RSC News - Ringwood Secondary College

RSC News - Ringwood Secondary College RSC News - Ringwood Secondary College
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Newsletter Number 2 March 4, 2011 haviour and courtesy to other members of the community. Train Travellers - Students should behave in a responsible and safe manner on station platforms and on trains and not engage in behaviours that could endanger themselves or others. Bus Travellers – Many students travel using a range of bus services, some dedicated to school runs and others on buses that include the wider community. Students should be courteous to other passengers, resist pushing and be mindful of younger students. Walking – Where possible, students should use main thoroughfares and walk with other students. Students travelling to and from school must use the pedestrian crossing on Bedford Road. Students are strongly discouraged from travelling through the Ringwood Lake area. Bicycles - Students MUST wear a helmet at all times when riding their bicycle to and from school. Bicycles can be stored in the bike racks at the back of the Library during the day and students should use a lock to secure their bicycle. Riding in the school grounds is not permitted. Scooters - Students who ride their scooter to school must store it in the Scooter Bay between Room 402 and 403. This storage area will be locked during the day and only opened prior to the end of Period 4. If students need to leave the school early, they will not be able to access their scooter till the following day. Skateboards – are not permitted. Students should not use a skateboard for travelling to and from school. PROGRESS REPORTS Please note that teachers will be preparing Progress Reports for all students in Years 7-12 in the coming weeks. These reports will be distributed prior to the Parent/Teacher interview sessions which will be held at the end of Term 1. Both sessions will operate between 4.00 and 7.00 pm. On both days, all students will be dismissed at 2.30 pm. Parent/Teacher interviews: Years 10-12 - Wednesday, 30 March Years 7-9 - Thursday, 7 April Parents will be able to arrange meeting times with their child’s teachers using an online system: Parent Teacher Online (PTO). Information about this process will be communicated shortly. We strongly recommend that parents take this opportunity to meet with their child’s teachers to find out how they are progressing. YEARS 7 AND 9 NAPLAN TESTING All Year 7 and 9 students will be participating in the NAPLAN (National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy). The tests will be held on 10, 11 and 12 May. The NAPLAN will assist teachers to identify students’ strengths and weaknesses in Literacy and Numeracy and enable them to adjust teaching strategies to provide appropriate support. Mrs J. Hughes Assistant Principal From Mr Salisbury ... Overall, the start of the school year is going extremely well. Most students have settled into a productive learning pattern and motivation levels are high. I’ve been delighted with the pleasant tone of the college and it all bodes well for a great year. Now that the dust has settled and routines established, the really serious learning takes off and students need to make sure they keep up with their teachers’ programmes. As parents, if you think your child is falling behind, make sure you contact the relevant Community Head to discuss the situation. SOME KEY POINTS/REMINDERS PASTORAL CARE: Our first extended form assembly dedicated to pastoral care was held on Wed 23 February. It was highly successful and I congratulate Ms Hall for her determined efforts in preparing the learning material. We look forward this year to increased levels of Pastoral care, particularly with the increase in the number of Community Heads (formally Level Coordinators) and new systems to monitor students more closely. MULTICULTURAL YOUTH SPORTS FESTIVAL: This Saturday the college is hosting an exciting Multicultural Youth Sports Festival and many hundreds of participants are expected. It promises to be a vibrant and exciting day. Please see the attached flyer-all welcome. UNIFORM: Thank-you to parents who support the college by ensuring students are in full college uniform-it’s really appreciated. A small number of boys are wearing T shirts beneath polo tops. Similarly, a handful of students are wearing non-polishable shoes and over the week we will be asking them to purchase black polishable shoes. WHOLE SCHOOL ASSEMBLY: A fortnight ago we conducted our first whole school assembly for 2011. The students were outstanding in their behaviour and enjoyed the opportunity to meet the 2011 prefects. EMERGENCY EVACUATION DRILL: Congratulations to all students on their conduct during our Emergency drill this Friday. We have conducted several over the past few years and students are now very familiar with the process. PCTA-PARENTS, CITIZENS AND TEACHERS’ ASSOCIATION: On February 22nd, the PCTA meet for their first meeting of 2011. During term 1 the committee organises the Deb Ball and in term 2 we will organise an afternoon tea for staff. Our next meeting is March 22nd, 7.30pm, College Conference Room and a warm invitation is extended to any parent interested in being a part of this dynamic group. LITTER PROGRAM: Our litter program is up and running and the effects are obvious to all. What a pity 10-20% of our student body continue to litter! Their actions are selfish and totally antisocial. FACILITIES COMMITTEE: On Thursday 24th February, our highly dedicated Facilities Committee began planning improvements for college facilities, 2011. Any parent interested in joining this dynamic group should contact Mr Salisbury. Meetings occur once a term and there is an emphasis on getting things done! All welcome. Page 4

Newsletter Number 2 March 4, 2011 WORKING BEE FRIDAY18TH MARCH: Our first College Working Bee is scheduled for Friday, 18th March. It is a twilight working bee running from 5.00pm to 7.30pm. Drinks and supper will be supplied during the evening. A range of activities including basic carpentry, watering, weeding, pruning, mulching and planting should provide something for everyone. We roster our working bees to spread the load and ask parents to attend at least one for the year. Students from all A and B forms will be provided with an information page, ie. 7A, 7B, 8A, 8B, …..12A, 12B over the next couple of weeks. Please make every effort to come along. Parents from other forms are always welcome. We have made tremendous inroads over recent years on improving the college grounds and with everyone making a small contribution we can continue to improve the teaching and learning environment. the College are: Infrastructure and Resourcing, Curriculum, Student Engagement and Wellbeing and School Improvement and Governance. The College is well placed to take advantage of target areas and will continue to have conversations with local members to gain the best outcome for the school community. 2011 Annual Implementation Plan (AIP) The 2011 AIP was endorsed by College Council and is to include a measure of progress based on established targets. A negotiated review this year will reflect on the school’s performance over the last four years and the Ringwood SC 2012 – 2015 Strategic Plan will set future directions for the College. RESOURCES: The Draft Budget was approved by the College Council. School Council Report Mr C. Salisbury Assistant Principal RINGWOOD TRADE TRAINING FACILITY (RTTF) RTTF programs started on February 9, with growth in both Engineering and Automotive - three groups in both industry areas, compared to two last year. The facility has regained Registered Training Organisation (RTO) status enabling the development of programs that can also be offered to students from other schools. PRINCIPAL’S REPORT Our Year 12 students performed very well and were able to gain excellent tertiary placements, apprenticeships, traineeships or work. Four students have been selected for the Top Arts and Top Screens awards, which is a significant achievement for talented students and their dedicated teachers and reflects the quality of work in these VCE areas. MAROONDAH AUSTRALIA DAY AWARDS Beth Purcell was awarded ‘Young Citizen of the Year’ for her tremendous effort to raise more than $26,500 from two rock concerts for a young teenager who has autism and severe epilepsy. These events funded the purchase of a Pet Therapy dog for the teenager, as well as medical equipment and safety improvements for her home. The ‘Halloween Rise Up’ a music concert for young people in Maroondah, was awarded the ‘Community Event of the Year’. Students from Croydon, Parkwood and Ringwood Secondary Colleges and Aquinas College, worked together to plan the major event in conjunction with the Maroondah FReeZa group, Audio District. The event was the culmination of the 10-month ‘No Regrets’ social action project and promoted the message that young people can have fun without alcohol and drugs. EDUCATION COALITION POLICIES The Department falls under the responsibility of three Victorian Government Ministers; the Minister for Higher Education and Skills, the Minister for Education and the Minister for Children and Early Childhood Development. Key priority areas that are of relevance to OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY (OH&S): OH&S induction has been completed for all new staff. A durable high fence has been installed on the west boundary of the school to increase security and the soccer field is currently being redeveloped. COLLEGE CAMPS: All Term 1 College camps were approved, noting the change of date for the Year 11 Geography camp to the 23rd – 25th of March. NOMINATIONS FOR COLLEGE COUNCIL: There are three parent vacancies and 2 DEECD vacancies on College Council with additional information in the College newsletter. On behalf of the College Council, the President thanked the retiring parents for their work and support. Lyn McGoldrick Subject Reports Careers INTERVIEWING OF THE YEAR 12’S IS UNDERWAY! In common period students received a careers bulletin that outlined details of the careers program for 2011. We are looking forward to working with this enthusiastic group of students. Individual pathway plans are a priority and if any students need extra assistance they can call into the careers room at any time. Parents are encouraged to assist their son or daughter to research career options and support their decision making. Do not hesitate to contact the college careers counsellors if you wish to discuss any matters. WHAT NEWS! A Community space for careers is coming soon via the Ultranet-more details to come... Careers has an email account-any enquires please forward to this address Email: Page 5

<strong>News</strong>letter Number 2 March 4, 2011<br />

haviour and courtesy to other members of the community.<br />

Train Travellers - Students should behave in a responsible and safe<br />

manner on station platforms and on trains and not engage in behaviours<br />

that could endanger themselves or others.<br />

Bus Travellers – Many students travel using a range of bus services,<br />

some dedicated to school runs and others on buses that include<br />

the wider community. Students should be courteous to other passengers,<br />

resist pushing and be mindful of younger students.<br />

Walking – Where possible, students should use main thoroughfares<br />

and walk with other students. Students travelling to and from<br />

school must use the pedestrian crossing on Bedford Road. Students<br />

are strongly discouraged from travelling through the <strong>Ringwood</strong><br />

Lake area.<br />

Bicycles - Students MUST wear a helmet at all times when riding<br />

their bicycle to and from school. Bicycles can be stored in the bike<br />

racks at the back of the Library during the day and students should<br />

use a lock to secure their bicycle. Riding in the school grounds is<br />

not permitted.<br />

Scooters - Students who ride their scooter to school must store it<br />

in the Scooter Bay between Room 402 and 403. This storage area<br />

will be locked during the day and only opened prior to the end of<br />

Period 4. If students need to leave the school early, they will not be<br />

able to access their scooter till the following day.<br />

Skateboards – are not permitted. Students should not use a skateboard<br />

for travelling to and from school.<br />


Please note that teachers will be preparing Progress Reports for all<br />

students in Years 7-12 in the coming weeks. These reports will be<br />

distributed prior to the Parent/Teacher interview sessions which will<br />

be held at the end of Term 1. Both sessions will operate between<br />

4.00 and 7.00 pm. On both days, all students will be dismissed at<br />

2.30 pm.<br />

Parent/Teacher interviews:<br />

Years 10-12 - Wednesday, 30 March<br />

Years 7-9 - Thursday, 7 April<br />

Parents will be able to arrange meeting times with their child’s<br />

teachers using an online system: Parent Teacher Online (PTO). Information<br />

about this process will be communicated shortly.<br />

We strongly recommend that parents take this opportunity to meet<br />

with their child’s teachers to find out how they are progressing.<br />


All Year 7 and 9 students will be participating in the NAPLAN (National<br />

Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy). The tests<br />

will be held on 10, 11 and 12 May. The NAPLAN will assist teachers<br />

to identify students’ strengths and weaknesses in Literacy and Numeracy<br />

and enable them to adjust teaching strategies to provide<br />

appropriate support.<br />

Mrs J. Hughes<br />

Assistant Principal<br />

From Mr Salisbury ...<br />

Overall, the start of the school year is going extremely well. Most<br />

students have settled into a productive learning pattern and motivation<br />

levels are high. I’ve been delighted with the pleasant tone of<br />

the college and it all bodes well for a great year. Now that the dust<br />

has settled and routines established, the really serious learning<br />

takes off and students need to make sure they keep up with their<br />

teachers’ programmes. As parents, if you think your child is falling<br />

behind, make sure you contact the relevant Community Head to<br />

discuss the situation.<br />



Our first extended form assembly dedicated to pastoral care was<br />

held on Wed 23 February. It was highly successful and I congratulate<br />

Ms Hall for her determined efforts in preparing the learning<br />

material. We look forward this year to increased levels of Pastoral<br />

care, particularly with the increase in the number of Community<br />

Heads (formally Level Coordinators) and new systems to monitor<br />

students more closely.<br />


This Saturday the college is hosting an exciting Multicultural Youth<br />

Sports Festival and many hundreds of participants are expected. It<br />

promises to be a vibrant and exciting day. Please see the attached<br />

flyer-all welcome.<br />

UNIFORM:<br />

Thank-you to parents who support the college by ensuring students<br />

are in full college uniform-it’s really appreciated. A small number of<br />

boys are wearing T shirts beneath polo tops. Similarly, a handful of<br />

students are wearing non-polishable shoes and over the week we<br />

will be asking them to purchase black polishable shoes.<br />


A fortnight ago we conducted our first whole school assembly for<br />

2011. The students were outstanding in their behaviour and enjoyed<br />

the opportunity to meet the 2011 prefects.<br />


Congratulations to all students on their conduct during our Emergency<br />

drill this Friday. We have conducted several over the past few<br />

years and students are now very familiar with the process.<br />


On February 22nd, the PCTA meet for their first meeting of 2011.<br />

During term 1 the committee organises the Deb Ball and in term<br />

2 we will organise an afternoon tea for staff. Our next meeting is<br />

March 22nd, 7.30pm, <strong>College</strong> Conference Room and a warm invitation<br />

is extended to any parent interested in being a part of this<br />

dynamic group.<br />


Our litter program is up and running and the effects are obvious to<br />

all. What a pity 10-20% of our student body continue to litter! Their<br />

actions are selfish and totally antisocial.<br />


On Thursday 24th February, our highly dedicated Facilities Committee<br />

began planning improvements for college facilities, 2011. Any<br />

parent interested in joining this dynamic group should contact Mr<br />

Salisbury. Meetings occur once a term and there is an emphasis on<br />

getting things done! All welcome.<br />

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