Articling F.A.Q.'s [PDF Document] - Reynolds Mirth Richards ...

Articling F.A.Q.'s [PDF Document] - Reynolds Mirth Richards ... Articling F.A.Q.'s [PDF Document] - Reynolds Mirth Richards ...

Our Answers to Your Questions

Your articling year is a busy and exciting time,<br />

full of new and challenging experiences. <strong>Articling</strong><br />

with <strong>Reynolds</strong> <strong>Mirth</strong> <strong>Richards</strong> & Farmer llp offers<br />

students the opportunity to work in a full service law<br />

firm with knowledgeable and experienced lawyers.<br />

RMRFllp has a reputation for excellence. Our<br />

articling program is no exception. At RMRFllp you<br />

will receive a well rounded articling experience,<br />

while allowing you the flexibility to explore the<br />

areas of law which interest you the most – whatever<br />

they may be.<br />

What is the articling structure<br />

of RMRFllp?<br />

Traditionally, our firm will take two to three students per year,<br />

including court students. We do not use a rotation system.<br />

At RMRFllp you will be assigned a principal who will ensure<br />

that you have the opportunity to gain experience in all areas<br />

of a general law practice. You will, in essence, article with<br />

our entire firm, working with all of the associates and<br />

partners, ensuring you receive a complete and varied article.

What is the working atmosphere like?<br />

RMRFllp is committed to providing quality legal service<br />

using all of our firm resources. Our partners believe in an<br />

open door policy and a cooperative approach is in place to<br />

provide ongoing support to lawyers and their clients. A<br />

student is treated as a professional from his or her first day<br />

with our firm. Students and junior lawyers will have the<br />

opportunity to be exposed to a variety of clients, areas of<br />

law, and to work with lawyers who are experts in their field.<br />

How many billable hours are students<br />

and lawyers expected to log per year?<br />

RMRFllp has no minimum billable hours expectation for<br />

articling students as our firm encourages the educational<br />

process during the articling year. Students are required<br />

to track their time so they can become familiar with the<br />

process and for billing purposes. In the first two years,<br />

associates receive an educational credit towards their<br />

billable hours target.<br />

What about ongoing education?<br />

All students and lawyers are encouraged to attend<br />

educational seminars at RMRFllp’s expense. Professional<br />

development seminars are offered within our firm<br />

for students and junior lawyers, as well as business<br />

development training. When appropriate, lawyers and<br />

students may also attend relevant seminars or conferences<br />

held outside of Edmonton.

What are my chances of staying on with<br />

RMRFllp after completing my articles?<br />

Very good. While we view the articling process as a serious<br />

commitment to you, it is also an opportunity for us to<br />

select future associates and partners for our firm.<br />

How does one become a partner<br />

at RMRFllp?<br />

Associates who have been with our firm for five or six<br />

years after being admitted to the bar are considered for<br />

partnership. RMRFllp does not have a two-tier system<br />

whereby lawyers stay with our firm indefinitely as<br />

associates (although in appropriate circumstances that<br />

could happen). If, for whatever reason, you are not<br />

suitable for partnership in RMRFllp, our firm will let<br />

you know as soon as reasonably possible so you can<br />

plan your future accordingly.<br />

What is the starting salary for articling<br />

students and associates?<br />

RMRFllp offers salaries and benefits that are very<br />

competitive, comparable to or slightly above most others<br />

in the Edmonton market. Our benefits package includes<br />

medical, dental, life insurance and long term disability.<br />

Our firm’s parental leave policy is dependent on length of<br />

employment and whether one is a partner or associate.

What is the vacation package for<br />

students, associates and partners?<br />

As an articling student you can expect two weeks vacation<br />

after being admitted to the bar. As a new associate, you<br />

will be entitled to four weeks vacation. Upon entering the<br />

partnership, you will have six weeks annual vacation. In<br />

addition, RMRFllp has a sabbatical policy of three months<br />

leave for partners and has granted education leave and<br />

other leaves of absence to associates and partners upon<br />

request. Our policy on leaves is to remain as flexible as<br />

possible in order to respond to your individual needs.<br />

Does RMRFllp pay student and lawyer<br />

fees for the Law Society of Alberta, the<br />

Canadian Bar Association and Bar<br />

Admission fees?<br />

Yes, RMRFllp pays Law Society fees, Bar Admission and<br />

your Canadian Bar Association fees.<br />

Will I have contact with clients?<br />

Absolutely. The ability to relate to clients is an important<br />

skill. You will have opportunities to both meet clients with<br />

other lawyers from our firm and on your own.

Will I be expected to bring my own<br />

clients to RMRFllp?<br />

RMRFllp does not expect you, as a student or junior<br />

associate, to bring clients to our firm. You will, however<br />

be expected to learn about and participate in client<br />

development activities.<br />

What other expectations are placed on<br />

associates and partners?<br />

RMRFllp encourages lawyers to become active in the<br />

community and in their profession. You may choose to<br />

be active in various community, political, business or<br />

charitable associations or you may want to teach courses<br />

in the future.<br />

Is it all work and no play?<br />

Firm activities include a variety of social and sporting<br />

activities. Associates and students enjoy lunch on RMRFllp<br />

once a month. Students and lawyers are encouraged to<br />

attend informal get-togethers including barbeques, our<br />

annual golf tournament, and Friday “socials”.

Firm Administration:<br />

In our goal to provide service that exceeds our clients’<br />

needs, RMRFllp has assembled a staff of approximately 60,<br />

including trained paralegals, legal assistants, our Chief<br />

Operating Officer, Human Resources Manager, Systems<br />

Manager and Business Development Manager. All members<br />

of our team work closely with our lawyers and students to<br />

provide support and services to our clients. Each lawyer<br />

and student has his or her own office. Our office is fully<br />

operational in a web-based environment and computers<br />

are fully networked, allowing access to our document<br />

management system, electronic mail, the accounting<br />

department and internet.

3200 Manulife Place, 10180 - 101 St. Edmonton AB T5J 3W8<br />

Phone: 780.425.9510 Toll Free: 1.800.661.7673 Fax: 780.429.3044<br /><br />

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