Considering a Cadre Augmented Army - RAND Corporation

Considering a Cadre Augmented Army - RAND Corporation Considering a Cadre Augmented Army - RAND Corporation


-150- An Operational Analysis of Cadre

-151- An Operational Analysis of Cadre 2. PEACETIME CADRE UNIT STRUCTURE The first paper in this dissertation assumed that a cadre unit would retain 25 percent of its personnel during peacetime. CBO (1992) estimated that this type of cadre unit would cost about twenty percent of an Active Component (AC) unit. 2 The DoD could decide to structure peacetime cadre units differently. This chapter explores various options for structuring cadre units during peacetime and calculates their respective costs. Equally important to the peacetime cost of a cadre unit is the peacetime status of cadre leaders. The cost estimates in this chapter assume that all cadre leaders are retained 3 in the Active Component (AC) during peacetime, which leads to the highest possible cost estimates. 4 Cadre leaders retained in reserve status would be less expensive than those retained on active duty. The status of cadre leaders depends largely on the peacetime duties assigned to them. Some duties require that cadre leaders be on active duty while others would allow them to be retained in reserve status. Alternatives cadre duties are discussed in Chapter Three. Combinations of cadre structures and duties and their respective costs are summarized at the end of Chapter Three. While this chapter considers only cost, the peacetime structure of a cadre unit will also affect readiness. It is likely that retaining more leaders during peacetime would increase the readiness of a cadre unit. Larger cadre units might mobilize faster for two reasons: (1) ____________ 2 This estimate was based on a the cadre force structure proposed in CBO (1992) which maintained separate stand-alone cadre units with peacetime manning levels 25 percent of AC units. 3 In this paper, the term “retain” refers to the number of leaders assigned to cadre units on paper. It does not mean that these leaders are physically situated with a cadre unit with no other duties or that leaders are assigned to cadre units for their entire career. Chapter Three of this paper discusses alternative peacetime duties of cadre leaders. For all of the options that retain cadre leaders on active duty, we imagine a system that will rotate officers and NCOs through cadre assignments. 4 In the first paper of this dissertation, we calculated that a cadre augmented force could still significantly reduce costs under this assumption for the peacetime cost of cadre.

-150- An Operational Analysis of <strong>Cadre</strong>

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