Bengoh Writ of Summons - Rengah Sarawak

Bengoh Writ of Summons - Rengah Sarawak

Bengoh Writ of Summons - Rengah Sarawak


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crops thereon and earth-filled the streams running through the affected<br />

land.<br />

20. The 1 st Defendant and/or its employees servants and/or agents and/or<br />

contractors also fell the trees and clear vegetations at the slopes <strong>of</strong> Darod<br />

Mawah and thereby destroying and damaging the communal forest <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Plaintiffs.<br />

21. Despite <strong>of</strong> the numerous and continued objections and protests by the<br />

Plaintiffs, the 1 st Defendant or its employees servants and/or agents<br />

continued and still continue to trespass onto the said NCR Land.<br />

22. The 1 st Defendant and/or their employees servants and/or agents and/or<br />

contractors wrongfully claim that they have the right to enter, clear, use<br />

and occupy the said NCR Land.<br />

Damages<br />

23. By reason <strong>of</strong> the matters aforesaid, numerous specified families amongst<br />

the Plaintiffs' sources <strong>of</strong> and any right to their livelihood is seriously<br />

threatened and they have suffered loss and damage.<br />

23.1 The farmland and the communal forest damaged and destroyed by<br />

the 1 st Defendant and/or its employees servants and/or agents<br />

and/or contractors is more specifically shown in the sketch<br />

plan/map marked as “B” annexed hereto herein.<br />

Particulars Of Damage<br />

(a)<br />

(b)<br />

(c)<br />

(d)<br />

Irreparable damage to vegetations, food, water, valuable medicines,<br />

wildlife and other forest produce which the Plaintiffs need and are<br />

dependent upon with the destruction <strong>of</strong> the communal forests and<br />

thereby seriously impairing the Plaintiffs' sources <strong>of</strong> livelihood.<br />

Extensive damages to the said NCR Land and particularly the NCR<br />

land at the foot <strong>of</strong> Darod Mawah and the farmland <strong>of</strong> the Plaintiffs<br />

known as Tana Sipunged.<br />

Destruction <strong>of</strong> fruit trees and other essential trees and crops.<br />

Deprivation <strong>of</strong> the Plaintiffs crucial source <strong>of</strong> earning with the<br />

irreversible destruction <strong>of</strong> the birds’ nest caves in Darod Mawah.<br />


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