Edition from Friday 6th July 1951 - The Roneberg's of Cairns Home ...

Edition from Friday 6th July 1951 - The Roneberg's of Cairns Home ... Edition from Friday 6th July 1951 - The Roneberg's of Cairns Home ...

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1 Auiliori-vd "TEX I ... a ' . . the ' , TOMORROW, I ) Ho PURPOSE ' ] | | j . 4/8 i ' ' 1 ^ ^ ^ ^ ? A LAUGH A MINUTE! IN THEIR LATEST COMEDY RIOT TONIGHT 7.50 until Monday Reserves: Phone 200 TOWN OF PORT PIR1I ANNUAL The following nominations have been received for the office ol I Councillor for Solomontown Ward: James Owen Geddes Gerald Leo O'Brien A POLL of the Ratepayers in SolomonttAvn Ward will be taken TOMORROW July 7, for the election ol' one Councillor for such from Ward K u.ni. : Tucs clay, July 24, 2.30 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. SPALDING (Hotel.i: Wednes day, July 25, 9.30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Appointments: Hotel. Phone. 5 GULNARE (Hotel): Wednesday, July 25, 2.30 p.m. to 5 p.m. YACKA (Hotel): Thursday, July 2G, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. SNOWTOWN (Iusti tutc Thursday, July 26, 2.30 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. BRINKWORTH (Hotel): Fri day. July 27, 9.30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Appointments: Mrs. F. E. McKenzie, Hotel. Phone ;» BLYTH (Hotel): Friday. July 27. 2.30 pan. to 5.30 p.m. LAUBMAN & PANTED; 0'i Gawler place, Adelaide wish to announce that their CERTIFIED OPTICIAN Mr. H. Durant, will visit: W1IYALLA (Hotel Spencer): Thursday, .July 12. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Friday, July 13, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Appointments at Hotel Spencer Phone 44 | J | [ FROM £6 19 6 AND DESIGNED TO SUIT ALL FIGURES CALL TODAY AT * ! miss purs ! I AUSTRAL THHATRE BUILDINGS | Lavina Wrist Watches have stood " the test of time ARE extensively advertised throughout Australia AND are available in Gent's 9-ct. Gold, Rolled Gold, Chrome and Stainless Steel. Lavina Watches are fitted with 17 Jewels. I Spare Parts are always in Stock BOCKELBERG'S JEWELLERS

- - and . . ; Budge j i Mesdames I the I Helen j | 1 ; Helen j Owens, | Wendy ? dancing I the ' i ! 31 ! meeting j i existence-Port | Thirty-one | that ] , j Bernhardt, ! mitteemen. i ' ? - | Candidates' | possible ' | there i j months ; roadf. j been j I Following ! road i and 1 j i seeking j with I present j including | : ent : | : . matter j j j ! 6f ! porting i work, | competing | I for I lain 1 [ While | possible | . ( good i sport ' i Fyne, and L. Oborn and Miss L. (judges) awarded prizes to following:-Terry Roneberg, Page, John Adams, Vivij . . . j 1 _ section, i prize: j points speeches, to ils I would i j * in - ~ . >. Australia Another success by Holden Engineers I Anothtr vehicle . madt-U-ordsr for thoroughly proved in thousands of miles of tough, mght-and^dw road tests ONLY ONE MUNICIPAL CONTEST IN PIRIE TOMORROW J. A. ROBERTS Friday, Jiily 6, 1981-PAOB THREE (Jiff/ Cr. O'Brien Opposed By Mr. J. O, Geddes In Solomontown Ward AND UTILITY Designed, built, and guaranteed by General Motors-Holden's Ltd. ib the logical Tfie Holden Utility from the proved and popular development Holden Sedan. All the features which have won nation-wide acclaim for the Holden car are to be found in the Holden economy, Utility... astounding petrol speed and Aerobfit quick acceleration, sturdy construction, comfort and smooth de riding, In ad pendability and trouble-free running. features. dition are unique utility utility The most important all to of Good looks and passenger t ar Great power from the 21 h.p. engine 6 cyl. power-to-weight overhead combined with a There's an "Air Chief" Radio raiio valve high means faster acceleration, better hill climbing, higher speed and more miles to the gallon Easy opening tailboard. a Just twist of one hand and the tailboard is open . flat to make a firm loading or dropped fully to permit the utility to be backed right up to the load. Midway s « PRICE ON APPLICATION area which combined with generous payload amazing overall economy of the powerful 6 engine means less overhead and bigger cyl. Smart and businesslike, profits. conservatively rated at 7 cwt. capacity, own utility is designed business men who require a sturdy land go-anywhere Convenient hire purchase utility. terms, are available through G.M.A.C., General Motor's own finance company. specially designed for Holden. comfort plus 6 great features that make it Roomy cabin setting a new standard in comfor; utility with ample leg, elbow and head room for three. Ad luminated instrument panel and new - type ing pleasure. to Holden seat make driving Wide rear vision. The large, window one-piece curved back permits the driver to see over his load for safer manoeuvring, parking. backing and HOLDEN-Australia's Own Utility a every inch a utility. Generous payload area to take a with, space really profitable load. Check and compare these dimensions. Length on floor 75}'", max. width at front 56f", between wheelarches at 43*, depth front 20". Quick access to bodywork is provided by removable inner held in panels position by screws. Repairs can ba made to bodywork without expensive dismantling charges. 6 MAIN ROAD, S0L0M0NT0WN GOODYEAR TYRES HAVE CHANGE PHONE 726 1951 In the development of motor transportation, tyres played an important part year Tyres. Out of in h&vs none more than Good .Goodyear's unparalleled experience building tyres have come many historic improvements resulting in greater tyre' safety, longer mileage and comfort. Goodyear Tyres today are dramatic evidence of Goodyear's ability to give you the finest tyres it is possible to build. 1915 Again In 1951, as In every year for the last 36 years, more people, the world over, ride on Goodyear Tyres than on any other make. Gladstone Raises £24 Frolic Held in Parish Hall, Gladstone, a frolic in aid of St. Peter's Church fete was attended by a large number of people, net pro ceeds being £24 6/: Dr. F. V. J. Walsh (secretary of Port Augusta Catholic Diocese) and F. -B. Fr. Morriscy were among those pre sent. H. T. Harslett, M. enne Fahey, Geoff Roneberg, Peter Hillard, John Roneberg, Pam Bath, Dot Peters, Helen Cox, Francis Owens, Pam Thomas, Margaret Roberts, Philip Cox, Harradinc, Eileen Wat.ters, Sandra Cowie, Peter Humphris. Mad hatters prizes went to Barbara Thredgold, Kath Hobbs, Mrs. G. and Mr. R. Fraser, Thredgold. Items were given by Mary Mary Harradine, and Smallacombe. Music was [ provided by Mr. I. Short for and Miss M. Tybell for frolic. Conveners were Mes dames J. Owens, K. Maddigan, and P. Kerrins. NEW KENNEL CLUB FORMED Foundation Members j AH a result of an enthusiastic of dog fanciers in Pirie a I new organisation has come into Pirie and Nor thern Districts Kennel Club. members have signed up for the and is start, it expected more will be enrolled as soon as activities begin. Basic idea behind the club is j to educate lovers of dogs in the care, breeding, and exhibiting of their The club will pets. meet once a month, and arrangements will be made to have talks and demon strations by experts. Mi-. C. J. Landers, of Gladstone, will be the club's veterinary. He was present at the inaugural meeting and im parted some valuable advice. The social side,of the organisa fostered. Scuth tion will be Aus Only contest for a seat in Pirie Town Council tomorrow, when municipal and district council elections will be held through out the State, will be in Solomontown Ward, where Cr. G. L. O'Brien (sitting A.L.P. member) will be opposed by Mr, J. O. Geddes (L.C.L.). at -the i Polling booths will be town hall, Solonioniown :Church Circk-, and I'irie South Baptist Hall. Voters be required 'o will indicate the candidate of their choice placing a only by cross in {lie square opposite his name. Votes may be recorded be tween 8 a.m. and 0 p.m., and the poll will be declared by Mr. J. 11. S. Lcahey (returning officer.) in the meeting room at the towii hall at 6.30 p.m. In 1949, when there were polls in three wards, Cr. O'Brien, who was opposed by Mr. 1). U. Middleton, won the seat by lour "votes, figures being 185 to 181. A total of 3/7 votes (including 11 informal) were cast. Views Cr. O'Brien Says: Most ratepayers realise that council is the L>e:t the doing tion. The council is preparing a ..cheme of reconstruction within i lie limit of its borrowing powers fo'r submission to ratepayers, their approval. If the comcs to fruition 1 shall press lor engagement 01 more men or' contractors to ! go ahead the work. particularly urgent job:. .Most Governments, Federal and State, seem to have the idea discouraging councils from (.spending much money and sup only very necessary while private enterprise for men and material. It appears to be most difficult local governing bodies to ob sufficient financial assistance 111 the circumstances. in the present financial "position of the council it is- im to build bitumen roads and concrete footpaths, it possible to assist in building citizens by encouraging and providing requisite facilities. that regard I ha\e In 1 done my best for all branches. Two years ago. advocated seeking a resident doctor for Solomontown. As a result of my activities consulting rooms were made available,' but a doc tor was unavailable owing to X-ressure of duties the in main I'irie area. Mr. Geddes Says: With rising rust ui labor, materials, and .n:r vices it seems TYRES TYRES TYRES ALL MAKES AND SIZES MOODY'S HAVE THE LARGEST AND MOST VARIED STOCKS IN PIRIE If You Have a Tyre or Tube Problem no TUBES TUBES TUBES Gearbox that makes is :s J obvious that our council cannot function on the existing system O! and would rating, urge a thorough investigation the on question of improvement of the corporation's nuances through rating, . Roadwork is a consta"! prob lem to successive co in fine. I believe iliat (he solution may lie in having the work done by contract labor. Another factor which would receivc my consideration if elected would be the tackling of storm water drainage, which also has been a worrying subject. -While there arc appreciable in a difficulties the way of Joan for road and footpath work, I think that avenue should be pur sued to the fullest extent to as certain if satisfactory loan could be raised at a low rate of interest. I This is my first attempt at was born the civic honors.. in town and, except for a few years in Adelaide iu difficult circumstances. during my education and In Solouioutown Ward alone six years with the armed forces during World War II, is sufficient work for the road gang for two or have been a resident here since. tinee years. Of £2,100 spent iu My grandfather, the late Mr.' Charles Geddes, came to Pirie in l'ie ward during the past 12 £850 was put into u-.w the lS70s and played his part in road has the life rising-- of the on I'irie, Work held up Main .pending laying of mayoralty. In his turn my occupied the.-mayoral new water mains. father also chair. ?' my efforts utteiui i> to be given to Three Chain While my candidature is spon with the aid sored of a Highways by Liberal and Country Local Government Depart League, we do not hold that went giant, which became avail party politics should become part of able on-July 1. our civic governing' body. Realising the effect of the I can assure the ratepayers that, if elected. T shall be n aupower shortage, have ad a vocated mechanisation' of plant, strong advocate of a -progressive purchase of a front-end policy iu council affairs. loader with grader blade, a pat weed refuse destn.sec

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^ ^ ^ ^ ?<br />

A<br />

LAUGH<br />

A MINUTE!<br />


COMEDY<br />

RIOT<br />


7.50<br />

until Monday<br />

Reserves:<br />

Phone 200<br />


ANNUAL<br />

<strong>The</strong> following nominations have<br />

been received for the <strong>of</strong>fice ol<br />

I<br />

Councillor for Solomontown<br />

Ward:<br />

James Owen Geddes<br />

Gerald Leo O'Brien<br />

A<br />

POLL<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Ratepayers in SolomonttAvn<br />

Ward will be taken<br />


<strong>July</strong> 7, for the election ol' one<br />

Councillor for such <strong>from</strong><br />

Ward<br />

K u.ni. : Tucs<br />

clay, <strong>July</strong> 24, 2.30 p.m. to 5.30 p.m.<br />

SPALDING (Hotel.i: Wednes<br />

day, <strong>July</strong> 25, 9.30 a.m. to 1<br />

p.m.<br />

Appointments: Hotel. Phone. 5<br />

GULNARE (Hotel): Wednesday,<br />

<strong>July</strong> 25, 2.30 p.m. to 5 p.m.<br />

YACKA (Hotel): Thursday,<br />

<strong>July</strong> 2G, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.<br />

SNOWTOWN (Iusti tutc<br />

Thursday, <strong>July</strong> 26, 2.30 p.m. to<br />

5.30 p.m.<br />

BRINKWORTH (Hotel): Fri<br />

day. <strong>July</strong> 27, 9.30 a.m. to 1 p.m.<br />

Appointments:<br />

Mrs. F. E. McKenzie, Hotel.<br />

Phone ;»<br />

BLYTH (Hotel): <strong>Friday</strong>. <strong>July</strong><br />

27. 2.30 pan. to 5.30 p.m.<br />


0'i Gawler place, Adelaide<br />

wish to announce that their<br />



Mr. H. Durant, will visit:<br />

W1IYALLA (Hotel Spencer):<br />

Thursday, .<strong>July</strong> 12. 10 a.m. to 3<br />

p.m.<br />

<strong>Friday</strong>, <strong>July</strong> 13, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.<br />

Appointments at Hotel Spencer<br />

Phone 44<br />

|<br />

J<br />

|<br />

[<br />

FROM £6 19 6<br />


ALL<br />



*<br />

! miss purs !<br />


Lavina Wrist Watches have stood<br />

"<br />

the test <strong>of</strong> time<br />

ARE<br />

extensively advertised throughout<br />

Australia<br />

AND<br />

are available in Gent's 9-ct. Gold,<br />

Rolled Gold, Chrome and Stainless<br />

Steel.<br />

Lavina Watches are fitted with 17<br />

Jewels.<br />

I<br />

Spare Parts are<br />

always<br />

in Stock<br />



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