Ensuring Sustainability in Brownfield Revitalisation as PDF

Ensuring Sustainability in Brownfield Revitalisation as PDF Ensuring Sustainability in Brownfield Revitalisation as PDF

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Selection of Objectives and Indicators The preparation team thought it appropriate to prepare a list of suggested objectives and indicators for the workshop. Thus, one of the preparatory meetings was used to compile, in cooperation with competent planners from the city administration, objectives and indicators implied or explicitly stated in existing plans (master plan, Zoning Plan 2010, urban development concept, detail plans) as well as in political decisions taken before. Existing indicator sets (SEEDA and RESCUE) were similarly tested for their possible usefulness in the pilot application. Lastly, objectives and indicators were selected that might be used at the master plan level. Planary session in the workshop ‘guideline and targets for sustainable development’ - Stuttgart This preliminary selection was supplemented by the planners, who added further planning considerations and target concepts, after which a draft version of the list of proposals was forwarded to the offices concerned together with a request for additional suggestions. Thus, when the time of the workshop came, a list of objectives and indicators had become available and was handed out to participants. Objectives and indicators were broken down into six headings, namely: ■ Urban development ■ Planning process ■ Environment ■ Social matters ■ Traffic ■ Economy Findings Aerial view: freight depot Stuttgart - Bad Cannstatt From the point of view of the city administration, the REVIT Planning Workshop in Stuttgart was a highly successful event, having embedded the aspects of sustainability and dialogue orientation in the development of complex areas such as the goods station on the political plane, and paved the way for follow-up events and additional dialogue offers. The fact that the event was held within the framework of an EU project did much to clear away initial skepticism and obstacles. The mere fact that sustainability objectives and indicators were discussed improves the integration of the aspect of 'sustainability' in urban development and development. Thus, indicators may play an important role as political signals. This holds particularly true for process-related indicators as they show what control steps are required. In addition, the Stuttgart workshop proved itself instrumental in incorporating expert knowledge in the planning process. This may help to enhance reflectiveness with regard to sustainability issues and the substantiation of decisions. 41

In urban development, indicators are normally used in post-evaluations forming part of a monitoring process. Stuttgart provides an example of how indicators may be used in the planning process so that consideration may be given to sustainability goals even at this early stage. At the same time, the REVIT Planning Workshop showed clearly that a single event module is not enough to deal with all relevant issues exhaustively and to involve all target groups in a satisfactory manner. Thus, the workshop on objectives and indicators for the Bad Cannstatt goods station area assumes the important role of a ‘kick-off’ event, to be followed by further 'tailor-made' meetings. Conclusion The event was a success for city administration, since sustainable development issues are now part of the dialogue and development of the complex 'Freight Depot Bad Cannstatt' area. In addition there is the heightened awareness of politicians, the public and experts into the planning process having prioritised sustainable development objectives and indicators during the workshop. Masterplan Mercedesstrasse, variant increasing commercial utilization (Prof. Dr. Baldauf) 42

In urban development, <strong>in</strong>dicators are normally used <strong>in</strong> post-evaluations<br />

form<strong>in</strong>g part of a monitor<strong>in</strong>g process. Stuttgart provides an example of<br />

how <strong>in</strong>dicators may be used <strong>in</strong> the plann<strong>in</strong>g process so that consideration<br />

may be given to susta<strong>in</strong>ability goals even at this early stage. At the same<br />

time, the REVIT Plann<strong>in</strong>g Workshop showed clearly that a s<strong>in</strong>gle event<br />

module is not enough to deal with all relevant issues exhaustively and to<br />

<strong>in</strong>volve all target groups <strong>in</strong> a satisfactory manner.<br />

Thus, the workshop on objectives and <strong>in</strong>dicators for the Bad Cannstatt<br />

goods station area <strong>as</strong>sumes the important role of a ‘kick-off’ event, to be<br />

followed by further 'tailor-made' meet<strong>in</strong>gs.<br />

Conclusion<br />

The event w<strong>as</strong> a success for city adm<strong>in</strong>istration, s<strong>in</strong>ce susta<strong>in</strong>able<br />

development issues are now part of the dialogue and development of the<br />

complex 'Freight Depot Bad Cannstatt' area. In addition there is the<br />

heightened awareness of politicians, the public and experts <strong>in</strong>to the<br />

plann<strong>in</strong>g process hav<strong>in</strong>g prioritised susta<strong>in</strong>able development objectives and<br />

<strong>in</strong>dicators dur<strong>in</strong>g the workshop.<br />

M<strong>as</strong>terplan Mercedesstr<strong>as</strong>se, variant <strong>in</strong>cre<strong>as</strong><strong>in</strong>g commercial utilization (Prof. Dr. Baldauf)<br />


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