Turbine Wake Model for Wind Resource Software

Turbine Wake Model for Wind Resource Software

Turbine Wake Model for Wind Resource Software


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EWEC 2006 <strong>Wind</strong> Energy Conference and Exhibition<br />

<strong>Turbine</strong> <strong>Wake</strong> <strong>Model</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Wind</strong> <strong>Resource</strong> <strong>Software</strong><br />

Ole Rathmann, Rebecca Barthelmie, and Sten Frandsen,<br />

Risoe National Laboratory, Denmark<br />


<strong>Wind</strong> resource software like WAsP [1, 2] needs models to estimate the power loss in wind farms<br />

due to the wind speed reduction in wakes from up-wind wind turbines in the wind farm.<br />

Rather simple - and there<strong>for</strong>e computationally fast - models have hitherto often been used, e.g. in<br />

WAsP where the Park model [3, 4] is implemented. The simplicity of the Park model is obtained<br />

by neglecting certain details in near-flow-field around a turbine rotor and by assuming the wakes<br />

to expand linearly with distance. Also, it assumes a very simplistic rule <strong>for</strong> the effect of wakesoverlap,<br />

i.e. when wakes originating from different upwind turbine overlap at the position of the<br />

rotor of a downwind turbine.<br />

A number of attempts have been made to establish more accurate wake models from firstprinciple<br />

considerations. However, so far advanced and detailed wake models, even when<br />

including an explicit representation of turbulence and its impact on the wake expansion, have not<br />

been able produce convincingly better predictions [5].<br />

The present model, being based on the work by Frandsen et al. [6], aims at a wake description<br />

basically complying with first-principles and at the same time being simple by utilizing global<br />

conservation equations <strong>for</strong> volume and momentum. In contrast to the model by Frandsen et al.[6],<br />

where a regular grid-layout is assumed, the present model does not require any regularity of the<br />

wind farm layout. This last point is necessary if the model is meant to be used in connection with<br />

general wind resource software like WAsP.<br />

2 THEORY<br />

The two distinct regions of wakes behind wind turbines must be considered separately: the nearfield<br />

flow in the vicinity of a turbine rotor; and the region “far” downwind of the turbines, where<br />

the reduced wind speed in the wake(s) is wanted as the input flow <strong>for</strong> a downwind turbine.<br />

2.1 Near-field<br />

The near field may be described in terms of the following few properties, and as illustrated in<br />

fig.1.<br />

• The turbine thrust T, expressed in terms of thrust coefficient C T ;<br />

• The influence factor a, relating the wind speed U w0 immediately after the rotor to the free<br />

wind U 0 ;<br />

• The expanded flow area just immediately after the rotor, A w0 , related to the rotor area A R<br />

through the expansion coefficient β, which in turn is related to a<br />

• The total flow area expansion (from the stream-tube be<strong>for</strong>e to after the rotor) ΔA T :<br />


EWEC 2006 <strong>Wind</strong> Energy Conference and Exhibition<br />

0.75<br />

0.5<br />

T<br />

= ρ C U (1)<br />

1 2<br />

2 T 0<br />

0.25<br />

0<br />

A R<br />

T<br />

A w0<br />

U<br />

= (1 − a)<br />

U (2); a= 1− 1− CT<br />

(3)<br />

w0 0<br />

-0.25<br />

U 0<br />

U w0<br />

A<br />

w0<br />

= β A (4)<br />

R<br />

1−<br />

1 2 a<br />

β=<br />

1−<br />

a<br />

(5)<br />

-0.5<br />

-0.75<br />

-2 -1 0 1 2<br />

Δ A = Aaβ (6)<br />

T<br />

R<br />

Figure 1. The near-field flow around a wind-turbine rotor.<br />

2.2 The far-field<br />

As illustrated in fig.2 one applies a cylindrical control volume aligned with the wind direction,<br />

containing all relevant turbines, and sufficiently wide, that one has vanishing speed deficit in the<br />

wind direction at the cylindrical surface.<br />

U 0<br />

U w<br />

(y, z)<br />

A<br />

Figure 2. Cylindrical control volume around a set of turbines. In fact, the control volume should<br />

include a cut-off at the ground level, but <strong>for</strong> graphical reasons this has been left out in the figure.<br />

By combining the volume and momentum balance equations <strong>for</strong> the control volume one finds that<br />

the flow field U w (y,z) at some downwind position must fulfill the following equation:<br />

1<br />

∑ Ti = ( , )( 0<br />

− ( , ))<br />

ρ<br />

∫∫ U<br />

A<br />

w<br />

y z U Uw<br />

y z dydz (7)<br />

i<br />

or expressed in terms of the relative speed deficit δ≡<br />

U<br />

w<br />

−U<br />

U<br />

0<br />

0<br />

(8):<br />


EWEC 2006 <strong>Wind</strong> Energy Conference and Exhibition<br />

1<br />

2 ∑Ti<br />

= δ( , )( 1 −δ( , ))<br />

ρ<br />

∫∫ y z y z dydz (9)<br />

U<br />

A<br />

0 i<br />

Here the integration (y,z) is over the cross section of the exit area of the control volume.<br />

Frandsen [6] pointed out, that <strong>for</strong> a single wake one does not lose any essentials in the wake<br />

description by assuming a top-hat wake speed profile, although in reality the profile is probably<br />

Gaussian-like. We have adopted this idea and assume that within the wake boundary the wind<br />

speed deficit is constant, only depending on the downwind distance from the rotor from which it<br />

originates. We extended this assumption a bit more by also assuming the corresponding flow<br />

profile <strong>for</strong> a composite wake (consisting of a number of wakes originating from different upwind<br />

turbines): that the speed deficit distribution is mosaic-like, i.e. constant within each “tile” of the<br />

mosaic. This concept will be elaborated on in more detail below.<br />

2.3 Influence of turbulence.<br />

An explicit description of the interaction of the turbulence field and the wake expansion is<br />

believed to be possible, but it would require the establishment of a balance equation also <strong>for</strong> the<br />

turbulent kinetic energy. It is possible to set up such a balance equation where the turbine power<br />

and thrust determines the source terms at the turbine. However, such a balance equation will also<br />

involve the dissipation of kinetic energy, and presently the required relationship between mean<br />

flow, turbulence and turbulent dissipation within a wake is missing. Thus, it is not possible to fit<br />

an explicit treatment of turbulence within the scope of a simple wake model based on global<br />

balance equations. Instead the intention is to find out, how the wake expansion parameter(s) in<br />

the model described below can be made to depend on the thrust coefficient (viz. turbulence) and<br />

on the presence of interacting wakes.<br />

3 MODEL<br />

The wake-model consists of a sub-model <strong>for</strong> the downwind expansion of the wake, and a<br />

procedure to find the wind speed distribution in the wake at some position, the latter both in the<br />

case of the wake from a single turbine and in the case of a composite wake, consisting of a<br />

number of overlapping single wakes. For the composite wake, a procedure <strong>for</strong> finding the full<br />

“mosaic-tiles” speed distribution has been investigated, but a final solution procedure has not yet<br />

been established. Consequently, this mosaic-tiles sub-model is only sketched below. Instead, we<br />

have concentrated on the testing of a semi-linear approximation to the basic balance equation (9).<br />

3.1 <strong>Wake</strong> expansion<br />

Frandsen [6] originally proposed:<br />

1/ k<br />

⎡<br />

k /2 x ⎤<br />

Dw( x)<br />

= DR<br />

⎢β +α ⎥ with the expansion exponent 1/k = 1/2.<br />

⎣ DR<br />

⎦<br />

However, in a recent work, Barthelmie, Frandsen et al. [7] found experimental evidence from the<br />

Middelgrunden <strong>Wind</strong> Farm (see later) that the wake diameter measured far downwind tends to<br />

zero when extrapolated back to its originating turbine (x=0), and not to D . A value of α=0.7<br />

seemed to represent the measured data well. A modified <strong>for</strong>m of the wake-expansion equation<br />

was there<strong>for</strong>e was adopted to comply with this finding while still ensuring that the wake has the<br />

right initial diameter corresponding to eq.(4), and still using k=2:<br />

⎡ x ⎤<br />

Dw( x) = DR<br />

max ⎢β,<br />

α ⎥<br />

⎣ DR<br />

⎦<br />

1/2<br />

(10),<br />

3<br />

β 1 2<br />


EWEC 2006 <strong>Wind</strong> Energy Conference and Exhibition<br />

The wake area is thus:<br />

π<br />

A ( ) ( ( )) 2<br />

w<br />

x = Dw x − ACut − off<br />

(11)<br />

4<br />

where the last terms takes cut-off into account if the wake hits the ground surface.<br />

Now, each time a wake passes a turbine enshrouded within it, it must experience an expansion<br />

corresponding to the stream tube area expansion, ΔA T , ( eq.(6)). To take this into account we have<br />

modified the wake diameter model further as<br />

1/2<br />

⎡ x ⎤<br />

Dw( x) = DR<br />

max ⎢β,<br />

Γ+α ⎥ (12)<br />

⎣ DR<br />

⎦<br />

Here Γ is a dimensionless number, with a value of zero at x=0, and increasing in jumps every<br />

time a turbine is passed as<br />

A ( x, Γ+ΔΓ) −A ( x, Γ ) =Δ A (13)<br />

w w T<br />

The work by Frandsen et al. [6] indicates that the expansion coefficient α should vary with the<br />

thrust coefficient – in fact the indications go that it should be proportionally to it. However, in the<br />

present work the coefficient α is treated as a constant model parameter.<br />

3.2 Mosaic-tiles model<br />

The concept of the mosaic speed deficit distribution is illustrated in fig.3. For a mosaic wake<br />

speed distribution the balance equation (9) takes the rather complicated <strong>for</strong>m:<br />

1<br />

n<br />

n<br />

T = A δ (1 −δ ) (14)<br />

2 ∑ i<br />

( k) ( k) ( k)<br />

U 1 1 ( k )<br />

0 i =<br />

∑∑<br />

ρ J J J<br />

k = J<br />

A 1<br />

A 12<br />

A 123<br />

<strong>Wake</strong> 1 A 1<br />

A 123<br />

<strong>Wake</strong> 2<br />

A 12<br />

<strong>Wake</strong> 1<br />

<strong>Wake</strong> 2<br />

<strong>Wake</strong> 3<br />

<strong>Wake</strong> 3<br />

A 13<br />

Affected rotor<br />

Affected rotor<br />

Ground<br />

Ground<br />

Figure 3. Examples of overlapping wake “mosaic-tiles” configurations.<br />

Here J (k) denotes a tile associated with a certain sub-set of k wakes, and A and δ indexed with this<br />

symbol denotes the tile area and the relative speed deficit within the tile. E.g., when considering<br />

n=3 wakes, J (1) can take the values [1] , [2] and [3], while J (2) may take the values [1,2], [1,3],<br />

[2,3].<br />


EWEC 2006 <strong>Wind</strong> Energy Conference and Exhibition<br />

3.3 Semi-linear model.<br />

In wake calculations, <strong>for</strong> a certain downwind turbine rotor, the relevant property is the mean<br />

value of the speed deficit over the rotor-plane area A RD :<br />

1<br />

<br />

A<br />

= ∫∫ δ( y, zdydz )<br />

(15)<br />

RD<br />

A<br />

ARD<br />

RD<br />

Now, the semi-linear model is based on the observation that <strong>for</strong> small speed deficits, δ«1, the total<br />

balance equation is linear in δ. This means that the contributions to the averaging integral from<br />

the different upwind turbines are additive in the sense, that one may consider the effect of each<br />

upwind turbine by itself, and then finally add up these contributions. This leads to the simple<br />

linear approximation:<br />

A<br />

() i<br />

1 [ Aw ( Δxi,<br />

D) ∩ARD]<br />

RD<br />

<br />

A<br />

≈ T<br />

RD 2 ( i)<br />

i<br />

ρ U0 i Aw ( Δ xi,<br />

D)<br />

∑ (16)<br />

() i<br />

Here [ Aw<br />

∩ A<br />

RD]<br />

indicates the overlapping area between the cross sectional area of wake no “i”<br />

and the area A RD of the considered rotor, while Δx i,D is the downwind distance from the turbine<br />

from which wake “i” originates.<br />

In order to get the exact solution of the total balance equation in case of only a single wake<br />

enshrouding entirely the downwind rotor, while having the same solution <strong>for</strong> multiple wakes in<br />

the limit of small speed deficits, we adopt the following approximation to be used in the semilinear<br />

model:<br />

A<br />

() i<br />

1 [ Aw ( Δxi,<br />

D) ∩ARD]<br />

RD<br />

<br />

A<br />

(1 − )<br />

RD<br />

A<br />

≈ T<br />

RD<br />

2 ( i)<br />

i<br />

ρ U0 i Aw ( Δ xi,<br />

D)<br />

∑ (17)<br />



The wake model has been tested against accessible wind farm data. As a basis, <strong>for</strong> the wake<br />

expansion coefficient a value of α =0.7 was used. However, as indicated in the figures, the<br />

parameter was in some cases varied to see if better agreement with data could be obtained in this<br />

way.<br />

4.1 Middelgrunden <strong>Wind</strong> Farm data<br />

<strong>Model</strong> predictions were compared to measured wind data from the Middelgrunden off-shore wind<br />

farm just east of Copenhagen. Two southerly wind directions were considered. The first direction<br />

(173°) was selected to be along the connection line between the two middle turbines, WT10 and<br />

WT11, to get maximum wake effect in the middle of the wind farm. The second one (186°) was<br />

selected to be along the connection line between the two southernmost turbines – WT20 and<br />

WT19 - to get maximum wake effect at the latter. These situations are both indicated in the figure<br />

4. The actual wind directions were measured by the yawing angle of the southern-most turbine<br />

(WT20), while the wind speeds were deduced from the turbine power productions.<br />


EWEC 2006 <strong>Wind</strong> Energy Conference and Exhibition<br />

6180<br />

Northing (km)<br />

6179.5<br />

6179<br />

6178.5<br />

6178<br />

6177.5<br />

6177<br />

6176.5<br />

6176<br />

WT1<br />

WT2<br />

WT3<br />

WT4<br />

WT5<br />

WT6<br />

WT7<br />

WT8<br />

WT9<br />

WT10<br />

WT11<br />

WT12<br />

WT13<br />

WT14<br />

WT15<br />

WT16<br />

WT17<br />

WT18<br />

WT19<br />

WT20<br />

6175.5<br />

186 deg.<br />

173 deg.<br />

6175<br />

726 727 728 729 730 731 732<br />

Easting (km)<br />

Figure 4. “Middelgrunden <strong>Wind</strong> Farm” layout, with the Copenhagen shore-line indicated.<br />

The wind farm consists of 20 Bonus 2MW turbines with a rotor diameter of 76 m and a hub<br />

height of 67m. The spacing is about 2.4 rotor diameters. The arrows indicate the two wind<br />

directions investigated.<br />

Rel. <strong>Wind</strong> speed<br />

1.1<br />

1<br />

0.9<br />

0.8<br />

0.7<br />

0.6<br />

0.5<br />

0.4<br />

Alfa=0.7<br />

Meas.<br />

0 10 20 30 40 50<br />

Rel. Downwind Distance<br />

MG_173_9<br />

Free wind speed:<br />

9 m/s ± 0.5 m/s<br />

(62 sets of data)<br />

Figure 5. <strong>Wind</strong> direction 173°±1°. Relative distance in rotor-diameters.<br />


EWEC 2006 <strong>Wind</strong> Energy Conference and Exhibition<br />

Relative <strong>Wind</strong> Speed<br />

1.1<br />

1<br />

0.9<br />

0.8<br />

0.7<br />

0.6<br />

0.5<br />

Alfa=0.7<br />

Meas.<br />

Free wind speed:<br />

6 m/s ± 0.5 m/s<br />

(48 sets of data)<br />

0.4<br />

0 20 40<br />

Relative wind speed<br />

1.1<br />

1<br />

0.9<br />

0.8<br />

0.7<br />

0.6<br />

0.5<br />

Alfa=0.7<br />

Meas.<br />

Free wind speed:<br />

9 m/s ± 0.5 m/s<br />

(37 sets of data)<br />

Relative <strong>Wind</strong> Speed<br />

0.4<br />

0 20 40<br />

1.1<br />

1<br />

0.9<br />

0.8<br />

0.7<br />

Alfa=0.7<br />

0.6<br />

Meas.<br />

0.5<br />

Alfa=0.6<br />

0.4<br />

0 20 40<br />

Rel. Downwind Distance<br />

MG 186 12<br />

Free wind speed:<br />

12 m/s ± 0.5 m/s<br />

(7 sets of data)<br />

Figure 6. <strong>Wind</strong> direction 186°±1°. Relative distance in rotor-diameters.<br />


EWEC 2006 <strong>Wind</strong> Energy Conference and Exhibition<br />

1.100<br />

1.000<br />

Alfa=0.7<br />

Meas<br />

Free wind speed:<br />

Relative wind speed<br />

0.900<br />

0.800<br />

0.700<br />

0.600<br />

6 m/s ± 0.5 m/s<br />

0.500<br />

1.1<br />

155 165 175 185 195 205 215<br />

Relative <strong>Wind</strong> Speed<br />

1<br />

0.9<br />

0.8<br />

0.7<br />

0.6<br />

Alfa=0.7<br />

Meas<br />

Free wind speed:<br />

9 m/s ± 0.5 m/s<br />

Relative <strong>Wind</strong> Speed<br />

0.5<br />

155 165 175 185 195 205 215<br />

1.100<br />

1.000<br />

0.900<br />

0.800<br />

0.700<br />

0.600<br />

Alfa=0.7<br />

Meas<br />

Alfa=0.6<br />

Alfa=0.5<br />

Free wind speed:<br />

12 m/s ± 0.5 m/s<br />

0.500<br />

155 165 175 185 195 205 215<br />

<strong>Wind</strong> Direction<br />

MG Dir 12<br />

Figure 7. <strong>Wake</strong> dependence on southern wind direction of second turbine from South (WT19).<br />


EWEC 2006 <strong>Wind</strong> Energy Conference and Exhibition<br />

4.2 Horns Rev <strong>Wind</strong> Farm data<br />

<strong>Model</strong> predictions were compared to measured wind data from the Horns Rev wind farm in the<br />

North Sea West of Esbjerg (see figure 8). Two wind directions were considered, both of which<br />

were selected to be along the lines of the wind farm to get the maximum wake effect: from due<br />

West (270°) and from about South-East (222°). The wind directions in relation to the wind farm<br />

layout is also shown in the figure. The actual wind direction was measured at a monitoring mast,<br />

while the wind speed was deduced from the turbine power production.<br />

6152<br />

WT01<br />

WT11<br />

WT21<br />

WT31<br />

WT41<br />

WT51<br />

WT61<br />

WT71<br />

WT81<br />

WT91<br />

6151<br />

WT02<br />

WT12<br />

WT22<br />

WT32<br />

WT42<br />

WT52<br />

WT62<br />

WT72<br />

WT82<br />

WT92<br />

WT03<br />

WT13<br />

WT23<br />

WT33<br />

WT43<br />

WT53<br />

WT63<br />

WT73<br />

WT83<br />

WT93<br />

Northing (km)<br />

6150<br />

270 deg.<br />

WT04<br />

WT05<br />

WT14<br />

WT15<br />

WT24<br />

WT25<br />

WT34<br />

WT35<br />

WT44<br />

WT45<br />

WT54<br />

WT55<br />

WT64<br />

WT65<br />

WT74<br />

WT75<br />

WT84<br />

WT85<br />

WT94<br />

WT95<br />

6149<br />

WT06<br />

WT16<br />

WT26<br />

WT36<br />

WT46<br />

WT56<br />

WT66<br />

WT76<br />

WT86<br />

WT96<br />

WT07<br />

WT17<br />

WT27<br />

WT37<br />

WT47<br />

WT57<br />

WT67<br />

WT77<br />

WT87<br />

WT97<br />

6148<br />

WT08<br />

WT18<br />

WT28<br />

WT38<br />

WT48<br />

WT58<br />

WT68<br />

WT78<br />

WT88<br />

WT98<br />

222 deg.<br />

6147<br />

423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430<br />

Easting (km)<br />

Figure 8 The “Horns Rev <strong>Wind</strong> Farm” layout.<br />

The wind farm consists of 80 V80 Vestas 2MW-turbines with a rotor diameter of 80m and a hub<br />

height of 70m. The spacing is about 7 rotor diameters.<br />

The arrows indicate the two wind directions investigated as well as the turbine lines, the data<br />

from which have been used in the comparison.<br />


EWEC 2006 <strong>Wind</strong> Energy Conference and Exhibition<br />

Relative Speed<br />

1.1<br />

1<br />

0.9<br />

0.8<br />

0.7<br />

0.6<br />

0.5<br />

0.4<br />

Alfa=0.7<br />

Meas.<br />

Alfa=1.0<br />

0 10 20 30 40 50 60<br />

Free wind speed:<br />

9 m/s ± 0.5 m/s<br />

(9 sets of data)<br />

1.1<br />

1<br />

Free wind speed:<br />

Relative wind speed<br />

0.9<br />

0.8<br />

0.7<br />

0.6<br />

0.5<br />

0.4<br />

Alfa=0.7<br />

Meas.<br />

Alfa=0.5<br />

0 10 20 30 40 50 60<br />

12 m/s ± 0.5 m/s<br />

(5 sets of data)<br />

Rel. Downwind Distance<br />

(HR 270 12)<br />

Figure 9. <strong>Wind</strong> direction 270°±1°. Relative distance in rotor-diameters along W-E turbine line #4.<br />


EWEC 2006 <strong>Wind</strong> Energy Conference and Exhibition<br />

1.1<br />

Free wind speed:<br />

1<br />

Relative Speed<br />

0.9<br />

0.8<br />

0.7<br />

0.6<br />

Alfa=0.7<br />

Meas.<br />

Alfa=0.5<br />

9 m/s ± 1 m/s<br />

(56 sets of data)<br />

0.5<br />

0.4<br />

0 20 40 60<br />

Rel. Downwind Distance<br />

Figure 10. <strong>Wind</strong> direction 222°±2°. Relative distance in rotor-diameters along diagonal line #7.<br />


From the comparisons of the model prediction with the wind farm data the following points were<br />

observed:<br />

• The wind speed deficit at the first wake-effected turbine is generally predicted well;<br />

• The wake width is generally predicted well;<br />

• For positions with strong overlapping effects the speed deficit is mostly overpredicted, but<br />

underpredictions are also seen (the Horns Rev wind farm). Variations in the α-value indicate<br />

that improper modeling of the wake expansion is the cause.<br />


The establishment of the semi-linear wake model, and the predictions made with it in comparison<br />

with accessible data from wind farms have lead to the following conclusions regarding the further<br />

development of the model:<br />

• The proposed semi-linear wake model is able to treat wind farms of irregular lay-out;<br />

• In the present version, the speed deficits are predicted qualitatively well, but the accuracy has<br />

yet to be improved;<br />

• The wake expansion coefficient <strong>for</strong> the wake from a certain turbine should be allowed to vary<br />

with the thrust coefficient and in response to the presence of other wake(s) overlapping with<br />

it. Further, at least <strong>for</strong> the wake originating from the first turbine in a line, it should be tested<br />

whether a wake expansion exponent of 1/k = 1/3 (also considered by Frandsen et al. [6])<br />

could give a better agreement with observation data.<br />

• The “mosaic-tile” wake model should be further investigated, and if possible it should be<br />

implemented with the aim of getting improved wake speed deficit predictions.<br />


EWEC 2006 <strong>Wind</strong> Energy Conference and Exhibition<br />


This work has in part been financed by the Danish Public Service Obligation (PSO) funds (F&U<br />

4103). Data from Middelgrunden wind farm were kindly provided by Københavns Miljø- og<br />

Energikontor, while data from Horns Rev wind farm were provided by Elsam Engineering.<br />


[1] I.Troen, E.L. Petersen: European <strong>Wind</strong> Atlas. Risø National Laboratory 1989.<br />

[2] N.G.Mortensen, D.N.Heathfield, L.Myllerup, L.Landberg, O.Rathmann, I.Troen and<br />

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