university–enterprise cooperation

university–enterprise cooperation

university–enterprise cooperation


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4.1 Regional and national background<br />

The renewed Lisbon agenda aims to turn<br />

Europe into a modern, dynamic, outwardlooking<br />

knowledge economy. It acknowledges<br />

that this is the most effective means of<br />

delivering the economic growth and jobs<br />

required across Europe. Investment in<br />

education, research and innovation – the<br />

knowledge triangle - lies in the heart of<br />

successful economies and is relevant to all<br />

regions in the EU. It is widely accepted that<br />

there is a positive relationship between<br />

R&D investment, innovation and economic<br />

growth. Countries that invest in education,<br />

research and innovation have higher rates<br />

of economic growth and higher levels of<br />

productivity in the long-run, particularly<br />

where this is embedded in a well-functioning<br />

innovation system. This can be the case for<br />

both the prosperous and less-prosperous<br />

regions of the EU, as well as surrounding<br />

regions. Not all regions have the same<br />

level of capacity to undertake research<br />

and innovation, impeding their long-term<br />

growth prospects and contributing to<br />

disparities in prosperity across the EU.<br />

It should be mentioned that the aims of<br />

Lisbon strategy are also relevant for the<br />

Western Balkan Countries (WBC) which<br />

are expected to incorporate it into their<br />

reform agendas. In the knowledge triangle<br />

of education, research and innovation,<br />

universities play a special role in promoting<br />

European standards in education and<br />

training. WBC have been already included<br />

in the main European processes within<br />

areas of education and vocational training,<br />

research and usage of ICT technologies, at<br />

national as well as regional level. These<br />

countries conduct reforms in accordance<br />

with Bologna and Copenhagen processes,<br />

they have signed regional <strong>cooperation</strong><br />

documents, they participate partially or<br />

fully in community programmes or special<br />

programmes of EU in the area of education,<br />

research and technologies (TEMPUS, FP6,<br />

FP7, Youth, Erasmus Mundus, LLL etc.), as<br />

well as in the other forms of the regional<br />

<strong>cooperation</strong>, such as university and/<br />

or research networks of SEE: CEEUN, CEI<br />

UniNET, SEE-ERA.NET, ERI SEE etc.<br />

4.1.1 Education side<br />

Many WBC universities have not succeeded<br />

in making the transition from educational<br />

to research institutions and remain pure<br />

“colleges” of teaching. With the Bologna<br />

Process, this transition is required in order to<br />

harmonize with the European education area.<br />

Extensive <strong>cooperation</strong> between academic<br />

institutions from the Western Balkans and<br />

the EU Member States in the field of higher<br />

education is taking place under the Tempus<br />

programme. TEMPUS funds are of respective<br />

size to support the modernization and<br />

restructuring of universities in WBCs.<br />

According to the estimate of EU experts,<br />

links between university and industry must<br />

be strengthened in order to bridge the gap<br />

between business needs and university<br />

services in the area of education and research,<br />

to enable permanent transfer of knowledge,<br />

to increase financing of innovation.<br />

Therefore, it is essential to seek and unlock<br />

“technological brokers” – entities which<br />

deal with vocational education, research,<br />

transfer of knowledge and technologies, and<br />

boosting international <strong>cooperation</strong>.<br />

Upon an initiative by the Task Force<br />

Education and Youth of the Stability<br />

Pact the ministers of education and higher<br />

education from the SEE region and Moldova<br />

signed a Memorandum of Understanding<br />

in 2004, in compliance with the goals of<br />

the Lisbon strategy and the “Education and<br />

Training 2010” programme. The Education<br />

Reform Initiative of South Eastern Europe<br />

(ERI SEE) is the main instrument for the<br />

implementation of activities within the<br />

Memorandum, established as a regional<br />

platform for co-operation in the fields of<br />

education and training, is intended to<br />

serve as an interface between the national<br />

reforms in SEE and current trends in EU.<br />

Through fostering regional co-operation and<br />

facilitating capacity building and know-how<br />

transfer, ERI SEE promotes common European<br />

35<br />

Current state in the WBC region 4

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