Articling F.A.Q.'s [PDF Document] - Reynolds Mirth Richards ...

Articling F.A.Q.'s [PDF Document] - Reynolds Mirth Richards ... Articling F.A.Q.'s [PDF Document] - Reynolds Mirth Richards ...


Will I be expected to bring my own clients to RMRFllp? RMRFllp does not expect you, as a student or junior associate, to bring clients to our firm. You will, however be expected to learn about and participate in client development activities. What other expectations are placed on associates and partners? RMRFllp encourages lawyers to become active in the community and in their profession. You may choose to be active in various community, political, business or charitable associations or you may want to teach courses in the future. Is it all work and no play? Firm activities include a variety of social and sporting activities. Associates and students enjoy lunch on RMRFllp once a month. Students and lawyers are encouraged to attend informal get-togethers including barbeques, our annual golf tournament, and Friday “socials”.

Firm Administration: In our goal to provide service that exceeds our clients’ needs, RMRFllp has assembled a staff of approximately 60, including trained paralegals, legal assistants, our Chief Operating Officer, Human Resources Manager, Systems Manager and Business Development Manager. All members of our team work closely with our lawyers and students to provide support and services to our clients. Each lawyer and student has his or her own office. Our office is fully operational in a web-based environment and computers are fully networked, allowing access to our document management system, electronic mail, the accounting department and internet.

Firm Administration:<br />

In our goal to provide service that exceeds our clients’<br />

needs, RMRFllp has assembled a staff of approximately 60,<br />

including trained paralegals, legal assistants, our Chief<br />

Operating Officer, Human Resources Manager, Systems<br />

Manager and Business Development Manager. All members<br />

of our team work closely with our lawyers and students to<br />

provide support and services to our clients. Each lawyer<br />

and student has his or her own office. Our office is fully<br />

operational in a web-based environment and computers<br />

are fully networked, allowing access to our document<br />

management system, electronic mail, the accounting<br />

department and internet.

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