issue 1 - Roland Berger

issue 1 - Roland Berger

issue 1 - Roland Berger


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Interview DOSSIER #01<br />

»The stability pact will not be<br />

undermined. It is not to be viewed<br />

as merely a list of invalidating<br />

circumstances. It is and remains<br />

the EU directive.«<br />

merous attractive markets in these new EU states,<br />

such as communications and mobility.<br />

In other words, you’re saying that highly skilled<br />

workers and consumers with purchasing power have<br />

been added.<br />

That’s right, and even the biggest skeptics have by<br />

now noticed this. For example, Polish farmers, who<br />

for a long time had been against the idea of EU membership,<br />

have benefited most from this move. This<br />

has become evident within a mere six months. Naturally,<br />

there are tremendous differences among the<br />

potential growth dynamics of the individual countries.<br />

But wasn’t that also the case in the early<br />

stages of the European Community and European<br />

Union? Just think of Ireland.<br />

High on the agenda at the Lisbon summit in the<br />

spring of 2000 was economic, social and environmental<br />

reform of the EU by 2010. The main goals<br />

were economic growth, full employment and sustainable<br />

development. Four years later, in April 2004,<br />

Romano Prodi, the predecessor of the European<br />

Commission’s current president, José Barroso, criticized<br />

the EU member states for failing to take on the<br />

responsibility required to achieve these goals. An indication<br />

of this failure is that hundreds of thousands<br />

of people in the eurozone lost their jobs in 2003.<br />

Still, there is no reason to throw out the directionsetting<br />

ideas of Lisbon simply on account of inaction,<br />

for which member states have rightly been reprimanded.<br />

The Lisbon agenda clearly indicates<br />

which factors have a key impact on national structures.<br />

These are the factors we must increasingly<br />

focus on following enlargement. In the first instance,<br />

we must increase our investments in education and<br />

knowledge acquisition. It will be crucial also to expand<br />

networks, raise the competitiveness of industry<br />

and the service sector, and reform health care<br />

systems in accordance with the demographic structures<br />

of member states. After all, what is the EU? It is<br />

the realization of the idea of partnership between<br />

governments, employers, workers, trade unions and<br />

other associations. They are all involved in transnational<br />

governance, and their challenge is to structure<br />

it in a way that benefits all members.<br />

Are the 10 new EU member states facing tasks similar<br />

to those of the 15 countries of the old European<br />

Union?<br />

They certainly are. The structural challenges the<br />

new members have to come to grips with are those<br />

the old member states themselves had to master<br />

when they were the newcomers. The member states<br />

have to implement a macroeconomic policy oriented<br />

toward growth and stability while pressing ahead<br />

with economic reforms aimed at boosting growth<br />

across Europe. In addition, they have to improve sustainability.<br />

In the economic sphere this means making<br />

adjustments in line with the aging of their<br />

populations; for social policy it means creating and<br />

preserving jobs; and in terms of ecology, from a<br />

European perspective, it primarily means investing<br />

in the transportation and energy sectors.<br />

And what are the major differences between these<br />

two groups of member states?<br />

For one thing, the unemployment rates and budget<br />

deficits of the new members are about twice as high<br />

as those of the EU-15. Also, the per capita income of<br />

the people living in those countries is less than onehalf<br />

the income of their counterparts in the old member<br />

states. However, even as we look at these<br />

figures, I should warn against thinking only in terms<br />

of the arithmetic average. If we compare the new<br />

member states with one another directly, we see<br />

considerable differences among their rates of inflation,<br />

unemployment figures, hourly wages, education<br />

levels, consumer behavior, health care systems<br />

and many other parameters.<br />

Can the new member states deal with all these<br />

challenges without outside help?<br />

The answer to that question differs depending on<br />

which country you’re looking at. We must be very<br />

careful not to underestimate the challenges. That’s<br />

why country-specific recommendations must take<br />

into account the respective country’s particular circumstances.<br />

For example, we may in some cases<br />

have to extend the adjustment period. If so, however,<br />

we must always be mindful of the fact that our<br />

ultimate goal is the sustainable stabilization of the<br />

European Union as a whole.<br />

The new member states are now subject—as indeed<br />

the old ones are—to strict monitoring of their economic<br />

and budgetary policies. This includes an<br />

assessment of their fiscal situation. We already<br />

know that Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Hungary,<br />

Malta, Poland and Slovakia have all failed to cap<br />

their fiscal deficits at 3 percent of GDP, and that<br />

Cyprus and Malta each has a national debt that<br />

exceeds 60 percent of GDP. What conclusions has the<br />

Commission drawn from this state of affairs?<br />

Well, it is not immediately going to start monitoring<br />

their fiscal policies more closely or imposing sanctions.<br />

These measures will be applicable only once<br />

these countries have been incorporated into the<br />

eurozone. This differentiates them from Greece and<br />

the other countries that have already introduced the<br />

euro as their currency. However, this approach does<br />

not mean that we are not carefully studying the<br />

medium-term budgetary plans of the new member<br />

states, or that we are turning our back entirely on<br />

making recommendations. After all, these member<br />

states are to be incorporated into the eurozone in the<br />

foreseeable future. We shall therefore be indicating<br />

to them at a later date how they might gradually set<br />

about eliminating their budget deficits and fulfilling<br />

the convergence criteria. The case of Greece has<br />

shown that we must proceed in a truly thorough and<br />

transparent manner if we wish to avoid the unhinging<br />

of the EU as a whole. Insecurity in no way constitutes<br />

a basis for healthy growth across the new<br />

European Union.<br />

Hans Eichel, Germany’s finance minister, estimates<br />

that his country’s deficit in 2004 will again exceed 3<br />

percent—its second violation of the stability pact in a<br />

row. The European Commission has communicated<br />

its understanding both for Germany and for France,<br />

which also has a deficit in excess of the limit. This<br />

attitude might be very welcome to certain finance<br />

ministers. Financial authorities such as Edgar<br />

Meister, a board member of the German Bundesbank,<br />

and Jean-Claude Trichet, president of the European<br />

Central Bank, on the other hand, take the<br />

contrary position and are indeed extremely worried<br />

about this. They view this policy of understanding as<br />

a danger to the euro.<br />

think: act 35

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