The full programme book (PDF) - Royal Geographical Society

The full programme book (PDF) - Royal Geographical Society

The full programme book (PDF) - Royal Geographical Society


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T5<br />

Glacial Landsystems Working Group (GLWG): 15 years of field based research<br />

meetings on palaeoglaciological reconstruction<br />

D.J.A. Evans 1 *, D.H. Roberts 1 and C.R. Stokes 1<br />

1 Department of Geography, Durham University, South Road, Durham DH1 3LE<br />

GLWG was founded in 1998 by a group of glacial geomorphologists and sedimentologists<br />

interested in advancing our understanding of palaeoglaciological reconstruction in Britain<br />

and Ireland whilst simultaneously providing an outlet for the dissemination of results from<br />

ongoing landsystem style field investigations (e.g. Eyles 1983; Evans 2003). GLWG was a<br />

QRA working group from 2009-2012, but is an informal organization acting as a catalyst<br />

for research on landform/sediment associations and their application to glaciated<br />

landscapes. Dissemination of ongoing research material is undertaken during short field<br />

meetings at various locations in glaciated Britain and Ireland, focussing on critical sites<br />

and also often featuring short seminars and poster sessions, encouraging in particular the<br />

contributions of the postgraduate community. GLWG aims to provide a catalyst for<br />

constructive discussion on glaciated basins as they pertain to the glacial record, using the<br />

landsystems concept as a framework for holistic assessments of glacial<br />

sediment/landform associations and enabling the synthesis of data across a range of<br />

scales. Previous meetings have been held in SW Scotland (cross-cutting subglacial<br />

bedforms and ice-marginal landforms), west Wales (Irish Sea/Welsh ice sheet<br />

interactions), East Yorkshire (subaqueous fan and sub-marginal tills of the North Sea<br />

lobe), Kells in Ireland (subglacial bedforms and ice-marginal subaqueous deposits), North<br />

Pennines (subglacial bedforms), Northumberland (subglacial and ice-marginal<br />

sedimentation), South Loch Lomond (sub-marginal and ice-contact subaquaeous<br />

landform-sediment assemblages), north Norfolk (sedimentology and glacitectonics at the<br />

Anglian ice sheet margin), North Pennines/Solway Lowlands (cross-cutting subglacial<br />

bedforms, glacial stratigraphy and ice sheet dynamics), Durham and Yorkshire coast<br />

(North Sea lobe glacial sedimentology), Anglesey (subglacial bedform development in<br />

hard bedrock terrain), North Norfolk (glacitectonics workshop), Scottish Borders (Younger<br />

Dryas glaciation of the Tweedsmuir Hills), and the Cheshire-Shropshire lowlands (ice<br />

sheet marginal landform-sediment assemblages). Since its inception GLWG has not only<br />

organized field meetings but has also co-hosted: 1) the Ice Marginal Landsystems<br />

Conference at Keele (2000; see special edition of Sedimentary Geology (Evans & Russell<br />

2002); 2) a special session at INQUA 2007 on Modern analogues for Quaternary<br />

palaeoglaciology (see special edition of Quaternary Science Reviews, Evans 2009); 3) a<br />

special session at INQUA 2011 on Spatial and temporal change in glacial landsystems:<br />

implications for Quaternary palaeoglaciology; 4) the QRA Glacitectonics Workshop and<br />

field meeting 2011 (Phillips et al. 2011); 5) the INQUA Palaeo-ice streams symposium<br />

2001 (Clark et al 2003); 6) the QRA field meetings in the Solway Lowlands (Livingstone et<br />

al. 2010) and Northumberland/Durham/N Yorkshire (Davies et al 2013).<br />

Keywords: Glacial landsystems; palaeoglaciology<br />

Clark C.D., Evans D.J.A. & Piotrowski J.A. (2003) Palaeo-Ice Streams. Boreas 32. Davies B.J., Yorke L.,<br />

Bridgland D.R. & Roberts D.H. (2013) <strong>The</strong> Quaternary of Northumberland, Durham and North Yorkshire. QRA,<br />

London. Evans D.J.A. (ed.) 2003. Glacial Landsystems. Arnold, London.<br />

Evans D.J.A. 2009. Special theme: Modern analogues in Quaternary palaeoglaciological reconstruction.<br />

Quaternary Science Reviews 28, 181-182.<br />

Evans D.J.A. & Russell A.J. 2002. Modern and Ancient Ice-marginal Landsystems. Sedimentary Geology 149,<br />

Issues 1-3.<br />

Eyles N. (ed.) 1983. Glacial Geology – A Landsystem Approach. Pergamon, Oxford.Livingstone S.J., Evans<br />

D.J.A. & Ó Cofaigh C. (eds.) (2010) <strong>The</strong> Quaternary of the Solway Lowlands and Pennine Escarpment – Field<br />

Guide. QRA, London: 154p.<br />

Phillips E.R., Lee J.R. & Evans H.M. 2011. Glacitectonics – Field Guide. QRA, London.

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