Touched by Indigo - Royal Ontario Museum

Touched by Indigo - Royal Ontario Museum

Touched by Indigo - Royal Ontario Museum


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and taken up other jobs to make a living. The woodblocks that have<br />

fallen into disuse frequently ended up being used as stringers for the<br />

steps of a staircase, or as make-shift covers<br />

for large pottery jars, or bases for supporting<br />

such storage containers. The future of<br />

clamp-resist dyeing is grim indeed unless an<br />

official program to sustain this technique is<br />

put into place soon.<br />

IN THE RURAL AREA surrounding<br />

the cities of Wenzhou and Taizhou, located<br />

along the southern coast of Zhejiang province,<br />

it was customary for the family of a<br />

prospective bride to prepare as part of her<br />

trousseau one or more quilts with the covers<br />

embellished with auspicious designs."<br />

Those that had images of dragons and phoenixes<br />

were called "dragon-and-phoenix"<br />

quilts (longfeng bei). Others decorated with<br />

many boys were called "hundred children"<br />

quilts (baizi bei). Still others that showed<br />

children dressed in traditional scholar's attire<br />

were called "champions" quilts (zhuangyuan<br />

bei). These designs expressed blessings for a<br />

harmonious married life, abundant offspring,<br />

and success in the children's future careers.<br />

According to superstition, failure to provide<br />

such quilts would cause discord in the daily life of<br />

the new couple, or their inability to produce sons, or worse still, one<br />

of them dying prematurely. If such misfortune did eventually happen,<br />

the bride's family would be blamed.<br />

As a rule, cotton to be used for a quilt cover would be woven<br />

with double yarns to ensure durability. Only poor families that could<br />

not afford the expense would use a single yarn. Naturally quilt<br />

covers made of a single yarn would be lighter, less warm, and less<br />

durable. Irrespective of quality, however,<br />

when the newlyweds covered themselves<br />

with new quilts at night, they would find<br />

themselves tinted with indigo dust when<br />

they rose in the morning. This inevitable<br />

phenomenon was deemed to be good for<br />

safeguarding health, as indigo was also<br />

reputed for its medicinal qualities.<br />

When sewn together, these two<br />

unconstructed panels with a design dyed<br />

in mirror image form the top of a quilt<br />

cover. The decorative elements, composed<br />

of dots, curves, and straight lines,<br />

are neatly grouped into three registers.<br />

The principal composite motif in the middle<br />

register consists of two pairs of phoenixes<br />

surrounding a lotus with a seed pod<br />

in the centre and two peonies beside it. It<br />

calls to mind two traditional motifs euphemistically<br />

termed feng chuan lian (phoenix<br />

penetrating a lotus) and feng chuan mudan<br />


Cotton, 1997, Badai village, Yishan county, Zhejiang province, Gift of Dr. Ka Bo<br />

Tsang in memory of Mrs. Tsang Ng Sheung, 2004.68.23.J-2, (each) L 190 cm x W.<br />

73.7cm<br />


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