Commuting patterns within Hertfordshire (based on the 23001 ...

Commuting patterns within Hertfordshire (based on the 23001 ...

Commuting patterns within Hertfordshire (based on the 23001 ...


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3) Draw a graph (ei<strong>the</strong>r pie or bar chart) to illustrate <strong>the</strong> distance to work travelled for all people who live in <str<strong>on</strong>g>Hertfordshire</str<strong>on</strong>g>.<br />

4) Do <strong>the</strong> figures for <strong>the</strong> journey to work show a pattern that c<strong>on</strong>firms <strong>the</strong> idea of distance decay (i.e. fewer people travel to work over a<br />

l<strong>on</strong>g distance than a short distance?<br />

5) What are <strong>the</strong> main c<strong>on</strong>clusi<strong>on</strong>s about <strong>the</strong> figures showing journey to work?<br />

6) What surprising data appears in <strong>the</strong> graph and proves that not all data can be taken at face value?<br />

7) Discuss with a partner and identify up to five problems caused by <strong>the</strong> commuting <str<strong>on</strong>g>patterns</str<strong>on</strong>g> identified.<br />

8) Prioritise your ideas and suggest soluti<strong>on</strong>s you would recommend for <strong>the</strong> worst problems (you can use ideas you may have already<br />

come across - c<strong>on</strong>gesti<strong>on</strong> charging, car sharing, public transport, or you can suggest original or forward thinking ideas.

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