The full programme book (PDF) - Royal Geographical Society

The full programme book (PDF) - Royal Geographical Society

The full programme book (PDF) - Royal Geographical Society


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ConferenProgramme<br />

Thursday 9th January<br />

0830 Registration<br />

09.15 – 10.45 <strong>The</strong>me 8: Terrestrial stratigraphy and landscape evolution<br />

0915 Jim Rose (<strong>Royal</strong> Holloway University of London)<br />

Terrestrial stratigraphy and landscape evolution<br />

0945 Phil Gibbard (University of Cambridge)<br />

Terrestrial stratigraphy and landscape evolution during the Quaternary<br />

1015 Discussion<br />

1045 Coffee and posters<br />

11.15 – 12.45 <strong>The</strong>me 9: Palaeoecology<br />

1115 Kathy Willis (University of Oxford)<br />

Conservation policy, politics and palaeoecology<br />

1135 Mary Edwards (University of Southampton)<br />

<strong>The</strong> contribution of vegetation palaeoecology: from molecules to maps<br />

1155 Adrian Lister (Natural History Musuem, London)<br />

Beetles, bones and biozones: Quaternary palaeozoology in relation to<br />

environmental change<br />

1215 Discussion<br />

1245 Lunch and posters<br />

14.00 – 15.30 <strong>The</strong>me 10: Human origins, environments and impacts<br />

1400 Chris Stringer (Natural History Museum, London)<br />

Human evolution: a half century of progress<br />

1430 Wil Roebroeks (Leiden University)<br />

Human origins, environments and impacts<br />

1500 Discussion<br />

1530 Tea and posters<br />

16.00 – 17.30 <strong>The</strong>me 11: Insights from genetics<br />

1600 Terry Brown (University of Manchester)<br />

Insights from genetics – the past and future of ancient DNA research<br />

1630 Ian Barnes (<strong>Royal</strong> Holloway University of London)<br />

Insights from genetics – the past and future of ancient DNA research<br />

1700 Discussion<br />

1730 Closing remarks/end of meeting

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