or improve air<br />

quality and safety within this area.<br />

The Health & Safety Authority has requested that a Consultation Distance of 1 km from<br />

Elan be set and all planning applications within this 1 km boundary be sent to them for<br />

consultation. This 1 km off set will be given in Section 3.13 of the Plan.<br />

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Draft Hodson Bay/Barrymore Area Plan<br />

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Chapter 9 Assessment of the likely significant effects of the Plan on the Environment<br />

Hodson Bay/Barrymore Area Plan<br />

The assessment methodology adopted is based on the determination of the likely<br />

significant impacts of the Plan’s policies and objectives set out in the Environmental<br />

Report. For ease of discussion the impacts of the zoning in the Hodson Bay/Barrymore<br />

area on the environmental objectives are summarised below.<br />

The assessment of the likely significant effects of the Plan on the Hodson<br />

Bay/Barrymore environs is given Table 9.104 to Table 9.109 in Appendix 6<br />

Water<br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> has identified the use of septic tanks and other individual<br />

wastewater treatment systems and the conservation of the natural and built<br />

environment in the area as being one of a number of principle land use issues. The<br />

environmental topics under this heading are surface water, groundwater, drinking<br />

water, water supply and flooding. The Hodson Bay/Barrymore area is surrounded by<br />

Lough Ree. Lough Ree is an important amenity and tourism asset to <strong>County</strong><br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong> and the council will seek to protect the sensitive environment of the lake<br />

and its shores from inappropriate tourism development. Hodson Bay is part of the<br />

Village Sewerage Scheme Project for the county and it is envisaged that the contract<br />

for the collection system will be advertised shortly and will be completed around the<br />

end of 2009. It is expected that the design build and operate contract for the provision<br />

of a number of wastewater treatment plants including one for the Hodson Bay area will<br />

be advertised in March 2008 with an intended completion date of the end of 2009.<br />

FTC’s assessment found that the provision of this new wastewater treatment plant and<br />

collection scheme will minimise the impact of discharges to surface water particularly in<br />

the Lough Ree area. In addition, Policy 29 of the Area Plan provides for the support of<br />

the main aims of the Lough Derg and Lough Ree catchment and management<br />

programme.<br />

A review of a flood map for the Hodson Bay/Barrymore area found that lands to the<br />

west and east of the area are prone to flooding. Flooding occurs in the area mainly<br />

arising from two sources namely the River Shannon and Lough Ree. The council has<br />

zoned the majority of the land that is prone to flooding as green belt or designated<br />

Special Area of Conservation and consequently the impacts of flooding on dwellings in<br />

these areas will be minimal. However, the provision of new residentially zoned land<br />

may impact on the floodplains in the east of the area and it is recommended that all<br />

developments close to these plains should adhere to the guidelines given in the OPW’s<br />

Guidelines on Flood Risk (2005). In addition developers who propose to carry out<br />

construction in these areas should be required to submit a SUDS report with all<br />

planning applications for development close to these areas.<br />

Groundwater supplies approximately 70 % of the drinking water in the county and is<br />

therefore a vital resource for developments within the county. This area is serviced by<br />

the South Ros RWSS. A review of groundwater vulnerability map of the area shows<br />

that groundwater is highly vulnerable in this area and consequently all developments<br />

within the relevant zone lands will need to have cognisance of the groundwater<br />

vulnerability and adequate mitigation measures installed to protect same.<br />

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Biodiversity<br />

Chapter 9 Assessment of the likely significant effects of the Plan on the Environment<br />

Lough Ree is a proposed Natural Heritage Area (NHA) and Special Area of<br />

Conservation (SAC). A large proportion of the area is designated green<br />

belt/designated (SAC) and therefore has statutory designations. The council<br />

recognises the requirement to protect this area and the council in their Plan has<br />

prepared a number of policies promoting tree planting and landscaping in the area, and<br />

the increased presence of litter bins in public amenity areas throughout this plan area.<br />

The proximity of the study area to the River Shannon and Lough Ree has required the<br />

council to implement a policy dealing specifically with the prevention of the spread of<br />

invasive species (Policy 30). Development on lands close to Lough Ree or the River<br />

Shannon will be carefully assessed in particularly with regards to the installation of<br />

individual wastewater treatment systems for residential properties.<br />

FTC concludes that the implementation of these policies will ensure that the levels of<br />

biodiversity and ecological functioning within the Plan area will be maintained.<br />

Population<br />

The Area Plan recognises that residential populations within the area are characterised<br />

by urban generated single dwellings. Extensive ribbon development has occurred in<br />

the general Hodson Bay/Barrymore areas and in particularly along the N61 national<br />

secondary route. Ribbon development along the N6 has occurred and the council<br />

wishes to minimise this type of development within the lifetime of this Plan. The council<br />

wishes to prohibit development proposals that would be detrimental to visual or<br />

environmental amenity. The council has set out a number of policies for the protection<br />

of the scenic views of Lough Ree and the River Shannon (Policy 1) and to ensure that<br />

development does not cause or significantly contribute towards the sterilisation of land<br />

(i.e. backland) from future development (Policy 4).<br />

Social and affordable housing will be provided during the lifetime of this Plan through<br />

land acquisition, purchase and/or development through the Part 5 process.<br />

Brownfield sites and derelict sites will be developed where possible. While remediation<br />

of the brownfield sites will cause environmental nuisance in the short term, it will be<br />

beneficial to the environment in the long term. The council will impose strict<br />

environmental mitigation requirements for any site remediation works. Redevelopment<br />

of derelict sites will reduce the need for virgin land within the study area.<br />

The council recognises the need to provide community facilities within the area. The<br />

council were successful in their funding application to Fáilte Ireland to construct an<br />

aquarium and boat training centre at Hodson Bay. It is expected that this will be<br />

completed by the end of 2007 and it will provide amenity to locals. Other plans include<br />

the development of a new tourist infrastructure or the refurbishment of the existing<br />

tourist infrastructure along the mid Shannon corridor. The council proposes the<br />

construction of safe and direct cycle routes accompanied by associated facilities such<br />

as secure cycle parking facilities at popular destinations to help encourage use of this<br />

mode of transport.<br />

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Chapter 9 Assessment of the likely significant effects of the Plan on the Environment<br />

The council also has provided for an adequate supply of water of suitable quality for<br />

domestic, industrial, agricultural and other uses and systems to provide for the safe<br />

disposal of wastewater.<br />

FTC’s review of these policies concluded that when they are in place they will help to<br />

maintain and improve the quality life of residents within this area.<br />

Archaeology and Cultural Heritage<br />

FTC’s review of the land zoning map of the area found that lands to the north of<br />

Hudson tower contain a number of SMR’s. These include:<br />

• Redundant record-RO 05601<br />

• Redundant record-RO 05599<br />

• Causeway-RO 05600<br />

• Ringfort-Rath-RO 05605<br />

• Redundant-RO 05607<br />

• Causeway-RO 05596<br />

• Redundant-RO 05595<br />

All of the land in this area is designated leisure tourism and green belt designated SAC<br />

and consequently the impacts on these archaeology features will be minimal.<br />

An indicative walkway planned for the area may approach some of these SMR’s and it<br />

is recommended that further archaeological investigations are conducted prior to the<br />

installation of this walkway.<br />

Air/Climate<br />

The councils Area Plan recognises the requirements to provide clean air for the area.<br />

The council has made provisions for adequate pedestrian paths and cycle tracks along<br />

the main roads which will reduce the air emissions from vehicular traffic. The council’s<br />

policy for new residential developments has a provision for renewable energy options<br />

and houses that are developed need to be energy efficient. These policies in<br />

association with the cycling and pedestrian pathways will in the long term help to<br />

reduce air emissions within the county.<br />

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Draft Creagh Area Development Plan<br />

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Chapter 9 Assessment of the likely significant effects of the Plan on the Environment<br />

Creagh Area Development Plan<br />

The Creagh area is located east of the Ballinsloe Urban District <strong>Council</strong> boundary<br />

either side of the N6 national primary route. The main land use of the area is<br />

predominantly agricultural although there has been a significant increase in<br />

development pressures. Creagh is designated a Special Policy Area (SPA) which will<br />

mean that further sporadic urban generated single houses and ribbon development will<br />

be regulated and constrained. The preferred N6 route running south-north through the<br />

Creagh area will allow for some development along this route.<br />

The assessment methodology is based on the determination of the likely significant<br />

impacts of the Plan’s policies and objectives set out in this Environmental Report. For<br />

ease of discussion the impacts of the zoning in the Creagh area on the environmental<br />

objectives are summarised below:<br />

The assessment of the likely significant effects of the Plan on Creagh environs is given<br />

in Tables 110 to 116 in Appendix 6.<br />

Water<br />

The environmental topics under this heading include surface water, groundwater,<br />

drinking water, water supply and flooding. The River Suck runs to the south west of the<br />

study area and is unlikely to be affected by the residentially zoned land on the southern<br />

portion of the study area. Further residentially zoned land north of the N6 will not have<br />

an impact on surface water in the area.<br />

Parts of Creagh are not served by mains water disposal. However, a proposal to the<br />

Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government for construction of a<br />

mains sewerage scheme in Creagh has been approved. The collection system is<br />

almost complete and it is expected that the contract documents for the design build and<br />

operate wastewater treatment plant will be issued in March 2008 and the plant will be<br />

completed by the end of 2009. The final treated discharge will be to the River Suck.<br />

The wastewater treatment plant will be operated to BAT and it is concluded that the<br />

assimilative capacity of the River Suck will be sufficient to cope with discharges from<br />

this wastewater treatment plant.<br />

Groundwater in the area is generally highly vulnerable with the exception of a small<br />

portion of the study area to the southwest which is moderately vulnerable. However,<br />

Policy number 13 of the Area Plan has the provision for any developments to have<br />

regard to the groundwater protection plan for the area. This will ensure that<br />

developments within the areas that are highly vulnerable will comply with the<br />

requirements of the groundwater protection plan and consequently discharges to<br />

groundwater will be minimised. A large proportion of land within the study area is<br />

zoned transitional agricultural. Strict guidelines on the disposal of sewage sludge to<br />

land and agricultural sludges to land will need to be adhered to, to ensure continual<br />

protection of groundwater in the area.<br />

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Biodiversity<br />

Chapter 9 Assessment of the likely significant effects of the Plan on the Environment<br />

The Suck River Callows NHA forms an important Special Protection Area and Natural<br />

Heritage Area close to the Creagh study area. Because of its ecological biodiversity,<br />

any developments within the study area particularly new residential developments<br />

along the southern boundary will need to take recognisance of this designated site.<br />

The potential of flooding from developments will need to be assessed to ensure that no<br />

impact on the hydrological regime of this river and the callows will be impacted upon.<br />

The large proportion of transitional agriculture with its associated hedgerows will<br />

ensure that unique biodiversities within the study area are maintained.<br />

Population<br />

The Area Plan recognises that the residential population of Creagh has increased<br />

significantly particularly for urban generated residential development. The Plan has<br />

provided large tracks of land both along the southern, northern and eastern boundaries<br />

of the town for new residential development.<br />

The upgrading of the water supply for domestic, industrial and agricultural uses and the<br />

upgrading of a wastewater treatment plant will ensure that quality of life issues are<br />

addressed by this plan. The council seeks to provide a range of social, recreation and<br />

community facilities to meet the needs of all the areas residents regardless of age or<br />

social background. This in association with the provision of childcare facilities which<br />

are convenient to public transport and pedestrian access will help to maintain or<br />

improve the quality of life of residents living in the area.<br />

Archaeology and Cultural Heritage<br />

FTC’s review of the land zoning map for Creagh found that land to the north of Ardcarn<br />

contain an eighteenth to nineteenth century house (RO-05841). The area is not zoned<br />

new residential consequently the impacts of any developments in the study area will<br />

not impact on this SMR.<br />

In summary this Area Plan will allow for the sustainable development of Creagh while<br />

encouraging economic growth in the area.<br />

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Draft Cortober Area Plan<br />

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Cortober Area Plan<br />

Chapter 9 Assessment of the likely significant effects of the Plan on the Environment<br />

The Cortober area is located to the south west of Carrick-on–Shannon in <strong>County</strong><br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong> and is bound to the east by the River Shannon. The plan area comprises<br />

the townlands of Cortober, Mullaghmore and Tullyleague. Significant development<br />

pressures associated with the growth of Carrick-on-Shannon has meant that large<br />

scale urban development along the N4 Boyle/Sligo road and also along the R370<br />

Croghan and R368 Elphin roads has occurred.<br />

The assessment methodology adopted here is based on the determination of the likely<br />

significant impacts of the Plan’s policies and objectives set out in the environmental<br />

report. For ease of discussion the impacts of the zoning of the Cortober area on the<br />

environmental objectives are summarised below.<br />

The assessment of the likely significant effects of the Plan on the Cortober environs is<br />

given in Tables 117 to Tables 123 in Appendix 6.<br />

Water<br />

The environmental topics under this heading include surface water, groundwater,<br />

drinking water, water supply and flooding. An integrated approach to management and<br />

monitoring lake and river catchment areas is under way with the support of the<br />

Department of the Environment, Health Local Government. The Geological Survey of<br />

Ireland is working with the council in the preparation of groundwater protection<br />

schemes for the county. The measures recommended in these plans will protect these<br />

water bodies. Information generated from these studies will help inform on locations<br />

suitable for septic tank and for the spreading of slurry. The River Shannon forms part<br />

of this Area Plan and is the main water body close to the study area. The council has<br />

adopted policies with regards to marinas, protection of tourism in the area and due to<br />

its importance as a tourist and fisheries water body, the River Shannon will be<br />

adequately protected.<br />

The Cortober area is being served by the Boyle/Ardcame RWSS, and there is sufficient<br />

water supply in the area for the lifetime of this plan.<br />

FTC reviewed the land zoning map for Cortober and the OPW flood information in the<br />

area. The information showed that potential flood plains are located along the south of<br />

the study area and areas north of the N4 Boyle/Sligo road. Potential flood areas in the<br />

north of the N4 may impact upon mixed residential and commercially zoned land.<br />

Section 3.8 in (Flood Risk and Protection) in the draft <strong>County</strong> Development Plan<br />

identifies the potential of flooding in the area and has recommended that proposed<br />

developments will have regard for the OPW’s Guidelines On Flood Risk, 2005 and it is<br />

the policy of the council to require all new large scale developments in all designated<br />

settlements to provide sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS) as part of their<br />

development proposals.<br />

The implementation of these policies will ensure that developments in the area will not<br />

impact on flood plains and that the hydrological and ecological status of these areas<br />

will not be impacted upon.<br />

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Chapter 9 Assessment of the likely significant effects of the Plan on the Environment<br />

A review of the groundwater vulnerability map for the area shows that in general<br />

groundwater vulnerability is moderate. However, sections of the area particularly the<br />

western and southern sides of the area exhibit high to extreme vulnerability.<br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> recognises the importance of groundwater in the area and<br />

vulnerability of same to pollution. The council during the lifetime of this plan will<br />

establish design build and operate wastewater treatment plants and upgrading of group<br />

schemes and small public water and sewage schemes. The proposed county<br />

Development Plan will take cognisance of the groundwater protection plans and<br />

groundwater vulnerability in the area and they will adopt a water quality management<br />

plan for the county. In accordance with the Water Framework Directive the council will<br />

aim to achieve good status quality groundwater by 2015 within the county.<br />

These mitigation measures and controls outlined in the development plan will have<br />

beneficial effects to groundwater and surface water and will ensure that groundwater<br />

quality as both a resource and an environmental resource will be maintained to the<br />

highest standards.<br />

Biodiversity<br />

The River Shannon is the main surface water feature in this area. There are 8 inland<br />

waterways in <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong> all of which are connected to the Shannon<br />

navigation. These waterways have very rich built, natural and cultural heritage<br />

associated with them. The <strong>Council</strong> has in Policy 301 of the <strong>County</strong> Development Plan<br />

given a commitment to the recommendations set out in the “Waterways Corridor Study<br />

2004”. Objective 292 of the Plan requires the maintenance and preservation of the<br />

aesthetic value of inland waterways and the waterway corridors in the county.<br />

The council recognises the problems associated with alien invasive species and has<br />

put some objectives in place to help reduce the risks of invasion, help control and<br />

manage new and established invasive species and a commitment to monitor the<br />

impact and raise public awareness of these species.<br />

The implementation of these objectives and other objectives regarding surface water<br />

quality in the area will ensure the biodiversity of this unique habitat and surrounding<br />

area will be maintained.<br />

Population<br />

Significant development pressures associated with the overall growth of the Carrick-on-<br />

Shannon urban area has resulted in large scale urban development. The council has<br />

stated in their Area Plan for Cortober that new residential developments particularly in<br />

terms of residential estates or groups of houses will be directed to suitably serviced<br />

lands. The Area Plan has a number of strategies, policies and objectives that will<br />

assist in improving the quality of life of persons living within the area. The council<br />

recognises the problems associated with the level of pedestrian activity along the N4<br />

and will undertake to extend urban speed limits further out the Boyle N4 road. This will<br />

reduce traffic speeds and increase pedestrian safety.<br />

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Chapter 9 Assessment of the likely significant effects of the Plan on the Environment<br />

The council will encourage and facilitate the provision of one new primary school within<br />

the Cortober area and if, during the lifetime of this plan that additional schools are<br />

required then the <strong>Council</strong> will in the first instance consider expansion of existing<br />

facilities on adjacent lands and if necessary, identify appropriate additional sites.<br />

The provision of an adequate supply of water and safe disposal of sewage in the area<br />

will also insure that the quality of life for people living in the area will be sustained and<br />

improved.<br />

The local plan identifies the need to facilitate economic development and employment<br />

creation opportunities in Cortorber. Expansion of industrial in Tullyleague and<br />

development of business parks and recreation facilities will ensure that people living in<br />

the area have the options of working close to their residence.<br />

Archaeology and Cultural Heritage<br />

A review of the sites and monuments records for the area identified only one SMR<br />

(Ringfort-Rath-RO 01104) along the southern boundary of the study area. This area is<br />

zoned mixed residential and commercial and any planning permissions granted within<br />

this area should require the developer to conduct a archaeological assessment of the<br />

area prior to commencement of work.<br />

The implementation of the CDP will have a long term benefit for the <strong>County</strong>. The Plan<br />

allows for sustainable development within its lifetime. Clearly, the CDP seeks to<br />

enhance and protect the environment while also allowing for economic development<br />

and growth. However, there will be some trade offs between these two main<br />

objectives. For example, the upgrading and provision of infrastructure will have short<br />

term temporary negative impacts during construction. But the long term beneficial<br />

effects of these developments will out weight the short- term negative impacts. Proper<br />

management and adherence to planning conditions will ensure that these impacts are<br />

adequately mitigated.<br />

It is recommended that the following development constraints be considered when<br />

zoning land:<br />

• Existing features, for example, the presence of overhead power lines, existing<br />

archaeological features protected structures etc.<br />

• The condition of the land, for example, marshy/boggy land, areas with steep<br />

topography, or low lying areas prone to flooding<br />

By taking these issues into account initially prior to zoning, the development potential of<br />

land is assessed and issues of environmental sensitivity raised at the outset.<br />

FTC’s review of the proposed zoning maps for <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong> indicated that on<br />

the whole these constraints have been adhered too.<br />

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Chapter 9 Assessment of the likely significant effects of the Plan on the Environment<br />

However, there are some areas which are inappropriately zoned e.g. land zoned in the<br />

north-eastern portion of Monksland/Bellanamullia for New Residential development<br />

falls within the marshy/boggy areas abutting Cushlea Bog.<br />

The implementation of the CDP will:<br />

• Improve water quality to achieve ‘good status’ by 2015<br />

• Maintain and enhance biodiversity<br />

• Promote the conservation and protection of cultural heritage<br />

• Conserve and enhance valued natural and historic landscape and features<br />

within them.<br />

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10.1. Introduction<br />

Mitigation measures are required to eliminate/remediate/reduce significant negative<br />

environmental impacts. Based on the source/pathway/receptor concept where an<br />

environmental burden (e.g. water pollution, air pollution) can impact on a receptor e.g.<br />

human, water, biodiversity or landscape via particular pathways these significant<br />

impacts can be either mitigated at:<br />

• Source e.g. avoid the impacts at source<br />

• Pathway e.g. reduce the magnitude of the impact<br />

• Receptor e.g. compensate for the impact by providing an alternative<br />

The scoping and consultation meetings identified some important environmental issues<br />

within the county for example the protection of biodiversity, protection of water<br />

particularly groundwater, the protection of cultural heritage and protection of sensitive<br />

landscapes. These would potentially be impacted upon by various aspects of the Plan<br />

(Section 9). To erase or minimise these impacts, mitigation measures are now set out<br />

below.<br />

10.2. Mitigation Measures<br />

A number of the International and National environmental policies, for example, the<br />

Habitats Directive, the Water Framework Directive, the EPA’s Code of Practice for<br />

Unregulated Landfill Sites, and the DoEHLG Guidelines for Wind Energy for Planning<br />

Authorities, have listed appropriate mitigation measures to minimise the impacts on the<br />

environment. Many of the mitigation measures, particularly for water will be driven by<br />

the Water Framework Directive and the requirement to meet good quality status by<br />

2015.<br />

10.2.1. Water Quality<br />

The objective with regards to water quality will be to achieve compliance with the WFD<br />

by 2015 i.e. good water quality status in all waterbodies. The trophic status of all lakes<br />

will be mesotrophic. Groundwater resources in the county will require maximum<br />

protection from pollution sources both diffuse and point sources.<br />

The CDP has identified areas of potential growth within the county. A Housing<br />

Strategy report has indicated the need for an additional 2,455 house during the life of<br />

the Plan. The main areas for development are <strong>Roscommon</strong> Town, Boyle and Athlone<br />

environs. Elphin and Castlerea also require additional housing.<br />

There are 24 no. sewerage schemes operating within the county. The largest of these<br />

schemes namely <strong>Roscommon</strong> Town, Boyle, Ballaghaderreen, Monksland and<br />

Castlerea have recently been upgraded.<br />

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Chapter 10 Mitigation Measures<br />

Due to the phenomenal development which has taken place within the last few years<br />

and to ensure that development will continue, the <strong>Roscommon</strong> Town and Monksland<br />

sewerage scheme upgrades are included in the 2007-2009 investment programme.<br />

Upgrades of Stokestown, Elphin, Knockcroghery, Loughglynn, Ballinlough, Ballyleague,<br />

Hudson Bay and Frenchpark scheme are also planned.<br />

The second ‘Town and Village Sewerage Project’ for 2010-2014 plans for upgrades of<br />

other smaller existing schemes and the installation of sewerage treatment schemes for<br />

smaller towns and villages. The correct design (population equivalent) and siting of<br />

these treatment plants will provide adequate treatment for wastewater generated in the<br />

proposed residential growth areas. With correct design and operation, the<br />

requirements of the WFD will be achieved. Rivers, for example, the River Hind will<br />

through time achieve good water quality status.<br />

With planning applications for single rural dwellings, the <strong>Council</strong> must insist on<br />

compliance with EPA’s (2000) ‘Wastewater Treatment Manual – Treatment Systems<br />

for Single Houses’. In particular, the requirement for treated discharges of 30 µg/l<br />

phosphorous and ≤ 100 faecal coliforms/100 mls in the discharge must apply. Proof of<br />

the system and audited by an appropriate qualified person will also be a requirement of<br />

planning.<br />

Research conducted for the Shannon River Basin study has found that nutrient losses<br />

from agriculture is accepted as a significant cause of declining water quality in Lough<br />

Ree. Agricultural sources are the main source of phosphorus into Lough Ree. Point<br />

sources of pollution into lakes in <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong> include urban agglomerations,<br />

food processing plants, pharmaceutical/chemical plant and peat. <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong><br />

<strong>Council</strong> has a sludge management plan. This must be strictly regulated to ensure that<br />

disposal rates and runoff from river/lake catchment do not impact on water quality.<br />

Planning applications for agricultural developments or agricultural related<br />

developments depending on operations and size may require an IPPC licence from the<br />

EPA or a planning permission from the planning authority. Either way conditions on the<br />

licence or planning permission will control the quantity and concentration of discharges.<br />

Some facilities may have their own wastewater treatment plants. Other smaller farm<br />

holdings that do not require a licence will be governed by the guidelines issued by the<br />

Department of Agriculture in the Blue Book – Code of Good Agricultural Practice, the<br />

REPs Guidelines and SI No. 378, 2006 – Good Agricultural Practice for the Protection<br />

of Waters Regulations.<br />

10.2.2. Biodiversity<br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> will prepare a Biodiversity Plan for the county during the<br />

lifetime of this CDP. This plan will take cognisance of other higher level documents<br />

such as the National Biodiversity Plan, Protection of the Freshwater Pearl Mussel and<br />

National Parks and Wildlife Services guidelines when working close to sensitive<br />

habitats and species.<br />

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Chapter 10 Mitigation Measures<br />

Conditions on a grant of planning for a development close to designated sites or<br />

sensitive habitats might include but not be limited to:<br />

• Consultation with the National Park and Wildlife Services prior to commencement of<br />

work<br />

• Requirement for a riparian zone between the work area and nearby watercourses<br />

and turloughs<br />

• Any in-river works in salmonid waters confined outside the season for salmon and<br />

trout (May to September)<br />

• Cognisance taken of any aquifer plans in the area<br />

• Provision of fuel bunding on site<br />

• Provision of a surface/stormwater management plan during construction<br />

• Provision to ensure that hedgerows are not removed during the nesting season<br />

(March – end of August)<br />

• Provision of bat survey when old trees or buildings are been removed<br />

• Mammal surveys e.g. badgers/otters should be undertaken in the appropriate<br />

season<br />

• Provision of mitigation measures e.g. mammal underpasses, bat boxes, replanting<br />

of trees post construction<br />

• Compliance with the <strong>Roscommon</strong> Biodiversity Plan and Biodiversity Plans for<br />

neighbouring counties<br />

The <strong>County</strong> Heritage Officer should be consulted with prior to a grant of planning in<br />

area close to designated sites.<br />

10.2.3. Landscape<br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> has prepared a Landscape Character Assessment (LCA)<br />

for the county. In summary, the document classifies each of the landscape areas into<br />

one of the following classes:<br />

• Exceptional value<br />

• Very high value<br />

• High value<br />

• Moderate value<br />

These areas are presented in a Landscape Value Map in the LCA report (MosArt,<br />

2007).<br />

Planning applications for developments will need to take cognisance of this document.<br />

In the event that a planning application is submitted in a visually sensitive area or is of<br />

such a scale to be visually intrusive then the council should insist on:<br />

• An assessment of the potential visual impact of the development and mitigation<br />

measures to remedy same. This could take the form of a photomontage or a ZTV<br />

• If the planning application is for a windfarm then the developer will need to have<br />

cognisance of the DoEHLG’s - The Wind Energy Development Guidelines for<br />

Planning Authorities (2006) document<br />

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• The use of the indigenous shrubs and trees for screening<br />

Chapter 10 Mitigation Measures<br />

10.2.4. Architecture and Cultural Heritage<br />

All planning applications within 30 m from a listed archaeological site or a site of<br />

architectural heritage must be accompanied by an archaeological assessment.<br />

A registered archaeologist should be present during the initial stripping of the topsoil at<br />

these sites.<br />

For projects involving the construction of roads the developer will need to take<br />

cognisance on the NRA’s guidelines on archaeological assessments.<br />

10.2.5. Soils and Geology<br />

One of the objectives of the <strong>Roscommon</strong> CDP is the use of brownfield sites for<br />

development. In the event of a planning application on a brownfield site the council<br />

should insist that a full risk assessment is undertaken by the developer. Depending on<br />

the type of contaminants, levels of contamination and nearby receptors the risk<br />

assessment could be a simple source/pathway/receptor model or a more complex risk<br />

assessment model. Depending upon whether materials are hazardous or nonhazardous<br />

a waste licence from the EPA or waste permit from <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong><br />

<strong>Council</strong> will be required. The licence or the permit will have requirements for mitigation<br />

measures which may include but not be limited to:<br />

• The provision of a surface water management plan<br />

• The provision of noise, odour control<br />

• Treatment of groundwater prior to discharge<br />

• The provision of interceptor trenches between works and nearby rivers and streams<br />

• The final agreed decontamination levels in the soil<br />

• The method of remediation for example bioremediation, dig and dump, in-situ<br />

bioremediation etc.<br />

10.2.6. Human Beings<br />

Planning applications particularly for residential developments must have the provision<br />

to provide good quality drinking water and adequate wastewater treatment for these<br />

developments. Data provided by the EPA for 2005 stated that the overall compliance<br />

rate for drinking water in <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong> was 95.2% which was below the national<br />

average. 4 no. incidents of E.coli contamination and an outbreak of cryptosporidiosis<br />

occurred in that year. Mitigation measures such as proper water treatment to remove<br />

microbial and Cryptosporidium contamination should be provided.<br />

The provision of amenities for residential developments should be conditioned as part<br />

of planning permission for residential developments. Many of these mitigation<br />

measures will be implemented at Local Area Plan level or for project specific<br />

developments at the environmental impact statement stage.<br />

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11.1. Introduction<br />

Under Article 10 of the <strong>SEA</strong> Directive, monitoring is required in order to identify at an<br />

early stage any unforeseen adverse effects due to implementation of the Plan, and to<br />

be able to take remedial action. Monitoring allows the actual impacts of the Plan to be<br />

tested against those that were predicted. It allows major problems to be identified and<br />

dealt with in a timely fashion, and environmental baseline information to be gathered<br />

for future Plan reviews. It also ensures that proposed mitigation measures are carried<br />

out and that no unforeseen impacts occur (Therivel, 2004).<br />

The methodology used in the development of this monitoring programme is based on<br />

the use of indicators and targets, assignment of responsibilities, setting of appropriate<br />

time lines and intervention in the event of an unforeseen occurrence.<br />

Monitoring is carried out by reporting on the set of indicators and targets drawn up<br />

previously (Chapter 7) and used to describe future trends in the baseline, which enable<br />

positive and negative impacts on the environment to be measured. The indicators that<br />

are used show changes that would be attributable to implementation of the Plan. In<br />

particular, the indicators can also in certain circumstances act as an early warning<br />

system should unforeseen impacts occur or conditions deteriorate further or faster than<br />

anticipated. For example, water quality indicators describe trends in both improvements<br />

and deterioration in water quality. If quality targets are not being reached and water is<br />

seen to be unexpectedly deteriorating immediate intervention will be required.<br />

11.2. Responsibilities<br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> will be responsible for the implementation of the<br />

monitoring programme in relation to the Plan.<br />

11.3. Sources of information<br />

Monitoring will focus on aspects of the environment that are likely to be significantly<br />

impacted by the Plan. Indicators and targets have been identified for the main<br />

environmental issues in <strong>Roscommon</strong>, namely water, biodiversity, cultural heritage and<br />

landscape (Chapter 7). The indicators chosen are at a level, which is relevant to the<br />

Plan, and are collated and reported on by a variety of Government Agencies, such as<br />

EPA, OPW, National Parks and Wildlife Services and different sections within<br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong>.<br />

In Table 11.1 the format for the monitoring programme for this Plan is detailed in<br />

relation to relevant indicators, targets and frequency of monitoring, point at which<br />

additional action may be required and what type of intervention is required if a problem<br />

is identified.<br />

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Chapter 11 Monitoring Programme<br />

Based on the information above it can be seen that all of the indicator information<br />

required is already being actively collected and reported at a level sufficient to meet the<br />

needs of this Plan. The frequency of monitoring is set, the point at which additional<br />

action and its form are also detailed.<br />

11.4. Frequency of Reporting<br />

The minimum requirement for overall <strong>SEA</strong> reporting would be every 2 years, in parallel<br />

with the review period of the Plan. However it is recommended that the <strong>Roscommon</strong><br />

<strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> carry out a mid-term review of performance against <strong>SEA</strong> Objectives.<br />

This would occur in 2009 and would use information in the most recent information<br />

from the EPA State of the Environment Report. It is further recommended that reporting<br />

on the overall monitoring of the Plan is made to the EPA <strong>SEA</strong> Section.<br />

11.5. Identification of significant gaps in environmental information<br />

During the preparation of this Environmental Report a number of gaps in environmental<br />

information have been identified.<br />

• The lack of a county Biodiversity Plan although FTC understands that one will be<br />

prepared within the lifetime of the Plan<br />

• The grading of eskers depending up their biodiversity, extent and rareness<br />

• Ambient air quality data<br />

• The lack of information on the presence of unregulated waste disposal sites within<br />

the county.<br />

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Table 11.1:<br />

Water Indicator Monitoring<br />

W01<br />

W02<br />

W03<br />

Environmental Objectives<br />

Maintain and improve the<br />

quality of surface water<br />

Maintain or improve the<br />

quality of bathing water<br />

within the lifetime of the<br />

Plan<br />

Prevent pollution by<br />

adhering to aquifer<br />

protection plans<br />

Indicator<br />

Changes in water quality as<br />

identified during water quality<br />

monitoring programmes for<br />

example the Water<br />

Framework Directive<br />

conducted by RCC and the<br />

EPA<br />

Changes in bathing water<br />

quality (if bathing waters are<br />

designated of which there are<br />

none presently within the<br />

county) as identified during<br />

monitoring programmes<br />

conducted by RCC, between<br />

May and the end of August<br />

Changes in groundwater<br />

quality as identified during<br />

monitoring programmes<br />

conducted by RCC and the<br />

EPA under the WFD<br />

WATER<br />

Responsible<br />

Authority<br />

RCC<br />

EPA<br />

RCC<br />

RCC<br />

EPA<br />

Frequency<br />

As per monitoring<br />

cycle in<br />

accordance with<br />

the WFD<br />

Monitoring<br />

Programme<br />

Bi-weekly between<br />

May and end of<br />

August in<br />

designated<br />

bathing waters<br />

As per monitoring<br />

cycle in<br />

accordance with<br />

the WFD<br />

Monitoring<br />

Programme<br />

Target<br />

Improvement or at least<br />

no deterioration in<br />

surface water quality by<br />

2015<br />

Improvement or at least<br />

no deterioration in<br />

bathing water quality<br />

Improvement or at least<br />

no deterioration in<br />

groundwater quality<br />

Type of Intervention<br />

required<br />

Investigate source of<br />

problem and remedy<br />

accordingly<br />

Investigate source of<br />

problem and remedy<br />

accordingly<br />

Investigate source of<br />

problem and remedy<br />

accordingly<br />

W04<br />

W05<br />

Maintain and improve the<br />

quality of drinking water<br />

supplies<br />

Promote sustainable water<br />

use based on long-term<br />

protection of resources<br />

Frequency of ‘water boil’<br />

notices issued<br />

Frequency of water shortage<br />

notices issued<br />

RCC<br />

As required by the<br />

population served<br />

and by the<br />

requirements of<br />

the Drinking Water<br />

Regulations<br />

Decrease in the number<br />

of ‘water boil’ notices<br />

issued<br />

RCC - Decrease in the number<br />

of water shortage<br />

notices issued<br />

Investigate source of<br />

problem and remedy<br />

accordingly<br />

Investigate source of<br />

problem and remedy<br />

accordingly<br />

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W06<br />

W07<br />

Environmental Objective<br />

Prepare a Marina Water<br />

Quality Management Plan<br />

Minimise the risk of flooding<br />

through avoidance of<br />

development in flood plains<br />

Indicator<br />

Preparation of Marine<br />

Water Quality<br />

Management Plan.<br />

Frequency of flooding<br />

events in the county<br />

WATER<br />

Responsible<br />

Type of Intervention<br />

Frequency<br />

Target<br />

Authority<br />

required<br />

RCC - - Investigate source of<br />

problem and remedy<br />

accordingly<br />

RCC - Decrease in the Investigate source of<br />

number of dwellings problem and remedy<br />

flooded. Adherence to accordingly<br />

the guidelines given in<br />

the OPW’s Guidelines<br />

on Flood Risk (2005<br />

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Table 11.1:<br />

Biodiversity Indicator Monitoring Programme<br />

B01<br />

Environmental Objective<br />

Conserve protected<br />

habitats and species<br />

Indicator<br />

Removal of protected<br />

habitats and species<br />

within the county<br />

Biodiversity<br />

Responsible<br />

Authority<br />

Frequency<br />

Target<br />

RCC<br />

- No loss of protected<br />

DoEHLG<br />

habitats and/or species<br />

within the lifetime of the<br />

Plan.<br />

Type of Intervention<br />

required<br />

Investigate source of<br />

problem and remedy<br />

accordingly<br />

B02<br />

Conserve the diversity<br />

of habitats and species<br />

in non-designated sites<br />

Removal of locally<br />

important nondesignated<br />

habitats and<br />

species within the<br />

county<br />

Carry out habitat mapping<br />

for county to identify<br />

significant local habitats,<br />

prioritising Annex 1<br />

species as per the Habitats<br />

Directive.<br />

RCC - No loss of significant<br />

hedgerows such as<br />

Townland Boundary<br />

Hedges. No significant<br />

loss of roadside<br />

hedgerows.<br />

Ensure that developments<br />

which impact on townland<br />

boundary, roadside<br />

hedgerows, or hedgerows<br />

which link other habitats<br />

examine retaining,<br />

translocation or<br />

replacement with<br />

indigenous species. The<br />

overall target is to have no<br />

net loss of hedgerow<br />

resources within the<br />

county.<br />

Investigate source of<br />

problem and remedy<br />

accordingly<br />

Requirement in<br />

planning permissions.<br />

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BO3<br />

Protect aquatic and<br />

terrestrial habitats from<br />

invasive species<br />

The levels of invasive<br />

species found in aquatic<br />

and terrestrial habitats<br />

RCC<br />

DoEHLG<br />

Identify the presence<br />

and location of<br />

invasive species in<br />

<strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong>.<br />

Operators who conduct<br />

mechanical hedge cutting<br />

should have achieved the<br />

Teagasc proficiency<br />

standard MT 1302 –<br />

Mechanical Hedge<br />

Trimming.<br />

Involve <strong>Roscommon</strong><br />

<strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> in National<br />

and Regional initiatives to<br />

monitor and control<br />

invasive species.<br />

Investigate source of<br />

problem and remedy<br />

accordingly<br />

Support initiatives which<br />

reduce the likelihood of<br />

invasions. Help control<br />

and manage new invasive<br />

species. Raise public<br />

awareness of invasive<br />

species and address<br />

international obligations.<br />

B04<br />

Prepare a Biodiversity<br />

Plan for the county<br />

Biodiversity Plan for<br />

<strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong><br />

RCC<br />

Review <strong>County</strong><br />

Biodiversity Plan mid<br />

term of Plan<br />

No movement of earth<br />

from areas infested with<br />

invasive species.<br />

Prepare 5 year <strong>County</strong><br />

Biodiversity Plan.<br />

Prepare and<br />

implement Plan<br />

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Table 11.2:<br />

Cultural Heritage Indicator Monitoring Programme<br />

CH01<br />

Environmental Objective<br />

Promote best practice<br />

in heritage conversation<br />

and management as<br />

per DoEHLG<br />

Guidelines<br />

Indicator<br />

Number of unauthorised<br />

developments permitted<br />

over the lifetime of the<br />

Plan which result in the<br />

loss or partial loss of<br />

protected structures and<br />

sites of important<br />

archaeological status<br />

Cultural Heritage<br />

Responsible<br />

Authority<br />

RCC<br />

Department of<br />

the<br />

Environment,<br />

Heritage and<br />

Local<br />

Government<br />

Frequency<br />

Review the <strong>County</strong><br />

Heritage Plan mid<br />

term.<br />

Target<br />

No unauthorised<br />

developments permitted<br />

over the lifetime of the<br />

Plan which will result in<br />

the loss or partial loss of<br />

protected structures or<br />

sites of important<br />

archaeological status.<br />

Type of<br />

Intervention<br />

required<br />

Investigate source<br />

of problem and<br />

remedy accordingly<br />

CH02<br />

CH03<br />

Prepare an inventory<br />

and map of historical<br />

sites including<br />

battlefield sites<br />

Protection of individual<br />

sites and complexes<br />

Ensure that<br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong><br />

<strong>Council</strong> has the most<br />

recent data on historical<br />

sites and battle sites<br />

available from the<br />

DoEHLG<br />

Number of unauthorised<br />

developments permitted<br />

over the lifetime of the<br />

plan which result in the<br />

loss of individual sites<br />

or complexes<br />

RCC<br />

DoEHLG<br />

Ensure all planning<br />

applications that might<br />

have an impact on<br />

heritage are referred to<br />

the DoEHLG for<br />

comment and that their<br />

recommendations are<br />

adhered to.<br />

Maintenance of up to<br />

date historical sites and<br />

battle sites records at<br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong><br />

<strong>Council</strong><br />

RCC - No unauthorised<br />

developments<br />

-<br />

-<br />

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CH04<br />

CH05<br />

Environmental Objective<br />

Identification and<br />

protection of land based<br />

and underwater<br />

archaeological features<br />

Development of<br />

peatlands<br />

trails/walkways<br />

Indicator<br />

Number of unauthorised<br />

developments permitted<br />

which result in the loss<br />

or damage to<br />

archaeological features<br />

The number of peatland<br />

trails/walkways opened<br />

during the lifetime of the<br />

plan<br />

Cultural Heritage<br />

Responsible<br />

Authority<br />

Frequency<br />

Target<br />

RCC<br />

DoEHLG<br />

- No unauthorised<br />

development permitted<br />

during the lifetime of the<br />

Plan which could result<br />

in damage to<br />

archaeological features<br />

RCC - Opening of at least 1 no.<br />

trail/walkway during the<br />

lifetime of the Plan<br />

Type of<br />

Intervention<br />

required<br />

-<br />

-<br />

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Table 11.3:<br />

Landscape Indicator Monitoring Programme<br />

L01<br />

Environmental Objective<br />

Designate and protect the<br />

views and prospects as<br />

identified in the LCA and<br />

Lough Key Study Area<br />

L01.1 Designate and protect<br />

unworked geological<br />

deposit<br />

Indicator<br />

Number of developments<br />

in protected views and<br />

prospects as identified in<br />

the Landscape Character<br />

Assessment (LCA)<br />

Number of protected<br />

unworked geological<br />

deposits<br />

Landscape<br />

Responsible<br />

Frequency<br />

Authority<br />

RCC<br />

Review each planning<br />

application as<br />

submitted.<br />

RCC<br />

Geological<br />

Survey of<br />

Ireland<br />

Review each planning<br />

application as<br />

submitted.<br />

Target<br />

No significant disruption of<br />

views or prospects<br />

Conduct an audit of the<br />

important geological sites in<br />

<strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong>, in<br />

conjunction with the<br />

relevant statutory bodies<br />

Type of Intervention<br />

required<br />

L01.2 Control of wind energy<br />

developments in areas of<br />

peat and high scenic value<br />

Number of wind energy<br />

developments in areas of<br />

high ecological and scenic<br />

value<br />

RCC<br />

Review each planning<br />

application as<br />

submitted.<br />

No planning permissions<br />

granted for the extractive<br />

industry in protected<br />

geological sites<br />

No planning permissions<br />

for windfarms in areas of<br />

high ecological and scenic<br />

value<br />

L02<br />

Local area plans for the<br />

major towns should have<br />

objectives to protect their<br />

existing character as<br />

identified in the LCA<br />

Number of unauthorised<br />

developments in major<br />

towns that will impact on<br />

their existing character<br />

RCC<br />

Review each planning<br />

application as<br />

submitted.<br />

No unauthorised<br />

development in major<br />

towns that will significantly<br />

impact on their existing<br />

character.<br />

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Table 11.4:<br />

Population and Human Health Indicator Monitoring Programme<br />

P01<br />

Environmental Objective<br />

Improve people’s quality of<br />

life based on high quality<br />

residential, working and<br />

recreational life<br />

P01.1 Implementation of the<br />

<strong>County</strong> Litter Management<br />

Plan 2006-2009 and any<br />

subsequent plans<br />

P02 Adhere to <strong>County</strong><br />

Emergency Plan and other<br />

objectives of relevance to<br />

human health including:<br />

Indicator<br />

Occurrence of or any<br />

decline in human health<br />

around a particular area in<br />

the county.<br />

Increases in the number of<br />

green spaces available to<br />

the public.<br />

Implementation of <strong>County</strong><br />

Litter Management Plan<br />

2006-2009.<br />

Population and Human Health<br />

Responsible<br />

Frequency<br />

Authority<br />

RCC<br />

Review during the<br />

lifetime of the Plan.<br />

RCC Review during the<br />

lifetime of the Plan<br />

Target<br />

No deterioration in human<br />

health as a result of<br />

environmental factors.<br />

Increase in the number of<br />

green spaces available to<br />

the public.<br />

Maintain litter free status<br />

and endeavour to improve<br />

Type of Intervention<br />

required<br />

Investigate source of<br />

problem.<br />

Investigate and<br />

remedy problems<br />

• Water<br />

Drinking water quality<br />

No ‘boil water’ notices<br />

• Air<br />

• Infrastructure<br />

Maintaining or improving<br />

air quality in <strong>County</strong><br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong><br />

Availability of public<br />

transport<br />

Maintain or improve levels<br />

of ambient SO 2, NO x, and<br />

particulate matter as<br />

conducted by EPA<br />

monitoring<br />

Increased public amenities<br />

• Waste<br />

Provision of civic amenity<br />

sites<br />

Number of new civic<br />

amenity sites provided<br />

during the lifetime of the<br />

Plan.<br />

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Table 11.5:<br />

Soils and Geology Indicator Monitoring Programme<br />

Environmental Objective<br />

SG01 Maximise the use of<br />

brownfield sites and<br />

maximise the use of the<br />

existing built environment<br />

SG02 Identify any unregulated<br />

landfill sites in the county<br />

SG03<br />

SG04<br />

Implementation of Sludge<br />

Management Plan for the<br />

county<br />

Identification and<br />

protection of geological<br />

resources<br />

Indicator<br />

Number of new<br />

developments on<br />

brownfield sites<br />

Number of unregulated<br />

sites remediated<br />

Sludge Management Plan<br />

for the county<br />

Number of protected<br />

unworked geological sites<br />

identified based on rarity,<br />

biodiversity and aesthetic<br />

qualities<br />

Soils and Geology<br />

Responsible<br />

Frequency<br />

Authority<br />

RCC<br />

Review when planning<br />

application is submitted.<br />

RCC<br />

RCC<br />

RCC<br />

Commence<br />

investigation in 2009.<br />

Complete survey and<br />

report by mid-2010.<br />

Target<br />

Specified percentage of<br />

new applications granted to<br />

be on brownfield sites<br />

At least one unregulated<br />

site to be remediated<br />

during the lifetime of the<br />

Plan<br />

Identification and listing of<br />

unworked geological sites<br />

in the county during the<br />

lifetime of the Plan<br />

No planning permissions<br />

for extraction granted in<br />

protected geological sites<br />

Type of Intervention<br />

required<br />

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Table 11.6:<br />

Material Assets Indicator Monitoring Programme<br />

MA01<br />

MA02<br />

Material Assets<br />

Environmental Objective Indicator Responsible<br />

Authority<br />

Development of an<br />

Integrated Land Use and<br />

Transportation Plan<br />

Minimise waste production<br />

and introduce sustainable<br />

waste management<br />

practices<br />

An Integrated Land Use<br />

and Transportation Plan<br />

Quantity of household<br />

waste sent to landfill<br />

Quantity of household<br />

waste sent for recycling<br />

RCC<br />

RCC<br />

Frequency Target Type of Intervention<br />

required<br />

Increased use in public<br />

transport.<br />

Review during the<br />

lifetime of the Plan.<br />

Review during the<br />

lifetime of the Plan.<br />

Reduction in the quantities<br />

of waste sent to landfill.<br />

Increase in the quantities of<br />

waste sent for recycling.<br />

MA03<br />

MA04<br />

MA05<br />

Provide and upgrade<br />

existing wastewater<br />

treatment plants as per<br />

<strong>County</strong> Development Plan<br />

Implementation of ‘The<br />

Towns and Villages<br />

Sewage Project’ within the<br />

lifetime of the CDP<br />

New development for<br />

single houses to meet EPA<br />

guidelines for single<br />

houses<br />

Number of bring banks<br />

provided for in the county<br />

Number of upgrades<br />

and/or construction of new<br />

wastewater treatment<br />

plants<br />

Number of new<br />

wastewater treatment<br />

plants.<br />

Number of individual<br />

wastewater treatment<br />

plants for single houses<br />

RCC<br />

RCC<br />

Review during the<br />

lifetime of the Plan.<br />

Review during the<br />

lifetime of the Plan.<br />

Increase in the number of<br />

bring banks provided for in<br />

the county.<br />

Increase in the number of<br />

upgrades and/or new<br />

wastewater treatment<br />

plants<br />

Increase in the number of<br />

WWTP’s in the county.<br />

RCC Review annually. Increase in the number of<br />

individual wastewater<br />

treatment plants for single<br />

houses<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-0 Page 109 of 112 December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Table 11.7:<br />

Air & Climate Indicator Monitoring Programme<br />

AC01<br />

Air and Climate<br />

Environmental Objective Indicator Responsible<br />

Authority<br />

Minimise greenhouse gas<br />

emissions to meet National<br />

and International<br />

Standards<br />

Use of public transport<br />

Provision of cycle lanes<br />

and walking routes<br />

Frequency Target Type of<br />

Intervention<br />

required<br />

RCC Review every 2.5 years. Increased use of public<br />

transport<br />

Increased numbers of cycle<br />

lanes and pedestrian routes<br />

in the <strong>County</strong><br />

AC02<br />

AC03<br />

AC04<br />

Compliance with Building<br />

Energy Regulations<br />

Licensing of facilities under<br />

the 1987 Air Pollution Act<br />

Installation of gas powered<br />

electricity station in North<br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong><br />

Number of permissions<br />

granted for renewable<br />

energy projects<br />

Provision of new homes to<br />

meet energy regulation<br />

requirements<br />

Air pollution licences<br />

issued.<br />

Provision of electricity/gas<br />

powered generating station<br />

Increased number of<br />

permissions granted for<br />

renewable energy projects<br />

RCC Review every 2.5 years. Increased number of energy<br />

audits conducted on existing<br />

facilities and new homes<br />

RCC Review every 2.5 years. Air pollution licences for all<br />

facilities falling under the<br />

regulations.<br />

RCC - Increased number of<br />

households using electricity<br />

from the gas powered<br />

generating station<br />

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1. <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong> Hedgerow Survey Report, (2004). The Heritage Office,<br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong>.<br />

2. DOEHLG (2004) Implementation of <strong>SEA</strong> Directive (2001/42/EC): Assessment of<br />

the effects of certain plans and programmes on the environment. Dublin:<br />

Stationery Office.<br />

3. DOEHLG (2004) Implementation of <strong>SEA</strong> Directive (2001/42/EC): Assessment of<br />

the effects of certain plans and programmes on the environment. Dublin:<br />

Stationery Office.<br />

4. Donnelly, A., Mooney, P., Finnan, J., Lynn, D., Jones, M., O’Mahony, T.,<br />

Therivel, R. and Byrne, G. (2006) Workshop Approach to Developing Objectives,<br />

Targets and Indicators For Use in <strong>SEA</strong>, Journal of Environmental Assessment<br />

Policy and Management, 8 (2), 135-156.<br />

5. Lough Key Plan, (2002). <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong>.<br />

6. NOBLE, B. (2000) Strategic Environmental Assessment: what is it and what<br />

makes it strategic? Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and<br />

Management, 2, 203-224.<br />

7. ODPM (2004) A Draft Practical Guide to the Strategic Environmental<br />

Assessment. Guidance for Planning Authorities. London: Office of the<br />

Deputy Prime Minister.<br />

8. Official Journal of the European Communities (2001) Directive 2001/42/EC of the<br />

European Parliaments and of the <strong>Council</strong> of 27 June 2001 on the assessment of<br />

the effects of certain plans and programmes on the environment. Luxembourg:<br />

European Parliament.<br />

9. <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> Development Plan, (2002). <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong>.<br />

10. <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> Strategic Issues Paper (2006). Roscomon <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong><br />

11. Therivel, R. (2004). Strategic Environmental Assessment in Action. Earthscan:<br />

London.<br />

12. Water Corridor Study, (2005). The Heritage <strong>Council</strong>.<br />

13. <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> Development Board Strategy, <strong>Roscommon</strong> Common Vision<br />

(2002), <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong><br />

14. The National Spatial Strategy (2002)<br />

15. The National Development Plan, 2000-2006 (1999)<br />

16. EU Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC)<br />

17. EU (National Habitats) Regulations, 1997, (SI No. 94 of 1997)<br />

18. European Communities (Water Policy) Regulations 2003 (SI No. 722 of 2003)<br />

19. EU Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive (91/271/EEC)<br />

20. The Waterways Corridor Study, 2004 – Roosky to Lanesborough, Heritage<br />

<strong>Council</strong><br />

21. The Waterways Corridor Study, 2004 – Lanesborough to Shannon Bridge,<br />

Heritage <strong>Council</strong><br />

22. Irish Conservation of Wild Bird Regulations (SI No. 291 of 1985)<br />

23. The Wildlife (Amendment) Act, 2005<br />

24. The Shannon River Basin District – Characterisation and Analysis Summary<br />

Report 2005<br />

25. www.epa/water/.ie<br />

26. www.epa/air/.ie<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-0 Page 111 of 112 December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

27. www.epa/drinkingwater/.ie<br />

28. <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong> Groundwater Protection Scheme (June 2003), Geology<br />

Study of Ireland/<strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong><br />

29. Landscape Character Assessment of <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong>, 2007, MosArt<br />

30. <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong>s Mangers Report, 2006<br />

31. Environment in Focus Report, 2006, EPA<br />

32. <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong> Heritage Plan, 2004-2008<br />

33. Connaught Waste Management 2006-2011, RP5<br />

34. National Climate change Strategy, 2007-2012, (2007), DoEHLG<br />

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FOR THE<br />





Prepared For:<br />

Forward Planning Unit<br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong><br />

Courthouse<br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong><br />

Prepared By:<br />

Fehily Timoney & Co<br />

Core House<br />

Pouladuff Road<br />

Togher<br />

Cork<br />

December 2007


APPENDIX 1: EXTERNAL POLICY CONTEXT ................................................................<br />

APPENDIX 2: NATIONAL POLICY REVIEW....................................................................<br />

APPENDIX 3: SITE SYNOPSIS SPA’S .........................................................................<br />

APPENDIX 4: SITE SYNOPSIS OF NHA’S ....................................................................<br />



Appendix 1:<br />

External Policy Context<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003_Appendices<br />

December 2007 (GOS/DE/JMC)

Review of international strategic actions and policy objectives of relevance<br />

to <strong>Roscommon</strong> CDP (2008-2014)<br />

Topic Strategic Action Objectives of relevance to Plan<br />

Biodiversity UN Convention of<br />

Maintain and enhance biodiversity.<br />

Biological<br />

Diversity (1992)<br />

EU Biodiversity Strategy<br />

(1998)<br />

Prevent and eliminate the causes of<br />

biodiversity loss and maintain and enhance<br />

current levels of biodiversity.<br />

European Union Habitats Lists certain habitats and species that must<br />

Human<br />

Health<br />

Directive (92/42/EEC)<br />

EU Birds Directive<br />

(79409/EEC)<br />

1979<br />

WHO Air Quality<br />

Guidelines (1999) and<br />

Guidelines for Europe<br />

(1987)<br />

Non Statutory<br />

The EU CAFÉ Programme<br />

Commission<br />

communication of 4 May<br />

2001 "The<br />

Clean Air for Europe<br />

(CAFE) Programme:<br />

Towards a<br />

Thematic Strategy for Air<br />

Quality".<br />

The EU Environment and<br />

Health Strategy 2004-2010<br />

(first period)<br />

be afforded protection.<br />

Designation of Special Protection Areas for<br />

birds.<br />

Seeks to eliminate or minimise certain<br />

airborne pollutants for the protection of<br />

human health.<br />

Seeks to prevent and reduce air pollution<br />

and impacts on human health from air<br />

pollution.<br />

Seeks to prevent and reduce the impacts<br />

pollution on human health.<br />

Water<br />

The EU REACH Initiative<br />

Registration, Evaluation<br />

and Authorisation of<br />

Chemicals (REACH)<br />

EU Water Framework<br />

Directive<br />

(2000/60/EC) 2000<br />

The Groundwater Directive<br />

(1980/68/EC)<br />

1980<br />

Seeks to reduce the effects of harmful<br />

chemicals on the environment and human<br />

health through improved analysis and data<br />

collection.<br />

Aims to prevent any deterioration in the<br />

status of any waters and to achieve at least<br />

“good status” in all waters by 2015<br />

Seeks to maintain and enhance the quality<br />

of all ground waters in the EU.<br />

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Climate/Air<br />

Cultural<br />

Heritage<br />

(Landscape<br />

Architecture<br />

EU Urban Waste water<br />

treatment directive<br />

(91/271/EEC) 1991<br />

The EU Flood Directive<br />

(2007/60/EC)<br />

Kyoto Protocol (1997)<br />

The VOC Directive<br />

(1999/13/EC) on the<br />

limitation of emissions of<br />

volatile organic compounds<br />

from certain organic<br />

solvents<br />

Second European Climate<br />

Change Programme<br />

(ECCP II) 2005<br />

White Paper on ‘European<br />

transport policy for 2010’,<br />

COM (2001) 370]<br />

“The IPPC Directive”<br />

Directive 96/61/EC<br />

concerning integrated<br />

pollution, prevention and<br />

control<br />

“Air Framework Directive”<br />

Directive on Air Quality<br />

Assessment and<br />

Management (Framework<br />

Directive) (1996/62/EC)<br />

Directive on national<br />

emission ceilings for certain<br />

atmospheric pollutants<br />

(2001/81/EC)<br />

European Landscape<br />

Convention 2000<br />

Sets targets dates for the provision of<br />

specified waste water treatment<br />

infrastructure and services.<br />

Seeks to reduce the risks and adverse<br />

consequences of floods. Member States<br />

are required to identify river basins and<br />

associated coastal areas at risk of flooding.<br />

Flood risk maps and management plans<br />

are to be prepared.<br />

Aim of the UN Protocol is to combat<br />

climate change. Industrialised countries<br />

will have to reduce their combined<br />

greenhouse gas emissions by a minimum<br />

of 5% by 2012.<br />

Prevent and/or reduce VOC’s from certain<br />

activities for the protection of human<br />

health.<br />

Seeks to develop the necessary elements<br />

of a strategy to implement the Kyoto<br />

protocol.<br />

Seeks ) to develop a modern sustainable<br />

transport system.<br />

Seeks to minimise pollution and maximise<br />

resource efficiency in industry through<br />

licensing and guidance.<br />

Seeks the prevention and/or reduction of<br />

airborne pollutants for the protection of<br />

human health and environment.<br />

Seeks to limit the national emissions of<br />

certain airborne pollutants for the<br />

protection of human health and the<br />

environment.<br />

Encourages public authorities to adopt<br />

policies at local, national and international<br />

level to protect and manage landscapes<br />

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Archaeology)<br />

Sustainable<br />

Development<br />

Waste<br />

Granada Convention for<br />

protection of the<br />

Architectural<br />

Heritage of Europe 1985<br />

European Convention on<br />

protection of the<br />

Archaeological<br />

Heritage 1992<br />

Agenda 21 (1992). Action<br />

for Sustainable<br />

Development<br />

“The Gothenburg Strategy”<br />

Communication from the<br />

Commission on<br />

Sustainable Europe for a<br />

Better World” 2001<br />

The Sixth Environmental<br />

Action Programme (EAP)<br />

of the European<br />

Community 2002- 2012<br />

Statutory<br />

The Waste Framework<br />

Directive”<br />

<strong>Council</strong> Directive<br />

75/442/EEC of 15 July<br />

1975 on waste “the Waste<br />

Framework Directive” and<br />

amending acts.<br />

“The Landfill Directive”<br />

<strong>Council</strong> Directive 99/31/EC<br />

of 26 April 1999 on the<br />

landfill of waste<br />

“The WEEE Directive”<br />

Directive 2002/96/EC of 27<br />

January 2003 on waste<br />

electrical and electronic<br />

equipment<br />

The EU Waste Strategy<br />

[com(2005)666]<br />

The Hazardous Waste<br />

Directive (91/689/EC)<br />

The Incineration Directive<br />

(2000/76/EC)<br />

The Waste Oil Directive<br />

(200/76/EU) as amended<br />

The Batteries Directive<br />

[com(2003)723Final]<br />

Established common principles and<br />

strategy,<br />

informed Part IV of the 2000 Planning and<br />

Development Act 2000-2004<br />

Requires that appropriate consideration be<br />

given to archaeological issues at all stages<br />

of the planning and development process<br />

Aims to promote sustainable development<br />

at a local and regional level by taking into<br />

account environmental protection in the<br />

development process.<br />

Seeks to make the future development of<br />

the EU more sustainable.<br />

Seeks to make the future development of<br />

the EU more sustainable.<br />

Seeks to) minimise the quantities of waste<br />

production in the EU, reduce the<br />

environmental impacts from the<br />

management of these wastes and defines<br />

what constitutes a waste or hazardous<br />

waste.<br />

Seeks to) reduce the environmental impact<br />

from the landfilling of waste & divert certain<br />

quantities and types of waste from<br />

European landfills.<br />

Seek more environmentally sensitive<br />

management of waste electric and<br />

electronic equipment.<br />

Seeks t reduce the negative impact of<br />

waste and identify waste as a resource.<br />

Seeks to reduce the environmental impact<br />

of hazardous waste.<br />

Seeks to reduce the impact on the<br />

environment of wastes by incineration.<br />

Seeks to reduce the impact on the<br />

environment of waste oils.<br />

Seeks to reduce the environmental impact<br />

of end of life batteries.<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003_Appendices<br />

December 2007 (GOS/DE/JMC)

Major<br />

Accidents<br />

The ELV Directive<br />

(2000/53/EC)<br />

The EU Waste Shipment<br />

Regulations, <strong>Council</strong><br />

Regulations 259/93<br />

EU Major Accident<br />

(Seveso)<br />

Directive (96/82/EC) 1996<br />

(Grey infill refers to international strategies)<br />

Seeks to reduce the environmental impact<br />

of end of life vehicles.<br />

Seeks to effectively regulate the transport<br />

of wastes within the EU.<br />

Seeks to avoid and minimize the effects of<br />

major accidents<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003_Appendices<br />

December 2007 (GOS/DE/JMC)

Appendix 2:<br />

National Policy Review<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003_Appendices<br />

December 2007 (GOS/DE/JMC)

Review of National and Regional strategic actions and policy objectives of<br />

relevance to <strong>Roscommon</strong> CDP (2008-2014)<br />

Topic Strategic Action Objectives of relevance to plan<br />

Biodiversity The National<br />

Biodiversity Plan<br />

(2002)<br />

Objectives include the enhancement and<br />

conservation of biodiversity.<br />

Water<br />

Air/Climate<br />

Irish National Forest<br />

Standards (2000)<br />

<strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong><br />

Hedgerows Survey<br />

Report<br />

Lough Key Study<br />

(2002)<br />

Managing Ireland’s<br />

Rivers and Lakes:<br />

Catchment based<br />

Strategy Against<br />

Pollution (1997)<br />

River Basin<br />

Management Plans for<br />

River Basin Districts<br />

(RBD’s)<br />

OPW Guidelines on<br />

Flood Risk (2005)<br />

Air Quality Standards<br />

Regulations 2002 (S.I.<br />

No. 271 of 2002)<br />

Ozone in Ambient Air<br />

Regulations<br />

2004 (S.I. No. 53 of<br />

2004).<br />

Department of<br />

Transport 2003<br />

‘Statement of Strategy’<br />

2003-2005<br />

Aims to ensure sustainable forest<br />

management<br />

Aims to conserve hedgerows<br />

Aims to promote the sustainable<br />

exploitation of the lake as an economic and<br />

recreational resource for the local<br />

community<br />

This document details a strategy to protect<br />

water quality against pollution by<br />

phosphorus from all sources.<br />

Seeks to establish an integrated monitoring<br />

and management system for all waters<br />

within an RBD, to develop a dynamic<br />

programme of management measures and<br />

to produce a River Basin Management<br />

Plan, which will be continually updated.<br />

Seeks to prevent development that is<br />

sensitive to the effects of flooding in flood<br />

prone or marginal areas. Must not reduce<br />

the flood plain or restrict flow across<br />

floodplains.<br />

Objectives include the reduction of certain<br />

airborne pollutants for the protection of<br />

human health and the environment<br />

Objectives include the reduction of certain<br />

airborne pollutants for the protection of<br />

human health and the environment<br />

Seeks to reduce the environmental impacts<br />

of transportation.<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003_Appendices<br />

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National Climate<br />

Change Strategy<br />

(2000)<br />

The Air Pollution Act<br />

1987<br />

Objectives include the reduction of national<br />

GHG emissions.<br />

Seeks to limit emissions from certain types<br />

of industry by licencing.<br />

Cultural<br />

Heritage<br />

(Architecture<br />

Archaeology<br />

Landscape)<br />

Waste<br />

National Heritage Plan<br />

(2002)<br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong> Heritage<br />

Plan (2004-2008)<br />

The Waterways<br />

Corridor Study (2004)<br />

Architectural Heritage<br />

Protection Guidelines<br />

(DOELG)<br />

National Inventory of<br />

Architectural Heritage<br />

Framework and<br />

Principles for the<br />

Protection of the<br />

Archaeological<br />

Heritage (1999)<br />

Policy Paper on<br />

Ireland's Landscape<br />

and the National<br />

Heritage, The Heritage<br />

<strong>Council</strong>, (2002)<br />

Landscape and<br />

landscape<br />

Assessment,<br />

Guidelines for<br />

Planning Authorities<br />

(2000)<br />

The Waste<br />

Management Act 1996<br />

and amendments<br />

Plan forms the basis of a strategic<br />

approach to the protection and<br />

management of heritage up to 2007<br />

Aims to create and increase knowledge<br />

and awareness of natural, built and cultural<br />

heritage<br />

Aims to identify ways to manage the water<br />

corridors, improve understanding of the<br />

areas while allowing for development of the<br />

area.<br />

Aims to protect architectural heritage<br />

To establish inventory of buildings of value<br />

This document sets out the archaeological<br />

policies and principles which should be<br />

applied by all public bodies when<br />

undertaking or authorising development.<br />

Policy paper sets out a vision for the Irish<br />

landscape to allow people to harness the<br />

landscape for economic benefit whilst<br />

acknowledging that in the long run such<br />

benefits can only be sustained through an<br />

appreciation and awareness of the<br />

contribution of that landscape to our quality<br />

of life.<br />

Sets out how a landscape character<br />

assessment should be conducted.<br />

Objectives include the more effective and<br />

environmentally sensitive management of<br />

wastes in Ireland.<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003_Appendices<br />

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Waste water<br />

Energy<br />

Transport<br />

Sustainable<br />

development<br />

and planning<br />

National Waste<br />

Prevention<br />

Programme<br />

Connaught Regional<br />

Waste Management<br />

Plan (2005-2010)<br />

Changing Our Ways<br />

(1998)<br />

Delivering<br />

Change/Recylcing and<br />

Preventing Waste<br />

(2002)<br />

Taking Stock and<br />

Moving Forward<br />

(2004)<br />

EPA Waste Water<br />

Treatment Manual<br />

Green Paper on<br />

Sustainable Energy<br />

(1999)<br />

Guidelines on Wind<br />

Energy Development<br />

(2006)<br />

Transport 21 (2005)<br />

Traffic Management<br />

Guidelines (2003)<br />

Sustainable<br />

Development: A<br />

Strategy for Ireland<br />

(1997),<br />

Department of the<br />

Environment &<br />

Local Government)<br />

Seeks to decouple waste generation from<br />

economic activity in Ireland<br />

Guiding document for the implementation<br />

of waste management in the Region based<br />

on the waste hierarchy.<br />

Seeks to improve waste management in<br />

Ireland.<br />

Seeks to improve infrastructure, waste<br />

recycling and diversion from landfills.<br />

Sets out the treatment systems for single<br />

houses.<br />

The paper sets out how Ireland will<br />

progress to meeting its energy<br />

requirements. It concentrates on Ireland’ s<br />

need to limit CO2 emissions under the<br />

Kyoto Protocol.<br />

Objectives to promote and support wind<br />

energy as a renewable energy source with<br />

a view to achieving national CO2 emissions<br />

targets<br />

Seeks to develop an integrated transport<br />

system across Ireland<br />

Provides guidance on a number of traffic<br />

management issues including public<br />

transport<br />

Objectives are to ensure that future<br />

development in Ireland occurs in a<br />

sustainable manner.<br />

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National Development<br />

Plan (NDP) 2007-<br />

2013, (2007)<br />

National Spatial<br />

Strategy 2002-2020<br />

(2002)<br />

Objectives of the NDP are to promote more<br />

balanced spatial and economic<br />

development.<br />

Objectives of the NSS are to achieve a<br />

better balance of social, economic and<br />

physical development across Ireland,<br />

supported by more effective planning.<br />

Regional Planning<br />

Guidelines for the<br />

West (2004-2016)<br />

<strong>County</strong> Development<br />

Board Strategy (2002-<br />

2012)<br />

(Grey infill refers to National Strategic Actions)<br />

Implements the aims of the NSS (2002) in<br />

relation to development, transport, energy,<br />

ICT, water and waste water treatment<br />

infrastructure<br />

<strong>County</strong> wide objectives in relation to: roads<br />

and transport; energy, power and natural<br />

gas and telecommunications infrastructure<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003_Appendices<br />

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Appendix 3:<br />

Site Synopsis SPA’s<br />

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SITE CODE: 004096<br />

The Middle Shannon Callows SPA is a long and diverse site which extends for<br />

approximately 50 km from the town of Athlone (at southern point of Lough Ree) to the<br />

town of Portumna (northern point of Lough Derg). The site averages about 0.75 km in<br />

width though in places is up to 1.5 km wide. Water levels on the site are greatly<br />

influenced by the very small fall between Athlone and Portumna and by the weir at<br />

Meelick. The Shannon Callows has a common boundary with two other sites of similar<br />

habitats, the River Suck Callows and the Little Brosna Callows, both of which are also<br />

Special Protection Areas.<br />

The site has extensive areas of callow, or seasonally flooded, semi-natural, lowland wet<br />

grassland, along both sides of the river. The callows are mainly too soft for intensive<br />

farming but are used for hay or silage or for summer grazing. Other habitats of smaller<br />

area which occur alongside the river include lowland dry grassland, freshwater marshes,<br />

reedbeds and wet woodland. Along most of its length the site is bordered by raised<br />

bogs, now mostly exploited for peat, esker ridges and limestone-bedrock hills. The<br />

diversity of semi-natural habitats and the sheer size of the site attracts an excellent<br />

diversity of bird species and significant populations of several species.<br />

The composition of the lowland wet grassland varies, depending on elevation and<br />

flooding patterns. Two habitats listed on Annex I of the EU Habitats Directive are well<br />

represented within the site – Molinia meadows and lowland hay meadows. The former is<br />

characterised by the presence of the Meadow Thistle (Cirsium dissectum) and Purple<br />

Moor-grass (Molinia caerulea), while typical species in the latter include Meadow Fescue<br />

(Festuca pratensis), Rough Meadow-grass (Poa trivialis), Downy Oat-grass (Avenula<br />

pubescens) and Common Sorrel (Rumex acetosa). In places these two habitats grade<br />

into one another.<br />

Low-lying areas of the callows with more prolonged flooding are characterised by<br />

Floating Sweet-grass (Glyceria fluitans), Marsh Foxtail (Alopecurus geniculatus) and<br />

wetland herbs such as Yellow Cress (Rorippa spp.), Water Forget-me-not (Myosotis<br />

scorpioides) and Common Spike-rush (Eleocharis palustris). Most of the callows,<br />

however, consist of a plant community characterised by Creeping Bent (Agrostis<br />

stolonifera), Brown Sedge (Carex disticha), Common Sedge (Carex nigra), and herbs<br />

such as Marsh Marigold (Caltha palustris) and Marsh Bedstraw (Galium palustre).<br />

Scarce plant species associated with the grassland include Meadow-rue (Thalictrum<br />

flavum), Summer Snowflake (Leucojum aestivum) and Marsh Stitchwort (Stellaria<br />

palustris).<br />

The dry grassland areas, especially where they exist within hay meadows, are speciesrich,<br />

and can contain many orchid species and such species as Cowslip (Primula veris),<br />

Adder's-tongue Fern (Ophioglossum vulgatum) and Spring-sedge (Carex caryophyllea),<br />

as well as an unusually wide variety of grasses.<br />

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In places along the edge of the callows there occurs wet broad-leaved woodland<br />

dominated by both Birch (Betula pubescens) and Alder (Alnus glutinosa) and dry broadleaved<br />

woodland dominated by Hazel (Corylus avellana). There are also areas of raised<br />

bog and fen on old cut-away bog with species such as Black Bog-rush (Schoenus<br />

nigricans).<br />

Two legally-protected plant species (Flora (Protection) Order 1999) occur in the site:<br />

Opposite-leaved Pondweed (Groenlandia densa) in drainage ditches, and Meadow<br />

Barley (Hordeum secalinum) on dry alluvial grassland. The Red Data Book plant Greenwinged<br />

Orchid (Orchis morio) is known from dry calcareous grasslands within the site,<br />

while the site also supports a healthy population of Marsh Pea (Lathyrus palustris).<br />

The Middle Shannon Callows qualifies as a site of International Importance for wintering<br />

waterfowl both on the total numbers regularly exceeding 20,000 birds (for example<br />

27,581 in winter 1998/99) and for the Whooper Swan population (287 – average peak<br />

count 1995/96-1999/00). Whooper Swan is listed on Annex I of the EU Birds Directive.<br />

Five further species occur in numbers of national importance (all figures are average<br />

peaks for winters 1995/96-1999/00) - Mute Swan 349, Wigeon 2,972, Golden Plover<br />

(listed on Annex I of the EU Birds Directive) 4,254, Lapwing 11,578 and Black-tailed<br />

Godwit 388. For some of these species, peak counts in the period have been<br />

considerably higher than the averages, such as 1,096 Black-tailed Godwits and 23,839<br />

Lapwings. The importance of the site for species like Black-tailed Godwit and Whimbrel<br />

may have been underestimated if count coverage missed the brief spring peaks for<br />

these species. A wide range of other species occur in numbers of regional or local<br />

importance, including Bewick’s Swan (listed on Annex I of the EU Birds Directive) 7, Teal<br />

77, Tufted Duck 33, Dunlin 369, Curlew 129, Redshank 31 and Black-headed Gull<br />

1,061. Small numbers of Greenland White-fronted Goose (listed on Annex I of the EU<br />

Birds Directive) use the Shannon Callows (average 21, peak 55) and these are generally<br />

associated with larger flocks which occur on the adjacent Little Brosna Callows and<br />

River Suck Callows. The callow grasslands provide optimum feeding grounds for these<br />

various species of waterfowl, while many of the birds also roost or rest within the site.<br />

The site is also of national importance for breeding waterfowl. The total population of<br />

breeding waders (Lapwing, Redshank, Snipe and Curlew) on the Shannon and Little<br />

Brosna Callows in 1987 was one of three major concentrations in Ireland and Britain.<br />

Since then, however, numbers of at least Lapwing and Redshank have shown serious<br />

declines (a full survey of the callows is being carried out in 2002). For example, at a<br />

monitoring site at the callows at Shannon Harbour, numbers of Lapwing fell from 29 to<br />

10 pairs and Redshank from 26 to 10 pairs between 1987 and 1994. Black-tailed<br />

Godwit, a very rare breeding species in Ireland, nests or attempts to nest in small<br />

numbers each year within the site. A further scarce breeding species, Shoveler, also<br />

nests in small numbers each year (an estimated 12 pairs in 1987).<br />

The Shannon Callows continues to hold approximately 40% of the Irish population of<br />

Corncrake, a species of global conservation concern that is also listed on Annex I of the<br />

EU Birds Directive. Between 1997 and 2001, the average number of calling birds was<br />

60, with a peak of 69. BirdWatch Ireland, in association with Dúchas and the RSPB,<br />

operate a grant scheme to encourage farming practices that favour the Corncrake and<br />

this has probably been responsible for the stabilisation of numbers in recent years. A<br />

related scarce species, the Quail, is also known to breed within the callow grasslands.<br />

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A good variety of other bird species are attracted to this site. Birds of prey, including<br />

scarce species such as Merlin (listed on Annex I of the EU Birds Directive) and wintering<br />

Hen Harrier (listed on Annex I of the EU Birds Directive), are regularly reported hunting<br />

over the callows. A range of passerine species associated with grassland and swamp<br />

vegetation breed, including Sedge Warbler, Grasshopper Warbler, Skylark and Reed<br />

Bunting. Kingfisher (listed on Annex I of the EU Birds Directive is also regularly seen<br />

within the site. Whinchat, an uncommon breeding species, occur in small numbers.<br />

The wintering waterfowl within the Shannon Callows are difficult to monitor due to the<br />

size and inaccessibility of large parts of the site. In each winter there is usually one<br />

complete aerial census, as well as partial land-based counts. The population of<br />

Corncrake within the site is monitored each year and research is carried out on various<br />

aspects of the species’ ecology. The breeding waders are also surveyed at intervals.<br />

About 30 ha of the callows is a nature reserve owned by voluntary conservation bodies.<br />

The Shannon Callows has by far the largest area of lowland semi-natural grassland and<br />

associated aquatic habitats in Ireland and one in which there is least disturbance of<br />

natural wetland processes. Botanically, it is extremely diverse. In winter the site is<br />

internationally important for the total numbers of birds (regularly exceed 20,000) and for<br />

Whooper Swan in particular. It also holds nationally important populations of a further<br />

five species. Some of the wintering species are listed on Annex I of the EU Birds<br />

Directive, including Whooper Swan, Greenland White-fronted Goose and Golden Plover.<br />

In summer the site supports important populations of breeding waders. Perhaps the<br />

most important species which occurs in the site is Corncrake (the site holds 40% of the<br />

national total), as this is listed on Annex I of the EU Birds Directive and is Ireland’s only<br />

globally endangered species.<br />

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Appendix 4:<br />

Site Synopsis of NHA’s<br />

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SITE CODE: 000587<br />

Lough Gara is located approximately 7 km west of Boyle at its northern end and<br />

approximately 7 km north-east of Ballaghadereen at its southern margin. It is situated in<br />

the townlands of Callow or Runnawillin, Cloonmagunnaun, Keelbanada, Clooncunny,<br />

Runnameelta, Monasteraden, Creggan, Falleens and Mahanagh and Dooballa in Co.<br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong> and the townlands of Kiltybrannock, Derrymaquirk, Coolnagranshy,<br />

Tivannagh, Ardlona, Emlagh and Cloonagh in Co. Sligo.<br />

The site consists of a large lake with associated wetland habitats. To the south and<br />

south-west the lake shore is fringed by a few small lowland raised bogs, of these the<br />

raised bog at Callow is of ecological interest, on its own merit. The raised bog habitat<br />

includes both areas of high bog and cutover. The high bog at Callow consists of five<br />

lobes dissected by roads and a stream. Overall the high bog is relatively flat with slight<br />

slopes north to Lough Gara. Two wet areas with pools occur, and there are a number of<br />

tear pools to the north. The high bog also supports a very large central flush. The River<br />

Lung occurs along the northern boundary and there is a low relief drumlin to the north<br />

west of the bog. To the south the raised bog is surrounded by agricultural land.<br />

Lough Gara is a shallow (maximum depth 16 m), medium sized (1,100 ha) limestone<br />

lake, it is fed by the Lung and Breedoge rivers, to the south, while in the north, it drains<br />

into the River Shannon via the Boyle River. The shoreline is convoluted and has<br />

receded substantially from its original level due to various drainage schemes since the<br />

mid 19th century. The site encompasses some low-lying islands, and raised bog<br />

habitats to the south and south-west.<br />

The vegetation of the lake shore has been rendered more diverse by drainage. The<br />

shallower lake margins and small bogs have extensive swamps dominated by Common<br />

Reed (Phragmites australis) and Bottle Sedge (Carex rostrata) with occasional Bulrush<br />

(Typha latifolia). Amid the southernmost part of the lake, clumps of Common Club-rush<br />

(Scirpus lacustris) are particularly abundant. The old lake shore is usually clearly visible,<br />

below which a sedge-rich marsh occurs and includes Black Bog-rush (Schoenus<br />

nigricans), Water Mint (Mentha aquatica), Devil's-bit Scabious (Succisa pratensis),<br />

Creeping-bent (Agrostis stolonifera), Marsh Pennywort (Hydrocotyle vulgaris) and Wild<br />

Angelica (Angelica sylvestris), with Willow (Salix spp.) occasionally colonising some<br />

areas. The upper part of the shore and adjoining abandoned fields are frequently<br />

colonised by scrub, which includes Willow, Alder (Alnus glutinosa), Hawthorn (Crataegus<br />

monogyna), Blackthorn (Prunus spinosa) and Bramble (Rubus fruticosus agg.). In parts,<br />

small stands of Birch (Betula pubescens) woodland occur interspersed with Holly (Ilex<br />

aquifolium), Ash (Fraxinus excelsior) and Oak (Quercus spp.).<br />

The high bog has vegetation typical of a Western Midland raised bog, consisting of Ling<br />

Heather (Calluna vulgaris), Cottongrasses (Eriophorum spp.) Carnation sedge (Carex<br />

panicea) and Deergrass (Scirpus cespitosus). Bog Asphodel (Narthecium ossifragum) is<br />

abundant throughout the high bog. Other species present include Bog-rosmary<br />

(Andromeda polifolia), Cranberry (Vaccinium oxycoccos), the moss, Racomitrium<br />

languinosum, Lousewort (Pedicularis sylvatica) and Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus). Bog<br />

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Moss (Sphagnum spp.) cover is typically quite low with few hummocks, however,<br />

Sphagnum capillifolium, and S. papillosum occur in places. The scarce Bog Mosses<br />

Sphagnum imbricatum and S. fuscum are found, though limited in occurrence. In pools<br />

Sphagnum auriculatum is present along with Great Sundew (Drosera anglica) Bog Bean<br />

(Menyanthes trifoliata) and White Beaked Sedge (Rhyncospora alba). Bog Myrtle<br />

(Myrica gale) is found in association with bog pools. Lichen (Cladonia portentosa) cover<br />

is good on the high bog where no recent burning has been recorded. Tear pools occur<br />

to the north of the main lobe with some Sphagnum cuspidatum. To the south abundant<br />

Campylopus atrovirens and S. magellanicum are found along pool edges. Two flushes<br />

dominated by Purple Moor Grass (Molinia caerulea) occur, the larger one is found in the<br />

centre of the main lobe and the smaller one is a linear feature with swallow holes to the<br />

north-east. The main flush has good Bog Moss cover and also supports Cross-leaved<br />

Heath (Erica tetralix), Devils –Bit Scabious (Succisia pratensis) and Tormentil (Potentilla<br />

erecta). The Red Data Book species Alder Buckthorn (Frangula alnus) has been<br />

recorded from this central flush area. At the north-west corner of the site some Birch<br />

(Betula), Gorse (Ulex europaeus) and Bog Myrtle are encroaching onto the high bog.<br />

The vegetation of the cutover is dominated by Ling Heather on old peat banks, with<br />

stagnant pools in places and some regenerating peat to the south. To the south-east<br />

there is much Common Reed (Phragmites australis), Purple-Moor Grass and Bulrush<br />

(Typha latifolia) on cutover. Scattered Gorse and Willow (Salix sp.) occur in small<br />

amounts. To the north of the high bog the vegetation is dominated by White Beaked<br />

Sedge, reflecting the disturbance from peat cutting in this area. Here also there is much<br />

bare peat. In places towards the centre of the site there are old tracks quite close to the<br />

high bog and these support calcareous species and are lined with Bracken ( Pteridium<br />

aquillinium), short Willow and Gorse and Purple-Moor Grass along with some Bilberry<br />

(Vaccinium myrtillus).<br />

Current landuse on the site consists of peat-cutting along much of the bog margins,<br />

apart from the north-east where the presence of Lough Gara has curtailed access and<br />

the bog margins are relatively intact. Afforestation has occurred on the high bog to the<br />

north of the site. Damaging activities associated with this landuse include drainage and<br />

burning. Fire damage has been recorded in the 1980s when most of the bog was badly<br />

damaged. More recently, the large central flush area has been burnt and there is<br />

evidence of regular burning throughout the area. Apart from a few small areas of high<br />

bog to the north-west and south, most of the high bog has suffered burning in the recent<br />

past. These are all activities that have resulted in loss of habitat and damage to the<br />

hydrological status of the site, and pose a continuing threat to its viability.<br />

Lough Gara is of international importance due to the numbers of the AnnexI species<br />

Greenland White-fronted Geese (540) which overwinter at the site (three-year mean to<br />

1990/91). Other species include Mute Swan (24), Whooper Swan (71), Wigeon (601),<br />

Teal (419), Mallard (243), Tufted Duck (77), Lapwing (190), Curlew (73) - (1 count,<br />

1984/85 - 1986/87).<br />

Drainage of the lake catchment, low intensity farming and abandoned homesteads have<br />

served to increase the overall habitat diversity and generally result in a semi-natural<br />

habitat encompassing much of the current lake margin.<br />

This site is of conservation interest for the presence of raised bogs with semi-natural<br />

lake margins. The north-easterly position of this raised bog, adds to its overall scientific<br />

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intertest. Active raised bog is listed as a priority habitat on Annex I of the E.U. Habitats<br />

Directive. Priority status is given to habitats and species that are threatened throughout<br />

the E.U. Ireland has a high proportion of the total E.U. resource of this habitat type (over<br />

50%) and so has a special responsibility for its conservation at an international level.<br />

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SITE CODE: 000594<br />

Brierfield Turlough is located 4 km east of Castleplunket. This site is a very good<br />

example of a turlough system with an excellent species diversity and a good range of<br />

habitats. It is comprised of a large area of shallow water, lowland wet and dry grassland,<br />

a scrub covered island, a crannog and a small area of limestone pavement.<br />

The southwest end is underlain by thick peat over marl. The peat floats as a scraw which<br />

is colonised by Bogbean (Menyanthes trifoliata), Bottle Sedge (Carex rostrata) and<br />

Blunt-flowered Rush (Juncus subnodulosus). The margins of the turlough consists of<br />

swards of sedges (Carex spp.), with occasional Willow (Salix spp.).<br />

Around the swallowholes there is Mare's-tail (Hippuris vulgaris), Watercress (Rorippa<br />

spp.), Fine-leaved Water-dropwort (Oenanthe aquatica) and Amphibious Bistort<br />

(Polygonum amphibium).<br />

The area is also an important overwintering site for several species of wildfowl including<br />

Whooper Swans which are a legally protected species.<br />

Parts of the site have been damaged by dumping of old cars. Eutrophication of the<br />

turlough has also occurred. However there are other parts of this site which are notable<br />

for their lack of disturbance particularly from grazing. The site is also of considerable<br />

scenic value.<br />

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SITE CODE: 000598<br />

The Castleplunket Turlough, situated 10km east of Castlerea, is a fine example of a<br />

large turlough. It occupies a flat, treeless plain which is colonised mainly by wet<br />

grassland amongst scattered limestone outcrops.<br />

This turlough contains a good diversity of contrasting vegetation types including the<br />

largest area of tall herb communities seen on any other known Irish turlough. A small<br />

pool supports two species of interest, Greater Duckweed (Lemna polyrhiza) and<br />

Common Water-crowfoot (Ranunculus aquatilis) which only occur at one other turlough<br />

site.<br />

This site is one of 17 small turloughs which were counted as a unit during the 1984/85 to<br />

1986/87 Wetlands Survey. Average peak counts for the complex during the three<br />

winters were: Bewick's Swan 11; Whooper Swan 103; Teal 261; Wigeon 1,258; Mallard<br />

58; Pintail 18; Shoveler 17; Pochard 84; Tufted Duck 16; Golden Plover 703; Lapwing<br />

785; Curlew 109. The Wigeon population is of national importance.<br />

Castleplunkett is in a strikingly beautiful setting which is easily viewed from the road.<br />

This adds to its overall conservation value.<br />

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SITE CODE: 000608<br />

Kilglass and Grange Lough (<strong>Roscommon</strong>) is a group of lakes in the River Shannon<br />

catchment, joined to the main river by a short channel into Lough Boderg 6 km west of<br />

Dromod, Co. Leitrim. They are characterised by extensive areas of reedswamps<br />

narrowing the lakes and cutting off smaller ones. Lough Kilglass in particular is very<br />

calcareous with a sandy shoreline (at least in part) and is separated from Grange Lough<br />

by a long cut through infilling marsh. They are the lowest points of the two main<br />

tributaries of the Shannon in <strong>Roscommon</strong> - the Scramogue and Owenur Rivers. They<br />

are also situated on what is considered to be the pre-Ice Age course of the River<br />

Shannon.<br />

The Loughs were briefly visited in 1993. In addition to the reedswamps and associated<br />

freshwater marshs, an extensive area of very wet grassland on peat was visited (2 km<br />

south of the bridge at Carranadoe) with such plant species as Star Sedge (Carex<br />

echinata) and Ragged Robin (Lychnis flos-cuculi) with large patches of Greater Tussocksedge<br />

(Carex paniculata) and scattered Willows (Salix spp.) which in places become wet<br />

woodland and scrubland. Some isolated stretches of shoreline are said to be very<br />

botanically rich, throughout the lakes.<br />

The mean of peat counts of winter waterfowl at Kilglass Lough (1984-1987) recorded<br />

Mute Swan (3), Greenland White-fronted Goose (99), Wigeon (186), Teal (210), Tufted<br />

Duck (193), Goldeneye (40), Golden Plover (83), Lapwing (243). This is a very high<br />

density for a relatively small lake. These lakes are also part of a group of <strong>Roscommon</strong><br />

lakes which between them have Nationally important numbers of winter waterfowl and<br />

movement between lakes. In 1974 a varied group of breeding birds was reported.<br />

There is an exceptional abundance of the invertebrate Corixa fallenoides a type of Water<br />

Boatman peculiar to Central and Western Ireland, and the likelihood of other<br />

invertebrates of restricted distribution (reported in 1974).<br />

Kilglass and Grange Loughs have an unusual ecological and geomorphological position<br />

in relation to the main Shannon lakes. There are extensive areas of remote reedbeds.<br />

Kilglass Loughs has high numbers of varied winter waterfowl, unusual for a relatively<br />

small size and is very calcareous.<br />

7.6.2006<br />

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SITE CODE: 000613<br />

Rathnalulleagh is the central of three turloughs on the road from Castleplunket to<br />

Ballydooley. The basin follows a northwest-southeast trend, with the ridges on each side<br />

being low and drumlinoid. The floor of the basin is relatively flat, but two slight ridges<br />

cross the basin, carrying footpaths. There is a drain at the south-eastern end of the<br />

basin, where there are also two ponds.<br />

The vegetation is strikingly uniform in this turlough, partly because the few fields run right<br />

across the basin and do not introduce different forms of management. Grassland covers<br />

almost the entire rim, being influenced by limestone in the south-eastern corner, by peat<br />

at the eastern end and by richer soil in the west. This gives way to a community with<br />

some Creeping Cinquefoil (Potentilla reptans), mixed with a variety of grasses and<br />

sedges.<br />

At the eastern end there is a patch of Yellow Iris (Iris pseudacorus) and sedges (Carex<br />

spp.). The ponds in this area contain Pondweeds (Potamogeton spp.) and Duckweeds<br />

(Lemna spp.). There are rushes (Juncus spp.) growing in this area.<br />

Cattle and sheep graze at moderate density but there is no over-grazing.<br />

This is a dry turlough but has a considerable vegetational diversity. In addition it is one<br />

of only two turloughs with Greater Duckweed (Spirodela polyrhiza). It is one of the better<br />

dry turloughs in central <strong>Roscommon</strong>.<br />

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SITE CODE: 001617<br />

AUTHOR: L. Van Doorslaer.<br />

Ardakillin Lough is located approximately 3km. south-west of Strokestown. The<br />

underlying geology of this area is carboniferous limestone.<br />

The main habitat in this site is a fen and flush community. Black Bog Rush (Schoenus<br />

nigricans) is the most frequent species with Purple Moor Grass (Molinia caerulea). Plant<br />

species commonly associated with this vegetation type include:- Long-stalked Yellowsedge<br />

(Carex tepidocarpa), Glaucous Sedge (Carex flacca), Jointed Rush (Juncus<br />

articulatus), Devil's Bit Scadious (Succisa pratensis), Marsh Horsetail (Equisetum<br />

palustre) and Tormentil (Potentilla erecta).<br />

The lake itself is also an important habitat with a band of common reed (Phragmites<br />

australis) surrounding it, behind this, reed canary grass (Phalarus arundinacea) gives<br />

way to a more complex community including Meadow Sweet (Filipendula ulmana),<br />

Branched Bur-reed (Sparganium erectum), Brooklime (Veronica beccabunga), Red<br />

Rattle (Pedicularis palustris) and square stalked St. John's Wort (Hypericum<br />

tetrapterum).<br />

The site is locally important for Wigeon (12), Teal (40), Mallard (26), Tufted Duck (8) and<br />

Lapwing (40) (2 counts, 1 season). The Irish hare has been recorded within this site.<br />

This species is listed in the Red Data Book as it is an internationally important species.<br />

Threats to this site include drainage and the modification of water courses, burning and<br />

the application of artificial fertilizers. Drainage would damage the present area<br />

significantly as it partly depends on a high seasonal watertable. Burning of the<br />

vegetation is also an adverse influence and has recently been noted occurring at the<br />

site. Burning causes the increase of Purple Moor Grass (Molinia caerulea). Application<br />

of fertilizer will bring about a change in the water quality of the site as well as altering the<br />

floral composition of the habitats within the site.<br />

Ardakillin Lough shows a rich diversity of wetland communities as well as being<br />

important for its bird populations. The lake acts as a refuge when the regional<br />

watertable is low and the turloughs are dry. The site is also of archaeological interest<br />

with the abundance of crannogs and other remains. <br />

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SITE CODE: 001617<br />

AUTHOR: L. Van Doorslaer.<br />

Ardakillin Lough is located approximately 3km. south-west of Strokestown. The<br />

underlying geology of this area is carboniferous limestone.<br />

The main habitat in this site is a fen and flush community. Black Bog Rush (Schoenus<br />

nigricans) is the most frequent species with Purple Moor Grass (Molinia caerulea). Plant<br />

species commonly associated with this vegetation type include:- Long-stalked Yellowsedge<br />

(Carex tepidocarpa), Glaucous Sedge (Carex flacca), Jointed Rush (Juncus<br />

articulatus), Devil's Bit Scadious (Succisa pratensis), Marsh Horsetail (Equisetum<br />

palustre) and Tormentil (Potentilla erecta).<br />

The lake itself is also an important habitat with a band of common reed (Phragmites<br />

australis) surrounding it, behind this, reed canary grass (Phalarus arundinacea) gives<br />

way to a more complex community including Meadow Sweet (Filipendula ulmana),<br />

Branched Bur-reed (Sparganium erectum), Brooklime (Veronica beccabunga), Red<br />

Rattle (Pedicularis palustris) and square stalked St. John's Wort (Hypericum<br />

tetrapterum).<br />

The site is locally important for Wigeon (12), Teal (40), Mallard (26), Tufted Duck (8) and<br />

Lapwing (40) (2 counts, 1 season). The Irish hare has been recorded within this site.<br />

This species is listed in the Red Data Book as it is an internationally important species.<br />

Threats to this site include drainage and the modification of water courses, burning and<br />

the application of artificial fertilizers. Drainage would damage the present area<br />

significantly as it partly depends on a high seasonal watertable. Burning of the<br />

vegetation is also an adverse influence and has recently been noted occurring at the<br />

site. Burning causes the increase of Purple Moor Grass (Molinia caerulea). Application<br />

of fertilizer will bring about a change in the water quality of the site as well as altering the<br />

floral composition of the habitats within the site.<br />

Ardakillin Lough shows a rich diversity of wetland communities as well as being<br />

important for its bird populations. The lake acts as a refuge when the regional<br />

watertable is low and the turloughs are dry. The site is also of archaeological interest<br />

with the abundance of crannogs and other remains. <br />

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SITE CODE: 001618<br />

Attishane Turlough lies in a northeast-southwest valley on the border of <strong>Roscommon</strong><br />

and Mayo, south of Ballyhaunis. On the northern side the ridge rises eventually to 57<br />

m above the floor of the turlough, while on the south, the difference is on the order of 20<br />

m. The land is mostly drift-covered, with a few outcrops on the main ridge. The floor of<br />

the basin is flat but rises slightly at each end. At the south-west there are shallow<br />

channels and depressions in the vicinity of the swallow hole. A stream enters the basin<br />

at the north-east end, follows the contours of the turlough on the southern side and<br />

empties into the basin in the south. There is a permanent pond near the north-east and<br />

another in the north-west. This site gives the impression of a grassy valley largely<br />

because of the extensive grassy community. This includes Creeping Bent (Agrostis<br />

stolonifera), a little Floating weet-grass (Glyceria fluitans) and a mixture of<br />

Common Marsh-bedstraw (Galium palustre), Amphibious Bistort (Polygonum<br />

amphibium),Common Spike-rush (Eleocharis palustris) and Water Forget-me-not<br />

(Myosotis scorpioides). A drain cut into this area has Fine-leaved Water-dropwort<br />

(Oenanthe aquatica) and Lesser Marshwort (Apium inundatum) amongst a variety of<br />

typical wetland species. The rest of the turlough seems to flood less frequently, and its<br />

vegetation is based on sedges (Carex spp.). There is a scattering of Amphibious Bistort<br />

(Polygonum amphibium), Purple Moor-grass (Molinia caerulea) and Tormentil<br />

(Potentilla erecta). At the edges, this vegetation runs into grassland with Tall Fescue<br />

(Festuca arundinacea), Common Sorrel (Rumex acetosa) and Crested Dog's-tail<br />

(Cynosurus cristatus). The ponds are distinct from each other; the westerly one is<br />

deeply sunken in a depression and consists of open water with the liverwort<br />

Ricciocarpus natans, along with Common Duckweed (Lemna minor) and Unbranched<br />

Bur-reed (Sparganium emersum). The pond towards the east is more open, with a<br />

scraw of Water Horsetail (Equisetum fluviatile), Bogbean (Menyanthes trifoliata) and<br />

Mare's-tail (Hippuris vulgaris). The Red Data Book species, Northern Yellow-cress<br />

Rorippa islandica) is found at the site.<br />

The turlough is grazed by cattle throughout. Drainage has had a considerable effect on<br />

this turlough and as a result the vegetation has become rather uniform. However, the<br />

extensive wet grassland is of interest, while the presence of rare plants adds to its<br />

scientific value.<br />

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SITE CODE: 001624<br />

Carrowreagh is a long, narrow turlough, south-east of Castleplunket. It lies in a<br />

northwest-southeast orientated basin, which is crossed by a road. The surrounding land<br />

is aligned similarly and consists of a number of low ridges and valleys. It is<br />

predominantly drift-covered, but in the turlough itself the soils are quite thin. The floor of<br />

the basin is composed of irregular hollows around the centre, and a semi-permanent<br />

stream flows into the south-eastern end of the turlough.<br />

Much of the south-eastern limb of the turlough is covered by a mixture of Yellow Iris (Iris<br />

pseudacorus) and Tall Fescue (Festuca arundinacea), with some sedges (Carex spp.).<br />

In drier patches, Rye-grass (Lolium spp.) predominates, while rushes (Juncus spp.) are<br />

common in the hollows. Around a nearby spring, Floating Sweet-grass (Glyceria<br />

fluitans) and Marshworts (Apium spp.) are common. In the western half of the basin<br />

there is a wet grassland habitat, which includes sedges (Carex spp.), while on<br />

slightly higher ground there is a healthy community which is partly overgrazed. The<br />

north-eastern and western ends of the turlough bears an area of dry grassland with<br />

Fescues (Festuca spp.), Plantains (Plantago spp.) and Clover (Trifolium spp.). The<br />

ungrazed dry grassland at the western extremity is the most notable feature of this site -<br />

otherwise the vegetation is typical of turloughs. Despite this, the site is of local scientific<br />

value. The turlough is closely grazed except for the most westerly fields. Silage is made<br />

in the large fields to the west with hay on the south and east.<br />

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SITE CODE: 001627<br />

Corbally is one of seven turloughs centred around Tulsk in central <strong>Roscommon</strong>. It<br />

covers a small site beside the main Strokestown road where several fields converge in a<br />

small shallow basin. The floor of the turlough is covered in a thin layer of drift but the<br />

basin itself is underlain by limetone, making the turlough quite productive in terms of its<br />

vegetation. Large beds of Yellow Iris (Iris psuedacorus) with some Reed Canary-grass<br />

(Phalaris arundinacea) occur around the edges of the turlough. There is also a good<br />

mixture of other aquatic and floating plants within the main body of water; Amphibious<br />

Bistort (Polygonum amphibium), Common Spike-rush (Eleocharis palustris), Marsh<br />

Pennywort (Hydrocotyyle vulgaris), Marsh Foxtail (Alopecurus geniculatus), Floating<br />

Sweet-grass (Glyceria fluitans), Bogbean (Menyanthes trifoliata), Water Horsetail<br />

(Equisetum fluviatile) and Marsh Yellow-cress (Rorippa palustris) are common. The<br />

ditches which meander through much of this area also contain an interesting flora with<br />

Thread-leaved Water-crowfoot (Ranunculus trichophyllus), Duckweed (Lemna spp.),<br />

Water Plantain (Alisma plantago-aquatica) and Fine-leaved Water-dropwort (Oenanthe<br />

aquatica). A feature of interest are the three crannogs forming prominent hillocks within<br />

the turlough. In addition to being of archaeological interest, they provide roosting and<br />

nesting places for several bird species. Corbally is a popular wetland for mobile<br />

poplulations of overwintering wildfowl which move between adjacent turloughs. Some<br />

of the species that have been noted there include Bewicks Swans, Whooper Swans,<br />

Golden Plover, Wigeon, Teal, Mallard, Pintail, Shoveler, Pochard, Tufted Duck, Grebe,<br />

Coot, Lapwing and Curlew. The vegetation and birdlife make this site interesting on<br />

scientific grounds, while the archaeology of the area adds to its overall importance.<br />

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SITE CODE: 001630<br />

Cranberry Lough is a unique and botanically rich lake occuping a low-lying area within a<br />

raised bog near Ballydangan, <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong>. The eastern side of the lake is<br />

formed by the dry margins of the bog which is colonised mainly by Heathers (Calluna<br />

vulgaris). The western side of the site is bounded by a mature conifer plantation. In<br />

between the lake and forestry, an extensive area of reedbeds has developed adjacent to<br />

the raised bog which on the western side is colonised by tall Willow (Salix spp.) scrub.<br />

The dense swards of emergent vegetation in the reedbeds is comprised of Bulrush<br />

(Typha latifolia), Saw Sedge (Cladium mariscus), Bottle Sedge (Carex rostrata) and<br />

Lesser Tussock Sedge (Carex diandra). The open water is colonised by floating plants<br />

such as the Yellow Water Lily (Nuphar lutea) and Duckweed (Lemna minor).<br />

A 'scraw' or floating mat of vegetation separates the lake in two parts. It is based on<br />

Bogbean (Menyanthes trifoliata) and the colourful Marsh Cinquefoil (Potentilla palustre)<br />

and supports an abundance of Spaghnum and other mosses. Where more acidic<br />

conditions prevail, Bog myrtle (Myrica gale), Sundew (Drosera rotundifolia) and<br />

Cranberry (Vaccinium oxycoccus) occur with sedges such Bog Sedge (Carex limosa)<br />

and Dioceous Sedge (Carex dioica). In other areas of the scraw, more herb rich<br />

communities occur. These areas are comprised of an unusual abundance of Ragged<br />

Robin (Lychnis flos-cuculi) and other flowering herbs such as Wild Angelica (Angelica<br />

sylvestris), Marsh Marigold (Caltha palustris), Red Rattle (Pedicularis palustris) and<br />

Hoary Willowherb (Epilobium parviflorum).<br />

Cranberry Lough is in a very natural, undisturbed location and is quite attractive to<br />

wildlife in the area. Nesting bird species include Sedge Warbler, Reed Bunting, Snipe,<br />

Curlew, Little Grebe and Moorhen. Whooper Swans have also been observed here in<br />

the winter. <br />

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SITE CODE: 001631<br />

This site consists of a shallow inlet of Lough Key and a low lying marshy area about two<br />

miles north-east of Boyle. The marshy area is partly derived from cutover bog but mostly<br />

occurs on mineral soil. The marsh is dissected by numerous drains. The<br />

deeper water of the inlet has stands of Common Club-rush (Scirpus lacustris) and<br />

Common Reed (Phragmites australis) with Great Water Dock (Rumex hydrolapathum),<br />

Bur-reed (Sparganium ramosum), Greater Spearwort (Ranunculus lingua) and Water<br />

Horsetail (Equisetum fluviatile). The species Meadow-rue (Thalictrum flavum) and<br />

Great Yellow-cress (Rorippa amphibia) have also been<br />

recorded in these areas. In slightly more elevated areas Reed Fescue (Festuca<br />

arundinacea), Meadow-sweet (Filipendula ulmaria) and Creeping Bent (Agrostis<br />

stolonifera) are prominent.<br />

The margins of the bay have stands of Rush (Juncus spp.) with Marsh Horsetail<br />

(Equisetum palustre), Marsh Willowherb (Epilobium palustre) and a moss (Calliergon<br />

cuspidatum) occurring as associated species. Species associated with fen vegetation<br />

such as Marsh Bedstraw (Galium palustre), Fen Bedstraw (Galium uliginosum), Longstalked<br />

Yellow-sedge (Carex lepidocarpa), Marsh Cinquefoil (Potentilla palustris), Marsh<br />

Pennywort (Hydrocotyle vulgaris), Meadow Thistle (Cirsium dissectum) and Pearlwort<br />

(Sagina nodosa) have been recorded in the middle area of the site. Some areas are<br />

being colonised by Willows (Salix aurita and S. cinerea) and Alder (Alnus glutinosa).<br />

The integrity of the north-west section of the site is threatened by the proposed<br />

development of a highway to bypass Boyle which is due to commence in 1994. This site<br />

has been rated as probably the most valuable of the marshes around Lough Key. It is<br />

important because of the outstanding diversity of plant species and much of the site is<br />

suitable for nesting birds such as Mallard, Coot, Grebes and Water Rail.<br />

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SITE CODE: 001633<br />

Drumman’s Island is a densely wooded drumlin on the south shore of Lough Key within<br />

Lough Key Forest Park. The dominant habitat is semi-natural woodland considerably<br />

modified by additional planting. The canopy trees are Pedunculate Oak (Quercus<br />

robur) and Ash (Fraxinus excelsior), the latter being the commonest species. The<br />

Pedunculate Oaks are large and adjacent trees touch in places. Sycamore (Acer<br />

pseudoplatanus) has been planted around the margins of the woodland while Firs (Abies<br />

spp.) have been planted on the north-west side. The shrub species are Hazel (Corylus<br />

avellana), Holly (Ilex aquifolium), Hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna) and Cherry Laurel<br />

(Prunus laurocerasus). The exotic species Cherry Laurel is particularly abundant on the<br />

northern part of the island and along the path that encircles the island.<br />

The woodland occurs on a freely drained soil. Such areas are usually clear-felled and<br />

put to agricultural use. The ground flora includes Wood Anemone (Anemone<br />

nemorosa), Bluebells (Hyacinthoides non-scripta), Wood Sorrel (Oxalis<br />

acetosella),Enchanter's Nightshade (Circaea lutetiana), Male Fern (Dryopterisfilixmas),<br />

Buckler Fern (Dryopteris dilatata), Scaly Male Fern (Dryopteris affinis), Lady Fern<br />

(Athyrium filix-femina), Dog Violet (Viola riviniana), Primrose (Primula vulgaris), Ivy<br />

(Hedera helix), Bugle (Ajuga reptans), Cuckoo-pint (Arummaculatum), Red Campion<br />

(Silene dioica) and Wood Speedwell (Veronica montana). There is a wide variety of<br />

mosses and liver worts growing at ground level and on the bark of trees. The thallose<br />

lichen called Lungwort (Lobaria pulmonaria) occurs on the branches of tall oak trees.<br />

This species is usually confined to oceanic woodlands in Ireland.<br />

The site also includes sections of the reed beds at the southern end of the island.<br />

These are dominated by the Common Reed (Phragmites australis). Areas of speciesrich<br />

littoral woodland occur on the lake fringes with tree species such as Willow<br />

(Salix spp.) forming a canopy. The uncommon shrub Buckthorn (Rhamnus<br />

catharticus) is particularly abundant in this habitat on the northern side of the island.<br />

The rare plant Bird's-nest Orchid (Neottia nidus-avis) has been recorded at the southeastern<br />

margin of the island.<br />

The spread of Cherry Laurel and Sycamore should be controlled to maintain the<br />

interest of the woodland. In spite of the occurrence of exotic tree and shrub species<br />

the woodland is of considerable value as it is one of the only oakwoods on good soil in<br />

the country. The diverse nature of the woodlands and the presence of at least two<br />

uncommon plant species also enhance the value of the site.<br />

23/11/1995<br />

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SITE CODE: 001634<br />

Feacle turlough lies approximately 12 km west of Athlone in an uneven terrain of glacial<br />

deposits. The basin, which runs roughly east - west, but whose edges are sinuous<br />

because of encroaching mounds, has an uneven floor with a number of discrete<br />

hollows. Outcrop is visible at the western end - elsewhere there is some loose rock. A<br />

permanent pond occurs at the north-western end, but there is no apparent inflow.<br />

Patterns of vegetation at this site is extremely simple; all the lower hollows have<br />

Amphibious Bistort (Polygonum amphibium), along with Marsh Foxtail (Alopecurus<br />

geniculatus) and Reed Canary-grass (Phalaris arundinacea). Above this, Common<br />

Sedge (Carex nigra) and Creeping Cinquefoil (Potentilla reptans) occupy the<br />

western section and areas of drier grassland on the eastern side. This spreads onto<br />

the esker in the southern section, where there is compact zonation. The hedges at<br />

the western end have a high proportion of Buckthorn (Rhamnus catharticus). A pond<br />

by the roadside is covered in a dense mat of the moss Amblystegium varium, and by<br />

Common Duckweed (Lemna minor), Fat Duckweed (Lemna gibba) and Spiked Watermilfoil<br />

(Myriophyllum spicatum), with Common Cudweed (Filaginella vulgaris) around<br />

the edges. The Red Data Book species, Northern Yellow-cress (Rorippa islandica) is<br />

found around the edges of the pond and is occasional throughout the site. The<br />

turlough is largely grazed by sheep and some cattle. The value of this turlough is that it<br />

is at the dry end of the wetness gradient, but seems to be unaffected by any<br />

artificial drainage. It is also unusual, it being surrounded by gravelly deposits which<br />

may affect its hydrology. Its vegetation is limited in type, but the zonation on the<br />

surrounding glacial hills is of interest. The occurrence of Fat Duckweed and Northern<br />

Yellow-cress adds to the importance of the site. <br />

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SITE CODE: 001636<br />

Author: E. Wymer<br />

Fin Lough is a shallow lough situated east of Lough Key and north of the N4 between<br />

Boyle and Carrick-on-Shannon. The lough is surrounded by extensive reedbeds and<br />

marshes which form the largest area of the site. The species-poor reedbeds are<br />

dominated by Common Reed (Phragmites australis). The marsh areas which lie to the<br />

landward of the reedbeds are species-rich fens dominated by Black Bog-rush (Schoenus<br />

nigricans) and various Sedge (Carex) species. In wetter areas the vegetation frequently<br />

contains Bog-bean (Menyanthes trifoliata), Marsh Cinquefoil (Potentilla palustris),<br />

Gipsyworth (Lycopus europaeus), Purple Loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria), Jointed Rush<br />

(Juncus articulatus), Common Cottongrass (Eriophorum angustifolium), Least Bur-reed<br />

(Sparganium minimum), Bottle Sedge (Carex rostrata) and Marsh Marigold (Caltha<br />

palustris). There are also areas where the fen grades into drier grassland with typical<br />

plants being Purple Moor Grass (Molinia caerulea), Quaking Grass (Briza media),<br />

Silverweed (Potentilla anserina) and Yellow Rattle (Rhinanthus minor). Damage by<br />

commercial forestry was noted around the lake margins in areas to the north and southeast<br />

of the site.<br />

In spite of the encroachment of forestry this site has considerable ecological interest due<br />

to the diversity of habitats and the extent of the fen vegetation within the site. The lake<br />

supports populations of nesting wildfowl and reed buntings. The site is also important for<br />

breeding stock for coarse fishing.<br />

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SITE CODE: 001638<br />

Hog's Island is a wooded island off the western shore of Lough Key, north of Boyle.<br />

The dominant tree species is Ash (Fraxinus excelsior). This is a secondary woodland<br />

growing over traces of lazy-beds.Other tree species occurring here are Sycamore<br />

(Acer pseudoplatanus) and Beech (Fagus sylvaticus). The woodland herb layer flora,<br />

with Ivy (Hedera helix), Cow Parsley (Anthriscus sylvestris), Bluebell (Hyacinthoides<br />

non-scripta) and Hogweed (Heracleum sphondylium) as the most abundant species,<br />

is being modified by the presence on the island of three feral goats. These goats<br />

have been on the island since 1990 and are likely to lead to significant degradation<br />

of the woodland quality in terms of the ground flora and tree regeneration. The<br />

woodland cover on the island provides a good nesting site for several species of warbler<br />

and other songbirds. Ground nesting wildfowl are likely to be disturbed by the large<br />

presence of mink in the area. The woodland is a good example of natural regeneration<br />

and is significant given the rarity of woodland within the county.<br />

23/11/1995<br />

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SITE CODE: 001642<br />


Lough Boderg/Lough Bofin is a complex of connected Upper Shannon lakes which also<br />

includes Lough Scannell, and lie on the border between Co.'s <strong>Roscommon</strong> and Leitrim.<br />

L. Bofin and S. Scannell is close to Dromod, Co. Leitrim and L. Boderg lies about 4km<br />

south of Drumsna. It is connected by a short channel to Kilglass/Grange Lough N.H.A.<br />

(608).<br />

Apart from the aquatic habitats of the lake itself, the main terrestrial and semi-aquatic<br />

habitats are woodland on the lakeshore which grades down to a stony lakeshore with a<br />

well developed typical Shannon flora, and reedswamps.<br />

Most of the woodland occurs as a narrow fringe (sometimes widening) around a good<br />

deal of the lakes particularly in the Dromod area and the eastern shores of L. Boderg<br />

(north and south of its link with L. Bofin). Alder (Alnus glutinosa) often predominates with<br />

Ash (Fraxinus excelsior) and Willows (Salix spp.) behind.l The limit of flooding occurs<br />

well inside this strip indicated by flotsam of dead Reed stems. This woodland has been<br />

described from the Dromod lakeshore in 1973 as being quite open with a well-developed<br />

rich ground flora dominated by a Black Bog Rush-Glaucous Sedge (Schoenus nigricans<br />

- Carex flacca) sward with such plants as Grass of Parnassus (Parnassia palustris) and<br />

Yellow Sedge (Carex flava agg.). The Spindle Tree (Euonymus europaeus) is also<br />

recorded. Derrygrasten Wood, on the peninsula betwene L. Scannell and L. Boffin) is<br />

described (in 1973) as a managed Ash-Hazel wood with a very rich ground flora which<br />

includes the Toothwort (Lathraea squamaria) a scarce plant parasitic on the roots of<br />

trees in old woodland. It is thus probably part of the original Oak woodland ground flora.<br />

Further south on this peninsula (around Rabbit and Otter Islands) where abundant<br />

Spindle Tree (Euonymus eurapaeus), Geulder Rose (Viburnum opulus) and Buckthorn<br />

(Rhamnus catharticus) are present. The scarce and localized plant Marsh Stitchwort<br />

(Stellaria palustris) is reported here also. Vertical aerial photographs taken in 1993<br />

confirm that this woodland fringe is still present.<br />

A similar habitat on L. Boderg (on the north facing peninsular, across the linking channel,<br />

south of Derrycarne Wood was visited during the 1993 survey and the local plant Pale<br />

Sedge (Carex pallescens) is present. Bird's Foot Trefoil (Lotus corniculatus) is<br />

noticeably abundant on tussocks of Black Bog Rush (Schoenus nigricans) and Skullcap<br />

(Scutellaria galericulata).<br />

The stony lakeshore here contains a typical 'Shannon Flora' with abundant submerged<br />

Shoreweed (Littorella uniflora), Yellow Sedge (Carex flava agg.), Purple Loosetrife<br />

(Lythrum salicaria), Lesser Spearwort (Ranunculus flammula), Water Hemlock (Circuta<br />

virosa) among the stones. A small patch of Water Germander (Teucrium scordium) is<br />

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present here also. Water Germander is a scarce species almost confined to the River<br />

Shannon lakes. These stones become completely colonised by a species-rich sward at<br />

higher levels.<br />

The other main extensive habitat briefly visited in 1993 at this site is an ara of very old<br />

cut-away in the north east of L. Boderg creating an environment which floods in winter<br />

and contains widespread Bog Myrtle (Myrica gale) with locally abundant Royal Fern<br />

(Osmunda regalis), surrounded by deep water drains. This area is bordered on its east<br />

side by fields with dominant Marsh Foxtail (Alopecurus geniculatus), and on its western<br />

side by a hill of mineral soil which becomes an island (with a causeway) during floods.<br />

The Internationally Important Greenland White-fronted Goose frequents a number of<br />

improved fields around this site but these are so diffuse that most have not been<br />

included in the N.H.A.<br />

Lough Boderg/Lough Bofin is a complex of Upper Shannon lakes with a long convoluted<br />

shoreline containing many areas of wild and typical limestone terrestrial and semiaquatic<br />

shoreline habitats.<br />

<br />

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SITE CODE: 001643<br />

Drumharlow Lough is the lower part of the River Boyle, from Cootehall Bridge, which<br />

opens out into a many-armed lake before it joins the River Shannon 5km south of the<br />

town of Leitrim. The lake and its surroundings are used by a flock of Greenland Whitefronted<br />

Geese.<br />

Apart from the open water and aquatic habitats of the lake itself, the main habitats of<br />

interest are extensive areas of wet grassland (callowland) which flood in winter, and<br />

lakeshore. The lakeshore, in keeping with the other River Shannon lakes, has areas of<br />

considerable botanical interest.<br />

Hughestown Wood, situated on the shore of the lake is the site of a rare Myxomycete<br />

fungus, Paradiacheopsis rigida. There is also a raised bog area of interest which directly<br />

borders the flooded callows of the Shannon and grades down to Lough Naseer in the far<br />

north of the site.<br />

Several areas of callows, wet rough pasture and improved grassland have been<br />

included around the lake as these are used for feeding by a flock of Greenland Whitefronted<br />

Goose. The flock also uses sites around Lough Allen. Formerly of national<br />

importance, the three year mean peak number is 111 (up to 1990/91) and does not now<br />

regularly reach the qualifying level.<br />

Drumharlow Lough is a large complex of habitats typical of the Shannon Lakes and the<br />

lake and surrounding grasslands are an important site for the Internationally Important<br />

Goose species.<br />

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SITE CODE: 001644<br />

AUTHOR:<br />


Lough Glinn is a small meso-eutrophic lake located just north of the town of Loughglinn,<br />

north-west of Castlerea.<br />

The lake is relatively shallow with sandy, peaty shores fringed by Common Club-rush<br />

(Scirpus lacustris). In the south-west it has a large fen area of mostly floating Bogbean<br />

(Menyanthes trifoliata) scraw. Bulrush (Typha latifolia) and Cowbane (Cicuta virosa)<br />

occur at the southern end. The dominant submergent species are Delicate Stonewort<br />

(Chara virgata) and Blunt-leaved Pondweed (Potamogeton obtusifolius) in the open<br />

water and Ivy-leaved Duckweed (Lemna trisulca) in the reed beds. The alga Nostoc<br />

pruniforme occurs abundantly on the mud bottom of sheltered areas. The lake is<br />

surrounded by Meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria) grassland, pasture and a small area<br />

of conifer plantation.<br />

The lake is of ornithological interest for waterfowl and holds Nationally Important<br />

numbers of Mute Swan (108), Whooper Swan (128) and Tufted Duck (200) and<br />

Regionally/Locally Important numbers of Wigeon (150), Teal (110), Mallard (69),<br />

Pochard (200), Goldeneye (15), Coot (62) and Lapwing (100) (4 counts, 1 season<br />

1984/85-86/87). Recent local observations suggest that waterfowl numbers have<br />

declined, possibly due to pollution or disturbance, but the lake remains a useful water<br />

body, which is more productive than many in the area.<br />

In summary, Lough Glinn is of interest as an example of a meso-eutrophic lake and is<br />

ornithologically important for waterfowl.<br />

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SITE CODE: 001645<br />

Lough O'Flynn is a small, relatively shallow lake lying near the source of the River Suck,<br />

north of Ballinlough. It lies on carboniferous limestone strata except for the southern<br />

end, which abuts on the Old Red Sandstone outcrop south of the lake. The lake water,<br />

which is alkaline, may tend to be naturally eutrophic but is reported to be relatively<br />

unproductive. The lake is a brown trout angling water and is managed by the Central<br />

Fisheries Board.<br />

An Foras Forbartha described the vegetation surrounding the lake as of considerable<br />

botanical importance in 1983.<br />

The lake is of ornithological interest and holds Regionally/Locally important numbers of<br />

waterfowl, including Cormorant (23), Mute Swan (13), Wigeon (107), Mallard (71),<br />

Pochard (145), Tufted Duck (138), Coot (88) and Curlew (62) (6 counts, 2 seasons<br />

1984/85-86/87).<br />

15 February, 1995.<br />

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SITE CODE: 001646<br />

Newtown Turlough occupies a flat basin on the eastern side of the Ballydooley -<br />

Castleplunket road. Like Rathnalulleagh and Carrowreagh to its north, it has a<br />

northwest - southeast allignment and has a simple linear outline. The land is driftcovered<br />

and there are no areas of exposed rock. The turlough is divided by a fence on<br />

the south side and has a shallow central ditch. The vegetation is a straightforward<br />

zonation of three communities from wet grassland at the base through an<br />

intermediate type, and at the top a dry grassland. The wet grassland contains<br />

Amphibious Bistort (Polygonum amphibium), Yellow Iris (Iris pseudacorus) and sedges<br />

(Carex spp.). This merges into a grassland with Creeping Cinquefoil (Potentilla<br />

reptans), and ends with a similar grassland, but also containing Rye-grass (Lolium<br />

spp.). The turlough is grazed by cattle and horses to give a short uniform turf. Despite<br />

this, the site is of local scientific value.<br />

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SITE CODE: 001648<br />

AUTHOR: E. Ni Ghrainne<br />

Shad Lough is located approximately 3km. south of Tulsk, Co. <strong>Roscommon</strong>. It is a<br />

shallow lake, whose area is extended considerably by flooding in wet weather. It is<br />

located in a limestone region.<br />

The main habitat is a lake, which has some of the features of a turlough, such as high<br />

productivity and attractiveness to wildfowl. The shore is marked by a Common Reed<br />

(Phragmites australis) bordered with Lake Rush (Scirpus lacustris) and behind this a<br />

Jointed Rush (Juncus articulitus) community takes over, with such species as Marsh<br />

Ragwort (Senecio aquaticus), Glaucous Sedge (Carex flacca), Watercress (Nastursium<br />

officinale), grass of Parnassin (Parnassin palustris) and Marsh Willowherb (Epilobium<br />

palustre). Purple moor-grass (Molinia caerulea) also forms an important part of the<br />

vegetation.<br />

Secondary habitats include lowland wet grassland, which adds diversity to the site.<br />

The main interest of the site is zoological. The lough is one of 17 in a 6 x 7 km. area and<br />

total numbers for this area make it a nationally important site for Wigeon (mean peak<br />

1,258, 1984/85 - 1986/87). It is of regional or local importance for a further 12 species of<br />

waterfowl.<br />

There appears to be a good local population of otters (Lutra lutra) although no figures<br />

are available. Others are listed in Annex II and III of the E.U. Habitats Directive.<br />

Shooting levels at the site are low, according to local information. The major threats to<br />

the site are water abstraction, which is already a damaging operation, and fertilization of<br />

surrounding land, which could threaten the plant and other populations. Drainage would<br />

affect the surrounding wet grassland more so than the lake itself, which is located in a<br />

shallow basin.<br />

Shad Lough is of primarily ornithological interest and its nationally important numbers of<br />

wigeon, as well as the presence of otters, which we listed as internationally important in<br />

the Irish Red Data Book, make this area of N.H.A. standard.<br />

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SITE CODE: 001651<br />

Tawnytaskin Wood lies on the western shore of Lough Key about two miles north-east<br />

of Boyle. The site consists of deciduous woodland with a nucleus of scattered<br />

Pedunculate Oak (Quercus robur) and Sessile Oak (Quercus petreaea) around which<br />

other tree species occur. The northern section of the site has a dense cover of tall<br />

Downy Birch (Betula pubescens).Other tree species include Ash (Fraxinus excelsior)<br />

and Willow (Salix cinerea). Beech (Fagus sylvaticus) has been planted along wall<br />

lines. Hazel (Corylus avellana) is a common understory species with some Spindle<br />

Tree (Euonymus europaeus). The ground flora is often poor under the denser areas of<br />

woodland.<br />

Towards the lake shore the woodland is dominated by Ash and Hazel. This area has a<br />

richer ground flora with species such as Wood Avens (Geum urbanum), Bugle (Ajuga<br />

reptans), Wood Sanicle (Sanicula europaea), Wood Sedge (Carex sylvatica)<br />

occurring there. There are also patches of wet woodland dominated by Alder (Alnus<br />

glutinosa) with a ground layer of Yellow Iris (Irispseudacorus), Remote Sedge (Carex<br />

remota), Water Mint (Menthaaquatica), Marsh Bedstraw (Galium palustre),<br />

Creeping Buttercup (Ranunculus repens) and occasional Tall Fescue<br />

(Festucagigantica) and Hedge Woundwort (Stachys sylvatica).<br />

Sherard's Downy Rose (Rosa sherardii) occurs in rocky places along the lakeshore.<br />

Bog Myrtle (Myrica gale) occurs in marsh areas along the shore. The eastern fringe of<br />

the site includes areas of reedbeds dominated by Common Reed (Phragmites<br />

australis).<br />

The woodland is considered of local importance with a varied woodland flora. The<br />

wetter woodland along the lake shore seems to be spreading.<br />

23/11/1995<br />

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SITE CODE: 002302<br />

Ballynamona Bog and Corkip Lough NHA is situated approximately 9 km west of<br />

Athlone, mainly in the townlands of Skeanamuck, Carrowkeeran and Pollalaher, in Co.<br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong>. The site comprises a relatively small portion of what was once a large bog<br />

complex, and includes areas of high bog and cutover bog, and also the turlough, Corkip<br />

Lough.<br />

The high bog consists of a single dome, with a large area of bog woodland and flush in<br />

the centre. It is surrounded on three sides by esker ridges and limestone bedrock.<br />

These ridges are host to areas of species-rich grassland. Cutover bog occurs all around<br />

the margins of the high bog, some sections of which flood at times, and there is an area<br />

of commercial forestry at the eastern margin. The lake retains a small area of open<br />

water in the summer which is surrounded by lowland wet grassland which is flooded in<br />

the winter.<br />

This site contains an example of a Midland Raised Bog, with species such as Ling<br />

Heather (Calluna vulgaris), Bog Asphodel (Narthecium ossifragum), Common and<br />

Hare’s-tail Cottongrasses (Eriophorum angustifolium and E. vaginatum), Carnation<br />

Sedge (Carex panicea) and Cranberry (Vaccinium oxycoccos). Also occurring are the<br />

bog mosses, Sphagnum cuspidatum, S. magellanicum and S. papillosum, amongst<br />

others. There are areas on the high bog with apparently old pools which are now infilled<br />

with Bog Asphodel, and algal pools are also found. The hummock and hollow<br />

topography typical of raised bogs is absent from this site. There are a number of stands<br />

of Bog-myrtle (Myrica gale) scattered over the bog. The central flush on the high bog<br />

contains an area of bog woodland, with Downy Birch (Betula pubescens) of various age<br />

classes. Cranberry is abundant here and the vegetation is lush in places, with many bog<br />

moss species occurring. Scarce species found here include Brown-beak Sedge<br />

(Rhynchospora fusca) and Bog-sedge (Carex limosa). The lichens on the bark and<br />

branches are of exceptional abundance and diversity. The treeless flush which<br />

surrounds the wooded area has an abundance of bog mosses, Ling Heather and<br />

Cottongrass species. Mosses other than Sphagnum spp. found in the flushes include<br />

Aulacomnium palustre, Hypnum jutlandicum and Breutelia chrysocoma. An unusual<br />

feature of the flush is the occurrence of small specimens of Royal Fern (Osmunda<br />

regalis) scattered uniformly over the area.<br />

The cutover areas associated with the high bog are mostly dominated by Ling Heather,<br />

Purple Moor-grass (Molinia caerulea), Soft Rush (Juncus effusus), and Gorse (Ulex<br />

europaeus) and Downy Birch scrub. An area of cutover at the north of the site is<br />

frequently flooded and is dominated by Purple Moor-grass and Black Bog-rush<br />

(Schoenus nigricans). A very small, but extremely species-rich, damp calcareous stony<br />

community is found at the north of the site where a gravel ridge disappears under the<br />

cutover. Here, Black Bog-rush, Mountain Everlasting (Antennaria dioica), Lesser<br />

Clubmoss (Selaginella selaginoides) and many other species are found, including a<br />

diverse lichen flora. Other, more calcareous and drier grassland areas support species<br />

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such as Carline Thistle (Carlina vulgaris), Thyme (Thymus praecox), and Mouse-ear<br />

Hawkweed (Hieracium pilosella).<br />

Corkip Lough is fringed by Common Reed (Phragmites australis) and sedges (Carex<br />

spp.), along with many wetland herbs. Other species found here include Common Clubrush<br />

(Scirpus lacustris), Greater Spearwort (Ranunculus lingua), Water Plantain (Alisma<br />

plantago-aquatica) and Mare’s-tail (Hippuris vulgaris). The surrounding grassland hosts<br />

a number of species of interest, including Few-flowered Spike-rush (Eleocharis<br />

quinqueflora), Grass-of-Parnassus (Parnassia palustris) and Water Germander<br />

(Teucrium scordium). The latter species is of particular interest as it had only previously<br />

been recorded from the banks of the River Shannon and in some turloughs in Counties<br />

Clare and Tipperary.<br />

Apart from its unusual flora, Corkip Lough is also important for local birdlife. There are<br />

large nesting colonies of Lapwing and Redshank, and occasional Snipe. The wetter<br />

areas are popular feeding grounds for many species of waders. In the winter, large<br />

numbers of Plover, Curlew and Lapwing are found here. It is also frequented by smaller<br />

song-birds such as Reed Bunting and Sedge Warblers. The rare aquatic invertebrate<br />

(Eurycercus glacialis) is found at Corkip Lough, one of the few sites in Ireland where it<br />

occurs. Red Grouse, a species which is becoming increasingly rare in Ireland, has been<br />

recorded from Ballynamona Bog.<br />

Current landuse on the site consists of limited peat-cutting at the north-east and southwest<br />

of the site. There is a small area of commercial forestry at the east of the site.<br />

Some areas of cutover bog at the south of the site have been reclaimed for agriculture.<br />

Damaging activities associated with these landuses include frequent burning. This<br />

recurrent burning is having a serious drying effect on the bog. Drainage, for the most<br />

part, is restricted to the cutover areas of the bog. These are all activities that have<br />

resulted in loss of habitat and damage to the hydrological status of the site, and pose a<br />

continuing threat to its viability.<br />

Ballynamona Bog and Corkip Lough NHA is a site of considerable conservation<br />

significance including as it does a raised bog, a rare habitat in the E.U. and one that is<br />

becoming increasingly scarce and under threat in Ireland. Raised bog is listed on Annex<br />

I of the E.U. Habitats Directive. Ireland has a high proportion of the total E.U. resource<br />

of raised bog (over 60%) and so has a special responsibility for its conservation at an<br />

international level. Turlough and bog woodland are both listed as priority habitats on<br />

Annex I of the E.U. Habitats Directive. Priority status is given to habitats and species<br />

that are threatened throughout the E.U. Areas of calcareous species-rich grassland,<br />

also an annexed habitat, add to the diversity of the site.<br />

31.5.2002<br />

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SITE CODE : 002310<br />

Lough Ree is the third largest lake in the Republic of Ireland and is situated, in an icedeepened<br />

depression in Carboniferous Limestone, on the River Shannon system<br />

between Lanesborough and Athlone. It lies on the border between the counties of<br />

Westmeath, Longford and <strong>Roscommon</strong>. Some of its features (including the islands) are<br />

based on glacial drift. It has a very long, indented shoreline and hence has many<br />

sheltered bays. Although the main habitat, by area, is the lake itself, interesting shoreline,<br />

terrestrial and semi-aquatic habitats also occur.<br />

The greater part of Lough Ree is less than 10m in depth, but there are six deep troughs<br />

running from north to south, reaching a maximum depth of about 36m just west of<br />

Inchmore. The lake has been classified as mesotrophic in quality, but the size of the<br />

system means that a range of conditions prevail depending on, for example, rock type.<br />

This gives rise to local variations in nutrient status and pH, which in turn result in<br />

variations in the phytoplankton and macrophyte flora, with species indicative of<br />

oligotrophic, mesotrophic, eutrophic and base-rich situations present. The water of<br />

Lough Ree tends to be strongly peat-stained, restricting macrophytes to depths of less<br />

than 2m. As a consequence of this, macrophytes are restricted to sheltered bays, where<br />

a typical Shannon flora occurs. Species present include Intermediate Bladderwort<br />

(Utricularia intermedia), Pondweeds (Potamogeton spp.), Quillwort (Isoetes lacustris),<br />

Greater Duckweed (Spirodela polyrhiza), Stoneworts (Chara spp., including C.<br />

pedunculata) and Arrowhead (Sagittaria sagittifolia). The latter is a scarce species<br />

which is almost confined in its occurrence to the Shannon Basin.<br />

Reedbeds of Common Reed (Phragmites australis) are an extensive habitat in a number<br />

of more sheltered places around the lake, but single-species 'swamps' consisting of such<br />

species as Common Club-rush (Scirpus lacustris), Slender Sedge (Carex lasiocarpa),<br />

Saw Sedge (Cladium mariscus) and two scarce species of Sedge (Carex appropinquata<br />

and C. elata) also occur in suitable places. Some of these grade up into species-rich<br />

calcareous fen with Black Bog-rush (Schoenus nigricans) and Whorl-grass (Catabrosa<br />

aquatica), or freshwater marsh with abundant Water Dock (Rumex hydrolapathum) and<br />

Hemp-agrimony (Eupatorium cannabinum).<br />

Lowland wet grassland is found in abundance around the shore and occurs in two types.<br />

One is 'callowland', grassland which floods in winter. This provides feeding for winter<br />

waterfowl and breeding waders. The other is an unusual community on stony wet<br />

lakeshore all around the lake, characterized by Water Germander (Teucrium scordium),<br />

a scarce plant species almost confined to this lake and Lough Derg. Dry calcareous<br />

grassland occurs scattered around the lake shore. This supports typical species such as<br />

Yellow-wort (Blackstonia perfoliata), Carline Thistle (Carlina vulgaris) and Quaking Grass<br />

(Briza media). Orchids also feature in this habitat e.g. Bee Orchid (Ophrys apifera) and<br />

Common Spotted-orchid (Dactylorhiza fuchsia).<br />

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Dry, broad-leaved, semi-natural woodland occurs in several places around the lake,<br />

most notably at St John's Wood and on Hare Island. St John's Wood is recognised as<br />

the largest and most natural woodland in the midlands. Its canopy is dominated by<br />

Hazel (Corylus avellana), Pedunculate Oak (Quercus robur), Holly (Ilex aquifolium) and<br />

Ash (Fraxinus excelsior), but a range of other trees and shrubs occur, including Wych<br />

Elm (Ulmus glabra), Yew (Taxus baccata), Wild Cherry (Prunus avium) and Irish<br />

Whitebeam (Sorbus hibernica). The ground flora of St. John's Wood is species-rich, and<br />

is remarkable for the presence of two species, Toothwort (Lathraea squamaria) and<br />

Bird's-nest Orchid (Neottia nidus-avis), which tend to occur in sites with a long history of<br />

uninterrupted woodland cover. The tree species composition on Hare Island is similar to<br />

that in St. John's Wood, with additional non-native species such as Sycamore (Acer<br />

pseudoplatanus) and Beech (Fagus sylvatica). This wood also has an exceptionally rich<br />

ground flora. Some of the smaller areas of woodland around Lough Ree are mixed<br />

woodland with a high percentage of exotics such as Beech. Some areas of welldeveloped<br />

Hazel scrub also occur.<br />

Pockets of wet woodland occur around the lake: most of these are dominated by Willows<br />

(Salix spp.), Alder (Alnus glutinosa) and Downy Birch (Betula pubescens). In one such<br />

wood, at Ross Lough, the terrestrial alga, Trentopohlia spp, has a specialised niche on<br />

the Willow trunks, while the ground layer has a rich bryophyte flora (Calliergon spp. and<br />

Sphagnum spp.), scattered clumps of Greater Tussock-sedge (Carex paniculata) and a<br />

good diversity of herb species, including Water Dock (Rumex hydrolapathum) and Fen<br />

Bedstraw (Galium uliginosum).<br />

Small examples of raised bog occur to the east and west of the lake, at Derrymacar,<br />

Clooneskert, Kilteevin and Clooncraff/ Cloonlarge, which are of interest in that they show<br />

a natural transition through wet woodland and/or swamp to lakeshore habitats. Of these,<br />

the raised bog at Clooccraff/ Cloonlarge on the western shore, is of interest in its own<br />

right. This raised bog consists of a long narrow section of high bog broken up by tracks<br />

with extensive cutover on nearly all margins. There are several drains associated with<br />

these tracks. Two main sections remain intact (Clooncraff and Cloonlarge) with the<br />

remainder (Kilteevin) afforested. There are areas of pools, wet flushes and bog<br />

woodland associated with the high bog. This was part of a much larger raised bog<br />

complex, now mostly destroyed. There is an area of cutover towards the Lough Ree<br />

containing a mixture of old cutover, grassland and woodland which often floods.<br />

The main feature of interest is a bog woodland on high bog in the western section, with<br />

Downey Birch (Betula pubescens) and Scot's Pine (Pinus sylvestris), with some Holly<br />

(Ilex aquifolium). The Birch trees are festooned with a great variety of lichens. The<br />

ground flora of the woodland is species rich, with tall cushions of Bog Mosses<br />

(Sphagnum spp.) and Schreber's Feather Moss (Pleurozium schreberi) and many other<br />

mosses. Large and robust Cranberry (Vaccinium oxyccocus), Bilberry (V. myrtillis) and<br />

Crowberry (Empetrum nigrum) grow on these cushions, which have an undisturbed<br />

appearance. There is a good quality area associated with the wooded flush, with some<br />

quaking areas around the woodland. Outside this area, the bog surface was mostly<br />

dominated by Calluna with bare areas and algal-hollows. Fire had obviously affected<br />

this area, which had poor Sphagnum cover.<br />

In general the remainder of the western part of the site is of poor quality, medium wet to<br />

dry, damaged by drainage and burning, with a large percentage of the site dominated<br />

either by Ling Heather or bare algal patches. However some areas have a good cover<br />

of bog mosses (Sphagnum spp.) with tall Ling Heather (Calluna vulgaris) and there is<br />

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also, a small, isolated soak consisting of large interlocking pools filled with Bog Moss<br />

and open water. Burning has not affected this area for about 10 years and lichens are<br />

abundant.<br />

The eastern section of this raised bog is generally soft and wet, but has suffered from<br />

fire damage and bog moss cover is generally poor. As this section of high bog extends<br />

to the lake shore, there may be a fringe of transition mire vegetation. Much of the rest of<br />

the eastern part of the site is of medium wetness. It is damaged by fire however and<br />

Bog Moss is regenerating only with difficulty.<br />

A good example of bog woodland on cutover occurs at St. John’s Wood. This grows on<br />

cutover peat and is dominated by Birch (Betula pubescens) and Alder Buckthorn<br />

(Frangula alnus). The occurrence of the latter species in such abundance is unusual in<br />

Ireland. Other examples of bog woodland on cutover occur around the site, for example,<br />

at Derrymacar Lough, between the high bog and lake. Smaller lakes occur around the<br />

lakeshore, especially on the east side, and these often have the full range of wetland<br />

habitats contained within them. A number of small rivers also pass through the site.<br />

The site supports a number of rare plant species which are listed in the Irish Red Data<br />

Book, Alder Buckthorn (Frangula alnus) and Bird Cherry (Prunus padus) are woodland<br />

components at St. John's Wood and elsewhere. Narrow-leaved Helleborine<br />

(Cephalanthera longifolia) and Betony (Stachys officinalis), which is legally protected<br />

under The Flora Protection Order (1987), occur among the ground flora of Hare's Island<br />

(where the former occurs in notable abundance) and a number of other woods. The<br />

Stonewort (Chara tomentosa) is present in shallow water around the lake, and Marsh<br />

Pea (Lathyrus palustris) occurs on some of the callowland. The rare Myxomycete<br />

fungus, Echinostelium colliculosum, has been recorded from St John’s Wood. The lake<br />

itself contains one of only two populations of the endangered fish species, Pollan<br />

(Coregonus autumnalis), which is genetically different from Continental European stock.<br />

The shrimp (Crustacean) Mysis relicta occurs in this lake and is a relict of the glacial<br />

period in Ireland.<br />

Small flocks of Greenland White-fronted Goose, an Annex I species on the Birds<br />

Directive, use several areas of callowland around the lake in winter. An average spring<br />

count of 92 individuals was obtained for this species over the six seasons 1988/89 to<br />

1993/94, indicating that Lough Ree is a nationally important site for this species. The<br />

following bird counts are derived from 6 counts during the period 1984/85 to 1986/87.<br />

Nationally important populations of Golden Plover (1,350), an Annex I species, Wigeon<br />

(1,306), Teal (584), Tufted Duck (1,317) and Coot (798) occur. Other winter visitors are<br />

Whooper Swan (32), an Annex I species, Mute Swan (91), Little Grebe (48), Cormorant<br />

(91), Mallard (362), Shoveler (40), Pochard (179), Goldeneye (97), Curlew (178),<br />

Lapwing (1,751) and Dunlin (48). The callowland is also used by Black-tailed Godwit and<br />

others on migration.<br />

Some of the lake islands provide nesting sites for Common Tern, a species listed on<br />

Annex I of the European Birds Directive. The Lough Ree colony, 86 pairs in 1995, is<br />

estimated as one of the largest of this species on midland lakes. The lake also provides<br />

excellent breeding habitat for wildfowl, including Common Scoter (30-40 pairs), a rare<br />

breeding species listed as "Endangered" in the Red Data Book, and Tufted Duck (>200<br />

pairs). The woodlands and scrub around the lake and on the islands are a stronghold of<br />

the Garden Warbler (74 territories in 1997), a bird species mainly confined to the<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003_Appendices<br />

December 2007 (GOS/DE/JMC)

Shannon Lakes in Ireland. There is a population of Otters around the lake. This species<br />

is listed in the Red Data Book as being threatened in Europe and is protected under<br />

Annex II of the European Habitats Directive.<br />

Landuses within the site include recreation in the form of cruiser hire, angling, camping,<br />

picnicking and shooting. Chalet accommodation occurs at a few locations around the<br />

lake. Low-intensity grazing occurs on dry and wet grassland around the shore and some<br />

hay is made within the site. Some of these activities are damaging, but in a very<br />

localised way, and require careful planning. Landuses at Clooncraff/ Cloonlarge include<br />

peat-cutting and forestry. Damaging activities associated with these landuses include<br />

drainage and burning of the high bog. There is a large drain cutting through this site and<br />

all these activities have resulted in the loss of habitat, damage the hydrological status of<br />

the raised bog, and pose a continuing threat to its viability.<br />

Lough Ree is surrounded by agricultural land of moderate to high intensity and is close<br />

to Athlone. The main threat to the aquatic life in the lake comes from artificial<br />

enrichment of the waters by agricultural and domestic waste, and also by peat silt in<br />

suspension which is increasingly limiting the light penetration, thus restricting aquatic<br />

flora to shallower waters. At present Lough Ree is less affected by eutrophication than<br />

L. Derg. Increased use of the lake for leisure activities, especially boating, will cause<br />

disturbance and some damage to the marginal wetlands.<br />

Lough Ree and its adjacent habitats are of major ecological significance. Some of the<br />

woodlands around the lake are of excellent quality and include some of the best<br />

examples of this habitat in Ireland. St. John's Wood is particularly important; it is<br />

considered to be one of the very few candidates for ancient woodland in Ireland. The<br />

lake itself is an excellent example of a mesotrophic to moderate-eutrophic system,<br />

supporting a rare fish species and a good diversity of breeding and wintering birds. The<br />

raised bog Cloncraff/ Cloonlarge adds to the conservation significance of this site<br />

comprising as it does, a rare habitat in the E.U. and one that is becoming increasingly<br />

scarce and under threat in Ireland. This raised bog supports a good diversity of<br />

microhabitats, including hummocks, pools, wet flushes and bog woodland. Active raised<br />

bog and bog woodland are of particular conservation importance as these habitats are<br />

listed with priority status on Annex I of the E.U. Habitats Directive. Priority status is<br />

given to habitats and species that are threatened throughout the E.U. Ireland has a high<br />

proportion of the total E.U. resource of raised bog habitat (over 50%) and so has a<br />

special responsibility for its conservation at an international level.<br />

19.07.2002<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003_Appendices<br />

December 2007 (GOS/DE/JMC)

Appendix 5:<br />

Attendees at the Scoping Consultation Meeting<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003_Appendices<br />

December 2007 (GOS/DE/JMC)

Attendees at the Scoping Consultation Meeting<br />

Personal<br />

Organisation<br />

1. Tadgh O’Mahony EPA – <strong>SEA</strong> Section<br />

2. Declan Egan Fehily Timoney & Company<br />

3. John Cunningham <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong><br />

4. Des O’Dwyer <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong><br />

5. Frank Flanagan <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong><br />

6. Tracy Davis <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong><br />

7. Geraldine Kavanagh <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong><br />

8. Jennifer Foy <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong><br />

9. Nollaig McKeon <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong><br />

10. Kieran Madden <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong><br />

11. Eugene Dwyer <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong><br />

12. John Rourke <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong><br />

13. Martin Curly <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong><br />

14. John Mockler <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong><br />

15. Jennifer Collins <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong><br />

16. Ray Timlin <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong><br />

17. Caroline Mockler <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong><br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003_Appendices<br />

December 2007 (GOS/DE/JMC)

Appendix 6<br />

Environmental Assessment Tables<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003_Appendices<br />

December 2007 (GOS/DE/JMC)

Settlement Policy & Development Strategy<br />

Table 9.1<br />

Assessment of Strategic Policies & Objectives<br />

Strategic Polices & Objectives for Settlement Policy &<br />

Development Strategy<br />

Policies<br />

1. Improve the quality of life of the residents of the <strong>County</strong><br />

and make the <strong>County</strong> an attractive location in which to<br />

settle in the future.<br />

2. Promote a balance of development across the county<br />

through the designation of a settlement hierarchy,<br />

outlining in broad terms the role and function of all<br />

settlements, according to hierarchy level, building upon<br />

the existing settlement strategy.<br />

3. Development in all instances should be sustainable and<br />

account should be taken of the availability of public<br />

transport infrastructure, socio-economic profile, creation<br />

of appropriate and sustainable levels of employment and<br />

commercial activities which are in proportion to<br />

residential development within each centre and<br />

protection of the rural hinterland and greenbelt.<br />

4. Ensure there will be sufficient land zoned to<br />

accommodate the growing population and endeavouring<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

WO1-<br />

WO6,BO1-<br />

BO3,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3,<br />

CHO5,<br />

LO1, LO2,<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO1,<br />

ACO1,<br />

MAO3<br />

WO1, WO4,<br />

WO5,<br />

CHO1,<br />

LO2, PO1,<br />

MAO3,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO4,<br />

WO5, WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3,<br />

LO1, LO2,<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO1,<br />

SGO4,<br />

MAO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO4,<br />

WO1-<br />

WO6,BO1-<br />

BO3,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3,<br />

CHO5,<br />

LO1, LO2,<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO1,<br />

ACO1,<br />

MAO3O1<br />

WO1,PO1 WO1, WO4,<br />

WO5,<br />

CHO1,<br />

LO2, PO1,<br />

MAO3,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO4,<br />

WO5, WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3,<br />

LO1, LO2,<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO1,<br />

SGO4,<br />

MAO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO4,<br />

WO1-<br />

WO6,BO1-<br />

BO3, CHO1,<br />

CHO3, CHO5,<br />

LO1, LO2,<br />

PO1, SGO1,<br />

ACO1, MAO3<br />

WO1, WO4,<br />

WO5, CHO1,<br />

LO2, PO1,<br />

MAO3, ACO1<br />

WO1, WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO4,<br />

WO5, WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1, CHO3,<br />

LO1, LO2,<br />

PO1, SGO1,<br />

SGO4, MAO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1, WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO4,<br />

WO5, WO7,<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Strategic Polices & Objectives for Settlement Policy &<br />

Development Strategy<br />

Policies<br />

to ensure, in so far as is practicable, that the zoning of<br />

land and growth of settlements is accompanied by<br />

adequate infrastructural provision, including local social<br />

and community infrastructure (such as schools,<br />

neighbourhood centres, crèches, community halls,<br />

recreation facilities, etc.) at an appropriate rate.<br />

5. Development and growth of each of the selected urban<br />

centres should be generally restricted to the<br />

development limit / envelope, so that they function as the<br />

focal points for the development of their rural<br />

catchments.<br />

6. Prohibit development in the immediate vicinity of any<br />

defined development limit / envelope, which would<br />

compromise the distinction between the open<br />

countryside and the built up edge of the settlement.<br />

7. Promote compact forms of development which more<br />

comprehensive development of the backlands of towns<br />

and villages and more efficient use of public<br />

infrastructure and services<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

WO5, WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3,<br />

LO1, LO2,<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO1,<br />

SGO4,<br />

MAO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO4,<br />

WO5, WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3,<br />

LO1, LO2,<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO1,<br />

SGO4,<br />

MAO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO4,<br />

WO5, WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3,<br />

LO1, LO2,<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO1,<br />

SGO4,<br />

MAO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO4,<br />

WO5, WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

WO5, WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3,<br />

LO1, LO2,<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO1,<br />

SGO4,<br />

MAO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO4,<br />

WO5, WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3,<br />

LO1, LO2,<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO1,<br />

SGO4,<br />

MAO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO4,<br />

WO5, WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3,<br />

LO1, LO2,<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO1,<br />

SGO4,<br />

MAO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO4,<br />

WO5, WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1, CHO3,<br />

LO1, LO2,<br />

PO1, SGO1,<br />

SGO4, MAO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1, WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO4,<br />

WO5, WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1, CHO3,<br />

LO1, LO2,<br />

PO1, SGO1,<br />

SGO4, MAO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1, WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO4,<br />

WO5, WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1, CHO3,<br />

LO1, LO2,<br />

PO1, SGO1,<br />

SGO4, MAO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1, WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO4,<br />

WO5, WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1, CHO3,<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Strategic Polices & Objectives for Settlement Policy &<br />

Development Strategy<br />

Policies<br />

8. Development of towns and villages with marginally<br />

smaller growth should be carried out in a more<br />

sustainable manner, to ensure that a higher proportion of<br />

residents of the towns and villages are employed locally.<br />

9. Encourage settlements to develop niche activities or<br />

roles which will help in their further development<br />

10. In all instances the council should seek the promotion of<br />

high-quality urban design that balances the achievement<br />

of densities with the provision of high quality services,<br />

the management of public safety and the provision of<br />

high quality access and networks.<br />

11. Prepare a comprehensive suite of Local Area Plans for<br />

the larger urban settlements of <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong> and<br />

where there is potential for large scale development and<br />

where there is a need for plan-led development.<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3,<br />

LO1, LO2,<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO1,<br />

SGO4,<br />

MAO3,<br />

ACO1<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3,<br />

LO1, LO2,<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO1,<br />

SGO4,<br />

MAO3,<br />

ACO1<br />

LO1, LO2,<br />

PO1, SGO1,<br />

SGO4, MAO3,<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO4,<br />

WO5, WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3,<br />

LO1, LO2,<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO1,<br />

SGO4,<br />

MAO3,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO4,<br />

WO5, WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3,<br />

LO1, LO2,<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO1,<br />

SGO4,<br />

MAO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO4,<br />

WO5, WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3,<br />

LO1, LO2,<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO1,<br />

SGO4,<br />

MAO3,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO4,<br />

WO5, WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3,<br />

LO1, LO2,<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO1,<br />

SGO4,<br />

MAO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1, WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO4,<br />

WO5, WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1, CHO3,<br />

LO1, LO2,<br />

PO1, SGO1,<br />

SGO4, MAO3,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1, WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO4,<br />

WO5, WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1, CHO3,<br />

LO1, LO2,<br />

PO1, SGO1,<br />

SGO4, MAO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Strategic Polices & Objectives for Settlement Policy &<br />

Development Strategy<br />

Policies<br />

12. Establish strong road connections between settlements<br />

and promote public transport strategies.<br />

13. Encourage the continued sustainable development of<br />

rural communities without compromising the physical,<br />

environmental, natural, cultural and heritage resources of<br />

the <strong>County</strong>, and ensure the provision of facilities and<br />

services for them.<br />

14. Protect important landscape features within or on the<br />

edge of settlements by prohibiting development within<br />

designated Sensitive Landscapes, unless it can be<br />

proven, to the satisfaction of the Planning Authority that<br />

the development would not detrimentally impact on the<br />

amenity and character of settlements and the wider<br />

setting.<br />

15. Prepare Village Design Statements to inform planners,<br />

designers, decision makers and the public at large of the<br />

local community’s needs in relation to future<br />

development and to provide recommendations relating to<br />

the various ways that new development can harmonise<br />

with the ‘old’ existing settlement form.<br />

16. Link land use and transport to provide viable catchments<br />

to sustain public transport and provide an alternative to<br />

reliance on the private car.<br />

Objectives<br />

1. Prepare Local Area Plans for the settlements contained<br />

in Volume 2 of this Plan, the first of which will be<br />

prepared within the immediate two years following the<br />

adoption of this <strong>County</strong> Development Plan in accordance<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

<br />

PO1, ACO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO4,<br />

WO5, WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3,<br />

LO1, LO2,<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO1,<br />

SGO4,<br />

MAO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1,LO1,L<br />

O1.1, LO2,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

SGO4<br />

WO1,WO1.<br />

1,CHO3,<br />

LO1,LO2,<br />

PO1<br />

PO1, ACO1 PO1, ACO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO4,<br />

WO5, WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3,<br />

LO1, LO2,<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO1,<br />

SGO4,<br />

MAO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1,LO1,L<br />

O1.1, LO2,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

SGO4<br />

WO1, WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO4,<br />

WO5, WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1, CHO3,<br />

LO1, LO2,<br />

PO1, SGO1,<br />

SGO4, MAO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1,LO1,LO1<br />

.1, LO2, BO1,<br />

BO2, SGO4<br />

PO1, ACO1 PO1, ACO1 PO1, ACO1<br />

WO1-WO7,<br />

BO1-BO3,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO4,<br />

WO1-WO7,<br />

BO1-BO3,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO4,<br />

WO1-WO7,<br />

BO1-BO3,<br />

CHO1, CHO4,<br />

LO1, LO2,<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Strategic Polices & Objectives for Settlement Policy &<br />

Development Strategy<br />

Policies<br />

with the provisions of Sections 18 – 20 of the Planning &<br />

Development Acts 2000 - 2002. These Local Area Plans<br />

will replace the individual Written Statements and<br />

Detailed Objectives for Towns and Villages contained<br />

within this <strong>County</strong> Development Plan.<br />

2. Prepare a report with recommendations on the phasing<br />

of plans<br />

3. Prepare a schedule of the villages, and timeframe for<br />

preparation, of Village Design Statements.<br />

4. Establish the settlement zone boundaries as soon as<br />

possible but not later that the lifetime of the plan.<br />

5. Identify necessary infrastructure services and facilitate its<br />

provision by both public and private investment.<br />

6. Initiative Land Use and Transportation Plans for all the<br />

settlements mentioned in Chapter 3: Section 3.4. This<br />

will indicate long term road reservations for the<br />

bypassing of towns.<br />

7. Provide serviced sites in existing settlements<br />

demonstrating population or economic decline/stagnation<br />

as an alternative to one-off rural housing.<br />

8. Commence within the lifetime of the Plan, the<br />

preparation of Design Guidelines for Rural Areas<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

LO1, LO2,<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO1,<br />

SGO4,<br />

MAO3,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3,<br />

CHO4,<br />

LO1, LO2,<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO1,<br />

SGO4,<br />

PO1, WO1,<br />

WO3, WO5,<br />

WO7, BO1,<br />

BO2,<br />

CHO3,LO1,<br />

LO2,<br />

SGO1,<br />

SGO4,<br />

MAO3,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1, WO3,<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

BO2, BO3,<br />

CHO3,<br />

LO1, LO2,<br />

PO1, ACO1<br />

LO1, LO2,<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO1,<br />

SGO4,<br />

MAO3,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3,<br />

CHO4,<br />

LO1, LO2,<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO1,<br />

SGO4,<br />

PO1, WO1,<br />

WO3, WO5,<br />

WO7, BO1,<br />

BO2,<br />

CHO3,LO1,<br />

LO2,<br />

SGO1,<br />

SGO4,<br />

MAO3,<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1, SGO1,<br />

SGO4, MAO3,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1, WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1, CHO3,<br />

CHO4, LO1,<br />

LO2, PO1,<br />

SGO1, SGO4,<br />

PO1, WO1,<br />

WO3, WO5,<br />

WO7, BO1,<br />

BO2,<br />

CHO3,LO1,<br />

LO2, SGO1,<br />

SGO4, MAO3,<br />

ACO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Strategic Policies & Objectives for Infrastructure<br />

Table 9.2<br />

Assessment of Strategic Policies & Objectives for Infrastructure<br />

Strategic Policies for<br />

Infrastructure<br />

17. Identify and prioritise key<br />

infrastructural objectives<br />

required to promote the<br />

sustainable development of<br />

the <strong>County</strong><br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Negative Short Long Temporary Perm<br />

WO1-WO7,BO1- WO1-WO7,BO1- WO1-WO7,BO1- WO1-WO7,BO1- WO1-WO7,BO1- WO1-WO7,BO1-<br />

BO4,CHO1- BO4,CHO1- BO4,CHO1- BO4,CHO1- BO4,CHO1- BO4,CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1- CHO5,LO1- CHO5,LO1- CHO5,LO1- CHO5,LO1- CHO5,LO1-<br />

LO2,PO1-<br />

LO2,PO1-<br />

LO2,PO1-<br />

LO2,PO1-<br />

LO2,PO1-<br />

LO2,PO1-<br />

PO2,SGO1- PO2,SGO1- PO2,SGO1- PO2,SGO1- PO2,SGO1- PO2,SGO1-<br />


ACO1<br />

ACO1<br />

ACO1<br />

ACO1<br />

ACO1<br />

ACO1<br />

18. Implement the<br />

recommendations of the<br />

NSS for effective regional<br />

development by facilitating<br />

the delivery of reliable and<br />

effective energy systems,<br />

such as gas and electricity to<br />

power stations and services<br />

and agencies<br />

19. Promote the implementation<br />

of the Government’s White<br />

Paper Document “Delivering<br />

a Sustainable Energy Future<br />

for Ireland, Energy Policy<br />

Framework 2007-2020, it’s<br />

strategic aims and goals<br />

20. Ensure as far as practicable<br />

that future development is<br />

planned for in an integrated<br />

and collaborative manner<br />

with other service providers<br />

such as central government,<br />

semi-state bodies or the<br />

private sector<br />

WO1-WO1.1,BO1-<br />

BO2, CHO3, LO1,<br />

LO1.2, LO2, PO1,<br />

SGO4, ACO1<br />

WO1,WO1.1,<br />

BO1,BO2,CHO3,<br />

LO1-LO2,PO1,<br />

SGO4, ACO1<br />

WO1-WO7,BO1-<br />

BO4,CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1-<br />

LO2,PO1-<br />

PO2,SGO1-<br />

SGO4,MAO3,<br />

ACO1<br />

LO1,LO1.2,<br />

PO1, SGO4<br />

LO1-LO2,<br />

SGO4<br />

WO1-WO7,BO1-<br />

BO4,CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1-<br />

LO2,PO1-<br />

PO2,SGO1-<br />

SGO4,MAO3,<br />

ACO1<br />

LO2,<br />

PO1,<br />

LO1,LO1.2,<br />

PO1, SGO4<br />

LO1-LO2, PO1,<br />

WO1-WO7,BO1-<br />

BO4,CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1-<br />

LO2,PO1-<br />

PO2,SGO1-<br />

SGO4,MAO3,<br />

ACO1<br />

LO2,<br />

WO1-WO1.1,BO1-<br />

BO2, CHO3, LO1,<br />

LO1.2, LO2, PO1,<br />

SGO4, ACO1<br />

WO1,WO1.1,<br />

BO1,BO2,CHO3,<br />

LO1-LO2,PO1,<br />

SGO4, ACO1<br />

WO1-WO7,BO1-<br />

BO4,CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1-<br />

LO2,PO1-<br />

PO2,SGO1-<br />

SGO4,MAO3,<br />

ACO1<br />

LO1,LO1.2,<br />

PO1, SGO4<br />

LO1-LO2, PO1,<br />

WO1-WO7,BO1-<br />

BO4,CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1-<br />

LO2,PO1-<br />

PO2,SGO1-<br />

SGO4,MAO3,<br />

ACO1<br />

LO2,<br />

WO1-WO1.1,BO1-<br />

BO2, CHO3, LO1,<br />

LO1.2, LO2, PO1,<br />

SGO4, ACO1<br />

WO1,WO1.1,<br />

BO1,BO2,CHO3,<br />

LO1-LO2,PO1,<br />

SGO4, ACO1<br />

WO1-WO7,BO1-<br />

BO4,CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1-<br />

LO2,PO1-<br />

PO2,SGO1-<br />

SGO4,MAO3,<br />

ACO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Strategic Policies for<br />

Infrastructure<br />

21. Facilitate the development of<br />

communications ICT<br />

infrastructure & broadband<br />

technology<br />

22. Facilitate energy<br />

infrastructure so as to<br />

provide for the future<br />

physical and economic<br />

development of <strong>County</strong><br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong> and outside the<br />

county<br />

23. Encourage more sustainable<br />

development through energy<br />

end use efficiency,<br />

increasing the use of<br />

renewable energy and<br />

improved energy<br />

performance of new<br />

developments throughout<br />

the county<br />

24. Align transport and<br />

infrastructural policies and<br />

programmes with the<br />

Settlement Strategy & Land<br />

Use proposals for the<br />

<strong>County</strong>, as informed by the<br />

NDP, Transport 21, NSS and<br />

RPG’s<br />

25. Provide for and facilitate gas<br />

exploration and gas<br />

extraction processing and<br />

distribution in the <strong>County</strong><br />

and to and from<br />

neighbouring counties<br />

26. Promote and provide for the<br />

use of alternative energy<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Negative Short Long Temporary Perm<br />

<br />

WO1,WO1.1, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO3, CHO4,<br />

LO1, PO1, ACO1<br />

WO1,WO1.1, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO3, CHO4,<br />

LO1, PO1, ACO1<br />

WO1, WO1.1,<br />

WO2, WO7, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO3, CHO4,<br />

LO1, LO1.1, LO2,<br />

PO1, SGO4, ACO1<br />

CHO1,LO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1,<br />

WO1,WO1.1, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO3, CHO4,<br />

WO1,WO1.1, BO1,<br />

BO2, LO1, LO1.2,<br />

PO1<br />

WO1,WO1.1, BO1,<br />

BO2, LO1, LO1.2,<br />

PO1<br />

WO1, WO3, WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2, CHO3,<br />

CHO4, LO1, PO1,<br />

SGO4, ACO1<br />

WO1, BO1, BO2,<br />

SGO4<br />

WO1,WO1.1, BO1,<br />

BO2, LO1, LO1.2,<br />

WO1,WO1.1, BO1,<br />

BO2, LO1, LO1.2,<br />

PO1<br />

WO1,WO1.1, BO1,<br />

BO2, LO1, LO1.2,<br />

PO1<br />

WO1, WO3, WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2, CHO3,<br />

CHO4, LO1, PO1,<br />

SGO4, ACO1<br />

WO1, BO1, BO2,<br />

SGO4<br />

WO1,WO1.1, BO1,<br />

BO2, LO1, LO1.2,<br />

WO1,WO1.1, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO3,<br />

CHO4, LO1, PO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,WO1.1, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO3,<br />

CHO4, LO1, PO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1, WO1.1,<br />

WO2, WO7, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO3,<br />

CHO4, LO1,<br />

LO1.1, LO2, PO1,<br />

SGO4, ACO1<br />

CHO1,LO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1,<br />

WO1,WO1.1, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO3,<br />

WO1,WO1.1, BO1,<br />

BO2, LO1, LO1.2,<br />

PO1<br />

WO1,WO1.1, BO1,<br />

BO2, LO1, LO1.2,<br />

PO1<br />

WO1, WO3, WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2, CHO3,<br />

CHO4, LO1, PO1,<br />

SGO4, ACO1<br />

WO1, BO1, BO2,<br />

SGO4<br />

WO1,WO1.1, BO1,<br />

BO2, LO1, LO1.2,<br />

WO1,WO1.1,<br />

BO1,BO2,<br />

CHO3,CHO4,<br />

LO1,PO1, ACO1<br />

WO1,WO1.1,<br />

BO1,BO2,<br />

CHO3,CHO4,<br />

LO1,PO1, ACO1<br />

WO1, WO1.1,<br />

WO2, WO7, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO3,<br />

CHO4, LO1, LO1.1,<br />

LO2, PO1, SGO4,<br />

ACO1<br />

CHO1,LO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,WO1.1,<br />

BO1,BO2,<br />

PO1,<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Environmental objectives<br />

Strategic Policies for<br />

Infrastructure Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Negative Short Long Temporary Perm<br />

sources LO1, PO1, ACO1 PO1 PO1 CHO4, LO1, PO1, PO1<br />

CHO3,CHO4,<br />

ACO1<br />

LO1,PO1, ACO1<br />

27. Support the infrastructural<br />

LO1, PO1, ACO1 WO1, WO3, WO1, WO3, LO1, PO1, ACO1 WO1, WO3, LO1, PO1, ACO1<br />

renewal and development of<br />

CHO3, ACO1 PO1, CHO3, ACO1 PO1,<br />

CHO3, ACO1 PO1,<br />

electricity networks in the<br />

SGO4<br />

SGO4<br />

SGO4<br />

region, including the<br />

overhead lines and the<br />

provision of power stations<br />

28. Support the upgrade of<br />

existing110Kvlines to 400kV<br />

from Lanesboro/Ballyleague<br />

Power Station (400kV) to<br />

Serve <strong>Roscommon</strong> Town,<br />

Flagford power station<br />

(currently 220kV)&<br />

BoyleTown and to the<br />

Athlone110 kV Station<br />

serving Monksland &<br />

Athlone Gateway<br />

29. Preserve land along<br />

strategic route corridors to<br />

facilitate future infrastructure<br />

or improvement works<br />

30. Acknowledge the importance<br />

of wind energy and support<br />

the development of such<br />

infrastructure in a plan led<br />

approach. In accordance<br />

with government guidelines,<br />

include objectives to secure<br />

the maximum potential from<br />

the wind energy resources of<br />

the county, having regard to<br />

landscape sensitivity and<br />

LO1, PO1, ACO1 WO1, WO3,<br />

CHO3, ACO1 PO1,<br />

SGO4<br />

WO1-WO7,BO1-<br />

BO4,CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1-<br />

LO2,PO1-<br />

PO2,SGO1-<br />

SGO4,MAO3,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1, WO5, WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2, CHO3,<br />

CHO5, LO1, LO1.2,<br />

PO1, SGO4, ACO1<br />

WO1-WO7,BO1-<br />

BO4,CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1-<br />

LO2,PO1-<br />

PO2,SGO1-<br />

SGO4,MAO3,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1, WO1.1,<br />

BO1, BO2, CHO1,<br />

CHO3, CHO4,<br />

LO1, LO1.2, PO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1, WO3,<br />

CHO3, ACO1 PO1,<br />

SGO4<br />

WO1-WO7,BO1-<br />

BO4,CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1-<br />

LO2,PO1-<br />

PO2,SGO1-<br />

SGO4,MAO3,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1, WO1.1,<br />

BO1, BO2, CHO1,<br />

CHO3, CHO4,<br />

LO1, LO1.2, PO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

LO1, PO1, ACO1 WO1, WO3,<br />

CHO3, ACO1 PO1,<br />

SGO4<br />

WO1-WO7,BO1-<br />

BO4,CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1-<br />

LO2,PO1-<br />

PO2,SGO1-<br />

SGO4,MAO3,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1, WO5, WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2, CHO3,<br />

CHO5, LO1,<br />

LO1.2, PO1,<br />

SGO4, ACO1<br />

WO1-WO7,BO1-<br />

BO4,CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1-<br />

LO2,PO1-<br />

PO2,SGO1-<br />

SGO4,MAO3,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1, WO1.1,<br />

BO1, BO2, CHO1,<br />

CHO3, CHO4,<br />

LO1, LO1.2, PO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

LO1, PO1, ACO1<br />

WO1-WO7,BO1-<br />

BO4,CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1-<br />

LO2,PO1-<br />

PO2,SGO1-<br />

SGO4,MAO3,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1, WO5, WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2, CHO3,<br />

CHO5, LO1, LO1.2,<br />

PO1, SGO4, ACO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Strategic Policies for<br />

Infrastructure<br />

other planning<br />

considerations, and<br />

identifying appropriate<br />

locations for development<br />

and criteria on which<br />

proposals will be addressed<br />

31. Support the universal<br />

delivery of broadband as a<br />

key utility for effective<br />

development of <strong>County</strong><br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong> as<br />

recommended in the NSS<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Negative Short Long Temporary Perm<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

Strategic Objectives For Infrastructure<br />

9. Facilitate the implementation<br />

of the objectives contained in<br />

the RCDB document<br />

‘<strong>Roscommon</strong> Vision: A Ten<br />

Year Strategy for Economic,<br />

Social and Cultural<br />

Development<br />

10. Be proactive in constructing<br />

new & upgrading existing<br />

infrastructure facilities both in<br />

urban and in rural areas<br />

throughout the county<br />

11. Work in an integrated &<br />

collaborative manner with<br />

other service providers be it<br />

central government, semistate<br />

bodies or the private<br />

sector<br />

WO1-WO7,BO1-<br />

BO4,CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1-<br />

LO2,PO1-<br />

PO2,SGO1-<br />

SGO4,MAO3,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1-WO7,BO1-<br />

BO4,CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1-<br />

LO2,PO1-<br />

PO2,SGO1-<br />

SGO4,MAO3,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1-WO7,BO1-<br />

BO4,CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1-<br />

LO2,PO1-<br />

PO2,SGO1-<br />

SGO4,MAO3,AC01<br />

WO1-WO7,BO1-<br />

BO4,CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1-<br />

LO2,PO1-<br />

PO2,SGO1-<br />

SGO4,MAO3,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1-WO7,BO1-<br />

BO4,CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1-<br />

LO2,PO1-<br />

PO2,SGO1-<br />

SGO4,MAO3,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1-WO7,BO1-<br />

BO4,CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1-<br />

LO2,PO1-<br />

PO2,SGO1-<br />

SGO4,MAO3,AC01<br />

WO1-WO7,BO1-<br />

BO4,CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1-<br />

LO2,PO1-<br />

PO2,SGO1-<br />

SGO4,MAO3,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1-WO7,BO1-<br />

BO4,CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1-<br />

LO2,PO1-<br />

PO2,SGO1-<br />

SGO4,MAO3,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1-WO7,BO1-<br />

BO4,CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1-<br />

LO2,PO1-<br />

PO2,SGO1-<br />

SGO4,MAO3,AC01<br />

WO1-WO7,BO1-<br />

BO4,CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1-<br />

LO2,PO1-<br />

PO2,SGO1-<br />

SGO4,MAO3,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1-WO7,BO1-<br />

BO4,CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1-<br />

LO2,PO1-<br />

PO2,SGO1-<br />

SGO4,MAO3,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1-WO7,BO1-<br />

BO4,CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1-<br />

LO2,PO1-<br />

PO2,SGO1-<br />

SGO4,MAO3,AC01<br />

WO1-WO7,BO1-<br />

BO4,CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1-<br />

LO2,PO1-<br />

PO2,SGO1-<br />

SGO4,MAO3,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1-WO7,BO1-<br />

BO4,CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1-<br />

LO2,PO1-<br />

PO2,SGO1-<br />

SGO4,MAO3,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1-WO7,BO1-<br />

BO4,CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1-<br />

LO2,PO1-<br />

PO2,SGO1-<br />

SGO4,MAO3,AC01<br />

WO1-WO7,BO1-<br />

BO4,CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1-<br />

LO2,PO1-<br />

PO2,SGO1-<br />

SGO4,MAO3,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1-WO7,BO1-<br />

BO4,CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1-<br />

LO2,PO1-<br />

PO2,SGO1-<br />

SGO4,MAO3,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1-WO7,BO1-<br />

BO4,CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1-<br />

LO2,PO1-<br />

PO2,SGO1-<br />

SGO4,MAO3,AC01<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Strategic Policies for<br />

Infrastructure<br />

12. Deliver a modern &<br />

integrated infrastructure<br />

system within <strong>Roscommon</strong><br />

in order to help <strong>Roscommon</strong><br />

partake in the knowledge<br />

economy<br />

13. Ensure that areas not<br />

adequately served by<br />

essential infrastructure are<br />

provided for as resources<br />

permit<br />

14. Provide for a comprehensive<br />

gas distribution grid<br />

throughout the <strong>County</strong> and<br />

facilitate and promote the<br />

connections of <strong>Roscommon</strong><br />

Town, Strokestown, and<br />

Boyle to the Gas Network as<br />

proposed under the New<br />

Towns Connection Proposal<br />

Phase 2 (‘<strong>Roscommon</strong><br />

Cluster) and as a next step<br />

Carrick-on-<br />

Shannon/Cortober<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Negative Short Long Temporary Perm<br />

<br />

WO1-WO7,BO1-<br />

BO4,CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1-<br />

LO2,PO1-<br />

PO2,SGO1-<br />

SGO4,MAO3,<br />

ACO1<br />

CHO1,LO1, PO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1-WO7,BO1-<br />

BO4,CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1-<br />

LO2,PO1-<br />

PO2,SGO1-<br />

SGO4,MAO3,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1, BO1, BO2,<br />

SGO4<br />

WO1-WO7,BO1-<br />

BO4,CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1-<br />

LO2,PO1-<br />

PO2,SGO1-<br />

SGO4,MAO3,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1, BO1, BO2,<br />

SGO4<br />

WO1-WO7,BO1-<br />

BO4,CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1-<br />

LO2,PO1-<br />

PO2,SGO1-<br />

SGO4,MAO3,<br />

ACO1<br />

CHO1,LO1, PO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1-WO7,BO1-<br />

BO4,CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1-<br />

LO2,PO1-<br />

PO2,SGO1-<br />

SGO4,MAO3,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1, BO1, BO2,<br />

SGO4<br />

WO1-WO7,BO1-<br />

BO4,CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1-<br />

LO2,PO1-<br />

PO2,SGO1-<br />

SGO4,MAO3,<br />

ACO1<br />

CHO1,LO1, PO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Comments<br />

1. The Planning and Development Act 2000 requires the preparation of an EIS for wind farm instillations with an energy production output of greater than 5MW<br />

or more than 5 turbines. The EIS will systematically detail the impacts of the development on the environment and determine required mitigation measures.<br />

Some impacts, for example, noise, surface water runoff and ecological disturbance will be short term and temporary, while other impacts, for example, visual<br />

and noise may be long term. The grant of planning for these developments will condition impacts to be adequately managed and m mitigated.<br />

2. All wind energy developments within the county will adhere to the current Government guidelines on Wind Energy Development-The Wind Energy Guidelines<br />

for Planning Authorities (DoEHLG, 2006).<br />

3. The determination of impact for the provision of new high voltage electricity infrastructure assumed that some of the towers would be visually intrusive and that<br />

a large proportion of electricity would be derived from fossil fuel. In the event that a greater proportion of renewable energy is used then these impacts on air<br />

would be lessened<br />

4. Studies on the impact of overhead power lines on human health are not yet fully conclusive.<br />

5. This assessment of gas supply objectives identifies negative short term impacts during the instillation of gas networks and the construction of a gas power<br />

station. It is also assumed that the gas power station will be located in a landscape that can accommodate this type of development.<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Infrastructure, Transportation and Movement Policies & Objectives<br />

Table 9.3<br />

Assessment of Public Transport Policies & Objectives<br />

Public Transport Policies<br />

32. Encourage the accessibility of the public<br />

transport system to people with disabilities<br />

and enhance the accessibility of bus and<br />

railway stations in line with the Department of<br />

Transport Sectoral Plan under the Disability<br />

Act 2005<br />

33. Facilitate and expand the public transport<br />

network to facilitate commuting, business &<br />

quality of Life<br />

34. Promote the provision of public transport<br />

interchange facilities at appropriated points on<br />

the public transport network in co-operation<br />

with semi-state and private bodies.<br />

35. Support initiatives which would provide<br />

greater accessibility by bus between rural<br />

towns/villages with their more remote<br />

hinterlands to facilitate improved access to<br />

economic, educational and social activity<br />

within <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong><br />

36. Promote growth and development of<br />

settlements on existing transport routes<br />

37. Support the provision of public transport<br />

services by zoning land in suitable locations<br />

for public transport infrastructure and ancillary<br />

facilities<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Negative Short Long Temporary Perm<br />

PO1, ACO1 PO1, ACO1 PO1, ACO1<br />

PO1, ACO1 PO1, ACO1 PO1, ACO1<br />

PO1, ACO1 PO1, ACO1 PO1, ACO1<br />

PO1, ACO1 PO1, ACO1 PO1, ACO1<br />

WO3, WO4, WO5,<br />

CHO3, LO1, LO2,<br />

PO1, SGO1,<br />

SGO4, MAO3,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO3, WO4, WO5,<br />

CHO3, LO1, LO2,<br />

PO1, SGO1,<br />

SGO4, MAO3,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1, BO1,<br />

BO2, LO1.1,<br />

PO1, SGO1,<br />

WO1, BO1,<br />

BO2, LO1.1,<br />

PO1, SGO1,<br />

WO1, BO1,<br />

BO2, LO1.1,<br />

PO1, SGO1<br />

WO1, BO1,<br />

BO2, LO1.1,<br />

PO1, SGO1<br />

WO3, WO4,<br />

WO5, CHO3,<br />

LO1, LO2,<br />

PO1, SGO1,<br />

SGO4,<br />

MAO3, ACO1<br />

WO3, WO4,<br />

WO5, CHO3,<br />

LO1, LO2,<br />

PO1, SGO1,<br />

SGO4,<br />

MAO3, ACO1<br />

WO1, BO1,<br />

BO2, LO1.1,<br />

PO1, SGO1<br />

WO1, BO1,<br />

BO2, LO1.1,<br />

PO1, SGO1<br />

WO3, WO4,<br />

WO5, CHO3,<br />

LO1, LO2,<br />

PO1, SGO1,<br />

SGO4,<br />

MAO3,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO3, WO4,<br />

WO5, CHO3,<br />

LO1, LO2,<br />

PO1, SGO1,<br />

SGO4,<br />

MAO3,<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Public Transport Policies<br />

38. Promote land use patterns which reduce the<br />

need to travel by private car and support public<br />

transport, including higher densities at public<br />

transport corridors and nodes<br />

39. Continue to support and encourage the RTI to<br />

expand their services<br />

Public Transport Objectives<br />

15. Work with Iarnród Eireann to improve existing<br />

facilities including <strong>Roscommon</strong> Railway Station<br />

and to seek the provision of the re-opening of<br />

rail stations in South <strong>Roscommon</strong> at<br />

Knockcroghery, Taughmaconnel and Bogginfin<br />

16. Plan new development in all towns so as to<br />

facilitate the provision of local bus services and<br />

sheltered bus stops, where appropriate<br />

17. Facilitate & encourage the upgrading of<br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong> Town, Boyle & Castlerea Railway<br />

Station & its ancillary Services<br />

18. Investigate the provision of Park & Ride<br />

facilitates at appropriate locations on the public<br />

transport system<br />

19. Support the provision of an airport in South<br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong> over the lifetime of the Plan that<br />

could build on the synergies of existing<br />

industries within the environs of Athlone Linked<br />

Gateway<br />

20. Promote policies for the increased use of rail<br />

transport including the re-opening of<br />

Knockcroghery and Taughmaconnell<br />

passenger services and new facilities to serve<br />

the SO1 lands at Bogginfin in the Athlone<br />

Monksland environs<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Negative Short Long Temporary Perm<br />

ACO1<br />

WO3, WO4, WO1, BO1, WO1, BO1, WO3, WO4, WO1, BO1, WO3, WO4,<br />

WO5, BO2, LO1.1, BO2, LO1.1, WO5, BO2, LO1.1, WO5,<br />

CHO3, LO1, PO1, SGO1, PO1, SGO1 CHO3, LO1, PO1, SGO1 CHO3, LO1,<br />

LO2, PO1,<br />

LO2, PO1,<br />

LO2, PO1,<br />

SGO1,<br />

SGO1,<br />

SGO1,<br />

SGO4,<br />

SGO4,<br />

SGO4,<br />

MAO3,<br />

MAO3,<br />

MAO3,<br />

ACO1<br />

ACO1<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1, ACO1 PO1, ACO1 PO1, ACO1<br />

PO1<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1<br />

PO1,AC01<br />

WO1,<br />

WO7,BO1-<br />

BO2,CHO3-<br />

CHO5,LO1,PO1-<br />

PO2,SGO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1, W07,B01,<br />

B02, CH03-<br />

CH05,P01-P02,<br />

SG01,AC01<br />

WO1,<br />

WO7,BO1-<br />

BO2,CHO3-<br />

CHO5,LO1,PO1-<br />

PO2,SGO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1, W07,B01,<br />

B02, CH03-<br />

CH05,P01-P02,<br />

SG01,AC01<br />

PO1<br />

SG01<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1 WO1,<br />

WO7,BO1-<br />

BO2,CHO3-<br />

CHO5,LO1,PO1-<br />

PO2,SGO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

P01, AC01 WO1, W07,B01,<br />

B02, CH03-<br />

CH05,P01-P02,<br />

SG01,AC01<br />

PO1<br />

SG01<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1<br />

P01, AC01<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Public Transport Policies<br />

21. Support the improvement of the capacity (e.g.<br />

dual track standard) of all rail networks serving<br />

the <strong>County</strong> in order to provide speedy access<br />

for freight transport as appropriate for a<br />

Strategic Rail Corridor<br />

22. The <strong>Council</strong> will encourage and facilitate<br />

LEADER & CLÁR to expand the Rural<br />

Transport Initiative<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Negative Short Long Temporary Perm<br />

PO1 WO1, WO1.1, WO1, WO1.1, PO1 WO1, WO1.1, PO1<br />

ACO1 WO3, BO1, LO1, WO3, BO1, LO1, ACO1 WO3, BO1, LO1, ACO1<br />

PO1, SGO4, PO1<br />

PO1<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1 WO1, WO1.1, WO1, WO1.1, PO1 WO1, WO1.1, PO1<br />

ACO1 WO3, BO1, LO1, WO3, BO1, LO1, ACO1 WO3, BO1, LO1, ACO1<br />

PO1, SGO4, PO1<br />

PO1<br />

ACO1<br />

Comment.<br />

1. The upgrading and re-opening of rail stations in South <strong>Roscommon</strong>, <strong>Roscommon</strong> town, Boyle and Castlerea will involve some construction work with<br />

associated short term temporary environmental impacts. The upgrade of some of these sites may also require the removal of some contaminated soils, which<br />

will overall provide a positive long term environmental impact. The provision of wastewater storage/treatment facilities will also be required.<br />

2. The National Road Authority (NRA) is responsible for the development of primary roads in Ireland. The chosen routes for these roads are subjected to strict<br />

environmental procedures starting with a constraint study, a route selection process, and depending on the length and type of the carriage way, an EIS. The<br />

NRA requires a number of mitigation measures that must be installed both during construction and operation of the road. Impacts during construction mainly<br />

arise due to construction noise, air pollution and traffic and are typically short term and negative impacts. The main permanent long term impacts during the<br />

operation of a road includes surface water run-off, visual intrusion, noise and air emissions. These are typically mitigated as a requirement of the Employers<br />

requirements.<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Table 9.4<br />

Assessment of Road and Traffic Management Policies & Objectives<br />

Road and Traffic Management Policies<br />

40. Provide a safe and modern road network throughout<br />

the county, having regard to National and Regional<br />

policies and guidelines and liaising with national<br />

agencies.<br />

41. Restrict new access points onto or adjacent to<br />

National Roads<br />

42. Co-operate with the NRA to identify need for Service<br />

Areas along the N4, N5 & N6 and to assist in the<br />

implementation of suitable proposals for provision PO1<br />

43. Preserve national road corridors free from<br />

development as appropriate where they appear in the<br />

Plan<br />

44. Initiate Integrated Land Use and Transport Plans<br />

(ILUTP’s) in the county, prepare a programme during<br />

the course of this Plan<br />

45. Facilitate the development of interchanges at<br />

appropriate locations to benefit the economic growth<br />

of settlements (including Monksland), along all<br />

national routes<br />

46. Liaise with service providers when planning road<br />

infrastructure in order to co-ordinate development<br />

works and services for an area<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Negative Short Long Temporary Perm.<br />

WO1, WO3, WO1, WO3,<br />

WO1, WO3,<br />

BO1, BO2, BO1, BO2,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

PO1<br />

CHO3, CHO4, CHO3, CHO4,<br />

CHO3, CHO4,<br />

PO1<br />

LO1, PO1, LO1, PO1,<br />

LO1, PO1,<br />

PO1<br />

SGO1, SGO4, SGO1, SGO4,<br />

SGO1, SGO4,<br />

ACO1<br />

ACO1<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

WO1, WO3,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO3, CHO4,<br />

LO1, PO1,<br />

SGO1, SGO4,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1, WO3,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO3, CHO4,<br />

LO1, PO1,<br />

SGO1, SGO4,<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1<br />

WO1, WO3,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO3, CHO4,<br />

LO1, PO1,<br />

SGO1, SGO4,<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

WO1, WO1.1,<br />

WO3, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1,<br />

CHO3, CHO4,<br />

PO1<br />

WO1, WO1.1,<br />

WO3, BO1,<br />

LO1, PO1,<br />

SGO4, ACO1<br />

WO1, WO1.1,<br />

WO3, BO1,<br />

LO1, PO1,<br />

SGO4, ACO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

BO1,<br />

BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3,<br />

CHO4,<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO4,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1, WO1.1,<br />

WO3, BO1,<br />

LO1, PO1,<br />

SGO4, ACO1<br />

PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

BO1,<br />

BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3,<br />

CHO4,<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO4,<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Environmental objectives<br />

Road and Traffic Management Policies<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Negative Short Long Temporary Perm.<br />

47. Regulate, control and improve road signage<br />

throughout <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong><br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

48. Maintain and improve the bridge stock of the <strong>County</strong> <br />

49. Continue to invest in non national roads in <strong>County</strong><br />

W01, W01.1, W01, W01.1,<br />

W01, W01.1,<br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong> in order to improve access to peripheral<br />

W03, B01, W03, B01,<br />

W03, B01,<br />

areas and to provide balanced regional development<br />

P01<br />

B02, CH03, B02, CH03, P01 B02, CH03, P01<br />

CH04, L01, CH04, L01,<br />

CH04, L01,<br />

and promote social inclusion<br />

P01, AC01 P01, AC01<br />

P01, AC01<br />

Road and Traffic Management Objectives<br />

23. Facilitate the programmed improvement to the<br />

National Road Network as per the Plan (i.e. Table 3.5<br />

& Table 3.5.1)<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

BO1,<br />

BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3, CHO4,<br />

PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

BO1,<br />

LO1<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO4,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

BO1,<br />

LO1<br />

PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

BO1,<br />

BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3,<br />

CHO4,<br />

LO1<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO4,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

BO1,<br />

LO1<br />

PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

BO1,<br />

BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3,<br />

CHO4,<br />

LO1<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO4,<br />

ACO1<br />

24. Carry out improvement works on non –national roads<br />

as per the Plan (i.e. Table 3.5.2)<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

BO1,<br />

BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3, CHO4,<br />

PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

BO1,<br />

LO1<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO4,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

BO1,<br />

LO1<br />

PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

BO1,<br />

BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3,<br />

CHO4,<br />

LO1<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO4,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

BO1,<br />

LO1<br />

PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

BO1,<br />

BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3,<br />

CHO4,<br />

LO1<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO4,<br />

ACO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Environmental objectives<br />

Road and Traffic Management Policies<br />

25. Identify and Develop locations for Road Interchanges<br />

& junction improvements in conjunction with the NRA<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Negative Short Long Temporary Perm.<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1, WO1.1, WO1.1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

WO3,<br />

WO3,<br />

WO3,<br />

BO1,<br />

BO1,<br />

BO1,<br />

BO1,<br />

BO2,<br />

LO1<br />

LO1<br />

LO1<br />

CHO1, PO1,<br />

PO1<br />

PO1<br />

CHO3, CHO4, SGO4,<br />

PO1<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

BO1,<br />

BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3,<br />

CHO4,<br />

LO1<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO4,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

BO1,<br />

BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3,<br />

CHO4,<br />

LO1<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO4,<br />

ACO1<br />

26. Assess all development proposals that access onto<br />

NP routes in accordance with the policies set down in<br />

this Plan<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

BO1,<br />

BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3, CHO4,<br />

PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

BO1,<br />

LO1<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO4,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

BO1,<br />

LO1<br />

PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

BO1,<br />

BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3,<br />

CHO4,<br />

LO1<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO4,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

BO1,<br />

LO1<br />

PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

BO1,<br />

BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3,<br />

CHO4,<br />

LO1<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO4,<br />

ACO1<br />

27. Develop service and link road within towns and village<br />

areas to open up lands within settlements and reduce<br />

the necessity for ribbon development and it is<br />

envisaged that they would be predominately<br />

developed by developers through zoning and<br />

development objectives<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

BO1,<br />

BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3, CHO4,<br />

PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

BO1,<br />

LO1<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO4,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

BO1,<br />

LO1<br />

PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

BO1,<br />

BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3,<br />

CHO4,<br />

LO1<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO4,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

BO1,<br />

LO1<br />

PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

BO1,<br />

BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3,<br />

CHO4,<br />

LO1<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO4,<br />

ACO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Environmental objectives<br />

Road and Traffic Management Policies<br />

28. Identify areas for car parks for the control of on-street<br />

and off-street car parking, adequate to meet the short<br />

term shopping and business requirements and for the<br />

needs of the local community<br />

29. Continue to pursue the upgrade of the N60 & N61 to<br />

National Primary Status<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Negative Short Long Temporary Perm.<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

BO1,<br />

BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3, CHO4,<br />

PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

BO1,<br />

LO1<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO4,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

BO1,<br />

LO1<br />

PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

BO1,<br />

BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3,<br />

CHO4,<br />

LO1<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO4,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

BO1,<br />

LO1<br />

PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

BO1,<br />

BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3,<br />

CHO4,<br />

LO1<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO4,<br />

ACO1<br />

30. Facilitate the provision of a substantial upgrade of the<br />

N61 access to the N6<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

BO1,<br />

BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3, CHO4,<br />

PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

BO1,<br />

LO1<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO4,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

BO1,<br />

LO1<br />

PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

BO1,<br />

BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3,<br />

CHO4,<br />

LO1<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO4,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

BO1,<br />

LO1<br />

PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

BO1,<br />

BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3,<br />

CHO4,<br />

LO1<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO4,<br />

ACO1<br />

31. Develop a traffic data base that links national, regional<br />

and strategic local roads for the county<br />

32. Implement Parking Bye–Laws for <strong>Roscommon</strong> Town,<br />

Boyle, Castlerea, and Ballaghaderreen and other<br />

towns as appropriate<br />

33. Secure a safe comprehensive road system to cater for<br />

the commercial, agricultural, tourist and industrial<br />

needs of the county.<br />

<br />

<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Road and Traffic Management Policies<br />

34. Identify local priorities for road improvements in<br />

conjunction with the preparation of Local Area Plans<br />

(LAP’s) and other land use plans<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Negative Short Long Temporary Perm.<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

35. Continue to improve road access to Knock Airport PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

36. Maintain and improve the Bridge stock of the <strong>County</strong> <br />

37. Perform a survey of bridges to establish repairs <br />

required and to inform a bridge management<br />

programme<br />

38. Continue to upgrade road signage and road markings<br />

on a phased basis<br />

39. Carry out road alignment and or road overlay at<br />

selected locations on regional and local roads 2008-<br />

2014<br />

40. Prepare a strategy to regulate developments adjacent<br />

to and along the entire N6 National Route in the area<br />

post opening of the new N6 Dual Carriageway from<br />

Dublin to Galway (new objective)<br />

<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO4<br />

BO1,<br />

BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3, CHO4,<br />

PO1, MAO3,<br />

ACO1, SGO1,<br />

SGO4<br />

Comment<br />

1. The National Road Authority (NRA) is responsible for the development of primary roads in Ireland. The chosen routes for these roads are subjected to strict<br />

environmental procedures starting with a constraints study, route selection process and, depending on the length and type of carriageway, an EIS. The<br />

NRA requires a number of mitigation measures that must be installed both during construction and operation of the road. Impacts during construction are<br />

mainly due to noise, air pollution and traffic and are typically short-term negative impacts. The main impacts during operation of a road include surface<br />

water run off, visual intrusion, and noise and air emissions. These are typically mitigated as a requirement of the employer’s requirements.<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

BO1,<br />

LO1<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO4,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

BO1,<br />

LO1<br />

PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

WO4<br />

BO1,<br />

BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3,<br />

CHO4,<br />

PO1,<br />

MAO3,<br />

ACO1,<br />

SGO1,<br />

SGO4<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

BO1,<br />

LO1<br />

PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

WO4<br />

BO1,<br />

BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3,<br />

CHO4,<br />

PO1,<br />

MAO3,<br />

ACO1,<br />

SGO1,<br />

SGO4<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Table 9Error! No text of specified style in document..5<br />

Assessment of General Infrastructure Policies and Objectives<br />

General Infrastructure Policies<br />

50. The <strong>Council</strong> will promote economic, social and<br />

knowledge infrastructure policies for the whole of<br />

the <strong>County</strong>.<br />

51. Facilitate and be centrally involved in the<br />

upgrading of all infrastructure within the county<br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

WO1-WO7,BO1-<br />

BO4,CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1-<br />

LO2,PO1-<br />

PO2,SGO1-<br />

SGO4,MAO3,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1-<br />

WO7,BO1-<br />

BO4,CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1-<br />

LO2,PO1-<br />

PO2,SGO1-<br />

SGO4,MAO3,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1-<br />

WO7,BO1-<br />

BO4,CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1-<br />

LO2,PO1-<br />

PO2,SGO1-<br />

SGO4,MAO<br />

3,ACO1<br />

WO1-<br />

WO7,BO1-<br />

BO4,CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1-<br />

LO2,PO1-<br />

PO2,SGO1-<br />

SGO4,MAO3<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1-<br />

WO7,BO1<br />

BO4,CHO<br />

1CHO5,<br />

LO1-<br />

LO2,PO1-<br />

PO2,SGO<br />

1SGO4,M<br />

ACO3,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1-<br />

WO7,BO1-<br />

BO4,CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1-<br />

LO2,PO1-<br />

PO2,SGO1-<br />

SGO4,MAO<br />

3, ACO1<br />

52. Realise the potential of the River Shannon in<br />

collaboration with Waterways Ireland<br />

WO1-WO7,BO1-<br />

BO4,CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1-<br />

LO2,PO1-<br />

PO2,SGO1-<br />

SGO4,MAO3,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1-<br />

WO7,BO1-<br />

BO4,CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1-<br />

LO2,PO1-<br />

PO2,SGO1-<br />

SGO4,MAO3,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1-<br />

WO7,BO1-<br />

BO4,CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1-<br />

LO2,PO1-<br />

PO2,SGO1-<br />

SGO4,MAO<br />

3, ACO1<br />

WO1-<br />

WO7,BO1-<br />

BO4,CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1-<br />

LO2,PO1-<br />

PO2,SGO1-<br />

SGO4,MAO3<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1-<br />

WO7,BO1<br />

BO4,CHO<br />

1,CHO5,L<br />

O1-<br />

lO2,PO1-<br />

PO2,SGO<br />

1SGO4,M<br />

ACO3,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1-<br />

WO7,BO1-<br />

BO4,CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1-<br />

LO2,PO1-<br />

PO2,SGO1-<br />

SGO4,MAO<br />

3, ACO1<br />

53. Consider a new programme for LA swimming<br />

pools under the new NDP sub-programme on<br />

Community Facilities<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

General Infrastructure Policies<br />

54. Promote Lake Management Plans over the<br />

lifetime of the Plan<br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

WO1-WO1.1,<br />

WO2, WO5,<br />

WO1-WO1.1,<br />

WO6, WO7,<br />

WO2, WO5,<br />

BO1, BO2, BO3,<br />

WO6, WO7,<br />

CHO3,CHO4,LO<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

1,LO2,PO1,SGO<br />

1-SGO4<br />

BO3,<br />

CHO3,CHO4,<br />

LO1,LO2,PO<br />

1,SGO1-<br />

SGO4<br />

WO1-<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO2, WO5,<br />

WO6, WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

BO3,<br />

CHO3,CHO<br />

4,LO1,LO2,<br />

PO1,SGO1-<br />

SGO4<br />

55. The <strong>Council</strong> supports the precautionary principle<br />

whereby action is taken now to avoid possible<br />

environmental degradation in the future. The<br />

<strong>Council</strong> will ensure development locating in areas<br />

that function as local floodplains are curtailed or<br />

make appropriate provision for flood attenuation.<br />

Floodplains and bogland will be protected to<br />

ensure that the flood regime of these areas is<br />

maintained.<br />

WO1, WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO5,<br />

WO7, BO1,<br />

BO2, PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO5,<br />

WO7, BO1,<br />

BO2, PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO5,<br />

WO7, BO1,<br />

BO2, PO1<br />

56. Collaborate with Waterways Ireland to provide the<br />

necessary services and facilities along the River<br />

Shannon<br />

WO1, WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO5,<br />

WO7, BO1,<br />

BO2, PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO5,<br />

WO7, BO1,<br />

BO2, PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO5,<br />

WO7, BO1,<br />

BO2, PO1<br />

General Infrastructure Objectives<br />

41. Promote the upgrading of marinas at strategic<br />

locations along the Shannon and work in<br />

collaboration with Waterways Ireland and other<br />

LA’s in the provision of all ancillary<br />

services/facilities<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1, WO2<br />

WO4, WO6<br />

BO1-BO3,<br />

CHO4, LO1,<br />

LO2, PO1, MO3,<br />

LO1,<br />

MAO3,<br />

LO2,<br />

LO1, LO2,<br />

MAO3,<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1, WO2<br />

WO4, WO6<br />

BO1-BO3,<br />

CHO4, LO1,<br />

LO2, PO1,<br />

MO3,<br />

LO1, LO2,<br />

MAO3,<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO2<br />

WO4, WO6<br />

BO1-BO3,<br />

CHO4,<br />

LO1, LO2,<br />

PO1, MO3,<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

General Infrastructure Policies<br />

42. Implement Groundwater and water catchment<br />

protection policies to inform planning and<br />

sustainable development in areas at most risk<br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

WO1, WO1.1,<br />

WO2, WO4,<br />

WO6,BO1,BO2<br />

BO3,PO1, MO3,<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO2,WO4,<br />

WO6,BO1,B<br />

O2<br />

BO3,PO1,<br />

MO3,<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO2,WO4,<br />

WO6,BO1,<br />

BO2<br />

BO3,PO1,<br />

MO3,<br />

43. Implement the Urban & Village Renewal as<br />

proposed under the NDP Community<br />

Infrastructure Sub-Programme of the new NDP<br />

2007-2013<br />

44. Facilitate the development of private marinas to<br />

accommodate one or two privately owned craft to<br />

be accommodated on lands owned by the boat<br />

owner which include the boat owner’s private<br />

dwelling or on lands under the control of<br />

Waterways Ireland absolutely, such private<br />

dwelling subject to appropriate design and<br />

environmental considerations as outlined in the<br />

Development Management Guidelines of this<br />

Plan. Floating type jetties will be preferred to fixed<br />

structures founded on the lake/river bed<br />

WO5, BO1,BO2<br />

CHO1, CHO5<br />

LO1, LO2,PO1<br />

SGO4<br />

WO5,<br />

BO1,<br />

CHO1,<br />

PO1<br />

WO6,<br />

BO2,<br />

LO1,<br />

LO1,<br />

MO3<br />

LO2,<br />

LO1,<br />

MO3<br />

LO2,<br />

WO5,<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

CHO1, CHO5<br />

LO1,<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

SGO4<br />

WO5, WO6,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1, LO1,<br />

PO1<br />

LO1, LO2,<br />

MO3<br />

WO5,<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO5<br />

LO1,<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

SGO4<br />

WO5, WO6,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

LO1, PO1<br />

Comment<br />

1. Proper planning controls for marinas along the Shannon will ensure that short-term impacts during construction works will be minimized and long-term<br />

benefits will result.<br />

2. Groundwater as a drinking water source and integral part of unique protected ecological habitats. The groundwater protection and water catchment<br />

protection policies will provide long-term benefits.<br />

3. The overall impact of the urban and village renewal scheme will be positive with long term benefits.<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Water Policies & Objectives<br />

Table 9.6<br />

Assessment of Water Policies & Objectives<br />

Water Policies:<br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

WO1-WO5,<br />

57 Promote better design, planning and management<br />

WO1-WO5, BO1,<br />

WO1-WO5, BO1, BO2,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

of schemes<br />

BO2, PO1, MAO3<br />

PO1, MAO3<br />

PO1, MAO3<br />

58 Eliminate existing deficiencies in water supply WO5, PO1 WO5, PO1 WO5, PO1<br />

59 Continue the development and upgrading of the water<br />

supply so as to ensure that an adequate, sustainable<br />

supply of piped water of suitable quality is available<br />

for domestic, commercial and industrial and other use<br />

such as fire safety for the sustainable development of<br />

the <strong>County</strong> and in accordance with the Settlement<br />

Strategy as propose within this Plan<br />

60 Utilize the existing water supply in an effective,<br />

efficient, fair and equitable manner, in the best<br />

interests of proper planning and sustainable<br />

development<br />

61 Implement measures under the Rural Water<br />

Programme so as to improve the quality, reliability of<br />

water supply for rural dwellers<br />

62 Ensure that the provision of water supply are<br />

undertaken in accordance with EU policies and<br />

Directives<br />

Water Objectives<br />

45 Identify, priorities and progress the implementation of<br />

the water services investment programme<br />

WO1-WO5, BO1,<br />

BO2, PO1, MAO3<br />

WO1-WO5, BO1,<br />

BO2, PO1, MAO3<br />

WO1,WO3, WO4,<br />

WO5, PO1, MAO3<br />

WO1,WO3, WO4,<br />

WO5, PO1, MAO3<br />

WO1<br />

WO1.1,WO2<br />

WO3,WO4<br />

WO5,WO6<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

BO3,PO1,<br />

M03<br />

WO1-WO5,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

PO1, MAO3<br />

WO1-WO5,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

PO1, MAO3<br />

WO1,WO3,<br />

WO4, WO5,<br />

PO1, MAO3<br />

WO1,WO3,<br />

WO4, WO5,<br />

PO1, MAO3<br />

WO1<br />

WO1.1,WO2<br />

WO3,WO4<br />

WO5,WO6<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

BO3,PO1,<br />

M03<br />

WO1-WO5, BO1, BO2,<br />

PO1, MAO3<br />

WO1-WO5, BO1, BO2,<br />

PO1, MAO3<br />

WO1,WO3, WO4,<br />

WO5, PO1, MAO3<br />

WO1,WO3, WO4,<br />

WO5, PO1, MAO3<br />

WO1<br />

WO1.1,WO2<br />

WO3,WO4<br />

WO5,WO6<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

BO3,PO1,<br />

M03<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Water Policies:<br />

46 Ensure that all drinking water within the <strong>County</strong><br />

complies with the highest EU standard applicable<br />

47. Meter all non domestic premises and charge for<br />

water usage on a quantitative basis<br />

48. Facilitate the implementation of water conservation<br />

projects, which reduce leakage in existing water<br />

distribution systems<br />

a. Improve the quality and reliability of rural water<br />

supply schemes.<br />

b. Enter into PPP’s for the provision of necessary<br />

infrastructure as appropriate<br />

Flood Risk Policies<br />

63 Have regard to the OPW’s Guidelines on Flood Risk ,<br />

2005<br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

WO1,WO3,WO4,<br />

WO1,WO3,WO<br />

WO1,WO3,WO4,<br />

WO5, PO1<br />

4, WO5, PO1<br />

WO5, PO1<br />

WO1<br />

WO1.1,WO2<br />

WO3,WO4<br />

WO5,WO6<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

BO3,PO1,<br />

M03<br />

WO1,WO3,WO4,<br />

WO5, PO1<br />

WO1,WO3,WO4,<br />

WO5, PO1<br />

W05, W07, P01,<br />

B01, B02<br />

WO1<br />

WO1.1,WO2<br />

WO3,WO4<br />

WO5,WO6<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

BO3,PO1,<br />

M03<br />

WO1,WO3,WO<br />

4, WO5, PO1<br />

WO1,WO3,WO<br />

4, WO5, PO1<br />

W05, W07,<br />

P01, B01, B02<br />

WO1<br />

WO1.1,WO2<br />

WO3,WO4<br />

WO5,WO6<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

BO3,PO1,<br />

M03<br />

WO1,WO3,WO4,<br />

WO5, PO1<br />

WO1,WO3,WO4,<br />

WO5, PO1<br />

W05, W07, P01, B01,<br />

B02<br />

64 Control development and ensure appropriate<br />

mitigation measures are in place for natural flood<br />

plains of rivers and develop guidelines in cooperation<br />

with the adjoining LA’s for permitted<br />

development in different flood risk category areas<br />

Flood Risk and Protection objectives<br />

51. Review work undertaken by the OPW and integrate<br />

information into a <strong>County</strong>wide GIS<br />

W05, W07, P01,<br />

B01, B02<br />

WO1<br />

WO1.1,WO2<br />

WO3,WO4<br />

WO5,WO6, WO7<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

BO3,PO1,<br />

M03<br />

W05, W07,<br />

P01, B01, B02<br />

WO1<br />

WO1.1,WO2<br />

WO3,WO4<br />

WO5,WO6,<br />

WO7<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

BO3,PO1,<br />

M03<br />

W05, W07, P01, B01,<br />

B02<br />

WO1<br />

WO1.1,WO2<br />

WO3,WO4<br />

WO5,WO6,WO7<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

BO3,PO1,<br />

M03<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Water Policies:<br />

52. Liaise with the OPW on all issues involving river<br />

drainage and flood relief, especially when dealing with<br />

any applications in the vicinity of important drainage<br />

channels<br />

53. Improve and extend the surface water disposal<br />

infrastructure to serve the planned levels of growth,<br />

during the lifetime of the CDP, in order to facilitate<br />

development<br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

WO1<br />

WO1<br />

WO1<br />

WO1.1,WO2<br />

WO1.1,WO2<br />

WO1.1,WO2<br />

WO3,WO4<br />

WO3,WO4<br />

WO3,WO4<br />

WO5,WO6, WO7<br />

WO5,WO6,<br />

WO5,WO6,WO7<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

WO7<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

BO3,PO1,<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

BO3,PO1,<br />

M03<br />

BO3,PO1,<br />

M03<br />

M03<br />

WO1<br />

WO1.1,WO2<br />

WO3,WO4<br />

WO5, WO7<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

BO3,PO1<br />

WO1<br />

WO1.1,WO2<br />

WO3,WO4<br />

WO5, WO7<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

BO3,PO1<br />

WO1<br />

WO1.1,WO2<br />

WO3,WO4<br />

WO5,WO7<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

BO3,PO1<br />

54. Implement the SUDS approach as the best way to<br />

manage storm water runoff in new large scale<br />

developments as part of their development proposals<br />

WO1<br />

WO1.1,WO2<br />

WO3,WO4<br />

WO5, WO7<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

BO3,PO1<br />

WO1<br />

WO1.1,WO2<br />

WO3,WO4<br />

WO5, WO7<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

BO3,PO1<br />

WO1<br />

WO1.1,WO2<br />

WO3,WO4<br />

WO5,WO7<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

BO3,PO1<br />

55. Require all significant development impacting on flood<br />

risk areas to provide a Flood Impact Assessment, to<br />

identify potential loss of flood plain storage and how it<br />

would be offset in order to minimise impact on the<br />

river flood regime<br />

WO1<br />

WO1.1,WO2<br />

WO3,WO4<br />

WO5, WO7<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

BO3,PO1<br />

WO1<br />

WO1.1,WO2<br />

WO3,WO4<br />

WO5, WO7<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

BO3,PO1<br />

WO1<br />

WO1.1,WO2<br />

WO3,WO4<br />

WO5,WO7<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

BO3,PO1<br />

56. It is the policy of <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> to<br />

require all new large scale developments in all<br />

designated settlements to provide ‘Sustainable Urban<br />

Drainage Systems (SUDS) as part of their<br />

development proposals<br />

WO1<br />

WO1.1,WO2<br />

WO3,WO4<br />

WO5, WO7<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

BO3,PO1<br />

WO1<br />

WO1.1,WO2<br />

WO3,WO4<br />

WO5, WO7<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

BO3,PO1<br />

WO1<br />

WO1.1,WO2<br />

WO3,WO4<br />

WO5,WO7<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

BO3,PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Water Policies:<br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

Wastewater Collection and Treatment Policies<br />

65. Advance the wastewater collection and treatment<br />

infrastructure projects by reviewing the assessment of<br />

needs in order to accommodate the planned levels of<br />

growth expected for the county and to ensure that the<br />

necessary projects are included in future Water<br />

Services Investment Programme (WSIP)<br />

66. Facilitate the provision of an adequate wastewater<br />

collection and treatment systems to existing and<br />

future populations in accordance with the proposed<br />

Settlement Strategy identified in this Plan, the Water<br />

Framework Directive 2000, EU Urban Wastewater<br />

Directive<br />

67. Develop additional treatment capacity at existing<br />

plants where required to meet new developments<br />

68. Support and promote proposals in line with the Towns<br />

and Villages Scheme that lack treatment facilities and<br />

where the provision of such a facility is<br />

environmentally sustainable<br />

69. Ensure that all new developments have and are<br />

provided with satisfactory drainage systems in the<br />

interest of public health and to avoid the pollution of<br />

the ground and surface waters<br />

70. Co-operate with adjoining LA’s to increase capacity to<br />

service settlements, to jointly investigate proposals for<br />

future upgrades of treatment plants and in the<br />

provision of a long term solution for wastewater<br />

treatment in the West Region<br />

71. Continue the monitoring of wastewater treatment<br />

plants<br />

W01, W01.1, W02-<br />

W07, E01-E03, P01,<br />

MA03<br />

W01, W01.1, W02-<br />

W07, E01-E03, P01,<br />

MA03<br />

W01, W01.1, W02-<br />

W07, E01-E03, P01,<br />

MA03<br />

W01, W01.1, W02-<br />

W07, E01-E03, P01,<br />

MA03<br />

W01, W01.1, W02-<br />

W07, E01-E03, P01,<br />

MA03<br />

W01, W01.1, W02-<br />

W07, E01-E03, P01,<br />

MA03<br />

WO1, WO1.1, WO2-<br />

WO7, BO1-BO3,<br />

PO1, MO3<br />

W01, W01.1,<br />

W02-W07, E01-<br />

E03, P01,<br />

MA03<br />

W01, W01.1,<br />

W02-W07, E01-<br />

E03, P01,<br />

MA03<br />

W01, W01.1,<br />

W02-W07, E01-<br />

E03, P01,<br />

MA03<br />

W01, W01.1,<br />

W02-W07, E01-<br />

E03, P01,<br />

MA03<br />

W01, W01.1,<br />

W02-W07, E01-<br />

E03, P01,<br />

MA03<br />

W01, W01.1,<br />

W02-W07, E01-<br />

E03, P01,<br />

MA03<br />

WO1, WO1.1,<br />

WO2-WO7,<br />

BO1-BO3, PO1,<br />

MO3<br />

W01, W01.1, W02-<br />

W07, E01-E03, P01,<br />

MA03<br />

W01, W01.1, W02-<br />

W07, E01-E03, P01,<br />

MA03<br />

W01, W01.1, W02-<br />

W07, E01-E03, P01,<br />

MA03<br />

W01, W01.1, W02-<br />

W07, E01-E03, P01,<br />

MA03<br />

W01, W01.1, W02-<br />

W07, E01-E03, P01,<br />

MA03<br />

W01, W01.1, W02-<br />

W07, E01-E03, P01,<br />

MA03<br />

WO1, WO1.1, WO2-<br />

WO7, BO1-BO3, PO1,<br />

MO3<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Water Policies:<br />

72. Promote better design, planning and management of<br />

schemes<br />

73. Use a mixture of public and private partnerships<br />

together with funding under the Serviced Land<br />

Initiative to deliver the necessary services<br />

74. Implement the recommendations of the adopted<br />

Sludge Management Plan for the <strong>County</strong>, including<br />

any amendments<br />

Waste water collection and treatment Objectives<br />

57. Ensure all existing wastewater schemes meet the<br />

urban waste water regulations and public health<br />

legislation<br />

58. Plan public schemes to cater for the existing and<br />

future projected demands of an area<br />

59. Facilitate the delivery of the Towns and Village<br />

Sewerage Scheme’ as proposed<br />

60. Identify, prioritise and progress the implementation of<br />

the sewerage investment programme<br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

WO1, WO1.1,<br />

WO1, WO1.1, WO2-<br />

WO1, WO1.1, WO2-<br />

WO2-WO7,<br />

WO7, BO1-BO3,<br />

WO7, BO1-BO3, PO1,<br />

BO1-BO3, PO1,<br />

PO1, MO3<br />

MO3<br />

MO3<br />

WO1, WO1.1,<br />

WO1, WO1.1, WO2-<br />

WO1, WO1.1, WO2-<br />

WO2-WO7,<br />

WO7, BO1-BO3,<br />

WO7, BO1-BO3, PO1,<br />

BO1-BO3, PO1,<br />

PO1, MO3<br />

MO3<br />

MO3<br />

WO1, WO1.1, WO2-<br />

WO1, WO1.1,<br />

WO7, BO1-BO3,<br />

WO1, WO1.1, WO2-<br />

WO2-WO7,<br />

PO1, MO3, SGO3#<br />

WO7, BO1-BO3, PO1,<br />

BO1-BO3, PO1,<br />

MO3, SGO3<br />

MO3, SGO3<br />

WO1,WO1.1,WO2,<br />

WO3,WO4,WO5<br />

WO6,BO1,BO2,BO3<br />

PO1,MA03<br />

WO1,WO1.1,WO2,<br />

WO3,WO4,WO5<br />

WO6,BO1,BO2,BO3<br />

PO1,MA03<br />

WO1,WO1.1,WO2,<br />

WO3,WO4,WO5<br />

WO6,BO1,BO2,BO3<br />

PO1,MA03<br />

WO1,WO1.1,WO2,<br />

WO3,WO4,WO5<br />

WO6,BO1,BO2,BO3<br />

PO1,MA03<br />

WO1,WO1.1,W<br />

O2,WO3,WO4,<br />

WO5<br />

WO6,BO1,BO2,<br />

BO3,PO1,MA03<br />

WO1,WO1.1,W<br />

O2,WO3,WO4,<br />

WO5<br />

WO6,BO1,BO2,<br />

BO3,PO1,MA03<br />

WO1,WO1.1,W<br />

O2,WO3,WO4,<br />

WO5<br />

WO6,BO1,BO2,<br />

BO3,PO1,MA03<br />

WO1,WO1.1,W<br />

O2,WO3,WO4,<br />

WO5<br />

WO6,BO1,BO2,<br />

BO3,PO1,MA03<br />

WO1,WO1.1,WO2,<br />

WO3,WO4,WO5,WO6,<br />

BO1,BO2,BO3,PO1,<br />

MA03<br />

WO1,WO1.1,WO2,<br />

WO3,WO4,WO5,WO6,<br />

BO1,BO2,BO3,PO1,<br />

MA03<br />

WO1,WO1.1,WO2,<br />

WO3,WO4,WO5,WO6,<br />

BO1,BO2,BO3,PO1,<br />

MA03<br />

WO1,WO1.1,WO2,<br />

WO3,WO4,WO5,WO6,<br />

BO1,BO2,BO3,PO1,<br />

MA03<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Water Policies:<br />

61. Ensure that grease traps are installed in all<br />

commercial premises where food is prepared<br />

62. Provide services in un-serviced towns and villages<br />

particularly those targeted for growth in the proposed<br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong> Settlement Strategy<br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

WO1,WO1.1,WO2,<br />

WO3,WO4,WO5<br />

WO6,BO1,BO2,BO3<br />

PO1,MA03<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

WO1,WO1.1,W<br />

O2,WO3,WO4,<br />

WO5<br />

WO6,BO1,BO2,<br />

BO3,PO1,MA03<br />

WO1,WO1.1,WO2,<br />

WO3,WO4,WO5<br />

WO6,BO1,BO2,BO3<br />

PO1,MA03<br />

WO1,WO1.1<br />

WO2,WO3,WO<br />

4,WO5<br />

WO6,BO1,BO2<br />

BO3,PO1,MA03<br />

WO1,WO1.1,WO2,<br />

WO3,WO4,WO5,<br />

WO6,BO1,BO2,BO3P<br />

O1,MA03<br />

WO1,WO1.1,WO2,<br />

WO3,WO4,WO5<br />

WO6,BO1,BO2,BO3<br />

PO1,MA03<br />

Comment<br />

1. The Water Framework Directive, adopted into Irish Law by the European Communities (Water Policy) Regulations 2003, assigns responsibility for implementation of<br />

the WFD to the EPA, Local Authorities and relevant Public Authorities. The upgrade of existing and construction of new WWTP’s will be a positive long-term impact<br />

because it will maintain or upgrade the quality status of water bodies to’ good’.<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Renewable Energy Policies & Objectives<br />

Table 9.7<br />

Assessment of Renewable Energy Policies & Objectives<br />

Renewable Energy Policies<br />

75. Support the National Climate Change Strategy by<br />

facilitating measures to reduce emissions of<br />

greenhouse gases over the committed period 2007-<br />

2012<br />

76. Promote the implementation of the Government’s White<br />

Paper Document “Delivering a Sustainable Energy<br />

Future for Ireland, Energy Policy Framework 2007-2020<br />

77. Implementation the Energy Performance of Buildings<br />

Directive (Directive 2002/91/EC) as transposed into<br />

Irish Law in 2006<br />

78. The PA will have regard for DoEHLG Guidelines for<br />

PA’s on Wind Energy Development, 2006<br />

79. Encourage the increase of development of renewable<br />

energy sources<br />

80. Facilitate energy infrastructure provision, including the<br />

development of renewable energy sources at suitable<br />

locations, so as to provide for the further physical and<br />

economic development of <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong><br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Negative Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

BO1,BO2,<br />

PO1,ACO1<br />

BO1,BO2,<br />

PO1,ACO1<br />

BO1,BO2,<br />

PO1,ACO1<br />

WO1,WO1.1,<br />

WO3,WO7,<br />

BO1,BO2,CH<br />

O3,LO1,LO1.2<br />

PO1,ACO1<br />

WO1,WO1.1,<br />

WO3,WO7,<br />

BO1,BO2,CH<br />

O3,LO1,LO1.2<br />

PO1,ACO1<br />

WO1,WO1.1,<br />

WO3,WO7,<br />

BO1,BO2,CH<br />

O3,LO1,LO1.2<br />

PO1,ACO1<br />

BO1,BO2,<br />

PO1,ACO1<br />

BO1,BO2,<br />

PO1,ACO1<br />

BO1,BO2,<br />

PO1,ACO1<br />

WO1,WO1.1,<br />

WO3,WO7,<br />

BO1,BO2,CH<br />

O3,LO1,LO1.<br />

2PO1,ACO1<br />

WO1,WO1.1,<br />

WO3,WO7,<br />

BO1,BO2,CH<br />

O3,LO1,LO1.<br />

2PO1,ACO1<br />

WO1,WO1.1,<br />

WO3,WO7,<br />

BO1,BO2,CH<br />

O3,LO1,LO1.<br />

2PO1,ACO1<br />

BO1,BO2,<br />

PO1,ACO1<br />

BO1,BO2,<br />

PO1,ACO1<br />

BO1,BO2,<br />

PO1,ACO1<br />

WO1,WO1.1<br />

WO3,WO7,<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

CHO3,LO1,<br />

LO1.2,PO1<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,WO1.1<br />

WO3,WO7,<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

CHO3,LO1,<br />

LO1.2,PO1<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,WO1.1<br />

WO3,WO7,<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

CHO3,LO1,<br />

LO1.2,PO1<br />

ACO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Renewable Energy Policies<br />

81. <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> will encourage more<br />

sustainable development through energy end use<br />

efficiency, increasing the use of renewable energy and<br />

improved energy performance of all new building<br />

developments throughout the county<br />

82. Develop a Renewable Energy Plan for <strong>County</strong><br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong> over the lifetime of the CDP<br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Negative Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

WO1,WO1.1,<br />

WO3,WO7,<br />

BO1,BO2,CH<br />

O3,LO1,LO1.2<br />

PO1,ACO1<br />

WO1,WO1.1,<br />

WO3,WO7,<br />

BO1,BO2,CH<br />

O3,LO1,LO1.2<br />

PO1,ACO1<br />

WO1,WO1.1,<br />

WO3,WO7,<br />

BO1,BO2,CH<br />

O3,LO1,LO1.<br />

2PO1,ACO1<br />

WO1,WO1.1,<br />

WO3,WO7,<br />

BO1,BO2,CH<br />

O3,LO1,LO1.<br />

2PO1,ACO1<br />

WO1,WO1.1<br />

WO3,WO7,<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

CHO3,LO1,<br />

LO1.2,PO1<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,WO1.1<br />

WO3,WO7,<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

CHO3,LO1,<br />

LO1.2,PO1<br />

ACO1<br />

Renewable Energy Objectives<br />

63. Facilitate the implementation of the Government’s<br />

White Paper Document “Delivering a Sustainable<br />

Energy Future for Ireland, Energy Policy Framework<br />

2007-2020,<br />

WO1,BO1<br />

BO2,CHO3<br />

LO1,LO1.2<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

SGO4,ACO1<br />

LO1,LO1.2,LO<br />

2,PO1<br />

SGO4<br />

LO1,LO1.<br />

2,LO2<br />

PO1<br />

WO1,BO1<br />

BO2,CHO3<br />

LO1,LO1.2<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

SGO4,<br />

ACO1<br />

LO1,LO1<br />

.2,LO2P<br />

O1<br />

WO1,BO1<br />

BO2,CHO3<br />

LO1,LO1.2<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

SGO4<br />

ACO1<br />

64. Promote the delivery of renewable energy within the<br />

<strong>County</strong><br />

WO1,BO1<br />

BO2,CHO3<br />

LO1,LO1.2<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

SGO4,ACO1<br />

LO1,LO1.2,<br />

LO2,PO1,<br />

SGO4<br />

LO1,<br />

LO1.2,<br />

LO2<br />

PO1<br />

WO1,BO1<br />

BO2,CHO3<br />

LO1,LO1.2<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

SGO4,<br />

ACO1<br />

LO1<br />

LO1.2,<br />

LO2,<br />

PO1<br />

WO1,BO1<br />

BO2,CHO3<br />

LO1,LO1.2<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

SGO4<br />

ACO1<br />

65. Facilitate the delivery of infrastructure provision for<br />

renewable energy sources<br />

66. Implement a Renewable Energy Plan for <strong>County</strong><br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong> over the lifetime of the Plan<br />

WO1,BO1<br />

BO2,CHO3<br />

LO1,LO1.2<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,BO1<br />

BO2,CHO3<br />

LO1,LO1.2<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

SGO4,ACO1<br />

LO1,LO1.2<br />

LO2,PO1,<br />

SGO4<br />

LO1,LO1.2<br />

LO2,PO1,<br />

SGO4<br />

LO1,<br />

LO1.2<br />

LO2,<br />

PO1<br />

LO1,<br />

LO1.2<br />

LO2,<br />

PO1<br />

WO1,BO1<br />

BO2,CHO3<br />

LO1,LO1.2<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,BO1<br />

BO2,CHO3<br />

LO1,LO1.2<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

ACO1<br />

LO1,<br />

LO1.2<br />

LO2,<br />

PO1<br />

LO1,<br />

LO1.2<br />

LO2,<br />

PO1<br />

WO1,BO1<br />

BO2,CHO3<br />

LO1,LO1.2<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,BO1<br />

BO2,CHO3<br />

LO1,LO1.2<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

ACO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Renewable Energy Policies<br />

67. Facilitate the promotion and construction of energy<br />

efficient developments including the promotion of<br />

‘passive houses’/timber framed houses throughout the<br />

<strong>County</strong><br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Negative Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

LO1<br />

LO1<br />

LO1<br />

PO1<br />

PO1<br />

PO1<br />

ACO1<br />

ACO1<br />

ACO1<br />

68. Implement the Energy Performance of Buildings<br />

Directive (Directive 2002/91/EC) as transposed into<br />

Irish Law in 2006<br />

69. Facilitate the implementation of the National Climate<br />

Change Strategy 2007-2012<br />

70. Designate areas of the county as part of the CDP<br />

process, which may be suitable for wind energy<br />

development in line with the national guidelines on wind<br />

energy, and take a proactive role in assessing<br />

applications in these areas<br />

LO1<br />

PO1<br />

ACO1<br />

W05,WO7<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

PO1,ACO1<br />

WO1,W05<br />

WO7,BO1<br />

BO2,CHO3<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

LO1.2,PO1<br />

SGO4,ACO1<br />

LO1<br />

PO1<br />

ACO1<br />

W05,WO7<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

PO1,ACO1<br />

WO1,W05<br />

WO7,BO1<br />

BO2,CHO3<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

LO1.2,PO1<br />

SGO4,ACO1<br />

LO1<br />

PO1<br />

ACO1<br />

W05,WO7<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

PO1,ACO1<br />

WO1,W05<br />

WO7,BO1<br />

BO2,CHO3<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

LO1.2,PO1<br />

SGO4,ACO<br />

1<br />

Comment<br />

1. The Planning and Development Act 2000 requires the preparation of an EIS for a Wind farm installation with an energy production output of greater than<br />

5MW or more than 5 turbines. The EIS will systematically detail the impacts of the development on the environment and determine required mitigation<br />

measures. Some impacts for example, noise, surface water runoff and ecological disturbance will be temporary while other impacts may be long term.<br />

The grant of planning for these developments will condition impacts to be adequately managed and mitigated.<br />

2. All wind energy development within the <strong>County</strong> will adhere to the current Government Guidelines on Wind Energy Development-The Wind Energy<br />

Guidelines for Planning Authorities (DoEHLG, 2006)<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Electricity Energy Policies & Objectives<br />

Table 9Error! No text of specified style in document..8<br />

Assessment of Electricity Energy Policies & Objectives<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Electricity Energy Policies<br />

83. Promote the delivery of the NSS on Regional<br />

Development in the implementation of policies that will<br />

deliver reliable and effective energy systems such as<br />

electricity and gas to power industry and services in<br />

order to provide effective regional development for the<br />

West Region including <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong><br />

84. Promote the implementation of the Government’s<br />

White Paper Document “Delivering a Sustainable<br />

Energy Future for Ireland , Energy Policy Framework<br />

2007-2020<br />

85. Co-operate and liaise with statutory and non-statutory<br />

providers in relation to electric power generation in<br />

order to ensure adequate power capacity for the<br />

future needs of the <strong>County</strong><br />

86. Support the statutory providers of the National Grid<br />

infrastructure by safeguarding such strategic corridors<br />

from encroachment by other developments that might<br />

compromise the provision of electricity networks<br />

where strategic route corridors have been identified<br />

87. Promote and facilitate the doubling of the<br />

transmission voltage were required, in order to reduce<br />

power wastage by 75%.<br />

Electricity Energy Objectives<br />

71. Facilitate the provision of new high-voltage electricity<br />

infrastructure within <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong><br />

Uncertain<br />

Impact<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Negative Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

WO1,CHO1,<br />

LO1,LO1.2<br />

PO1,ACO1<br />

WO1,CHO1<br />

LO1,LO1.2<br />

PO1,ACO1<br />

WO1,CHO1<br />

LO1,LO1.2<br />

PO1,ACO1<br />

WO1,CHO1,L<br />

O1,LO1.2,PO<br />

1,ACO1<br />

WO1,CHO1<br />

LO1,LO1.2<br />

PO1,ACO1<br />

LO1<br />

PO1<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,CHO1,<br />

LO1,LO1.2<br />

PO1,ACO1<br />

WO1,CHO1,<br />

LO1,LO1.2,<br />

PO1,ACO1<br />

WO1,CHO1,<br />

LO1,LO1.2,P<br />

O1,ACO1<br />

WO1,CHO1,<br />

LO1,LO1.2,<br />

PO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,CHO1,<br />

LO1,LO1.2,<br />

PO1<br />

ACO1<br />

LO1<br />

PO1<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,CHO1,<br />

LO1,LO1.2,<br />

PO1,ACO1<br />

WO1,CHO1,<br />

LO1,LO1.2,<br />

PO1,ACO1<br />

WO1,CHO1,<br />

LO1,LO1.2,<br />

PO1,ACO1<br />

WO1,CHO1,<br />

LO1,LO1.2,<br />

PO1,ACO1<br />

WO1,CHO1,<br />

LO1,LO1.2,<br />

PO1,ACO1<br />

LO1<br />

PO1<br />

ACO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Environmental objectives<br />

Electricity Energy Policies<br />

72. Work in collaboration with ESB, ESBI, Airgrid and<br />

other service providers and statutory bodies in order<br />

to create a modern electricity networks and power<br />

stations within the county<br />

73. Promote the maintenance and upgrade of electricity<br />

infrastructure throughout the county<br />

74. Facilitate the implementation of the Government’s<br />

White Paper Document “Delivering a Sustainable<br />

Energy Future for Ireland , Energy Policy Framework<br />

2007-2020, its strategic aims and goals including the<br />

delivery of electricity over an efficient reliable and<br />

secure networks and the diversification of fuels for<br />

power generation<br />

75. Secure a reliable electricity transmission infrastructure<br />

in order to support economic development and<br />

attracting investment into <strong>Roscommon</strong><br />

76. Facilitate the doubling of the transmission voltage, in<br />

order to reduce power wastage by 75%<br />

77. Require the provision of electricity cable underground<br />

in urban areas and generally within areas of public<br />

open space in the interest of visual amenity<br />

78. Require that in all new developments that multiple<br />

services be accommodated in shared strips and that<br />

Uncertain<br />

Impact<br />

<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Negative Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

LO1<br />

LO1<br />

LO1<br />

PO1<br />

PO1<br />

PO1<br />

ACO1<br />

ACO1<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,CHO1,<br />

LO1,LO1.2,<br />

PO1,ACO1<br />

LO1<br />

PO1<br />

ACO1<br />

LO1<br />

PO1<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,CHO1,<br />

LO1,LO1.2,<br />

PO1,ACO1<br />

LO1<br />

PO1<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,CHO1,<br />

LO1,LO1.2,<br />

PO1,ACO1<br />

PO1,ACO1 PO1,ACO1 PO1,ACO1<br />

ACO1 ACO1 ACO1<br />

access covers be shared whenever possible.<br />

Comment<br />

1. In determining the impact of the provision of new high voltage electricity infrastructure the following assumptions were made: some towers would be<br />

visually intrusive and that a large proportion of the electricity would be fossil fuel derived. In the event of a greater proportion of renewable energy usage<br />

these impacts would be lessened.<br />

2. Studies on the impact of overhead power lines on human health are not yet fully conclusive.<br />

CHO1<br />

PO1<br />

CHO1<br />

PO1<br />

CHO1<br />

PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Gas supply Policies & Objectives<br />

Table 9Error! No text of specified style in document..9<br />

Assessment of Gas supply Policies & Objectives<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Gas Supply Policies<br />

88. Promote the delivery of the NSS on Regional<br />

Development in the implementation of policies that will<br />

deliver reliable and effective energy systems such as<br />

gas to power industry and services, in order to provide<br />

effective regional development for the West Region<br />

including <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong><br />

89. Promote the implementation of the Government’s<br />

White Paper Document “Delivering a Sustainable<br />

Energy Future for Ireland , Energy Policy Framework<br />

2007-2020, its strategic aims and goals including the<br />

enhancement of the diversity of fuels for power<br />

generation and in the creation of a stable attractive<br />

environment for hydrocarbon exploration and<br />

production<br />

90. Work in collaboration with An Bord Gáis, the<br />

Commission for Energy Regulation (CER) and other<br />

statutory bodies in the provision of a comprehensive<br />

gas distribution grid throughout the <strong>County</strong><br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong><br />

91. Facilitate energy infrastructure so as to provide for the<br />

future physical and economic development of <strong>County</strong><br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong><br />

92. Investigate the feasibility of the location of a gas<br />

burning power station in north <strong>Roscommon</strong><br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Negative Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

WO1,CHO1<br />

LO1,LO1.2,<br />

PO1,ACO1<br />

WO1,CHO1<br />

LO1,LO1.2,<br />

PO1,ACO1<br />

CHO1<br />

LO1,PO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,CHO1<br />

PO1,ACO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

,CHO4<br />

LO1.1<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,BO1<br />

BO2, SGO4<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

BO1,BO2,<br />

CHO4<br />

LO1.1<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,BO1<br />

BO2, SGO4<br />

WO1,<br />

CHO1<br />

,LO1<br />

,LO1.2,<br />

PO1<br />

,ACO1<br />

WO1<br />

CHO1<br />

,LO1,<br />

LO1.2,<br />

PO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

CHO1<br />

LO1,PO1<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1<br />

CHO1<br />

PO1<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

,CHO4<br />

LO1.1<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,BO1<br />

BO2, SGO4<br />

WO1<br />

CHO1<br />

LO1,O1.2<br />

O1,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,CH<br />

O1,LO1<br />

,LO1.2<br />

PO1<br />

ACO1<br />

CHO1<br />

LO1,PO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,<br />

CHO1<br />

,PO1,AC<br />

O1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Gas Supply Objectives<br />

79. Liaise and collaborate with An Bord Gais, CER and<br />

other statutory bodies in the provision of an extended<br />

gas network within <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong> and in the<br />

provision of a gas powered generating station in north<br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong><br />

80. Promote the diversification of energy sources in the<br />

production of electricity visa a gas burning power<br />

station in north <strong>Roscommon</strong><br />

81. Facilitate the implementation of the Government’s<br />

White Paper Document “Delivering a Sustainable<br />

Energy Future for Ireland , Energy Policy Framework<br />

2007-2020, its strategic aims and goals including the<br />

delivery of gas over an efficient reliable and secure<br />

networks and the diversification of fuels for power<br />

generation<br />

82. Reserve infrastructure corridors for transmission<br />

pipelines in collaboration with An Bord Gais/CER and<br />

provide consistency of projects with the requirements<br />

identified from An Bord Gais Distribution Network<br />

Capacity Report(s) or strategic network analysis over<br />

CHO1<br />

LO1,PO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

CHO1<br />

LO1,PO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,CHO1<br />

LO1,<br />

LO1.2,<br />

PO1,ACO1<br />

WO1,CHO1<br />

LO1,LO1.2,<br />

PO1,ACO1<br />

WO1,BO1<br />

BO2, SGO4<br />

WO1,BO1<br />

BO2, SGO4<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

,CHO4<br />

LO1.1<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

,CHO4<br />

LO1.1<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,BO1<br />

BO2, SGO4<br />

WO1,BO1<br />

BO2, SGO4<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

BO1,BO2,<br />

CHO4<br />

LO1.1<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

BO1,BO2,<br />

CHO4<br />

LO1.1<br />

ACO1<br />

CHO1<br />

LO1,PO1<br />

ACO1<br />

CHO1<br />

LO1,PO1<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1<br />

CHO1<br />

,LO1,<br />

LO1.2,<br />

PO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1<br />

CHO1<br />

,LO1,<br />

LO1.2,<br />

PO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,BO1<br />

BO2, SGO4<br />

WO1,BO1<br />

BO2, SGO4<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

,CHO4<br />

LO1.1<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

,CHO4<br />

LO1.1<br />

ACO1<br />

CHO1<br />

LO1,PO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

CHO1<br />

LO1,PO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,CH<br />

O1,LO1<br />

,LO1.2<br />

PO1<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,CH<br />

O1,LO1<br />

,LO1.2<br />

PO1<br />

ACO1<br />

the life time of this Plan<br />

Comment<br />

1. This assessment of gas supply objectives identified negative short-term impacts during the instillation of gas networks and the construction of a gas power<br />

station. It is also assumed that the gas power station will be located in a landscape that can accommodate this type of development.<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Telecommunications Policies & Objectives<br />

Table 9.10<br />

Assessment of Telecommunications Policies & Objectives<br />

Telecommunications Policies<br />

93. Promote an integrated approach with service<br />

providers and with appropriate bodies in the creation<br />

of a modern telecommunications infrastructure within<br />

<strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong><br />

94. Achieve the strategic aims as put forward within<br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong>’s Broadband Strategy ‘The Rollout of<br />

Broadband within <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong>’<br />

95. Have regard to Government guidelines on<br />

telecommunications infrastructure, including<br />

Telecommunications Antennae and Support<br />

Structures–Guidelines for Planning Authorities 1996<br />

(DoEHLG) and any subsequent revisions.<br />

96. Have regard to recommendations made by the<br />

Landscape Character Assessment<br />

97. Align infrastructure policies and programmes with the<br />

proposed Settlement Strategy and land use proposals<br />

for the county<br />

98. Stimulate demand as part of a Broadband delivery<br />

strategy via maps and local demonstrations/training in<br />

the application of ICT technology for SME’s and local<br />

business including the benefits of e-business and e-<br />

commerce<br />

99. Promote the provision of a well equipped ‘mobile<br />

facility’ to efficiently deliver demonstrations and skill<br />

training within rural areas<br />

100. Build synergies with the Broadband for Schools<br />

Initiative<br />

Uncertain<br />

impacts<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Negative Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

LO1, PO1 LO1, PO1 LO1, PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Telecommunications Policies<br />

101. Encourage and promote e-inclusion in <strong>County</strong><br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong> through the planning process and by<br />

supporting strategies to encourage and enable lower<br />

income households to avail of modem and broadband<br />

infrastructure<br />

102. Provide digital outreach initiatives to deprived areas in<br />

partnership with the private sector<br />

103. Enhance the role of on-line service delivery in the<br />

public sector<br />

104. Encourage the location of telecommunications based<br />

services at appropriate locations within the county<br />

subject to technical requirements and to<br />

environmental considerations<br />

Uncertain<br />

impacts<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Negative Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1,CHO4,<br />

PO1, SGO4<br />

WO1, BO1,<br />

LO1,PO1,<br />

SGO4,<br />

WO1, BO1,<br />

LO1,PO1,<br />

SGO4,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1,CHO4,<br />

PO1, SGO4<br />

WO1,<br />

BO1,<br />

LO1,PO1,<br />

SGO4,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1,CHO<br />

4,<br />

PO1, SGO4<br />

Telecommunications Objectives<br />

83. Promote the delivery of universal broadband<br />

availability throughout the <strong>County</strong> by 2007.<br />

84. Provide a minimum of one terrestrial (non-satellite)<br />

service provider for all locations<br />

85. Promote and deliver 2 or more service providers in<br />

main towns and areas identified as priorities<br />

86. Encourage coverage and further co-ordinated and<br />

focused development and extension of<br />

telecommunications infrastructure including<br />

broadband connectivity within <strong>Roscommon</strong> as a<br />

means of improving economic competitiveness and<br />

enabling more flexible work practices e.g. teleworking,<br />

video-conferencing, e-business and e-<br />

commerce<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Telecommunications Policies<br />

87. Support and facilitate the take-up of Group Broadband<br />

Scheme and the School Broadband Access<br />

Programme<br />

88. Support by planning condition where appropriate the<br />

development of underground telecommunications<br />

broadband infrastructure for road, commercial and<br />

residential schemes, as set out in the government’s<br />

recommendations<br />

89. Ensure that the responsibility is legally passed onto<br />

the original owner of a telecommunications mast<br />

development that the expense of the demolition<br />

removal and site reinstatement is borne by the original<br />

operator when operations cease permanently<br />

90. Ensure that telecommunications infrastructure is<br />

adequately screened, integrated and/or landscaped,<br />

so as to minimize any adverse visual impacts on the<br />

environment<br />

91. Consider the provision of broadband including the<br />

provision of electronic courtyards within developments<br />

92. Provide shared access for service providers for<br />

erecting antennae for line of sight broadband access<br />

Uncertain<br />

impacts<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Negative Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1,LO1 PO1,LO1 PO1,LO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

Comment<br />

1. In this assessment it is assumed that the impact during construction and laying of the cables will be temporary and short term only.<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Major Accident Hazard Objectives<br />

Table 9.11<br />

Assessment of Major Accident Hazard Objectives<br />

Major Accident Hazard Policies<br />

105. Comply with the “Seveso 2” Directive 82/96/EC with<br />

regard to the prevention of major accidents and<br />

limiting their consequences<br />

106. Ensure that land use policies must take account of the<br />

need to maintain appropriate distances between<br />

future major accident hazard establishments and<br />

residential areas, areas of substantial public use and<br />

areas of particular natural sensitivity/interest<br />

107. Liaise with the Health and Safety Authority and with<br />

notified site operators and other statutory bodies with<br />

regard safety regulations and safety zones and to<br />

implement the provision of Land-Use planning advice<br />

and/or detailed advice as outlined by the H.S.A.<br />

108. The <strong>Council</strong> will have regard to the provision of the<br />

Fire Services Act 1981<br />

Uncertain<br />

impacts<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

WO1,WO1.1,<br />

WO1,WO1.1,<br />

WO1,WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

WO3,<br />

WO3,<br />

BO1,BO2,<br />

BO1,BO2,<br />

BO1,BO2,<br />

CHO1,PO1,<br />

CHO1,PO1,<br />

CHO1,PO1,<br />

PO3, ACO1<br />

PO3,ACO1<br />

PO3,ACO1<br />

WO1,WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

BO1,BO2,<br />

CHO1,LO1,<br />

LO2,PO1,<br />

PO3, ACO1<br />

WO1,WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

BO1,BO2,<br />

CHO1,PO1<br />

PO3,ACO1<br />

PO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

PO3,<br />

WO1,WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

BO1,BO2,<br />

CHO1,LO1,<br />

LO2,PO1,<br />

PO3, ACO1<br />

WO1,WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

BO1,BO2,<br />

CHO1,PO1,<br />

PO3, ACO1<br />

PO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

PO3,<br />

WO1,WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

BO1,BO2,<br />

CHO1, LO1,<br />

LO2,PO1,<br />

PO3, ACO1<br />

WO1,WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

BO1,BO2,<br />

CHO1,PO1,<br />

PO3, ACO1<br />

PO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

PO3,<br />

Major Accident Hazard Objectives<br />

93. Facilitate the implementation of the “Seveso 2” major<br />

accidents directive and in doing so the <strong>Council</strong> will<br />

have regard to major infrastructure projects including<br />

transport links, gas pipeline, rail links, major roads<br />

and locations frequented by the public and<br />

residential/community areas in the vicinity of existing<br />

establishments, where the siting of establishments<br />

are such as to increase the risk of consequences of a<br />

major accident<br />

WO1,WO1.1<br />

WO3,BO1,<br />

BO2,CHO1<br />

PO1, PO3,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,WO1.1<br />

WO3,BO1,<br />

BO2,CHO1<br />

PO1, PO3,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,WO1.1<br />

WO3,BO1,<br />

BO2,CHO1<br />

PO1, PO3<br />

ACO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Major Accident Hazard Policies<br />

94. Collaborate with the H.S.A in relation to the annual<br />

review in relation to notified sites and implement any<br />

specified revisions as proposed by the H.S.A<br />

Authority<br />

95. Request in relation to land use planning that a<br />

Consultation Distance of 1 km from Elan be set and<br />

should be drawn around the Elan site on a local map<br />

and that any planning application for within this circle<br />

should then be forwarded to the H.S.A for<br />

consultation<br />

Uncertain<br />

impacts<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

WO1,WO1.1<br />

WO1,WO1.1<br />

WO1,WO1.1<br />

WO3,BO1,<br />

WO3,BO1,<br />

WO3,BO1,<br />

BO2,CHO1<br />

BO2,CHO1<br />

BO2,CHO1<br />

PO1, PO3,<br />

PO1, PO3,<br />

PO1, PO3<br />

ACO1<br />

ACO1<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,WO1.1<br />

WO3,BO1,<br />

BO2,CHO1<br />

PO1, PO3,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,WO1.1<br />

WO3,BO1,<br />

BO2,CHO1<br />

PO1, PO3,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,WO1.1<br />

WO3,BO1,<br />

BO2,CHO1<br />

PO1, PO3<br />

ACO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Economic Development and Employment Policies & Objectives<br />

Table 9.12<br />

Assessment of Economic Development and Employment<br />

Future Employment Policies<br />

109. Ensure that adequate and suitably located lands are<br />

zoned for employment uses in a range of sizes and<br />

locations in order to facilitate the growth of industrial,<br />

commercial and enterprise creation within the <strong>County</strong>.<br />

110. Promote and facilitate the implementation of targeted<br />

economic development for all key towns including<br />

Monksland, Creagh & Cortober as part of the future<br />

Economic Development Strategy for the <strong>County</strong><br />

111. Development Proposals will be expected to be<br />

compatible with the land use zoning matrices in the<br />

relevant LAP or in the absence of such, shall be in<br />

compliance with this CDP<br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

PO1, WO1,<br />

PO1, WO1, WO1, WO3,<br />

WO3, WO5,<br />

WO3, WO5, BO1, BO2,<br />

WO7, BO1,<br />

WO7, BO1, CHO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1, CHO3, LO1,<br />

CHO3, LO1,<br />

CHO3, LO1, LO2, PO1<br />

LO2, SGO1,<br />

LO2, SGO1,<br />

MAO3, ACO1<br />

MAO3, ACO1<br />

PO1, WO1,<br />

WO3, WO5,<br />

WO7, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1,<br />

CHO3, LO1,<br />

LO2, SGO1,<br />

MAO3, ACO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO3,<br />

BO1,<br />

BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3,<br />

LO1,<br />

LO2,<br />

PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO3,<br />

BO1,<br />

BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3,<br />

LO1,<br />

LO2,<br />

PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO3,<br />

BO1,<br />

BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3,<br />

LO1,<br />

LO2,<br />

PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO3,<br />

BO1,<br />

BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3,<br />

LO1,<br />

LO2,<br />

PO1<br />

PO1, WO1,<br />

WO3, WO5,<br />

WO7, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1,<br />

CHO3, LO1,<br />

LO2, SGO1,<br />

MAO3, ACO1<br />

WO1, WO3,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3, LO1,<br />

LO2, PO1<br />

PO1,<br />

WO1,<br />

WO3,<br />

WO5,<br />

WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3,<br />

LO1, LO2,<br />

SGO1,<br />

MAO3,<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1,<br />

WO1,<br />

WO3,<br />

WO5,<br />

WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3,<br />

LO1, LO2,<br />

SGO1,<br />

MAO3,<br />

ACO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Future Employment Policies<br />

112. Ensure that the provision of key infrastructure is in<br />

place prior to planned growth<br />

113. Facilitate home based economic activities that do not<br />

impact negatively on residential amenity and the living<br />

enjoyment of residents.<br />

114. Promote ‘Electronic Courtyard’ type developments<br />

within small towns and villages in order to disperse<br />

economic activity to smaller population centres<br />

115. Encourage mixed use zonings within LAPs’ in which<br />

homes and employment are relatively close<br />

116. Facilitate the provision of high quality serviced<br />

sites/land ready for industrial/commercial<br />

development including workspace units with<br />

broadband connectivity within all key towns and<br />

strategic locations<br />

117. Investigate the provision of Third Level & R&D<br />

facilities within <strong>Roscommon</strong><br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

<br />

<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

PO1, WO1-<br />

PO1, WO1-<br />

PO1,<br />

WO5, WO7,<br />

WO5, WO7,<br />

WO1-<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

WO5,<br />

CHO1, CHO3,<br />

CHO1, CHO3,<br />

WO7,<br />

LO1, LO2,<br />

LO1, LO2,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

SGO1, MAO3,<br />

SGO1, MAO3,<br />

CHO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

ACO1<br />

CHO3,<br />

LO1, LO2,<br />

SGO1,<br />

MAO3,<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1, ACO1 PO1, ACO1 PO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1, ACO1 PO1, ACO1 PO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1, WO3,<br />

WO4, WO5,<br />

WO7, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1,<br />

CHO3, LO1,<br />

LO2, SGO1,<br />

MAO3, PO1,<br />

ACO1, PO3<br />

WO1,<br />

WO3,<br />

BO1,<br />

BO2,<br />

CHO3,<br />

PO1,<br />

WO1,<br />

WO3,<br />

BO1,<br />

BO2,<br />

CHO3,<br />

PO1,<br />

WO1, WO3,<br />

WO4, WO5,<br />

WO7, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1,<br />

CHO3, LO1,<br />

LO2, SGO1,<br />

MAO3, PO1,<br />

ACO1, PO3<br />

WO1, WO3,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO3, PO1,<br />

WO1,<br />

WO3,<br />

WO4,<br />

WO5,<br />

WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3,<br />

LO1, LO2,<br />

SGO1,<br />

MAO3,<br />

PO1,<br />

ACO1,<br />

PO3<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Future Employment Policies<br />

118. Promote the county as a business location for county<br />

graduates by developing a relationship/network<br />

between education facilities including Third Level<br />

Institutes and economic development<br />

119. Promote PPP in the provision of industrial sites and<br />

business parks<br />

120. Support the RCDB in investigating innovative<br />

approaches towards the development and<br />

densification of quality employment enterprise clusters<br />

of various sizes including Smaller Office and<br />

Knowledge Sector HPSU’s<br />

121. Co-operate with neighbouring counties and regional<br />

authorities in seeking the development of corridors<br />

such as the Atlantic Corridor.<br />

122. Support the RCDB in encouraging indigenous<br />

innovation and enterprise by making suitable start up<br />

locations available for entrepreneurs<br />

123. Facilitate and encourage the establishment of small<br />

scale light industries which are considered<br />

compatible with surrounding uses on suitable sites<br />

124. Promote the clustering of Major Accidents Directive<br />

land uses to minimise the possible negative impact<br />

thereof on the environment of <strong>Roscommon</strong><br />

125. Support SME’s, and enhance their skills base<br />

especially those within the traditional sectors which<br />

are facing particular challenges in adapting to<br />

changing conditions<br />

126. Promote new industrial development in towns and<br />

villages with existing infrastructural facilities,<br />

services, telecommunications or where these can be<br />

provided through PPP s<br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

PO1, WO1,<br />

WO5, LO1, LO2,<br />

MAO3<br />

PO1, WO1,<br />

WO5, LO1,<br />

LO2, MAO3<br />

PO1,<br />

WO1,<br />

WO5,<br />

LO1, LO2,<br />

MAO3<br />

PO1, PO3 PO1, PO3 PO1, PO3<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Future Employment Policies<br />

127. Support the BMW Operational Programme2007-2013<br />

and help implement<br />

Priority 2: Innovation, ICT and the Knowledge<br />

Economy within <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong> which will be<br />

targeted at applied Research enhancement,<br />

incubation and collaboration, Research capacity,<br />

micro enterprise & entrepreneurship, broadband<br />

provision and experimental actions. Help implement<br />

Priority 3: Urban Development and Secondary<br />

Transport Networks which will be targeted at urban<br />

development, key link routes and public transport<br />

infrastructure.<br />

128. Support and liaise with the IDA in the promotion of<br />

foreign direct investment and establishment of new<br />

industries in the <strong>County</strong>.<br />

129. Support and collaborate with the <strong>County</strong> Enterprise<br />

Board in the fostering and promoting indigenous<br />

enterprises within the <strong>County</strong>.<br />

130. Support and liaise with LEADER programmes and<br />

co-operate with Local Area Partnerships in rural<br />

development projects.<br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

<br />

<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

Future Employment Objectives<br />

96. In consolidating the urban form, consider locating<br />

quality employment and residential developments in<br />

proximity to each other in order to reduce the need to<br />

travel and the dependence on private transport.<br />

LO2,PO1,MA3<br />

ACO1<br />

LO2,PO1,MA3<br />

ACO1<br />

LO2,PO1,<br />

MA3<br />

ACO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Future Employment Policies<br />

97. Facilitate and encourage the establishment of all<br />

types of industry which are considered compatible<br />

with surrounding uses on suitable sites.<br />

98. Attract major new industry/service providers to nurture<br />

and grow existing industry<br />

99. Ensure that sufficient land is zoned in appropriate<br />

locations for pharmaceutical projects, logistics and<br />

ICT Manufacturing. These industries will require larger<br />

premises, a campus environment for buildings with<br />

different uses, logistics supports, power/waste<br />

capacity and better surface links<br />

100. Ensure a high standard of design, layout and amenity<br />

is provided and maintained at locations selected for<br />

enterprise development<br />

101. Work with and support Enterprise Ireland in the<br />

creation of clusters both at local and regional level.<br />

102. Facilitate the provision of childcare facilities in<br />

appropriate locations thereby promoting labour market<br />

participation, access to training, education and<br />

employment among parents of young children<br />

103. Encourage indigenous innovation and enterprise by<br />

identifying land where suitable start up can locate or<br />

entrepreneurs.<br />

104. Facilitate home based economic activities that do not<br />

impact negatively on residential amenity and the living<br />

enjoyment of residents.<br />

105. Facilitate the provision of ‘Courtyard’ developments in<br />

small towns/villages so as to accommodate economic<br />

activity and job creation to smaller population centres<br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

LO2,PO1,MO3<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1, WO3,<br />

WO5, WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1, CHO3,<br />

LO1, LO2, PO1,<br />

PO3, SGO1,<br />

MAO3, ACO1<br />

PO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

MAO3,<br />

MAO3,<br />

WO1,<br />

WO3,<br />

WO7,<br />

BO1,<br />

BO2,<br />

CHO3,<br />

PO1,<br />

WO1,<br />

WO3,<br />

WO7,<br />

BO1,<br />

BO2,<br />

CHO3,<br />

PO1,<br />

LO2,PO1,MO<br />

3<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1, WO3,<br />

WO5, WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1, CHO3,<br />

LO1, LO2,<br />

PO1, PO3,<br />

SGO1, MAO3,<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1, MAO3,<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1, MAO3,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1, WO3,<br />

WO7, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO3,<br />

PO1,<br />

LO2,PO1,<br />

MO3<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO3,<br />

WO5,<br />

WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3,<br />

LO1, LO2,<br />

PO1, PO3,<br />

SGO1,<br />

MAO3,<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1,<br />

MAO3,<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1,<br />

MAO3,<br />

ACO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Future Employment Policies<br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

106. Facilitate the development of High Potential Start–Ups <br />

(HPSU’s) and SOHO (small office home office) at<br />

appropriate locations<br />

107. Support the RCDB in adopting a proactive approach <br />

to re-skilling redundant workers based on a lifelong<br />

learning and skills development strategy. Promote this<br />

strategy through the enterprise agencies including<br />

Teagasc and delivered in partnership with the private<br />

sector<br />

Comment<br />

1. Depending on the size of the development or if the activity is listed under Schedule 5 of the 2001 Planning and Development Regulations an<br />

EIS will be required. The impacts of such developments will be assessed individually; however, the cumulative impacts of these<br />

developments in an area will need to be commented upon in the EIS.<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Rural Enterprise Policies and Objectives<br />

Table 9.13<br />

Assessment of Rural Enterprise Policies and Objectives<br />

Rural Enterprise Policies<br />

133. Encourage and facilitate small indigenous<br />

industries, in recognition of their increasing<br />

importance in providing local employment and<br />

helping to stimulate economic activity among<br />

local communities.<br />

134. Facilitate proposals such as Smaller Office and<br />

Knowledge Sector HPSUs and micro<br />

enterprises at appropriate locations in the<br />

countryside and consider the feasibility of<br />

providing exemption from commercial rates for<br />

those operating SOHO (small office home<br />

office) businesses involving family members up<br />

to 2/3 employees. Such developments will be<br />

considered by the PA on a case by case basis<br />

and shall be subject to proper planning and<br />

sustainable development of the area<br />

135. <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> shall work with<br />

local and State Agencies/Departments in order<br />

to promote rural development and enterprise<br />

creation throughout all areas of the <strong>County</strong> over<br />

the lifetime of this Plan and in collaboration with<br />

the above mentioned NDP programmes 2007-<br />

2013.<br />

136. Consider the introduction of Rural Enterprise<br />

Zones under the LAP process<br />

137. Promote LEADER/Rural Economy Sub-<br />

Programme in the diversification of the rural<br />

economy within <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong><br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

<br />

<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Rural Enterprise Policies<br />

138. Facilitate the implementation of Mid-Shannon<br />

Tax incentive Scheme within the proposed<br />

qualifying areas<br />

139. Support the BMW Operational Programme<br />

2007-2013 and help implement Priority 2:<br />

Environmental and Risk Prevention within<br />

<strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong> which will be targeted at<br />

rural water source protection, pilot village<br />

sewerage schemes and renewable energy.<br />

140. Continue to prioritise the roll out of Broadband<br />

to rural areas and consider it as a key<br />

infrastructure utility in the provision of<br />

employment and rural development<br />

Rural Enterprise Objectives<br />

108. Collaboration with the Department of<br />

Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs both in<br />

seeking the delivery of the EU Rural<br />

Development Programme 2007-2013 within<br />

<strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong> and also in providing<br />

primary data in support of the proposed new<br />

research programme on rural development.<br />

109. Provide a flexible approach to start-up<br />

Businesses & small scale industrial/enterprise<br />

activities. Where a proposed development<br />

needs to locate near an existing natural<br />

resource, it will be necessary to demonstrate<br />

that it can be accommodated without damage to<br />

the natural environment and shall not have any<br />

adverse effect on the character of the area<br />

110. Work in close collaboration with RCDB and their<br />

partnership agencies in the delivery of an<br />

integrated rural enterprise strategy for the<br />

<strong>County</strong><br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Rural Enterprise Policies<br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

111. Implement CLAR programme within the<br />

qualifying areas<br />

112. Liaise with the Western Development<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

Commission and their research team in the<br />

delivery of an integrated vision for rural<br />

development for the <strong>County</strong> and West Region<br />

Comment<br />

1. An assumption is made here that the development of these programmes will be positive and permanent in the long time, provided that they<br />

follow correct statutory planning procedures and requirements.<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Tourism Policies<br />

Table 9.14<br />

Assessment of Tourism Policies<br />

Tourism Policies<br />

141. The CDP will facilitate Tourism wherever possible<br />

without compromising the environment or the natural or<br />

built heritage of the <strong>County</strong>.<br />

142. It is the <strong>Council</strong>’s policy to advance the development of<br />

Tourism by the provision and extension of<br />

• existing amenities particularly water based<br />

activities<br />

• the provision of medium and long-distance walking<br />

routes in collaboration with land owners<br />

• the provision of accommodation including self<br />

catering and local services, the enhancement of<br />

towns and villages including the increase in bed<br />

numbers, the provision of key infrastructure<br />

including parking, public facilities and access to<br />

scenic areas.<br />

143. The <strong>Council</strong> shall curb development which might be<br />

detrimental to scenic and heritage assets in cSAC’s ,<br />

pNHA’s & SPA’s and within areas designated Sensitive<br />

Rural Landscapes as proposed in the Landscape<br />

Character Assessment that accompanies this Plan.<br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

WO1-<br />

WO1-<br />

WO1-<br />

WO7,BO1-<br />

WO7,BO1-<br />

WO7,BO1-<br />

BO3,<br />

BO3,<br />

BO3,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3, LO1,<br />

CHO3, LO1,<br />

CHO3, LO1,<br />

LO2, PO1,<br />

LO2, PO1,<br />

LO2, PO1,<br />

MAO3,<br />

MAO3,<br />

MAO3,<br />

LCO1<br />

LCO1<br />

LCO1<br />

WO1-<br />

WO7,BO1-<br />

BO3,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3, LO1,<br />

LO2, PO1,<br />

MAO3,<br />

LCO1,<br />

CHO5<br />

WO1-<br />

WO7,BO1-<br />

BO3,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3, LO1,<br />

LO2, PO1,<br />

MAO3,<br />

LCO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1-<br />

WO7,BO1-<br />

BO3,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3, LO1,<br />

LO2, PO1,<br />

MAO3,<br />

LCO1,<br />

CHO5<br />

WO1-<br />

WO7,BO1-<br />

BO3,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3, LO1,<br />

LO2, PO1,<br />

MAO3,<br />

LCO1<br />

,ACO1<br />

WO1-<br />

WO7,BO1-<br />

BO3,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3, LO1,<br />

LO2, PO1,<br />

MAO3,<br />

LCO1,<br />

CHO5<br />

WO1-<br />

WO7,BO1-<br />

BO3,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3, LO1,<br />

LO2, PO1,<br />

MAO3,<br />

LCO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Tourism Policies<br />

144. The <strong>Council</strong> shall use its statutory procedures<br />

particularly in relation to waste management, water and<br />

air pollution to ensure that all natural amenities remain<br />

unpolluted and visually unspoilt.<br />

145. In line with the BMW Strategy it shall be the aim of<br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> to promote the<br />

development of major tourist attractions, particularly<br />

with regard to untapped tourism potential.<br />

146. The <strong>Council</strong> shall also co-operate with neighbouring<br />

LA’s and other agencies to promote and establish<br />

sustainable tourism initiatives in less developed tourist<br />

destinations, particularly marginalised rural areas.<br />

Although rural tourism remains a relatively small niche<br />

in the overall tourism industry it can play a vital role for<br />

local communities including the farming community<br />

throughout the <strong>County</strong>.<br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

WO1-<br />

WO1-<br />

WO1-<br />

WO7,BO1-<br />

WO7,BO1-<br />

WO7,BO1-<br />

BO3,<br />

BO3,<br />

BO3,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3, LO1,<br />

CHO3, LO1,<br />

CHO3, LO1,<br />

LO2,<br />

MAO3,<br />

LCO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1,<br />

LO2,<br />

MAO3,<br />

LCO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1,<br />

LO2,<br />

MAO3,<br />

LCO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1,<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Town Centre and Village Improvement Policies & Objectives of <strong>Roscommon</strong> Town<br />

Table 9.15<br />

Retail Strategy – Assessment of Town Centre and Village Improvement Policies & Objectives of <strong>Roscommon</strong> Town<br />

Town Centre and Village Improvement Objectives:<br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong> Town<br />

113. A comprehensive and detailed environmental<br />

improvement scheme should be drawn up for the town<br />

centre, for Main Street, Castle Street, Goff Street and<br />

Church Street in particular, eventually extending to the<br />

entire town centre area. This should include significant<br />

new pedestrians areas, high quality paving and street<br />

furniture, tree planting, flower baskets, sculpture, water<br />

features, lighting and facilities for the those with<br />

disabilities<br />

114. Once urban design guidelines have been prepared<br />

which address amongst others shop frontages and<br />

upper floors of buildings, publish these and be available<br />

to provide advice to property owners and retailers on<br />

urban design.<br />

115. Establish a town management initiative in association<br />

with the Chamber of Commerce<br />

117. Establish a programme to enhance pedestrian facilities<br />

and connections should be enhanced to encourage<br />

greater pedestrian movement within the town’s retail<br />

core.<br />

116. Implement a programme for the<br />

refurbishment/upgrading of a number of laneways and<br />

associated archways within the town’s retail core<br />

including works to provide greater pedestrian<br />

permeability, particularly between Main Street and the<br />

extended town centre to the east.<br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

WO1<br />

WO1<br />

WO1<br />

WO4<br />

WO4<br />

WO4<br />

WO5<br />

WO5<br />

WO5<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO1<br />

LO2<br />

LO2<br />

LO2<br />

PO1<br />

PO1<br />

PO1<br />

MO3<br />

MO3<br />

MO3<br />

ACO1<br />

ACO1<br />

ACO1<br />

SGO1<br />

SGO1<br />

SGO1<br />

PO1,LO2 PO1,LO2 PO1,LO2<br />

PO1<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1<br />

ACO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Town Centre and Village Improvement Objectives:<br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong> Town<br />

118. Promote town centre development relating to particular<br />

sites such as the <strong>Roscommon</strong> Mart site and other sites<br />

adjacent to the new Centre Point Retail Park on the<br />

Circular Road<br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

PO1<br />

PO1<br />

PO1<br />

ACO1,LO2<br />

ACO1,LO2<br />

ACO1,LO2<br />

Comment:<br />

1. Due to the localized nature of some of the objectives set out in the Plan, these will be more comprehensively addressed in Local Area Plan<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Town Centre and Village Improvement Policies & Objectives: Castlerea<br />

Table 9.16<br />

Assessment of Town Centre and Village Improvement Policies & Objectives: Castlerea<br />

Town Centre and Village Improvement<br />

Objectives: Castlerea<br />

119. Create a comprehensive and detailed environmental<br />

improvement scheme in the town centre. This should<br />

include the following:<br />

• Upgrading of pavements, particularly on the<br />

fringes of the town centre;<br />

• Laying of natural stone pavements in the heart of<br />

the town centre;<br />

• Widening of pavements at regular intervals to<br />

break up the lines of parked cars;<br />

• Removal of remaining overhead wires to<br />

underground.<br />

120. Facilitate the consolidation of the retail core with new<br />

car parking facilities to help service the retailing area<br />

121. Encourage commercial development within the town<br />

centre and require the preparation of detailed feasibility<br />

studies for any identified opportunity sites<br />

122. Implement a programme for the widening of public<br />

footpaths, particularly along Main Street, to improve the<br />

pedestrian environment<br />

123. Explore the potential to designate an element of shortterm<br />

on-street parking areas along Main Street<br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

WO1<br />

WO1<br />

WO1<br />

WO4<br />

WO4<br />

WO4<br />

WO5<br />

WO5<br />

WO5<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO1<br />

LO2<br />

LO2<br />

LO2<br />

PO1<br />

PO1<br />

PO1<br />

MO3<br />

MO3<br />

MO3<br />

ACO1<br />

ACO1<br />

ACO1<br />

SG01<br />

SGO1<br />

SGO1<br />

WO1<br />

WO4<br />

WO5<br />

CHO1<br />

LO2<br />

PO1<br />

MO3<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1,<br />

ACO1,<br />

LO2<br />

PO1,<br />

ACO1,<br />

LO2<br />

WO1<br />

WO4<br />

WO5<br />

CHO1<br />

LO2<br />

PO1<br />

MO3<br />

ACO1,<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1,<br />

ACO1,<br />

LO2<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1,<br />

ACO1,<br />

LO2<br />

Comment<br />

1. Due to the localized nature of some of the objectives set out in the Plan, these will be more comprehensively addressed in Local Area Plan<br />

PO1<br />

PO1<br />

WO1<br />

WO4<br />

WO5<br />

CHO1<br />

LO2<br />

PO1<br />

MO3<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1,<br />

ACO1,<br />

LO2<br />

PO1,<br />

ACO1,<br />

LO2<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Town Centre and Village Improvements Policies & Objectives: Boyle<br />

Table 9.17<br />

Assessment of Town Centre and Village Improvements Policies & Objectives: Boyle<br />

Town Centre and Village Improvements Policies:<br />

Boyle<br />

147. Encourage tourism development through the upgrading<br />

and enhancement of the public realm.<br />

Town Centre and Village Improvements Objectives: Boyle<br />

124. Establish a town management initiative in association<br />

with the Chamber of Commerce<br />

125. Sites identified with development potential should be<br />

advanced by the preparation of a detailed feasibility<br />

studies in association with relevant development and<br />

retailer interests.<br />

126. Explore the potential for creating a high quality<br />

pedestrian link along the riverside between Bridge Street<br />

and the Mace supermarket<br />

127. Encourage the establishment of cafés and restaurants<br />

along the southern river bank in order to provide passive<br />

supervision along this walkway. The streetscape, paving<br />

etc. in this area needs to be enhanced through<br />

appropriate environmental improvement works.<br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

PO1,<br />

ACO1,LO2<br />

PO1,<br />

ACO1,LO2<br />

PO1,<br />

ACO1,LO2<br />

PO1,<br />

ACO1,LO2<br />

PO1,ACO1,<br />

LO2<br />

PO1,ACO1,<br />

LO2<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Town Centre and Village Improvements Policies & Objectives: Ballaghaderreen<br />

Table 9.18<br />

Assessment of Town Centre and Village Improvements Policies & Objectives: Ballaghaderreen<br />

Town Centre and Village Improvements Policies:<br />

Ballaghaderreen<br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

148. Promote the consolidation of the existing retail core of the<br />

town through the reuse of vacant and derelict structures.<br />

Town Centre and Village Improvements Objectives: Ballaghaderreen<br />

128. Create a comprehensive and detailed environmental<br />

improvement scheme for Market Square, Main Street,<br />

Pound Street and Barrack Street, eventually extending to<br />

the entire town centre area. This should include new<br />

pedestrians areas, high quality paving and street furniture,<br />

tree planting, flower baskets, sculpture, water features,<br />

lighting including the under grounding of overhead wires<br />

and the provision of facilities for the disabled and visually<br />

impaired. The scheme should extend to include all<br />

signposting and traffic light hardware.<br />

129. Efforts to enhance the town’s retail role and function where<br />

appropriate should be made through the development of<br />

opportunity sites close to the town centre for larger retail<br />

development. The framework plan for the SO1 lands should<br />

be promoted and implemented.<br />

130. Implement a programme of public footpath widening,<br />

particularly along Main Street and Market Square, to<br />

improve the pedestrian environment.<br />

131. Explore the potential to designate an element of short-term<br />

on-street parking areas along Main Street<br />

132. Promote the development of Market Square as a more<br />

pedestrian friendly environment with the provision of street<br />

furniture, sculptures and street lighting.<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

PO1,<br />

PO1,<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO1,<br />

SGO1,<br />

SGO1,<br />

LO2<br />

LO2<br />

LO2<br />

WO1<br />

WO4<br />

WO5<br />

CHO1<br />

LO2<br />

PO1<br />

MO3<br />

ACO1<br />

SGO1<br />

WO1<br />

WO4<br />

WO5<br />

CHO1<br />

LO2<br />

PO1<br />

MO3<br />

ACO1<br />

SGO1<br />

PO1,<br />

ACO1,<br />

LO2<br />

WO1, PO1 WO1, PO1 WO1<br />

WO4<br />

WO5<br />

CHO1<br />

LO2<br />

PO1<br />

MO3<br />

ACO1<br />

SGO1<br />

WO1, PO1 WO1, PO1 WO1<br />

WO4<br />

WO5<br />

CHO1<br />

LO2<br />

PO1<br />

MO3<br />

ACO1<br />

SGO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1,<br />

ACO1,<br />

LO2<br />

WO1, PO1<br />

WO1, PO1<br />

PO1<br />

WO1<br />

WO4<br />

WO5<br />

CHO1<br />

LO2<br />

PO1<br />

MO3<br />

ACO1<br />

SGO1<br />

WO1<br />

WO4<br />

WO5<br />

CHO1<br />

LO2<br />

PO1<br />

MO3<br />

ACO1<br />

SGO1<br />

PO1,<br />

ACO1,<br />

LO2<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1,<br />

ACO1,<br />

LO2<br />

PO1,<br />

ACO1,<br />

LO2<br />

PO1,<br />

ACO1,<br />

LO2<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Comment<br />

1. The use of brownfield sites for development will result in the short-term temporary impact during the remediation process. Conditions on<br />

either the waste license or waste permit for the remediation/removal of this material will mitigate any environmental damage. In the long<br />

term re-use of brownfield sites will have a positive long-term impact on the environment.<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Town Centre and Village Improvement Objectives: Strokestown<br />

Table 9.19<br />

Assessment of Town Centre and Village Improvement Objectives: Strokestown<br />

Town Centre and Village Improvements Objectives:<br />

Strokestown<br />

149. Promote the consolidation of the existing retail core of the<br />

town through the reuse of vacant and derelict structures<br />

Strokestown Policies<br />

133. Once urban design guidelines have been prepared which<br />

address amongst others shop frontages and upper floors<br />

of buildings, publish these and be available to provide<br />

advice to property owners and retailers on urban design.<br />

134. Implement an environmental enhancement programme for<br />

new public amenity spaces along Bawn Street and Church<br />

Street as well as appropriate hard landscaping, tree<br />

planting, street furniture and lighting, street signage, public<br />

art and more defined on-street car parking spaces. This<br />

will help in creating a better environment for Strokestown<br />

and stimulate the development of tourism-related retailing<br />

in the town.<br />

135. Enhance the town’s retail role and function where<br />

appropriate through the development of appropriate<br />

brownfield sites on Elphin Street, Bridge Street and<br />

Church Street.<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

WO1 WO1,PO1 WO1,PO1 WO1 WO1,PO1 WO1<br />

WO4<br />

WO4<br />

WO4<br />

WO5<br />

WO5<br />

WO5<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO1<br />

LO2<br />

LO2<br />

LO2<br />

PO1<br />

PO1<br />

PO1<br />

MO3<br />

MO3<br />

MO3<br />

ACO1<br />

ACO1<br />

ACO1<br />

SGO1<br />

SGO1<br />

SGO1<br />

PO1,LO2 PO1,LO2 PO1,LO2<br />

WO1<br />

WO4<br />

WO5<br />

CHO1<br />

LO2<br />

PO1<br />

MO3<br />

ACO1<br />

SGO1<br />

WO1<br />

WO4<br />

WO5<br />

CHO1<br />

LO2<br />

PO1<br />

MO3<br />

ACO1<br />

SGO1<br />

WO1,PO1 WO1,PO1 WO1<br />

WO4<br />

WO5<br />

CHO1<br />

LO2<br />

PO1<br />

MO3<br />

ACO1<br />

SGO1<br />

WO1,PO1 WO1,PO1 WO1<br />

WO4<br />

WO5<br />

CHO1<br />

LO2<br />

PO1<br />

MO3<br />

ACO1<br />

SGO1<br />

WO1,PO1<br />

WO1,PO1<br />

WO1<br />

WO4<br />

WO5<br />

CHO1<br />

LO2<br />

PO1<br />

MO3<br />

ACO1<br />

SGO1<br />

WO1<br />

WO4<br />

WO5<br />

CHO1<br />

LO2<br />

PO1<br />

MO3<br />

ACO1<br />

SGO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Comment<br />

1. The use of brownfield sites for development will result in the short-term temporary impact during the remediation process. Conditions on<br />

either the waste license or waste permit for the remediation/removal of this material will mitigate any environmental damage. In the long<br />

term re-use of brownfield sites will have a positive long-term impact on the environment.<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Town Centre and Village Improvements Objectives: Athlone Environs<br />

Table 9Error! No text of specified style in document..20 Assessment of Town Centre and Village Improvements Objectives: Athlone Environs<br />

Town Centre and Village Improvements Objectives:<br />

Athlone Environs<br />

136. Create a more attractive and safer pedestrian environment<br />

including the provision of a new pedestrian/cycle route from<br />

the existing Cushlea residential area and the new residential<br />

areas in the west of Monksland to the commercial, retail and<br />

community facilities on the New Tuam Road in Monksland.<br />

This pedestrian / cycle route should continue along the new<br />

link road and extending through the SO1 lands to the<br />

existing Ganly’s Roundabout on the N61, connecting<br />

ultimately to the existing footpath network into Athlone<br />

Town.<br />

137. Investigate the feasibility of developing a local bus service<br />

with the provision of new bus stops/shelters at appropriate<br />

locations linking Monksland with Athlone. The possibility of<br />

developing a terminus in this area should also be explored.<br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

WO1 WO1, PO1 WO1, PO1 WO1 WO1, PO1 WO1<br />

WO4<br />

WO4<br />

WO4<br />

WO5<br />

WO5<br />

WO5<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO1<br />

LO2<br />

LO2<br />

LO2<br />

PO1<br />

PO1<br />

PO1<br />

ACO1<br />

ACO1<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1<br />

WO4<br />

WO5<br />

CHO1<br />

LO2<br />

PO1<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1, PO1 WO1, PO1 WO1<br />

WO4<br />

WO5<br />

CHO1<br />

LO2<br />

PO1<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1, PO1<br />

WO1<br />

WO4<br />

WO5<br />

CHO1<br />

LO2<br />

PO1<br />

ACO1<br />

138. Encourage the provision of new access and road<br />

improvements such as the upgrading of the Old Tuam<br />

Road/New Tuam Road West Junction and the provision of<br />

the new Monksland link road in order to increase<br />

accessibility to the Western Environs area from the<br />

adjoining national road infrastructure.<br />

WO1<br />

WO4<br />

WO5<br />

CHO1<br />

LO2<br />

PO1<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1, PO1 WO1, PO1 WO1<br />

WO4<br />

WO5<br />

CHO1<br />

LO2<br />

PO1<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1, PO1<br />

WO1<br />

WO4<br />

WO5<br />

CHO1<br />

LO2<br />

PO1<br />

ACO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Town Centre and Village Improvements Policies & Objectives: Carrick on Shannon Environs-Cortober<br />

Table 9.21 Assessment of Town Centre and Village Improvements Policies & Objectives: Carrick on Shannon Environs-Cortober<br />

Town Centre and Village Improvements Policies: Carrick<br />

on Shannon Environs-Cortober<br />

150. Provide a more attractive and safer pedestrian environment and<br />

generate greater connectivity between residential and<br />

commercial/retail developments in the area. Encourage the<br />

provision of more investment for appropriately located pedestrian<br />

crossings and traffic lighting, high quality pavements and cycle<br />

paths, street lighting, and street furniture in the area.<br />

Likely EO<br />

impact<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

WO1 WO1, PO1 WO1, PO1 WO1 WO1, PO1 WO1<br />

WO4<br />

WO4<br />

WO4<br />

WO5<br />

WO5<br />

WO5<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO1<br />

LO2<br />

LO2<br />

LO2<br />

PO1<br />

PO1<br />

PO1<br />

ACO1<br />

ACO1<br />

ACO1<br />

Town Centre and Village Improvements Objectives: Carrick on Shannon Environs-Cortober<br />

139. Explore the potential for a new local bus route from Cortober to<br />

Carrick-on-Shannon should be encouraged to increase<br />

connectivity within the larger urban area and reduce dependency<br />

on the private car<br />

WO1<br />

WO4<br />

WO5<br />

CHO1<br />

LO2<br />

PO1<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1, PO1 WO1, PO1 WO1<br />

WO4<br />

WO5<br />

CHO1<br />

LO2<br />

PO1<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1, PO1<br />

WO1<br />

WO4<br />

WO5<br />

CHO1<br />

LO2<br />

PO1<br />

ACO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Town Centre and Village Improvements Policies: Ballinasloe Environs-Creagh<br />

Table 9Error! No text of specified style in document..22 Assessment of Town Centre and Village Improvements Policies: Ballinasloe Environs-<br />

Creagh<br />

Town Centre and Village Improvements Policies:<br />

Ballinasloe Environs-Creagh<br />

151. Ensure that all future development in the Creagh area is<br />

accompanied by high quality footpaths, street lighting, cycleways,<br />

street furniture, open space and other amenities to ensure that a<br />

safe and attractive pedestrian environment is created.<br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1,<br />

WO4,<br />

WO4,<br />

WO4,<br />

WO5,<br />

WO5,<br />

WO5,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO1,<br />

LO2, PO1,<br />

LO2, PO1,<br />

LO2, PO1,<br />

MAO3,<br />

MAO3,<br />

MAO3,<br />

ACO1,<br />

ACO1,<br />

ACO1,<br />

SGO1<br />

SGO1<br />

SGO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Retail Development Policies & Objectives<br />

Table 9.23<br />

Assessment of Retail Development Policies & Objectives<br />

Retail Development Policies<br />

152. Implement the principles established in the Retail Planning<br />

Guidelines for Planning Authorities (2005), as the primary basis<br />

for the control of future retail development. This will be augmented<br />

by the Retail Strategy as adopted<br />

153. Implement the general principles for assessing new developments<br />

as indicated in the Regional Planning Guidelines for the West<br />

Region 2004-2012<br />

154. Use town centres to promote social inclusion by creating good<br />

public realm, having a mix of services where they are most<br />

accessible and where a public transport service will be most<br />

widely available.<br />

155. Protect and reinforce the established central retailing and service<br />

areas of town centres.<br />

156. Help to make towns and other settlements attractive to inward<br />

investment.<br />

157. Ensure that lands adjacent to and extending from the town centre<br />

are protected from development that would compromise longer<br />

term town centre expansion proposals being realised.<br />

158. Encourage the provision of local convenience shops in residential<br />

areas where there is a clear deficiency of retail provision, subject<br />

to the protection of residential amenity.<br />

159. Secure the regeneration of areas in need of renewal using all<br />

instruments available<br />

160. Reinforce the importance of retailing in the <strong>County</strong>’s Tourism<br />

Economy<br />

161. Promote initiatives or programmes to enhance the character and<br />

urban design quality of all the main towns to ensure that they<br />

remain attractive for investment in commerce and in retailing<br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

PO1, LO2,<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1, LO2,<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1, LO2,<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1, LO2 PO1, LO2 PO1, LO2<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Retail Development Objectives<br />

140. Carry out monitoring and proactive town centre management to <br />

ensure town centre vitality and viability.<br />

141. Improve pedestrian priority within town centres. PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

142. Encourage and facilitate the reuse and regeneration of derelict<br />

land and buildings for retail uses with due regard to the Sequential<br />

Approach<br />

WO1,PO1<br />

143. Acknowledge the fact that many retail cores have an interspersed <br />

residential element. Give favourable treatment to proposed<br />

changes of use to retail, where the dwelling has adjacent retail<br />

uses on both sides<br />

144. Implement the General Measures to Promote Town Centre and<br />

Village Improvements as indicated in Chapter 10 of the Retail<br />

Strategy 2008-201<br />

145. Implement the Specific measures for the Town Centre and Village<br />

Improvements as indicated in Chapter 10 of the Retail Strategy<br />

2008-2014<br />

146. Encourage the retention of traditional shop fronts and pub fronts<br />

of character and design<br />

147. Ensure that all new retail and commercial development proposals<br />

respect the scale and character of the existing streetscape within<br />

which they are proposed<br />

148. Continue to promote/develop the living over the shop initiative <br />

149. Facilitate the preparation of feasibility studies for development of <br />

town centre management initiatives for the principle towns in the<br />

<strong>County</strong> in association with the Chamber of Commerce<br />

150. Encourage and facilitate innovation and diversification in the <br />

WO1<br />

WO4<br />

WO5<br />

CHO1<br />

LO2<br />

PO1<br />

MO3<br />

ACO1<br />

SGO1<br />

PO1, LO2,<br />

ACO1,<br />

MAO1<br />

PO1, LO2,<br />

ACO1,<br />

MAO1<br />

WO1,PO1 WO1,PO1 WO1<br />

WO4<br />

WO5<br />

CHO1<br />

LO2<br />

PO1<br />

MO3<br />

ACO1<br />

SGO1<br />

PO1, LO2,<br />

ACO1,<br />

MAO1<br />

PO1, LO2,<br />

ACO1,<br />

MAO1<br />

WO1<br />

WO4<br />

WO5<br />

CHO1<br />

LO2<br />

PO1<br />

MO3<br />

ACO1<br />

SGO1<br />

PO1, LO2,<br />

ACO1,<br />

MAO1<br />

PO1, LO2,<br />

ACO1,<br />

MAO1<br />

LO2 LO2 LO2<br />

LO2 LO2 LO2<br />

<strong>County</strong>’s retail profile<br />

Comment<br />

1. The use of brownfield sites for development will result in the short-term temporary impact during the remediation process. Conditions on either the waste license or<br />

waste permit for the remediation/removal of this material will mitigate any environmental damage. In the long term re-use of brownfield sites will have a positive<br />

long-term impact on the environment.<br />

2. Retail developments will be required to meet the planning guidelines set out in Local Area Plans.<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Extractive Industry Policies and Objectives<br />

Table 9Error! No text of specified style in document..24 Assessment of Extractive Industry Policies and Objectives<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Extractive Industry Policies<br />

162. The <strong>Council</strong> shall seek to protect areas of geomorphological<br />

interest, groundwater and important aquifers, important<br />

archaeological features and designated sites from inappropriate<br />

development.<br />

163. Ensure that the extractive industry does not adversely affect the<br />

environment or adjoining existing land uses<br />

164. The PA shall have regard to evolving best environmental<br />

management practice as set out in Environmental Protection<br />

Agency (EPA) Guidelines ‘Environmental Management in the<br />

Extractive Industry: Non Scheduled Minerals’<br />

Uncertain<br />

Impact<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

WO3,<br />

WO3,<br />

WO3,<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

BO2,<br />

BO2,<br />

BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO1,<br />

LO1.1,<br />

LO1.1,<br />

LO1.1,<br />

PO1,<br />

PO1,<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO4<br />

SGO4<br />

SGO4<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

WO4,<br />

WO5,<br />

WO7, BO1,<br />

BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3,<br />

LO1,LO1.1<br />

,PO1,<br />

SGO4,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

WO4,<br />

WO5,<br />

WO7, BO1,<br />

BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3,<br />

LO1,LO1.1<br />

,PO1,<br />

SGO4,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

WO4, BO1,<br />

BO2,<br />

CHO3,<br />

LO1,<br />

LO1.1,PO1<br />

, SGO4<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

WO4, BO1,<br />

BO2,<br />

CHO3,<br />

LO1,<br />

LO1.1,PO1<br />

, SGO4<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

WO4, BO1,<br />

BO2,<br />

CHO3,<br />

LO1,<br />

LO1.1,PO1<br />

, SGO4<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

WO4, BO1,<br />

BO2,<br />

CHO3,<br />

LO1,<br />

LO1.1,PO1<br />

, SGO4<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

WO4,<br />

WO5,<br />

WO7, BO1,<br />

BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3,<br />

LO1,LO1.1<br />

,PO1,<br />

SGO4,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

WO4,<br />

WO5,<br />

WO7, BO1,<br />

BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3,<br />

LO1,LO1.1<br />

,PO1,<br />

SGO4,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

WO4, BO1,<br />

BO2,<br />

CHO3,<br />

LO1,<br />

LO1.1,PO1<br />

, SGO4<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

WO4, BO1,<br />

BO2,<br />

CHO3,<br />

LO1,<br />

LO1.1,PO1<br />

, SGO4<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

WO4,<br />

WO5,<br />

WO7, BO1,<br />

BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3,<br />

LO1,LO1.1<br />

,PO1,<br />

SGO4,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

WO4,<br />

WO5,<br />

WO7, BO1,<br />

BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3,<br />

LO1,LO1.1<br />

,PO1,<br />

SGO4,<br />

ACO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Extractive Industry Policies<br />

165. In appropriate circumstances the <strong>Council</strong> shall seek the safe<br />

guarding of deposits of minerals from permanent development<br />

that would prevent or hinder their subsequent extraction<br />

166. Ensure adequate supplies of aggregate resources to meet future<br />

growth needs of the county and to facilitate the exploitation of<br />

such resources where there is a proven need for such minerals or<br />

aggregates.<br />

Extractive Industry Objectives<br />

151. The PA shall have regard to the Landscape Character<br />

Assessment Report 2007 and its recommendations including the<br />

provision of special recognition to the esker area in LCAs 34, 35<br />

and 8 in South <strong>Roscommon</strong> and LCA’s 24 and 25 in north<br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong> including all inter-related geo-morphological<br />

landscapes of archaeological significance<br />

152. Identify the locations of all major mineral deposits in the county<br />

(with the assistance of the GSI) and safeguard these resources<br />

for future extraction. Only development compatible with mining or<br />

quarrying activities shall be permitted in areas being or likely to be<br />

used for these purposes<br />

153. Protect from inappropriate development important aquifers and<br />

ground water resources, having regard to Ground Water<br />

Protection Schemes as identified by the Geological Survey of<br />

Ireland and Catchment Management Plans, as prepared under<br />

the EU Water Framework Directive.<br />

Uncertain<br />

Impact<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

PO1,<br />

PO1,<br />

PO1,<br />

LO1.1,<br />

LO1.1,<br />

LO1.1,<br />

SGO4<br />

SGO4<br />

SGO4<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

WO4, BO1,<br />

BO2,<br />

CHO3,<br />

PO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1,<br />

LO1.1,SG<br />

O4, CHO1,<br />

BO1,BO2,<br />

PO1,<br />

LO1.1,SG<br />

O4, CHO1,<br />

BO1,BO2,<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

WO4,<br />

WO5, WO7<br />

PO1,<br />

LO1.1,SG<br />

O4, CHO1,<br />

BO1,BO2,<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

WO4,<br />

WO5, WO7<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

WO4, BO1,<br />

BO2,<br />

CHO3,<br />

LO1,PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

WO4, BO1,<br />

BO2,<br />

CHO3,<br />

LO1,PO1,<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

WO4, BO1,<br />

BO2,<br />

CHO3,<br />

PO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1,<br />

LO1.1,SG<br />

O4, CHO1,<br />

BO1,BO2,<br />

PO1,<br />

LO1.1,SG<br />

O4, CHO1,<br />

BO1,BO2,<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

WO4,<br />

WO5, WO7<br />

PO1,<br />

LO1.1,SG<br />

O4, CHO1,<br />

BO1,BO2,<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

WO4,<br />

WO5, WO7<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

WO4, BO1,<br />

BO2,<br />

CHO3,<br />

LO1, ,PO1,<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

WO4, BO1,<br />

BO2,<br />

CHO3,<br />

PO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1,<br />

LO1.1,SG<br />

O4, CHO1,<br />

BO1,BO2,<br />

PO1,<br />

LO1.1,SG<br />

O4, CHO1,<br />

BO1,BO2,<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

WO4,<br />

WO5, WO7<br />

PO1,<br />

LO1.1,SG<br />

O4, CHO1,<br />

BO1,BO2,<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

WO4,<br />

WO5, WO7<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Extractive Industry Policies<br />

154. Ensure that adverse impacts of the extractive industry on the road<br />

network are minimised and that costs of road improvements<br />

necessary to facilitate extractive industries are borne by the<br />

industry itself.<br />

155 Co-operate with the Geological Survey of Ireland and work<br />

towards carrying out Aggregate Potential Mapping for the county<br />

to identify important locations of aggregate potential in the county<br />

and to safeguard valuable un-worked deposits for future extraction<br />

156 Safeguard valuable un-worked deposits from permanent<br />

development that would prevent or hinder their future extraction<br />

157 Give preference to the sustainable continuation or extension of<br />

existing authorised quarries.<br />

158 Ensure that the extraction of minerals or aggregates does not<br />

adversely impact on residential or environmental amenity of the<br />

landscape including the safeguarding of aquifers and groundwater<br />

Uncertain<br />

Impact<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

WO1<br />

WO1<br />

WO1<br />

WO3<br />

WO3<br />

WO3<br />

WO5<br />

WO5<br />

WO5<br />

LO1<br />

LO1<br />

LO1<br />

LO1.1<br />

LO1.1<br />

LO1.1<br />

PO1<br />

PO1<br />

PO1<br />

BO1<br />

BO2<br />

CHO1<br />

LO1<br />

LO1.1<br />

PO1<br />

SGO4<br />

AC01<br />

WO1<br />

WO3<br />

BO1<br />

BO2<br />

LO1.1<br />

SGO4<br />

WO1<br />

WO3<br />

WO4<br />

WO5<br />

BO1<br />

BO2<br />

LO1<br />

LO1.1<br />

PO1<br />

SGO4<br />

WO1<br />

WO3<br />

WO5<br />

LO1<br />

LO1.1<br />

PO1<br />

BO1,BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

LO1, PO1,<br />

SGO4,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO3,<br />

WO4,<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

BO2,LO1,<br />

PO1<br />

BO1,BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

LO1, PO1,<br />

SGO4,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO3,<br />

WO4,<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

BO2,LO1,<br />

PO1<br />

BO1<br />

BO2<br />

CHO1<br />

LO1<br />

LO1.1<br />

PO1<br />

SGO4<br />

AC01<br />

WO1<br />

WO3<br />

BO1<br />

BO2<br />

LO1.1<br />

SGO4<br />

WO1<br />

WO3<br />

WO4<br />

WO5<br />

BO1<br />

BO2<br />

LO1<br />

LO1.1<br />

PO1<br />

SGO4<br />

WO1<br />

WO3<br />

WO5<br />

LO1<br />

LO1.1<br />

PO1<br />

BO1,BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

LO1, PO1,<br />

SGO4,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO3,<br />

WO4,<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

BO2,LO1,<br />

PO1<br />

BO1<br />

BO2<br />

CHO1<br />

LO1<br />

LO1.1<br />

PO1<br />

SGO4<br />

AC01<br />

WO1<br />

WO3<br />

BO1<br />

BO2<br />

LO1.1<br />

SGO4<br />

WO1<br />

WO3<br />

WO4<br />

WO5<br />

BO1<br />

BO2<br />

LO1<br />

LO1.1<br />

PO1<br />

SGO4<br />

WO1<br />

WO3<br />

WO5<br />

LO1<br />

LO1.1<br />

PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Comment<br />

1. In assessing the impacts of the extractive industry on the environment the following assumptions were made: that all planning applications for extraction would be<br />

for an area of greater than 5 hectares and consequently an EIS would be submitted as part of the planning application. The EIS would systematically determine the<br />

potential significant impacts of operations on the environment and mitigation measures would be identified to address same.<br />

2. The planning authority will take cognizance of DoEHLG Guidelines for the extractive industry when issuing planning.<br />

3. Planning permissions for the extractive industry with associated tar plants would be licensed under the 1997 Air Pollution Act.<br />

4. A full hydrogeological assessment would be conducted as part of planning applications<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Urban Development<br />

Table 9.25<br />

Assessment of Strategic Policies & Objectives for Urban Development<br />

Strategic Polices & Objectives for Urban Development<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

Policies for Local Authority Housing<br />

167. Encourage the development of mixed and balanced<br />

communities so as to avoid areas of social exclusion<br />

168. Retain existing housing stock and generally resist the loss<br />

of residential accommodation<br />

169. Ensure the provision of a suitable range of housing types<br />

and sizes in the consideration of individual planning<br />

applications for residential development and in<br />

development of <strong>Council</strong>’s own stock<br />

170. New residential areas shall be developed as sustainable<br />

urban communities including within them mixed use areas<br />

where services including employment and community<br />

services can be provided<br />

Objectives for Local Authority Housing<br />

159. Facilitate the implementation of the Housing Strategy<br />

2008-2014 as incorporated into this Plan<br />

160. Promote higher density development on serviced lands in<br />

towns and villages having regard to existing settlement<br />

pattern and form<br />

161. Promote more compact development forms including<br />

backland development where appropriate in towns and<br />

villages, while restricting the degree of ribbon development<br />

on the edges of settlements.<br />

<br />

<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1,MAO3,<br />

WO4,,WO3,<br />

LO2,<br />

SGO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO4,<br />

WO5, WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO3,<br />

LO1,lO2,<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO1,<br />

MAO3,<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

PO1, SGO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

PO1, SGO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

PO1, SGO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

PO1, SGO1<br />

PO1,MAO3,<br />

WO4,<br />

WO3,LO2,<br />

SGO1, ACO1<br />

WO1, WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO4,<br />

WO5, WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO3,<br />

LO1,lO2,<br />

PO1, SGO1,<br />

MAO3, ACO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

PO1, SGO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

PO1, SGO1<br />

PO1,MAO3,<br />

WO4<br />

,WO3,LO2,<br />

SGO1, ACO1<br />

WO1, WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO4,<br />

WO5, WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO3,<br />

LO1,lO2,<br />

PO1, SGO1,<br />

MAO3, ACO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Strategic Polices & Objectives for Urban Development<br />

Policies for People with Special Needs<br />

171. Recognise the need for people with special need to have a<br />

decent and quality environment in the <strong>County</strong> and to<br />

support local communities, health authorities and other<br />

agencies involved in the provision of housing to people<br />

with special needs<br />

172. Encourage the provision of adequate small, self contained<br />

living units including those within a complex of facilities for<br />

persons with special needs to maintain their privacy an<br />

independent living qualities whilst having the protection of<br />

the wider sheltered environment<br />

Objectives for People with Special Needs<br />

162. Ensure where possible that housing for Special Needs<br />

groups is integrated into existing communities and shall be<br />

located where possible close to existing communities and<br />

to convenience retail facilities<br />

163. Support proposals for day centres for people with special<br />

needs within or close to towns, villages and neighbourhood<br />

centres, subject to normal planning requirements<br />

164. Look favourably on those with exceptional health<br />

circumstances including those within the rural community<br />

who wish to live in a particular environment or close to<br />

family support, subject to proper planning<br />

Policies in relation to Traveller Accommodation<br />

173. Facilitate the implementation of the Traveller<br />

Accommodation Programme 2005-2008 as adopted and<br />

any subsequent programmes over the lifetime of the CDP<br />

2008-2014<br />

Policies in relation to Social and Affordable Housing<br />

174. Reserve 20% of land zoned for residential development, or<br />

a mix of residential and other uses, to secure the<br />

implementation of the Housing Strategy 2008-2014<br />

175. Secure the provision of social and affordable housing in<br />

accordance with the adopted Housing Strategy to meet the<br />

needs of all house holds currently not provided for,<br />

including the elderly and those with special needs<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Strategic Polices & Objectives for Urban Development<br />

176. The <strong>Council</strong> shall operate Part V of the Act in a way that<br />

shall encourage and facilitate a level of supply, which shall<br />

meet the demands of all sections of the housing market.<br />

Objectives in relation to Social and Affordable Housing<br />

165. Require that developers comply with Part V of the Planning<br />

and Development Act<br />

166. Implement Part V provisions as per S 96 of the Planning<br />

and Development Act and ensure that the objectives of the<br />

Housing Strategy in relation to social and affordable<br />

housing are implemented by means of conditions attached<br />

to planning permission for residential development on<br />

statutory zoned lands.<br />

167. Ensure that a suitable variety and mix of dwelling types<br />

and sizes are provided in developments to meet different<br />

needs, having regard to demographics and social changes,<br />

smaller household sizes, lower formation age, immigration<br />

etc.,<br />

Town Centres Policies<br />

177. Develop a hierarchy of high quality vibrant and sustainable<br />

urban centres as well as a range of local and<br />

neighbourhood centres within these.<br />

178. Maintain the future viability of the existing major towns in<br />

the <strong>County</strong> and develop them with an appropriate mix of<br />

commercial, recreational, civic, cultural, leisure, and<br />

residential uses.<br />

179. Ensure that businesses and services with a high potential<br />

for public transport utilisation by employees and visitors are<br />

sited at locations that can be made easily accessible by<br />

public transport.<br />

180. Continue to give priority to the creation and maintenance of<br />

a high standard of local physical environment and enhance<br />

the character of the area.<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1, LO2,<br />

MAO3,<br />

SGO1,<br />

ACO1,<br />

WO5<br />

PO1, LO2,<br />

MAO3,<br />

SGO1,<br />

ACO1,<br />

WO5,<br />

CHO1<br />

WO1, WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO3,<br />

LO2, PO1<br />

WO1, WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO3,<br />

LO2, PO1<br />

WO1, WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO3,<br />

LO2, PO1<br />

WO1, WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO3,<br />

LO2, PO1<br />

PO1, LO2,<br />

MAO3, SGO1,<br />

ACO1, WO5<br />

PO1, LO2,<br />

MAO3, SGO1,<br />

ACO1, WO5,<br />

CHO1<br />

WO1, WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO3,<br />

LO2, PO1<br />

WO1, WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO3,<br />

LO2, PO1<br />

PO1, LO2,<br />

MAO3, SGO1,<br />

ACO1, WO5<br />

PO1, LO2,<br />

MAO3, SGO1,<br />

ACO1,<br />

WO5,CHO1<br />

PO1, ACO1 PO1, ACO1 PO1, ACO1<br />

PO1, LO1,<br />

LO1.1<br />

LO2, WO5,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

PO1, LO1,<br />

LO1.1<br />

LO2, WO5,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

PO1, LO1,<br />

LO1.1<br />

LO2, WO5,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Strategic Polices & Objectives for Urban Development<br />

181. Encourage urban centres to contain a range of community,<br />

recreational and retail facilities at an appropriate scale to<br />

cater for both existing and future residential developments.<br />

182. Facilitate and encourage residential use within town<br />

centres and promote an increase in urban centre<br />

populations.<br />

183. Consider good urban design principles in development of<br />

towns, require new development to enhance existing urban<br />

areas and improve pedestrian priority within town centres.<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

PO1, LO2,<br />

PO1, LO2,<br />

PO1, LO2,<br />

ACO1,<br />

ACO1,SGO1<br />

ACO1, SGO1<br />

SGO1<br />

PO1, LO2,<br />

ACO1,<br />

SGO1<br />

PO1, LO2,<br />

ACO1, SGO1<br />

PO1, LO2,<br />

ACO1, SGO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

Urban regeneration & Derelict Buildings policies<br />

184. To promote in an integrated and planned manner the<br />

optimal development and future use of potential<br />

development sites in developed areas and particularly in<br />

urban centres, especially redevelopment of brownfield sites<br />

or development comprising infill or backland development.<br />

185. To implement the provisions of the Derelict Sites Acts to<br />

prevent or remove injury to amenity arising from<br />

dereliction.<br />

Urban regeneration & Derelict Buildings Objectives<br />

168. To identify and secure the development of urban infill sites<br />

on a phased basis including brownfield sites, backlands,<br />

obsolete areas, and derelict lands. Criteria for site<br />

selection will be established using best practices in<br />

planning. Each proposal will be adjudicated on its own<br />

merits and compliance with development plan policies and<br />

objectives.<br />

169. Within Local Area Plans and Village Design Statements,<br />

prepare Development and Design Briefs for urban infill<br />

sites, liaising closely with landowners, developers and<br />

other relevant stakeholders.<br />

<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO4,<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

BO2, PO1,<br />

SGO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO4,<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

BO2, PO1,<br />

SGO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO4,<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

BO2, PO1,<br />

SGO1<br />

WO1, WO3,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

PO1<br />

WO1, WO3,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

PO1<br />

WO1, WO3,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

PO1<br />

WO1, WO3,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

PO1<br />

WO1, WO3,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

PO1<br />

WO1, WO3,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

PO1<br />

WO1, WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO4,<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

BO2, PO1,<br />

SGO1<br />

WO1, WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO4,<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

BO2, PO1,<br />

SGO1<br />

WO1, WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO4,<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

BO2, PO1,<br />

SGO1<br />

WO1, WO3,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

PO1<br />

WO1, WO3,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

PO1<br />

WO1, WO3,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

PO1<br />

WO1, WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO4,<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

BO2, PO1,<br />

SGO1<br />

WO1, WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO4,<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

BO2, PO1,<br />

SGO1<br />

WO1, WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO4,<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

BO2, PO1,<br />

SGO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Strategic Polices & Objectives for Architecture & Urban<br />

Design<br />

Policy for Character of the Area<br />

186. To promote character in townscape and landscape by<br />

development that responds to and reinforces local<br />

distinctive patterns of development, landscape and<br />

culture.<br />

Objective for Character of the Area<br />

170. To require designers to identify and recognise the<br />

<br />

essential elements of quality which determine the<br />

character of an area and then reinforce, or develop it in<br />

the proposed development.<br />

Policy for Continuity and Enclosure<br />

187. To promote the continuity of street frontages and the<br />

enclosure of space by development, which clearly<br />

defines private and public spaces and has a hierarchy<br />

of open spaces; private, semi-private and public.<br />

Objective for Continuity and Enclosure<br />

171. To require designers to demonstrate that the proposed<br />

development has continuity and enclosure of spaces<br />

and that public and private spaces are defined.<br />

Policy for Quality of Public Realm<br />

188. To promote development whose public spaces and<br />

routes are attractive, safe, uncluttered and work<br />

effectively for all in society, including the elderly and<br />

people with a disability.<br />

Objective for Quality of Public Realm<br />

172. To require designers to demonstrate the quality of the <br />

design of roads, pedestrian ways, public squares and<br />

open spaces as these are as critical in importance as<br />

the design of buildings that surround them.<br />

Policy for Legibility<br />

189. To promote legibility through development that provides <br />

recognisable routes, intersections and landmarks that<br />

help people to find their way around.<br />

Objective for Legibility<br />

173. To require designers to demonstrate the ease with <br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

PO1, CHO1,<br />

CHO3, LO1, LO2<br />

PO1, CHO1,<br />

CHO3, LO1,<br />

LO2<br />

PO1, CHO1,<br />

CHO3, LO1,<br />

LO2<br />

PO1, LO2 PO1, LO2 PO1, LO2<br />

PO1, LO2 PO1, LO2 PO1, LO2<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Strategic Polices & Objectives for Architecture & Urban<br />

Design<br />

which the observer can read the relationship between<br />

structures, the landscape and the spaces between<br />

them as well as the objects within those spaces.<br />

Policy for Adaptability<br />

190. To promote development that can respond to changing<br />

social, technological and economic conditions.<br />

Objective for Adaptability<br />

174. To require designers to demonstrate the adaptability of <br />

the proposed development<br />

Policy for Diversity & a Mix Of Uses<br />

191. To promote development that has diversity and choice. <br />

Objective for Diversity & a Mix Of Uses<br />

175. To require designers to demonstrate the diversity and <br />

mix of the proposed development<br />

Policy for Ease of Movement<br />

192. To promote accessibility and local permeability by<br />

developments that connect with each other and are<br />

easy to move through, putting people before traffic and<br />

integrating land uses and transport.<br />

Objective for Ease of Movement<br />

176. To require designers to demonstrate that main routes<br />

have been distinguished by exploiting vistas, key<br />

buildings and landmarks and the activities and functions<br />

of the places made visible, thus bringing a sense of<br />

liveliness to spaces.<br />

Policies for design of residential estates<br />

193. Ensure high quality in the design of buildings and promote<br />

the development of buildings that are accessible, energy<br />

efficient and sustainable and that integrate well with and<br />

complement surrounding buildings and landscape.<br />

194. Ensure that all new residential units meet minimum<br />

standards of space, room size and storage provision, in so<br />

far as is practicable.<br />

195. Develop strategies for building height, identifying suitable<br />

locations and setting standards for design quality and<br />

quality of the public realm.<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1, LO2,<br />

ACO1,<br />

PO1, LO2,<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1, LO2,<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1, LO2,<br />

ACO1,<br />

PO1, LO2,<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1, LO2,<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1,<br />

ACO1,<br />

LO2,<br />

PO1, LO2,<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1, LO2,<br />

ACO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Strategic Polices & Objectives for Architecture & Urban<br />

Design<br />

196. Apply policies that aim to ensure completion of<br />

development<br />

197. Commence the process of the preparation of ‘Design<br />

Guidelines for Housing Estates in <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong>’<br />

with emphasis on the provision of quality architecture and<br />

urban environments having regard to the Residential<br />

Density Guidelines which encourage more suitable urban<br />

development by the avoidance of excessive<br />

suburbanisation and the promotion of higher densities in<br />

appropriate locations.<br />

198. Future housing layouts and design must be adaptable to<br />

change over time with a variety of accommodation types,<br />

sizes and tenures, in addition to designing for future<br />

transportation links. Accessibility of public facilities and<br />

public transport will determine whether the site is<br />

appropriate for higher density development.<br />

199. In order to achieve sustainable urban areas which serve<br />

the needs of communities any residential development<br />

proposal which does not provide an appropriate quality of<br />

design will not be granted permission, even if identified as<br />

land for residential use.<br />

Policy for Traffic Management in Urban Areas<br />

200. During the lifetime of the Plan the <strong>Council</strong> will consider the<br />

introduction of reduced traffic speed limits in certain town<br />

centre areas, in residential areas and in areas in the<br />

vicinity of schools.<br />

Policy for Sustainable Energy & Design<br />

201. Improve qualitative standards of sustainable design in<br />

proposed developments.<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

PO1, LO2,<br />

SGO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1, LO2,<br />

SGO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1, LO2,<br />

SGO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1, ACO1 PO1, ACO1 PO1, ACO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Rural Development Policies & Objectives<br />

Table 9Error! No text of specified style in document..26 Assessment of Agriculture Policies & Objectives<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Agriculture Policies<br />

202. Facilitate the development of agriculture and agricultural practices<br />

within the <strong>County</strong><br />

203. Facilitate farm diversification and intensification by giving<br />

favourable consideration to appropriate new and existing, rural<br />

based farm enterprises.<br />

204. Protect and ensure the continuing viability of agriculture and<br />

horticulture within rural areas and sustain the rural character of<br />

the countryside as a valuable resource.<br />

205. Protect the viability of farms including the family farm unit, and the<br />

best quality land, for agricultural and related uses; whilst at the<br />

same time facilitate the provision of alternative employment in or<br />

close to rural areas to sustain rural communities.<br />

206. Encourage specialist farming practices e.g. fruit and<br />

vegetable/herb growing, flower growing, equine breeding, poultry,<br />

mushroom growing.<br />

207. Facilitate the development of farm enterprises such as<br />

processing, co-ops, farm supply stores and agri-business in<br />

accordance with the development control policies of this plan<br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

WO1-WO7, WO1-WO7, WO1-WO7, WO1-WO7, WO1-WO7, WO1-WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2, BO1, BO2, BO1, BO2, BO1, BO2, BO1, BO2, BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1, CHO1, CHO1, CHO1, CHO1, CHO1,<br />

CHO2, CHO2, CHO2, CHO2, CHO2, CHO2,<br />

LO1, PO1, LO1, PO1, LO1, PO1, LO1, PO1, LO1, PO1, LO1, PO1,<br />

SGO3, SGO3, SGO3, SGO3, SGO3, SGO3,<br />

WO1-WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO2,<br />

LO1, PO1,<br />

SGO3,<br />

WO1-WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO2,<br />

LO1, PO1,<br />

SGO3,<br />

WO1-WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO2,<br />

LO1, PO1,<br />

SGO3,<br />

WO1-WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO2,<br />

LO1, PO1,<br />

SGO3,<br />

WO1-WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO2,<br />

LO1, PO1,<br />

SGO3,<br />

WO1-WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO2,<br />

LO1, PO1,<br />

SGO3,<br />

WO1-WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO2,<br />

LO1, PO1,<br />

SGO3,<br />

WO1-WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO2,<br />

LO1, PO1,<br />

SGO3,<br />

WO1-WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO2,<br />

LO1, PO1,<br />

SGO3,<br />

WO1-WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO2,<br />

LO1, PO1,<br />

SGO3,<br />

WO1-WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO2,<br />

LO1, PO1,<br />

SGO3,<br />

WO1-WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO2,<br />

LO1, PO1,<br />

SGO3,<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Agriculture Policies<br />

208. Facilitate the sustainable development of the countryside. RCC<br />

recognizes the fact that the most effective means of ensuring the<br />

conservation of the rural landscape is to encourage the continued<br />

use of agricultural farm holdings. However the <strong>Council</strong><br />

acknowledges that the diversification of uses on rural land<br />

holdings may be necessary in order to ensure the continued<br />

viability of agricultural ways of life. In addition cross subsidization<br />

between uses and activities may be increasingly necessary in<br />

order to make rural farm holdings viable in the coming years<br />

209. Facilitate the provision of infrastructural services including<br />

broadband to serve the needs of agriculture, in co-operation with<br />

the appropriate agencies<br />

210. Encourage the production of organic and speciality foods to meet<br />

the increase in demand for such products<br />

211. Assess all proposals for intensive agricultural development in<br />

terms of its appropriateness in relation to the density of waste<br />

disposal and the effect of this on the region<br />

212. Investigate with neighbouring <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong>s and other agencies<br />

the feasibility in the designation of a ‘geo park’ for the esker belt of<br />

South <strong>Roscommon</strong> Westmeath and North Offaly<br />

213. Encourage farmers to ‘add an activity/area within farming that is<br />

higher up the economic value chain’ e.g. rural tourism, forestry,<br />

rural enterprise etc.<br />

Agriculture Objectives<br />

177. Ensure that all agricultural development complies with the<br />

necessary regulations concerning pollution control and does not<br />

impact unduly on natural waters, wildlife habitats or conservation<br />

areas.<br />

178. Facilitate the setting up of local county markets devoted to the<br />

sale of local agricultural and craft produce and support their role<br />

as visitor attractions<br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

WO1,<br />

WO3,<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

BO2, PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO3,<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

BO2, PO1,<br />

SGO3<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO3,LO1,<br />

LO1.1,<br />

PO1, SGO4<br />

WO1-WO5<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

CHO1<br />

LO1,PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO3,<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

BO2, PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO3,<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

BO2, PO1,<br />

SGO3<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO3,LO1,<br />

LO1.1,<br />

PO1, SGO4<br />

WO1-WO5<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

CHO1<br />

LO1,PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO3,<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

BO2, PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO3,<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

BO2,<br />

PO1,SGO3<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO3,LO1,<br />

LO1.1,<br />

PO1, SGO4<br />

WO1-WO5<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

CHO1<br />

LO1,PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Agriculture Policies<br />

179. Facilitate agricultural development whilst ensuring that<br />

development does not have a negative impact on the scenic<br />

amenity of the countryside, in particular in areas outlined as high<br />

amenity as per the Landscape Character Assessment.<br />

180. Have regard to S256 of the Planning and Development Act 2000<br />

when assessing intensive agricultural developments<br />

181. Protect, soil, groundwater, habitats, conservation areas, rural<br />

amenities, and scenic views from adverse environmental impacts<br />

as a result of intensive agricultural practices.<br />

182. Address the infrastructure deficit so as to address the needs of<br />

agriculture, in co-operation with appropriate agencies.<br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

WO1<br />

WO1<br />

WO1<br />

BO1<br />

BO1<br />

BO1<br />

LO1<br />

LO1<br />

LO1<br />

WO1-WO5<br />

BO1, BO2<br />

CHO1<br />

LO1,PO1<br />

WO1-WO5<br />

BO1, BO2<br />

CHO1<br />

LO1,PO1<br />

WO1-WO5<br />

BO1, BO2<br />

CHO1<br />

LO1,PO1<br />

WO1-WO5<br />

BO1, BO2<br />

CHO1<br />

LO1,PO1<br />

WO1-WO5<br />

BO1, BO2<br />

CHO1<br />

LO1,PO1<br />

WO1-WO5<br />

BO1, BO2<br />

CHO1<br />

LO1,PO1<br />

WO1-WO5<br />

BO1, BO2<br />

CHO1<br />

LO1,PO1<br />

WO1-WO5<br />

BO1, BO2<br />

CHO1<br />

LO1,PO1<br />

WO1-WO5<br />

BO1, BO2<br />

CHO1<br />

LO1,PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Table Error! No text of specified style in document.9.27 Assessment of Agricultural Diversification & Rural Enterprise Policies & Objectives<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Agricultural Diversification & Rural Enterprise Policies<br />

214. In line with national and regional policies, RCC will facilitate and<br />

encourage the development of alternative farm enterprises and<br />

farm diversification proposals that support the development of<br />

alternative or additional rural enterprises which supplement farm<br />

incomes and regenerate the rural economy.<br />

215. Home based economic activities shall be considered favourably at<br />

existing dwellings where, by virtue of their nature and scale, the<br />

activities can be accommodated without detriment to:<br />

• The operation of agricultural or horticultural farms in the vicinity.<br />

• The amenities of rural areas.<br />

• The amenities of any adjoining residences.<br />

216. It is the policy of the council to consider proposals for on-farm<br />

based diversification where the proposal is based on an existing<br />

farm holding. The proposal is complementary to the agricultural<br />

operation on the farm and is operated as part of the farm holding.<br />

The proposal does not generate any significant new traffic, either<br />

from deliveries or commuting staff. The diversification scheme<br />

shall be linked directly to the produce of the farm. It will involve<br />

rural recreational activities or farm services<br />

217. The <strong>Council</strong> shall facilitate and encourage small incubator<br />

enterprise units/ computer –or other home based business that<br />

shows direct improvements to the rural economy.<br />

218. The <strong>Council</strong> will encourage the realization of the potential of<br />

tourism and agri-tourism as a means of contributing to farm<br />

diversification.<br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Agricultural Diversification & Rural Enterprise Objectives<br />

183. Develop the potential for innovation and diversification in the rural<br />

economy as a means of retaining and attracting population into<br />

rural areas especially peripheral and areas of declining population<br />

and help support the retention of rural services.<br />

184. Facilitate the development of e-commerce, IT and broadband<br />

telecommunications as enterprise<br />

185. Support the active involvement of the rural communities in the<br />

provision of services including farm diversification and rural<br />

enterprise proposals that will help support rural communities and<br />

the rural economy<br />

<br />

<br />

WO1,WO3<br />

WO5,BO1<br />

BO2,LO1<br />

PO1,MO3<br />

186. Support the widening of the RTI to areas not presently serviced WO1,WO3<br />

WO5,BO1<br />

BO2,LO1<br />

PO1,MO3<br />

WO1,WO3<br />

WO5,BO1<br />

BO2,LO1<br />

PO1,MO3<br />

WO1,WO3<br />

WO5,BO1<br />

BO2,LO1<br />

PO1,MO3<br />

WO1,WO3<br />

WO5,BO1<br />

BO2,LO1<br />

PO1,MO3<br />

WO1,WO3<br />

WO5,BO1<br />

BO2,LO1<br />

PO1,MO3<br />

WO1,WO3<br />

WO5,BO1<br />

BO2,LO1<br />

PO1,MO3<br />

WO1,WO3<br />

WO5,BO1<br />

BO2,LO1<br />

PO1,MO3<br />

WO1,WO3<br />

WO5,BO1<br />

BO2,LO1<br />

PO1,MO3<br />

WO1,WO3<br />

WO5,BO1<br />

BO2,LO1<br />

PO1,MO3<br />

WO1,WO3<br />

WO5,BO1<br />

BO2,LO1<br />

PO1,MO3<br />

WO1,WO3<br />

WO5,BO1<br />

BO2,LO1<br />

PO1,MO3<br />

187. Continue the rollout of Broadband to rural areas PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

188. Promote and facilitate the development of local country markets<br />

devoted to the sale of local agricultural and craft produce and to<br />

support their role as visitor attractions<br />

PO1, ACO1 PO1, ACO1 PO1, ACO1<br />

189. Publish a list of funding sources for locally generated enterprises<br />

in rural areas and <strong>County</strong> Enterprise Board support<br />

190. Promote the development of niche activities such as those relating<br />

to food (including value added products), forestry (including wood<br />

products and bio energy products), crafts, eco-tourism and agritourism<br />

including farmhouse holidays, health farms, equestrian<br />

activities, bird watching and walking holidays, angling and boating<br />

holidays, painting/photography tuition<br />

191. Promote the development of appropriately scale second home,<br />

holiday home, B&B development as a contributor to agri tourisms<br />

and to the rural economy.<br />

<br />

WO1,WO3<br />

WO5,BO1<br />

BO2,LO1<br />

PO1,MO3<br />

WO1,WO3<br />

WO5,BO1<br />

BO2,LO1<br />

PO1,MO3<br />

WO1,WO3<br />

WO5,BO1<br />

BO2,LO1<br />

PO1,MO3<br />

WO1,WO3<br />

WO5,BO1<br />

BO2,LO1<br />

PO1,MO3<br />

WO1,WO3<br />

WO5,BO1<br />

BO2,LO1<br />

PO1,MO3<br />

WO1,WO3<br />

WO5,BO1<br />

BO2,LO1<br />

PO1,MO3<br />

WO1,WO3<br />

WO5,BO1<br />

BO2,LO1<br />

PO1,MO3<br />

WO1,WO3<br />

WO5,BO1<br />

BO2,LO1<br />

PO1,MO3<br />

WO1,WO3<br />

WO5,BO1<br />

BO2,LO1<br />

PO1,MO3<br />

WO1,WO3<br />

WO5,BO1<br />

BO2,LO1<br />

PO1,MO3<br />

WO1,WO3<br />

WO5,BO1<br />

BO2,LO1<br />

PO1,MO3<br />

WO1,WO3<br />

WO5,BO1<br />

BO2,LO1<br />

PO1,MO3<br />

Comment<br />

1. An assumption is made that in the long term adequate infrastructure will be available in these rural areas and a high level of environmental<br />

protection will result. In the short term there may be a temporary negative impact on the environment due to construction works and development<br />

of adequate infrastructure.<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Table 9.28<br />

Assessment of Rural Tourism Policies & Objectives<br />

Rural Tourism Policies<br />

219. <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> shall ensure that the full potential of<br />

tourism as an economic and social force is achieved in a<br />

sustainable manner with due regard to the impact on local<br />

communities and the natural environment.<br />

Rural Tourism Objectives<br />

192. Facilitate the provision of the following:<br />

• further flagship enterprises,<br />

• ecologically-sensitive access to the county’s lakes and<br />

rivers<br />

• Improved access into the county<br />

• the development of cycle and walking routes<br />

• outdoor activity-based tourism, and<br />

• the encouragement of public and private investment in<br />

such facilities<br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

WO1<br />

WO1<br />

WO1<br />

WO1.1<br />

WO1.1<br />

WO1.1<br />

WO3,WO5<br />

WO3,WO5<br />

WO3,WO5<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

LO1,PO1<br />

LO1,PO1<br />

LO1,PO1<br />

MO3,ACO1,<br />

MO3,ACO1,<br />

MO3,ACO1,<br />

SGO4<br />

SGO4<br />

SGO4<br />

WO1<br />

WO1.1<br />

WO3,WO5<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

LO1,PO1<br />

MO3,ACO1<br />

WO1<br />

WO1.1<br />

WO3,WO5<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

LO1,PO1<br />

MO3,ACO1<br />

WO1<br />

WO1.1<br />

WO3,WO5<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

LO1,PO1<br />

MO3,ACO1<br />

193. Integrated rural tourism shall be undertaken in close<br />

collaboration with local farm owners/local communities and their<br />

needs<br />

194. Tourism related development will be required to have a high<br />

standard of design, with consideration given to the potential<br />

impact on the surroundings in term of scale and intensity. All<br />

ancillary landscaping shall seek to blend in and all signage<br />

should be appropriately designed.<br />

195. Due regard shall be had to the policies and objectives as<br />

outlined within the Landscape Character Assessment contained<br />

within this Plan<br />

<br />

LO1<br />

PO1<br />

LO1, LO1.1,<br />

LO2, PO1<br />

LO1<br />

PO1<br />

LO1, LO1.1,<br />

LO2, PO1<br />

LO1<br />

PO1<br />

LO1, LO1.1,<br />

LO2, PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Rural Tourism Policies<br />

196. The <strong>Council</strong> will encourage resort type development of former<br />

demesnes and estates subject to good planning practice<br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

197. The <strong>Council</strong> will facilitate the creation of golf courses, pitch and<br />

putt courses and driving ranges in the countryside provided that<br />

such development does not contravene any other policies or<br />

objectives of this Plan.<br />

198. Encourage new holiday home developments to locate within<br />

either established villages or small towns or in distinct clusters in<br />

WO1.1<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

LO1<br />

WO1,WO4<br />

LO1,PO1<br />

MO3,ACO1<br />

WO1.1<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

LO1<br />

WO1,WO4<br />

LO1,PO1<br />

MO3,ACO1<br />

WO1.1<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

LO1<br />

WO1,WO4<br />

LO1,PO1<br />

MO3,ACO1<br />

rural areas capable of absorbing such developments<br />

Comments<br />

1. An assumption is made that in the long term adequate infrastructure will be available in these rural areas and a high level of environmental<br />

protection will result. In the short term there may be a temporary negative impact on the environment due to construction works and development<br />

of adequate infrastructure<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Forestry and Bio-Energy Policies & Objectives<br />

Table 9.29<br />

Assessment of Forestry and Bio-Energy Policies & Objectives<br />

Forestry and Bio-Energy Policies<br />

220. <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> shall facilitate forestation in<br />

suitable locations in co-operation with the Forest Service and<br />

Coillte Teoranta and in accordance with sustainable Forest<br />

Management guidelines including:<br />

• Forestry and Landscape Guidelines in order to<br />

enhance the overall landscape, involving shape,<br />

scale, diversity, visual force and unity<br />

• Forestry and Water Quality Guidelines including<br />

recommendations in relation to sensitive water<br />

catchments, cultivation, drainage, fertilising and<br />

storage, the use of chemicals, herbicides and fuels,<br />

road making, bridge and culverts and harvesting<br />

• Forest and Archaeology Guidelines designed to<br />

ensure that Ireland’s rich heritage of archaeological<br />

sites and artifacts are not damaged by forest<br />

operations<br />

• Forest Biodiversity Guidelines to recognise the<br />

importance of the maintenance and enhancement of<br />

forest biodiversity and implement the objectives in a<br />

forestry context of the National Biodiversity Plan such<br />

as structural diversity, retained habitats and open<br />

spaces, the retention of deadwood, the control of<br />

troublesome species and the use of conservation of<br />

native proverance<br />

• Forest Harvesting and Environmental Guidelines to<br />

ensure that all forest harvesting operations, including<br />

felling, extraction, road and site restoration, are<br />

environmentally sustainable<br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

WO1,WO1.1<br />

,WO3, WO5,<br />

WO7, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1,<br />

CHO3,LO1<br />

PO1, SGO4,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,WO1.1<br />

,WO3, WO5,<br />

WO7, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1,<br />

CHO3,LO1<br />

PO1, SGO4,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,WO1.1<br />

,WO3, WO5,<br />

WO7, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1,<br />

CHO3,LO1<br />

PO1, SGO4,<br />

ACO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Forestry and Bio-Energy Policies<br />

221. Facilitate forestation in appropriate locations, in co-operation<br />

with Coillte Teoranta and the Forest Service and in line with<br />

National policy and the <strong>Roscommon</strong> LCA (S 3.6 of the LCA<br />

Report 2007), while ensuring the no pollution or injury is<br />

caused to natural waters, wildlife habitats or conservation areas<br />

222. Discourage forestry development in<br />

proposed/candidate/adopted SAC’s, NHA’S and SPA’s , in<br />

designated Sensitive Rural Landscapes and in water quality<br />

sensitive areas<br />

223. Promote appropriate forestry related industries and rural<br />

tourism<br />

224. Resist excessive forestation that would negatively impact on<br />

rural communities<br />

225. Promote mixed species forestry and selective rather than clear<br />

felling<br />

226. The <strong>Council</strong> will co-operate with Coillte Teoranta, the Forest<br />

Service and private land owners in promoting greater public<br />

access and recreational use of Forests in the <strong>County</strong><br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

<br />

<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

WO1,WO1.1<br />

WO1,WO1.1<br />

WO1,WO1.1<br />

,WO3, WO5,<br />

,WO3, WO5,<br />

,WO3, WO5,<br />

WO7, BO1,<br />

WO7, BO1,<br />

WO7, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1,<br />

CHO3,LO1<br />

CHO3,LO1<br />

CHO3,LO1<br />

PO1, SGO4,<br />

PO1, SGO4,<br />

PO1, SGO4,<br />

ACO1<br />

ACO1<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,WO1.1<br />

,WO3, WO5,<br />

WO7, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1,<br />

CHO3,LO1<br />

PO1, SGO4,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,WO1.1<br />

,WO3, WO5,<br />

WO7, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1,<br />

CHO3,LO1<br />

PO1, SGO4,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,WO1.1<br />

,WO3, WO5,<br />

WO7, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1,<br />

CHO3,LO1<br />

PO1, SGO4,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,WO1.1<br />

,WO3, WO5,<br />

WO7, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1,<br />

CHO3,LO1<br />

PO1, SGO4,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,WO1.1<br />

,WO3, WO5,<br />

WO7, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1,<br />

CHO3,LO1<br />

PO1, SGO4,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,WO1.1<br />

,WO3, WO5,<br />

WO7, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1,<br />

CHO3,LO1<br />

PO1, SGO4,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,WO1.1<br />

,WO3, WO5,<br />

WO7, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1,<br />

CHO3,LO1<br />

PO1, SGO4,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,WO1.1<br />

,WO3, WO5,<br />

WO7, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1,<br />

CHO3,LO1<br />

PO1, SGO4,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,WO1.1<br />

,WO3, WO5,<br />

WO7, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1,<br />

CHO3,LO1<br />

PO1, SGO4,<br />

ACO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Forestry and Bio-Energy Policies<br />

227. Have regard to the Bio-energy Action Plan for Ireland 2007, to<br />

the Department of Agriculture and Food Best Practice Manuals<br />

and to the LCA when considering significant planting of bio<br />

energy crops<br />

228. <strong>Roscommon</strong> Count <strong>Council</strong> shall support the development of<br />

the bio energy industry over the Plan period.<br />

Forestry and Bio-Energy Objectives<br />

199. Encourage the development of forestry, particularly Deciduous<br />

forestry and the Willow Biomass as an alternative agricultural<br />

land use<br />

200. Endeavor to ensure that linear felling of trees is not<br />

encouraged in exposed or scenic areas and also promote<br />

phased rather than clear Felling<br />

201. In cases where forestry development is likely to have adverse<br />

effects on public roads, key charges will be levied on<br />

developers to defray the improvement and maintenance of<br />

such roads<br />

202. The <strong>Council</strong> shall endeavour to protect the amenity of local<br />

residents by the establishment of an appropriate transition area<br />

of 60m from dwellings and associated buildings free from<br />

forestry<br />

203. Co-operate with Coillte Teoranta and the Forest Service in<br />

promoting greater public access and recreational use of forest<br />

lands within the <strong>County</strong><br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

WO1,WO1.1<br />

WO1,WO1.1<br />

WO1,WO1.1<br />

,WO3, WO5,<br />

,WO3, WO5,<br />

,WO3, WO5,<br />

WO7, BO1,<br />

WO7, BO1,<br />

WO7, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1,<br />

CHO3,LO1<br />

CHO3,LO1<br />

CHO3,LO1<br />

PO1, SGO4,<br />

PO1, SGO4,<br />

PO1, SGO4,<br />

ACO1<br />

ACO1<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,WO1.1<br />

,WO3, WO5,<br />

WO7, BO1,<br />

WO1, WO5,<br />

BO2, CHO1,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO3,LO1<br />

BO3, PO1<br />

PO1, SGO4,<br />

PO1, ACO1 PO1, ACO1<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,WO1.1<br />

WO3-WO5<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

LO1,PO1<br />

ACO1<br />

LO1<br />

PO1<br />

WO1,WO1.1<br />

WO3-WO5<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

LO1,PO1<br />

WO1,WO1.1<br />

WO3-WO5<br />

BO1, ,PO1<br />

WO1,WO1.1<br />

WO3-WO5<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

LO1,PO1<br />

ACO1<br />

LO1<br />

PO1<br />

WO1,WO1.1<br />

WO3-WO5<br />

BO1, PO1<br />

WO1,WO1.1<br />

WO3-WO5<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

LO1,PO1<br />

ACO1<br />

LO1<br />

PO1<br />

PO1, LO1 PO1, LO1 PO1, LO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Forestry and Bio-Energy Policies<br />

204. Avoid planting forests within land designated areas especially<br />

proposed/candidate/adopted SAC’s, NHA’S and SPA’s in order<br />

to avoid any ‘significant adverse impact on features for which<br />

the sites have been designated’. Avoid forestry within<br />

designated Sensitive Rural Landscapes and in water quality<br />

sensitive areas.<br />

205. Have due regard to Section 3.6 of Landscape Character<br />

Assessment Report 2007 of <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong> and its<br />

assessment recommendations as part of this Plan<br />

206. Forest developers should liaise with the owners of<br />

neighbouring properties to resolve, in advance, any potential<br />

concerns<br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

WO1<br />

WO1<br />

WO1<br />

WO1.1<br />

WO1.1<br />

WO1.1<br />

WO3,WO4<br />

WO3,WO4<br />

WO3,WO4<br />

WO5,BO1-<br />

WO5,BO1-<br />

WO5,BO1-<br />

BO3,LO1<br />

BO3,LO1<br />

BO3,LO1<br />

PO1<br />

PO1<br />

PO1<br />

WO1,WO1.1<br />

WO3-WO5<br />

BO1,PO1<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,WO1.1<br />

WO3-WO5<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

LO1,PO1<br />

WO1,WO1.1<br />

WO3-WO5<br />

BO1,PO1<br />

WO1,WO1.1<br />

WO3-WO5<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

LO1,PO1<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,WO1.1<br />

WO3-WO5<br />

BO1,PO1<br />

WO1,WO1.1<br />

WO3-WO5<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

LO1,PO1<br />

ACO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Wind Farm Developments and LCA Policies & Objectives<br />

Table 9.30<br />

Assessment of Wind Farm Developments and LCA Policies & Objectives<br />

Wind Farm Developments and LCA Policies<br />

229. All Applications for wind farm developments shall have regard to<br />

the Wind Energy Planning Guidelines 2006 regarding landscape<br />

impact of associated development (including roads and tracks,<br />

power poles and lines, the control building, wind measuring mast<br />

and the compound)<br />

230. Assessment of visual impacts of proposals will have regard to<br />

the LCA and in particular to the following-<br />

• Immediate visual impact and long distance views<br />

• Scenic Routes and Scenic views depicted in Appendix 1 of<br />

the LCA report 2007<br />

• Sites of special value (i.e. the bog land north of Castlerea<br />

(LCA 27) and Upper Lough Ree (LCA6) which has been<br />

identified as of particular importance for their sense of<br />

isolation and tranquility)<br />

231. All applications for wind farm developments shall have regard to<br />

guidance on the siting and design of wind farm projects that are<br />

included in the Wind Energy Planning Guidelines 2006<br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

WO1, WO1,WO3, WO1,WO3, WO1, WO1,WO3, WO1,<br />

WO1.1, BO1, BO2, BO1, BO2, WO1.1, BO1, BO2, WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO5, CHO3, CHO3, WO3, WO5, CHO3, WO3, WO5,<br />

WO7, BO1, LO1.2, PO1 LO1.2, PO1 WO7, BO1, LO1.2, PO1 WO7, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO3,<br />

BO2, CHO3,<br />

BO2, CHO3,<br />

LO1, LO1.2,<br />

LO1, LO1.2,<br />

LO1, LO1.2,<br />

PO1, ACO1<br />

PO1, ACO1<br />

PO1, ACO1<br />

LO1, LO1.2,<br />

PO1, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO5<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO5,<br />

WO7, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO3,<br />

LO1, LO1.2,<br />

PO1, ACO1<br />

WO1,WO3,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO3,<br />

LO1.2, PO1<br />

WO1,WO3,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO3,<br />

LO1.2, PO1<br />

LO1, LO1.2,<br />

PO1, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO5<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO5,<br />

WO7, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO3,<br />

LO1, LO1.2,<br />

PO1, ACO1<br />

WO1,WO3,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO3,<br />

LO1.2, PO1<br />

LO1, LO1.2,<br />

PO1, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO5<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO5,<br />

WO7, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO3,<br />

LO1, LO1.2,<br />

PO1, ACO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Wind Farm Developments and LCA Policies<br />

232. Where wind energy developments are permitted on peat-land,<br />

the implementation of the following construction guidelines<br />

(along with others that are recommended in the Environmental<br />

Impact Statement) may serve to reduce impacts, including<br />

minimizing habitat disturbance and loss, hydrological disruption<br />

and the risk of erosion:<br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

1. A thorough ground investigation, including hydro-geological<br />

investigations where appropriate, and a detailed evaluation<br />

of the pea, its geotechnical properties and the associate risk<br />

of instability and habitat loss or disturbance during<br />

construction and operation of the wind energy development,<br />

is to be carried out where the depth of peat is in excess of<br />

50cm<br />

2. Avoid construction, if possible, on wet areas, flushes and<br />

easily eroded soils<br />

3. Avoid the excavation of drains, where possible, unless it is<br />

necessary for geotechnical or hydrological reasons<br />

4. If drains are unavoidable, ensure that silt traps are<br />

constructed and that there is only diffuse discharge of water<br />

5. Avoid blocking existing drains<br />

6. Where blasting is being used in or near a peat-land area for<br />

borrow pits, foundations etc, the possible effect on the peat<br />

stability should be assessed<br />

7. Avoid stock grazing on any disturbed peat until local peatland<br />

vegetation has recovered (e.g. by use of temporary<br />

electric fencing)<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO5,<br />

WO7, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO3,<br />

LO1, LO1.2,<br />

PO1, ACO1<br />

WO1,WO3,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO3,<br />

LO1.2, PO1<br />

WO1,WO3,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO3,<br />

LO1.2, PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO5,<br />

WO7, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO3,<br />

LO1, LO1.2,<br />

PO1, ACO1<br />

WO1,WO3,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO3,<br />

LO1.2, PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO5,<br />

WO7, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO3,<br />

LO1, LO1.2,<br />

PO1, ACO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Wind Farm Developments and LCA Policies<br />

233. Applications for wind turbines be assessed with regard to<br />

• Wind Speed Atlas by SEI<br />

• Accessibility to the National Electricity Transmission and<br />

Distribution Grid<br />

• The suitability of the site having regard to other land use<br />

policies and objectives to protect all aspects of the<br />

landscape including visual, cultural and environmental. All<br />

wind turbine proposals, irrespective of size shall be subject<br />

to full Environmental Assessment (EIA)<br />

Wind Farm Developments and LCA Objectives<br />

207. Encourage the development of wind energy in suitable locations<br />

in an environmentally sensitive way in accordance with Wind<br />

Energy Planning Guidelines and land use policies of the CDP<br />

208. Investigate the potential for relatively small-scale wind energy<br />

developments within urban and industrial areas and or small<br />

community –based proposals outside the key areas that are<br />

identified as being potentially appropriate for wind energy<br />

development. Community ownership of wind energy projects<br />

enables local communities to benefit directly from local wind<br />

energy resources being developed in their local areas, ensuring<br />

long term income for rural communities<br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO5,<br />

WO7, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO3,<br />

LO1, LO1.2,<br />

PO1, ACO1<br />

WO1-WO5,<br />

WO7,<br />

BO1-BO3<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO4,LO1.<br />

2,PO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1-WO5<br />

BO1-BO3<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO4,LO1.<br />

2,PO1,<br />

ACO1, LO2<br />

WO1,WO3,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO3,<br />

LO1.2, PO1<br />

WO1-WO5,<br />

WO7,<br />

BO1-BO3<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO4,LO1.<br />

2,PO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1-WO5<br />

BO1-BO3<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO4,LO1.<br />

2,PO1,<br />

ACO1, LO2<br />

WO1,WO3,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO3,<br />

LO1.2, PO1<br />

WO1-WO5,<br />

WO7,<br />

BO1-BO3<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO4,LO1.<br />

2,PO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1-WO5<br />

BO1-BO3<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO4,LO1.<br />

2,PO1,<br />

ACO1, LO2<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO5,<br />

WO7, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO3,<br />

LO1, LO1.2,<br />

PO1, ACO1<br />

WO1-WO5,<br />

WO7,<br />

BO1-BO3<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO4,LO1.<br />

2,PO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1-WO5<br />

BO1-BO3<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO4,LO1.<br />

2,PO1,<br />

ACO1, LO2<br />

WO1,WO3,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO3,<br />

LO1.2, PO1<br />

WO1-WO5,<br />

WO7,<br />

BO1-BO3<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO4,LO1.<br />

2,PO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1-WO5<br />

BO1-BO3<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO4,LO1.<br />

2,PO1,<br />

ACO1, LO2<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO5,<br />

WO7, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO3,<br />

LO1, LO1.2,<br />

PO1, ACO1<br />

WO1-WO5,<br />

WO7,<br />

BO1-BO3<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO4,LO1.<br />

2,PO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1-WO5<br />

BO1-BO3<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO4,LO1.<br />

2,PO1,<br />

ACO1, LO2<br />

Comment<br />

1. 1. Short term, temporary, negative impacts will arise during the construction of the wind farms and access roads. Adequate mitigation measures such as silt traps,<br />

appropriate avoidance of construction during bird-breeding seasons will ensure that these impacts are only temporary. Adequate ecological and breeding bird surveys<br />

should be conducted prior to granting planning permission to ensue that Annex 1 Birds Species such as hen harrier and golden plover do not breed in these areas.<br />

The <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> should have regard to the DoEHLG’s document ‘The Wind Energy Development Guidelines for Planning Authorities’, 2006.<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Rural Housing Policies<br />

Table 9.31<br />

Assessment of Rural Housing Policies<br />

Rural Housing Policies<br />

General Rural Housing Policies<br />

234. To sustain and renew the rural communities of <strong>County</strong><br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong> through the ongoing implementation and<br />

monitoring of RCC’s Rural Housing Policy.<br />

235. To ensure that all proposals for rural housing in<br />

<strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong> satisfy good planning practice.<br />

This would include all of the considerations listed in the<br />

Table above.<br />

Uncertain<br />

impacts<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

WO1.WO1.<br />

WO1.WO1.<br />

WO1.WO1.1,<br />

1,WO3,<br />

1,WO3,<br />

WO3, WO5,<br />

WO5,<br />

WO5, WO7,<br />

WO7, BO1,<br />

WO7, BO1,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

BO2, CHO1,<br />

BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3,<br />

LO1,LO2,<br />

CHO3,<br />

LO1,LO2,<br />

PO1,<br />

LO1,LO2,<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO1,MAO3,<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO1,MAO<br />

ACO1<br />

SGO1,MA<br />

3, ACO1<br />

O3, ACO1<br />

WO1.WO1.<br />

1,WO3,<br />

WO5, WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3,<br />

LO1,LO2,<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO1,MAO<br />

3, ACO1<br />

WO1,WO3,B<br />

O1, BO2,<br />

CHO3,LO1,L<br />

O2,PO1,<br />

SGO1<br />

WO1,WO3,B<br />

O1, BO2,<br />

CHO3,LO1,L<br />

O2,PO1,<br />

SGO1<br />

WO1.WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO5,<br />

WO7, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1,<br />

CHO3,<br />

LO1,LO2,<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO1,MAO3,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,WO3,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO3,LO1,<br />

LO2,PO1,<br />

SGO1<br />

WO1.WO1.<br />

1,WO3,<br />

WO5,<br />

WO7, BO1,<br />

BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3,<br />

LO1,LO2,<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO1,MA<br />

O3, ACO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Rural Housing Policies<br />

236. To ensure that Rural Generated Housing will be<br />

accommodated in the locality within which they arise<br />

and where the applicant comes within the development<br />

plan definition of need, subject to satisfying good<br />

planning practice in relation to site location, access,<br />

drainage and design requirements and that urban<br />

generated rural housing needs should take place<br />

within built-up areas or land identified, through the<br />

development plan process..<br />

237. To promote the strengthening of the rural settlement<br />

structure of <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong> by directing urban<br />

development into the towns and villages wherever<br />

appropriate and sustainable.<br />

238. To ensure that all planning applications for rural<br />

housing are accompanied by a completed “Rural<br />

Housing Application” form. The purpose of this form is<br />

to ascertain the need for housing in rural areas and to<br />

allow the PA to monitor trends to ensure effective<br />

decision making.<br />

239. To prepare Rural Housing Design Guidelines for<br />

<strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong>. These guidelines will help to<br />

inform applicants regarding the design and siting<br />

options for new houses and to ensure that new<br />

developments harmonise with their rural locations.<br />

Uncertain<br />

impacts<br />

<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

WO1.WO1.<br />

WO1.WO1.<br />

WO1.WO1.1,<br />

1,WO3,<br />

1,WO3,<br />

WO3, WO5,<br />

WO5,<br />

WO5, WO7,<br />

WO1,WO3,B WO1,WO3,B WO7, BO1, WO1,WO3, WO7, BO1,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

O1, BO2, O1, BO2, BO2, CHO1, BO1, BO2, BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3,LO1,L CHO3,LO1,L CHO3, CHO3,LO1, CHO1,<br />

CHO3,<br />

O2,PO1, O2,PO1, LO1,LO2, LO2,PO1, CHO3,<br />

LO1,LO2,<br />

SGO1<br />

SGO1<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO1 LO1,LO2,<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO1,MAO3,<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO1,MAO<br />

ACO1<br />

SGO1,MA<br />

3, ACO1<br />

O3, ACO1<br />

WO1.WO1.<br />

1,WO3,<br />

WO5, WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3,<br />

LO1,LO2,<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO1,MAO<br />

3, ACO1<br />

WO1,WO3,B<br />

O1, BO2,<br />

CHO3,LO1,L<br />

O2,PO1,<br />

SGO1<br />

WO1,WO3,B<br />

O1, BO2,<br />

CHO3,LO1,L<br />

O2,PO1,<br />

SGO1<br />

WO1.WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO5,<br />

WO7, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1,<br />

CHO3,<br />

LO1,LO2,<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO1,MAO3,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,WO3,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO3,LO1,<br />

LO2,PO1,<br />

SGO1<br />

WO1.WO1.<br />

1,WO3,<br />

WO5,<br />

WO7, BO1,<br />

BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3,<br />

LO1,LO2,<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO1,MA<br />

O3, ACO1<br />

PO1, LO1 PO1, LO1 PO1, LO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Rural Housing Policies<br />

Specific Policies -One-Off Housing<br />

240. To ensure that individual house developments in rural<br />

areas satisfy the housing requirements of persons who<br />

are an intrinsic part of the rural community in which<br />

they are proposed, subject to compliance with normal<br />

planning criteria.<br />

241. It is recognised that piecemeal and haphazard<br />

development of rural areas close to large urban<br />

centres and settlements can cause problems as these<br />

centres grow in relation to:<br />

(a) the orderly and efficient development of newly<br />

developing areas on the edges of towns and<br />

villages;<br />

(b) obstructing alignments for the future provision<br />

of infrastructure such as roads and electricity<br />

lines; and<br />

(c) undermining the viability of urban public<br />

transport because of low densities.<br />

Development of this kind will therefore be<br />

strictly controlled.<br />

Uncertain<br />

impacts<br />

<br />

<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Rural Housing Policies<br />

242. Ribbon development means frontage development on<br />

any one side of a road and it is undesirable because it<br />

creates numerous accesses onto traffic routes,<br />

sterilises backlands, landlocks farmland, creates<br />

servicing problems (eg water supply, drainage,<br />

footpaths and street lighting etc, and intrudes on public<br />

views of the rural setting.) Development of this kind will<br />

be discouraged. The Planning Authority will assess<br />

whether a given proposal will exacerbate such ribbon<br />

development, having regard to the following: • the type<br />

of rural area and circumstances of the applicant; • the<br />

degree to which the proposal might be considered infill<br />

development; • the degree to which existing ribbon<br />

development would be extended or whether distinct<br />

areas of ribbon development would coalesce as a<br />

result of the development; and • local circumstances,<br />

including the planning history of the area and<br />

development pressures.<br />

243. That in the event that a landowner requires more than<br />

one site under the Local Need category, the provision<br />

of a cluster form of development appropriately set back<br />

into the landscape from a public road will be<br />

encouraged in lieu of a dispersed or linear form of<br />

development. Each case will be assessed on its merits<br />

having regard to natural environment and sustainable<br />

development principles.<br />

Uncertain<br />

impacts<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

PO1, LO1,<br />

PO1, LO1,<br />

PO1, LO1,<br />

SGO1,<br />

SGO1, MAO3,<br />

SGO1,<br />

MAO3,<br />

CHO3<br />

MAO3,<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO3<br />

PO1, LO1,<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO3<br />

PO1, LO1,<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO3<br />

PO1, LO1,<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

BO2,<br />

CHO3<br />

244. Persons who work in urban areas and who wish to<br />

reside in the countryside for quality of life reasons and<br />

for reasons of having been reared in the countryside,<br />

and whose parents were reared in the countryside will<br />

be considered for permission.<br />

<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Rural Housing Policies<br />

Housing in Rural Villages policies<br />

245. That housing in rural villages should avoid urban<br />

sprawl and suburban type developments considered<br />

with caution. The setting of many of the settlements is<br />

rich and varied and regard should be had to local<br />

materials and local styles. The unique character,<br />

vernacular style, and special setting of many of the<br />

settlements means that the capacity to absorb largescale<br />

developments is limited. The developer must<br />

have regard to the characteristics of the local setting<br />

and aim to create a sense of place and identity in any<br />

proposed development. All new development shall<br />

enhance the local setting and create attractive places<br />

to be live, work and take leisure. Development shall be<br />

in accordance with the Rural Design Guidelines, to be<br />

prepared during the course of this plan.<br />

246. Prepare Village Design Statements for settlements<br />

during the life of the plan.<br />

247. When substantial development is proposed for a<br />

settlement, this shall be considered having regard to<br />

the availability of, or proposals for, the provision of any<br />

recreational, community, or other facilities required in<br />

the area.<br />

248. That a mix of housing is desirable to cater for all<br />

sections of the community and ages. There is a<br />

particular emphasis on affordability to ensure that local<br />

people are not disadvantaged.<br />

249. o ensure that growth in rural villages shall be restricted<br />

to local need growth. When submitting an application<br />

for any substantial development, the developer shall<br />

provide for a housing mix that will satisfy the local<br />

need and local growth requirements and shall outline a<br />

clear case for the approach taken.<br />

Uncertain<br />

impacts<br />

<br />

<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

PO1, LO1 PO1, LO1 PO1, LO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Rural Housing Policies<br />

Uncertain<br />

impacts<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

250. That any development, particularly within areas of <br />

development pressure, shall maintain a strong<br />

settlement boundary that protects the identity of the<br />

village<br />

Policies for Development in Sensitive Environmental & Other Designations<br />

251. To ensure appropriately designed quality<br />

PO1,LO1 PO1,LO1 PO1,LO1<br />

developments throughout <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong> and<br />

that the Rural Design Guidelines inform the siting and<br />

design of all new rural houses and house extensions.<br />

252. To restrict residential development not related to<br />

agricultural activities, such as farming and forestry, in<br />

all water source protection areas, with the exception of<br />

rural housing need, where no alternative exists.<br />

253. To consult with the relevant Fisheries Board with<br />

regard to development proposals close to or within the<br />

catchment of sensitive water courses and/or close to<br />

spawning streams within the <strong>County</strong>.<br />

254. To ensure that new housing close to lakes, waterways<br />

and high amenity areas be designed to minimise visual<br />

impact on the landscape. Views to and from these<br />

areas need to be considered when siting new<br />

development.<br />

255. To prohibit ribbon development especially in pressure<br />

areas surrounding lakes and within designated road<br />

corridors.<br />

256. To prohibit residential development not related to<br />

agricultural activities or tourism in all areas of high<br />

amenity with the exception of ‘rural housing need’;<br />

where there is no alternative site outside the<br />

environmentally designated area; and no more than<br />

two additional dwellings to be permitted.<br />

WO1,WO1.<br />

1,WO3,WO<br />

5,WO7,<br />

BO1,<br />

BO2,LO1,<br />

PO1<br />

WO1,WO1.<br />

1,WO5,BO1<br />

, BO2,<br />

BO3,PO1<br />

WO1,WO1.<br />

1,WO5,BO1<br />

, BO2,<br />

BO3,LO1<br />

PO1<br />

WO1,WO1.<br />

1,WO5,BO1<br />

, BO2,<br />

BO3,LO1<br />

PO1<br />

WO1,WO1.<br />

1,WO5,BO1<br />

, BO2,<br />

BO3,LO1<br />

PO1<br />

WO1,WO1.1,<br />

WO3,WO5,W<br />

O7, BO1,<br />

BO2,LO1,<br />

PO1<br />

WO1,WO1.1,<br />

WO5,BO1,<br />

BO2,<br />

BO3,PO1<br />

WO1,WO1.1,<br />

WO5,BO1,<br />

BO2,<br />

BO3,PO1,LO1<br />

WO1,WO1.1,<br />

WO5,BO1,<br />

BO2,<br />

BO3,PO1,LO1<br />

WO1,WO1.1,<br />

WO5,BO1,<br />

BO2,<br />

BO3,PO1,LO1<br />

WO1,WO1.<br />

1,WO3,WO<br />

5,WO7,<br />

BO1,<br />

BO2,LO1,<br />

PO1<br />

WO1,WO1.<br />

1,WO5,BO<br />

1, BO2,<br />

BO3,PO1<br />

WO1,WO1.<br />

1,WO5,BO<br />

1, BO2,<br />

BO3,PO1,L<br />

O1<br />

WO1,WO1.<br />

1,WO5,BO<br />

1, BO2,<br />

BO3,PO1,L<br />

O1<br />

WO1,WO1.<br />

1,WO5,BO<br />

1, BO2,<br />

BO3,PO1,L<br />

O1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Rural Housing Policies<br />

257. To prohibit proposed new developments, which will<br />

have an injurious and adverse impact on designated<br />

areas.<br />

258. To require natural screening, incorporating native<br />

species of trees and hedgerows, of proposed<br />

development in sensitive areas defined in the LCA<br />

throughout the <strong>County</strong>.<br />

259. To prohibit urban generated or speculative<br />

developments in environmentally designated areas.<br />

260. To ensure new developments in proximity to<br />

environmentally designated esker sites do not impact<br />

negatively on scientific and landscape values, and<br />

groundwater vulnerability of the esker landscape.<br />

Uncertain<br />

impacts<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

WO1.1,WO WO1.1, BO2 WO1.1, BO2 WO1.1,WO5, WO1.1, WO1.1,WO<br />

5,BO1,<br />

BO1,<br />

BO2 5,BO1,<br />

BO3,PO1,<br />

BO3,PO1,<br />

BO3,PO1,<br />

SGO4<br />

SGO4<br />

SGO4<br />

WO1.1,<br />

BO1,<br />

BO2,LO1,P<br />

O1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO5,BO1,<br />

CHO1,LO1,<br />

LO2,PO1,<br />

SGO1<br />

WO3,WO5,<br />

BO1,CHO1,<br />

LO1,LO1.1,<br />

PO1,SGO4<br />

WO1.1, BO1,<br />

BO2,LO1,PO1<br />

WO1, WO1.1,<br />

WO5,BO1,CH<br />

O1,LO1,LO2,<br />

PO1, SGO1<br />

WO3,WO5,B<br />

O1,CHO1,LO<br />

1,LO1.1,PO1,<br />

SGO4<br />

WO1.1,<br />

BO1,<br />

BO2,LO1,P<br />

O1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO5,BO1,<br />

CHO1,LO1,<br />

LO2,PO1,<br />

SGO1<br />

WO3,WO5,<br />

BO1,CHO1<br />

,LO1,LO1.1<br />

,PO1,SGO<br />

4<br />

Policies for Development on National Routes<br />

261. Minimise new accesses or the intensification of<br />

existing accesses onto National Primary and National<br />

Secondary routes, outside the 50/60 m.p.h. speed<br />

limit zones, in the interests of road safety and in<br />

maintaining the free flow and traffic carrying capacity<br />

of these roads. No new access points will be<br />

permitted along the N61.<br />

262. Along National Routes the onus will be on the<br />

applicant to establish why any particular proposal<br />

needs to locate within such an area or requires<br />

access directly onto a National Route.<br />

<br />

WO1,WO3,<br />

BO1,BO2,C<br />

HO1,CHO3,<br />

PO1,<br />

WO1,WO3,B<br />

O1,BO2,CHO<br />

1,CHO3,PO1,<br />

WO1,WO3,<br />

BO1,BO2,C<br />

HO1,CHO3<br />

,PO1,<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Rural Housing Policies<br />

263. In terms of residential development, a new house will<br />

be acceptable only in the following instances<br />

• Where it is proposed to replace a dwelling. The<br />

existing dwelling should be inhabited or, if<br />

empty, last used as a dwelling, and the roof<br />

and walls should still be substantially intact<br />

• Where it is for the farmer, as with a retirement<br />

dwelling, or for a family member involved with<br />

the running of the farm.<br />

264. Development along National Routes is discouraged<br />

and should only be allowed in exceptional<br />

circumstances, where it is clearly proven that the<br />

development does not constitute a traffic hazard and<br />

that it does not affect the operational efficiency and<br />

the national investment in roads.<br />

265. New developments requiring access onto National<br />

routes outside 30 and 40 mph speed limit zones will<br />

only be allowed in the case of:<br />

(a) agricultural developments on farms that have<br />

no alternative means of access, e.g. onto a<br />

lower category road;<br />

(b) tourism approved projects for long established<br />

landholders with frontage only onto National<br />

Routes;<br />

(c) the erection of a house on a family holding, for<br />

the use of persons specified in the Plan, where<br />

no alternative access onto a lower category<br />

road is available; and<br />

(d) developments where the siting and design are<br />

considered to be appropriate.<br />

Uncertain<br />

impacts<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Rural Housing Policies<br />

266. A Road Safety Audit is required for all development<br />

that incorporates a proposal for a new access to a<br />

national road or where the development may give<br />

rise to a significant increase in traffic on an existing<br />

access to a national road. A traffic impact<br />

assessment is required where a development gives<br />

rise to a significant increase in traffic<br />

267. In the case of a permission requiring access onto a<br />

National Route where an existing access is in place,<br />

the new house will normally be required to use the<br />

same access as the existing house.<br />

Policies for Development along Regional Routes<br />

268. Access for residential development will not be<br />

granted onto a regional route including the existing<br />

N6 following down grading, where access to a lower<br />

category road is available.<br />

269. Ensuring that necessary new entrances are located<br />

in such a manner as to provide effective visibility for<br />

both users of the entrance and users of the public<br />

roads so that opportunities for conflicting movements<br />

are avoided, taking account of all relevant<br />

considerations such as traffic levels, typical vehicle<br />

speeds, plans for realignment<br />

270. Avoiding the premature obsolescence of regional<br />

roads in particular, through creating excessive levels<br />

of individual entrances.<br />

271. To identify and protect non-national roads of regional<br />

or local importance from unnecessary and excessive<br />

individual access points, which would prejudice the<br />

carrying capacity and ultimately the function of the<br />

road.<br />

Uncertain<br />

impacts<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Rural Housing Policies<br />

Policies for Holiday Homes<br />

272. To encourage holiday/second home development<br />

within established villages or small towns or in<br />

distinct clusters in rural areas where appropriate.<br />

273. Support appropriately designed, scaled, sited and<br />

screened holiday/second home development in<br />

‘structurally weaker rural areas<br />

274. Support the conversion, redevelopment and re-use of<br />

traditional farm buildings and existing housing stock<br />

in rural areas to use as holiday homes where<br />

appropriate.<br />

275. Accommodate small scale enterprises, such as the<br />

renovation of barns, outhouses or other existing<br />

structures and the construction of an appropriate<br />

number of holiday homes for short term rental (less<br />

than 3 months at a time to any person/family)<br />

associated with an existing permanent residence or<br />

active farm /agri tourism enterprise. It shall be a<br />

condition of permission that such holiday homes shall<br />

not be sold to form a separate permanent residence.<br />

Uncertain<br />

impacts<br />

<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

WO1,WO1.<br />

1,WO3,<br />

WO7, BO1,<br />

BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3,LO1,<br />

PO1,SGO1,<br />

MAO3<br />

PO1,LO1,<br />

WO1, WO3,<br />

MAO3,<br />

WO7<br />

PO1,LO1,<br />

WO1, WO3<br />

MAO3,<br />

WO7<br />

PO1,<br />

WO7<br />

PO1,WO5,<br />

WO7<br />

PO1,WO5<br />

WO7<br />

WO5,<br />

WO1,WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3,LO1,P<br />

O1,SGO1,MA<br />

O3<br />

PO1,LO1,<br />

WO1, WO3,<br />

MAO3, WO7<br />

PO1,LO1<br />

WO1, WO3,<br />

MAO3, WO7<br />

WO1,WO1.<br />

1,WO3,<br />

WO7, BO1,<br />

BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3,LO1,<br />

PO1,SGO1<br />

,MAO3<br />

PO1,LO1,<br />

WO1,<br />

WO3,<br />

MAO3,<br />

WO7<br />

PO1,LO1,<br />

WO1 WO3,<br />

MAO3<br />

WO7<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Rural Housing Policies<br />

276. To promote the conversion, redevelopment and reuse<br />

of traditional farm buildings and existing housing<br />

stock in rural areas to residential use without<br />

applying the requirement of ‘rural housing need’. The<br />

replacement of existing dwellings will be facilitated<br />

where it can be shown that the original structure was<br />

last used as a habitable dwelling and it’s roof, internal<br />

and external walls are generally intact. In the case of<br />

refurbishment and extension proposals, the scale<br />

and architectural treatment of the proposed works<br />

should be sympathetic to the character of the original<br />

structure and the surrounding area, including<br />

adjoining or nearby development.<br />

Uncertain<br />

impacts<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

P01, L01, P01, L01, P01, L01,<br />

It should be noted that a “Habitable House” means a house<br />

which;<br />

(a) is used as a dwelling,<br />

(b) is not in use but when last used was used,<br />

disregarding any unauthorised use, as a<br />

dwelling and is not derelict, or<br />

(c) was provided for use as a dwelling but has<br />

not been occupied.<br />

277. To discourage the demolition and replacement of<br />

traditional or vernacular rural housing whose<br />

character merits retention.<br />

278. To consider the limited conversion of outhouses and<br />

other structures attached to large country house or<br />

other heritage structures where acceptable<br />

conservation practice is observed in line with the<br />

other policies and objectives of this plan and where<br />

acceptable site suitability has been established in<br />

terms of access, car parking, open space,<br />

wastewater disposal and maintaining the setting and<br />

amenities of the main structure.<br />

P01, CH01,<br />

L01, L02<br />

P01, CH01,<br />

L01, L02<br />

P01, CH01,<br />

L01, L02<br />

P01, CH01,<br />

L01, L02<br />

P01, CH01,<br />

L01, L02<br />

P01, CH01,<br />

L01, L02<br />

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Environmental objectives<br />

Rural Housing Policies<br />

Rural housing objectives<br />

209 Establish the settlement zone boundaries and<br />

prepare a schedule of the villages and time frames for the<br />

preparation of the Village Design Settlements.<br />

Uncertain<br />

impacts<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

PO1, L01 PO1, L01 PO1, L01<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Built Heritage and Archaeology Policies and Objectives<br />

Table 9.32<br />

Assessment of Built Heritage Policies & Objectives<br />

Built heritage Policies<br />

279. Adopt a sustainable approach to the management of the <strong>County</strong>’s<br />

built or cultural heritage.<br />

280. Identify and protect the architectural heritage of the county and to<br />

manage any change to that heritage in such a way as to retain its<br />

character and special interest.<br />

281. Promote pride and awareness of the importance and value of our<br />

built heritage.<br />

282. Review and implement the <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong> Heritage Plan, with<br />

regard to actions relating to cultural heritage.<br />

Built Heritage Objectives<br />

210 Apply conservation principles to all development applications<br />

relating to historic buildings and structures. These principles are:<br />

o<br />

o<br />

o<br />

Research prior to planning work<br />

Minimum intervention – repair rather than replace<br />

Respect the setting of the building.<br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO2,<br />

CHO2,<br />

CHO2,<br />

CHO3,<br />

CHO3,<br />

CHO3,<br />

CHO4,<br />

CHO4,<br />

CHO4,<br />

PO1,LO1<br />

PO1,LO1<br />

PO1,LO1<br />

LO2<br />

LO2<br />

LO2<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO2<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO4 PO1<br />

LO1 LO2<br />

CHO1,CHO<br />

2,CHO3,<br />

CHO4,<br />

PO1,LO1,L<br />

O2<br />

CHO1,CHO<br />

2,CHO3,<br />

CHO4,<br />

CHO5,<br />

PO1,LO1,L<br />

O2<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO4<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO2<br />

CHO3,<br />

CHO4<br />

PO1 LO1<br />

LO2<br />

CHO1,CHO<br />

2,CHO3,<br />

CHO4,<br />

PO1,LO1,L<br />

O2<br />

CHO1,CHO<br />

2,CHO3,<br />

CHO4,<br />

CHO5,<br />

PO1,LO1,L<br />

O2<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO4<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO2<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO4<br />

PO1<br />

LO1<br />

LO2<br />

CHO1,CHO<br />

2,CHO3,<br />

CHO4,<br />

PO1,LO1,L<br />

O2<br />

CHO1,CHO<br />

2,CHO3,<br />

CHO4,<br />

CHO5,<br />

PO1,LO1,L<br />

O2<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO4<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Built heritage Policies<br />

211. Prioritise sustainable reuse versus demolition of historic buildings,<br />

whether protected or not, especially vernacular buildings and town<br />

centre buildings. This represents sustainable development and<br />

helps foster a culture of conservation and use of traditional building<br />

skills.<br />

212. Seek retention of traditional features such as original windows,<br />

doors, fanlights, renders, roof coverings and rainwater goods,<br />

where appropriate.<br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO4<br />

CHO4<br />

CHO4<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1<br />

PO1<br />

PO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO4<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO4<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO4<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1<br />

213. Conserve and protect historic street furniture, such as stone<br />

kerbing, milestones, benchmarks, streetlights, manhole covers and<br />

ventilation pipes.<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO4<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO4<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO4<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1<br />

214. Conserve and protect features of the built environment such as<br />

stonewalls, pillars, piers, styles, gates, railings, holy wells, mass<br />

rocks, historic telephone boxes, post-boxes and memorials.<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO4<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO4<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO4<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1<br />

215. Promote the importance of informed decision making with regard<br />

to historic buildings by encouraging engagement of a suitably<br />

qualified conservation specialist with regard to material<br />

specification and application.<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO4<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO4<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO4<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1<br />

216. Compile and maintain an inventory of all architectural heritage in<br />

the care of <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong>, to be carried out in<br />

accordance with NIAH guidelines<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO4<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO4<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO4<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Built heritage Policies<br />

217. Prepare a conservation policy for buildings of architectural heritage<br />

value in the care and ownership of <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong><br />

and within this framework prepare a conservation plan for<br />

individual buildings as appropriate.<br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO4<br />

CHO4<br />

CHO4<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1<br />

PO1<br />

PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Table 9.33<br />

Assessment of Protected Structures Policies & Objectives<br />

Protected Structures Policies<br />

283. Conserve and protect structures, or parts of structures, which<br />

are of special architectural, historical, archaeological, artistic,<br />

cultural, scientific, social or technical interest.<br />

284. Review the Record of Protected Structures for Co.<br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong> and to seek to provide advice and information for<br />

owners and occupiers of structures on the Record of Protected<br />

Structures.<br />

Protected Structures Objectives<br />

218. Review the Record of Protected Structures, within the lifetime<br />

of this plan<br />

219. Resist development which is likely to adversely affect the<br />

character of a protected structure or the setting of a protected<br />

structure, where the setting is considered to be of importance<br />

220. Seek the appointment of a conservation officer, to implement<br />

the Record of Protected Structures, within the lifetime of this<br />

plan.<br />

221. Issue declarations on types of works that would or would not<br />

materially affect the character of a protected structure<br />

222. Promote best conservation practice through advice to<br />

owners/occupiers of Protected Structures<br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO4<br />

CHO4<br />

CHO4<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1<br />

PO1<br />

PO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO4<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO4<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO4<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO4<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO4<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO4<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO4<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO4<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO4<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO4<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO4<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO4<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO4<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO4<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO4<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO4<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO4<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO4<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Protected Structures Policies<br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

223. Promote high conservation standards. CHO1<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO4<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1<br />

224. Raise awareness generally of the value of protected structures. CHO1<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO4<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

225. Promote appropriate use/re-use and repair of Protected<br />

Structures, including the implementation of the Conservation<br />

Grants Schemes<br />

226. Compile and maintain an inventory of Protected Structures in<br />

the care of <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong>, to be carried out in<br />

accordance with NIAH guidelines.<br />

227. Prepare a conservation policy for protected structures in the<br />

care and ownership of <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> and within<br />

this framework prepare a conservation plan for individual<br />

buildings as appropriate<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO4<br />

CHO4<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1<br />

PO1<br />

PO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO4<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO4<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO4<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO4<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO4<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO4<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO4<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO4<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO4<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO4<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO4<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Table 9.34<br />

Assessment of Architectural Conservation Areas Policies & Objectives<br />

Architectural Conservation Area (ACA) Policies<br />

285. Protect the built heritage within an area or in the settings of<br />

protected structures, through the designation of appropriate<br />

Architectural Conservation Areas.<br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO4<br />

CHO4<br />

CHO4<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1<br />

PO1<br />

PO1<br />

286. Preserve the character of place, area, group of structures or<br />

townscape that is of special architectural, historical,<br />

archaeological, artistic, cultural, scientific, social or technical<br />

interest or value, or contributes to the appreciation of protected<br />

structures, taking into account building lines and heights.<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO4<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1<br />

Architectural conservation areas Objectives<br />

228. Identify areas of special interest, within the lifetime of this plan CHO1<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO4<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO4<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO4<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO4<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO4<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1<br />

229. Designate appropriate Architectural Conservation Areas, within<br />

the lifetime of this plan.<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO4<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO4<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO4<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1<br />

230. Take such steps as are necessary to ensure the preservation<br />

of the special character of those areas<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO4<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO4<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO4<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Architectural Conservation Area (ACA) Policies<br />

231. Consider drafting and adopting Areas of Special Planning<br />

Control for specific parts of ACAs<br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO4<br />

CHO4<br />

CHO4<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1<br />

PO1<br />

PO1<br />

232. Promote initiatives to underpin the preservation of the special<br />

character of such Areas, such as preparing a guidance leaflet<br />

to provide relevant information to owners and occupiers of<br />

structures within an ACA.<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO4<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO4<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO4<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Table 9Error! No text of specified style in document..35 Assessment of Heritage Gardens, Parks, Demesnes and Heritage Objects<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Heritage gardens, parks and demesnes, and heritage Policies<br />

287. Seek the conservation and enhancement of historic gardens<br />

and parks, where appropriate.<br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO4<br />

CHO4<br />

CHO4<br />

LO1<br />

LO1<br />

LO1<br />

LO2<br />

LO2<br />

LO2<br />

PO1<br />

PO1<br />

PO1<br />

288. Use the designation of Architectural Conservation Area where<br />

considered appropriate to preserve the character of a designed<br />

landscape.<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO4<br />

LO1<br />

LO2<br />

PO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO4<br />

LO1<br />

LO2<br />

PO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO4<br />

LO1<br />

LO2<br />

PO1<br />

Heritage gardens, parks and demesnes, and heritage objects Objectives<br />

233. Require that development applications in designed landscapes<br />

take into consideration the impacts of the development on that<br />

designed landscape and demonstrate that the development<br />

proposal has been designed to take account of the heritage<br />

resource of the landscape<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO4<br />

LO1<br />

LO2<br />

PO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO4<br />

LO1<br />

LO2<br />

PO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO4<br />

LO1<br />

LO2<br />

PO1<br />

234. Preservation by record of features of interest in designed<br />

landscapes may be applied, where appropriate.<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO4<br />

LO1<br />

LO2<br />

PO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO4<br />

LO1<br />

LO2<br />

PO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO4<br />

LO1<br />

LO2<br />

PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Table 9.36<br />

Assessment of Archaeological Heritage Policies & Objectives<br />

Objective for Heritage<br />

235. Secure the preservation (i.e. preservation in-situ or, as a<br />

minimum, preservation by record) of all archaeological<br />

monuments included in the Record of Monuments and Places<br />

as established under Section 12 of the National Monuments<br />

(Amendment) Act, 1994, and of sites, features and objects of<br />

archaeological interest generally. In securing such preservation<br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> will have regard to the advice and<br />

recommendations of the National Monuments Section of the<br />

Department of Environment, Heritage & Local Government,<br />

both in respect of whether or not to grant planning permission<br />

and in respect of the conditions to which permission, if granted,<br />

should be granted.<br />

Policies for Archaeological Heritage<br />

289. Secure the preservation (i.e. preservation in-situ or, as a<br />

minimum, preservation by record) of all archaeological<br />

monuments included in the Record of Monuments and Places<br />

as established under Section 12 of the National Monuments<br />

(Amendment) Act, 1994, and of sites, features and objects of<br />

archaeological interest generally. In securing such preservation<br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> will have regard to the advice and<br />

recommendations of the National Monuments Section of the<br />

Department of Environment, Heritage & Local Government,<br />

both in respect of whether or not to grant planning permission<br />

and in respect of the conditions to which permission, if granted,<br />

should be granted.<br />

290. Protect the archaeological heritage from damage.<br />

291. Facilitate appropriate guidance in relation to the protection of<br />

the archaeological heritage in the <strong>County</strong>.<br />

Environmental objectives (EO)<br />

Cultural Heritage, Landscape, Population and Human Health<br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Objective for Heritage<br />

292. Promote public awareness of the rich archaeological heritage<br />

in the <strong>County</strong>.<br />

Archaeological Heritage Objectives<br />

236. Ensure that any development either above or below ground,<br />

within the vicinity of a site of archaeological interest shall not<br />

be detrimental to the character of the archaeological site or its<br />

setting<br />

237. Secure the preservation (in situ, or as a minimum, preservation<br />

by record) of all sites and features of historical and<br />

archaeological interest.<br />

238. Provide guidance to developers and property owners<br />

regarding the protection of the archaeological heritage and the<br />

archaeological implications of proposed development.<br />

239. Promote pre-planning consultations in relation to the<br />

archaeological heritage with the planning authority and with the<br />

Department of Environment, Heritage & Local Government in<br />

its capacity of being charged with the implementation of the<br />

National Monuments Acts.<br />

240. Have regard to the advice and recommendations of the<br />

National Monuments Service of the Department of<br />

Environment, Heritage & Local Government, both in respect of<br />

whether or not to grant planning permission and in respect of<br />

the conditions to which permission, if granted, should be<br />

subject.<br />

241. Ensure that proposed developments that may (due to their<br />

location, size, or nature) have implications for the<br />

archaeological heritage are subject to archaeological<br />

assessment<br />

242. To seek to designate archaeological landscapes in consultation<br />

with the National Monuments Service of the Department of<br />

Environment, Heritage & Local Government, within the lifetime<br />

of this plan<br />

Environmental objectives (EO)<br />

Cultural Heritage, Landscape, Population and Human Health<br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Objective for Heritage<br />

243. To endeavour to ensure the dissemination of the results of<br />

archaeological excavations in a timely and appropriate manner<br />

244. At sites where under water archaeology might be encountered,<br />

especially at the three main fording points of the Shannon at<br />

Roosky, Termonbarry & Ballyleague, refer development<br />

applications to the Underwater Archaeology Unit, via the<br />

Development Applications Section of the Department of<br />

Environment, Heritage & Local Government for comment<br />

Policies for Archaeological Heritage<br />

293. Support the implementation of the Rathcroghan Conservation<br />

Plan, as prepared for the Department of Environment, Heritage<br />

& Local Government.<br />

294. Facilitate sustainable development within the zones of<br />

archaeological potential associated with the Rathcroghan site.<br />

295. Protect and conserve the vulnerable archaeological and<br />

cultural landscape and to conserve and enhance views<br />

adjacent to and between the principal monuments.<br />

Objectives for Archaeological Heritage<br />

245. Devise future planning policy for the Rathcroghan area having<br />

regard to the findings and recommendations of the<br />

Rathcroghan Conservation Plan and associated documents.<br />

246. Refer all planning applications within the Rathcroghan zones<br />

of archaeological potential, to the Development Applications<br />

Section of the Department of Environment, Heritage & Local<br />

Government for comment and to have regard to those<br />

comments when making decisions in all such planning<br />

applications.<br />

247. Permit individual housing only to those involved in agriculture<br />

and who do not own lands outside of the Rathcroghan site.<br />

Environmental objectives (EO)<br />

Cultural Heritage, Landscape, Population and Human Health<br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Objective for Heritage<br />

248. Negatively view speculative development and facilitate<br />

modestly scaled development, such as extensions to existing<br />

domestic dwellings, sensitively designed and sited agricultural<br />

building, reuse of existing buildings and where appropriate,<br />

replacement buildings comparable in scale to buildings being<br />

removed.<br />

249. Discourage development along the N5 road as it passes<br />

through the Rathcroghan Area, despite what changes may<br />

occur to the status of that route, during the lifetime of this plan.<br />

Environmental objectives (EO)<br />

Cultural Heritage, Landscape, Population and Human Health<br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Natural Heritage and Landscape Character Assessment<br />

Table 9.37<br />

Assessment of Natural Heritage and geological Policies & Objectives<br />

Policies for Designated Land<br />

296. Protect proposed and designated Natural Heritage Areas<br />

297. Protect proposed and designated Special Protection Areas<br />

298. Protect proposed and designated Special Areas of<br />

Conservation<br />

299. Protect geological NHAs as they become designated and<br />

notified to <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> during the lifetime<br />

of this plan.<br />

Objectives for Designated Land<br />

250. Ensure that development in or near a designated site<br />

should avoid any significant adverse impact on the<br />

features for which the site has been designated<br />

251. Require an appropriate assessment, undertaken by a<br />

suitably qualified person, of the implications of any<br />

proposed development in or adjacent to a designated site<br />

on the designated site; the assessment should also<br />

provide details of mitigation measures specified<br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

WO1-WO5,<br />

WO1, WO5<br />

WO1-WO5<br />

BO1, BO2<br />

BO1, BO2<br />

BO1 BO2<br />

BO3,LO1<br />

BO3,LO1<br />

BO3,LO1<br />

LO1.1 PO1<br />

LO1.1 PO1<br />

LO1.1 PO1<br />

SGO4<br />

SGO4<br />

SGO4<br />

WO1-WO5<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

BO3,LO1,<br />

LO1.1, PO1<br />

SGO4<br />

WO1-WO5,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

BO3,LO1,<br />

LO1.1, PO1<br />

SGO4<br />

WO1-WO5,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

BO3,LO1,<br />

LO1.1, PO1<br />

SGO4<br />

WO1,WO3<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

CHO1<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO4<br />

WO1,WO3<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

CHO1<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO4<br />

WO1-WO5,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

BO3,LO1,<br />

LO1.1, PO1<br />

SGO4<br />

WO1-WO5,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

BO3,LO1,<br />

LO1.1, PO1<br />

SGO4<br />

WO1WO5,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

BO3,LO1,<br />

LO1.1, PO1<br />

SGO4<br />

WO1,WO3<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

CHO1<br />

PO1<br />

,SGO4<br />

WO1,WO3<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

CHO1<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO4<br />

WO1-WO5<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

BO3,LO1,<br />

LO1.1, PO1<br />

SGO4<br />

WO1-WO5,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

BO3,LO1,<br />

LO1.1, PO1<br />

SGO4<br />

WO1-WO5,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

BO3,LO1,<br />

LO1.1, PO1<br />

SGO4<br />

WO1,WO3<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

CHO1<br />

PO1<br />

,SGO4<br />

WO1,WO3<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

CHO1<br />

PO1<br />

SGO4<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Policies for Sites of Geological Importance<br />

300. Protect from inappropriate development sites of county<br />

geological importance<br />

Objectives for Sites of Geological Importance<br />

252. Seek an audit of important geological sites in <strong>County</strong><br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong>, in conjunction with the relevant statutory<br />

bodies<br />

253. Raise awareness of the importance of geological heritage<br />

and disseminate information on sites of geological<br />

importance in <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong>, when this information<br />

becomes available<br />

254. Impose a planning condition on all major developments<br />

that the Geological Survey of Ireland should be notified in<br />

advance of any significant ground excavations. This would<br />

include quarries, road cuttings, tunnels, major drainage<br />

works, foundations for industrial or large buildings and<br />

complexes<br />

WO1-WO5,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

BO3,LO1,<br />

LO1.1, PO1<br />

SGO4<br />

WO1,WO3<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

CHO1<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO4<br />

WO1,WO3<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

CHO1<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO4<br />

WO1,WO3<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

CHO1<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO4<br />

WO1-WO5,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

BO3,LO1,<br />

LO1.1, PO1<br />

SGO4<br />

WO1,WO3<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

CHO1<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO4<br />

WO1,WO3<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

CHO1<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO4<br />

WO1,WO3<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

CHO1<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO4<br />

WO1-WO5,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

BO3,LO1,<br />

LO1.1, PO1<br />

SGO4<br />

WO1,WO3<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

CHO1<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO4<br />

WO1,WO3<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

CHO1<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO4<br />

WO1,WO3<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

CHO1<br />

PO1<br />

,GO4<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Table 9.38<br />

Assessment of Nature Conservation Policies and Objectives<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Nature Conservation Objectives<br />

255. Promote the conservation of biodiversity outside of<br />

designated areas, while allowing for appropriate<br />

development, access and recreational activity<br />

256. Carry out habitat mapping for the county to identify<br />

significant local habitats in the county, prioritizing Annex<br />

1 species, as set out in the EU Habitats Directive<br />

257. Co-operate with statutory and other relevant agencies to<br />

identify, protect and conserve a representative sample of<br />

the county’s wildlife habitats of local or regional<br />

importance, not otherwise protected by legislation<br />

258. Identify, protect and conserve, in co-operation with the<br />

relevant statutory authorities and other groups,<br />

vulnerable, rare and threatened species or wild flora and<br />

fauna and their habitats. These include plant and animal<br />

species afforded protection under the Wildlife Acts and<br />

the EU Habitats & Birds Directives<br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

WO1<br />

WO1<br />

WO1<br />

WO1.1<br />

WO1.1<br />

WO1.1<br />

WO3,BO1<br />

WO3,BO1<br />

WO3,BO1<br />

BO4,<br />

BO4<br />

BO4,<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO1<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1<br />

PO1,<br />

PO1<br />

SGO4<br />

SGO4<br />

,SGO4<br />

WO1<br />

WO1.1<br />

WO3,BO1<br />

BO4,CHO1<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO4<br />

WO1<br />

WO1.1<br />

WO3,BO1<br />

BO4,<br />

CHO1<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1<br />

SGO4<br />

WO1<br />

WO1.1<br />

WO3,BO1<br />

BO4,<br />

CHO1<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO4<br />

WO1<br />

WO1.1<br />

WO3,BO1<br />

BO4,<br />

CHO1<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO4<br />

WO1<br />

WO1.1<br />

WO3,BO1<br />

BO4<br />

,CHO1<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO4<br />

WO1<br />

WO1.1<br />

WO3,BO1<br />

BO4<br />

,CHO1<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO4<br />

WO1<br />

WO1.1<br />

WO3,BO1<br />

BO4<br />

,CHO1<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO4<br />

WO1<br />

WO1.1<br />

WO3,BO1<br />

BO4<br />

,CHO1<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO4<br />

WO1<br />

WO1.1<br />

WO3,BO1<br />

BO4,<br />

CHO1<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO4<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Environmental objectives<br />

Nature Conservation Objectives<br />

259. Conserve, protect and enhance important landscape<br />

features, such as lakes, rivers, wetlands, stonewalls,<br />

hedgerows etc, which form wildlife corridors and link<br />

habitats, providing the stepping stones necessary for<br />

wildlife to flourish, while also protecting and enhancing<br />

surface water and groundwater resources<br />

260. Ensure that any development on or near such a sites or<br />

landscape feature should avoid any significant adverse<br />

impact on the features for which the site is considered to<br />

be of local importance<br />

261. Integrate biodiversity considerations into all <strong>Roscommon</strong><br />

<strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> activities<br />

262. Ensure that the conservation and management of<br />

biodiversity is a key priority in water resource<br />

management and other infrastructural projects in the<br />

county<br />

263. Require that floodlighting proposals for historic structures<br />

are accompanied by a Bat Survey, carried out at the<br />

appropriate time of year by a suitably qualified person, so<br />

as to identify bat species present on the site and to<br />

specify mitigation measures required to ensure minimal<br />

disturbance to bats, if any, on the site<br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

WO1<br />

WO1<br />

WO1<br />

WO1.1<br />

WO1.1<br />

WO1.1<br />

WO3,BO1<br />

WO3,BO1<br />

WO3,BO1<br />

BO4,<br />

BO4,<br />

BO4,<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO1<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1,<br />

PO1,<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO4<br />

SGO4<br />

SGO4<br />

WO1<br />

WO1.1<br />

WO3,BO1<br />

BO4,<br />

CHO1<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1<br />

,SGO4<br />

WO1<br />

WO1.1<br />

WO3,BO1-<br />

BO4,CHO1<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1,SGO4<br />

WO1<br />

WO1.1<br />

WO3,BO1<br />

BO4,<br />

CHO1<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO4<br />

WO1<br />

WO1.1<br />

WO3,BO1<br />

BO4<br />

,CHO1<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1<br />

SGO4<br />

WO1<br />

WO1.1<br />

WO3,BO1<br />

BO4,<br />

CHO1<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO4<br />

WO1<br />

WO1.1<br />

WO3,BO1-<br />

BO4,CHO1<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1,SGO4<br />

WO1<br />

WO1.1<br />

WO3,BO1<br />

BO4,<br />

CHO1<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1<br />

,SGO4<br />

WO1<br />

WO1.1<br />

WO3,BO1<br />

BO4,<br />

CHO1<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1<br />

,SGO4<br />

WO1<br />

WO1.1<br />

WO3,BO1<br />

BO4,<br />

CHO1<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO4<br />

WO1<br />

WO1.1<br />

WO3,BO1-<br />

BO4,CHO1<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1,SGO4<br />

WO1<br />

WO1.1<br />

WO3,BO1<br />

BO4,<br />

CHO1<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO4<br />

WO1<br />

WO1.1<br />

WO3,BO1<br />

BO4<br />

CHO1<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO4<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Environmental objectives<br />

Nature Conservation Objectives<br />

264. Have regard to impacts of floodlighting and public lighting<br />

in open spaces and to minimize light intrusion in areas of<br />

habitat value<br />

265. Have regard to the recommendations of the Department<br />

of Environment, Heritage and Local Government and any<br />

national guidance documents, which may come about<br />

during the lifetime of this plan, with respect to potential<br />

impacts on nature conservation, when considering<br />

development applications relating to activities such as<br />

use of jet-ski’s and power boats on sites of nature<br />

conservation importance<br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

WO1<br />

WO1<br />

WO1<br />

WO1.1<br />

WO1.1<br />

WO1.1<br />

WO3,BO1-<br />

WO3,BO1-<br />

WO3,BO1-<br />

BO4,CHO1<br />

BO4,CHO1<br />

BO4,CHO1<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1,<br />

PO1,<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO4<br />

SGO4<br />

SGO4<br />

WO1<br />

WO1.1<br />

WO3,BO1-<br />

BO4,<br />

CHO1<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1<br />

SGO4<br />

WO1<br />

WO1.1<br />

WO3,BO1-<br />

BO4,<br />

CHO1<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO4<br />

WO1<br />

WO1.1<br />

WO3,BO1-<br />

BO4,<br />

CHO1<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO4<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Table 9.39<br />

Assessment of Hedgerows, Trees and Woodlands<br />

Hedgerow, Trees and Woodlands Objectives<br />

Hedgerows<br />

266. Ensure that any development, which impacts on<br />

townland boundary, roadside hedgerows or<br />

hedgerows which form links with other habitats and<br />

form wildlife corridors; should first seek to retain,<br />

translocate or replace with native species of local<br />

provenance, these hedges. The overall goal should<br />

be to have no net loss of the hedgerow resource<br />

267. The retention, re-location, or re-establishment of<br />

hedgerows in planning consents shall be the subject<br />

of a bond sought by the Local Authority from those<br />

seeking the planning permission. The bond to be<br />

returned on the successful retention, re-location or reestablishment<br />

of the hedgerows concerned within a<br />

given period.<br />

268. All mechanical hedge cutting carried out by or for<br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> should be carried out<br />

only by operators who have achieved the Teagasc<br />

proficiency standard MT 1302 – Mechanical Hedge<br />

Trimming.<br />

269. Discourage the felling of mature trees to facilitate<br />

development, and to encourage tree surgery rather<br />

than felling, where possible.<br />

270. Carry out a tree survey of the county to identify trees<br />

suitable for Tree Preservation Orders.<br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

BO3,LO1<br />

BO3,LO1<br />

BO3,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

ACO1,<br />

ACO1,<br />

ACO1,<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1<br />

WO1.1<br />

WO1.1<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

BO3,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

ACO1,<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

BO3,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

ACO1,<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

BO3,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

ACO1,<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

BO3,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

ACO1,<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

BO3,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

ACO1,<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

BO3,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

ACO1,<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

BO3,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

ACO1,<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

BO3,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

ACO1,<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

BO3,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

ACO1,<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

BO3,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

ACO1,<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

BO3,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

ACO1,<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

BO3,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

ACO1,<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Hedgerow, Trees and Woodlands Objectives<br />

Trees<br />

271.Consider the use of Tree Preservation Orders to protect<br />

important trees, groups of trees or woodlands as<br />

appropriate, during the lifetime of this plan<br />

272. Undertake an assessment of the condition and<br />

potential hazard of roadside hedgerow trees, with<br />

mitigation measures specified<br />

273.Provide information to householders on landscaping<br />

gardens with native trees and shrubs<br />

274. Commit to using native species where ever possible in<br />

its landscaping work and on <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong><br />

<strong>Council</strong> property<br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

BO3,LO1<br />

BO3,LO1<br />

BO3,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

ACO1,<br />

ACO1,<br />

ACO1,<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1<br />

WO1.1<br />

WO1.1<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

BO3,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

ACO1,<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

BO3,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

ACO1,<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

BO3,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

ACO1<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

BO3,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

ACO1,<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

BO3,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

ACO1,<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

BO3,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

ACO1<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

BO3,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

ACO1,<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

BO3,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

ACO1,<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

BO3,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

ACO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Table 9.40<br />

Assessment of Esker, Peatland and Turlough Objectives<br />

Esker, Peatland and Turlough Objectives<br />

Eskers<br />

275. Identify eskers of local importance, and conserve them<br />

from inappropriate development, within the lifetime of<br />

this plan<br />

276. Assess applications for quarrying activity in proximity to<br />

eskers with reference to the importance of the esker<br />

to the landscape, scientific value or amenity value of<br />

the esker<br />

Peatlands<br />

277. Identify peatlands of local ecological or archaeological<br />

importance, and conserve them from inappropriate<br />

development, within the lifetime of this plan<br />

278. Seek hydrological reports for significant developments<br />

within and close to peatlands so as to assess impacts<br />

on the integrity of peatland ecosystems<br />

279. Support projects which plan for future re-use of<br />

industrial cutaway bogs as sites for habitat creation,<br />

amenity use and economic use, such as the ‘National<br />

Wetlands Wilderness Park’ proposed for the Mount<br />

Dillon group of Bord na Mona bogs on the<br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong> – Longford border<br />

Turloughs<br />

280. Identify turloughs of local importance, and conserve<br />

them from inappropriate development, within the<br />

lifetime of this plan.<br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

WO1-WO3<br />

WO1-WO3<br />

WO1-WO3<br />

BO1-BO3<br />

BO1-BO3<br />

BO1-BO3<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5<br />

CHO5<br />

CHO5<br />

LO1-LO2<br />

LO1-LO2<br />

LO1-LO2<br />

PO1,SGO4<br />

PO1,SGO4<br />

PO1,SGO4<br />

WO1-WO3<br />

BO1-BO3<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5<br />

LO1-LO2<br />

PO1,SGO4<br />

WO1-WO3<br />

BO1-BO3<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5<br />

LO1-LO2<br />

PO1,SGO4<br />

WO1-WO3<br />

BO1-BO3<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5<br />

LO1-LO2<br />

PO1,SGO4<br />

WO1-WO3<br />

BO1-BO3<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5<br />

LO1-LO2<br />

PO1,SGO4<br />

WO1-WO3<br />

BO1-BO3<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5<br />

LO1-LO2<br />

PO1,SGO4<br />

WO1-WO3<br />

BO1-BO3<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5<br />

LO1-LO2<br />

PO1,SGO4<br />

WO1-WO3<br />

BO1-BO3<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5<br />

LO1-LO2<br />

PO1,SGO4<br />

WO1-WO3<br />

BO1-BO3<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5<br />

LO1-LO2<br />

PO1,SGO4<br />

WO1-WO3<br />

BO1-BO3<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5<br />

LO1-LO2<br />

PO1,SGO4<br />

WO1-WO3<br />

BO1-BO3<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5<br />

LO1-LO2<br />

PO1,SGO4<br />

WO1-WO3<br />

BO1-BO3<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5<br />

LO1-LO2<br />

PO1,SGO4<br />

WO1-WO3<br />

BO1-BO3<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5<br />

LO1-LO2<br />

PO1,SGO4<br />

WO1-WO3<br />

BO1-BO3<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5<br />

LO1-LO2<br />

PO1,SGO4<br />

WO1-WO3<br />

BO1-BO3<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5<br />

LO1-LO2<br />

PO1,SGO4<br />

WO1-WO3<br />

BO1-BO3<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5<br />

LO1-LO2<br />

PO1,SGO4<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Esker, Peatland and Turlough Objectives<br />

281. Seek hydrological reports for significant developments<br />

within and close to turloughs so as to assess impacts<br />

on the integrity of the turlough system and associated<br />

ground water levels<br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

WO1-WO3<br />

WO1-WO3<br />

WO1-WO3<br />

BO1-BO3<br />

BO1-BO3<br />

BO1-BO3<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5<br />

CHO5<br />

CHO5<br />

LO1-LO2<br />

LO1-LO2<br />

LO1-LO2<br />

PO1,SGO4<br />

PO1,SGO4<br />

PO1,SGO4<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Table 9.41<br />

Assessment of Wetlands, Watercourses and Fens Objectives<br />

Wetlands, Watercourses and Fens Objectives<br />

Wetlands<br />

282. Identify wetlands of local importance, and conserve<br />

them from inappropriate development, within the<br />

lifetime of this plan.<br />

283. Protect, conserve and enhance wetlands of local<br />

importance<br />

284. Support the work of the National Wetlands Wilderness<br />

Park committee<br />

285. Promote awareness and educational opportunities<br />

relating to wetlands in the county<br />

286. Ensure that the <strong>County</strong>’s wetlands are retained for their<br />

biodiversity and flood protection values<br />

287. Require an environmental assessment of all proposed<br />

flood prevention works carried out by a suitably<br />

qualified person, this assessment to contain details of<br />

any mitigation works required to conserve biodiversity<br />

288. Ensure that where flood alleviation works take place<br />

the natural heritage and landscape character of rivers,<br />

streams and watercourses are protected and<br />

enhanced to the greatest extent possible<br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

WO1,WO3<br />

WO1,WO3<br />

WO1,WO3<br />

WO5,WO7<br />

WO5,WO7<br />

WO5,WO7<br />

BO1-BO4<br />

BO1-BO4<br />

BO1-BO4<br />

LO1,PO1<br />

LO1,PO1<br />

LO1,PO1<br />

WO1,WO3<br />

WO5,WO7<br />

BO1-BO4<br />

LO1,PO1<br />

WO1,WO3<br />

WO5,WO7<br />

BO1-BO4<br />

LO1,PO1<br />

WO1,WO3<br />

WO5,WO7<br />

BO1-BO4<br />

LO1,PO1<br />

WO1,WO3<br />

WO5,WO7<br />

BO1-BO4<br />

LO1,PO1<br />

WO1,WO3<br />

WO5,WO7<br />

BO1-BO4<br />

LO1,PO1<br />

WO1,WO3<br />

WO5,WO7<br />

BO1-BO4<br />

LO1,PO1<br />

WO1,WO3<br />

WO5,WO7<br />

BO1-BO4<br />

LO1,PO1<br />

WO1,WO3<br />

WO5,WO7<br />

BO1-BO4<br />

LO1,PO1<br />

WO1,WO3<br />

WO5,WO7<br />

BO1-BO4<br />

LO1,PO1<br />

WO1,WO3<br />

WO5,WO7<br />

BO1-BO4<br />

LO1,PO1<br />

WO1,WO3<br />

WO5,WO7<br />

BO1-BO4<br />

LO1,PO1<br />

WO1,WO3<br />

WO5,WO7<br />

BO1-BO4<br />

LO1,PO1<br />

WO1,WO3<br />

WO5,WO7<br />

BO1-BO4<br />

LO1,PO1<br />

WO1,WO3<br />

WO5,WO7<br />

BO1-BO4<br />

LO1,PO1<br />

WO1,WO3<br />

WO5,WO7<br />

BO1-BO4<br />

LO1,PO1<br />

WO1,WO3<br />

WO5,WO7<br />

BO1-BO4<br />

LO1,PO1<br />

WO1,WO3<br />

WO5,WO7<br />

BO1-BO4<br />

LO1,PO1<br />

WO1,WO3<br />

WO5,WO7<br />

BO1-BO4<br />

LO1,PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Table 9.42<br />

Assessment of Heritage Parks and Gardens Objectives<br />

Heritage Parks and Gardens Objectives<br />

289. Encourage sensitive development, which does not lead<br />

to a loss of, or cause damage to, the character, the<br />

principal components of, or the setting of parks,<br />

gardens and demesnes of special historic interest<br />

290. Facilitate development, a condition of planning<br />

permission may include seed or cutting collection from<br />

rare plants surviving in a heritage garden or park, to<br />

facilitate survival of a rare species<br />

291. Co-operate with the Department of Environment,<br />

Heritage & Local Government and other interested<br />

groups to facilitate the protection, promotion and<br />

enhancement of heritage gardens and parks in the<br />

county, such as those 130 listed for Co. <strong>Roscommon</strong><br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

BO1-BO3<br />

BO1-BO3<br />

BO1-BO3<br />

LO1-L02<br />

LO1-L02<br />

LO1-L02<br />

PO1<br />

PO1<br />

PO1<br />

BO1-BO3<br />

LO1-L02<br />

PO1<br />

BO1-BO3<br />

LO1-L02<br />

PO1<br />

BO1-BO3<br />

LO1-L02<br />

PO1<br />

BO1-BO3<br />

LO1-L02<br />

PO1<br />

BO1-BO3<br />

LO1-L02<br />

PO1<br />

BO1-BO3<br />

LO1-L02<br />

PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Table 9.43<br />

Assessment of Inland waterways Objectives<br />

Inland Waterways Policies<br />

301. Have regard to the recommendations set out in the<br />

‘Waterways Corridor Study 2004 - A Study of the<br />

area surrounding Lanesborough to Shannonbridge’,<br />

Waterways Corridor Study 2004 - The Shannon River<br />

between Roosky and Lanesborough’ and the<br />

‘Waterways Corridor Study 2005 – A Study of the<br />

area surrounding the Upper Shannon navigation down<br />

to Roosky, including the Boyle River, Lough Allen,<br />

Lough Key and the Carnadoe waters’<br />

Inland Waterways Objectives<br />

292. Maintain and preserve the aesthetic value of inland<br />

waterways and the waterway corridors in the county<br />

from the impacts of dispersed and highly visible<br />

development, whilst discouraging speculative<br />

development and protecting water quality.<br />

293. Support the growth and development of local<br />

communities within the inland waterway corridors<br />

whilst maintaining their distinctive character<br />

294. Prepare local area plans/village envelope plans to<br />

encourage consolidated development within existing<br />

settlements within the waterway corridors<br />

295. Prepare design guidelines for the siting of buildings<br />

within the waterway corridors<br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

WO1-<br />

WO1-<br />

WO1-<br />

WO7,<br />

WO7,<br />

WO7,<br />

BO1-<br />

BO1-<br />

BO1-<br />

BO4,LO1<br />

BO4,LO1<br />

BO4,LO1<br />

LO1.1 PO1<br />

LO1.1 PO1<br />

LO1.1 PO1<br />

SGO4<br />

SGO4<br />

SGO4<br />

MAO3<br />

MAO3<br />

MAO3<br />

WO1-WO7<br />

BO1-BO3<br />

LO1-LO2<br />

PO1<br />

WO1-WO7<br />

BO1-BO3<br />

LO1-LO2<br />

PO1<br />

WO1-WO7<br />

BO1-BO3<br />

LO1-LO2<br />

PO1<br />

WO1-WO7<br />

BO1-BO3<br />

LO1-LO2<br />

PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO7,BO3,<br />

CHO4,<br />

LO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO7,BO3,<br />

CHO4,<br />

LO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO7,BO3,<br />

CHO4,<br />

LO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO7,BO3,<br />

CHO4,<br />

LO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO7,BO3,<br />

CHO4,<br />

LO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO7,BO3,<br />

CHO4,<br />

LO1<br />

WO1-WO7<br />

BO1-BO3<br />

LO1-LO2<br />

PO1<br />

WO1-WO7<br />

BO1-BO3<br />

LO1-LO2<br />

PO1<br />

WO1-WO7<br />

BO1-BO3<br />

LO1-LO2<br />

PO1<br />

WO1-WO7<br />

BO1-BO3<br />

LO1-LO2<br />

PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO7BO3,<br />

CHO4,<br />

LO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO7,BO3,<br />

CHO4,<br />

LO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO7,BO3,<br />

CHO4,<br />

LO1<br />

WO1-WO7<br />

BO1-BO3<br />

LO1-LO2<br />

PO1<br />

WO1-WO7<br />

BO1-BO3<br />

LO1-LO2<br />

PO1<br />

WO1-WO7<br />

BO1-BO3<br />

LO1-LO2<br />

PO1<br />

WO1-WO7<br />

BO1-BO3<br />

LO1-LO2<br />

PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Inland Waterways Policies<br />

296. Prepare a combined Local Area Plan for<br />

Ballyleague/Lanesborough to direct development and<br />

regeneration, within the lifetime of this plan. The plan<br />

must address access to the waterway, recreation and<br />

tourism, and the provision of suitable infrastructure to<br />

enable development.<br />

297. Prepare Village Design Statements/ village plans for<br />

Knockcroghery, Portrun, Lecarrow, Cootehall and<br />

Knockvicar to address issues of design, managed<br />

growth and associated infrastructure<br />

298. Seek to enhance public access to inland waterways as<br />

a condition of any development granted along inland<br />

waterways<br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

WO1- WO1, WO1, WO1- WO1, WO1-<br />

WO7, WO1.1, WO1.1, WO7, WO1.1, WO7,<br />

BO1-BO3, WO7,BO3, WO7,BO3, BO1-BO3, WO7,BO3, BO1-BO3,<br />

CHO1, CHO4, CHO4, CHO1, CHO4, CHO1,<br />

CHO3, LO1 LO1 CHO3, LO1 CHO3,<br />

CHO4,<br />

CHO4,<br />

CHO4,<br />

LO1, LO2,<br />

LO1, LO2,<br />

LO1, LO2,<br />

PO1,<br />

PO1,<br />

PO1,<br />

MAO3<br />

MAO3<br />

MAO3<br />

WO1-WO7<br />

BO1-BO3<br />

LO1-LO2<br />

PO1<br />

WO1-WO7<br />

BO1-BO3<br />

LO1-LO2<br />

PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO7,BO3,<br />

CHO4,<br />

LO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO7,BO3,<br />

CHO4,<br />

LO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO7,BO3,<br />

CHO4,<br />

LO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO7,BO3,<br />

CHO4,<br />

LO1<br />

WO1-WO7<br />

BO1-BO3<br />

LO1-LO2<br />

PO1<br />

WO1-WO7<br />

BO1-BO3<br />

LO1-LO2<br />

PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO7,BO3,<br />

CHO4,<br />

LO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO7,BO3,<br />

CHO4,<br />

LO1<br />

WO1-WO7<br />

BO1-BO3<br />

LO1-LO2<br />

PO1<br />

WO1-WO7<br />

BO1-BO3<br />

LO1-LO2<br />

PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Table 9.44<br />

Assessment of Alien Invasive Species Objectives<br />

Alien Invasive Species Objectives<br />

299. Support initiatives, which reduce the risks of invasions,<br />

help control and manage new and established<br />

invasive species, monitor impacts, raise public<br />

awareness, improve legislation and address<br />

international obligations<br />

300. Implement conditions as appropriate, as part of a grant<br />

of a planning permission or a waste permit, to prevent<br />

spread of invasive species.<br />

301. Encourage use native species in amenity planting and<br />

stocking and related community actions to reduce the<br />

introduction and spread of non-native species<br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

WO1<br />

WO1<br />

WO1<br />

WO1.1<br />

WO1.1<br />

WO1.1<br />

BO1-BO3<br />

BO1-BO3<br />

BO1-BO3<br />

PO1, WO7<br />

PO1, WO7<br />

PO1, WO7<br />

WO1<br />

WO1.1<br />

BO1-BO3<br />

PO1,WO7<br />

WO1<br />

WO1.1<br />

BO1-BO3<br />

PO1,WO7<br />

WO1<br />

WO1.1<br />

BO1-BO3<br />

PO1,WO7<br />

WO1<br />

WO1.1<br />

BO1-BO3<br />

PO1,WO7<br />

WO1<br />

WO1.1<br />

BO1-BO3<br />

PO1,WO7<br />

WO1<br />

WO1.1<br />

BO1-BO3<br />

PO1,WO7<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Strategic Policies for Social Inclusion & Disability<br />

Table 9.45 Assessment of Strategic Policies for Social Inclusion & Disability<br />

Strategic Polices for Social Inclusion & Disability<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

Policy<br />

302. Ensure that inclusion is an integral part of the design and<br />

<br />

delivery of all programmes and services and ensures<br />

effectiveness and efficiency in delivery of social inclusion<br />

work.<br />

303. Continue to develop linkages between agencies and<br />

<br />

organisations and co-ordinate social inclusion work in the<br />

county.<br />

304. Identify levels of need, based on disadvantage and qualify<br />

<br />

and analyse the needs of disadvantaged and marginalized<br />

people.<br />

305. Encourage and promote the renewal of disadvantaged areas, <br />

with specific reference to the principle of targeting investment<br />

in disadvantaged areas through the implementation of<br />

commitments outlined in RAPID and CLAR Programmes<br />

throughout the <strong>County</strong>, and the utilisation of the <strong>Council</strong>’s<br />

Development Contribution Scheme to form a basis for the<br />

improvement of existing community and recreational facilities<br />

and the funding of new facilities in disadvantaged areas.<br />

306. Develop accessible infrastructure to support the development <br />

of heritage, arts, sport and tourism.<br />

307. Promote and develop the county Arts Centre; and explore the<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

development of cultural infrastructure (fixed and mobile) for<br />

the county.<br />

308. Develop a more co-coordinated and strategic approach to<br />

<br />

cultural development in the county.<br />

309. Integrate arts and cultural plans into operational plans for<br />

<br />

public services in the county.<br />

310. Develop a cultural plan for the county to include arts, sport,<br />

<br />

heritage, tourism and language; and develop a plan to utilise<br />

artists, performers, sports personalities and friends of<br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong> to promote <strong>Roscommon</strong> at home and abroad.<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Table 9.46<br />

Assessment of Strategic Policies & Objectives for Community Facilities<br />

Strategic Policies & Objectives for Community Facilities<br />

Policy<br />

311. Provide for the future well being of the residents<br />

of the <strong>County</strong> by ensuring the provision of<br />

necessary community services and facilities.<br />

312. Support the provision of facilities for young<br />

people and teenagers within the <strong>County</strong>.<br />

313. Support the regeneration and repair of the area<br />

behind the convent gym in <strong>Roscommon</strong> Town<br />

and retention as open space for future<br />

sporting/recreational use.<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

314. Facilitate social inclusion and access for all, with regard to<br />

community facilities.<br />

315. <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> endorses the need<br />

for each local community to plan and provide a<br />

range of services and supports to enable Senior<br />

Citizens throughout the <strong>County</strong> to maintain the<br />

optimal level of health, independence and<br />

dignity.<br />

316. Promote the retention of existing services,<br />

particularly in disadvantaged areas and seek the<br />

provision of neighborhood facilities concurrent<br />

with new development.<br />

317. Ensure the provision of affordable childcare<br />

throughout the <strong>County</strong> in consultation with the<br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> Childcare Committee, the<br />

<strong>County</strong> Development Board and the Health<br />

Service Executive.<br />

318. Facilitate and develop a hierarchy of open<br />

spaces throughout the <strong>County</strong> to provide greater<br />

opportunities for recreation and amenity.<br />

<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1,LO1, LO2 LO1 LO2 PO1,LO1 LO2 PO1,LO1 LO2<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Strategic Policies & Objectives for Community Facilities<br />

319. Implement the Play Policy for <strong>County</strong><br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong> in conjunction with the <strong>County</strong><br />

Development Board and other agencies.<br />

320. Facilitate the development of primary, post<br />

primary and third level educational facilities to<br />

meet the needs of the <strong>County</strong>.<br />

321. Ensure that adequate lands and services are<br />

reserved/zoned to cater for the establishment,<br />

improvement or expansion (where possible) of<br />

primary and post primary educational facilities.<br />

322. Promote the development of outreach<br />

programmes between businesses and the third<br />

level institutions in adjoining Counties.<br />

323. Co-operate with the Health Service Executive<br />

and other statutory and voluntary agencies in the<br />

provision of health, community, social facilities<br />

and services for the aged population.<br />

324. Ensure that adequate lands and services are<br />

available for the improvement, establishment and<br />

expansion of health and related services.<br />

325. Support local sports and community groups in the<br />

development of facilities through the reservation<br />

of suitable land and the provision of funding<br />

where available and appropriate.<br />

Objective<br />

302. Endeavour to continue to develop and improve the<br />

services provided on an ongoing basis through the<br />

provision of a high standard of library services.<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Table 9.47<br />

Assessment of Strategic Policies for Childcare Provision<br />

Strategic Polices for Childcare Provision<br />

326. Implement the Childcare Facilities: Guidelines for Planning<br />

Authorities (DoEHLG June2000).<br />

327. Support the <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> Childcare Committee,<br />

the <strong>County</strong> Development Board and the Health Service<br />

Executive in formulating policy to ensure the provision of<br />

affordable childcare throughout the <strong>County</strong>.<br />

328. Encourage the provision of childcare facilities as an<br />

essential part of residential schemes, places of<br />

employment such as industrial/business parks, and in the<br />

close proximity to schools.<br />

329. Promote the location of childcare facilities in settlement<br />

centres, on sites which are convenient to public transport<br />

and pedestrian access.<br />

330. Support the multi-functional use and provision of buildings<br />

and opportunities to maximise the use of existing physical<br />

resources / infrastructure within <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong>.<br />

331. Support the development of stand-alone, outdoor play<br />

areas, in consultation with the <strong>County</strong> Childcare<br />

Committee, subject to funding.<br />

Uncertain impact<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Table 9.48<br />

Assessment of Strategic Policies for Health<br />

Strategic Policies for Health<br />

332. Support the development of health/medical facilities in<br />

conjunction with a network of community based primary<br />

care facilities, in suitable locations.<br />

333. Facilitate the accommodation of healthcare functions at<br />

suitable locations in liaison with the appropriate health<br />

authorities.<br />

Uncertain impact<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Table 9.49<br />

Assessment of Strategic Policies for Education<br />

Strategic Policies for Education<br />

334. Develop, improve and build on existing education and<br />

training services and facilities and to eliminate educational<br />

disadvantage.<br />

335. Develop an integrated education and training plan to<br />

support access to further and third level education, ensure<br />

ongoing adult education and training, and ensure that<br />

quality life-long learning opportunities are available to all.<br />

336. Consult with the Department of Education regarding the<br />

location and provision of adequate educational facilities.<br />

337. Facilitate the provision of schools by ensuring suitable<br />

lands are zoned in Development Plans and Local Area<br />

Plans.<br />

338. Limit new development in urban areas where necessary<br />

social infrastructure including but not limited to schools<br />

and community facilities are available.<br />

Uncertain impact<br />

<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

Table 9.50<br />

Assessment of Strategic Policy for Libraries<br />

Strategic Policy for Libraries<br />

339. The <strong>Council</strong> will endeavour to continue to develop and<br />

improve the services provided on an ongoing basis.<br />

Uncertain impact<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Table 9.51<br />

Assessment of Strategic Policies & Objectives for Museums<br />

Strategic Policies & Objectives for Museums<br />

Policy<br />

340. Maintain and expand cultural facilities and services<br />

throughout the <strong>County</strong>.<br />

Objective<br />

303. Access National Museum artefacts and return to public<br />

display in <strong>Roscommon</strong> where possible.<br />

304. Investigate the feasibility of the provision of a<br />

designated county museum service with curator and<br />

support staff, within the lifetime of this plan.<br />

305. Identify a suitable site for the development of a<br />

designated county museum, within the lifetime of this<br />

plan.<br />

Uncertain impacts<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Table 9.52<br />

Assessment of Strategic Objectives for Burial Grounds<br />

Strategic Objectives for<br />

Burial Grounds<br />

306. Protect the cultural and natural heritage of historical<br />

burial grounds within Co. <strong>Roscommon</strong> and ensure their<br />

management and maintenance is in accordance with the<br />

principles of best conservation practice.<br />

307. Require that all works proposed to be carried out in<br />

graveyards, which are Recorded Monuments, are<br />

notified two months in advance, to the National<br />

Monuments Service of the Department of Environment,<br />

Heritage & Local Government, as required under the<br />

National Monuments Acts, and that recommendations<br />

regarding the carrying out of proposed works are<br />

complied with, as a condition of any grant aid from<br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong>.<br />

Uncertain impact<br />

Environmental Objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

CHO1 CHO1 CHO1<br />

CHO1 CHO1 CHO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Table 9.53<br />

Assessment of Strategic Objectives for Place names<br />

Strategic Objectives for<br />

Place names<br />

308. Within the lifetime of this plan, to establish Coiste<br />

Logainmneacha Ros Comáin - The Place names<br />

Committee of <strong>Roscommon</strong>, to advise on and approve<br />

names of new developments.<br />

309.That the naming of new developments, such as housing<br />

estates, streets, shopping centres etc shall reflect the<br />

local place names, history, culture and heritage or<br />

topographical features as appropriate.<br />

310. The use of Irish language place names is encouraged,<br />

where possible and should be easily pronounced by<br />

non- Irish speakers. The Place names Committee of<br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> shall approve names of<br />

new developments in advance. Signage should be of<br />

appropriate size and material and shall be erected in a<br />

timely manner<br />

Uncertain impact<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Recreation, Leisure and Tourism<br />

Table 9.54<br />

Assessment of Recreation and Leisure Policies & Objectives<br />

Recreation and Leisure Policies<br />

Open Space and Sporting Provision<br />

341. Develop a hierarchy of multifunctional active and<br />

passive recreational spaces and facilities to serve all<br />

ages.<br />

342. Strengthen, extend and consolidate green belts at both<br />

strategic and local levels.<br />

343. Consider the community’s overall need for open space<br />

provision and take this into account in relation to its<br />

zoning functions.<br />

344. Ensure that public open space provided as part of new<br />

development is of high quality and designed and<br />

finished to ensure its usability, security and cost<br />

efficient maintenance.<br />

345. Provide for the needs of young people at suitable<br />

locations through supporting youth groups, youth<br />

sports and arts activities and providing facilities to<br />

encourage the involvement of young people in<br />

activities and gatherings.<br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Negative Short Long Temp. Perm<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1<br />

CHO5,<br />

LO1,LO2,<br />

SGO4<br />

PO1 BO1<br />

BO2, CHO1<br />

CHO5,<br />

LO1,LO2,<br />

SGO4<br />

PO1<br />

BO1,<br />

BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO5,<br />

LO1,L<br />

O2,<br />

SGO4<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Recreation and Leisure Policies<br />

Integrated Tourism & Recreational Development<br />

346 .Identify strategic locations where public open space<br />

and parks should be provided, so that they may be<br />

useable by a large proportion of the local community<br />

and so that they may facilitate the enjoyment of other<br />

amenities such as rivers, lakes, canal, picturesque<br />

landscapes, views or features of our natural heritage,<br />

or to retain areas of ecological interest and<br />

biodiversity value.<br />

347. Provide for the sports and recreational needs of the<br />

<strong>County</strong>, by upgrading and maintaining existing<br />

facilities and providing for new facilities as required.<br />

Facilities provided should be designed with flexibility<br />

in mind so that they are multifunctional and ensure<br />

maximum usability by a variety of groups and<br />

members of local communities. Facilities should be<br />

widely accessible to ensure that sports and recreation<br />

may provide a forum for social inclusion and<br />

integration and the <strong>Council</strong> will work with sporting<br />

organisations and clubs to achieve widespread<br />

availability of facilities.<br />

348. Ensure that recreational activities are safe places for<br />

all users and that one group of users do not enjoy<br />

public facilities at the expense of the safety of others<br />

or the quality of the environment.<br />

Walkways/Cycle ways<br />

349. Promote the development of inland walk and cycle<br />

ways.<br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Negative Short Long Temp. Perm<br />

WO5, WO6,<br />

BO1, BO2<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3,<br />

LO1, LO2,<br />

PO1,<br />

WO5, WO6,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3,<br />

LO1, LO2,<br />

PO1,<br />

WO5<br />

WO6<br />

BO1<br />

BO2<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO3<br />

LO1<br />

LO2<br />

PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

CHO5 PO1<br />

ACO1<br />

CHO5 PO1<br />

ACO1<br />

CHO5<br />

PO1<br />

ACO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Recreation and Leisure Policies<br />

350. Facilitate the improvement and development of<br />

walkways and cycle ways throughout the county,<br />

through promotion of routes such as the Suck Valley<br />

Way and Slí na Sláinte and through the provision of<br />

new routes where appropriate. Routes should take full<br />

advantage of existing amenities such as riverbanks<br />

and lakeshores so as to facilitate their enjoyment and<br />

exploit their tourism value.<br />

Public Swimming Pools<br />

351. Support the provision of new public and private sector<br />

swimming pools in appropriate locations throughout<br />

the <strong>County</strong><br />

Arts and Theatre<br />

352. Support the development of artistic tourism throughout<br />

the <strong>County</strong> including the facilitation of new festivals<br />

and other events including ‘rainy day’ events for<br />

visitors such as exhibitions, musical entertainment<br />

and theatre.<br />

353. Promote and nurture the arts throughout the <strong>County</strong><br />

through supporting the implementation of objectives<br />

contained in the <strong>County</strong> Arts Plan and working with<br />

those involved in the Arts throughout the county to<br />

develop community and traditional art initiatives<br />

354. Support the initiatives set out in “<strong>Roscommon</strong> Common<br />

Vision” particularly the development a more coordinated<br />

and strategic approach to cultural<br />

development in the county including the integration of<br />

arts and cultural plans into operational plans for public<br />

services in the county and the development of a<br />

cultural plan for the county to include arts, sport,<br />

heritage and language as well as utilising artists,<br />

performers, sports personalities and friends of<br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong> to promote <strong>Roscommon</strong> at home and<br />

abroad.<br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Negative Short Long Temp. Perm<br />

CHO5 PO1<br />

ACO1<br />

CHO5 PO1<br />

ACO1<br />

CHO5<br />

PO1<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1<br />

WO5,ACO1<br />

PO1<br />

WO5,ACO1<br />

PO1<br />

WO5<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1, CHO5 PO1, CHO5<br />

PO1,<br />

CHO5<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Recreation and Leisure Policies<br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Negative Short Long Temp. Perm<br />

355. Provide for artistic elements in new and existing<br />

development by encouraging the use of the “percent<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

for art schemes” and other initiatives.<br />

356. Improve arts and cultural facilities throughout <strong>County</strong><br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong>.<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

357. Foster and develop arts information networks. PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

358. Promote initiatives to develop new audiences and<br />

provide access to arts for all<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

359. Promote the involvement of the wider community in the<br />

arts.<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

360. Encourage the development of artists. PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

361. Support arts and culture events and activities. PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

Recreation and Leisure Objectives<br />

Open Space and Sporting Provision<br />

311.Support the implementation of the <strong>County</strong> Play Policy in<br />

providing for and facilitating play throughout the <strong>County</strong><br />

312. Include standards for the provision for public<br />

open space within new residential developments<br />

313. Implement the <strong>Council</strong>’s Development Contribution<br />

Scheme as it relates to the improvement of existing<br />

recreation and leisure facilities and the funding of new<br />

recreation and leisure facilities in tandem with new<br />

developments<br />

314. Ensure that fully equipped playgrounds to appropriate<br />

standards are provided within all new housing<br />

developments of in excess of 20 units.<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO4<br />

CHO5<br />

PO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO2<br />

PO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO2<br />

PO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO4<br />

CHO5<br />

PO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO2<br />

PO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO2<br />

PO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO4<br />

CHO5<br />

PO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO2<br />

PO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO2<br />

PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Recreation and Leisure Policies<br />

Integrated Tourism and Recreational Development<br />

315. Support the development of a Cultural Plan for the<br />

county to include arts, heritage, language and sports<br />

in order to raise awareness of the quality of life<br />

available to locals and visitors and the development of<br />

a method of profiling artists, performers, sports<br />

personalities and friends of <strong>Roscommon</strong> to promote<br />

the county at home and abroad<br />

Arts and Theatre<br />

316. Work with Fáilte Ireland, the Arts <strong>Council</strong> and other<br />

relevant bodies to promote and develop the arts and<br />

tourism sectors in <strong>Roscommon</strong>.<br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Negative Short Long Temp. Perm<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO2<br />

CHO2<br />

CHO2<br />

PO1<br />

PO1<br />

PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Table 9.55<br />

Assessment of Tourism Policies & Objectives<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Tourism Policies –Urban & Rural<br />

362. Support the provision of tourism related developments<br />

that promote the redevelopment of derelict sites.<br />

However, such development, as with all tourism<br />

proposals must be capable of being satisfactorily<br />

screened and assimilated into the landscape. It shall<br />

not be located in areas, or close to areas, where an<br />

unsatisfactory level of visually unsympathetic<br />

development has already taken place.<br />

363. Promote tourism related developments in the<br />

countryside.<br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

364. Support the development of flagship tourism projects in<br />

the county. <br />

365. Support the promotion and marketing of Tourism within<br />

the county, nationally and internationally in order to<br />

encourage increasing numbers of visitors.<br />

366. Encourage the development of marine tourism within<br />

the county.<br />

367. Encourage the development of tourism centred on<br />

culture, language and heritage.<br />

368. Support the development of sustainable tourism in the<br />

<strong>County</strong>.<br />

<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

LO1, LO2,<br />

SGO1, PO1,<br />

CHO1<br />

LO1, LO2,<br />

SGO1, PO1,<br />

CHO1, BO1,<br />

BO2, WO5<br />

WO6,<br />

BO1,BO2,C<br />

HO4, PO1<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3,<br />

CHO4,<br />

CHO5, PO1<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1,<br />

CHO3, LO1,<br />

LO2, SGO4,<br />

PO1<br />

WO1, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1,<br />

CHO3, LO1,<br />

SGO4<br />

WO1, WO2,<br />

WO6, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO4,<br />

PO1<br />

WO1, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1,<br />

CHO3, LO1,<br />

SGO4<br />

WO1, WO2,<br />

WO6, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO4,<br />

PO1<br />

LO1, LO2,<br />

SGO1, PO1,<br />

CHO1<br />

LO1, LO2,<br />

SGO1, PO1,<br />

CHO1, BO1,<br />

BO2, WO5<br />

WO6,<br />

BO1,BO2,C<br />

HO4, PO1<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3,<br />

CHO4,<br />

CHO5, PO1<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1,<br />

CHO3, LO1,<br />

LO2, SGO4,<br />

PO1<br />

WO1, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1,<br />

CHO3, LO1,<br />

SGO4<br />

WO1, WO2,<br />

WO6, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO4,<br />

PO1<br />

LO1, LO2,<br />

SGO1, PO1,<br />

CHO1<br />

LO1, LO2,<br />

SGO1, PO1,<br />

CHO1, BO1,<br />

BO2, WO5<br />

WO6,<br />

BO1,BO2,C<br />

HO4, PO1<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3,<br />

CHO4,<br />

CHO5, PO1<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1,<br />

CHO3, LO1,<br />

LO2, SGO4,<br />

PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Tourism Policies –Urban & Rural<br />

369. Seek the best balance between permitting<br />

developments, which facilitate the expansion of the<br />

industry and protecting the eco-systems and cultural<br />

ethos, which is uniquely attractive to visitors.<br />

Tourism in relation to other agencies<br />

370. Support the initiatives of the <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong><br />

Development Board, the Cultural Implementation<br />

Group and other agencies and individuals involved in<br />

promoting tourism in the county.<br />

371. Support the Regional Tourism Authorities and other<br />

bodies that enable counties to work together on joint<br />

marketing, clustering, transport and tourism<br />

infrastructure.<br />

372. Promote the development of underdeveloped tourism<br />

areas in line with national policy of regional<br />

development and dispersal growth.<br />

373. Promote the development of new locations offering<br />

unique attractions and experiences that respond to<br />

the market demand for “getting away from it all” and<br />

have authentic cultural experiences.<br />

374. Disperse visitors to new sites and places of interest<br />

Tourism in relation to the Tourism Strategy for<br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong><br />

375. Enhance economic development through community<br />

based tourism initiatives.<br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1,<br />

CHO3, LO1,<br />

CHO3, LO1,<br />

CHO3, LO1,<br />

LO2, SGO4,<br />

LO2, SGO4,<br />

LO2, SGO4,<br />

PO1<br />

PO1<br />

PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO3,<br />

CHO4, LO1,<br />

PO1, SGO4<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO3,<br />

CHO4,<br />

LO1,LO2,<br />

PO1, SGO4<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO3,<br />

CHO4,<br />

LO1,LO2,<br />

PO1, SGO4<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1,<br />

CHO3, LO1,<br />

LO2, SGO4,<br />

PO1<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO3,<br />

CHO4, LO1,<br />

PO1, SGO4<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO3,<br />

CHO4, LO1,<br />

LO2,PO1,<br />

SGO4<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO3,<br />

CHO4, LO1,<br />

LO2,PO1,<br />

SGO4<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1,<br />

CHO3, LO1,<br />

LO2, SGO4,<br />

PO1<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO3,<br />

CHO4, LO1,<br />

PO1, SGO4<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO3,<br />

CHO4, LO1,<br />

LO2,PO1,<br />

SGO4<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO3,<br />

CHO4, LO1,<br />

LO2,PO1,<br />

SGO4<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1,<br />

CHO3, LO1,<br />

LO2, SGO4,<br />

PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Tourism Policies –Urban & Rural<br />

376. Assist in opening up opportunities for job creation and<br />

promotion of small, medium and micro enterprises.<br />

377. Support the establishment of a Tourism Forum in order<br />

to provide a platform for people and organisations<br />

involved in cultural activities to discuss and showcase<br />

their activities and achievements.<br />

378. Support the development of a marketing strategy as<br />

outlined in “<strong>Roscommon</strong> Tourism Strategy 2002-<br />

2007”.<br />

379. Facilitate a survey of tourist amenity, facilities &<br />

infrastructure of all towns and villages throughout the<br />

<strong>County</strong>.<br />

380. Promote programmes in tourism, transport,<br />

infrastructure and cultural development and<br />

connectivity between urban and rural areas.<br />

381. Provide flexibility in zonings to allow for tourism<br />

developments.<br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO5,<br />

WO3, WO5,<br />

WO3, WO5,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5, LO1,<br />

LO2, PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO5,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5, LO1,<br />

LO2, PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO5,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5, LO1,<br />

LO2, PO1<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5, LO1,<br />

LO2, PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO5,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5, LO1,<br />

LO2, PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO5,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5, LO1,<br />

LO2, PO1<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5, LO1,<br />

LO2, PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO5,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5, LO1,<br />

LO2, PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO5,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5, LO1,<br />

LO2, PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Environmental objectives<br />

Tourism Policies –Urban & Rural<br />

382. Have due regard to the policies and objectives of the<br />

CDB “<strong>Roscommon</strong> Common Vision”.<br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

383. Provide a platform for revised marketing programmes<br />

by presenting ‘new features of <strong>Roscommon</strong>’ or the <br />

West to visitors.<br />

384. Encourage the development of a tourism product,<br />

which is based on originality and builds on that which <br />

is ‘uniquely <strong>Roscommon</strong>’.<br />

385. Involve the community extensively in the development<br />

of tourism products for the county.<br />

<br />

386. Ensure that new place names have local significance. <br />

387.Assure an advocacy role within our limits, for example;<br />

o Marketing <strong>Roscommon</strong> to its own<br />

community,<br />

o New product development,<br />

<br />

o Special events and festivals such as sporting,<br />

cultural and arts.<br />

388.Influence, facilitate and encourage tourism product<br />

development through;<br />

(i) Attractions, events, sports and entertainment,<br />

(ii) Upgrading of existing properties and infrastructure<br />

by both private and public sectors,<br />

<br />

(iii) Working closely with Fáilte Ireland and private<br />

enterprise to create and environment for<br />

investment in new and existing tourist<br />

development.<br />

389.Facilitating an increase in the tourism value, via, inter<br />

alia;<br />

(i) Encouraging an increase in the length of visitor<br />

stay, and,<br />

<br />

(ii) Encouraging increased visitor spend.<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO5,<br />

WO3, WO5,<br />

WO3, WO5,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5, LO1,<br />

LO2, PO1<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5, LO1,<br />

LO2, PO1<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5, LO1,<br />

LO2, PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Tourism Policies –Urban & Rural<br />

Tourism & Economic Development/Employment<br />

390. Support new concepts to encourage private investment<br />

throughout the <strong>County</strong>.<br />

391. Encourage growth in the tourism industry, which will<br />

contribute to future employment growth and income<br />

creation whilst ensuring balanced development and<br />

environmental sustainability throughout the <strong>County</strong>.<br />

392. Support the marketing of a tourism package for<br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong>.<br />

393. Support the compilation of a new Tourism<br />

Development Strategy for <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong>.<br />

394. Identify, target and provide support to “Champions”<br />

and entrepreneurs who could drive and become<br />

involved in tourism related projects in the short,<br />

medium and long term.<br />

Tourism Facilities<br />

395. Support the development of a designated <strong>County</strong><br />

Museum to display our rich history and heritage.<br />

396. Support the development of new tourism facilities and<br />

services throughout the county.<br />

397. Facilitate the provision of tourism signs throughout the<br />

<strong>County</strong>, particularly in tourist areas.<br />

Tourist Development<br />

398. Encourage the development of sustainable new<br />

tourism developments, where appropriate, and<br />

through initiatives such as the Greening Irish Hotels<br />

Programme<br />

399. Continue to promote and support flagship tourism<br />

projects in the <strong>County</strong> including the Lough Key<br />

Development Project and the Hodson Bay Project.<br />

400. Support the development of Lough Key and its<br />

environs as a natural amenity and major tourist<br />

attraction.<br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1,<br />

CHO3, LO1,<br />

LO2, SGO4,<br />

PO1<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1,<br />

CHO3, LO1,<br />

LO2, SGO4,<br />

PO1<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1,<br />

CHO3, LO1,<br />

LO2, SGO4,<br />

PO1<br />

PO1, CHO1 PO1, CHO1 PO1, CHO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

WO5,CHO1,<br />

PO1,MAO3<br />

WO5, WO6,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

LO1,PO1<br />

WO5,WO6,B<br />

O1,BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO4,LO1,<br />

PO1<br />

WO5,CHO1,<br />

PO1,MAO3<br />

WO5, WO6,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

LO1,PO1<br />

WO5,WO6,B<br />

O1,BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO4,LO1,<br />

PO1<br />

WO5,CHO1,<br />

PO1,MAO3<br />

WO5, WO6,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

LO1,PO1<br />

WO5,WO6,B<br />

O1,BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO4,LO1,<br />

PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Tourism Policies –Urban & Rural<br />

401. Facilitate the provision of facilities for tourism i.e.<br />

swimming, fishing and small boating as well a<br />

washrooms and toilets, seating and benches along<br />

the shoreline of the lakes.<br />

Tourism & Niche Markets<br />

402. Support the development of niche tourism and<br />

educational initiatives in the astronomical area.<br />

403. Provide flexibility in zonings to allow for tourism<br />

developments.<br />

404. Support the regeneration of derelict buildings for reuse<br />

as tourism facilities.<br />

405. Support the development of tourism related facilities<br />

particularly river and boating related tourism at calling<br />

points along the River Shannon.<br />

406. Facilitate the development of several tourist routes<br />

throughout the <strong>County</strong>, which will include historical<br />

and cultural elements, environmental and recreation,<br />

general interest and amenities, and satisfies the<br />

needs of the tourist both domestic and international.<br />

407. Facilitate the provision of increased moorin facilities at<br />

4/5 chosen locations along the Shannon and allow<br />

select types of commercial/tourism development along<br />

the riverside to provide for an economic gain from the<br />

Shannon.<br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

WO5,WO6,B<br />

WO5,WO6,B<br />

WO5,WO6,B<br />

WO2,WO6, WO2,WO6,<br />

WO2,WO6,<br />

O1,BO2,<br />

O1,BO2,<br />

O1,BO2,<br />

BO1, BO1,<br />

BO1,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO1,<br />

BO3,LO1,C BO3,LO1,C<br />

BO3,LO1,C<br />

CHO4,LO1,<br />

CHO4,LO1,<br />

CHO4,LO1,<br />

HO4,MAO3 HO4,MAO3<br />

HO4,MAO3<br />

PO1<br />

PO1<br />

PO1<br />

PO1, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1,<br />

CHO5,<br />

LO1,LO2,<br />

SGO4<br />

PO1 BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1,<br />

CHO5,<br />

LO1,LO2,<br />

SGO4<br />

PO1 BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1,<br />

CHO5,<br />

LO1,LO2,<br />

SGO4<br />

PO1, SGO1 PO1, SGO1 PO1, SGO1<br />

WO5, WO6,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO4,<br />

LO1,PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO5,<br />

WO6, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1-<br />

CHO5,<br />

LO1,LO2,<br />

PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO2, WO5,<br />

WO6, WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

BO3, CHO1,<br />

CHO4, LO1,<br />

PO1<br />

WO5, WO6,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO4,LO1,<br />

PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO5,<br />

WO6, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1-<br />

CHO5,<br />

LO1,LO2,<br />

PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO2, WO5,<br />

WO6, WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

BO3, CHO1,<br />

CHO4, LO1,<br />

PO1<br />

WO5, WO6,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO4,LO1,<br />

PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO5,<br />

WO6, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1-<br />

CHO5,<br />

LO1,LO2,<br />

PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO2, WO5,<br />

WO6, WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

BO3, CHO1,<br />

CHO4, LO1,<br />

PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Tourism Policies –Urban & Rural<br />

408. Support the development of appropriate tourist facilities<br />

along the River Shannon and its network.<br />

409. Facilitate and be involved in the upgrading of all<br />

infrastructure, including the provision of facilities<br />

within tourist areas, throughout the <strong>County</strong>.<br />

410. Support the development of improved linkages<br />

throughout the county in order to facilitate future<br />

economic development including the upgrading of the<br />

N63 as one of the major transport linkages within the<br />

county.<br />

411. Promote cycle and pedestrian-friendly development<br />

layouts, infrastructure and facilities in all new tourism<br />

development.<br />

412. Support rural tourism by targeting and catering for<br />

certain niche markets.<br />

Integrated Rural Tourism<br />

413. Promote rural/agricultural diversification, through the<br />

sustainable use of natural resources such as tourism.<br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO2, WO5,<br />

WO2, WO5,<br />

WO2, WO5,<br />

WO6, WO7,<br />

WO6, WO7,<br />

WO6, WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

BO3, CHO1,<br />

CHO4, LO1,<br />

PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

BO1,BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3, LO1,<br />

PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

BO1,BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3, LO1,<br />

PO1, ACO1<br />

WO1,WO1.1<br />

WO3,<br />

BO1,LO1<br />

PO1,SGO4,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,WO1.1<br />

WO3,<br />

BO1,,PO1,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

BO3, CHO1,<br />

CHO4, LO1,<br />

PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

BO1,BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3, LO1,<br />

PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

BO1,BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3, LO1,<br />

PO1, ACO1<br />

WO1,WO1.1<br />

WO3,<br />

BO1,,PO1,<br />

P01 P01 P01<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO5,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1,L<br />

O2, PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO5,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1,L<br />

O2, PO1<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

BO3, CHO1,<br />

CHO4, LO1,<br />

PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

BO1,BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3, LO1,<br />

PO1, ACO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

BO1,BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3, LO1,<br />

PO1, ACO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO5,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1,L<br />

O2, PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Tourism Policies –Urban & Rural<br />

414. Support on-farm tourism accommodation and<br />

supplementary activities such as health farms,<br />

heritage and nature trails, pony trekking and boating.<br />

415. Support the development of a strategy that makes<br />

provision for wet-weather facilities and activities<br />

focusing on the potential of rural tourism.<br />

416. Actively protect floodplains and bog land to ensure that<br />

the flood regime of the area is properly maintained.<br />

417. Support rural tourism that would meet and create<br />

demand for authentic, rural, cultural, ‘quality of life’<br />

tourism experiences in a way that promotes and<br />

supports the environment and builds on the ‘Green<br />

Clean’ image<br />

418. Promote <strong>Roscommon</strong> as an eco tourism destination<br />

based on its extensive walking and cycling routes and<br />

natural heritage, and encourage the development of<br />

health farms, activity centres an other developments,<br />

which will sustain eco tourism.<br />

419. Support the development of eco tourism and other<br />

leisure activities, in an effort to diversify the range of<br />

tourist experiences available in the <strong>County</strong>.<br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO5,<br />

WO3, WO5,<br />

WO3, WO5,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1,L<br />

O2, PO1<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO5, WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO3,<br />

CHO4, PO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO5,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1,L<br />

O2, PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO5,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1,L<br />

O2, PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO5,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1,L<br />

O2, PO1<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1,L<br />

O2, PO1<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO5, WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO3,<br />

CHO4, PO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO5,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1,L<br />

O2, PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO5,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1,L<br />

O2, PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO5,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1,L<br />

O2, PO1<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1,L<br />

O2, PO1<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO5, WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO3,<br />

CHO4, PO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO5,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1,L<br />

O2, PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO5,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1,L<br />

O2, PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO5,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1,L<br />

O2, PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Tourism Policies –Urban & Rural<br />

420. Support the development of sustainable tourism<br />

initiatives like the Greenbox and Bréifne projects.<br />

Retail Tourism<br />

421. Support the provision of essential services such as car<br />

parking in appropriate areas throughout the <strong>County</strong>.<br />

422. Encourage a more attractive and safer pedestrian<br />

environment including the provision of pedestrian<br />

crossings, high quality pavements and cycle paths,<br />

street lighting and street furniture.<br />

423. Promote a new focus on retail in <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong><br />

within the <strong>County</strong> itself and throughout the West<br />

Region.<br />

424. Promote collective public and private sector marketing<br />

of <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong> as a leisure and retail tourist<br />

destination, within Ireland and abroad.<br />

425. Encourage the establishment of new events such as<br />

festivals; fairs etc., in appropriate locations, to<br />

promote increased retail tourism throughout the<br />

<strong>County</strong>.<br />

Tourist Accommodation<br />

436. Encourage tourism in the county through effective<br />

location of campsites, hostels and hotels.<br />

437. Direct tourism based development, where appropriate,<br />

into existing settlements where there is adequate<br />

infrastructure to service the development and where<br />

they can contribute to maintenance of essential rural<br />

services.<br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO5,<br />

WO3, WO5,<br />

WO3, WO5,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1,L<br />

O2, PO1<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1,L<br />

O2, PO1<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1,L<br />

O2, PO1<br />

PO1, ACO1 PO1, ACO1 PO1, ACO1<br />

PO1, ACO1 PO1, ACO1 PO1, ACO1<br />

WO1, WO3,<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1-<br />

CHO5,<br />

LO1,LO2,<br />

PO1, SGO1<br />

WO1, WO3,<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1-<br />

CHO5,<br />

LO1,LO2,<br />

PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO3,WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1, LO1,<br />

LO2<br />

WO1,<br />

WO3,WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1, LO1,<br />

LO2<br />

WO1,<br />

WO3,WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1, LO1,<br />

LO2<br />

WO1,<br />

WO3,WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1, LO1,<br />

LO2<br />

WO1, WO3,<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1-<br />

CHO5,<br />

LO1,LO2,<br />

PO1, SGO1<br />

WO1, WO3,<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1-<br />

CHO5,<br />

LO1,LO2,<br />

PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO3,WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1, LO1,<br />

LO2<br />

WO1,<br />

WO3,WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1, LO1,<br />

LO2<br />

WO1, WO3,<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1-<br />

CHO5,<br />

LO1,LO2,<br />

PO1, SGO1<br />

WO1, WO3,<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1-<br />

CHO5,<br />

LO1,LO2,<br />

PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Tourism Policies –Urban & Rural<br />

438. Promote the development of high quality tourist<br />

accommodation.<br />

439. Ensure in all tourism related development high<br />

standards of design and landscaping, with<br />

consideration given the impact of the proposal on it’s<br />

surrounding in terms of scale and intensity.<br />

440. All tourist development should be designed for and<br />

take particular consideration of the needs of the<br />

disabled and the elderly.<br />

Hotel Development<br />

441. Prioritise hotel development and promote the<br />

development of high quality hotels in tourist areas<br />

and in key towns and villages throughout the<br />

<strong>County</strong>.<br />

442. Ensure all zonings in tourist areas allow for the<br />

development of hotel facilities and tourist<br />

accommodation.<br />

443. Ensure high standards of architectural and urban<br />

design in all new tourist accommodation and facilities.<br />

Holiday Homes<br />

444. Support the development of holiday homes in<br />

appropriate locations such as existing villages or<br />

small towns or in rural areas capable of absorbing<br />

them and where services are readily available.<br />

445. Support the development of clustered holiday homes in<br />

appropriate locations where environmental integration<br />

can be achieved.<br />

446. Ensure that the scale of development is of modest<br />

proportions and relates to the size of the settlement.<br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

LO1, LO2,<br />

PO1<br />

LO1, LO2,<br />

PO1<br />

LO1, LO2,<br />

PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

WO1, WO3,<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1-<br />

CHO5,<br />

LO1,LO2,<br />

PO1<br />

WO1, WO3,<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1-<br />

CHO5,<br />

LO1,LO2,<br />

PO1<br />

PO1,LO1<br />

LO2, ACO1<br />

WO1, WO3,<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1-<br />

CHO5,<br />

LO1,LO2,<br />

PO1<br />

WO1, WO3,<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1-<br />

CHO5,<br />

LO1,LO2,<br />

PO1<br />

PO1,LO1,<br />

LO2, ACO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO3,WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1, LO1,<br />

LO2<br />

WO1,<br />

WO3,WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1, LO1,<br />

LO2<br />

WO1,<br />

WO3,WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1, LO1,<br />

LO2<br />

WO1,<br />

WO3,WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1, LO1,<br />

LO2<br />

WO1,<br />

WO3,WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1, LO1,<br />

LO2<br />

WO1,<br />

WO3,WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1, LO1,<br />

LO2<br />

WO1,<br />

WO3,WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1, LO1,<br />

LO2<br />

WO1,<br />

WO3,WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1, LO1,<br />

LO2<br />

WO1, WO3,<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1-<br />

CHO5,<br />

LO1,LO2,<br />

PO1<br />

WO1, WO3,<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1-<br />

CHO5,<br />

LO1,LO2,<br />

PO1<br />

PO1,LO1<br />

LO2, ACO1<br />

WO1, WO3,<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1-<br />

CHO5,<br />

LO1,LO2,<br />

PO1<br />

WO1, WO3,<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1-<br />

CHO5,<br />

LO1,LO2,<br />

PO1<br />

PO1,LO1<br />

,LO2, ACO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO3,WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1, LO1,<br />

LO2<br />

WO1,<br />

WO3,WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1, LO1,<br />

LO2<br />

WO1,<br />

WO3,WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1, LO1,<br />

LO2<br />

WO1,<br />

WO3,WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1, LO1,<br />

LO2<br />

WO1, WO3,<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1-<br />

CHO5,<br />

LO1,LO2,<br />

PO1<br />

WO1, WO3,<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1-<br />

CHO5,<br />

LO1,LO2,<br />

PO1<br />

PO1,LO1,<br />

LO2, ACO1<br />

WO1, WO3,<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1-<br />

CHO5,<br />

LO1,LO2,<br />

PO1<br />

WO1, WO3,<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1-<br />

CHO5,<br />

LO1,LO2,<br />

PO1<br />

PO1,LO1,<br />

LO2, ACO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Tourism Policies –Urban & Rural<br />

447. Ensure that the design of the scheme is of a high<br />

standard, includes the preservation of boundary<br />

characteristics and site features, and adequate car<br />

parking provision, waste storage area and public<br />

lighting.<br />

448. Accommodate small scale enterprises, such as<br />

renovation of barns, outhouses or other existing<br />

structures and the construction of one or two holiday<br />

homes for short term rental (less than 3 months at any<br />

one time) associated with an existing permanent<br />

residence or active farm/agri-tourism enterprise. It<br />

shall be a condition of permission that such holiday<br />

homes be retained within the ownership of the<br />

complex/permanent dwelling and shall not be sole to<br />

form a separate permanent residence.<br />

449. Accommodate appropriately sited holiday home<br />

development as they arise, subject to normal planning<br />

considerations in relation to siting and design in rural<br />

areas of low development pressure.<br />

Tourism Signage<br />

450. Remove illegal signage.<br />

451. Facilitate the improvement of access to key tourism<br />

resources, and improve signage and information for<br />

tourists<br />

452. Work with Fáilte Ireland and other bodies to develop<br />

standardised and branded signage for tourism<br />

facilities and tourist attractions in the <strong>County</strong>.<br />

453. RCC will endeavour to provide adequate access and<br />

signage facilities to all publicly owned heritage sites,<br />

where appropriate and funds permit.<br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

WO1, WO3,<br />

WO1, WO3,<br />

WO1, WO3,<br />

WO1, WO1,<br />

WO1,<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

WO3,WO7, WO3,WO7,<br />

WO3,WO7,<br />

BO2, CHO1-<br />

BO2, CHO1-<br />

BO2, CHO1-<br />

BO1, BO2, BO1, BO2,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO5,<br />

CHO5,<br />

CHO5,<br />

CHO1, LO1, CHO1, LO1,<br />

CHO1, LO1,<br />

LO1,LO2,<br />

LO1,LO2,<br />

LO1,LO2,<br />

LO2<br />

LO2<br />

LO2<br />

PO1<br />

PO1<br />

PO1<br />

WO1, WO3,<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1-<br />

CHO5,<br />

LO1,LO2,<br />

PO1<br />

WO1, WO3,<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1-<br />

CHO5,<br />

LO1,LO2,<br />

PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO3,WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1, LO1,<br />

LO2<br />

WO1,<br />

WO3,WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1, LO1,<br />

LO2<br />

WO1,<br />

WO3,WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1, LO1,<br />

LO2<br />

WO1,<br />

WO3,WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1, LO1,<br />

LO2<br />

WO1, WO3,<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1-<br />

CHO5,<br />

LO1,LO2,<br />

PO1<br />

WO1, WO3,<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1-<br />

CHO5,<br />

LO1,LO2,<br />

PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO3,WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1, LO1,<br />

LO2<br />

WO1,<br />

WO3,WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1, LO1,<br />

LO2<br />

WO1, WO3,<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1-<br />

CHO5,<br />

LO1,LO2,<br />

PO1<br />

WO1, WO3,<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1-<br />

CHO5,<br />

LO1,LO2,<br />

PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Tourism Policies –Urban & Rural<br />

454. Support the initiatives of the <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong><br />

Heritage Forum, other agencies and local community<br />

groups involved in protecting the heritage sites of<br />

<strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong>.<br />

Walking & Cycling<br />

455. Facilitate the upgrading of the Sli na Slainte walking<br />

routes throughout the county.<br />

456. Facilitate the provision of cycle paths along public<br />

roads and in tourist areas, where appropriate.<br />

457. Encourage walking and cycling by ensuring that safe<br />

cycle ways and footpaths are provided in tourist areas<br />

and throughout the county.<br />

Environmental Considerations<br />

458. Ensure that the potential negative impacts of one<br />

activity over another are carefully considered at<br />

planning application stage.<br />

459. Ensure that the facilitation of tourism and development<br />

related tourism do not impact negatively on the<br />

environmental quality or result in the deterioration of<br />

the quality of the tourism product.<br />

460. Provide for a vibrant, environmentally sustainable and<br />

well-managed agricultural and related enterprises,<br />

horticultural, forestry and bloodstock sectors and to<br />

support alternative enterprises, farm diversification<br />

and agri–tourism projects to ensure the continued<br />

development of sustainable rural communities.<br />

461. Support the development of low energy buildings,<br />

where appropriate, in the <strong>County</strong>.<br />

462. Ensure the urgent provision of modern sewerage<br />

treatment systems in those towns and villages that<br />

have insufficient capacity to meet current demands,<br />

do not meet modern standards or currently represent<br />

a pollution risk to local water courses.<br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

<br />

<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO2,<br />

CHO3,<br />

CHO4, PO1<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO2,<br />

CHO3,<br />

CHO4, PO1<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO2,<br />

CHO3,<br />

CHO4, PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1, ACO1 PO1, ACO1 PO1,ACO1<br />

PO1, ACO1 PO1, ACO1 PO1,ACO1<br />

WO1, WO3,<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1-<br />

CHO5, LO1,<br />

PO1, ACO1<br />

WO1, WO3,<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1-<br />

CHO5, LO1,<br />

PO1, ACO1<br />

WO1, WO3,<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1-<br />

CHO5, LO1,<br />

PO1, ACO1<br />

PO1, ACO1 PO1, ACO1 PO1, ACO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO2, WO3,<br />

WO4, WO5,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

BO3, PO1,<br />

MAO3<br />

WO1, WO3,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO3, PO1,<br />

SGO4<br />

WO1, WO3,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO3, PO1,<br />

SGO4<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO2, WO3,<br />

WO4, WO5,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

BO3, PO1,<br />

MAO3<br />

WO1, WO3,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO3, PO1,<br />

SGO4<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO2, WO3,<br />

WO4, WO5,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

BO3, PO1,<br />

MAO3<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Tourism Policies –Urban & Rural<br />

463. Facilitate forestry development and minimize adverse<br />

landscape impacts through the development of an<br />

Indicative Forest Strategy in association with the<br />

Forest Service<br />

464. Ensure that change in the landscape is managed,<br />

without detriment to its overall quality and character;<br />

465. Ensure key resources are protected and maintained<br />

for future generations;<br />

466. Support and facilitate, where possible, tourism<br />

initiatives centred on culture, language and heritage<br />

467. Protect, establish and manage trees and woodlands in<br />

<strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong> in a sustainable manner that is<br />

socially acceptable, economically viable and<br />

environmentally sound<br />

468. Develop and promote the tourism product in the<br />

county, including the protection of the primary product<br />

our landscape, in consultation with Fáilte Ireland.<br />

Tourism Objectives<br />

Open Space & Sporting Provision<br />

311. Support the implementation of the <strong>County</strong> Play Policy<br />

in providing for and facilitating play throughout the<br />

<strong>County</strong>.<br />

312. Include standards for the provision for public open<br />

space within new residential developments<br />

313. Implement the <strong>Council</strong>’s Development Contribution<br />

Scheme as it relates to the improvement of existing<br />

recreation and leisure facilities and the funding of new<br />

recreation and leisure facilities in tandem with new<br />

developments.<br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO1, WO3, WO1, WO3,<br />

WO1, WO3,<br />

WO2, WO3,<br />

WO2, WO3,<br />

WO2, WO3,<br />

BO1, BO2, BO1, BO2,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

WO4, WO5,<br />

WO4, WO5,<br />

WO4, WO5,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

BO3, PO1,<br />

MAO3, LO1<br />

LO1, LO1.1,<br />

LO1.2, PO1<br />

WO5,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

BO1, CHO1,<br />

LO1, LO1.1,<br />

SGO4<br />

WO1.1,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

PO1, ACO1<br />

LO1, LO1.1,<br />

LO1.2, PO1<br />

CHO3, PO1,<br />

SGO4,LO1<br />

CHO3, PO1,<br />

SGO4,LO1<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

BO3, PO1,<br />

MAO3,LO1<br />

LO1, LO1.1,<br />

LO1.2, PO1<br />

WO5,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

BO1, CHO1,<br />

LO1, LO1.1,<br />

SGO4<br />

WO1.1,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

PO1, ACO1<br />

LO1, LO1.1,<br />

LO1.2, PO1<br />

CHO3, PO1,<br />

SGO4,LO1<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

BO3, PO1,<br />

MAO3,LO1<br />

LO1, LO1.1,<br />

LO1.2, PO1<br />

WO5,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

BO1, CHO1,<br />

LO1, LO1.1,<br />

SGO4<br />

WO1.1,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

PO1, ACO1<br />

LO1, LO1.1,<br />

LO1.2, PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Tourism Policies –Urban & Rural<br />

314. Ensure that fully equipped playgrounds to appropriate<br />

standards are provided within all new housing<br />

developments of in excess of 20 units.<br />

Integrated Tourism & Recreational Development<br />

315. Support the development of a Cultural Plan for the<br />

county to include arts, heritage, language and sports<br />

in order to raise awareness of the quality of life<br />

available to locals and visitors and the development of<br />

a method of profiling artists, performers, sports<br />

personalities and friends of <strong>Roscommon</strong> to promote<br />

the county at home and abroad.<br />

Arts & Theatre<br />

316. Work with Fáilte Ireland, the Arts <strong>Council</strong> and other<br />

relevant bodies to promote and develop the arts and<br />

tourism sectors in <strong>Roscommon</strong>.<br />

Tourism<br />

317.Encourage and assist areas where tourism is currently<br />

underdeveloped and where there is a need for local tourism<br />

development initiatives to realise their full tourism potential<br />

318. Support and promote, with the co-operation of private<br />

landowners, public access to heritage sites and<br />

features of archaeological interest, coastal areas,<br />

mountains, rivers, lakes and other natural amenities.<br />

319. Assess existing tourism venues for the purpose of<br />

identifying any shortcomings that may exist and/or<br />

any over provision made.<br />

Tourism in relation to Other Agencies<br />

320. Encourage the conversion of buildings along<br />

waterways for tourism related uses<br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO5<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO5<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO5<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO5<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO5<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO5<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Tourism Policies –Urban & Rural<br />

321. Support tourism type development including<br />

appropriate infrastructure and ancillary services<br />

throughout the county and particularly in areas with<br />

significant tourism amenities such as Boyle and<br />

Lough Key, and Athlone and Lough Ree<br />

322. Participate in the development of a series of brochures<br />

for <strong>Roscommon</strong>, which are information rich, and build<br />

on its uniqueness and focus on aspects such as<br />

heritage, archaeology, water-based tourism etc.<br />

Economic Development & Employment<br />

323. Promote the provision of small business management<br />

courses for tourism service providers.<br />

324. Facilitate the drafting of “How to” brochures to assist<br />

those wanting to become tourism service providers.<br />

Tourist Facilities<br />

325. Establish a full-time tourism information centre in<br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong> Town and identify towns within the<br />

<strong>County</strong> where information centres could be opened,<br />

within the lifetime of this plan.<br />

326. Facilitate the provision of tourist information signboards<br />

in all key towns and villages throughout the <strong>County</strong>.<br />

327. Co-operate in the compilation of tourism brochures,<br />

which can be distributed via tourist information offices,<br />

key retail outlets and at tourist information signboards.<br />

Tourist Development<br />

328. Secure the establishment of a number of flagship<br />

visitor attractions in the <strong>County</strong>, subject to normal<br />

development control standards<br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO5<br />

WO3, WO5<br />

WO3, WO5<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO5<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO5<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO5<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Tourism Policies –Urban & Rural<br />

Niche Market<br />

329. Support the development of a major tourism centre<br />

base in the Rathcroghan area of <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong><br />

based on its untapped archaeological significance<br />

330. Facilitate the development of access/routes and<br />

appropriately designed public/tourism facilities by the<br />

Office of Public Works at monuments in State Care in<br />

the <strong>County</strong><br />

331. Identify tourist routes through the <strong>County</strong> in cooperation<br />

with the <strong>County</strong> Development Board, Fáilte<br />

Ireland and local communities, and facilitate their<br />

establishment within the lifetime of this plan<br />

332. Work with the <strong>County</strong> Enterprise Board and others, to<br />

promote rural development and enterprise.<br />

333. Promote the development of niche activities, such as<br />

those relating to food (particularly value-added<br />

products), forestry (e.g. wood products), crafts, ecotourism<br />

and agri-tourism, for example watching<br />

holidays; painting/photography tuition, angling tourism,<br />

field studies and hill-walking (with the co-operation of<br />

the landowners).<br />

Integrated Tourism<br />

334. Promote rural/ agricultural diversification through the<br />

sustainable use of natural resources e.g. tourism,<br />

forestry, energy production<br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO5<br />

WO3, WO5<br />

WO3, WO5<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO5<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO5<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO5<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO5<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO5<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO5<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO5<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO5<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO5<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO5<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO5<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO5<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Tourism Policies –Urban & Rural<br />

335. Identify, in the short, medium and long term, the most<br />

viable projects to be incorporated into the tourism trails.<br />

336. Identify funding sources, in the short, medium and long<br />

term, of projects.<br />

337. Identify projects and facilitate the expansion of the<br />

potential for these projects, in the short, medium and<br />

long term.<br />

338. Work with Failte Ireland and other agencies to promote<br />

tourism in the <strong>County</strong>.<br />

Retail Tourism<br />

339. Increase understanding of and promote the Retail<br />

Export Scheme throughout the <strong>County</strong><br />

340. Facilitate the production of a programme of activities<br />

for tourists and visitors to the <strong>County</strong>.<br />

341. Facilitate the establishment of Environmental<br />

Improvement Schemes to upgrade and enhance the<br />

public realm in key towns and villages throughout the<br />

<strong>County</strong>.<br />

342. Facilitate the development of a National Strategy for<br />

Marine Tourism in conjunction with key Stakeholders<br />

and the Department of Arts, Sports and Tourism<br />

Ireland.<br />

343. Develop and enhance the tourism infrastructure along<br />

the River Shannon, lakes and waterways in <strong>County</strong><br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong>.<br />

Hotel Accommodation<br />

344. Promote the development of high-quality tourist<br />

accommodation, especially hotels and guesthouses.<br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO5<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

W01, W01.1,<br />

W03, W05,<br />

B01, B02,<br />

P01<br />

W01, W01.1,<br />

W03, W05,<br />

B01, B02,<br />

P01<br />

WO1, WO3,<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1-<br />

CHO5,<br />

LO1,LO2,<br />

PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO3,WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1, LO1,<br />

LO2<br />

WO1,<br />

WO3,WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1, LO1,<br />

LO2<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO5<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

W01, W01.1,<br />

W03, W05,<br />

B01, B02,<br />

P01<br />

W01, W01.1,<br />

W03, W05,<br />

B01, B02,<br />

P01<br />

WO1, WO3,<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1-<br />

CHO5,<br />

LO1,LO2,<br />

PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO3,WO7,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1, LO1,<br />

LO2<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3, WO5<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO5,LO1<br />

LO2,PO1<br />

W01, W01.1,<br />

W03, W05,<br />

B01, B02,<br />

P01<br />

W01, W01.1,<br />

W03, W05,<br />

B01, B02,<br />

P01<br />

WO1, WO3,<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1-<br />

CHO5,<br />

LO1,LO2,<br />

PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Tourism Policies –Urban & Rural<br />

Holiday Homes<br />

345. Support the provision of holiday homes where there is:<br />

• Justification of need<br />

• Masterplan of the facility<br />

• Evidence of compliance with other aspects of CDP<br />

346. Promote the development of appropriately scaled<br />

second-home and holiday home development as a<br />

contributor to a more diversified rural economy.<br />

Caravan and Camping Sites<br />

347. Ensure that future caravan, camping and parking<br />

facilities in scenic areas will not be visually intrusive or<br />

impact on sensitive environments such as lakes and<br />

rivers, by requiring appropriate siting, layout, design<br />

and natural screening<br />

Tourism Signage<br />

348. Promote <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong> as a tourist destination<br />

and work with the tourism sector to ensure that<br />

facilities and attractions are adequately signposted.<br />

349. Promote the development of interpretative signs and<br />

information boards at important sites of archaeological<br />

and natural interest.<br />

350. Develop new, and maintain existing tourism<br />

signposting in the county for locations within and<br />

outside the county.<br />

Walking & Cycling<br />

351. Promote walking, rambling and cycling as appropriate<br />

recreational and tourism activities within the <strong>County</strong>.<br />

Environmental Considerations<br />

352. Promote the development of tourism in a sustainable<br />

manner and encourage the provision of a<br />

comprehensive range of tourism facilities, subject to<br />

location, siting and design criteria, the protection of<br />

environmentally sensitive areas and other planning<br />

considerations.<br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

WO1<br />

WO1<br />

WO1<br />

WO1.1<br />

WO1.1<br />

WO1.1<br />

WO2,WO5<br />

WO2,WO5<br />

WO2,WO5<br />

WO6,WO7<br />

WO6,WO7<br />

WO6,WO7<br />

BO1-BO3<br />

BO1-BO3<br />

BO1-BO3<br />

LO1,PO1<br />

LO1,PO1<br />

LO1,PO1<br />

P01,<br />

L01,L02<br />

WO1<br />

WO1.1<br />

WO2,WO5<br />

WO6,WO7<br />

BO1-BO3<br />

LO1,PO1<br />

P01,<br />

L01,L02<br />

WO1<br />

WO1.1<br />

WO2,WO5<br />

WO6,WO7<br />

BO1-BO3<br />

LO1,PO1<br />

P01,<br />

L01,L02<br />

WO1<br />

WO1.1<br />

WO2,WO5<br />

WO6,WO7<br />

BO1-BO3<br />

LO1,PO1<br />

PO1, ACO1 PO1, ACO1 PO1, ACO1<br />

WO1, WO3,<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1-<br />

CHO5, LO1,<br />

PO1, ACO1<br />

WO1, WO3,<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1-<br />

CHO5, LO1,<br />

PO1, ACO1<br />

WO1, WO3,<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1-<br />

CHO5, LO1,<br />

PO1, ACO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Tourism Policies –Urban & Rural<br />

353. Policy Promote the development of eco-tourism and<br />

other leisure activities, in an effort to diversify the<br />

range of tourist experiences available in the <strong>County</strong><br />

and extend the tourist season.<br />

354. Promote the natural interest of <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong> as<br />

a sustainable tourism, conservation and educational<br />

asset.<br />

355. Protect and conserve those natural, built and cultural<br />

heritage features that form the basis of the <strong>County</strong>’s<br />

tourism industry, including areas of important<br />

landscape, lake and river scenery, areas of important<br />

wildlife interest, historic buildings and structures and<br />

the traditional form and general appearance of towns<br />

and villages.<br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

WO1, WO3,<br />

WO1, WO3,<br />

WO1, WO3,<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1-<br />

BO2, CHO1-<br />

BO2, CHO1-<br />

CHO5, LO1,<br />

CHO5, LO1,<br />

CHO5, LO1,<br />

PO1, ACO1<br />

PO1, ACO1<br />

PO1, ACO1<br />

WO1, WO3,<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1-<br />

CHO5, LO1,<br />

PO1, ACO1<br />

WO1, WO3,<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1-<br />

CHO5, LO1,<br />

PO1, ACO1<br />

WO1, WO3,<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1-<br />

CHO5, LO1,<br />

PO1, ACO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Table 9.56<br />

Assessment of Marine Tourism Policies & Objectives<br />

Marine Tourism Policies<br />

426. Promote the Marine Sector and all agencies national,<br />

regional and local involved in water-based tourism.<br />

427. Support the development of a lake management<br />

plans/lakes management plans.<br />

428. Support the regeneration of Waterway Corridors<br />

throughout the <strong>County</strong>.<br />

429. Support the establishment of water-based activities in<br />

the Lough Key area as well as other appropriate<br />

areas throughout the <strong>County</strong>, such as Lough Ree.<br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Pos Neg Short Long Temp Per<br />

WO6,BO1,<br />

WO6,BO1,<br />

WO6,BO1,<br />

BO2,BO3,<br />

BO2,BO3,<br />

BO2,BO3,<br />

CHO4,<br />

CHO4,<br />

CHO4,<br />

LOO1,PO1,<br />

LOO1,PO1,<br />

LOO1,PO1,<br />

WO6, LO1,<br />

PO1<br />

WO6, LO1,<br />

PO1<br />

WO6, LO1,<br />

PO1<br />

WO6, LO1,<br />

PO1<br />

WO6, LO1,<br />

PO1<br />

WO6, LO1,<br />

PO1<br />

WO6, LO1,<br />

PO1<br />

WO6, LO1,<br />

PO1<br />

WO6, LO1,<br />

PO1<br />

430. Support the development of lake environs as tourist<br />

amenity.<br />

WO6, LO1,<br />

PO1<br />

WO6, LO1,<br />

PO1<br />

WO6, LO1,<br />

PO1<br />

431. Support the development of a Sailing Club in the<br />

vicinity of Hodson Bay or Portrun.<br />

462. Support the development of a marina where the<br />

associated activity already exists or where there is<br />

appropriate demand for such a facility.<br />

433. Ensure marinas provide adequate water depth,<br />

berthing arrangements for pleasure craft, navigation<br />

aids, pontoon lighting, fire safety equipment, toilet<br />

facilities, a sufficient level of road access, car parking,<br />

direct access and walkways to boats.<br />

PO1, WO6<br />

PO1, WO6<br />

PO1, WO6<br />

WO1, WO1.1<br />

WO2,<br />

WO3,WO4,<br />

WO5, BO3,<br />

CHO4,LO1<br />

WO1, WO1.1<br />

WO2,<br />

WO3,WO4,<br />

WO5, BO3,<br />

CHO4,LO1<br />

WO1, WO1.1<br />

WO2,<br />

WO3,WO4,<br />

WO5, BO3,<br />

CHO4,LO1<br />

WO1, WO1.1<br />

WO2,<br />

WO3,WO4,<br />

WO5, BO3,<br />

CHO4,LO1<br />

WO1, WO1.1<br />

WO2,<br />

WO3,WO4,<br />

WO5, BO3,<br />

CHO4,LO1<br />

WO1, WO1.1<br />

WO2,<br />

WO3,WO4,<br />

WO5, BO3,<br />

CHO4,LO1<br />

PO1, WO6<br />

PO1, WO6<br />

PO1, WO6<br />

WO1, WO1.1<br />

WO2,<br />

WO3,WO4,<br />

WO5, BO3,<br />

CHO4,LO1<br />

WO1, WO1.1<br />

WO2,<br />

WO3,WO4,<br />

WO5, BO3,<br />

CHO4,LO1<br />

WO1, WO1.1<br />

WO2,<br />

WO3,WO4,<br />

WO5, BO3,<br />

CHO4,LO1<br />

PO1. WO6<br />

PO1. WO6<br />

PO1. WO6<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Marine Tourism Policies<br />

434. Facilitate the development and upgrading of the marina<br />

at Lough Key Forest Park.<br />

Uncertain<br />

impact<br />

435. Support the upgrading of facilities at Doon Shore. PO1, WO6<br />

Marine tourism Objectives<br />

342. Facilitate the development of a National Strategy for<br />

Marine Tourism in conjunction with key stakeholders<br />

and the Department of Arts, Sports and Tourism,<br />

Fáilte Ireland and Tourism Ireland<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Pos Neg Short Long Temp Per<br />

WO1, WO1.1 WO1, WO1.1<br />

WO1, WO1.1<br />

WO2, WO2,<br />

WO2,<br />

PO1, WO6 WO3,WO4, WO3,WO4, PO1, WO6 WO3,WO4, PO1. WO6<br />

WO5, BO3, WO5, BO3,<br />

WO5, BO3,<br />

CHO4,LO1 CHO4,LO1<br />

CHO4,LO1<br />

WO1<br />

WO1.1<br />

WO2,WO5<br />

WO6,WO7<br />

BO1-BO3<br />

LO1,PO1<br />

WO1, WO1.1<br />

WO2,<br />

WO3,WO4,<br />

WO5, BO3,<br />

CHO4,LO1<br />

WO1, WO1.1<br />

WO2,<br />

WO3,WO4,<br />

WO5, BO3,<br />

CHO4,LO1<br />

PO1, WO6<br />

WO1<br />

WO1.1<br />

WO2,WO5<br />

WO6,WO7<br />

BO1-BO3<br />

LO1,PO1<br />

WO1, WO1.1<br />

WO2,<br />

WO3,WO4,<br />

WO5, BO3,<br />

CHO4,LO1<br />

PO1. WO6<br />

WO1<br />

WO1.1<br />

WO2,WO5<br />

WO6,WO7<br />

BO1-BO3<br />

LO1,PO1<br />

343. Develop and enhance the tourism infrastructure along<br />

the River Shannon, lakes and waterways in <strong>County</strong><br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong><br />

WO1<br />

WO1.1<br />

WO2,WO5<br />

WO6,WO7<br />

BO1-BO3<br />

LO1,PO1<br />

WO1<br />

WO1.1<br />

WO2,WO5<br />

WO6,WO7<br />

BO1-BO3<br />

LO1,PO1<br />

WO1<br />

WO1.1<br />

WO2,WO5<br />

WO6,WO7<br />

BO1-BO3<br />

LO1,PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

<strong>Roscommon</strong> Town Development Plan Strategic Policies & Objectives<br />

Table 9.57<br />

Assessment of Strategic Policies & Objectives for Infrastructure<br />

Strategic Polices & Objectives for Infrastructure<br />

Policies<br />

1. Ensure that all development proposals within the town fulfil<br />

traffic, safety and car parking requirements.<br />

2. Ensure the provision of a comprehensive traffic system<br />

which is compatible with the pattern of land use in the town<br />

and with through traffic.<br />

3. Minimise new accesses points onto Regional and National<br />

Routes in order to maintain traffic capacity, and minimise<br />

traffic hazard.<br />

4. Ensure that the town has adequate road accessibility and<br />

car parking provision.<br />

5. Incorporate Sustainable Transport and Land Use issues in<br />

zoning and development control.<br />

6. Facilitate the provision of the <strong>Roscommon</strong> Town by-pass<br />

and reserve and maintain free of development land<br />

corridors for the provision of the by-pass.<br />

7. Facilitate and encourage the development of walking and<br />

cycle paths, linking population, tourism centres and<br />

transport nodes.<br />

Environmental objectives (EO)<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

PO1,LO2<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1,LO2<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1,LO2<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1,ACO1 PO1,ACO1 PO1,ACO1<br />

PO1,ACO1 PO1,ACO1 PO1,ACO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1,ACO1 PO1,ACO1 PO1,ACO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1,ACO1 PO1,ACO1 PO1,ACO1<br />

Objectives<br />

1. Ensure the identification and reservation of adequate lands<br />

PO1 WO1,LO2 PO1 PO1<br />

for the purposes of future car-parking within <strong>Roscommon</strong>.<br />

2. Implement the recommendations of the Traffic Study and<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

car parking control measures in the town.<br />

3. Investigate opportunities for the provision of a multi-storey<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

car park at an appropriate location within the town.<br />

4. Improve the pedestrian environment in the town. PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

5. Consult with Bus Eireann regarding the provision of<br />

adequate bus services and facilities.<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Table 9.58<br />

Assessment of Strategic Policies & Objectives for Residential Development<br />

Strategic Policies & Objectives for Residential<br />

Development<br />

Policies<br />

8. Require that new residential accommodation meets the<br />

necessary standards of energy consumption, sanitation<br />

and design.<br />

9. Promote the provision of social and affordable housing<br />

accommodation in accordance with the proposals outlined<br />

in ‘Social Housing – The Way Ahead’, the Housing<br />

Strategy for <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong>.<br />

10. Encourage residential development within the town’s<br />

development envelope and to discourage ad hoc ribbon<br />

development on the outskirts of the town.<br />

11. Encourage increased residential densities at appropriate<br />

locations in the town centre, building on the existing town<br />

structure and strengthening the vitality of the town.<br />

12. Ensure that development does not cause or significantly<br />

contribute towards the sterilisation of land (i.e backland)<br />

from future development.<br />

13. Implement the provisions of the Housing Strategy in<br />

accordance with the provisions of Part V of the Planning<br />

and Development Act 2000.<br />

14. Zone land in <strong>Roscommon</strong> Town sufficient to meet house<br />

building requirements, both public and private, over the<br />

Plan period and in the future.<br />

15. Facilitate the Housing Authority’s programme for housing,<br />

including the provision of new housing,<br />

renovation/refurbishment of existing buildings and the<br />

provision of suitable accommodation and facilities for<br />

travelling families.<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

<br />

PO1,ACO1,<br />

MAO3,WO4<br />

WO5<br />

PO1,ACO1,<br />

MAO3,WO4,<br />

WO5<br />

PO1,ACO1,<br />

MAO3,WO4,<br />

WO5<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

WO1,WO1.<br />

1,WO5<br />

CHO3,LO2,<br />

SGO1,<br />

MAO3<br />

WO1,WO1.<br />

1,WO5<br />

CHO3,LO2,<br />

SGO1,<br />

MAO3<br />

WO1,WO1.1,<br />

WO5<br />

CHO3,LO2,<br />

SGO1,<br />

MAO3<br />

WO1,WO1.1,<br />

WO5<br />

CHO3,LO2,<br />

SGO1,<br />

MAO3<br />

WO1,WO1.1,<br />

WO5<br />

CHO3,LO2,S<br />

GO1,<br />

MAO3<br />

WO1,WO1.1,<br />

WO5<br />

CHO3,LO2,S<br />

GO1,<br />

MAO3<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1,CHO3<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO2<br />

CHO4<br />

PO1,CHO3<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO2<br />

CHO4<br />

PO1,CHO3<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO2<br />

CHO4<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Strategic Policies & Objectives for Residential<br />

Development<br />

16. Ensure that housing proposals do not cause traffic or<br />

environmental problems or damage visual amenity.<br />

17. Ensure that housing proposals accord with the Urban<br />

Design Guidelines, which will be prepared for the<br />

<strong>County</strong>.<br />

18. Prepare design guidelines for new developments in urban<br />

locations.<br />

19. Preserve the identity and conserve the characteristic<br />

features of the built heritage in <strong>Roscommon</strong> Town.<br />

Objectives<br />

6. Encourage suitable infill housing developments on<br />

appropriate sites in the town.<br />

7. Encourage increased residential densities in appropriate<br />

locations within the town centre.<br />

8. Assess and ensure that all proposals for housing<br />

developments comply with the Development Standards<br />

sections of this Plan.<br />

9. Prohibit development proposals that would be detrimental<br />

to visual or environmental amenity.<br />

10. Positively and actively encourage redevelopment of<br />

derelict and obsolete sites in a manner that is sympathetic<br />

and in keeping character of the town.<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

WO1<br />

WO1,WO1.1,<br />

WO1,WO1.1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO5,BO1,<br />

WO5,BO1,<br />

WO5,BO1,<br />

BO2,CHO1<br />

BO2,CHO1,<br />

BO2,CHO1,<br />

LO2,SGO1,<br />

LO2,SGO1,<br />

LO2,SGO1,<br />

MAO1, MAO3,<br />

MAO1, MAO3,<br />

MAO1,<br />

MAO4,ACO1<br />

MAO4,ACO1<br />

MAO3,<br />

MAO4<br />

,ACO1<br />

<br />

<br />

PO1,CHO1,<br />

LO2<br />

PO1,CHO1,<br />

LO2<br />

PO1,CHO1,<br />

LO2<br />

PO1, LO2 PO1, LO2 PO1, LO2<br />

PO1, LO2 PO1, LO2 PO1, LO2<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO1,LO2,<br />

WO1,WO3,<br />

WO5,WO7,<br />

BO1,BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3,<br />

MAO3,<br />

MAO2,<br />

MAO5<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO1,LO2,<br />

WO1,WO3,<br />

WO5,WO7,<br />

BO1,BO2,<br />

CHO1, CHO3,<br />

MAO3, MAO2,<br />

MAO5<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO1,LO2,<br />

WO1,WO3,<br />

WO5,WO7,<br />

BO1,BO2,<br />

CHO1, CHO3,<br />

MAO3, MAO2,<br />

MAO5<br />

PO1, LO2 PO1, LO2 PO1, LO2<br />

PO1, LO2,<br />

SGO1<br />

WO1,BO3,<br />

PO1<br />

WO1,BO3,<br />

PO1<br />

PO1, LO2,<br />

SGO1<br />

WO1,BO3,<br />

PO1<br />

PO1, LO2,<br />

SGO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Table 9.59<br />

Assessment of Strategic Policies & Objectives for Water Services<br />

Strategic Policies & Objectives for Infrastructure<br />

Polices<br />

20. Ensure that the water demand of the town is provided for<br />

during the Plan period and beyond.<br />

21. Ensure that the provision of water and sanitary services is<br />

guided by the ‘Water Services Investment Programme –<br />

Assessment of Needs’ which has been adopted by the<br />

<strong>Council</strong>.<br />

22. Ensure that all areas zoned for development within the<br />

town are fully serviced with water supply and sewerage<br />

disposal.<br />

23. Have regard to the Groundwater Protection Plan for the<br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong> Town area.<br />

24. Carry out extension of water services infrastructure in a<br />

manner that compliments land-use objectives.<br />

Objectives<br />

11. Investigate the feasibility of introducing a Water-Metering<br />

System in the area.<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO4,<br />

WO5<br />

MAO3<br />

PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO4,<br />

WO5<br />

MAO3<br />

PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO4,<br />

WO5<br />

MAO3<br />

PO1<br />

WO3,PO1,<br />

WO5,WO4<br />

WO3,PO1,<br />

WO5,WO4<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO4,<br />

WO5<br />

MAO3<br />

PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO4,<br />

WO5<br />

MAO3<br />

PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO4,<br />

WO5<br />

MAO3<br />

PO1<br />

WO3,PO1,<br />

WO5,WO4<br />

WO3,PO1,<br />

WO5,WO4<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO4,<br />

WO5<br />

MAO3<br />

PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO4,<br />

WO5<br />

MAO3<br />

PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO4,<br />

WO5<br />

MAO3<br />

PO1<br />

WO3,PO1,<br />

WO5,WO4<br />

WO3,PO1,<br />

WO5,WO4<br />

WO5 WO5 WO5<br />

12. Ensure that septic tanks and other individual wastewater<br />

treatment systems are not permitted within the<br />

development envelop of <strong>Roscommon</strong> Town.<br />

WO5<br />

PO1<br />

WO5<br />

PO1<br />

WO5<br />

PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Table 9.60<br />

Assessment of Strategic Policies for Community Facilities<br />

Strategic Policies for Community Facilities<br />

Policies<br />

25. Seek to provide a range of social, recreational and community<br />

facilities to meet the needs of all of the town's residents, regardless<br />

of age or social background.<br />

26. Support local sports and community groups in the development of<br />

facilities through the reservation of suitable land and the provision of<br />

funding where available and appropriate.<br />

27. Ensure that adequate lands and services are available for the<br />

improvement, establishment and expansion of health and related<br />

services.<br />

28. Co-operate with the Health Service Executive and other statutory and<br />

voluntary agencies in the provision of health, community, social<br />

facilities.<br />

29. Implement the Childcare Facilities: Guidelines for Planning Authorities<br />

(DoEHLG June2000).<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

30. Implement the Play Policy for <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong>. PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

31. Ensure that adequate lands and services are reserved/zoned to cater<br />

for the necessary establishment, improvement or expansion of<br />

primary and post primary educational facilities.<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

32. Promote the development of outreach programmes between<br />

businesses and the third level institutions in adjoining Counties.<br />

33. Support the multi-functional use and provision of buildings and<br />

opportunities to maximise the use of existing physical resources /<br />

infrastructure within <strong>Roscommon</strong>.<br />

34. Limit new development in urban areas where necessary social<br />

infrastructure including but not limited to schools and community<br />

facilities are unavailable.<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Table 9Error! No text of specified style in document..61 Assessment of Strategic Policies & Objectives for Commercial/Retail<br />

Strategic Policies & Objectives for<br />

Commercial/Retail<br />

Policies<br />

35. Implement the findings and recommendations of the<br />

Retail Strategy for <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong>.<br />

36. Promote and develop the vitality of the existing shopping<br />

area and to facilitate the provision of local retail needs<br />

where appropriate.<br />

37. Improve the environment, access and car parking<br />

provision in the town centre.<br />

38. Assess all retail proposals against the criteria and<br />

recommendations set down in the Retail Planning<br />

Guidelines, the Retail Strategy for <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong><br />

and any other statutory requirements relating to retail<br />

development.<br />

Objectives<br />

13. Facilitate and encourage the appropriate provision of<br />

retail facilities in areas that are an inconvenient distance<br />

from the existing retail centre and which service local<br />

needs.<br />

14. Assess all retail proposals against the criteria and<br />

recommendations set down in the Retail Planning<br />

Guidelines, the Retail Strategy for <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong>.<br />

15. Assess retail development proposals according to the<br />

Development Standards as set out in the <strong>County</strong><br />

Development Plan.<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

<br />

<br />

PO1, ACO1 PO1, ACO1 PO1, ACO1<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Table 9.62<br />

Assessment of Strategic Policies & Objectives for Industry<br />

Strategic Policies & Objectives for Industry<br />

Policies<br />

39. Zone land in a range of proportions and locations to<br />

facilitate the growth of industrial and commercial<br />

development in <strong>Roscommon</strong> Town.<br />

40. Facilitate appropriate industrial, commercial, agricultural,<br />

business and tourism investment programmes.<br />

41. Ensure that there is a positive and flexible response to job<br />

creation possibilities in <strong>Roscommon</strong> whilst protecting<br />

residential amenity and the environment.<br />

42. Ensure that lands zoned for industry are reserved for<br />

appropriate uses.<br />

43. Facilitate the formation of small indigenous industry in the<br />

town.<br />

44. Seek the provision of improved energy and<br />

communications infrastructure<br />

Objectives<br />

16. Assess the industrial and commercial proposals<br />

according to the Development Control and environmental<br />

standards as set out in this Plan.<br />

17. Identify potential sites for small indigenous firms in the<br />

town.<br />

18. Improve access to quality further and third-level education<br />

services and facilities.<br />

19. Encourage growth in the tourism industry.<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

PO1,ACO1 PO1,ACO1 PO1,ACO1<br />

WO1,WO1.1<br />

BO1,BO3<br />

PO1, LO2<br />

MAO2<br />

MAO3<br />

MAO4<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1<br />

BO1,BO3<br />

PO1, LO2<br />

MAO2<br />

MAO3<br />

MAO4<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1<br />

BO1,BO3<br />

PO1, LO2<br />

MAO2<br />

MAO3<br />

MAO4<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Table 9.63<br />

Assessment of Strategic Policies & Objectives for Recreation & Tourism<br />

Strategic Policies & Objectives for Recreation &<br />

Tourism<br />

Policies<br />

45. Conserve and protect the natural, built and cultural<br />

heritage features that form the basis of the <strong>County</strong>’s<br />

tourism industry, including historic buildings and<br />

structures, areas of important landscapes, areas of<br />

important wildlife interest and the traditional form and<br />

general appearance of towns and villages.<br />

46. Ensure that all groups of the community have access to<br />

the tourism, recreation and community facilities in the<br />

town.<br />

47. Improve existing local authority recreational and amenity<br />

facilities in addition to providing new facilities where<br />

required.<br />

48. Facilitate the development of tourism in <strong>Roscommon</strong><br />

Town.<br />

49. Facilitate the development of privately owned sports<br />

facilities in the town.<br />

50. Prohibit the development of public and private<br />

recreational open spaces in <strong>Roscommon</strong> Town.<br />

51. Facilitate and encourage the development of walking and<br />

cycle routes, linking communities, tourism centers and<br />

transport nodes.<br />

Objectives<br />

20. Implement proposals to improve and maintain amenity,<br />

tourism and recreation facilities, carry out amenity<br />

improvements and protect the environment of the town.<br />

21. Promote the development of high-quality tourist<br />

accommodation, especially hotels and guesthouses.<br />

22. Ensure careful consideration to the needs of the disabled<br />

is applied to the layout and design of all proposed<br />

development.<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

WO1-WO7<br />

BO1-BO3<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO4<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1<br />

WO1-WO7<br />

BO1-BO3<br />

CHO1-CHO4<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1<br />

WO1-WO7<br />

BO1-BO3<br />

CHO1-CHO4<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1-WO7<br />

BO1-BO3<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO4<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1<br />

PO1<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1-WO7<br />

BO1-BO3<br />

CHO1-CHO4<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1<br />

PO1<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1-WO7<br />

BO1-BO3<br />

CHO1-CHO4<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1<br />

PO1,LO2 PO1,LO2 PO1,LO2<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Strategic Policies & Objectives for Recreation &<br />

Tourism<br />

23. Assess all recreational, community and tourism<br />

development proposals according to Development<br />

Control policy as set out in this Plan and the <strong>County</strong><br />

Development Plan.<br />

24. Ensure high standards of architectural and urban design<br />

in all new tourist accommodation and facilities.<br />

25. Support other organisations, bodies and local groups that <br />

promote tourism and community development in the<br />

town.<br />

26. Establish a permanent designated Tourist Office. <br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

PO1,SGO1,<br />

PO1,SGO1,<br />

PO1,SGO1,<br />

LO2,WO1,<br />

LO2,WO1,<br />

LO2,WO1,<br />

WO3,WO5,<br />

WO3,WO5,<br />

WO3,WO5,<br />

WO7,BO1,<br />

WO7,BO1,<br />

WO7,BO1,<br />

BO2,CHO1,<br />

BO2,CHO1,<br />

BO2,CHO1,<br />

CHO3,<br />

CHO3,<br />

CHO3,<br />

MAO3<br />

MAO3<br />

MAO3<br />

PO1, CHO1<br />

LO2<br />

PO1, CHO1<br />

LO2<br />

PO1, CHO1<br />

LO2<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Table 9.64<br />

Assessment of Strategic Policies & Objectives for Natural & Built Heritage<br />

Strategic Policies & Objectives for Natural & Built<br />

Environment<br />

Policies<br />

52. Continue to implement a programme of environmental<br />

improvement schemes in <strong>Roscommon</strong> and the town centre.<br />

53. Encourage new developments to respect the physical character<br />

of the town and its buildings.<br />

54. Preserve the identity and conserve the characteristic features of<br />

the built heritage in <strong>Roscommon</strong> Town.<br />

55. Take all necessary action to minimise the occurrence of unsightly<br />

and wasteful derelict sites in the town through refurbishment or<br />

rebuilding.<br />

56. Facilitate and support the recycling services throughout<br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong> Town.<br />

Objectives<br />

27. Prepare design guidelines for new developments in urban<br />

locations.<br />

28. Continue the tree-planting programme and landscaping of public<br />

open spaces in the town.<br />

29. Conserve buildings, structures and their settings in the town<br />

provided in the Record of Protected Structures, which forms part<br />

of this Plan.<br />

30. Conserve and protect existing or future special amenity areas<br />

from inappropriate, poorly designed and poorly sited<br />

development.<br />

31. Encourage shop-fronts and advertising signs, where permitted, to<br />

reflect traditional styles that are in sympathy with the character<br />

and quality of the streetscapes in <strong>Roscommon</strong> Town.<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

<br />

WO1,WO3,<br />

WO4, WO5,<br />

WO7,CHO1,<br />

CHO3, LO2<br />

PO1, SGO4<br />

MAO2,<br />

MAO3<br />

MAO4<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,WO3,<br />

WO4, WO5,<br />

WO7,CHO1<br />

CHO3, LO2<br />

PO1, SGO4<br />

MAO2,<br />

MAO3<br />

MAO4<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,WO3,<br />

WO4, WO5,<br />

WO7,CHO1<br />

CHO3, LO2<br />

PO1, SGO4<br />

MAO2,<br />

MAO3<br />

MAO4<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1, LO2 PO1, LO2 PO1, LO2<br />

PO1, LO2<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3<br />

PO1, LO2<br />

SGO1<br />

PO1, LO2<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO3<br />

PO1, LO2<br />

SGO1<br />

PO1, LO2<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO3<br />

PO1, LO2<br />

SGO1<br />

PO1, MAO2 PO1, MAO2 PO1, MAO2<br />

PO1,LO2<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1, CHO3<br />

CHO1<br />

PO1,LO2<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1, CHO3<br />

CHO1<br />

PO1,LO2<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1, CHO3<br />

CHO1<br />

PO1, LO2 PO1, LO2 PO1, LO2<br />

PO1, LO2 PO1, LO2 PO1, LO2<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Strategic Policies & Objectives for Natural & Built<br />

Environment<br />

32. Facilitate the improvement of visually obtrusive sites and features<br />

in the town and to carry out a streetscape study within the town.<br />

33. Positively and actively encourage redevelopment of derelict and<br />

obsolete sites in a manner that is sympathetic with and<br />

complimentary to the inherent character of neighbouring<br />

structures.<br />

34. Protect the views of <strong>Roscommon</strong> Castle and the Abbey as<br />

indicated on the zoning plan for the town.<br />

35. Facilitate the maintenance and development of <strong>Roscommon</strong><br />

Abbey as a national monument.<br />

36. Continue to update the register of derelict sites in <strong>Roscommon</strong><br />

Town under the Derelict Sites Act 1990.<br />

37. Protect, where feasible, features of the streetscape, such as cut<br />

stone curbing and traditional street name signs.<br />

38. Facilitate the enhancement and improvement of pedestrian<br />

pavements and increase the provision of litter bins and street<br />

furniture at appropriate locations throughout the town.<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

PO1, LO2 PO1, LO2 PO1, LO2<br />

PO1, LO2<br />

SGO1<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3<br />

PO1, LO2<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3<br />

PO1, LO2<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3<br />

PO1, LO2<br />

PO1, LO2<br />

SGO1<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3<br />

PO1, LO2<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3<br />

PO1, LO2<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3<br />

PO1, LO2<br />

PO1, LO2<br />

SGO1<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3<br />

PO1, LO2<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3<br />

PO1, LO2<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3<br />

PO1, LO2<br />

PO1, LO2 PO1, LO2 PO1, LO2<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Castlerea Town Development Plan Strategic Policies & Objectives<br />

Table 9.65<br />

Assessment of Strategic Policies & Objectives for Infrastructure<br />

Strategic Polices & Objectives for<br />

Infrastructure<br />

Policies<br />

1. Ensure that all development<br />

proposals within the town fulfil traffic,<br />

safety and car parking requirements.<br />

2. Ensure the provision of a<br />

comprehensive traffic system which<br />

is compatible with the pattern of land<br />

use in the town and which does not<br />

conflict with through traffic.<br />

3. Minimise new access points onto<br />

Regional and National Routes in<br />

order to maintain traffic capacity, and<br />

minimise traffic hazard.<br />

4. Incorporate Sustainable Transport<br />

and Land Use issues in zoning and<br />

development control.<br />

5. Upgrade the railway bridge on the<br />

Williamstown Road in Castlerea, and<br />

facilitate its use as a CIE bridge.<br />

6. Provide adequate pedestrian paths<br />

along all main routes in the area to<br />

ensure safety and convenient<br />

access.<br />

Objectives<br />

1. Ensure the identification and<br />

reservation of adequate lands for the<br />

purposes of future car-parking within<br />

Castlerea.<br />

2. Investigate the feasibility of<br />

constructing a by-pass of Castlerea<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

PO1,LO2,ACO1 PO1,LO2,ACO1 PO1,LO2,ACO1<br />

PO1, ACO1 PO1,ACO1 PO1,ACO1<br />

PO1, ACO1 PO1, ACO1 PO1, ACO1<br />

PO1, ACO1 PO1, ACO1 PO1, ACO1<br />

PO1, ACO1 PO1,ACO1 PO1,ACO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 WO1,LO2 PO1 PO1<br />

WO1, WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

WO1,WO1.1,<br />

WO3, BO1,<br />

WO1,WO1.1,<br />

WO3, BO1,<br />

WO1, WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

WO1,WO1.1,<br />

WO3, BO1,<br />

WO1, WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Strategic Polices & Objectives for<br />

Infrastructure<br />

town and reserve and maintain free<br />

of development land corridors for the<br />

provision of the by-pass.<br />

3. Facilitate and encourage cycling as<br />

a more convenient, popular and safe<br />

method of transport.<br />

4. Consult with Bus Eireann regarding<br />

the provision of adequate bus<br />

services and facilities.<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

BO1,BO2,CHO1, LO1, PO1, PO1, BO1,BO2,CHO1, PO1, BO1,BO2,CHO1,<br />

CHO3, CHO4, SGO4, ACO1<br />

CHO3, CHO4,<br />

CHO3, CHO4,<br />

LO1, PO1,<br />

LO1, PO1,<br />

LO1, PO1,<br />

SGO4, ACO1<br />

SGO4, ACO1<br />

SGO4, ACO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1, ACO1 PO1, ACO1 PO1, ACO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Table 9.66<br />

Assessment of Strategic Policies & Objectives for Residential Development<br />

Strategic Policies & Objectives for<br />

Residential Development<br />

Policies<br />

7. Require that new residential<br />

accommodation meets the necessary<br />

standards of energy consumption,<br />

sanitation and design.<br />

8. Promote the provision of social and<br />

affordable housing accommodation in<br />

accordance with the proposals outlined<br />

in ‘Social Housing – The Way Ahead’,<br />

and the Housing Strategy for <strong>County</strong><br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong>.<br />

9. Encourage residential development within<br />

the town’s development envelope and to<br />

discourage ad hoc ribbon development<br />

on the outskirts of the town.<br />

10. Encourage increased residential<br />

densities at appropriate locations in the<br />

town centre, building on the existing town<br />

structure and strengthening the vitality of<br />

the town.<br />

11. Ensure that development does not<br />

cause or significantly contribute towards<br />

the sterilisation of land (i.e. backland)<br />

from future development.<br />

12. Implement the provisions of the Housing<br />

Strategy in accordance with the<br />

provisions of Part V of the Planning and<br />

Development Act 2000.<br />

13. Prepare design guidelines for new<br />

developments in urban locations.<br />

14. Ensure that residential proposals accord<br />

with the Development Standards as<br />

well as the Urban Design Guidelines,<br />

which will be prepared for the <strong>County</strong>.<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

<br />

<br />

PO1,<br />

ACO1,<br />

MAO3,WO4,<br />

WO5<br />

PO1,<br />

ACO1, MAO3,<br />

WO4, WO5<br />

PO1<br />

,ACO1, MAO3,<br />

WO4, WO5<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

WO1, WO1.1,<br />

WO5,CHO3,LO2,<br />

SGO1, MAO3,<br />

WO1, WO1.1,<br />

WO5,CHO3,LO2,<br />

SGO1, MAO3,<br />

WO1, WO1.1,<br />

WO5,CHO3,LO2,<br />

SGO1, MAO3,<br />

WO1, WO1.1,<br />

WO5,CHO3,LO2,<br />

SGO1, MAO3,<br />

WO1, WO1.1,<br />

WO5,CHO3,LO2,<br />

SGO1, MAO3,<br />

WO1, WO1.1,<br />

WO5,CHO3,LO2,<br />

SGO1, MAO3,<br />

PO1,LO2 PO1,LO2 PO1,LO2<br />

PO1, CHO3,<br />

CHO1, CHO2,<br />

CHO4<br />

PO1, CHO3,<br />

CHO1, CHO2,<br />

CHO4<br />

PO1, CHO3,<br />

CHO1, CHO2,<br />

CHO4<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Strategic Policies & Objectives for<br />

Residential Development<br />

15. Encourage suitable infill housing<br />

developments on appropriate sites in<br />

the town.<br />

16. Assess and ensure that all proposals for<br />

residential developments comply with the<br />

Development Standards sections of this<br />

Plan.<br />

17. Provide for an attractive and safer<br />

pedestrian environment.<br />

18. Preserve the identity and conserve the<br />

characteristic features of the built<br />

heritage in the Plan Area.<br />

Objectives<br />

5. Positively and actively encourage<br />

redevelopment of derelict and obsolete<br />

sites in a manner that is sympathetic<br />

and in keeping with the character of the<br />

area.<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

PO1, LO2 PO1, LO2 PO1, LO2<br />

PO1, SGO1,<br />

LO2, WO1,<br />

WO3, WO5,<br />

WO7, BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1, CHO3,<br />

MAO3<br />

PO1, SGO1,<br />

LO2, WO1,<br />

WO3, WO5,<br />

WO7, BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1, CHO3,<br />

MAO3<br />

PO1, SGO1, LO2,<br />

WO1, WO3, WO5,<br />

WO7, BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO1, CHO3,<br />

MAO3<br />

PO1, ACO1 PO1, ACO1 PO1, ACO1<br />

PO1, CHO3 PO1, CHO3 PO1, CHO3<br />

PO1, SGO1,<br />

LO2<br />

PO1, SGO1,LO2 PO1, SGO1,LO2<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Table 9.67<br />

Assessment of Strategic Policies & Objectives for Water Services<br />

Strategic Policies & Objectives for<br />

Infrastructure<br />

Polices<br />

19. Ensure that the water demand of the<br />

town is provided for during the Plan<br />

period and beyond.<br />

20. Ensure that the provision of water<br />

and sanitary services is guided by<br />

the ‘Water Services Investment<br />

Programme – Assessment of<br />

Needs’ which has been adopted by<br />

the <strong>Council</strong>.<br />

21. Ensure that all areas zoned for<br />

development within the town are<br />

fully serviced with water supply and<br />

sewerage disposal.<br />

22. Have regard to the Groundwater<br />

Protection Plans for the Castlerea<br />

area.<br />

23. Ensure that the water supply of the<br />

town complies with the European<br />

Union drinking water standards and<br />

to extend them, where necessary, to<br />

meet demand.<br />

24. Have regard to ground conditions<br />

and compliance with the planning<br />

authority standards for installation,<br />

treatment and maintenance of septic<br />

tank and other individual wastewater<br />

treatment systems.<br />

25. Carry out extension of water services<br />

infrastructure in a manner that<br />

compliments land-use objectives.<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

WO1, WO1.1,<br />

WO4, WO5,<br />

MAO3, PO1<br />

WO1, WO1.1,<br />

WO4, WO5,<br />

MAO3, PO1<br />

WO1, WO1.1,<br />

WO4, WO5,<br />

MAO3, PO1<br />

WO3,<br />

PO1,WO5, WO4<br />

WO1, WO1.1,<br />

WO4, WO5,<br />

MAO3, PO1<br />

WO1, WO1.1,<br />

WO4, WO5,<br />

MAO3, PO1<br />

WO1, WO1.1,<br />

WO4, WO5,<br />

MAO3, PO1<br />

WO3, PO1,<br />

WO4, WO5<br />

WO1, WO1.1,<br />

WO4, WO5,<br />

MAO3, PO1<br />

WO1, WO1.1,<br />

WO4, WO5,<br />

MAO3, PO1<br />

WO1, WO1.1,<br />

WO4, WO5,<br />

MAO3, PO1<br />

WO3, PO1,WO4,<br />

WO5<br />

WO4,PO1,WO5 WO4,PO1,WO5 WO4,PO1, WO5<br />

MAO3,<br />

PO1,MAO5,<br />

WO3, WO1<br />

WO4,MAO3,<br />

PO1,WO5<br />

MAO3,<br />

PO1,MAO5,<br />

WO3, WO1<br />

WO4,MAO3,<br />

PO1,WO5<br />

MAO3,<br />

PO1,MAO5, WO3,<br />

WO1<br />

WO4,MAO3<br />

,PO1,WO5<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Strategic Policies & Objectives for<br />

Infrastructure<br />

Objective<br />

6. Facilitate, where appropriate, the<br />

connection of a private water supply<br />

scheme into the public water supply<br />

network.<br />

7. Ensure that the sewerage needs of<br />

the town are provided for during the<br />

Plan period and beyond.<br />

8. Investigate the feasibility of<br />

introducing a Water-Metering System<br />

in the area.<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

WO1,<br />

PO1,WO4, WO5<br />

WO1, PO1,WO4,<br />

WO5<br />

WO1, PO1,WO4,<br />

WO5<br />

MAO3, PO1 MAO3, PO1 MAO3, PO1<br />

WO5 PO1 PO1 WO5 PO1 WO5<br />

9. Adopt a regional approach to waste<br />

management throughout the <strong>County</strong><br />

in accordance with the Waste<br />

Management Plan for Connaught<br />

Region.<br />

ACO1, PO1,<br />

MAO2,WO1<br />

ACO1,<br />

PO1,MAO2,WO1<br />

ACO1, PO1,<br />

MAO2,WO1<br />

10. Implement the objectives of the<br />

Flood Review Study of <strong>Roscommon</strong>.<br />

WO7, PO1,<br />

BO1, BO2<br />

WO7, PO1,<br />

BO1, BO2<br />

WO7, PO1,BO1,<br />

BO2<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Table 9.68<br />

Assessment of Strategic Policies & Objectives for Community Facilities<br />

Strategic Policies & Objectives for Community<br />

Facilities<br />

Policies<br />

26. Seek to provide a range of social, recreational<br />

and community facilities to meet the needs of<br />

all of the town's residents, regardless of age or<br />

social background.<br />

27. Support local sports and community groups in<br />

the development of facilities through the<br />

reservation of suitable land and the provision of<br />

funding where available and appropriate.<br />

28. Ensure that adequate lands and services are<br />

available for the improvement, establishment<br />

and expansion of health and related services.<br />

29. Co-operate with the Health Service Executive<br />

and other statutory and voluntary agencies in<br />

the provision of health, community, social<br />

facilities and services.<br />

30. Support the development of health/medical<br />

facilities in conjunction with a network of<br />

community based primary care facilities, in<br />

suitable locations.<br />

31. Implement the Childcare Facilities: Guidelines<br />

for Planning Authorities (DoEHLG June2000).<br />

32. Promote the location of childcare facilities in<br />

settlement centres, on sites which are<br />

convenient to public transport and pedestrian<br />

access.<br />

33. Implement the Play Policy for <strong>County</strong><br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong> in conjunction with the <strong>County</strong><br />

Development Board and other agencies.<br />

34. Ensure that adequate lands and services are<br />

reserved/zoned to cater for the establishment,<br />

improvement or expansion (where possible) of<br />

primary and post primary educational facilities.<br />

35. Facilitate the development of primary, post<br />

primary and third level educational facilities.<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Strategic Policies & Objectives for Community<br />

Facilities<br />

36. Promote the development of outreach<br />

programmes between businesses and the third<br />

level institutions in adjoining Counties.<br />

37. Support the multi-functional use and provision<br />

of buildings and opportunities to maximise the<br />

use of existing physical resources /<br />

infrastructure.<br />

38. Facilitate ongoing adult education and training<br />

and to ensure that quality life-long learning<br />

opportunities are available to all.<br />

39. Limit new development in urban areas where<br />

necessary social infrastructure including but not<br />

limited to, schools and community facilities are<br />

unavailable.<br />

Objectives<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

11. Cooperate with community interests in<br />

developing additional facilities at appropriate<br />

locations in the town.<br />

12. Promote the use of existing buildings and lands<br />

to the benefit of the wider community, subject to<br />

available resources.<br />

13. Encourage the provision of affordable childcare<br />

throughout the <strong>County</strong> in consultation with the<br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> Childcare Committee, the<br />

<strong>County</strong> Development Board and the Health<br />

Service Executive.<br />

14. Have regard to the <strong>County</strong> Development Board<br />

Strategy, in developing objectives for<br />

community facilities and amenities.<br />

15. Promote access and facilities for people with<br />

special needs using best practices.<br />

16. Promote equality of access to public spaces<br />

and buildings, participation and empowerment<br />

for all through an inclusive approach to service<br />

provision, in conjunction with the <strong>County</strong><br />

Development Board.<br />

<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Strategic Policies & Objectives for Community<br />

Facilities<br />

17. Review and implement the existing<br />

Development Contribution Scheme which will<br />

form the basis for the improvement of existing<br />

community, recreational and leisure facilities<br />

and the funding of new community, recreational<br />

and leisure facilities, to be provided in tandem<br />

with new residential development.<br />

18. Support access to education and life long<br />

learning in Castlerea.<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Table 9.69<br />

Assessment of Strategic Policies & Objectives for Recreation & Tourism<br />

Strategic Policies & Objectives for Recreation &<br />

Tourism<br />

Policies<br />

40. Conserve and protect the natural, built and<br />

cultural heritage features that form the basis of<br />

the <strong>County</strong>’s tourism industry, including historic<br />

buildings and structures, areas of important<br />

landscapes, areas of important wildlife interest<br />

and the traditional form and general appearance<br />

of towns and villages.<br />

41. Ensure that all groups of the community have<br />

access to the tourism, recreation and<br />

community facilities in the town.<br />

42. Improve existing local authority recreational and<br />

amenity facilities in addition to providing new<br />

facilities where required.<br />

43. Require open space to be provided as part of<br />

residential schemes.<br />

44. Facilitate the development of appropriate new<br />

recreation, leisure and tourism facilities.<br />

Objectives<br />

19. Implement, where funds permit, proposals to<br />

improve and maintain amenity, tourism and<br />

recreation facilities, carry out amenity<br />

improvements and protect the environment of<br />

the town.<br />

20. Promote the development of high-quality tourist<br />

accommodation, especially hotels and<br />

guesthouses.<br />

21. Give consideration to the needs of the disabled<br />

in the layout and design of all proposed<br />

development.<br />

22. Assess all recreational, community and tourism<br />

development proposals according to<br />

Development Standards as set out in the<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

WO1-WO7,BO1-<br />

BO3, CHO1-<br />

CHO4, LO1,<br />

LO2, PO1,<br />

WO1-WO7,BO1-<br />

BO3, CHO1-<br />

CHO4, LO1,<br />

LO2, PO1,<br />

WO1-<br />

WO7,BO1-<br />

BO3,<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO4,<br />

LO1, LO2,<br />

PO1,<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1,LO2 PO1,LO2 PO1,LO2<br />

PO1,LO2 PO1,LO2 PO1,LO2<br />

WO1-WO7,BO1-<br />

BO3, CHO1-<br />

CHO4, LO1,<br />

LO2, PO1,<br />

WO1-WO7,BO1-<br />

BO3, CHO1-<br />

CHO4, LO1,<br />

LO2, PO1,<br />

WO1-<br />

WO7,BO1-<br />

BO3,<br />

CHO1-<br />

CHO4,<br />

LO1, LO2,<br />

PO1,<br />

PO1,LO2 PO1,LO2 PO1,LO2<br />

PO1, SGO1,<br />

LO2, WO1,<br />

WO3, WO5,<br />

WO7, BO1,<br />

PO1, SGO1,<br />

LO2, WO1,<br />

WO3, WO5,<br />

WO7, BO1,<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO1,<br />

LO2, WO1,<br />

WO3, WO5,<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Strategic Policies & Objectives for Recreation &<br />

Tourism<br />

<strong>County</strong> Development Plan.<br />

23. Seek to facilitate and encourage the<br />

development of walking and cycle paths, linking<br />

population, tourism centers and transport<br />

nodes.<br />

24. Ensure high standards of architectural and<br />

urban design in all new tourist accommodation<br />

and facilities.<br />

25. Support other organisations, bodies and local<br />

groups that promote tourism and community<br />

development in the town.<br />

26. Conserve and protect the existing walled<br />

garden of Castlerea Town and ensure its<br />

sympathetic maintenance and potential re-use.<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

BO2, CHO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1,<br />

WO7, BO1,<br />

CHO3, MAO3<br />

CHO3, MAO3<br />

BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3,<br />

MAO3<br />

PO1, ACO1 PO1, ACO1 PO1, ACO1<br />

<br />

PO1,LO2,<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1,LO2,ACO1 PO1,LO2,A<br />

CO1<br />

CHO3, PO1,LO2 CHO3, PO1,LO2 CHO3,<br />

PO1,LO2<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Table 9 70<br />

Assessment of Strategic Policies & Objectives for Commercial/Retail<br />

Strategic Policies & Objectives for<br />

Commercial/Retail<br />

Policies<br />

45. Implement the findings and<br />

recommendations of the Retail<br />

Strategy for <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong>.<br />

46. Promote and develop the vitality of<br />

the existing shopping area and<br />

facilitate the provision of local retail<br />

needs where appropriate.<br />

47. Improve the environment, access<br />

and car parking provision in the town<br />

centre.<br />

Objectives<br />

27. Facilitate and encourage the<br />

appropriate provision of retail<br />

facilities in the core town which<br />

service local needs.<br />

28. Assess all retail proposals against<br />

the criteria and recommendations<br />

set down in the Retail Planning<br />

Guidelines, the Retail Strategy for<br />

<strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong>, and any other<br />

statutory requirements relating to<br />

retail development.<br />

29. Assess retail development proposals<br />

according to the Development<br />

Standards as set out in the <strong>County</strong><br />

Development Plan.<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impacts Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

<br />

<br />

PO1, ACO1 PO1, ACO1 PO1, ACO1<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Table 9.71<br />

Assessment of Strategic Policies for Industry<br />

Strategic Policies for Industry<br />

Policies<br />

48. Zone land in a range of proportions and<br />

locations to facilitate the growth of<br />

industrial and commercial development in<br />

Castlerea Town.<br />

49. Facilitate appropriate industrial,<br />

commercial, agricultural, business and<br />

tourism investment programmes.<br />

50. Ensure that there is a positive and flexible<br />

response to job creation possibilities in<br />

Castlerea whilst protecting residential<br />

amenity and the environment.<br />

51. Ensure that lands zoned for industry are<br />

reserved for appropriate uses.<br />

52. Facilitate the formation of small<br />

indigenous industry in the town.<br />

53. Seek the provision of improved energy<br />

and communications infrastructure.<br />

54. Promoting and facilitating appropriate<br />

educational/training measures to ensure a<br />

suitably skilled local workforce.<br />

55. Ensure that there is adequate service<br />

provision to support the local employment<br />

base.<br />

56. Improve access to quality further and<br />

third-level education services and<br />

facilities.<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impacts Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

PO1, ACO1 PO1, ACO1 PO1, ACO1<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Table 9.72<br />

Assessment of Strategic Policies & Objectives for Natural & Built Heritage<br />

Strategic Policies & Objectives for<br />

Natural & Built Environment<br />

Policies<br />

57. Continue to implement a programme<br />

of environmental improvement<br />

schemes in Castlerea and the town<br />

centre.<br />

58. Encourage new developments to<br />

respect the physical character of the<br />

town and its buildings.<br />

59. Preserve the identity and conserve<br />

the characteristic features of the<br />

built heritage in Castlerea Town.<br />

60. Take all necessary action to<br />

minimise the occurrence of unsightly<br />

and wasteful derelict sites in the<br />

town through refurbishment or<br />

rebuilding.<br />

Objectives<br />

30. Continue the tree-planting<br />

programme and landscaping of<br />

public open spaces in the town.<br />

31. Conserve buildings, structures and<br />

their settings in the town provided in<br />

the Record of Protected Structures,<br />

which forms part of this Plan.<br />

32. Conserve and protect existing or<br />

future special amenity areas from<br />

inappropriate, poorly designed and<br />

poorly sited development.<br />

33. Encourage shop-fronts and<br />

advertising signs, where permitted,<br />

to reflect traditional styles that are in<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

<br />

WO1,WO3,WO4,<br />

WO1,WO3,WO4,<br />

WO1,WO3,WO4,<br />

WO5, WO7,<br />

WO5, WO7,<br />

WO5, WO7, CHO1,<br />

CHO1, CHO3,<br />

CHO1, CHO3,<br />

CHO3, LO2,<br />

LO2,<br />

LO2,<br />

PO1,SGO4, MAO3,<br />

PO1,SGO4,<br />

PO1,SGO4,<br />

MAO2,MAO4<br />

MAO3,<br />

MAO3,<br />

ACO1<br />

MAO2,MAO4<br />

MAO2,MAO4<br />

ACO1<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1, LO2 PO1, LO2 PO1, LO2<br />

PO1, LO2,<br />

CHO1, CHO3<br />

PO1, LO2,<br />

SGO1<br />

PO1, LO2,<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1,<br />

CHO3,CHO1<br />

PO1, LO2,<br />

CHO1, CHO3<br />

PO1, LO2,<br />

SGO1<br />

PO1, LO2,<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1,<br />

CHO3,CHO1<br />

PO1, LO2, CHO1,<br />

CHO3<br />

PO1, LO2, SGO1<br />

PO1, LO2, ACO1<br />

PO1, CHO3,CHO1<br />

PO1,LO2 PO1,LO2 PO1,LO2<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Strategic Policies & Objectives for<br />

Natural & Built Environment<br />

sympathy with the character and<br />

quality of the streetscapes in<br />

Castlerea Town.<br />

34. Positively and actively encourage<br />

redevelopment of derelict and<br />

obsolete sites in a manner that is<br />

sympathetic with and complimentary<br />

to the inherent character of<br />

neighbouring structures.<br />

35. Protect, where feasible, features of<br />

the streetscape, such as cut stone<br />

curbing and traditional street name<br />

signs.<br />

36. Prepare design guidelines for new<br />

developments in urban locations.<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

PO1,LO2, SGO1 PO1,LO2, SGO1 PO1,LO2, SGO1<br />

PO1, LO2 PO1, LO2<br />

PO1, LO2<br />

<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Boyle Town Development Plan Strategic Policies & Objectives<br />

Table 9.73<br />

Assessment of Strategic Policies & Objectives for Infrastructure<br />

Strategic Polices & Objectives for Infrastructure<br />

Policies<br />

1. Ensure that all development proposals within<br />

the town fulfil traffic, safety and car parking<br />

requirements.<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

PO1, LO2,<br />

PO1, LO2,<br />

PO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

ACO1<br />

ACO1<br />

LO2,<br />

2. Ensure the provision of a comprehensive traffic<br />

system which is compatible with the pattern of<br />

land use in the town and with through traffic.<br />

3. Minimise new accesses points onto Regional<br />

and National Routes in order to maintain traffic<br />

capacity, and minimise traffic hazard.<br />

4. Ensure that the town has adequate road<br />

accessibility and car parking provision.<br />

PO1, ACO1 PO1, ACO1 PO1, ACO1<br />

PO1, ACO1 PO1, ACO1 PO1, ACO1<br />

PO1, ACO1 PO1, ACO1 PO1, ACO1<br />

5. Support and facilitate the existing bus network. PO1, ACO1 PO1, ACO1 PO1, ACO1<br />

6. Incorporate Sustainable Transport and Land<br />

Use issues in zoning and development control.<br />

Objectives<br />

1. Implement the recommendations of the Traffic<br />

Study and car parking control measures in the<br />

town.<br />

2. Investigate opportunities for the provision of a<br />

multi-storey car park at an appropriate location<br />

within the town.<br />

PO1, ACO1 PO1, ACO1 PO1, ACO1<br />

PO1, ACO1 PO1, ACO1 PO1, ACO1<br />

PO1, ACO1 PO1, ACO1 PO1, ACO1<br />

3. Carry out Traffic and Transportation Study for<br />

Boyle town.<br />

<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Strategic Polices & Objectives for Infrastructure<br />

4. Ensure the identification and reservation of<br />

adequate lands for the purposes of future carparking<br />

within Boyle.<br />

5. Seek the reclassification of the N61 National<br />

Secondary Route to National Primary Route<br />

Status.<br />

6. Identify and reserve free of development a<br />

corridor for the proposed National Secondary<br />

Route N61 By-Pass for Boyle.<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

PO1 PO1<br />

LO2<br />

<br />

PO1 ACO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1 PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Table 9.74<br />

Assessment of Strategic Policies & Objectives for Residential Development<br />

Strategic Policies & Objectives for Residential<br />

Development<br />

Policies<br />

7. Require that new residential accommodation<br />

meets the necessary standards of energy<br />

consumption, sanitation and design.<br />

8. Promote the provision of social and affordable<br />

housing accommodation in accordance with the<br />

proposals outlined in ‘Social Housing – The Way<br />

Ahead’, the Housing Strategy for <strong>County</strong><br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong> and in other appropriate ways.<br />

9. Encourage residential development within the<br />

town’s development envelope and to discourage<br />

ad hoc ribbon development on the outskirts of the<br />

town.<br />

10. Encourage increased residential densities at<br />

appropriate locations in the town centre, building<br />

on the existing town structure and strengthening<br />

the vitality of the town.<br />

11. Ensure that development does not cause or<br />

significantly contribute towards the sterilisation of<br />

land (i.e backland) from future development.<br />

12. Implement the provisions of the Housing<br />

Strategy in accordance with the provisions of Part<br />

V of the Planning and Development Act 2000.<br />

13. Zone land in Boyle sufficient to meet house<br />

building requirements, both public and private,<br />

over the Plan period and in the future.<br />

14. Facilitate the Housing Authority’s programme for<br />

housing, including the provision of new housing,<br />

renovation/refurbishment of existing buildings and<br />

the provision of suitable accommodation and<br />

facilities for travelling families.<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

PO1, ACO1,<br />

MAO2, MAO3,<br />

MAO5,<br />

WO4,WO5<br />

PO1, ACO1,<br />

MAO2, MAO3,<br />

MAO5,<br />

WO4,WO5<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

WO1, WO1.1,<br />

WO5, CHO3,<br />

LO2, SGO1,<br />

MAO3<br />

WO1, WO1.1,<br />

WO5, CHO3,<br />

LO2, SGO1,<br />

MAO3<br />

WO1, WO1.1,<br />

WO5, CHO3,<br />

LO2, SGO1,<br />

MAO3<br />

WO1, WO1.1,<br />

WO5, CHO3,<br />

LO2, SGO1,<br />

MAO3<br />

PO1, ACO1,<br />

MAO2, MAO3,<br />

MAO5,<br />

WO4,WO5<br />

WO1, WO1.1,<br />

WO5, CHO3,<br />

LO2, SGO1,<br />

MAO3<br />

WO1, WO1.1,<br />

WO5, CHO3,<br />

LO2, SGO1,<br />

MAO3<br />

PO1,LO2 PO1,LO2 PO1,LO2<br />

PO1,<br />

CHO3,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO2, CHO4<br />

PO1,<br />

CHO3,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO2, CHO4<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1,<br />

CHO3,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO2, CHO4<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Strategic Policies & Objectives for Residential<br />

Development<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

15. Ensure that housing proposals do not cause<br />

traffic or environmental problems or damage<br />

visual amenity.<br />

16. Ensure that housing proposals accord with the<br />

Urban Design Guidelines, which will be<br />

prepared for the <strong>County</strong>.<br />

<br />

WO1-WO4,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO3,C HO4,<br />

CHO5,<br />

LO1,LO1.1,<br />

LO2, PO1,<br />

SGO3, SGO4,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1-WO4,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO3,C HO4,<br />

CHO5,<br />

LO1,LO1.1,<br />

LO2, PO1,<br />

SGO3, SGO4,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1-WO4,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO3,C HO4,<br />

CHO5,<br />

LO1,LO1.1,<br />

LO2, PO1,<br />

SGO3, SGO4,<br />

ACO1<br />

17. Precautionary approach to development will be<br />

applied in sensitive areas such as Lough Key<br />

and the Shannon Catchment Corridor.<br />

Objectives<br />

7. Encourage suitable infill housing developments on<br />

appropriate sites in the town.<br />

8. Encourage increased residential densities in<br />

appropriate locations within the town centre.<br />

9. Assess and ensure that all proposals for housing<br />

developments comply with the Development<br />

Standards sections of this Plan.<br />

WO1-WO4,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO3,C HO4,<br />

CHO5,<br />

LO1,LO1.1,<br />

CLO2, PO1,<br />

SGO3, SGO4,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1-WO4,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO3,C HO4,<br />

CHO5,<br />

LO1,LO1.1,<br />

CLO2, PO1,<br />

SGO3, SGO4,<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1-WO4,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO3,C HO4,<br />

CHO5,<br />

LO1,LO1.1,<br />

CLO2, PO1,<br />

SGO3, SGO4,<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1, LO2 PO1, LO2 PO1, LO2<br />

WO1-WO4,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO3,C HO4,<br />

CHO5,<br />

LO1,LO1.1,<br />

CLO2, PO1,<br />

SGO3, SGO4,<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1, SGO1,<br />

LO2, WO1,<br />

WO3, WO5,<br />

WO7, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1,<br />

CHO3, MAO3<br />

WO1-WO4,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO3,C HO4,<br />

CHO5,<br />

LO1,LO1.1,<br />

CLO2, PO1,<br />

SGO3, SGO4,<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1, SGO1,<br />

LO2, WO1,<br />

WO3, WO5,<br />

WO7, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1,<br />

CHO3, MAO3<br />

WO1-WO4,<br />

BO1, BO2,<br />

CHO3,C HO4,<br />

CHO5,<br />

LO1,LO1.1,<br />

CLO2, PO1,<br />

SGO3, SGO4,<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1, SGO1,<br />

LO2, WO1,<br />

WO3, WO5,<br />

WO7, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1,<br />

CHO3, MAO3<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Table 9.75<br />

Assessment of Strategic Policies & Objectives for Water Services<br />

Strategic Policies & Objectives for<br />

Infrastructure<br />

Polices<br />

18. Ensure that the water demand of the town is<br />

provided for during the Plan period and<br />

beyond.<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

WO1, WO1.1,<br />

WO1, WO1.1,<br />

WO1, WO1.1,<br />

WO4, WO5,<br />

WO4, WO5,<br />

WO4, WO5,<br />

MAO3, PO1<br />

MAO3, PO1<br />

MAO3, PO1<br />

19. Ensure that the provision of water and<br />

sanitary services is guided by the ‘Water<br />

Services Investment Programme –<br />

Assessment of Needs’ which has been<br />

adopted by the <strong>Council</strong>.<br />

WO1, WO1.1,<br />

WO4, WO5,<br />

MAO3, PO1<br />

WO1, WO1.1,<br />

WO4, WO5,<br />

MAO3, PO1<br />

WO1, WO1.1,<br />

WO4, WO5,<br />

MAO3, PO1<br />

20. Ensure that all areas zoned for development<br />

within the town are fully serviced with water<br />

supply and sewerage disposal.<br />

21. Have regard to the Groundwater Protection<br />

Plan for the Boyle area.<br />

22. Carry out extension of water services<br />

infrastructure in a manner that compliments<br />

land-use objectives.<br />

23. Implement the objectives of the Flood Review<br />

Study of <strong>Roscommon</strong>.<br />

Objectives<br />

10. Ensure that septic tanks and other individual<br />

wastewater treatment systems are not<br />

permitted within the development envelop of<br />

Boyle Town.<br />

11. Investigate the feasibility of introducing a<br />

Water-Metering System in the area.<br />

12. Extend water services towards the South<br />

West of the Town Boundary.<br />

WO1, WO1.1,<br />

WO4, WO5,<br />

MAO3, PO1<br />

WO3, PO1,<br />

WO5, WO4<br />

WO4, MAO3,<br />

PO1, WO5<br />

WO7, PO1,<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

WO1, WO1.1,<br />

WO4, WO5,<br />

MAO3, PO1<br />

WO3, PO1,<br />

WO5, WO4<br />

WO4, MAO3,<br />

PO1, WO5<br />

WO7, PO1,<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

WO1, WO1.1,<br />

WO4, WO5,<br />

MAO3, PO1<br />

WO3, PO1,<br />

WO5, WO4<br />

WO4, MAO3,<br />

PO1, WO5<br />

WO7, PO1,<br />

BO1,BO2<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,WO2,<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,WO2,<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,WO2,<br />

WO3, WO4,<br />

WO3, WO4,<br />

WO3, WO4,<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

BO2, PO1,<br />

BO2, PO1,<br />

BO2, PO1,<br />

MAO3<br />

MAO3<br />

MAO3<br />

WO5,WO4, PO1 PO1 WO5,WO4 PO1 WO5,WO4<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,WO2,<br />

WO3, WO4,<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

BO2, PO1,<br />

MAO3<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,WO2,<br />

WO3, WO4,<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

BO2, PO1,<br />

MAO3<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,WO2,<br />

WO3, WO4,<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

BO2, PO1,<br />

MAO3<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Table 9.76<br />

Assessment of Strategic Policies & Objectives for Community Facilities<br />

Strategic Policies & Objectives for Community<br />

Facilities<br />

Policies<br />

24. Seek to provide a range of social, recreational<br />

and community facilities to meet the needs of all<br />

of the town's residents, regardless of age or<br />

social background.<br />

25. Support local sports and community groups in<br />

the development of facilities through the<br />

reservation of suitable land and the provision of<br />

funding where available and appropriate.<br />

26. Ensure that adequate lands and services are<br />

available for the improvement, establishment<br />

and expansion of health and related services.<br />

27. Ensure the provision of affordable childcare<br />

throughout the <strong>County</strong> in consultation with the<br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> Childcare Committee, the<br />

<strong>County</strong> Development Board and the Health<br />

Service Executive.<br />

28. Implement the Childcare Facilities: Guidelines for<br />

Planning Authorities (DoEHLG June2000).<br />

29. Promote the location of childcare facilities in<br />

settlement centres, on sites which are<br />

convenient to public transport and pedestrian<br />

access.<br />

30. Implement the Play Policy for <strong>County</strong><br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong>.<br />

31. Ensure that adequate lands and services are<br />

reserved/zoned to cater for the necessary<br />

establishment, improvement or expansion of<br />

primary and post primary educational facilities.<br />

32. Facilitate the development of primary, post<br />

primary and third level educational facilities to<br />

meet the needs of the <strong>County</strong>.<br />

33. Promote the development of outreach<br />

programmes between businesses and the third<br />

level institutions in adjoining Counties.<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Pos. Neg. Short Long Temp. Per.<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Strategic Policies & Objectives for Community<br />

Facilities<br />

34. Support the multi-functional use and provision of<br />

buildings and opportunities to maximise the use<br />

of existing physical resources / infrastructure<br />

within Boyle.<br />

35. Facilitate ongoing adult education and training<br />

and to ensure that quality life-long learning<br />

opportunities are available to all.<br />

36. Limit new development in urban areas where<br />

necessary social infrastructure including but not<br />

limited to schools and community facilities are<br />

unavailable.<br />

Objectives<br />

13. Where possible, to cooperate with community<br />

interests in developing additional facilities at<br />

appropriate locations in the town.<br />

14. Promote the use of existing buildings and lands<br />

to the benefit of the wider community, subject to<br />

available resources.<br />

15. Implement the Play Policy for Boyle in<br />

conjunction with the <strong>County</strong> Development Board<br />

and other agencies.<br />

16. Co-operate with the Health Service Executive<br />

and other statutory and voluntary agencies in<br />

the provision of health, community, social<br />

facilities.<br />

17. Support local sports and community groups in<br />

the development of facilities through the<br />

reservation of suitable land and the provision of<br />

funding where available and appropriate.<br />

18. Give consideration to the needs of the disabled in<br />

the layout and design of all proposed<br />

development.<br />

19. Support other organisations, bodies and local<br />

groups that promote community development in<br />

the <strong>County</strong>.<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Pos. Neg. Short Long Temp. Per.<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Strategic Policies & Objectives for Community<br />

Facilities<br />

20. Ensure that adequate lands and services are<br />

available for the improvement, establishment<br />

and expansion of health and related services.<br />

21. Promote equality of access to public spaces and<br />

buildings, participation and empowerment for all<br />

through an inclusive approach to service<br />

provision, in conjunction with the <strong>County</strong><br />

Development Board.<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Pos. Neg. Short Long Temp. Per.<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Table 9.77<br />

Assessment of Strategic Policies & Objectives for Commercial/Retail<br />

Strategic Policies & Objectives for<br />

Commercial/Retail<br />

Policies<br />

37. Implement the findings and recommendations<br />

of the Retail Strategy for <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong>.<br />

38. Promote and develop the vitality of the existing<br />

shopping area and to facilitate the provision of<br />

local retail needs where appropriate.<br />

39. Improve the environment, access and car<br />

parking provision in the town centre.<br />

Objectives<br />

22. Facilitate and encourage the appropriate<br />

provision of retail facilities in areas that are an<br />

inconvenient distance from the existing retail<br />

center and which service local needs.<br />

23. Assess all retail proposals against the criteria<br />

and recommendations set down in the Retail<br />

Planning Guidelines, the Retail Strategy for<br />

<strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong>.<br />

24. Assess retail development proposals<br />

according to the Development Standards as<br />

set out in the <strong>County</strong> Development Plan.<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Pos. Neg. Short Long Temp. Per.<br />

<br />

<br />

PO1, ACO1 PO1, ACO1 PO1, ACO1<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Table 9.78<br />

Assessment of Strategic Policies & Objectives for Industry<br />

Strategic Policies & Objectives for Industry<br />

Policies<br />

40. Facilitate appropriate industrial, commercial,<br />

agricultural, business and tourism investment<br />

programmes.<br />

41. Ensure that there is a positive and flexible<br />

response to job creation possibilities in Boyle<br />

whilst protecting residential amenity and the<br />

environment.<br />

42. Ensure that lands zoned for industry are<br />

reserved for appropriate uses.<br />

43. Facilitate the formation of small indigenous<br />

industry in the town.<br />

44. Seek the provision of improved energy and<br />

communications infrastructure.<br />

Objectives<br />

25. Assess the industrial and commercial<br />

proposals according to the Development<br />

Control and environmental standards as set out<br />

in this Plan.<br />

26. Identify potential sites for small indigenous<br />

firms in the town.<br />

27. Promoting and facilitating appropriate<br />

educational/training measures to ensure a<br />

suitably skilled local workforce.<br />

28. Ensure that there is adequate service<br />

provision to support the local employment<br />

base.<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain Significance of impact<br />

impact Pos. Neg. Short Long Temp. Per.<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

PO1, ACO1 PO1, ACO1 PO1, ACO1<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Table 9.79<br />

Assessment of Strategic Policies & Objectives for Recreation & Tourism<br />

Strategic Policies & Objectives for Recreation &<br />

Tourism<br />

Policies<br />

45. Conserve and protect the natural, built and<br />

cultural heritage features of the Boyle area.<br />

46. Ensure that all groups of the community have<br />

access to the tourism, recreation and<br />

community facilities.<br />

47. Improve existing local authority recreational<br />

and amenity facilities in addition to providing<br />

new facilities.<br />

48. Require open space to be provided as part of<br />

all residential developments.<br />

49. Facilitate the development of appropriate new<br />

recreation, leisure and tourism facilities.<br />

50. Continue to facilitate the upgrading and<br />

provision of additional facilities at Lough Key<br />

Forest Park.<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

WO1-WO7, BO1-<br />

BO3, CHO1-<br />

CHO4, LO1,LO2,<br />

PO1<br />

WO1-WO7,<br />

BO1-BO3,<br />

CHO1-CHO4,<br />

LO1,LO2, PO1<br />

WO1-WO7, BO1-<br />

BO3, CHO1-<br />

CHO4, LO1,LO2,<br />

PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1,LO2 PO1,LO2 PO1,LO2<br />

PO1,LO2 PO1,LO2 PO1,LO2<br />

WO1,WO1.1,<br />

WO2,<br />

WO6,BO1,BO2,<br />

BO3, CHO1,<br />

CHO3,CHO4,<br />

CHO5,<br />

LO1,PO1,MAO3<br />

WO1,WO1.1,<br />

WO2,<br />

WO6,BO1,BO2,<br />

BO3, CHO1,<br />

CHO3,CHO4,<br />

CHO5,<br />

LO1,PO1,MAO3<br />

WO1,WO1.1,<br />

WO2,<br />

WO6,BO1,BO2,<br />

BO3, CHO1,<br />

CHO3,CHO4,<br />

CHO5,<br />

LO1,PO1,MAO3<br />

51. Protect from development the existing public<br />

PO1,LO2 PO1,LO2 PO1,LO2<br />

and private open space in the town.<br />

52. Require open space to be provided as part of<br />

PO1,LO2 PO1,LO2 PO1,LO2<br />

new housing schemes.<br />

53. Facilitate the development of tourism in Boyle. PO1,LO2 PO1,LO2 PO1,LO2<br />

54. Facilitate the land use requirements of the<br />

<strong>Council</strong>'s Fire, Library, Swimming Pool, Waste<br />

Management and Burial Grounds Services, as<br />

well as the development of other <strong>Council</strong> and<br />

government decentralisation offices and<br />

facilities, in Boyle.<br />

<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Strategic Policies & Objectives for Recreation &<br />

Tourism<br />

Objectives<br />

29. Implement proposals to improve and maintain<br />

amenity, tourism and recreation facilities, carry<br />

out amenity improvements and protect the<br />

environment of the town.<br />

30. Promote the development, where appropriate,<br />

of high-quality tourist accommodation,<br />

especially hotels and guesthouses.<br />

31. Facilitate the development of walking and cycle<br />

paths.<br />

32. Ensure high standards of architectural and<br />

urban design in all new tourist accommodation<br />

and facilities.<br />

33. Support other organisations, bodies and local<br />

groups that promote tourism and community<br />

development in area.<br />

34. Adopt a regional approach to waste<br />

management throughout the <strong>County</strong> in<br />

accordance with the Waste Management Plan<br />

for Connaught Region.<br />

35. Give consideration to the needs of the disabled<br />

in the layout and design of all proposed<br />

development.<br />

36. Assess all recreational, community and tourism<br />

development proposals according to the<br />

development control policy as set out in this<br />

Plan.<br />

37. Seek to extend the development of a footpath<br />

along the River Boyle as well as other walking<br />

and cycle paths, linking population, tourism<br />

centres and transport nodes.<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

<br />

<br />

WO1-WO7, BO1-<br />

BO3, CHO1-<br />

CHO4, LO1, LO2,<br />

PO1<br />

WO1-WO7,<br />

BO1-BO3,<br />

CHO1-CHO4,<br />

LO1, LO2, PO1<br />

WO1-WO7, BO1-<br />

BO3, CHO1-<br />

CHO4, LO1, LO2,<br />

PO1<br />

PO1,LO1 PO1,LO1 PO1,LO1<br />

PO1,ACO1 PO1,ACO1 PO1,ACO1<br />

ACO1, PO1,<br />

MAO2, WO1<br />

ACO1, PO1,<br />

MAO2, WO1<br />

ACO1, PO1,<br />

MAO2, WO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1, ACO1 PO1, ACO1 PO1, ACO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Table 9.80<br />

Assessment of Strategic Policies & Objectives for Natural & Built Heritage<br />

Strategic Policies & Objectives for Natural &<br />

Built Environment<br />

Policies<br />

55. Continue to implement a programme of<br />

environmental improvement schemes in Boyle<br />

and the town centre.<br />

56. Encourage new developments to respect the<br />

physical character of the town and its<br />

buildings.<br />

57. Preserve the identity and conserve the<br />

characteristic features of the built heritage in<br />

Boyle.<br />

58. Facilitate the enhancement and improvement<br />

of pedestrian pavements as well as appropriate<br />

provision of litter bins and street furniture<br />

throughout the town.<br />

Objectives<br />

38. Prepare design guidelines for new<br />

developments in urban locations.<br />

39. Continue the tree-planting programme and<br />

landscaping of public open spaces in the town.<br />

40. Encourage shop-fronts and advertising signs,<br />

where permitted, to reflect traditional styles that<br />

are in sympathy with the character and quality<br />

of the streetscapes in Boyle.<br />

41. Conserve buildings, structures and their<br />

settings in the town provided in the Record of<br />

Protected Structures, which forms part of this<br />

Plan.<br />

42. Conserve and protect existing or future special<br />

amenity areas from inappropriate, poorly<br />

designed and poorly sited development.<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Pos. Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

<br />

<br />

WO1, WO3,<br />

WO1, WO3,<br />

WO1, WO3,<br />

WO4, WO5,<br />

WO4, WO5,<br />

WO4, WO5,<br />

WO7, CHO1,<br />

WO7, CHO1,<br />

WO7, CHO1,<br />

CHO3, LO2,<br />

CHO3, LO2,<br />

CHO3, LO2,<br />

PO1, SOG4,<br />

PO1, SOG4,<br />

PO1, SOG4,<br />

MAO3, MAO2,<br />

MAO3, MAO2,<br />

MAO3, MAO2,<br />

MOA4, ACO1<br />

MOA4, ACO1<br />

MOA4, ACO1<br />

PO1,LO2 PO1,LO2 PO1,LO2<br />

PO1, LO2,<br />

CHO1, CHO3<br />

PO1, LO2,<br />

CHO1, CHO3<br />

PO1, LO2,<br />

CHO1, CHO3<br />

PO1, MAO2 PO1, MAO2 PO1, MAO2<br />

PO1,LO2,<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1, CHO3,<br />

CHO1<br />

PO1,LO2,<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1, CHO3,<br />

CHO1<br />

PO1,LO2,<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1, CHO3,<br />

CHO1<br />

PO1,LO2 PO1,LO2 PO1,LO2<br />

43. Carry out a streetscape study within the town. LO2 LO2 LO2<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Strategic Policies & Objectives for Natural &<br />

Built Environment<br />

44. Positively and actively encourage<br />

redevelopment of derelict and obsolete sites in<br />

a manner that is sympathetic with and<br />

complimentary to the inherent character of<br />

neighbouring structures.<br />

45. Continue to update the register of derelict sites<br />

in Boyle under the Derelict Sites Act 1990.<br />

46. Protect, where feasible, features of the<br />

streetscape, such as cut stone curbing and<br />

traditional street name signs.<br />

47. Continue to upgrade and maintain, by means<br />

of landscaping and tree-planting, the riverside<br />

area of Boyle Town Park for recreational use.<br />

48. Facilitate the maintenance and development of<br />

Boyle Abbey as a national monument.<br />

Maintain and protect King Harmon House and<br />

that of its surrounding site from unsympathetic<br />

development.<br />

49. Maintain and continue a programme of<br />

environmental improvements that have in the<br />

Town.<br />

50. Rationalise the parking of vehicles and street<br />

trading in the Crescent area and to continue to<br />

develop and maintain that area as a public<br />

open space within the commercial centre with<br />

appropriate landscaping and street furniture.<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Pos. Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

PO1,LO2,<br />

PO1,LO2,<br />

PO1,LO2,<br />

SGO1<br />

SGO1<br />

SGO1<br />

<br />

PO1,LO2 PO1,LO2 PO1,LO2<br />

PO1,LO2,<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1,CHO1,<br />

CHO3,LO2<br />

PO1,LO2,<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1,CHO1,<br />

CHO3,LO2<br />

PO1,LO2,<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1,CHO1,<br />

CHO3,LO2<br />

WO1.1, WO4,<br />

WO1.1, WO4,<br />

WO1.1, WO4,<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

WO5, BO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1,<br />

BO2, CHO1,<br />

CHO2, CHO3,<br />

CHO2, CHO3,<br />

CHO2, CHO3,<br />

CHO4, LO2,<br />

CHO4, LO2,<br />

CHO4, LO2,<br />

PO1,<br />

PO1,<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO1,MAO3,<br />

SGO1,MAO3,<br />

SGO1,MAO3,<br />

MAO2, MAO4,<br />

MAO2, MAO4,<br />

MAO2, MAO4,<br />

ACO1<br />

ACO1<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1, LO2 PO1, LO2 PO1, LO2<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Ballaghaderreen Town Development Plan Strategic Policies & Objectives<br />

Table 9.81<br />

Assessment of Strategic Policies & Objectives for Infrastructure<br />

Strategic Polices & Objectives for<br />

Infrastructure<br />

Policies<br />

1. Ensure that the town has good road<br />

accessibility.<br />

Uncertain<br />

Impact<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Negative Short Long<br />

term<br />

term<br />

PO1,ACO1 PO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

Tem.<br />

Perm.<br />

PO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

2. Ensure that all development proposals within<br />

the town fulfil traffic safety and car parking<br />

requirements.<br />

PO1,ACO1 PO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

3. Ensure the provision of a comprehensive traffic<br />

system that is compatible with the pattern of<br />

land use in the town and with through traffic.<br />

PO1,ACO1 PO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

4. Ensure that the National Routes are reserved<br />

as through routes, by minimising new accesses<br />

or the material intensification of use of existing<br />

accesses.<br />

5. Minimise new accesses or the material<br />

intensification of use of existing accesses onto<br />

Regional Routes where it is considered that it<br />

may result in disruption of traffic flow.<br />

6. Support and facilitate the existing bus network.<br />

7. Provide adequate pedestrian paths and cycle<br />

tracks along all main routes in the area to<br />

ensure safety and convenient access.<br />

8. The <strong>Council</strong> will seek to reserve and maintain<br />

free of development land corridors for the<br />

provision of Ballaghaderreen by-pass and<br />

proposed new section of the N5.<br />

PO1,ACO1 PO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1,ACO1 PO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1,ACO1 PO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1,ACO1 PO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Strategic Polices & Objectives for<br />

Infrastructure<br />

Uncertain<br />

Impact<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Negative Short Long<br />

term<br />

term<br />

Tem.<br />

Perm.<br />

Objectives<br />

1. Improve the accessibility and usability of existing<br />

car-parking in Ballaghaderreen.<br />

2. Continue to implement a Traffic Management<br />

Scheme and car parking control measures in the<br />

town.<br />

3. Upgrade public lighting and traffic route<br />

lighting.<br />

4. Ensure the identification and reservation of<br />

adequate lands for the purposes of future<br />

car-parking within Ballaghaderreen.<br />

P01 P01 P01<br />

PO1,ACO1 PO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

5. Maintain and renew pavements. PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

6. Facilitate the development of the Ballaghaderreen<br />

by-pass and reserve and maintain free of<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1<br />

development land corridors for the provision of<br />

WO3, WO3,<br />

WO3,<br />

BO1,LO1P BO1<br />

BO1<br />

the by-pass.<br />

O1,<br />

PO1<br />

LO1,<br />

SGO4,<br />

PO1,<br />

ACO1<br />

7. Ensure the identification and reservation of<br />

adequate lands for the purposes of future carparking<br />

the Plan Area.<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

BO1<br />

,BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3,<br />

CHO4,LO1,P<br />

O1,SGO4,AC<br />

O1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

BO1<br />

BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3,<br />

CHO4,<br />

LO1,PO1SGO<br />

4<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO3,<br />

BO1<br />

,BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3,<br />

CHO4,LO1,<br />

PO1,SGO4<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1,ACO1 PO1, ACO1 PO1, ACO1<br />

8. Improve the pedestrian environment in the town. PO1,ACO1 PO1, ACO1 PO1, ACO1<br />

9. Facilitate the development of the N5 Strategic<br />

PO1,ACO1 PO1, ACO1 PO1, ACO1<br />

Corridor.<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Table 9.82<br />

Assessments of Strategic Policies & Objectives for Residential Development<br />

Strategic Policies & Objectives for Residential<br />

Development<br />

Policies<br />

9. Require that new residential accommodation meets the<br />

necessary standards of energy consumption, sanitation,<br />

and design; which can accommodate persons of all<br />

abilities.<br />

10. Promote the provision of social and affordable housing<br />

accommodation in accordance with the proposals outlined<br />

in ‘Social Housing – The Way Ahead’, the Housing Strategy<br />

for <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong> and in other appropriate ways.<br />

11. Encourage residential development within the town’s<br />

development envelope and to discourage ad hoc ribbon<br />

development on the outskirts of the town.<br />

12. Encourage increased residential densities at appropriate<br />

locations in the town centre, building on the existing town<br />

structure and strengthening the vitality of the town.<br />

13. Ensure that development does not cause or significantly<br />

contribute towards the sterilisation of land (i.e. backland)<br />

from future development.<br />

14. Implement the provisions of the Housing Strategy in<br />

accordance with the provisions of Part V of the Planning<br />

and Development Act 2000, as amended.<br />

15. Zone land in the Plan Area sufficient to meet house<br />

building requirements, both public and private, over the<br />

Plan period and in the future.<br />

Uncertain<br />

Impacts<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Negative Short Long<br />

term term<br />

PO1,ACO1<br />

MAO3,WO4,<br />

WO5<br />

PO1, ACO1<br />

MAO3,WO4,<br />

WO5<br />

Tem.<br />

Perm.<br />

PO1, ACO1<br />

MAO3, WO4,<br />

WO5<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

WO1,WO1.1,<br />

WO5,CHO3,<br />

LO2,SGO1,<br />

MAO3<br />

WO1,WO1.1,<br />

WO5,CHO3,<br />

LO2,SGO1,<br />

MAO3<br />

WO1,WO1.1W<br />

O5,CHO3,<br />

LO2,SGO1,<br />

MAO3<br />

WO1,WO1.1W<br />

O5,CHO3,<br />

LO2,SGO1,<br />

MAO3<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO5,<br />

CHO3,<br />

LO2,<br />

SGO1,<br />

MAO3<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

WO5,<br />

CHO3,<br />

LO2,<br />

SGO1,<br />

MAO3<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1,CHO3C<br />

HO1,<br />

CHO2,<br />

CHO4<br />

PO1,<br />

CHO3CHO1,<br />

CHO2,<br />

CHO4<br />

PO1,<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO2,<br />

CHO4<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Strategic Policies & Objectives for Residential<br />

Development<br />

16. Facilitate the Housing Authority’s programme for housing,<br />

including the provision of new housing,<br />

renovation/refurbishment of existing buildings and the<br />

provision of suitable accommodation and facilities for<br />

travelling families.<br />

Uncertain<br />

Impacts<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Negative Short Long Tem. Perm.<br />

term term<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

17. Ensure that housing proposals do not cause traffic or<br />

environmental problems or damage visual amenity.<br />

18. Ensure that housing proposals accord with the<br />

Development Standards as well as the Urban Design<br />

Guidelines, which will be prepared for the <strong>County</strong>.<br />

19. Encourage new developments to respect the physical<br />

character of the town and its buildings.<br />

20. Preserve the identity and conserve the characteristic<br />

features of the built heritage in Ballaghaderreen.<br />

Objectives<br />

10. Encourage suitable infill housing developments on<br />

appropriate sites in the town.<br />

11. Assess and ensure that all proposals for housing<br />

developments comply with the Development Standards<br />

sections of this Plan.<br />

<br />

<br />

WO1<br />

WO1.1,WO5,<br />

WO7, BO1,<br />

BO2 CHO1,<br />

CHO3<br />

LO1LO2,PO1<br />

, SGO1<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3,<br />

PO1,LO2<br />

WO1<br />

WO1.1,WO5,<br />

WO7, BO1,<br />

BO2 CHO1,<br />

CHO3<br />

LO1LO2,PO1,<br />

SGO1<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3,<br />

PO1,LO2<br />

WO1<br />

WO1.1,WO5,<br />

WO7, BO1,<br />

BO2 CHO1,<br />

CHO3<br />

LO1LO2,PO1<br />

, SGO1<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3,<br />

PO1,LO2<br />

PO1, LO1 PO1, LO1 PO1, LO1<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO1, LO2,<br />

WO1,<br />

WO3,<br />

WO5,<br />

WO7,<br />

BO1,<br />

BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3,<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO1, LO2,<br />

WO1,<br />

WO3,<br />

WO5,<br />

WO7,<br />

BO1,<br />

BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3,<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO1, LO2,<br />

WO1,<br />

WO3,<br />

WO5,<br />

WO7,<br />

BO1,<br />

BO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3,<br />

MAO2,<br />

MAO2,<br />

MAO2,<br />

MAO3<br />

MAO3<br />

MAO3<br />

12. Positively and actively encourage redevelopment of PO1,SGO1,L PO1, SGO1, PO1, SGO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Strategic Policies & Objectives for Residential<br />

Development<br />

derelict and obsolete sites in a manner that is sympathetic<br />

and in keeping character of the area.<br />

Uncertain<br />

Impacts<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Positive Negative Short Long Tem. Perm.<br />

term term<br />

O2 LO2 LO2<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Table 9.83<br />

Assessments of Strategic Policies & Objectives for Water Services<br />

Strategic Policies & Objectives for<br />

Infrastructure<br />

Polices<br />

21. Ensure an adequate water supply in<br />

Ballaghaderreen during the Plan period.<br />

22. Ensure that the provision of water and sanitary<br />

services is guided by the ‘Water Services<br />

Investment Programme – Assessment of Needs’<br />

which has been adopted by the <strong>Council</strong>.<br />

23. Ensure that all areas zoned for development<br />

within the town are fully serviced with water<br />

supply and sewerage disposal.<br />

24. Have regard to the Groundwater Protection Plan<br />

for the area.<br />

25. Carry out extension of water services<br />

infrastructure in a manner that compliments landuse<br />

objectives.<br />

26. Implement the objectives of the Flood Review<br />

Study of <strong>Roscommon</strong>.<br />

27. Ensure that septic tanks and other individual<br />

wastewater treatment systems are not permitted<br />

within the development envelop of <strong>Roscommon</strong><br />

Town.<br />

Objective<br />

13. Investigate the feasibility of introducing a Water-<br />

Metering System in the area.<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

Impacts Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

WO1,WO1.1,<br />

WO4<br />

WO5,MAO3,P<br />

O1<br />

WO1,WO1.1,<br />

WO4<br />

WO5,MAO3,P<br />

O1<br />

WO1,WO1.1,<br />

WO4<br />

WO5,MAO3,P<br />

O1<br />

WO3,PO1,W<br />

O5, WO4<br />

WO4,MAO3,P<br />

O1,WO5<br />

WO7,PO1,BO<br />

1,<br />

BO2<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,WO2,<br />

WO3<br />

WO4,WO5,B<br />

O1<br />

BO2,PO1<br />

WO1,WO1.1,<br />

WO4,<br />

WO5,MAO3,<br />

PO1<br />

WO1,WO1.1,<br />

WO4,<br />

WO5,MAO3,<br />

PO1<br />

WO1,WO1.1,<br />

WO4,<br />

WO5,MAO3,<br />

PO1<br />

WO3,PO1,<br />

WO5, WO4<br />

WO4,MAO3,<br />

PO1,WO5<br />

WO7,PO1<br />

BO1<br />

BO2<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,WO2,<br />

WO3<br />

WO4,WO5,B<br />

O1<br />

BO2,PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,WO4,<br />

WO5<br />

MAO3,PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,WO4,<br />

WO5<br />

MAO3,PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,WO4,<br />

WO5<br />

MAO3,PO1<br />

WO3, PO1,<br />

WO5, WO4<br />

WO4 MAO3,<br />

PO1, WO5<br />

WO7,<br />

PO1,<br />

BO1,<br />

BO2<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,WO2,<br />

WO3<br />

WO4<br />

,WO5,<br />

BO1<br />

BO2,<br />

PO1<br />

WO5, PO1 WO5, PO1 WO5, PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Table 9.84<br />

Assessments of Strategic Policies & Objectives for Community Facilities<br />

Strategic Policies & Objectives for<br />

Community Facilities<br />

Policies<br />

28. Seek to provide a range of social, recreational<br />

and community facilities to meet the needs of all<br />

of the town's residents, regardless of age or<br />

social background.<br />

29. Support local sports and community groups in<br />

the development of facilities through the<br />

reservation of suitable land and the provision of<br />

funding where available and appropriate.<br />

30. Ensure that adequate lands and services are<br />

available for the improvement, establishment<br />

and expansion of health and related services.<br />

31. Endorse the need for each local community to<br />

plan and provide a range of services and<br />

supports to enable Senior Citizens throughout<br />

the <strong>County</strong> to maintain the optimal level of<br />

health, independence and dignity.<br />

32. Ensure the provision of affordable childcare in<br />

Ballaghaderreen, on sites which are convenient<br />

to public transport and pedestrian access.<br />

33. Implement the Childcare Facilities: Guidelines for<br />

Planning Authorities (DoEHLG June2000).<br />

34. Ensure that adequate lands and services are<br />

reserved/zoned to cater for the establishment,<br />

improvement or expansion of primary and post<br />

primary educational facilities.<br />

35. Support the multi-functional use and provision of<br />

buildings and opportunities to maximise the use<br />

of existing physical resources / infrastructure.<br />

36. Facilitate ongoing adult education and training<br />

and to ensure that quality life-long learning<br />

opportunities are available to all.<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Pos. Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

PO1: PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Strategic Policies & Objectives for<br />

Community Facilities<br />

Objectives<br />

14. Where possible, to cooperate with community<br />

interests in developing additional facilities at<br />

appropriate locations in the town.<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Pos. Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

15. Implement the Play Policy for Ballaghaderreen. PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

16. Co-operate with the Health Service Executive and<br />

other statutory and voluntary agencies in the<br />

provision of health, community, social facilities.<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

17. Promote equality of access to public spaces and<br />

buildings, participation and empowerment for all<br />

through an inclusive approach to service<br />

provision, in conjunction with the <strong>County</strong><br />

Development Board.<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Table 9.85<br />

Assessment of Strategic Policies & Objectives for Recreation & Tourism<br />

Strategic Policies & Objectives for<br />

Recreation & Tourism<br />

Policies<br />

37. Support other organisations, bodies and local<br />

groups that promote tourism development in the<br />

<strong>County</strong>.<br />

38. Facilitate and encourage the development of<br />

walking and cycle paths, linking population,<br />

tourism centers and transport nodes.<br />

39. Support and positively encourage the provision of<br />

tourism facilities in keeping with the Tourism<br />

Strategy for the <strong>County</strong> and of protecting the<br />

environment.<br />

40. Permit the development of public and private<br />

open spaces in Ballaghaderreen only where it<br />

can be shown that they are surplus to long-term<br />

recreational requirements.<br />

41. Facilitate the provision of a new indoor swimming<br />

pool in Ballaghaderreen.<br />

Objectives<br />

18. Implement proposals to improve and maintain<br />

amenity, tourism and recreation facilities, carry<br />

out amenity improvements and protect the<br />

environment of the town.<br />

19. Promote the development of high-quality tourist<br />

accommodation, especially hotels and<br />

guesthouses.<br />

20. Ensure careful consideration to the needs of the<br />

disabled is applied to the layout and design of all<br />

proposed development.<br />

21. Assess all recreational, community and tourism<br />

development proposals according to the<br />

Development Standards policy as set out in the<br />

<strong>County</strong> Development Plan.<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1,WO1,<br />

WO1.1, BO1,<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1,<br />

WO1, WO1.1,<br />

BO1,<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1,<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

BO1,<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1,WO1,<br />

WO1.1, BO1,<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1,<br />

WO1, WO1.1,<br />

BO1,<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1,<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1,<br />

BO1,<br />

LO1,LO2<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Strategic Policies & Objectives for<br />

Recreation & Tourism<br />

22. Seek to facilitate and encourage the<br />

development of walking and cycle paths, linking<br />

population, tourism centres and transport<br />

nodes.<br />

23. Ensure high standards of architectural and urban<br />

design in all new tourist accommodation and<br />

facilities.<br />

24. Support other organisations, bodies and local<br />

groups that promote tourism and community<br />

development in the town.<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1,LO2,<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1,LO2<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1,LO2<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Table 9.86<br />

Assessment of Strategic Policies & Objectives for Commercial/Retail<br />

Strategic Policies & Objectives for<br />

Commercial/Retail<br />

Policies<br />

42. Implement the findings and recommendations of<br />

the Retail Strategy for <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong>.<br />

43. Promote and develop the vitality of the existing<br />

shopping area and to facilitate the provision<br />

of local retail needs where appropriate.<br />

44. Improve the environment, access and car<br />

parking provision in the town centre.<br />

45.Ensure that all developments are connected to<br />

the central urban area by safe, usable and<br />

viable pedestrian and vehicular linkages<br />

Objectives<br />

25. Facilitate and encourage the appropriate<br />

provision of retail facilities in areas that are an<br />

inconvenient distance from the existing retail<br />

centre and which service local needs.<br />

26. Assess all retail proposals against the criteria<br />

and recommendations set down in the Retail<br />

Planning Guidelines, the Retail Strategy for<br />

<strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong>.<br />

27. Assess retail development proposals according<br />

to the Development Standards as set out in the<br />

<strong>County</strong> Development Plan.<br />

28. Retain access to the rear of existing properties in<br />

the town centre.<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

<br />

PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Table 9.87<br />

Assessment of Strategic Policies & Objectives for Industry<br />

Strategic Policies & Objectives for Industry<br />

Policies<br />

46. Zone land in a range of proportions and<br />

locations to facilitate the growth of industrial and<br />

commercial development in Ballaghaderreen.<br />

47. Facilitate appropriate industrial, commercial,<br />

agricultural, business and tourism investment<br />

programmes.<br />

48. Ensure that there is a positive and flexible<br />

response to job creation possibilities in<br />

Ballaghaderreen whilst protecting residential<br />

amenity and the environment.<br />

49. Facilitate the formation of small indigenous<br />

industry in the town.<br />

50. Seek the provision of improved energy and<br />

communications infrastructure.<br />

51. Ensure that there is adequate service provision<br />

to support the local employment base.<br />

52. Support the location of industries in<br />

Ballaghaderreen that have a high level of synergy<br />

with the local economy and are sustainable in the<br />

long term.<br />

53. Improve access to quality further and third-level<br />

education services and facilities.<br />

Objectives<br />

29. Assess the industrial and commercial proposals<br />

according to the Development Standards as set<br />

out in the <strong>County</strong> Development Plan.<br />

30. Identify potential sites for small indigenous firms<br />

in the town.<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

PO1,ACO1 PO1,ACO1 PO1,ACO1<br />

P01 P01 P01<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Table 9.88<br />

Assessment of Strategic Policies & Objectives for Natural & Built Heritage<br />

Strategic Policies & Objectives for Natural &<br />

Built Environment<br />

Policies<br />

54. Continue to implement a programme of<br />

environmental improvement schemes in<br />

Ballaghaderreen and the town centre.<br />

55. Encourage new developments to respect the<br />

physical character of the town and its buildings.<br />

56. Preserve the identity and conserve the<br />

characteristic features of the built heritage in<br />

Ballaghaderreen.<br />

57. Take all necessary action to minimise the<br />

occurrence of unsightly and wasteful derelict<br />

sites in the town through refurbishment or<br />

rebuilding.<br />

58. Support the recycling centre in Ballaghaderreen<br />

to ensure its efficiency and capability in<br />

adequately handling huge quantities of waste.<br />

59. Facilitate the enhancement and improvement of<br />

pedestrian pavements as well as increasing the<br />

provision of litter bins and street furniture<br />

throughout the town.<br />

60. Protect, where feasible, features of the<br />

streetscape, such as cut stone curbing and<br />

traditional street name signs.<br />

Objectives<br />

31. Prepare design guidelines for new developments<br />

in urban locations.<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

<br />

WO1,<br />

WO3,WO4<br />

WO5,<br />

WO7,CHO1,<br />

CHO3,<br />

LO2,PO1,SG<br />

O4,MAO2,MA<br />

O3,<br />

MAO4,ACO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO3,WO4<br />

WO5,<br />

WO7,CHO1,<br />

CHO3,<br />

LO2,PO1,SG<br />

O4,MAO2,MA<br />

O3,<br />

MAO4,ACO1<br />

PO1,LO2 PO1,LO2 PO1,<br />

LO2<br />

PO1, LO2,<br />

CHO1, CHO3<br />

PO1,LO2,<br />

SGO1<br />

WO3, WO5,<br />

BO3, PO1,<br />

MAO2<br />

PO1, LO2,<br />

CHO1, CHO3<br />

PO1,LO2,<br />

SGO1<br />

WO3, WO5,<br />

BO3, PO1,<br />

MAO2<br />

WO1,<br />

WO3,WO4<br />

WO5,<br />

WO7,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3,<br />

LO2, PO1,<br />

SGO4,MAO<br />

2,MAO3,<br />

MAO4,ACO<br />

1<br />

PO1, LO2,<br />

CHO1,<br />

CHO3<br />

PO1, LO2,<br />

SGO1<br />

WO3, WO5,<br />

BO3, PO1,<br />

MAO2<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1,CHO1 PO1,CHO1 PO1,<br />

CHO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Strategic Policies & Objectives for Natural &<br />

Built Environment<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

32. Continue the tree-planting programme and<br />

PO1, BO3,<br />

PO1, BO3,<br />

PO1, BO3,<br />

landscaping of public open spaces in the town.<br />

ACO1, LO2<br />

ACO1, LO2<br />

ACO1, LO2<br />

33. Conserve buildings, structures and their settings<br />

PO1, CHO1,<br />

PO1, CHO1,<br />

PO1,<br />

in the town provided in the Record of Protected<br />

CHO3, LO2<br />

CHO3, LO2<br />

CHO1,<br />

Structures, which forms part of this Plan.<br />

CHO3, LO2<br />

34. Conserve and protect existing or future special<br />

PO1, CHO1,<br />

PO1, CHO1,<br />

PO1,<br />

amenity areas from inappropriate, poorly<br />

CHO3, LO2<br />

CHO3, LO2<br />

CHO1,<br />

designed and poorly sited development.<br />

CHO3, LO2<br />

35. Carry out a streetscape study in the town. <br />

36. Encourage shop fronts and advertising signs,<br />

PO1, LO2,<br />

PO1, LO2,<br />

PO1, LO2,<br />

where permitted, to reflect traditional styles that<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO3<br />

CHO3<br />

are in sympathy with the character and quality<br />

of the streetscapes in Ballaghaderreen.<br />

37. Positively and actively encourage redevelopment<br />

of derelict and obsolete sites in a manner that is<br />

sympathetic with and complimentary to the<br />

inherent character of neighbouring structures.<br />

PO1,LO2,<br />

SGO1<br />

PO1,LO2,<br />

SGO1<br />

PO1,LO2,<br />

SGO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Lough Key Plan Strategic Policies & Objectives<br />

Table 9.89<br />

Assessment of Strategic Policies & Objectives for Natural & Built Heritage<br />

Strategic Policies & Objectives for Natural &<br />

Built Environment<br />

Policies<br />

1. Support initiatives, which reduce the risk of the<br />

introduction of invasive species, assist in the<br />

control and management of new and established<br />

invasive species, monitor impacts, raise public<br />

awareness, improve legislation and address<br />

international obligations.<br />

2. Implement conditions as appropriate, as part of a<br />

grant of a planning permission or a waste permit,<br />

to prevent the spread of invasive species.<br />

3. Encourage the use of native species in amenity<br />

planting and stocking and related community<br />

actions to reduce the introduction and spread of<br />

non-native species.<br />

4. Ensure the appropriate management of forestry<br />

development in Lough Key, particularly in relation<br />

to the protection of scenic views, run-off pollution<br />

potential, and the importance of broadleaf<br />

woodland in landscape visual amenity.<br />

5. Conserve and protect existing or future special<br />

amenity areas from inappropriate, poorly<br />

designed and poorly sited development.<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

BO3<br />

PO1<br />

BO3<br />

PO1<br />

BO3<br />

PO1<br />

BO1<br />

WO1<br />

WO1.1<br />

WO5<br />

BO1<br />

BO3<br />

PO1<br />

SGO3<br />

MAO2<br />

MAO3<br />

MAO5<br />

PO1<br />

LO1<br />

BO3<br />

PO1<br />

BO3<br />

PO1<br />

BO3<br />

PO1<br />

BO1<br />

WO1<br />

WO1.1<br />

WO5<br />

BO1<br />

BO3<br />

PO1<br />

SGO3<br />

MAO2<br />

MAO3<br />

MAO5<br />

PO1<br />

LO1<br />

BO3<br />

PO1<br />

BO3<br />

PO1<br />

BO3<br />

PO1<br />

BO1<br />

WO1<br />

WO1.1<br />

WO5<br />

BO1<br />

BO3<br />

PO1<br />

SGO3<br />

MAO2<br />

MAO3<br />

MAO5<br />

PO1<br />

LO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Table 9.90<br />

Assessment of Strategic Policies & Objectives for Recreation & Tourism<br />

Strategic Policies & Objectives for<br />

Recreation & Tourism<br />

Policies<br />

6. Enhance the provision of appropriate lake shore<br />

facilities and picnic viewing areas at appropriate<br />

locations.<br />

7. Supports the promotion and marketing of the area<br />

within <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong>, nationally and<br />

internationally.<br />

8. Encourage and facilitate further appropriate new<br />

tourism and recreational facilities and services<br />

that will enhance the natural and unique<br />

qualities of the area and promote health and<br />

well being.<br />

Objectives<br />

1. Seek to facilitate the provision of roadside laybyes<br />

providing road-based views, including the<br />

Rock of Doon to Corrigeenroe Road and the<br />

Smutternagh Road, amongst others.<br />

2. Investigate opportunities to further develop the<br />

provision of swimming, boating, and a range of<br />

water-sports on Lough Key.<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

PO1, LO1 PO1, LO1 PO1, LO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

WO5<br />

BO1<br />

CHO3<br />

LO1<br />

PO1<br />

MAO3<br />

PO1<br />

LO1<br />

WO5<br />

PO1<br />

WO5<br />

BO1<br />

CHO3<br />

LO1<br />

PO1<br />

MAO3<br />

PO1<br />

LO1<br />

WO5<br />

PO1<br />

WO5<br />

BO1<br />

CHO3<br />

LO1<br />

PO1<br />

MAO3<br />

PO1<br />

LO1<br />

WO5<br />

PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Table 9.91<br />

Assessment of Strategic Policies & Objectives for Residential Development<br />

Strategic Policies & Objectives for<br />

Residential Development<br />

Policies<br />

9. Prohibit development proposals that would be<br />

detrimental to visual or environmental amenity.<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

PO1, LO1 PO1, LO1 PO1, LO1<br />

10. Protect scenic views of Lough Key. PO1, LO1 PO1, LO1 PO1, LO1<br />

11. Prevent ribbon development along roads within<br />

the limits of the Plan area and immediately<br />

contiguous thereto.<br />

PO1, LO1 PO1, LO1 PO1, LO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Table 9.92<br />

Assessment of Strategic Policies & Objectives for Infrastructure<br />

Strategic Polices & Objectives for<br />

Infrastructure<br />

Policies<br />

12. Encourages local bus route initiatives to increase<br />

connectivity with Boyle and provide formal bus<br />

stops/shelters at appropriate locations in the<br />

Plan area.<br />

13. Provide adequate pedestrian paths and cycle<br />

tracks along all main routes in the area to<br />

ensure safety and convenient access.<br />

14. Ensure that all development proposals in the<br />

area fulfil traffic safety and car parking<br />

requirements.<br />

15. Facilitate any attempts to restore the original<br />

links/routes between the town and Lough Key<br />

Forest Park.<br />

16. Provide quality pavement and lay-bye provision<br />

along road access linking Boyle Town to Lough<br />

Key Forest Park and the Knockvicar Road to the<br />

Park.<br />

Objectives<br />

3. Investigate opportunities for the widening of<br />

access along the public road to the Doon Shore<br />

amenity area.<br />

4. Facilitate a cycle lane between Boyle Town and<br />

Lough Key Forest Park, via Abbeytown.<br />

Environmental objectives (EO)<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp. Perm.<br />

PO1, ACO1 PO1, ACO1 PO1, ACO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1, ACO1 PO1, ACO1 PO1, ACO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Table 9.93<br />

Assessment of Strategic Policies & Objectives for Water Services<br />

Strategic Policies & Objectives for<br />

Infrastructure<br />

Polices<br />

17. Ensure that the provision of water and sanitary<br />

services is guided by the ‘Water Services<br />

Investment Programme – Assessment of Needs’<br />

which has been adopted by the <strong>Council</strong>.<br />

18. Upgrade the piped water supply serving Lough<br />

Key Forest Park.<br />

19. Ensure that all areas zoned for development<br />

within the Plan area are fully serviced with water<br />

supply and sewerage disposal.<br />

20. Have regard to the Groundwater Protection Plan<br />

for the area.<br />

21. Ensure that the existing Coillte package<br />

treatment plant in Lough Key Forest Park is<br />

decommissioned when the new pumped system<br />

to Boyle Town is operational.<br />

22. Seek to ensure that septic tanks and other<br />

individual wastewater treatment systems are<br />

installed and maintained to the highest possible<br />

standards.<br />

23. Ensure an adequate water supply in Plan<br />

area.<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

WO1, WO1.1<br />

WO4<br />

WO5<br />

MAO3<br />

PO1<br />

WO1, WO1.1<br />

WO4<br />

WO5<br />

MAO3<br />

PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1<br />

WO4<br />

WO3<br />

WO5<br />

BO1<br />

PO1<br />

SGO3<br />

MAO3<br />

MAO2<br />

MAO5<br />

W01, W03,<br />

W05, P01<br />

WO4<br />

PO1<br />

MAO3<br />

PO1<br />

MAO5<br />

WO1, WO1.1<br />

WO4<br />

WO5<br />

MAO3<br />

PO1<br />

WO1, WO1.1<br />

WO4<br />

WO5<br />

MAO3<br />

PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1<br />

WO4<br />

WO3<br />

WO5<br />

BO1<br />

PO1<br />

SGO3<br />

MAO3<br />

MAO2<br />

MAO5<br />

W01, W03,<br />

W05, P01<br />

WO4<br />

PO1<br />

MAO3<br />

PO1<br />

MAO5<br />

WO1, WO1.1<br />

WO4<br />

WO5<br />

MAO3<br />

PO1<br />

WO1, WO1.1<br />

WO4<br />

WO5<br />

MAO3<br />

PO1<br />

WO1,<br />

WO1.1<br />

WO4<br />

WO3<br />

WO5<br />

BO1<br />

PO1<br />

SGO3<br />

MAO3<br />

MAO2<br />

MAO5<br />

W01, W03,<br />

W05, P01<br />

WO4<br />

PO1<br />

MAO3<br />

PO1<br />

MAO5<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Monksland Bealnamullia Development Plan<br />

Table 9.94<br />

Assessment of Strategic Policies & Objectives for Infrastructure<br />

Strategic Policies & Objectives for<br />

Infrastructure<br />

Polices<br />

1. Ensure the provision of a comprehensive traffic<br />

system which is compatible with the pattern of<br />

land use in the area and with through traffic.<br />

2. Minimise the number of new accesses points<br />

onto Regional and National Routes in order to<br />

maintain traffic capacity, and minimise traffic<br />

hazard.<br />

3. Ensure that all development proposals in the<br />

area fulfill traffic safety and car parking<br />

requirements.<br />

4. Provide adequate pedestrian paths and cycle<br />

tracks along all main routes in the area to ensure<br />

safety and convenient access.<br />

5. Increase the capacity of existing local road and<br />

pedestrian network in the area. Create improved<br />

transport links between Monksland/South<br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong> area and the town of Athlone.<br />

6. Provide formal bus stops/shelters and taxi ranks<br />

at appropriate locations throughout the Athlone<br />

Environs area<br />

7. Consult with Bus Eireann regarding the provision<br />

of adequate bus services and facilities. Assess<br />

development applications in terms of the<br />

provision of adequate pedestrian and cycle<br />

paths and facilities.<br />

8. Implement a major road raising plan along the<br />

main road to Cloonown.<br />

9. Consider the provision of Rail Services and<br />

Facilities to serve the Athlone Environs area and<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

MAO1 ACO1<br />

PO1<br />

MAO1 ACO1<br />

PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

MAO1 ACO1<br />

PO1<br />

PO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1<br />

MAO1 PO1<br />

ACO!<br />

MAO1 PO1<br />

ACO!<br />

MAO1 PO1<br />

ACO!<br />

PO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1<br />

PO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1<br />

PO1 ACO1<br />

WO1 WO7<br />

PO1 ACO1<br />

WO1 BO3<br />

ACO1 PO1<br />

PO1 ACO1<br />

WO1 WO7<br />

PO1 ACO1<br />

WO1 BO3<br />

ACO1 PO1<br />

PO1 ACO1<br />

WO1 WO7<br />

PO1 ACO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Strategic Policies & Objectives for<br />

Infrastructure<br />

consult with Iarnrod Eireann regarding the<br />

provision of such services<br />

Objectives<br />

1. Facilitate and encourage cycling as a more<br />

convenient, popular and safe method of transport.<br />

2. Ensure that adequate parking provision is<br />

incorporated into all new development in the Area.<br />

3. Seek the reclassification of the National<br />

Secondary Route N61 as a National Primary<br />

Route.<br />

4. Assess the feasibility of the development of an<br />

airport or airstrip, with associated commercial<br />

and/or industrial development, in the vicinity of<br />

Athlone.<br />

5. Investigate the feasibility of providing a railway<br />

siding for freight and/or passenger services.<br />

6. Provide for an attractive and safer pedestrian<br />

environment.<br />

7. Ensure the identification and reservation of<br />

adequate lands for the purposes of future carparking<br />

the Plan Area.<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

ACO1 PO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1 PO1<br />

PO1 ACO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1 PO1<br />

PO1<br />

ACO1 BO1<br />

PO1<br />

ACO1 BO1<br />

PO1<br />

ACO1 BO1<br />

PO1<br />

PO1 ACO1 BO1<br />

PO1 ACO1 BO1<br />

PO1<br />

PO1<br />

PO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1<br />

PO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Residential Development Strategic Goals<br />

Table 9.95<br />

Strategic Goals<br />

Strategic Policies & Objectives for<br />

Residential<br />

• Ensure that there is sufficient land available in<br />

appropriate locations to service expected<br />

housing demand.<br />

• Consolidate residential development in the<br />

area and minimise further ribbon development.<br />

• Limit new development in areas where<br />

necessary social infrastructure including, but<br />

not limited to schools, and community facilities<br />

are unavailable.<br />

• Seek an acceptable balance and mix in the<br />

provision of social/affordable and private<br />

housing in order to promote an appropriate<br />

social and demographic balance.<br />

Polices<br />

10. Require that new residential accommodation<br />

meets the necessary standards of energy<br />

consumption, sanitation and design.<br />

11. Facilitate the Housing Authority’s<br />

programme for housing, including the<br />

provision of suitable accommodation and<br />

facilities for travelling families and people<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

PO1 W01 BO1<br />

BO2 ,<br />

CHO1, LO1<br />

PO1, SGO1<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1 W01 BO1<br />

BO2 ,<br />

CHO1, LO1<br />

PO1, SGO1<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1 W01 BO1<br />

BO2 ,<br />

CHO1, LO1<br />

PO1, SGO1<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1 W01 BO1<br />

BO2 ,<br />

CHO1, LO1<br />

PO1, SGO1<br />

ACO1<br />

W01 BO1<br />

BO2 ,<br />

CHO1, LO1<br />

PO1, SGO1<br />

ACO1<br />

W01 BO1<br />

BO2 ,<br />

CHO1, LO1<br />

PO1, SGO1<br />

ACO1<br />

W01 BO1<br />

BO2 ,<br />

CHO1, LO1<br />

PO1, SGO1<br />

ACO1<br />

W01 BO1<br />

BO2 ,<br />

CHO1, LO1<br />

PO1, SGO1<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1 W01 BO1<br />

BO2 ,<br />

CHO1, LO1<br />

PO1, SGO1<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1 W01 BO1<br />

BO2 ,<br />

CHO1, LO1<br />

PO1, SGO1<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1 W01 BO1<br />

BO2 ,<br />

CHO1, LO1<br />

PO1, SGO1<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1 W01 BO1<br />

BO2 ,<br />

CHO1, LO1<br />

PO1, SGO1<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1, ACO1 PO1, ACO1 PO1, ACO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1<br />

PO1<br />

PO1<br />

PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Strategic Policies & Objectives for<br />

Residential<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

with disabilities.<br />

12. Ensure that housing proposals do not<br />

cause traffic or environmental problems or<br />

damage visual amenity.<br />

13. Promote the provision of social and<br />

affordable housing accommodation in<br />

accordance with the proposals outlined in<br />

‘Social Housing-The Way Ahead’, the<br />

Housing Strategy for <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong>.<br />

14. Ensure that residential proposals accord<br />

with the Development Standards as well<br />

as the Urban Design Guidelines, which will<br />

be prepared for the <strong>County</strong>.<br />

15. Have due regard to the flooding issue in<br />

terms of providing defences and avoiding<br />

unnecessary development on floodplains.<br />

16. Take all necessary action to minimise the<br />

occurrence of unsightly and wasteful<br />

derelict sites in the area through<br />

appropriate refurbishment or<br />

redevelopment.<br />

17. Seek high standards of design in all<br />

development proposals.<br />

18. Encourage suitable infill housing<br />

developments on appropriate sites within<br />

the development boundary.<br />

19. Prohibit development proposals that would<br />

be detrimental to visual or environmental<br />

amenity.<br />

PO1, ACO1<br />

WO1, WO3<br />

LO1 MAO3<br />

PO1 W01 BO1<br />

BO2 ,<br />

CHO1, LO1<br />

PO1, SGO1<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1 W01 BO1<br />

BO2 ,<br />

CHO1, LO1<br />

PO1, SGO1<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1, WO1<br />

WO7<br />

PO1, LO1,<br />

SGO1,<br />

SGO2<br />

PO1<br />

LO2<br />

PO1<br />

LO2<br />

PO1<br />

LO2<br />

LO1<br />

LO1<br />

LO1<br />

W01 BO1<br />

BO2 ,<br />

CHO1, LO1<br />

PO1, SGO1<br />

ACO1<br />

W01 BO1<br />

BO2 ,<br />

CHO1, LO1<br />

PO1, SGO1<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1 W01 BO1<br />

BO2 ,<br />

CHO1, LO1<br />

PO1, SGO1<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1, WO1<br />

WO7<br />

W01 BO1<br />

BO2 ,<br />

CHO1, LO1<br />

PO1, SGO1<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1, ACO1<br />

WO1, WO3<br />

LO1 MAO3<br />

PO1 W01 BO1<br />

BO2 ,<br />

CHO1, LO1<br />

PO1, SGO1<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1, LO1,<br />

SGO1,<br />

SGO2<br />

PO1<br />

LO2<br />

PO1<br />

LO2<br />

PO1<br />

LO2<br />

LO1<br />

LO1<br />

LO1<br />

PO1, ACO1<br />

WO1, WO3<br />

LO1 MAO3<br />

PO1<br />

PO1 W01 BO1<br />

BO2 , CHO1,<br />

LO1<br />

PO1, SGO1<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1, WO1<br />

WO7<br />

W01 BO1<br />

BO2 ,<br />

CHO1, LO1<br />

PO1, SGO1<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1,<br />

SGO1,<br />

SGO2<br />

PO1<br />

LO2<br />

PO1<br />

LO2<br />

PO1<br />

LO2<br />

LO1,<br />

LO1<br />

LO1<br />

LO1<br />

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Water Services<br />

Table 9Error! No text of specified style in document..96 Strategic Goals<br />

Strategic Policies & Objectives for Water<br />

Services<br />

Polices<br />

20. Have regard to the Groundwater protection<br />

Plans for the Athlone Environs area.<br />

21. Ensure that the provision of water and sanitary<br />

services is guided by the ‘Water Services<br />

Investment Programme – Assessment of Needs’<br />

which has been adopted by the <strong>Council</strong>.<br />

22. Ensure that all area zoned for development<br />

within the town are fully serviced with water<br />

supply and sewerage disposal.<br />

Objectives<br />

7. Investigate the feasibility of introducing a Water-<br />

Metering System in the area.<br />

8. Facilitate, where appropriate, the connection of a<br />

private water supply scheme into the public water<br />

supply network.<br />

9. Seek to ensure that septic tanks and other<br />

individual wastewater treatment systems are<br />

installed and maintained to the highest possible<br />

standards.<br />

10. Investigate the possible extension of the public<br />

sewage system to unserviced areas within the<br />

area boundary.<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

PO1 WO1<br />

WO3 WO4<br />

WO5<br />

PO1 WO1<br />

WO3 WO4<br />

WO5 MA03<br />

MAO4<br />

PO1 WO1<br />

WO3 WO4<br />

WO5 MA03<br />

MAO4<br />

PO1 WO5<br />

WO4 MAO4<br />

PO1 WO5<br />

WO4 MAO4<br />

PO1, WO1,<br />

WO4, WO3,<br />

BO1, MAO3<br />

MAO5<br />

PO1 WO1<br />

WO3 WO4<br />

WO5<br />

PO1 WO1<br />

WO3 WO4<br />

WO5 MA03<br />

MAO4<br />

PO1 WO1<br />

WO3 WO4<br />

WO5 MA03<br />

MAO4<br />

PO1 WO5<br />

WO4 MAO4<br />

PO1 WO5<br />

WO4 MAO4<br />

PO1, WO1,<br />

WO4, WO3,<br />

BO1, MAO3<br />

MAO5<br />

PO1 WO1<br />

WO3 WO4<br />

WO5<br />

PO1 WO1<br />

WO3 WO4<br />

WO5 MA03<br />

MAO4<br />

PO1 WO1<br />

WO3 WO4<br />

WO5 MA03<br />

MAO4<br />

PO1 WO5<br />

WO4 MAO4<br />

PO1 WO5<br />

WO4 MAO4<br />

PO1, WO1,<br />

WO4, WO3,<br />

BO1, MAO3<br />

MAO5<br />

PO1 MAO3 PO1 MAO3 PO1 MAO3<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Community Facilities<br />

Table 9.97<br />

Strategic Goals<br />

Strategic Policies & Objectives for<br />

Community Facilities<br />

• Ensure the provision of necessary community<br />

services and facilities<br />

• Limit new development in urban areas where<br />

necessary social infrastructure including but not<br />

limited to schools and community facilities are<br />

unavailable.<br />

• Ensure the provision of affordable childcare in<br />

the town in consultation with the <strong>Roscommon</strong><br />

<strong>County</strong> Childcare Committee, the <strong>County</strong><br />

Development Board and the Health Service<br />

Executive.<br />

• Ensure that large scale residential development<br />

provides for, and if necessary leverages, the<br />

necessary educational, social, open space and<br />

sporting infrastructure commensurate with the<br />

scale of development.<br />

Polices<br />

23. Seek to provide a range of social, recreational<br />

and community facilities to meet the needs of all to<br />

the areas residents.<br />

24. Implement the Childcare Facilities; Guidelines<br />

for Planning Authorities (DoEHLG, June 2000).<br />

25. Seek the provision of neighbourhood facilities<br />

concurrent with new development.<br />

26. Ensure that adequate lands and services are<br />

reserved/zoned to cater for the establishment and<br />

expansion of health and related<br />

27. Ensure that adequate lands and services are<br />

available for the improvement, establishment and<br />

expansion of health and related services.<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Strategic Policies & Objectives for<br />

Community Facilities<br />

28. Co-operate with the Health Service Executive<br />

and other statutory and voluntary agencies in the<br />

provision of health, community, social facilities.<br />

29. Seek to facilitate the provision a neighbourhood<br />

centre at an appropriate location in Crannagh.<br />

30. Support the multi-functional use and provision<br />

buildings and opportunities to maximise the use of<br />

existing physical resources/infrastructure.<br />

Objectives<br />

11. Support local sports and community groups in<br />

the development of facilities through the reservation<br />

of suitable land and the provision of funding where<br />

available and appropriate.<br />

12. Have regard to the <strong>County</strong> Development Board<br />

Strategy, in developing objectives fro community<br />

facilities and amenities.<br />

13. Promote equality of access to public spaces and<br />

buildings, participation and empowerment for all<br />

through an inclusive approach to service provision,<br />

in conjunction with the <strong>County</strong> Development.<br />

14. Support access to education and life long<br />

learning in the Athlone Environs Area.<br />

15. Promote the development of outreach<br />

programmes between businesses and the third<br />

level institutions in adjoining Counties.<br />

16. Promote the location of childcare facilities in<br />

settlement centres, on sites which are convenient to<br />

public transport and pedestrian access.<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

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Industry<br />

Table 9.98<br />

Strategic Goals<br />

Strategic Policies & Objectives for Industry<br />

• Facilitate economic development and<br />

employment creation opportunities in Athlone<br />

Environs.<br />

• Facilitate the further development of suitably<br />

zoned lands for industrial purposes.<br />

Polices<br />

31. Zone land in a range of proportions and<br />

locations to facilitate the growth of industrial and<br />

commercial development in the Athlone Environs.<br />

32. Facilitate appropriate industrial, commercial,<br />

agricultural, business and tourism investment<br />

programmes.<br />

33. Facilitate the provision of accommodation for<br />

new high tech industries on suitably zoned sites.<br />

34. Seek the provision of improved energy and<br />

communications infrastructure.<br />

35. Facilitate the creation of more high potential<br />

start-ups in the Monksland Area.<br />

36. Ensure that there is a positive and flexible<br />

response to job creation possibilities in the<br />

Athlone Environs whilst protecting residential<br />

amenity and the environment.<br />

37. Ensure that lands zoned for industry are<br />

reserved for appropriate uses.<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1<br />

WO1<br />

WO1<br />

PO1<br />

WO1<br />

PO1<br />

BO1CHO1 BO1CHO1<br />

BO1CHO1<br />

LO1 PO1 LO1 PO1<br />

LO1 PO1<br />

SGO1 MA03 SGO1 MA03<br />

SGO1 MA03<br />

ACO3<br />

ACO3<br />

ACO3<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1<br />

WO1<br />

WO1<br />

PO1<br />

WO1<br />

PO1<br />

BO1CHO1 BO1CHO1<br />

BO1CHO1<br />

LO1 PO1 LO1 PO1<br />

LO1 PO1<br />

SGO1 MA03 SGO1 MA03<br />

SGO1 MA03<br />

ACO3<br />

ACO3<br />

ACO3<br />

PO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 WO1<br />

PO1 WO1<br />

PO1 WO1<br />

WO5 BO1<br />

WO5 BO1<br />

WO5 BO1 LO1<br />

LO1 MA02<br />

LO1 MA02<br />

MA02 MAO3<br />

MAO3 ACO1<br />

MAO3 ACO1<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1 WO1<br />

PO1 WO1<br />

PO1 WO1<br />

WO5 BO1<br />

WO5 BO1<br />

WO5 BO1 LO1<br />

LO1 MA02<br />

LO1 MA02<br />

MA02 MAO3<br />

MAO3 ACO1<br />

MAO3 ACO1<br />

ACO1<br />

Objectives<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Strategic Policies & Objectives for Industry<br />

17. Assess industrial and commercial proposals<br />

according to the policy for development control<br />

and environmental standards as set out in this<br />

Plan.<br />

18. Identify potential sites for small indigenous firms<br />

in the area.<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

PO1 WO1<br />

PO1 WO1 PO1 WO1<br />

PO1 WO1<br />

WO5 BO1<br />

WO5 BO1 WO5 BO1<br />

WO5 BO1 LO1<br />

LO1 MA02<br />

LO1 MA02 LO1 MA02<br />

MA02 MAO3<br />

MAO3 ACO1<br />

MAO3 ACO1 MAO3 ACO1<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Commercial/Retail<br />

Table 9.99<br />

Strategic Goals<br />

Strategic Policies & Objectives for<br />

Commercial/Retail<br />

• Strengthen the level of services in the area by<br />

meeting the demand for more significant local<br />

shopping and community facilities<br />

Polices<br />

38. Implement the findings and recommendations of<br />

the Retail Strategy for <strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong>.<br />

39. Promote and develop the vitality of the existing<br />

shopping area and facilitate the provision of local<br />

retail needs where appropriate.<br />

40. Improve the environment, access and car<br />

parking provision (where funds permit).<br />

Objectives<br />

19. Facilitate and encourage the appropriate<br />

provision of retail facilities in the Athlone Environs<br />

and which service local needs.<br />

20. Assess all retail proposals against the criteria<br />

and recommendations set down in the Retail<br />

Planning Guidelines, the Retail Strategy for<br />

<strong>County</strong> <strong>Roscommon</strong>.<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

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Natural and Built Heritage<br />

Table 9Error! No text of specified style in document..100 Strategic Goals<br />

Strategic Policies & Objectives for Natural<br />

& Built Heritage<br />

• Conserve and enhance the quality of the<br />

environment of the Plan Area.<br />

• Conserve the natural and built heritage of the<br />

area.<br />

Polices<br />

40. Preserve the identity of the natural and built<br />

environment by maintaining a clear distinction<br />

between the urban and rural environment.<br />

41. Implement a programme of environmental<br />

improvement schemes in the vicinity.<br />

42. Ensure that new development is sympathetic<br />

and in keeping with the existing natural character<br />

of the Athlone Environs area.<br />

43. Take all necessary measures to prevent all<br />

forms of environmental pollution within the scope<br />

of <strong>Council</strong> control.<br />

44. Promote the development of an integrated open<br />

space system.<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

<br />

PO1 WO1<br />

PO1 WO1<br />

PO1 WO1<br />

BO1 CHO1<br />

BO1 CHO1<br />

BO1 CHO1<br />

LO1 SGO1<br />

LO1 SGO1<br />

LO1 SGO1<br />

MAO2 MA03<br />

MAO2 MA03<br />

MAO2 MA03<br />

MAO4 ACO1<br />

MAO4 ACO1<br />

MAO4 ACO1<br />

PO1 WO1<br />

PO1 WO1<br />

PO1 WO1<br />

BO1 CHO1<br />

BO1 CHO1<br />

BO1 CHO1<br />

LO1 SGO1<br />

LO1 SGO1<br />

LO1 SGO1<br />

MAO2 MA03<br />

MAO2 MA03<br />

MAO2 MA03<br />

MAO4 ACO1<br />

MAO4 ACO1<br />

MAO4 ACO1<br />

PO1 WO1<br />

PO1 WO1<br />

PO1 WO1<br />

BO1 CHO1<br />

BO1 CHO1<br />

BO1 CHO1<br />

LO1 SGO1<br />

LO1 SGO1<br />

LO1 SGO1<br />

MAO2 MA03<br />

MAO2 MA03<br />

MAO2 MA03<br />

MAO4 ACO1<br />

MAO4 ACO1<br />

MAO4 ACO1<br />

PO1 WO1<br />

PO1 WO1<br />

PO1 WO1<br />

BO1 CHO1<br />

BO1 CHO1<br />

BO1 CHO1<br />

LO1 SGO1<br />

LO1 SGO1<br />

LO1 SGO1<br />

MAO2 MA03<br />

MAO2 MA03<br />

MAO2 MA03<br />

MAO4 ACO1<br />

MAO4 ACO1<br />

MAO4 ACO1<br />

PO1 LO1<br />

PO1 LO1<br />

PO1 LO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO1<br />

PO1 WO1<br />

PO1 WO1<br />

PO1 WO1<br />

WO2 WO3<br />

WO2 WO3<br />

WO2 WO3<br />

WO4 WO7<br />

WO4 WO7<br />

WO4 WO7<br />

BO1 CHO1<br />

BO1 CHO1<br />

BO1 CHO1<br />

LO1 MAO2<br />

LO1 MAO2<br />

LO1 MAO2<br />

MAO3 ACO1<br />

MAO3 ACO1<br />

MAO3 ACO1<br />

45. Conserve the physical features, vegetation and PO1 WO1 PO1 WO1 PO1 WO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Strategic Policies & Objectives for Natural<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

& Built Heritage<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

man-made features of the landscape. WO2 WO3<br />

WO2 WO3<br />

WO2<br />

Objectives<br />

21. Prohibit proposals for development that would<br />

be detrimental to the visual or environmental<br />

amenity of the Athlone Environs.<br />

22. Ensure that the use of advertising signs is not<br />

detrimental to environmental amenity, urban or<br />

rural, or to traffic safety, and conform to the<br />

development standards of the Plan.<br />

23. Ensure compliance with all the relevant<br />

environmental pollution legislation.<br />

24. Conserve the environment of the Shannon<br />

waterway and River Suck.<br />

WO4 WO7<br />

BO1 CHO1<br />

LO1 MAO2<br />

MAO3 ACO1<br />

WO4 WO7<br />

BO1 CHO1<br />

LO1 MAO2<br />

MAO3 ACO1<br />

WO3<br />

WO4 WO7<br />

BO1 CHO1<br />

LO1 MAO2<br />

MAO3 ACO1<br />

PO1 WO1<br />

PO1 WO1<br />

PO1 WO1<br />

WO2 WO3<br />

WO2 WO3<br />

WO2 WO3<br />

WO4 WO7<br />

WO4 WO7<br />

WO4 WO7<br />

BO1 CHO1<br />

BO1 CHO1<br />

BO1 CHO1<br />

LO1 MAO2<br />

LO1 MAO2<br />

LO1 MAO2<br />

MAO3 ACO1<br />

MAO3 ACO1<br />

MAO3 ACO1<br />

PO1 LO1 LO2 PO1 LO1 LO2 PO1 LO1 LO2<br />

PO1 WO1<br />

WO2 WO3<br />

WO4 WO7<br />

BO1 CHO1<br />

LO1 MAO2<br />

MAO3 ACO1<br />

PO1 WO1<br />

WO2 WO3<br />

WO4 WO7<br />

BO1 CHO1<br />

LO1 MAO2<br />

MAO3 ACO1<br />

PO1 WO1<br />

WO2 WO3<br />

WO4 WO7<br />

BO1 CHO1<br />

LO1 MAO2<br />

MAO3 ACO1<br />

PO1 WO1<br />

WO2 WO3<br />

WO4 WO7<br />

BO1 CHO1<br />

LO1 MAO2<br />

MAO3 ACO1<br />

PO1 WO1<br />

WO2 WO3<br />

WO4 WO7<br />

BO1 CHO1<br />

LO1 MAO2<br />

MAO3 ACO1<br />

PO1 WO1<br />

WO2 WO3<br />

WO4 WO7<br />

BO1 CHO1<br />

LO1 MAO2<br />

MAO3 ACO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Recreation & Tourism<br />

Table 9.101<br />

Strategic Goals<br />

Strategic Policies & Objectives for<br />

Recreation & Tourism<br />

Polices<br />

46. Conserve and protect the natural, built and<br />

cultural heritage features of the Athlone Environs<br />

area.<br />

47. Ensure that all groups of the community have<br />

access to the tourism, recreation and community<br />

facilities.<br />

48. Improve existing local authority recreational and<br />

amenity facilities in addition to providing new<br />

facilities.<br />

49. Require open space to be provided as part of all<br />

residential developments.<br />

50. Conserve the environment of the Shannon<br />

waterway and River Suck.<br />

51. Facilitate the development of appropriate new<br />

recreation, leisure and tourism facilities.<br />

Objectives<br />

25. Implement, where financial resources permit,<br />

proposals to improve and maintain amenity,<br />

tourism and recreation facilities, carry out amenity<br />

improvements and protect the environment of the<br />

town.<br />

26. Seek to ensure the provision of extensive<br />

walking routes in the Coillte Forest in the<br />

Monksland area.<br />

27. Promote the development, where appropriate,<br />

of high-quality tourist accommodation, especially<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

PO1 WO1<br />

PO1 WO1<br />

PO1 WO1<br />

WO2 WO3<br />

WO2 WO3<br />

WO2 WO3<br />

WO4 WO7<br />

WO4 WO7<br />

WO4 WO7<br />

BO1 CHO1<br />

BO1 CHO1<br />

BO1 CHO1<br />

LO1 MAO2<br />

LO1 MAO2<br />

LO1 MAO2<br />

MAO3 ACO1<br />

MAO3 ACO1<br />

MAO3 ACO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 WO1<br />

PO1 WO1<br />

PO1 WO1<br />

WO5 BO1<br />

WO5 BO1<br />

WO5 BO1<br />

BO2<br />

BO2<br />

BO2<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 WO1<br />

PO1 WO1<br />

PO1 WO1<br />

BO1 CHO1<br />

BO1 CHO1<br />

BO1 CHO1<br />

ACO1<br />

ACO11<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1 CHO5 PO1 CHO5 PO1 CHO5<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Strategic Policies & Objectives for<br />

Recreation & Tourism<br />

hotels and guesthouses.<br />

28. Facilitate the development of walking and cycle<br />

paths.<br />

29. Ensure high standards of architectural and<br />

urban design in all new tourist accommodation<br />

and facilities.<br />

30. Support other organisations, bodies and local<br />

groups that promote tourism and community<br />

development in area.<br />

31. Facilitate, where appropriate, development of<br />

the area as a tourism resource.<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

PO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1<br />

PO1 LO2 PO1 LO2 PO1 LO2<br />

PO1 CHO5 PO1 CHO5 PO1 CHO5<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Land use Zoning Objectives & Matrix<br />

Table 9Error! No text of specified style in document..102 Strategic Goals<br />

Strategic Policies & Objectives for Recreation &<br />

Tourism<br />

TC1 Core Town Centre (Mixed Development)<br />

• Protect and enhance the special physical and social<br />

character of the existing town centre and provide for new and<br />

improved town centre facilities and uses such as shopping<br />

and retail stores, office development, tourism-related<br />

activities and appropriate public services, and any over the<br />

shop type uses.<br />

• Protect and enhance the vitality, function and form of the<br />

town centre having regard to any Architectural Conservation<br />

Area and the overall status of the heritage in the area.<br />

• Provide for a range of residential and commercial facilities<br />

within and attractive accessible environment with adequate<br />

provision for associated vehicular requirements – including<br />

parking and loading.<br />

• Improve civic amenity by requiring high standards of urban<br />

design.<br />

• Encourage the regeneration of backlands and derelict<br />

buildings, particularly the use of upper floors, preferably for<br />

residential use, and backlands.<br />

• Prohibit disorderly development of backlands. <br />

• Require the inclusion of appropriate open spaces in<br />

<br />

development in this zone.<br />

TC2 Peripheral Town Centre<br />

• Retain the character and use of existing predominantly<br />

residential streets.<br />

• Provide for the development of mixed-use neighbourhood<br />

areas containing a mixture of residential, retail and<br />

commercial facilities in an integrated, sustainable setting.<br />

• Provide for and facilitate mixed residential and business uses<br />

in existing mixed use areas<br />

o Provide for a range of residential and commercial facilities<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

PO1 LO2 PO1 LO2 PO1 LO2<br />

PO1 LO2<br />

CHO3<br />

PO1 LO2<br />

CHO3<br />

PO1<br />

CHO3<br />

PO1<br />

CHO3<br />

LO2<br />

LO2<br />

PO1<br />

CHO3<br />

PO1<br />

CHO3<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

SGO1 WO1 BO1<br />

PO1<br />

WO1<br />

PO1<br />

BO1<br />

SGO1<br />

WO1 BO1<br />

PO1<br />

SGO1<br />

PO1 LO2 PO1 LO2 PO1 LO2<br />

PO1 LO2 PO1 LO2 PO1 LO2<br />

PO1 LO2 PO1 LO2<br />

LO2<br />

LO2<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Strategic Policies & Objectives for Recreation &<br />

Tourism<br />

within an attractive accessible environment with adequate<br />

provision for associated vehicular requirements – including<br />

parking and loading<br />

• Improve civic amenity by requiring high standards of urban<br />

design.<br />

• Provide for appropriate development on infill sites including<br />

residential development and upper floor apartments<br />

• Regulate where appropriate any subdivision of existing<br />

residential units<br />

• Encourage the regeneration of derelict buildings, particularly<br />

the use of upper floors, preferably for residential use, and<br />

backlands<br />

• Encourage the regeneration of derelict buildings, particularly<br />

the use of upper floors, preferably for residential use, and<br />

backlands.<br />

• Prohibit disorderly development of backlands <br />

• Have regard to ACA’s and the overall heritage of the area PO1 CHO1<br />

LO2<br />

• New development in this zone should not prejudice the <br />

viability of established land uses.<br />

• Require the inclusion of appropriate open spaces in<br />

development in this zone.<br />

TC3 Outer Town Centre<br />

• Preserve the existing and provide for new residential and<br />

commercial uses. •<br />

• Provide for a range of residential and commercial facilities<br />

within an attractive accessible environment with adequate<br />

provision for associated vehicular requirements – including<br />

parking and loading.<br />

• New development in this zone should not prejudice the<br />

viability of established land uses.<br />

• Provide for appropriate development on infill sites including<br />

residential development and upper floor apartments.<br />

• Regulate where appropriate the subdivision of existing <br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

<br />

PO1 LO2 PO1 LO2 PO1 LO2<br />

PO1SGO1 WO1 BO1<br />

PO1<br />

PO1SGO1 WO1 BO1<br />

PO1<br />

PO1SGO1 WO1 BO1<br />

PO1<br />

WO1<br />

PO1<br />

WO1<br />

PO1<br />

WO1<br />

PO1<br />

BO1<br />

BO1<br />

BO1<br />

PO1SGO1<br />

PO1SGO1<br />

PO1SGO1<br />

PO1<br />

LO2<br />

CHO1<br />

WO1 BO1<br />

PO1<br />

WO1 BO1<br />

PO1<br />

WO1 BO1<br />

PO1<br />

PO1SGO1<br />

PO1SGO1<br />

PO1SGO1<br />

PO1<br />

LO2<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1SGO1 WO1 BO1<br />

PO1<br />

WO1<br />

PO1<br />

BO1<br />

PO1SGO1<br />

WO1 BO1<br />

PO1<br />

PO1SGO1<br />

CHO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Strategic Policies & Objectives for Recreation &<br />

Tourism<br />

residential units<br />

• Encourage the regeneration of derelict buildings, particularly<br />

the use of upper floors, preferably for residential use, and<br />

backlands.<br />

• Prohibit disorderly development of backlands <br />

• Have regard to ACA’s and the overall heritage of the area PO1 CHO1<br />

LO2<br />

• Ensure new development respects the character and context <br />

of the area<br />

• Require the inclusion of appropriate open spaces in<br />

development in this zone<br />

ER Existing Residential<br />

• Protect and enhance the residential amenities of existing and<br />

new residential communities and provide a high level of<br />

services within walking distances of residential developments.<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

PO1SGO1 WO1 BO1<br />

PO1<br />

WO1<br />

PO1<br />

BO1<br />

PO1 CHO1<br />

LO2<br />

PO1SGO1<br />

PO1<br />

LO2<br />

CHO1<br />

WO1 BO1<br />

PO1<br />

PO1SGO1<br />

PO1<br />

LO2<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1<br />

• Provide for infill residential development at a density and<br />


design appropriate to the area and needs of the community.<br />

PO1<br />

PO1<br />

PO1<br />

• Provide for new and improved ancillary social and community<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

services.<br />

• Improve accessibility from these areas to town centres. PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

• Provide for the appropriate retail facilities as well as local<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

community and social facilities for the community.<br />

• Require the inclusion of appropriate open spaces in<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

development in this zone.<br />

NR New Residential<br />

• Provide for new residential development, including a mix of<br />

residential options, as well as appropriate local services and<br />

community facilities such as recreation, education,<br />

crèche/playschool, community buildings, sheltered housing,<br />

and corner shops.<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

CHO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Strategic Policies & Objectives for Recreation &<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Tourism<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

• Provide for local shopping, amenity, recreation, education,<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

childcare, community and recycling facilities, public services,<br />

public transport, tourist accommodation, and renewable<br />

energy options<br />

• Preserve the residential amenity of the neighbourhood. PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

• Provide for appropriate retail facilities as well as local<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

community and social facilities for the immediate local<br />

community.<br />

• Have regard to the overall heritage of the area. PO1 CHO1 PO1 CHO1 PO1 CHO1<br />

• Require the inclusion of appropriate open spaces in<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

development in this zone<br />

RC Mixed Residential and Commercial<br />

• Preserve the existing and provide for and facilitate new<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

residential and commercial uses.<br />

• Improve civic amenity by requiring high standards of urban<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

design.<br />

• Provide for infill development at a density appropriate to the<br />


area and needs of the community.<br />

PO1<br />

PO1<br />

PO1<br />

• Encourage the regeneration of derelict buildings. PO1SGO1 WO1 BO1 PO1SGO1 WO1 BO1 PO1SGO WO1 BO1 PO1<br />

PO1<br />

PO1<br />

1<br />

• Regulate where appropriate the subdivision of existing<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

residential units.<br />

NC Neighbourhood Centre<br />

• Provide for the development of a mix of residential,<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

commercial/retail uses and community facilities around a<br />

public/focal space, where appropriate, with associated<br />

facilities, within walking distance from the existing town<br />

centre, where practicable, which will serve the needs of a<br />

new/existing residential area.<br />

• Provide for local services such as medical centre, offices,<br />

workshops, crèche, petrol station, waste segregation facility<br />

(bring bank), chemist, launderette, convenience shop and<br />

café, where appropriate, to meet the needs of the community.<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

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Strategic Policies & Objectives for Recreation &<br />

Tourism<br />

• Provide sustainable transport linkages such as public<br />

transport, adequate cycle and walkways from neighbourhood<br />

centres to the town centre and peripheral areas.<br />

• Require the inclusion of appropriate open spaces in<br />

development in this zone.<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

LC Local Centre<br />

• Protect, provide for and / or improve local centre facilities. PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

BE Business, Enterprise Park/Light Industry &<br />

Warehousing<br />

• Provide for light industry, warehousing and enterprise units<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

and ancillary uses such as training, education, childcare,<br />

financial, cafés, hotel, petrol station, fitness centre, parking<br />

and recycling facilities.<br />

• Prohibit heavy industry and incinerators/thermal treatment<br />

PO1 ACO1<br />

PO1 ACO1<br />

PO1 ACO1<br />

plants.<br />

WO1 BO1<br />

WO1 BO1<br />

WO1 BO1<br />

• Encourage appropriate scale, density, type and location of<br />

PO1 ACO1<br />

PO1 ACO1<br />

PO1 ACO1<br />

development to reduce traffic generated and the demand for<br />

WO1<br />

WO1<br />

WO1<br />

travel and sustainable modes of transport such as<br />

connections to public transport, walking and cycling networks.<br />

• Provide transitional areas with appropriate landscaping where<br />

PO1 LO2 PO1 LO2 PO1 LO2<br />

this zone adjoins other land uses.<br />

• Provide for appropriate advertising and advertising structures. PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

• Provide for construction and demolition waste to be used as<br />

fill, with the associated licensing, prior to development of<br />

these sites.<br />

I Industrial Uses<br />

• Reserve lands for the provision of heavy industry, incinerators<br />

and thermal treatment and employment related uses.<br />

• Provide for manufacturing and service industry, and storage<br />

facilities as well as ancillary facilities such as training,<br />

education, childcare, financial, parking and recycling facilities<br />

and waste disposal options.<br />

• Provide for appropriate advertising and advertising structures. <br />

PO1 SGO1<br />

SGO2<br />

WO1<br />

WO5<br />

PO1<br />

ACO1 PO1<br />

WO1 BO1<br />

WO3<br />

BO1<br />

WO1 WO3<br />

WO5 BO1<br />

PO1<br />

PO1 SGO1<br />

SGO2<br />

ACO1 PO1<br />

WO1 BO1<br />

WO1<br />

WO3<br />

WO5 BO1<br />

PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 SGO1<br />

SGO2<br />

ACO1 PO1<br />

WO1 BO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Strategic Policies & Objectives for Recreation &<br />

Tourism<br />

• Provide for construction and demolition waste to be used as<br />

fill, with the associated licensing, prior to development of<br />

these sites.<br />

CD Construction and Demolition waste<br />

• Provide facilities for the recycling of construction and<br />

demolition waste.<br />

CP Car parking/Transport node<br />

• Provide for car parking as well as other transport facilities<br />

such as public transport, tour bus parking etc. at appropriate<br />

locations and taking account of through traffic.<br />

• Ensure that traffic safety and the car parking requirements<br />

are fulfilled.<br />

PU Public Utilities, Services & Facilities<br />

• Provide for and improve public utilities such as electricity,<br />

telecommunications, water, wastewater, gas etc to ensure the<br />

long-term sustainability of these services and to meet wider<br />

regional and national objectives.<br />

CE Community & Educational Facilities<br />

• Provide for health, welfare, community, education and<br />

institutional uses including schools, childcare, community<br />

meeting areas, churches, etc. in close proximity to existing<br />

and planned residential communities as well as other<br />

ancillary services such as public services and recycling<br />

facilities.<br />

• Provide for dual use of community facilities where possible<br />

and appropriate.<br />

RA Recreation, Amenity & Open Space<br />

• Preserve and improve active and passive recreational public<br />

and private open space and provide for new leisure &<br />

amenity facilities in the town.<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

PO1 SGO1<br />

SGO2<br />

PO1 SGO1<br />

SGO2<br />

WO1<br />

WO5<br />

PO1<br />

WO1<br />

WO5<br />

PO1<br />

WO3<br />

BO1<br />

WO3<br />

BO1<br />

WO1 WO3<br />

WO5 BO1<br />

PO1<br />

WO1 WO3<br />

WO5 BO1<br />

PO1<br />

PO1 SGO1<br />

SGO2<br />

PO1 SGO1<br />

SGO2<br />

WO1<br />

WO3<br />

WO5 BO1<br />

PO1<br />

PO1 SGO1<br />

SGO2<br />

PO1 SGO1<br />

SGO2<br />

PO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 WO1<br />

WO7 BO1<br />

MAO2<br />

MAO3<br />

MAO4<br />

MAO5<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1 WO1<br />

WO7 BO1<br />

MAO2 MAO3<br />

MAO4 MAO5<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1<br />

WO7<br />

MAO2<br />

MAO4<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

WO1<br />

BO1<br />

MAO3<br />

MAO5<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Strategic Policies & Objectives for Recreation &<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Tourism<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

• Provide for local amenities and recreational facilities including<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

playing fields and dedicated amenity areas.<br />

• Protect the natural amenity, including waterways. PO1 WO1<br />

PO1 WO1<br />

PO1 WO1<br />

WO5 BO1<br />

WO5 BO1<br />

WO5 BO1 BO3<br />

BO3<br />

BO3<br />

• Resist the loss of existing open space, recreation and<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

sporting grounds.<br />

GB Green Belt<br />

• Protect the setting, character and environmental quality of<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO1 CHO3<br />

CHO1 CHO3<br />

areas of high natural beauty and safeguard their<br />

CHO3 BO1<br />

BO1 WO5<br />

BO1 WO5<br />

environmental, archaeological and ecological amenities.<br />

WO5 WO3<br />

WO3 LO2<br />

WO3 LO2<br />

LO2<br />

• Provide a visual and environmental buffer, where appropriate,<br />

to preserve the natural amenity of the area such as alongside<br />

waterways, rivers and floodplains.<br />

• Ensure this area is not used to satisfy the open space<br />

provision of adjoining housing developments.<br />

• Prohibit development, which would detract from the visual<br />

amenity of the area or result in a loss of recreational open<br />

space.<br />

LA Leisure & Amenity<br />

• Provide for new leisure and amenity facilities such as<br />

bowling, swimming pool and hotel/gym/leisure facilities as<br />

well as cinema and theatre facilities.<br />

LT Leisure Tourism<br />

• • Consider developments for leisure and recreational based<br />

activities including water based activities as well as<br />

appropriately scaled coffee shops, hotel, restaurant(s) and<br />

public house(s), etc.<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO3 BO1<br />

WO5 WO3<br />

LO2<br />

CHO1<br />

CHO3 BO1<br />

WO5 WO3<br />

LO2<br />

PO1 LO1<br />

LO2<br />

CHO1 CHO3<br />

BO1 WO5<br />

WO3 LO2<br />

CHO1 CHO3<br />

BO1 WO5<br />

WO3 LO2<br />

PO1<br />

LO2<br />

LO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

CHO1 CHO3<br />

BO1 WO5<br />

WO3 LO2<br />

CHO1 CHO3<br />

BO1 WO5<br />

WO3 LO2<br />

PO1 LO1 LO2<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

TA Transitional Agricultural Uses<br />

• Preserve the character of rural or edge areas and provide for<br />

agricultural development as well as other uses not directly<br />

associated with agriculture, such as housing for family<br />

members, or those with a housing need, tourist related<br />

projects such as caravan parks or campsites, and amenity<br />

such as playing fields and parks, in order to avoid a sharp<br />

transition between the urban edge and primarily agricultural<br />

areas.<br />

• Prohibit development that would create premature demand<br />

for infrastructural services.<br />

• Prohibit new residential development to essential housing<br />

need.<br />

PO1 LO1<br />

LO3 BO1<br />

CHO1<br />

SGO4<br />

MAO2<br />

MAO3<br />

MAO5 PO1<br />

MAO2<br />

MAO3<br />

MAO5 PO1<br />

PO1 LO1<br />

LO3 BO1<br />

CHO1 SGO4<br />

MAO2 MAO3<br />

MAO5 PO1<br />

MAO2 MAO3<br />

MAO5 PO1<br />

PO1 LO1 LO3<br />

BO1 CHO1<br />

SGO4<br />

MAO2 MAO3<br />

MAO5 PO1<br />

MAO2 MAO3<br />

MAO5 PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Table 9.103<br />

Residential Development in Hodson Bay/Barrymore Area<br />

Strategic Policies & Objectives for Residential<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Strategic Goal<br />

Consolidate residential development in the area and minimise<br />

further ribbon development.<br />

Policies<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

PO1 BO1<br />

LO2 MAO5<br />

PO1 BO1<br />

LO2 MAO5<br />

PO1 BO1<br />

LO2 MAO5<br />

1. Protect scenic views of the Lough Ree and the River Shannon. PO1 LO1 PO1 LO1 PO1 LO1<br />

2. Prevent further ribbon development along the roads within the<br />

PO1 BO1<br />

PO1 BO1<br />

PO1 BO1<br />

limits of the Plan and to facilitate.<br />

LO2 MAO5<br />

LO2 MAO5<br />

LO2 MAO5<br />

3. Require that new residential accommodation meets the<br />

PO1 ACO1 PO1 WO1 PO1 WO1 PO1 ACO1 PO1 WO1 PO1 ACO1<br />

necessary standards of energy consumption, sanitation, and<br />

WO7 BO1 WO7 BO1<br />

WO7 BO1<br />

design; which can accommodate persons of all abilities.<br />

MAO3 MAO3<br />

MAO3<br />

4. Ensure that development does not cause or significantly<br />

PO1 SGO1<br />

PO1 SGO1<br />

PO1 SGO1<br />

contribute towards the sterilisation of land (i.e. backland) from<br />

LO2<br />

LO2<br />

LO2<br />

future development.<br />

5. Implement the provisions of the Housing Strategy in<br />

PO1 PO1 WO1 PO1 WO1 PO1<br />

PO1 WO1 PO1<br />

accordance with the provisions of Par V of the Planning and<br />

WO7 BO1 WO7 BO1<br />

WO7 BO1<br />

Development Act 2000.<br />

MAO3 MAO3<br />

MAO3<br />

6. Ensure that housing proposals accord with the Development<br />

PO1 WO5 PO1 WO1 PO1 WO1 PO1 WO5 PO1 WO1 PO1 WO5<br />

Standards and the Urban Design Guidelines, which will be<br />

WO7 MAO3 WO7 BO1 WO7 BO1 WO7 MAO3 WO7 BO1 WO7 MAO3<br />

prepared for the <strong>County</strong>.<br />


ACO1<br />

7. Limit new development in areas where necessary social<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

infrastructure including but not limited to schools and community<br />

facilities are unavailable.<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Table 9Error! No text of specified style in document..104 Infrastructure in Hodson Bay/Barrymore Area<br />

Strategic Policies & Objectives for Infrastructure<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Strategic Goal<br />

Develop a safer, more efficient and integrated transport system<br />

that will improve the road network and other forms of transport to<br />

serve the population of the area.<br />

Policies<br />

8. Create improved transport links between Monksland/South<br />

<strong>Roscommon</strong> area and the Plan area.<br />

9. Support and facilitate the Rural Transport Imitative scheme<br />

operating in the area.<br />

10. Ensure the provision of a comprehensive traffic system which<br />

is compatible with the pattern of land use in the area and with<br />

through traffic.<br />

11. Minimise the number of new accesses points onto Regional<br />

and National Routes in order to maintain traffic capacity, and<br />

minimise traffic hazard.<br />

12. Ensure that all development proposals in the area fulfill traffic<br />

safety and car parking requirements.<br />

13. Provide pedestrian crossings and good quality pavements in<br />

the area.<br />

Objectives<br />

1. Provide adequate pedestrian paths and cycle tracks along all<br />

main routes in the area to ensure safety and convenient access.<br />

2. Provide formal bus stops/shelters at appropriate locations in the<br />

Plan area.<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

PO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1<br />

PO1 ACO PO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1<br />

PO1 ACO PO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1<br />

PO1 ACO PO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1<br />

PO1 ACO PO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1<br />

PO1 ACO PO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1<br />

PO1 ACO PO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1<br />

PO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1<br />

PO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Table 9.105<br />

Tourism & Recreation in Hodson Bay/Barrymore Area<br />

Strategic Policies & Objectives for Tourism &<br />

Recreation<br />

Strategic Goals<br />

Promote the development of recreation and tourism facilities in<br />

Hodson Bay in a sustainable manner.<br />

Protect from development the existing public and recreational<br />

open space in the Plan area.<br />

Policies<br />

14. Protect the environment of Lough Ree and its shores from<br />

inappropriate tourism and recreation based development.<br />

15. Facilitate the development of a shoreline path along Lough<br />

Ree.<br />

16. Facilitate the provision of appropriate recreational facilities to<br />

suit the needs of both tourists and the local community.<br />

17. Facilitate and encourage the development of walking and<br />

cycle paths, linking population, tourism centres and transport<br />

nodes.<br />

18. Support and positively encourage the provision of tourism<br />

facilities in keeping with the Tourism Strategy for the <strong>County</strong> and<br />

of protecting the environment.<br />

19. Seek to provide a range of social, recreational and community<br />

facilities to meet the needs of all of the area’s residents,<br />

regardless of age or social background.<br />

20. Support local sports and community groups in the<br />

development of facilities through the reservation of suitable land<br />

and the provision of funding where available and appropriate.<br />

21. Promote the location of childcare facilities on sites which are<br />

convenient to public transport and pedestrian access.<br />

22. Ensure that adequate lands and services are reserved/zoned<br />

to cater for the establishment, improvement or expansion of<br />

educational facilities.<br />

Objectives<br />

3. Promote the use of existing buildings and lands to the benefit of<br />

the wider community, subject to available resources.<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

PO1<br />

BO1<br />

PO1<br />

BO1<br />

WO5<br />

WO5<br />

PO1 WO5<br />

BO1 LO1<br />

PO1 LO1<br />

CHO5<br />

PO1 LO1<br />

CHO5<br />

PO1 LO1<br />

CHO5<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1 LO1<br />

CHO5<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1<br />

BO1<br />

PO1<br />

BO1<br />

WO5<br />

WO5<br />

PO1 WO5<br />

BO1 LO1<br />

PO1 LO1<br />

CHO5<br />

PO1 LO1<br />

CHO5<br />

PO1 LO1<br />

CHO5 ACO1<br />

PO1 LO1<br />

CHO5 ACO1<br />

PO1 WO5 BO1<br />

PO1 WO5 BO1<br />

PO1 WO5 BO1<br />

LO1<br />

PO1<br />

CHO5<br />

PO1<br />

CHO5<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

LO1<br />

LO1<br />

PO1 LO1<br />

CHO5 ACO1<br />

PO1 LO1<br />

CHO5 ACO1<br />

PO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 SGO1 PO1 SGO1 PO1 SGO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Strategic Policies & Objectives for Tourism &<br />

Recreation<br />

4. Promote the development of high-quality tourist<br />

accommodation.<br />

5. Ensure high standards of architectural and urban design in all<br />

new tourist accommodation and facilities.<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

PO1 WO7 PO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1 PO1 WO7 PO1 PO1 WO7 BO1<br />

BO1 MAO3 WO1 BO1 WO1 BO1 BO1 MAO3 ACO1 MAO3 MAO4<br />

MAO4<br />

MAO4 MAO5 WO1 BO1 MAO5 ACO1<br />

MAO5<br />

ACO1<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1 LO2 PO1 LO2 PO1 LO2<br />

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Table 9Error! No text of specified style in document..106 Water Services in Hodson Bay/Barrymore Area<br />

Strategic Policies & Objectives for Water Services<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Strategic Goals<br />

Provide an adequate supply of water of suitable quality for<br />

domestic, industrial, agricultural and other uses.<br />

Provide systems for the safe and adequate disposal of wastewater.<br />

Policies<br />

23. Ensure that the provision of water and sanitary services is<br />

guided by ‘Water Services Investment Programme – Assessment<br />

of Needs’ which has been adopted by the <strong>Council</strong>.<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

PO1 WO4<br />

WO5 MAO4<br />

PO1 WO3<br />

BO1 SGO3<br />

MAO3<br />

MAO5<br />

PO1 WO4<br />

WO5 MAO4<br />

PO1 WO3<br />

BO1 SGO3<br />

MAO3 MAO5<br />

PO1 WO4<br />

WO5 MAO4<br />

PO1 WO3 BO1<br />

SGO3 MAO3<br />

MAO5<br />

PO1 WO1.1<br />

PO1 WO1.1<br />

PO1 WO1.1<br />

WO2 WO3<br />

WO2 WO3<br />

WO2 WO3<br />

WO4 WO5<br />

WO4 WO5<br />

WO4 WO5<br />

BO1 MAO3<br />

BO1 MAO3<br />

BO1 MAO3<br />

MAO4<br />

MAO4<br />

MAO4<br />

24. Ensure that all areas zoned for development within the Plan<br />

PO1 WO1.1<br />

PO1 WO1.1<br />

PO1 WO1.1<br />

area are fully serviced with water supply and sewerage disposal.<br />

WO2 WO3<br />

WO2 WO3<br />

WO2 WO3<br />

WO4 WO5<br />

WO4 WO5<br />

WO4 WO5<br />

BO1 MAO3<br />

BO1 MAO3<br />

BO1 MAO3<br />

MAO4<br />

MAO4<br />

MAO4<br />

25. Have regard to the Groundwater Protection Plans for the area. PO1 WO3 PO1 WO3 PO1 WO3<br />

26. Ensure that the water demand of the area is provided for<br />

PO1 WO4<br />

PO1 WO4<br />

PO1 WO4<br />

during the Plan period and beyond.<br />

WO5<br />

WO5<br />

WO5<br />

27. Carry out extension of water services infrastructure in a<br />

manner that compliments land-use objectives.<br />

PO1 WO4 PO1 WO4 PO1 WO4<br />

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Table 9.107<br />

Environment in Hodson Bay/Barrymore Area<br />

Strategic Policies & Objectives for Environment<br />

Policies<br />

28. Conserve the nature conservation value of the Lough Ree<br />

proposed Natural Heritage Area (NHA) and Special Area of<br />

Conservation (SAC) as well as other environmentally sensitive<br />

areas.<br />

29. Support the aims of the Lough Derg and Lough Ree<br />

Catchment Monitoring and Management Programme.<br />

30. Implement conditions as appropriate, as part of a grant of a<br />

planning permission or a waste permit, to prevent spread of<br />

invasive species.<br />

31. Encourage use native species in amenity planting and<br />

stocking and related community actions to reduce the introduction<br />

and spread of non-native species.<br />

32. Support initiatives, which reduce the risks of invasions, help<br />

control and manage new and established invasive species,<br />

monitor impacts, raise public awareness, improve legislation and<br />

address international obligations.<br />

33. Continue the tree-planting programme and landscaping of<br />

public open spaces in the area.<br />

34. Increase the presence of litter bins in public amenity areas<br />

throughout the Plan area.<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

PO1<br />

BO2<br />

LO1<br />

WO2<br />

BO1<br />

BO3<br />

WO5<br />

PO1 BO1<br />

BO2 BO3<br />

LO1 WO5<br />

WO2<br />

PO1 BO1<br />

BO2 BO3<br />

LO1 WO5<br />

WO2 BO3<br />

PO1 BO3<br />

CHO1 LO2<br />

PO1 BO3<br />

CHO1 LO2<br />

PO1<br />

BO2<br />

LO1<br />

WO2<br />

BO1<br />

BO3<br />

WO5<br />

PO1 BO1<br />

BO2 BO3<br />

LO1 WO5<br />

WO2<br />

PO1 BO1<br />

BO2 BO3<br />

LO1 WO5<br />

WO2 BO3<br />

PO1 BO3<br />

CHO1 LO2<br />

PO1 BO3<br />

CHO1 LO2<br />

PO1 BO1 BO2<br />

BO3 LO1 WO5<br />

WO2<br />

PO1 BO1 BO2<br />

BO3 LO1 WO5<br />

WO2<br />

PO1 BO1 BO2<br />

BO3 LO1 WO5<br />

WO2 BO3<br />

PO1 BO3<br />

CHO1 LO2<br />

PO1 BO3<br />

CHO1 LO2<br />

PO1 BO3<br />

PO1 BO3<br />

PO1 BO3<br />

CHO1 LO2<br />

CHO1 LO2<br />

CHO1 LO2<br />

PO1 MAO2 PO1 MAO2 PO1 MAO2<br />

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Table 9.108<br />

Land use zoning Hodson Bay/Barrymore<br />

Strategic Policies & Objectives for Land use zoning<br />

Objectives & Matrix<br />

TC1 Core Town Centre (Mixed Development)<br />

• Protect and enhance the special physical and social character of<br />

the existing town centre and provide for new and improved town<br />

centre facilities and uses such as shopping and retail stores, office<br />

development, tourism-related activities and appropriate public<br />

services, and any over the shop type uses.<br />

Protect and enhance the vitality, function and form of the town<br />

centre having regard to any Architectural Conservation Area and<br />

the overall status of the heritage in the area.<br />

Provide for a range of residential and commercial facilities within<br />

an attractive accessible environment with adequate provision for<br />

associated vehicular requirements – including parking and<br />

loading.<br />

Improve civic amenity by requiring high standards of urban<br />

design. • Encourage the regeneration of backlands and derelict<br />

buildings, particularly the use of upper floors, preferably for<br />

residential use, and backlands.<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

PO1 CHO1 PO1 WO1<br />

BO1 ACO1<br />

PO1 WO1<br />

BO1 ACO1<br />

PO1 CHO1<br />

PO1 WO1<br />

BO1<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1 CHO1<br />

PO1 CHO1 PO1 CHO1 PO1 CHO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 SGO1<br />

MAO2<br />

PO1 SGO1<br />

MAO2<br />

Prohibit disorderly development of backlands. PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

Require the inclusion of appropriate open spaces in development<br />

PO1 LO3 PO1 LO3 PO1 LO3<br />

in this zone.<br />

TC2 Peripheral Town Centre<br />

Retain the character and use of existing predominantly residential<br />

streets.<br />

PO1 LO21 PO1 LO21 PO1 LO21<br />

Provide for the development of mixed-use neighbourhood areas<br />

containing a mixture of residential, retail and commercial facilities<br />

in an integrated, sustainable setting.<br />

Provide for and facilitate mixed residential and business uses in<br />

existing mixed use areas.<br />

Provide for a range of residential and commercial facilities within<br />

an attractive accessible environment with adequate provision for<br />

associated vehicular requirements – including parking and<br />

loading.<br />

PO1 WO5<br />

LO2 MAO3<br />

MAO4<br />

PO1 WO5<br />

LO2 MAO3<br />

MAO4<br />

PO1<br />

MAO2<br />

SGO1<br />

PO1 WO5 LO2<br />

MAO3 MAO4<br />

PO1 WO5<br />

PO1 WO5<br />

PO1 WO5 LO2<br />

LO2 MAO3<br />

LO2 MAO3<br />

MAO3 MAO4<br />

MAO4<br />

MAO4<br />

PO1 ACO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1 PO1<br />

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Strategic Policies & Objectives for Land use zoning<br />

Objectives & Matrix<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

Improve civic amenity by requiring high standards of urban<br />

design.<br />

Provide for appropriate development on infill sites including<br />

PO1 SGO1 PO1 SGO1 PO1 SGO1<br />

residential development and upper floor apartments.<br />

Regulate where appropriate any subdivision of existing residential<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

units.<br />

Encourage the regeneration of derelict buildings, particularly the<br />

PO1 SGO1 PO1 SGO1 PO1 SGO1<br />

use of upper floors, preferably for residential use, and backlands.<br />

Prohibit disorderly development of backlands. PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

Have regard to ACA’s and the overall heritage of the area. PO1 LO2 PO1 LO2 PO1 LO2<br />

New development in this zone should not prejudice the viability of<br />

established land uses. PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

Require the inclusion of appropriate open spaces in development<br />

in this zone.<br />

TC3 Outer Town Centre<br />

Preserve the existing and provide for new residential and<br />

commercial uses.<br />

Provide for a range of residential and commercial facilities within<br />

an attractive accessible environment with adequate provision for<br />

associated vehicular requirements – including parking and<br />

loading.<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

New development in this zone should not prejudice the viability of<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

established land uses.<br />

Provide for appropriate development on infill sites including<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

residential development and upperfloor apartments.<br />

Regulate where appropriate the subdivision of existing residential<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

units.<br />

Encourage the regeneration of derelict buildings, particularly the<br />

SGO1 SGO1 SGO1<br />

use of upper floors, preferably for residential use, and backlands.<br />

Prohibit disorderly development of backlands. PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

Have regard to ACA’s and the overall heritage of the area. CHO1 CHO1 CHO1<br />

Ensure new development respects the character and context of<br />

the area.<br />

CHO1 CHO1 CHO1<br />

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Strategic Policies & Objectives for Land use zoning<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Objectives & Matrix<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

Require the inclusion of appropriated open spaces in development<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

in this zone<br />

ER Existing Residential<br />

Protect and enhance the residential amenities of existing and new<br />

PO1 WO4<br />

PO1 WO4<br />

PO1 WO4 LO2<br />

residential communities and provide a high level of services within<br />

LO2 MAO2<br />

LO2 MAO2<br />

MAO2 MAO3<br />

walking distances of residential developments.<br />

MAO3<br />

MAO3 MAO4<br />

MAO4<br />

MAO4<br />

Provide for infill residential development at a density and design<br />

PO1 LO2 PO1 LO2 PO1 LO2<br />

appropriate to the area and needs of the community.<br />

Provide for new and improved ancillary social and community<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

services.<br />

Improve accessibility from these areas to town centres. PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

Provide for the appropriate retail facilites as well as local<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

community and social facilities for the community.<br />

Require the inclusion of appropriate open spaces in development<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

in this zone.<br />

NR New Residential<br />

Provide for new residential development, including a mix of<br />

PO1 WO4<br />

PO1 WO4<br />

PO1 WO4 LO2<br />

residential options, as well as appropriate local services and<br />

LO2 MAO2<br />

LO2 MAO2<br />

MAO2 MAO3<br />

community facilities such as recreation, education,<br />

MAO3<br />

MAO3 MAO4<br />

MAO4<br />

MAO4<br />

crèche/playschool, community buildings, sheltered housing, and<br />

corner shops.<br />

Provide for local shopping amenity, recreation, education,<br />

PO1 WO4<br />

PO1 WO4<br />

PO1 WO4 LO2<br />

childcare, community and recycling facilities, public services,<br />

LO2 MAO2<br />

LO2 MAO2<br />

MAO2 MAO3<br />

public transport, tourist accommodation, and renewable energy<br />

MAO3<br />

MAO3 MAO4<br />

MAO4 ACO1<br />

MAO4<br />

ACO1<br />

options.<br />

ACO1<br />

Preserve the residential amenity of the neighbourhood. PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

Provide for appropriate retail facilities as well as local community<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

and social facilities for the immediate local community.<br />

Have regard to the overall heritage of the area. PO1 CHO1 PO1 CHO1 PO1 CHO1<br />

Require the inclusion of appropriate open spaces in development<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

in this zone.<br />

RC Mixed Residential and Commercial<br />

Preserve the existing and provide for and facilitate new residential<br />

and commercial uses.<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

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Strategic Policies & Objectives for Land use zoning<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Objectives & Matrix<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

Improve civic amenity by requiring high standards of urban<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

design.<br />

Provide for infill development at a density appropriate to the area<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

and needs of the community.<br />

Encourage the regeneration of derelict buildings. PO1 SGO1 PO1 SGO1 PO1 SGO1<br />

Regulate where appropriate the subdivision of existing residential<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

units.<br />

NC Neighbourhood Centre<br />

Provide for the development of a mix of residential,<br />

PO1 WO4<br />

PO1 WO4<br />

PO1 WO4 LO2<br />

commercial/retail uses and community facilities around a<br />

LO2 MAO2<br />

LO2 MAO2<br />

MAO2 MAO3<br />

public/focal space, where appropriate, with associated facilities,<br />

MAO3<br />

MAO3 MAO4<br />

MAO4 ACO1<br />

MAO4<br />

ACO1<br />

within walking distance from the existing town centre, where<br />

ACO1<br />

practicable, which will serve the needs of a new/existing<br />

residential area.<br />

LC Local Centre<br />

Protect, provide for and/or improve local centre facilities. PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

BE Business, Enterprise Park/Light Industry &<br />

Warehousing<br />

Provide for light industry, warehousing and enterprise units and<br />

ancillary uses such as training, education, childcare, financial,<br />

cafes, hotel, petrol station, fitness centre, parking and recycling<br />

facilities.<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

Prohibit heavy industry and incinerators/thermal treatment plants. PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

Encourage appropriate scale, density, type and location of<br />

development to reduce traffic generated and the demand for travel<br />

and sustainable modes of transport such as connections to public<br />

transport, walking and cycling networks.<br />

PO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1<br />

Provide transitional areas with appropriate landscaping where this<br />

PO1 LO2 PO1 LO2 PO1 LO2<br />

zone adjoins other land uses.<br />

Provide for appropriate advertising and advertising structures. PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

Provide for construction and demolition waste to be used as fill,<br />

PO1 SGO1 PO1 ACO1<br />

PO1 ACO1<br />

PO1 ACO1<br />

with the associated licensing, prior to development of these sites.<br />

MAO2 WO1<br />

WO1<br />

WO1<br />

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Strategic Policies & Objectives for Land use zoning<br />

Objectives & Matrix<br />

I Industrial Uses<br />

Reserve lands for the provision of heavy industry, incinerators and<br />

thermal treatment and employment related uses.<br />

Provide for manufacturing and service industry, and storage<br />

facilities as well as ancillary facilities such as training, education,<br />

childcare, financial, parking and recycling facilities and waste<br />

disposal options.<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

PO1 PO1 ACO1<br />

WO1 BO1<br />

MAO2<br />

PO1 ACO1<br />

WO1 BO1<br />

MAO2<br />

PO1 MAO2 PO1 MAO2<br />

PO1 MAO2<br />

PO1<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1 BO1<br />

MAO2<br />

Provide for appropriate advertising and advertising structures. PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

Provide for construction and demolition waste to be used as fill,<br />

PO1 SGO1 PO1 ACO1<br />

PO1 ACO1<br />

PO1<br />

with the associated licensing, prior to development of these sites.<br />

MAO2 WO1<br />

WO1<br />

WO1<br />

CD Construction and Demolition waste<br />

Provide facilities for the recycling of construction and demolition<br />

PO1 SGO1 PO1 ACO1<br />

PO1 ACO1<br />

PO1<br />

waste.<br />

MAO2 WO1<br />

WO1<br />

WO1<br />

CP Car parking/Transport node<br />

Provide for car parking as well as other transport facilities such as<br />

public transport, tour bus parking etc. at appropriate locations and<br />

taking account of through traffic.<br />

Ensure that traffic safety and the car parking requirements are<br />

fulfilled.<br />

PU Public Utilities, Service & Facilities<br />

Provide for and improve public utilities such as electricity,<br />

telecommunications, water, wastewater, gas etc. to ensure the<br />

long-term sustainability of these services and to meet wider<br />

regional and national objectives.<br />

CE Community & Educational Facilites<br />

Provide for health, welfare, community, education and institutional<br />

uses including schools, childcare, community meeting areas,<br />

churches, etc. in close proximity to existing and planned<br />

residential communities as well as other ancillary services such as<br />

public services and recycling facilities.<br />

Provide for dual use of community facilities where possible and<br />

appropriate.<br />

PO1 MAO2<br />

PO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 WO4<br />

MAO2<br />

MAO3<br />

MAO4<br />

PO1 MAO3<br />

MAO2<br />

PO1 WO4<br />

MAO2 MAO3<br />

MAO4<br />

PO1 MAO3<br />

MAO2<br />

ACO1<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1 WO4<br />

MAO2 MAO3<br />

MAO4<br />

PO1<br />

MAO2<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

MAO3<br />

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Strategic Policies & Objectives for Land use zoning<br />

Objectives & Matrix<br />

RA Recreation, Amenity & Open Space<br />

Preserve and improve active and passive recreational public and<br />

private open space and provide for new leisure & amenity facilities<br />

in the town.<br />

Provide for local amenities and recreational facilities including<br />

playing fields and dedicated amenity areas.<br />

Protect the natural amenity, including waterways. PO1 WO6<br />

WO1<br />

WO1.1 BO1<br />

BO3<br />

Resist the loss of existing open space, recreation and sporting<br />

grounds.<br />

GB Green Belt<br />

Protect the setting, character and environmental quality of areas<br />

PO1 CHO1<br />

of high natural beauty and safeguard their environmental,<br />

WO5 BO1<br />

archaeological and ecological amenities.<br />

BO2 LO2<br />

Provide a visual and environmental buffer, where appropriate, to<br />

PO1 CHO1<br />

preserve the natural amenity of the area such as alongside<br />

WO5 BO1<br />

waterways, rivers and floodplains.<br />

BO2 LO2<br />

Ensure this area is not used to satisfy the open space provision of<br />

PO1 CHO1<br />

adjoining housing developments.<br />

WO5 BO1<br />

BO2 LO2<br />

Prohibit development, which would detract from the visual amenity<br />

of the area or result in a loss of recreational open space.<br />

LA Leisure & Amenity<br />

Provide for new leisure and amenity facilities such as bowling,<br />

swimming pool and hotel/gym/leisure facilities as well as cinema<br />

and theatre facilities.<br />

LT Leisure Tourism<br />

Consider developments for leisure and recreational based<br />

activities including water based activities as well as appropriately<br />

scaled coffee shops, hotel, restaurant(s) and public house(s), etc.<br />

TA Transitional Agricultural Uses<br />

Preserve the character of rural or edge areas and provide for<br />

agricultural development as well as other uses not directly PO1 Wo1<br />

WO5 BO1<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

PO1 LO2 PO1 LO2 PO1 LO2<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 WO6<br />

WO1 WO1.1<br />

BO1 BO3<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 CHO1<br />

WO5 BO1<br />

BO2 LO2<br />

PO1 CHO1<br />

WO5 BO1<br />

BO2 LO2<br />

PO1 WO6<br />

WO1 WO1.1<br />

BO1 BO3<br />

PO1 CHO1<br />

WO5 BO1 BO2<br />

LO2<br />

PO1 CHO1<br />

WO5 BO1 BO2<br />

LO2<br />

PO1 CHO1<br />

PO1 CHO1<br />

WO5 BO1<br />

WO5 BO1 BO2<br />

BO2 LO2<br />

LO2<br />

PO1 LO2 PO1 LO2 PO1 LO2<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1<br />

WO5<br />

BO2<br />

Wo1<br />

BO1<br />

CHO4<br />

PO1 Wo1 WO5<br />

BO1 BO2<br />

CHO4 LO2<br />

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Strategic Policies & Objectives for Land use zoning<br />

Objectives & Matrix<br />

associated with agriculture, such as housing for family members,<br />

or those with a housing need, tourist related projects such as<br />

caravan parks or campsites, and amenity such as playing fields<br />

and parks, in order to avoid a sharp transition between the urban<br />

edge and primarily agricultural areas.<br />

Prohibit development that would create premature demand for<br />

infrastructural services.<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

BO2 CHO4<br />

LO2<br />

LO2<br />

PO1 WO5 PO1 WO5 PO1 WO5<br />

Prohibit new residential development to essential housing need. PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

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Table 9.109<br />

Objectives for Residential Development Creagh<br />

Strategic Policies & Objectives for Residential<br />

Development<br />

Strategic Goals<br />

• Consolidate residential development in the area and minimise<br />

further ribbon development.<br />

• Seek an acceptable balance and mix in the provision of social<br />

and private housing in order to promote an appropriate social<br />

and demographic balance.<br />

Policies<br />

1. Require that all new residential accommodation meets the<br />

necessary standards of energy consumption, sanitation, and<br />

design; which can accommodate persons of all abilities.<br />

2. Ensure that development does not cause or significantly<br />

contribute towards the sterilisation of land (i.e. backland) from<br />

future development.<br />

3. Implement the provisions of the Housing Strategy in<br />

accordance with the provisions of Part V of the Planning and<br />

Development Act 2000.<br />

4. Ensure that housing proposals accord with the Development<br />

Standards and the Urban Design Guidelines, which will be<br />

prepared for the <strong>County</strong>.<br />

5. Limit new development in where necessary social infrastructure<br />

including but not limited to schools and community facilities are<br />

unavailable.<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

PO1 ACO1<br />

WO5 BO1<br />

BO2 CHO1<br />

MAO1<br />

MAO2<br />

PO1 ACO1<br />

MAO1<br />

MAO2<br />

MAO3<br />

PO1 ACO1<br />

WO5 BO1<br />

BO2 CHO1<br />

MAO1 MAO2<br />

PO1 ACO1<br />

MAO1 MAO2<br />

MAO3<br />

PO1 ACO1<br />

WO5 BO1 BO2<br />

CHO1 MAO1<br />

MAO2<br />

PO1<br />

MAO1<br />

MAO3<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 ACO1<br />

PO1 ACO1<br />

PO1<br />

WO5 BO1<br />

WO5 BO1<br />

WO5<br />

MAO1<br />

MAO1 MAO2<br />

MAO1<br />

MAO2<br />

MAO3<br />

MAO3<br />

MAO3<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

ACO1<br />

MAO2<br />

ACO1<br />

BO1<br />

MAO2<br />

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Table 9.110<br />

Infrastructure in Creagh<br />

Strategic Policies & Objectives for Infrastructure<br />

Strategic Goals<br />

• Develop a safer, more efficient and integrated transport<br />

system that will improve the road network and other forms of<br />

transport to serve the population of Creagh.<br />

Policies<br />

6. Encourage local bus route initiatives to increase connectivity<br />

within the larger urban area.<br />

7. Minimise the number of new accesses points onto Regional<br />

and National Routes in order to maintain traffic capacity, and<br />

minimise traffic hazard.<br />

8. Ensure that all development proposals in the area fulfil traffic<br />

safety and car parking requirements.<br />

9. Provide adequate pedestrian paths and cycle tracks along all<br />

min routes in the area to ensure safety and convenient access.<br />

10. Provide formal bus stops/shelters at appropriate locations in<br />

the Plan area.<br />

Objectives<br />

1. Upgrade the road between the current N6 National Route and<br />

the Shannonbridge Road (R357, Regional Route) to facilitate<br />

residential development.<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

PO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1<br />

PO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1<br />

PO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1<br />

PO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1<br />

PO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1<br />

PO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1<br />

PO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1<br />

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Table 9.111<br />

Water Services in Creagh<br />

Strategic Policies & Objectives for Water Services<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Strategic Goals<br />

• Provide an adequate supply of water suitable quality for<br />

domestic, industrial, agricultural and other uses.<br />

• Provide systems for the safe and adequate disposal of<br />

sewage.<br />

Policies<br />

11. Improve the public water supply and sewage treatment<br />

network in Creagh.<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

PO1 WO4<br />

MAO3<br />

MAO4<br />

MAO5<br />

PO1 WO4<br />

MAO3 MAO4<br />

MAO5<br />

PO1 WO4 PO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1 PO1 WO4 PO1 PO1 WO4<br />


MAO4<br />

MAO5 WO1 BO! MAO5<br />

MAO5<br />

12. Ensure that the provision of water and sanitary services is<br />

PO1 WO4 PO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1 PO1 WO4 PO1 PO1 WO4<br />

guided by the ‘Water Services Investment Programme –<br />


Assessment of Needs’ which has been adopted by the <strong>Council</strong>.<br />

MAO4<br />

MAO5 WO1 BO! MAO5<br />

MAO5<br />

13. Have regard to the Groundwater Protection Plan for the area. PO1 WO3 PO1 WO3 PO1 WO3<br />

14. Ensure that all areas zoned for development within the Plan<br />

PO1 WO4<br />

PO1 WO4<br />

PO1 WO4<br />

area are fully serviced with water supply and sewerage disposal.<br />

MAO3<br />

MAO3 MAO4<br />

MAO3 MAO4<br />

MAO4<br />

Objectives<br />

2. Carry out extension of water services infrastructure in an<br />

appropriate manner that compliments land-use objectives.<br />

PO1 WO4<br />

WO5<br />

PO1<br />

WO5<br />

WO4<br />

PO1<br />

MAO3<br />

MAO5<br />

PO1<br />

WO5<br />

WO4<br />

MAO4<br />

WO4<br />

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Table 9.112<br />

Industrial development in Creagh<br />

Strategic Policies & Objectives for Industry<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Strategic Goals.<br />

• Facilitate economic development and employment creation<br />

opportunities in Creagh.<br />

Policies<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

15. Facilitate the provision of local retail needs where appropriate. PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

16. Facilitate appropriate industrial, commercial, agricultural,<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

business and investment programmes.<br />

17. Ensure that there is a positive and flexible response to job<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

creation possibilities in Creagh whilst protecting residential<br />

amenity and the environment.<br />

18. Ensure that lands zoned for industry are reserved for<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

appropriate uses.<br />

19. Facilitate the formation of small indigenous industry in the<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

area.<br />

20. Seek the provision of improved energy, community and<br />

communications infrastructure.<br />

PO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1<br />

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Table 9.113<br />

Tourism, Recreation & Community Facilities in Creagh<br />

Strategic Policies & Objectives for Tourism, Recreation<br />

& Community Facilities<br />

Strategic<br />

• Promote the development of recreation and tourism facilities<br />

in Creagh in a sustainable manner.<br />

• Protect from development the existing public and recreational<br />

open space in the area.<br />

Policies<br />

21. Facilitate and encourage the development of walking and<br />

cycle paths, linking population, tourism centres and transport<br />

nodes.<br />

22. Seek to provide a range of social, recreational and community<br />

facilities to meet the needs of all of the area’s residents,<br />

regardless of age or social background.<br />

23. Support local sports and community groups in the<br />

development of facilities through the reservation of suitable land<br />

and the provision of funding where available and appropriate.<br />

24. Promote the location of childcare facilities on sites which are<br />

convenient to public transport and pedestrian access.<br />

25. Ensure that adequate lands and services are reserved/zoned<br />

to cater for the establishment, improvement or expansion of<br />

primary and post primary educational facilities.<br />

Objectives<br />

3. Promote the use of existing buildings and lands to the benefit of<br />

the wider community, subject to available resources.<br />

4. Ensure the needs of the disabled are considered in the layout<br />

and design of all proposed development.<br />

5. Ensure high standards of architectural and urban design in all<br />

new tourist accommodation and facilities.<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

PO1 WO5<br />

BO1 BO2<br />

CHO1`LO2<br />

PO1 ACO1<br />

CHO5<br />

PO1 ACO1<br />

CHO5<br />

PO1 ACO1<br />

CHO5<br />

PO1 WO5<br />

BO1 BO2<br />

CHO1`LO2<br />

PO1 ACO1<br />

CHO5<br />

PO1 ACO1<br />

CHO5<br />

PO1 ACO1<br />

CHO5<br />

PO1 WO5 BO1<br />

BO2<br />

CHO1`LO2<br />

PO1<br />

CHO5<br />

PO1<br />

CHO5<br />

PO1<br />

CHO5<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 SGO1 PO1 SGO1 PO1 SGO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 LO2 PO1 LO2 PO1 LO2<br />

ACO1<br />

ACO1<br />

ACO1<br />

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Table 9.114<br />

Environmental Objectives for Creagh<br />

Strategic Policies & Objectives for Environment<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Strategic Goals<br />

Conserve and enhance the quality of the environment of Creagh.<br />

Conserve the natural and built heritage of the area.<br />

Policies<br />

26. Ensure new development in Creagh is sympathetic to the<br />

existing physical character of the area and its buildings.<br />

27. Take all necessary actions to minimise the occurrence of<br />

unsightly and wasteful derelict sites in the area through<br />

appropriate refurbishment or reconstruction.<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

PO1 CHO1<br />

BO1 WO5<br />

PO1 CHO1<br />

BO1 WO5<br />

PO1 CHO1<br />

BO1 WO5<br />

PO1 LO2<br />

PO1 LO2<br />

PO1 LO2<br />

CHO4<br />

CHO4<br />

CHO4<br />

PO1 SGO1 WO1 BO1 PO1 SGO1 PO1 SGO1<br />

28. Increase the number of public open spaces in Creagh. PO1 LO2 PO1 LO2 PO1 LO2<br />

29. Preserve the identity and conserve the characteristic features<br />

PO1 CHO1 PO1 CHO1 PO1 CHO1<br />

of the built heritage in Creagh.<br />

Objectives<br />

6. Implement a tree-planting programme and landscaping of<br />

PO1 BO2<br />

PO1 BO2<br />

PO1 BO2 LO2<br />

public open spaces in the area.<br />

LO2<br />

LO2<br />

7. Conserve and protect existing or future special amenity areas<br />

from inappropriate, poorly designed and poorly sited development.<br />

8. Positively and actively encourage redevelopment of derelict and<br />

obsolete sites in a manner that is sympathetic with and<br />

complimentary to the inherent character of neighbouring<br />

structures.<br />

9. Increase the presence of litter bins and street furniture<br />

throughout the area at appropriate locations.<br />

PO1 BO2<br />

LO2<br />

PO1 SGO1<br />

LO2<br />

WO1<br />

WO7<br />

SGO1<br />

PO1<br />

LO2<br />

WO1 PO1<br />

WO7 LO2<br />

SGO1<br />

PO1<br />

LO2<br />

PO1<br />

LO2<br />

BO2<br />

SGO1<br />

WO1 PO1<br />

WO7 LO2<br />

SGO1<br />

PO1 BO2 LO2<br />

PO1<br />

LO2<br />

PO1 MAO2 PO1 MAO2 PO1 MAO2 PO1 MAO2<br />

SGO1<br />

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Table 9.115<br />

Land zoning objectives for Creagh<br />

Strategic Policies & Objectives for Land use zoning<br />

Objectives<br />

TC1 Core Town Centre (Mixed Development)<br />

• • Protect and enhance the special physical and social<br />

character of the existing town centre and provide for new and<br />

improved town centre facilities and uses such as shopping<br />

and retail stores, office development, tourism-related<br />

activities and appropriate public services, and any over the<br />

shop type uses.<br />

• Protect and enhance the vitality, function and form of the<br />

town centre having regard to any Architectural Conservation<br />

Area and the overall status of the heritage in the area.<br />

• Provide for a range of residential and commercial facilities<br />

within an attractive accessible environment with adequate<br />

provision for associated vehicular requirements – including<br />

parking and loading.<br />

• Improve civic amenity by requiring high standards of urban<br />

design.<br />

• Encourage the regeneration of backlands and derelict<br />

buildings, particularly the use of upper floors, preferably for<br />

residential use, and backlands.<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

PO1 LO2 PO1 LO2 PO1 LO2<br />

PO1 LO2<br />

CHO1<br />

PO1<br />

CHO1<br />

LO2<br />

PO1 PO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1 PO1 PO1<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1<br />

CHO1<br />

PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 SGO1 PO1 WO1<br />

BO1<br />

PO1<br />

BO1<br />

WO1<br />

PO1 SGO1<br />

PO1 WO1<br />

BO1<br />

PO1 SGO1<br />

• Prohibit disorderly development of backlands. PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

• Require the inclusion of appropriate open spaces in<br />

PO1 LO2 PO1 LO2 PO1 LO2<br />

development in this zone.<br />

TC2 Peripheral Town Centre<br />

• Retain the character and use of existing predominantly<br />

PO1 PO1<br />

residential streets.<br />

PO1<br />

• Provide for the development of mixed-use neighbourhood<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

areas containing a mixture of residential, retail and<br />

commercial facilities in an integrated, sustainable setting.<br />

• Provide for and facilitate mixed residential and business uses<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

in existing mixed use areas.<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

LO2<br />

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Strategic Policies & Objectives for Land use zoning<br />

Objectives<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

• Provide for a range of residential and commercial facilities<br />

within an attractive accessible environment with adequate<br />

provision for associated vehicular requirements – including<br />

parking and loading.<br />

• Improve civic amenity by requiring high standards of urban<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

design.<br />

• Provide for appropriate development on infill sites including<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

residential development and upper floor apartments.<br />

• Regulate where appropriate any subdivision of existing<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

residential units.<br />

• Encourage the regeneration of derelict buildings, particularly<br />

PO1 SGO1 PO1 SGO1 PO1 SGO1<br />

the use of upper floors, preferably for residential use, and<br />

backlands.<br />

• Prohibit disorderly development of backlands. PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

• Have regard to ACA’s and the overall heritage of the area. PO1 CHO1<br />

PO1 CHO1<br />

PO1 CHO1<br />

LO2<br />

LO2<br />

LO2<br />

• New development in this zone should not prejudice the<br />

PO1 CHO1<br />

PO1 CHO1<br />

PO1 CHO1<br />

viability of established land uses.<br />

LO2<br />

LO2<br />

LO2<br />

• Require the inclusion of appropriate open spaces in<br />

PO1 LO2 PO1 LO2 PO1 LO2<br />

development in this zone.<br />

TC3 Outer Town Centre<br />

• Preserve the existing and provide for new residential and<br />

commercial uses.<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

• Provide for a range of residential and commercial facilities<br />

within an attractive accessible environment with adequate<br />

provision for associated vehicular requirements – including<br />

parking and loading.<br />

• New development in this zone should not prejudice the<br />

viability of established land uses.<br />

• Provide for appropriate development on infill sites including<br />

residential development and upperfloor apartments.<br />

• Regulate where appropriate the subdivision of existing<br />

residential units.<br />

PO1 PO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1 PO1 PO1<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-0 Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Strategic Policies & Objectives for Land use zoning<br />

Objectives<br />

• Encourage the regeneration of derelict buildings, particularly<br />

the use of upper floors, preferably for residential use, and<br />

backlands.<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

PO1 SGO1 PO1 SGO1 PO1 SGO1<br />

• Prohibit disorderly development of backlands. PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

• Have regard to ACA’s and the overall heritage of the area.<br />

PO1 CHO1<br />

PO1 CHO1<br />

PO1 CHO1<br />

LO2<br />

LO2<br />

LO2<br />

• Ensure new development respects the character and context<br />

PO1 CHO1<br />

PO1 CHO1<br />

PO1 CHO1<br />

of the area.<br />

LO2<br />

LO2<br />

LO2<br />

• Require the inclusion of appropriated open spaces in<br />

PO1 LO2 PO1 LO2 PO1 LO2<br />

development in this zone<br />

ER Existing Residential<br />

• Protect and enhance the residential amenities of existing and<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

new residential communities and provide a high level of<br />

services within walking distances of residential developments.<br />

• Provide for infill residential development at a density and<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

design appropriate to the area and needs of the community.<br />

• Provide for new and improved ancillary social and community<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

services.<br />

• Improve accessibility from these areas to town centres. PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

• Provide for the appropriate retail facilites as well as local<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

community and social facilities for the community.<br />

• Require the inclusion of appropriate open spaces in<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

development in this zone.<br />

NR New Residential<br />

• Provide for new residential development, including a mix of<br />

PO1 WO4<br />

PO1 WO4<br />

PO1 WO4 LO2<br />

residential options, as well as appropriate local services and<br />

LO2 MAO2<br />

LO2 MAO2<br />

MAO2 MAO3<br />

community facilities such as recreation, education,<br />

MAO3<br />

MAO3 MAO4<br />

MAO4<br />

MAO4<br />

crèche/playschool, community buildings, sheltered housing,<br />

and corner shops.<br />

• Provide for local shopping amenity, recreation, education,<br />

childcare, community and recycling facilities, public services,<br />

public transport, tourist accommodation, and renewable<br />

energy options.<br />

PO1 WO4<br />

LO2 MAO2<br />

MAO3<br />

MAO4<br />

PO1 WO4<br />

LO2 MAO2<br />

MAO3 MAO4<br />

PO1 WO4 LO2<br />

MAO2 MAO3<br />

MAO4<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-0 Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Strategic Policies & Objectives for Land use zoning<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

• Preserve the residential amenity of the neighbourhood. PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

• Provide for appropriate retail facilities as well as local<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

community and social facilities for the immediate local<br />

community.<br />

• Have regard to the overall heritage of the area. PO1 CHO1 PO1 CHO1 PO1 CHO1<br />

• Require the inclusion of appropriate open spaces in<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

development in this zone.<br />

RC Mixed Residential and Commercial<br />

• Preserve the existing and provide for and facilitate new<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

residential and commercial uses.<br />

• Improve civic amenity by requiring high standards of urban<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

design.<br />

• Provide for infill development at a density appropriate to the<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

area and needs of the community.<br />

• Encourage the regeneration of derelict buildings. PO1 SGO1 PO1 SGO1 PO1 SGO1<br />

• Regulate where appropriate the subdivision of existing<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

residential units.<br />

NC Neighbourhood Centre<br />

• Provide for the development of a mix of residential,<br />

PO1 WO4<br />

PO1 WO4<br />

PO1 WO4 LO2<br />

commercial/retail uses and community facilities around a<br />

LO2 MAO2<br />

LO2 MAO2<br />

MAO2 MAO3<br />

public/focal space, where appropriate, with associated<br />

MAO3<br />

MAO3 MAO4<br />

MAO4<br />

MAO4<br />

facilities, within walking distance from the existing town<br />

centre, where practicable, which will serve the needs of a<br />

new/existing residential area.<br />

LC Local Centre<br />

• Protect, provide for and/or improve local centre facilities. PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

BE Business, Enterprise Park/Light Industry &<br />

Warehousing<br />

• Provide for light industry, warehousing and enterprise units<br />

and ancillary uses such as training, education, childcare,<br />

financial, cafes, hotel, petrol station, fitness centre, parking<br />

and recycling facilities.<br />

• Prohibit heavy industry and incinerators/thermal treatment<br />

plants.<br />

PO1 WO1 PO1<br />

BO1<br />

WO1<br />

BO1<br />

PO1<br />

PO1<br />

WO1 PO1<br />

BO1<br />

PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

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Strategic Policies & Objectives for Land use zoning<br />

Objectives<br />

• Encourage appropriate scale, density, type and location of<br />

development to reduce traffic generated and the demand for<br />

travel and sustainable modes of transport such as<br />

connections to public transport, walking and cycling networks.<br />

• Provide transitional areas with appropriate landscaping where<br />

this zone adjoins other land uses.<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

PO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1<br />

PO1 LO2 PO1 LO2 PO1 LO2<br />

• Provide for appropriate advertising and advertising structures. LO2 LO2 LO2<br />

• Provide for construction and demolition waste to be used as<br />

PO1 SGO1 PO1 ACO1<br />

PO1 ACO1<br />

PO1<br />

fill, with the associated licensing, prior to development of<br />

MAO2 WO1<br />

WO1<br />

WO1<br />

these sites.<br />

I Industrial Uses<br />

• Reserve lands for the provision of heavy industry, incinerators<br />

PO1 PO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1<br />

PO1<br />

and thermal treatment and employment related uses.<br />

WO1 BO1 WO1 BO1<br />

ACO1<br />

MAO2 MAO2<br />

WO1 BO1<br />

MAO2<br />

• Provide for manufacturing and service industry, and storage<br />

facilities as well as ancillary facilities such as training,<br />

education, childcare, financial, parking and recycling facilities<br />

and waste disposal options.<br />

PO1 MAO2 PO1 MAO2<br />

PO1 MAO2<br />

PO1 MAO2<br />

• Provide for appropriate advertising and advertising structures. LO2 LO2 LO2<br />

• Provide for construction and demolition waste to be used as<br />

PO1 SGO1 PO1 ACO1<br />

PO1 ACO1<br />

PO1 ACO1<br />

fill, with the associated licensing, prior to development of<br />

MAO2 WO1<br />

WO1<br />

WO1<br />

these sites.<br />

CD Construction and Demolition waste<br />

• Provide facilities for the recycling of construction and<br />

PO1 SGO1 PO1 ACO1<br />

PO1 ACO1<br />

PO1 ACO1<br />

demolition waste.<br />

MAO2 WO1<br />

WO1<br />

WO1<br />

CP Car parking/Transport node<br />

• Provide for car parking as well as other transport facilities<br />

PO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1<br />

such as public transport, tour bus parking etc. at appropriate<br />

locations and taking account of through traffic.<br />

• Ensure that traffic safety and the car parking requirements<br />

are fulfilled.<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

ACO1<br />

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Strategic Policies & Objectives for Land use zoning<br />

Objectives<br />

PU Public Utilities, Service & Facilities<br />

• Provide for and improve public utilities such as electricity,<br />

telecommunications, water, wastewater, gas etc. to ensure<br />

the long-term sustainability of these services and to meet<br />

wider regional and national objectives.<br />

CE Community & Educational Facilites<br />

• Provide for health, welfare, community, education and<br />

institutional uses including schools, childcare, community<br />

meeting areas, churches, etc. in close proximity to existing<br />

and planned residential communities as well as other<br />

ancillary services such as public services and recycling<br />

facilities.<br />

• Provide for dual use of community facilities where possible<br />

and appropriate.<br />

RA Recreation, Amenity & Open Space<br />

• Preserve and improve active and passive recreational public<br />

and private open space and provide for new leisure &<br />

amenity facilities in the town.<br />

• Provide for local amenities and recreational facilities including<br />

playing fields and dedicated amenity areas.<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

PO1 WO4<br />

MAO2<br />

MAO3<br />

MAO4<br />

PO1 MAO3<br />

MAO2<br />

• Protect the natural amenity, including waterways. PO1 WO6<br />

WO1<br />

WO1.1 BO1<br />

BO3<br />

• Resist the loss of existing open space, recreation and<br />

sporting grounds.<br />

GB Green Belt<br />

• Protect the setting, character and environmental quality of<br />

PO1 CHO1<br />

areas of high natural beauty and safeguard their<br />

WO5 BO1<br />

environmental, archaeological and ecological amenities.<br />

BO2 LO2<br />

• Provide a visual and environmental buffer, where appropriate,<br />

PO1 CHO1<br />

to preserve the natural amenity of the area such as alongside<br />

WO5 BO1<br />

waterways, rivers and floodplains.<br />

BO2 LO2<br />

WO7<br />

PO1 WO4<br />

MAO2 MAO3<br />

MAO4<br />

PO1 MAO3<br />

MAO2<br />

PO1 WO4<br />

MAO2 MAO3<br />

MAO4<br />

PO1<br />

MAO2<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 LO2 PO1 LO2 PO1 LO2<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 WO6<br />

WO1 WO1.1<br />

BO1 BO3<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 CHO1<br />

WO5 BO1<br />

BO2 LO2<br />

PO1<br />

WO5<br />

BO2<br />

WO7<br />

CHO1<br />

BO1<br />

LO2<br />

MAO3<br />

PO1 WO6<br />

WO1 WO1.1<br />

BO1 BO3<br />

PO1 CHO1<br />

WO5 BO1 BO2<br />

LO2<br />

PO1 CHO1<br />

WO5 BO1 BO2<br />

LO2 BO2 WO7<br />

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Strategic Policies & Objectives for Land use zoning<br />

Objectives<br />

• Ensure this area is not used to satisfy the open space<br />

provision of adjoining housing developments.<br />

• Prohibit development, which would detract from the visual<br />

amenity of the area or result in a loss of recreational open<br />

space.<br />

LA Leisure & Amenity<br />

• Provide for new leisure and amenity facilities such as<br />

bowling, swimming pool and hotel/gym/leisure facilities as<br />

well as cinema and theatre facilities.<br />

LT Leisure Tourism<br />

• Consider developments for leisure and recreational based<br />

activities including water based activities as well as<br />

appropriately scaled coffee shops, hotel, restaurant(s) and<br />

public house(s), etc.<br />

TA Transitional Agricultural Uses<br />

• Preserve the character of rural or edge areas and provide for<br />

agricultural development as well as other uses not directly<br />

associated with agriculture, such as housing for family<br />

members, or those with a housing need, tourist related<br />

projects such as caravan parks or campsites, and amenity<br />

such as playing fields and parks, in order to avoid a sharp<br />

transition between the urban edge and primarily agricultural<br />

areas.<br />

• Prohibit development that would create premature demand<br />

for infrastructural services.<br />

• Prohibit new residential development to essential housing<br />

need.<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

PO1 CHO1<br />

PO1 CHO1<br />

PO1 CHO1<br />

WO5 BO1<br />

WO5 BO1<br />

WO5 BO1 BO2<br />

BO2 LO2<br />

BO2 LO2<br />

LO2<br />

PO1 LO2 PO1 LO2 PO1 LO2<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 Wo1<br />

WO5 BO1<br />

BO2 CHO4<br />

LO2<br />

PO1<br />

WO5<br />

BO2<br />

LO2<br />

Wo1<br />

BO1<br />

CHO4<br />

PO1 Wo1 WO5<br />

BO1 BO2<br />

CHO4 LO2<br />

PO1 WO5 PO1 WO5 PO1 WO5<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-0 Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Table 9.116<br />

Residential Development in Cortober<br />

Strategic Policies & Objectives for Residential<br />

Development<br />

Strategic Goals<br />

• Ensure that there is sufficient land available in appropriate<br />

locations to service housing demand.<br />

• Seek an acceptable balance and mix in the provision of social<br />

and private housing in order to promote an appropriate social<br />

and demographic balance.<br />

• Implement the provisions of the Housing Strategy.<br />

Policies<br />

1. Prevent further ribbon development along the roads within the<br />

limits of the Plan area and to facilitate in depth development.<br />

2. Require that new residential accommodation meets the<br />

necessary standards of energy consumption, sanitation, and<br />

design; which can accommodate persons of all abilities.<br />

3. Ensure that development does not cause or significantly<br />

contribute towards the sterilisation of land (i.e. backland) from<br />

future development.<br />

4. Implement the provisions of the Housing Strategy in<br />

accordance with the provisions of Part V of the Planning and<br />

Development Act 2000.<br />

5. Ensure that housing proposals accord with the Development<br />

Standards and the Urban Design Guidelines, which will be<br />

prepared for the <strong>County</strong>.<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 LO2 PO1 LO2 PO1 LO2<br />

PO1 WO4<br />

PO1 WO4<br />

PO1 WO4<br />

MAO2<br />

MAO2 MAO3<br />

MAO2 MAO3<br />

MAO3<br />

MAO4 MAO5<br />

MAO4 MAO5<br />

MAO4<br />

MAO5<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-0 Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Table 9.117<br />

Infrastructure in Cortober<br />

Strategic Policies & Objectives for Infrastructure<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Strategic Goals<br />

• Develop a safer, more efficient and integrated transport<br />

system that will improve the road network and other forms of<br />

transport to serve the population of Cortober.<br />

Policies<br />

6. Ensure that all development proposals within Cortober fulfill<br />

traffic safety and car parking requirements.<br />

7. Provide adequate pedestrian paths and cycle tracks along all<br />

main routes in the area to ensure safety and convenient access.<br />

8. Improve the pedestrian environment in the area, and provide<br />

pedestrian crossings and good quality pavements in the area.<br />

9. Encourages local bus route initiatives to increase connectivity<br />

within the larger urban area.<br />

10. Provide formal bus stops/shelters at appropriate locations in<br />

the Plan area.<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1<br />

PO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1<br />

PO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1<br />

PO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1<br />

11. Improve linkages in the area with the railway. PO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-0 Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Table 9.118<br />

Water Services in Cortober<br />

Strategic Policies & Objectives for Water Services<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Strategic Goals<br />

• Provide an adequate supply of water of suitable quality for<br />

domestic, industrial, agricultural and other uses.<br />

• Provide systems for the safe and adequate disposal of<br />

sewage<br />

Policies<br />

12. Improve the area’s public water supply and sewage treatment<br />

systems.<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

PO1 WO4<br />

MAO3<br />

MAO4<br />

MAO5<br />

PO1 WO4<br />

MAO3 MAO4<br />

MAO5<br />

PO1 WO4 PO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1 PO1 WO4 PO1 PO1 WO4<br />


MAO4<br />

MAO5 WO1 BO! MAO5<br />

MAO5<br />

13. Ensure that the provision of water and sanitary services is<br />

PO1 WO4 PO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1 PO1 WO4 PO1 PO1 WO4<br />

guided by the ‘Water Services Investment Programme –<br />


Assessment of Needs’ which has been adopted by the <strong>Council</strong>.<br />

MAO4<br />

MAO5 WO1 BO! MAO5<br />

MAO5<br />

14. Have regard to the Groundwater Protection Plan for the area. PO1 WO3 PO1 WO3 PO1 WO3<br />

15. Ensure that all areas zoned for development within the Plan<br />

PO1 WO4<br />

PO1 WO4<br />

PO1 WO4<br />

area are fully serviced with water supply and sewerage disposal.<br />

MAO3<br />

MAO3 MAO4<br />

MAO3 MAO4<br />

MAO4<br />

16. Ensure that the water supply of the Plan area complies with<br />

PO1 WO4 PO1 WO4 PO1 WO4<br />

EPA and European Union drinking water standards and to extend<br />

them, where necessary, to meet demand.<br />

Objectives<br />

1. Ensure that the water demand of the town is provided for during<br />

the Plan period and beyond.<br />

2. Carry out extension of water services infrastructure in an<br />

appropriate manner that compliments land-use objectives.<br />

PO1<br />

MAO3<br />

MAO5<br />

PO1 WO4 PO1 WO4 PO1 WO4<br />

PO1 WO4 PO1 WO4 PO1 WO4<br />

WO4<br />

MAO4<br />

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Table 9.119<br />

Industry in Cortober<br />

Strategic Policies & Objectives for Industry<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Strategic Goals<br />

• Facilitate economic development and employment creation<br />

opportunities in Cortober.<br />

Policies<br />

17. Facilitate the expansion of industrial development at<br />

Tullyleague.<br />

18. Facilitate the development of a business park with associated<br />

residential development and recreational facilities.<br />

Objectives<br />

3. Promote and develop the vitality of the existing shopping area<br />

and to facilitate the provision of local retail needs where<br />

appropriate.<br />

4. Facilitate appropriate industrial, commercial, agricultural,<br />

business and investment programmes.<br />

5. Ensure that there is appositive and flexible response to job<br />

creation possibilities in Cortober whilst protecting residential<br />

amenity and the environment.<br />

6. Ensure that lands zoned for industry are reserved for<br />

appropriate uses.<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 WO1<br />

BO1 ACO1<br />

PO1 PO1 WO1<br />

BO1 ACO1<br />

PO1 WO1<br />

BO1 ACO1<br />

PO1 WO1<br />

BO1 ACO1<br />

PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 WO1<br />

BO1<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1 WO1<br />

BO1<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 WO1 BO1<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1 WO1 BO1<br />

ACO1<br />

7. Facilitate the formation of small indigenous industry in the area. PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

8. Seek the provision of improved energy, community and<br />

PO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1<br />

communications infrastructure.<br />

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Table 9.120<br />

Recreation & Tourism in Cortober<br />

Strategic Policies & Objectives for Recreation &<br />

Tourism<br />

Strategic Goals<br />

• Promote the development of recreation and tourism facilities<br />

in Cortober in a sustainable manner.<br />

• Protect from development the existing public and recreational<br />

open space in the area.<br />

Policies<br />

19. Facilitate and encourage the development of walking and<br />

cycle paths, linking population, tourism centres and transport<br />

nodes.<br />

20. Support and positively encourage the provision of tourism<br />

facilities in keeping with the Tourism Strategy for the <strong>County</strong> and<br />

of protecting the environment.<br />

21. Implement proposals to improve and maintain amenity,<br />

tourism and recreation facilities in Cortober and to carry out other<br />

amenity improvement works in the area.<br />

22. Seek to provide a range of social, recreational and community<br />

facilities to meet the needs of all of the area’s residents,<br />

regardless of age or social background.<br />

23. Support local sports and community groups in the<br />

development of facilities through the reservation of suitable land<br />

and the provision of funding where available and appropriate.<br />

24. Ensure the provision of affordable childcare throughout in<br />

Cortober in consultation with the <strong>Roscommon</strong> <strong>County</strong> Childcare<br />

Committee, the <strong>County</strong> Development Board and the Health<br />

Service Executive.<br />

25. Promote the location of childcare facilities on sites which are<br />

convenient to public transport and pedestrian access.<br />

27. Ensure that adequate lands and services are reserved/zoned<br />

to cater for the establishment, improvement or expansion of<br />

primary and post primary educational facilities.<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

PO1 ACO1<br />

WO5 CHO1<br />

PO1 ACO1<br />

CHO5<br />

PO1 WO5<br />

BO1 BO2<br />

CHO1<br />

WO5 BO1<br />

BO2 CHO1<br />

PO1 ACO1<br />

WO5 CHO1<br />

PO1 ACO1<br />

CHO5<br />

PO1 WO5<br />

BO1 BO2<br />

CHO1<br />

WO5 BO1<br />

BO2 CHO1<br />

PO1 ACO1<br />

WO5 CHO1<br />

PO1<br />

CHO5<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1 WO5 BO1<br />

BO2 CHO1<br />

WO5 BO1 BO2<br />

CHO1<br />

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Strategic Policies & Objectives for Recreation &<br />

Tourism<br />

Objectives<br />

9. Facilitate the appropriate development of high quality facilities<br />

and services to cater for visitors to the area including anglers and<br />

holiday river traffic amongst others.<br />

10. Facilitate the provision of appropriate recreational facilities to<br />

suit the needs of both tourists and the local community.<br />

11. Further develop the riverside amenity area near the Village<br />

bridge by providing additional riverside recreational facilities and a<br />

landscaped car park.<br />

12. Promote the use of existing buildings and lands to the benefit<br />

of the wider community, subject to available resources.<br />

13. Give consideration to the needs of the disabled in the layout<br />

and design of all proposed development.<br />

14. Promote the development of high-quality tourist<br />

accommodation.<br />

15. Ensure high standards of architectural and urban design in all<br />

new tourist accommodation and facilities.<br />

16. Support other organisations, bodies and local groups that<br />

promote tourism and community development in the area.<br />

17. Seek to further develop the recreational potential of Bull field.<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 LO2 PO1 LO2 PO1 LO2<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-0 Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Table 9Error! No text of specified style in document..121 Natural & Built Heritage in Cortober<br />

Strategic Policies & Objectives for Natural & Built<br />

Heritage<br />

Strategic Goals<br />

• Conserve and enhance the quality of the environment of<br />

Cortober<br />

• Conserve the natural and built heritage of the area.<br />

Policies<br />

27. Ensure new development in Cortober is sympathetic to the<br />

existing physical character of the area and its buildings.<br />

28. Preserve the identity and conserve the characteristic features<br />

of the built heritage in Cortober.<br />

29. Take all necessary actions to minimise the occurrence of<br />

unsightly and wasteful derelict sites in the area through<br />

appropriate refurbishment or reconstruction.<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

PO1 CHO1<br />

WO5 LO2<br />

BO1 BO2<br />

PO1 CHO1<br />

WO5 LO2<br />

BO1 BO2<br />

PO1 CHO1<br />

WO5 LO2<br />

BO1 BO2<br />

PO1 SGO1<br />

SGO2<br />

WO1<br />

SGO2<br />

BO1<br />

PO1 CHO1<br />

WO5 LO2<br />

BO1 BO2<br />

PO1 CHO1<br />

WO5 LO2<br />

BO1 BO2<br />

PO1 CHO1<br />

WO5 LO2<br />

BO1 BO2<br />

PO1 SGO1<br />

SGO2<br />

PO1 CHO1<br />

WO5 LO2 BO1<br />

BO2<br />

PO1 CHO1<br />

WO5 LO2 BO1<br />

BO2<br />

PO1 CHO1<br />

WO5 LO2 BO1<br />

BO2<br />

PO1 SGO1<br />

SGO2<br />

30. Increase the number of public green-spaces in Cortober. PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

Objectives<br />

18. Continue the tree-planting programme and landscaping of<br />

public open spaces in the area.<br />

PO1 LO2 PO1 LO2 PO1 LO2<br />

19. Conserve and protect existing or future special amenity area<br />

from inappropriate, poorly designed and poorly sited development.<br />

20. Positively and actively encourage redevelopment of derelict<br />

and obsolete sites in a manner that is sympathetic with and<br />

complimentary to the inherent character of neighbouring<br />

structures.<br />

21. Increase the presence of litter bins and street furniture<br />

throughout the area at appropriate locations.<br />

PO1 LO2 PO1 LO2 PO1 LO2<br />

PO1 SGO1<br />

LO2<br />

WO1<br />

WO7<br />

SGO1<br />

PO1<br />

LO2<br />

WO1 PO1<br />

WO7 LO2<br />

SGO1<br />

PO1<br />

LO2<br />

SGO1<br />

WO1 PO1<br />

WO7 LO2<br />

SGO1<br />

PO1<br />

LO2<br />

PO1 MAO2 PO1 MAO2 PO1 MAO2<br />

SGO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-0 Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Table 9.122<br />

Land Use Zoning Objectives in Cortober<br />

Strategic Policies & Objectives for Land use zoning<br />

Objectives<br />

TC1 Core Town Centre (Mixed Development)<br />

• • Protect and enhance the special physical and social<br />

character of the existing town centre and provide for new and<br />

improved town centre facilities and uses such as shopping<br />

and retail stores, office development, tourism-related<br />

activities and appropriate public services, and any over the<br />

shop type uses.<br />

• Protect and enhance the vitality, function and form of the<br />

town centre having regard to any Architectural Conservation<br />

Area and the overall status of the heritage in the area.<br />

• Provide for a range of residential and commercial facilities<br />

within an attractive accessible environment with adequate<br />

provision for associated vehicular requirements – including<br />

parking and loading.<br />

• Improve civic amenity by requiring high standards of urban<br />

design.<br />

• Encourage the regeneration of backlands and derelict<br />

buildings, particularly the use of upper floors, preferably for<br />

residential use, and backlands.<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

PO1 LO2 PO1 LO2 PO1 LO2<br />

PO1 LO2<br />

CHO1<br />

PO1<br />

CHO1<br />

LO2<br />

PO1 PO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1 PO1 PO1<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1<br />

CHO1<br />

PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 SGO1 PO1 WO1<br />

BO1<br />

PO1<br />

BO1<br />

WO1<br />

PO1 SGO1<br />

PO1 WO1<br />

BO1<br />

PO1 SGO1<br />

• Prohibit disorderly development of backlands. PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

• Require the inclusion of appropriate open spaces in<br />

PO1 LO2 PO1 LO2 PO1 LO2<br />

development in this zone.<br />

TC2 Peripheral Town Centre<br />

• Retain the character and use of existing predominantly<br />

PO1 PO1<br />

residential streets.<br />

PO1<br />

• Provide for the development of mixed-use neighbourhood<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

areas containing a mixture of residential, retail and<br />

commercial facilities in an integrated, sustainable setting.<br />

• Provide for and facilitate mixed residential and business uses<br />

in existing mixed use areas.<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

LO2<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-0 Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Strategic Policies & Objectives for Land use zoning<br />

Objectives<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

• Provide for a range of residential and commercial facilities<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

within an attractive accessible environment with adequate<br />

provision for associated vehicular requirements – including<br />

parking and loading.<br />

• Improve civic amenity by requiring high standards of urban<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

design.<br />

• Provide for appropriate development on infill sites including<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

residential development and upper floor apartments.<br />

• Regulate where appropriate any subdivision of existing<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

residential units.<br />

• Encourage the regeneration of derelict buildings, particularly<br />

PO1 SGO1 PO1 SGO1 PO1 SGO1<br />

the use of upper floors, preferably for residential use, and<br />

backlands.<br />

• Prohibit disorderly development of backlands. PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

• Have regard to ACA’s and the overall heritage of the area. PO1 CHO1<br />

PO1 CHO1<br />

PO1 CHO1<br />

LO2<br />

LO2<br />

LO2<br />

• New development in this zone should not prejudice the<br />

PO1 CHO1<br />

PO1 CHO1<br />

PO1 CHO1<br />

viability of established land uses.<br />

LO2<br />

LO2<br />

LO2<br />

• Require the inclusion of appropriate open spaces in<br />

PO1 LO2 PO1 LO2 PO1 LO2<br />

development in this zone.<br />

TC3 Outer Town Centre<br />

• Preserve the existing and provide for new residential and<br />

commercial uses.<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

• Provide for a range of residential and commercial facilities<br />

within an attractive accessible environment with adequate<br />

provision for associated vehicular requirements – including<br />

parking and loading.<br />

• New development in this zone should not prejudice the<br />

viability of established land uses.<br />

• Provide for appropriate development on infill sites including<br />

residential development and upperfloor apartments.<br />

• Regulate where appropriate the subdivision of existing<br />

residential units.<br />

PO1 PO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1 PO1 PO1<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-0 Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Strategic Policies & Objectives for Land use zoning<br />

Objectives<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

• Encourage the regeneration of derelict buildings, particularly<br />

PO1 SGO1 PO1 SGO1 PO1 SGO1<br />

the use of upper floors, preferably for residential use, and<br />

backlands.<br />

• Prohibit disorderly development of backlands. PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

• Have regard to ACA’s and the overall heritage of the area. PO1 CHO1<br />

PO1 CHO1<br />

PO1 CHO1<br />

LO2<br />

LO2<br />

LO2<br />

• Ensure new development respects the character and context<br />

PO1 CHO1<br />

PO1 CHO1<br />

PO1 CHO1<br />

of the area.<br />

LO2<br />

LO2<br />

LO2<br />

• Require the inclusion of appropriated open spaces in<br />

PO1 LO2 PO1 LO2 PO1 LO2<br />

development in this zone<br />

ER Existing Residential<br />

• Protect and enhance the residential amenities of existing and<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

new residential communities and provide a high level of<br />

services within walking distances of residential developments.<br />

• Provide for infill residential development at a density and<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

design appropriate to the area and needs of the community.<br />

• Provide for new and improved ancillary social and community<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

services.<br />

• Improve accessibility from these areas to town centres. PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

• Provide for the appropriate retail facilites as well as local<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

community and social facilities for the community.<br />

• Require the inclusion of appropriate open spaces in<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

development in this zone.<br />

NR New Residential<br />

• Provide for new residential development, including a mix of<br />

residential options, as well as appropriate local services and<br />

community facilities such as recreation, education,<br />

crèche/playschool, community buildings, sheltered housing,<br />

and corner shops.<br />

• Provide for local shopping amenity, recreation, education,<br />

childcare, community and recycling facilities, public services,<br />

public transport, tourist accommodation, and renewable<br />

energy options.<br />

PO1 WO4<br />

LO2 MAO2<br />

MAO3<br />

MAO4<br />

PO1 WO4<br />

LO2 MAO2<br />

MAO3<br />

MAO4<br />

PO1 WO4<br />

LO2 MAO2<br />

MAO3 MAO4<br />

PO1 WO4<br />

LO2 MAO2<br />

MAO3 MAO4<br />

• Preserve the residential amenity of the neighbourhood. PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 WO4 LO2<br />

MAO2 MAO3<br />

MAO4<br />

PO1 WO4 LO2<br />

MAO2 MAO3<br />

MAO4<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-0 Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Strategic Policies & Objectives for Land use zoning<br />

Objectives<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

• Provide for appropriate retail facilities as well as local<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

community and social facilities for the immediate local<br />

community.<br />

• Have regard to the overall heritage of the area. PO1 CHO1 PO1 CHO1 PO1 CHO1<br />

• Require the inclusion of appropriate open spaces in<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

development in this zone.<br />

RC Mixed Residential and Commercial<br />

• Preserve the existing and provide for and facilitate new<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

residential and commercial uses.<br />

• Improve civic amenity by requiring high standards of urban<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

design.<br />

• Provide for infill development at a density appropriate to the<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

area and needs of the community.<br />

• Encourage the regeneration of derelict buildings. PO1 SGO1 PO1 SGO1 PO1 SGO1<br />

• Regulate where appropriate the subdivision of existing<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

residential units.<br />

NC Neighbourhood Centre<br />

• Provide for the development of a mix of residential,<br />

commercial/retail uses and community facilities around a<br />

public/focal space, where appropriate, with associated<br />

facilities, within walking distance from the existing town<br />

centre, where practicable, which will serve the needs of a<br />

new/existing residential area.<br />

PO1 WO4<br />

LO2 MAO2<br />

MAO3<br />

MAO4<br />

PO1 WO4<br />

LO2 MAO2<br />

MAO3 MAO4<br />

LC Local Centre<br />

• Protect, provide for and/or improve local centre facilities. PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

BE Business, Enterprise Park/Light Industry &<br />

Warehousing<br />

• Provide for light industry, warehousing and enterprise units<br />

and ancillary uses such as training, education, childcare,<br />

financial, cafes, hotel, petrol station, fitness centre, parking<br />

and recycling facilities.<br />

• Prohibit heavy industry and incinerators/thermal treatment<br />

plants.<br />

PO1 WO1 PO1<br />

BO1<br />

WO1<br />

BO1<br />

PO1<br />

PO1<br />

WO1 PO1<br />

BO1<br />

PO1 WO4 LO2<br />

MAO2 MAO3<br />

MAO4<br />

PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-0 Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Strategic Policies & Objectives for Land use zoning<br />

Objectives<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

• Encourage appropriate scale, density, type and location of<br />

PO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1<br />

development to reduce traffic generated and the demand for<br />

travel and sustainable modes of transport such as<br />

connections to public transport, walking and cycling networks.<br />

• Provide transitional areas with appropriate landscaping where<br />

PO1 LO2 PO1 LO2 PO1 LO2<br />

this zone adjoins other land uses.<br />

• Provide for appropriate advertising and advertising structures. LO2 LO2 LO2<br />

• Provide for construction and demolition waste to be used as<br />

fill, with the associated licensing, prior to development of<br />

these sites.<br />

I Industrial Uses<br />

• Reserve lands for the provision of heavy industry, incinerators<br />

and thermal treatment and employment related uses.<br />

• Provide for manufacturing and service industry, and storage<br />

facilities as well as ancillary facilities such as training,<br />

education, childcare, financial, parking and recycling facilities<br />

and waste disposal options.<br />

PO1 SGO1<br />

MAO2<br />

PO1<br />

WO1<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1 PO1 ACO1<br />

WO1 BO1<br />

MAO2<br />

PO1 ACO1<br />

WO1 BO1<br />

MAO2<br />

PO1<br />

WO1<br />

ACO1<br />

PO1 MAO2 PO1 MAO2<br />

PO1 MAO2<br />

PO1<br />

ACO1<br />

WO1 BO1<br />

MAO2<br />

PO1<br />

WO1<br />

PO1 MAO2<br />

• Provide for appropriate advertising and advertising structures. LO2 LO2 LO2<br />

• Provide for construction and demolition waste to be used as<br />

PO1 SGO1 PO1 ACO1<br />

PO1 ACO1<br />

PO1 ACO1<br />

fill, with the associated licensing, prior to development of<br />

MAO2 WO1<br />

WO1<br />

WO1<br />

these sites.<br />

CD Construction and Demolition waste<br />

• Provide facilities for the recycling of construction and<br />

PO1 SGO1 PO1 ACO1<br />

PO1 ACO1<br />

PO1 ACO1<br />

demolition waste.<br />

MAO2 WO1<br />

WO1<br />

WO1<br />

CP Car parking/Transport node<br />

• Provide for car parking as well as other transport facilities<br />

PO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1 PO1 ACO1<br />

such as public transport, tour bus parking etc. at appropriate<br />

locations and taking account of through traffic.<br />

• Ensure that traffic safety and the car parking requirements<br />

are fulfilled.<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

ACO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-0 Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Strategic Policies & Objectives for Land use zoning<br />

Objectives<br />

PU Public Utilities, Service & Facilities<br />

• Provide for and improve public utilities such as electricity,<br />

telecommunications, water, wastewater, gas etc. to ensure<br />

the long-term sustainability of these services and to meet<br />

wider regional and national objectives.<br />

CE Community & Educational Facilites<br />

• Provide for health, welfare, community, education and<br />

institutional uses including schools, childcare, community<br />

meeting areas, churches, etc. in close proximity to existing<br />

and planned residential communities as well as other<br />

ancillary services such as public services and recycling<br />

facilities.<br />

• Provide for dual use of community facilities where possible<br />

and appropriate.<br />

RA Recreation, Amenity & Open Space<br />

• Preserve and improve active and passive recreational public<br />

and private open space and provide for new leisure &<br />

amenity facilities in the town.<br />

• Provide for local amenities and recreational facilities including<br />

playing fields and dedicated amenity areas.<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

PO1 WO4<br />

MAO2<br />

MAO3<br />

MAO4<br />

PO1 MAO3<br />

MAO2<br />

• Protect the natural amenity, including waterways. PO1 WO6<br />

WO1<br />

WO1.1 BO1<br />

BO3<br />

• Resist the loss of existing open space, recreation and<br />

sporting grounds.<br />

GB Green Belt<br />

• Protect the setting, character and environmental quality of<br />

PO1 CHO1<br />

areas of high natural beauty and safeguard their<br />

WO5 BO1<br />

environmental, archaeological and ecological amenities.<br />

BO2 LO2<br />

• Provide a visual and environmental buffer, where appropriate,<br />

PO1 CHO1<br />

to preserve the natural amenity of the area such as alongside<br />

WO5 BO1<br />

waterways, rivers and floodplains.<br />

BO2 LO2<br />

WO7<br />

PO1 WO4<br />

MAO2 MAO3<br />

MAO4<br />

PO1 MAO3<br />

MAO2<br />

PO1 WO4<br />

MAO2 MAO3<br />

MAO4<br />

PO1<br />

MAO2<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 LO2 PO1 LO2 PO1 LO2<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 WO6<br />

WO1 WO1.1<br />

BO1 BO3<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 CHO1<br />

WO5 BO1<br />

BO2 LO2<br />

PO1<br />

WO5<br />

BO2<br />

WO7<br />

CHO1<br />

BO1<br />

LO2<br />

MAO3<br />

PO1 WO6<br />

WO1 WO1.1<br />

BO1 BO3<br />

PO1 CHO1<br />

WO5 BO1 BO2<br />

LO2<br />

PO1 CHO1<br />

WO5 BO1 BO2<br />

LO2 BO2 WO7<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-0 Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

Strategic Policies & Objectives for Land use zoning<br />

Objectives<br />

• Ensure this area is not used to satisfy the open space<br />

provision of adjoining housing developments.<br />

• Prohibit development, which would detract from the visual<br />

amenity of the area or result in a loss of recreational open<br />

space.<br />

LA Leisure & Amenity<br />

• Provide for new leisure and amenity facilities such as<br />

bowling, swimming pool and hotel/gym/leisure facilities as<br />

well as cinema and theatre facilities.<br />

LT Leisure Tourism<br />

• Consider developments for leisure and recreational based<br />

activities including water based activities as well as<br />

appropriately scaled coffee shops, hotel, restaurant(s) and<br />

public house(s), etc.<br />

TA Transitional Agricultural Uses<br />

• Preserve the character of rural or edge areas and provide for<br />

agricultural development as well as other uses not directly<br />

associated with agriculture, such as housing for family<br />

members, or those with a housing need, tourist related<br />

projects such as caravan parks or campsites, and amenity<br />

such as playing fields and parks, in order to avoid a sharp<br />

transition between the urban edge and primarily agricultural<br />

areas.<br />

• Prohibit development that would create premature demand<br />

for infrastructural services.<br />

• Prohibit new residential development to essential housing<br />

need.<br />

Environmental objectives<br />

Uncertain<br />

Significance of impact<br />

impact Positive Neg. Short Long Temp Perm.<br />

PO1 CHO1<br />

PO1 CHO1<br />

PO1 CHO1<br />

WO5 BO1<br />

WO5 BO1<br />

WO5 BO1 BO2<br />

BO2 LO2<br />

BO2 LO2<br />

LO2<br />

PO1 LO2 PO1 LO2 PO1 LO2<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

PO1 Wo1<br />

WO5 BO1<br />

BO2 CHO4<br />

LO2<br />

PO1<br />

WO5<br />

BO2<br />

LO2<br />

Wo1<br />

BO1<br />

CHO4<br />

PO1 Wo1 WO5<br />

BO1 BO2<br />

CHO4 LO2<br />

PO1 WO5 PO1 WO5 PO1 WO5<br />

PO1 PO1 PO1<br />

Q:\2006\540\01\Reports\RCC-<strong>SEA</strong>_Rpt003-0 Appendices December 2007 (GOS/DE/LY)

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