Yanda, a language of the Dogon group in Northern ... - Roger Blench

Yanda, a language of the Dogon group in Northern ... - Roger Blench

Yanda, a language of the Dogon group in Northern ... - Roger Blench


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R.M. <strong>Blench</strong> <strong>Yanda</strong> Wordlist Circulated for comment<br />

English Français <strong>Yanda</strong> Commentary<br />

seventy soixante-dix pɔlɔ see<br />

eighty quatre-v<strong>in</strong>gt siŋ<br />

n<strong>in</strong>ety quatre-v<strong>in</strong>gt-dix siŋ mi e pyεl<br />

one hundred cent siŋ mi pɔnɔ<br />

white blanc pile<br />

black noir gεmε<br />

red rouge ban<br />

green/blue vert wεr<br />

yellow jaune lɔl punɔ<br />

heavy lourd tuju<br />

light léger εn<br />

large grand gabru<br />

small petit dumbi<br />

many beaucoup/nombreux kalezon<br />

few peu kεmsay<br />

all tout puu<br />

thick épais aŋala<br />

th<strong>in</strong> m<strong>in</strong>ce mεnzi<br />

wide<br />

large<br />

narrow étroit pεmbεrε<br />

hard dur ɛ̃ɛ̃<br />

s<strong>of</strong>t doux/tendre ɛ̃zu<br />

sweet doux/sucré εl also ‘good’<br />

bitter amer gal<br />

sour aigre dal<br />

deep pr<strong>of</strong>ond tɔy<br />

shallow peu pr<strong>of</strong>ond kɔ̃ĩ tɔyila<br />

long long zhalaŋ<br />

short court dumbi<br />

good bon εl<br />

bad mauvais εla<br />

dirty sale n<strong>in</strong>de<br />

fat gros bimbu<br />

th<strong>in</strong> maigre mεzo<br />

near proche/près bεdiu<br />

far lo<strong>in</strong>/lo<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong> wagi<br />

beautiful beau ezi<br />

ugly laid ɔnɔni<br />

hot chaud ɔgi<br />

cold froid kezhi<br />

strong fort paŋa<br />

weak faible paŋazon<br />

ripe mûr ban also ‘red’<br />

unripe cru/vert kolo<br />

full ple<strong>in</strong> ba<br />

empty vide izεr<br />

Verbs<br />

Verbes<br />

accompany accompagner ɲ<strong>in</strong>dε<br />

add to ajouter bada<br />

agree être d'accord abyεm<br />

allow<br />

permettre<br />

announce annoncer baŋ<br />

answer répondre sal mεm<br />


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