boyle local area plan 2012 - 2018 - Roscommon County Council

boyle local area plan 2012 - 2018 - Roscommon County Council

boyle local area plan 2012 - 2018 - Roscommon County Council


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PART II: DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY FOR <strong>2012</strong> – <strong>2018</strong> & BEYOND Chapter 8: Urban Development & Design<br />

agreed with the Local Authority prior to the<br />

commencement of development:<br />

- Establish a management company, with a board,<br />

including representatives of the residents, to<br />

oversee estate management.<br />

- Develop policies in relation to the overall<br />

appearance of the development as well as to<br />

maintenance of common <strong>area</strong>s.<br />

- The provision of a bond to ensure the ongoing<br />

maintenance of public facilities until taken in<br />

charge by the <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong><br />

8.3.4 Derelict Sites<br />

The council will continue to take appropriate action in<br />

accordance with the provisions of the Derelict Sites Act<br />

1990, and amendments, to ensure the elimination of<br />

dereliction as it occurs. At the community meeting<br />

several sites within the LAP <strong>area</strong> were identified as<br />

derelict. As mentioned previously, in accordance with<br />

RCC Development Contribution Scheme 2008, all<br />

developments on sites which are on The Derelict Sites<br />

Register will receive a 50% reduction on the full<br />

development contribution.<br />

8.3.5 Infill developments<br />

Infill development must have due regard to the<br />

predominant existing uses, building lines and heights,<br />

design features, as well as the existence of particular<br />

features such as built heritage, trees and open spaces.<br />

Proposals for infill development must demonstrate how<br />

they will integrate satisfactorily with the adjoining<br />

developments, without loss of amenity. In the town<br />

centre <strong>area</strong>, greater flexibility over the normal<br />

development standards may be given, provided good<br />

<strong>plan</strong>ning and design are achieved. In town centre<br />

locations, where minimum parking standards may not<br />

be achievable or desirable, a contribution in lieu may be<br />

accepted. Similarly, good quality infill proposals in the<br />

town centre may be afforded a relaxation in the<br />

minimum open space standards.<br />

8.3.6 Backland Developments<br />

Backland sites can be defined as sites without adequate<br />

frontage onto a public road. Similar to infill<br />

developments, proposals for backland development<br />

require to be undertaken in an orderly manner that does<br />

not prejudice existing <strong>local</strong> amenity. Piecemeal<br />

backland development can result in uncoordinated and<br />

inappropriate development that can adversely affect the<br />

amenity of adjoining properties. Additionally, access<br />

into backland <strong>area</strong>s should be co-ordinated with<br />

adjoining lands.<br />

The Planning Authority will therefore give<br />

consideration to well-designed and well-located<br />

backland development that is in the interests of proper<br />

<strong>plan</strong>ning and sustainable use of land, provided there is<br />

no detrimental impact on <strong>local</strong> amenity or urban form.<br />

8.3.7 Access for All<br />

In the interests of providing access for everyone, the<br />

specific access requirements for the elderly, children<br />

and people with disabilities must be incorporated into<br />

the design of shops, commercial buildings and all other<br />

buildings, public spaces, facilities and services likely to<br />

be used by the general public.<br />

8.3.8 Lighting, Signage and Advertising<br />

Advertisement signs have the potential to add particular<br />

interest to an <strong>area</strong>. The excessive use of signs,<br />

particularly illuminated signs, however can detract from<br />

the very location they are advertising. The use of<br />

signage must therefore be closely monitored. The use of<br />

external advertising signs will generally be restricted to<br />

one per business.<br />

Objective for Lighting, Signage & Advertising<br />

Objective 119<br />

Control the proliferation of non-road traffic signage on<br />

and adjacent to national roads.<br />

8.3.9 Car Parking<br />

All developments shall be required to provide adequate<br />

provision within the site for servicing of the proposal<br />

and for the parking and maneuvering of vehicles<br />

associated with it. Parking accommodation will be<br />

expected to locate within, or in close proximity to, the<br />

site of the proposed development, and will normally be<br />

established behind the building lines in each<br />

development. The minimum parking requirement shall<br />

be calculated in accordance with the standards as laid<br />

out in Table 11 below.<br />

The layout and design of roads in housing<br />

developments shall have regard to the "Traffic<br />

Management Guidelines" issued jointly by the<br />

Department of Environment, Heritage and Local<br />

Government, the Department of Transport and the<br />

Dublin Transportation Office (2003) and any updates:<br />

• Requirements for numbers of car parking spaces<br />

are set out in Table 11 below.<br />

• In dealing with <strong>plan</strong>ning applications for change of<br />

use or for replacement buildings, allowance will be<br />

made for the former site use in calculating the car<br />

Boyle Local Area Plan <strong>2012</strong> – <strong>2018</strong> Page 120

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