Considering a Cadre Augmented Army - RAND Corporation

Considering a Cadre Augmented Army - RAND Corporation Considering a Cadre Augmented Army - RAND Corporation


-124- A Budgetary Analysis of Cadre incrementally looks for AC units to deploy until it reaches the minimum number of periods at home for the AC specified by the user. If after deploying all AC units at home more than the minimum, the requirement for deployed AC forces is still not met, then the algorithm will redeploy AC units already deployed. If the requirement for deployed AC forces is still not met, the model will display the error message shown in Figure B.13, which displays the period in which the algorithm was unable to meet the requirement for AC forces. Figure B.13—Failed Force Assignment Message If the algorithm is able to meet the demand for AC forces in a given period, it will move on to trying to meet the total requirement for deployed forces. Again, the algorithm begins by deploying cadre and active units at home the longest. However, the algorithm stops looking for AC units at home less than the threshold for RC deployments specified by the user. When it reaches this threshold, the algorithm looks to see if there are any RC units at home for the longest possible time (RCMaxH). 139 If there are fully rested RC units, the model deploys as many units as needed. If the requirement for deployed forces is still not met, the algorithm will return to deploying AC units at home for a period less than the RC threshold, but more than the AC minimum. After deploying all AC units home more than the minimum period of time, the algorithm will then redeploy AC units already deployed. If ____________ 139 The model is hard-coded so that RC units are always deployed with a full cycle of rest between deployments. Unlike the AC, which we are willing to stress to some extent, we assume that RC units must have a full five years at home between deployments. The user can change the dwell time for RC units to explore the sensitivity of the results to this assumption.

-125- A Budgetary Analysis of Cadre the requirement is still not met, the model will return an error message similar to that shown in Figure B.13. The assignment algorithm will repeat the process described above for each time period. Once the assignments are complete, all of the deployments determined by the algorithm are displayed in the force allocation datasheet as shown in Figure B.14. Figure B.14—Flow Variables after Assignment B.1.4—Outputs The LWAM produces two main outputs: stress on the AC and a time phased deployment graph. The force allocation datasheet automatically summarizes the stress on the AC by calculating the percentage of AC deployments from each number of periods at home. Figure B.15 shows the summary of AC stress produced by the LWAM.

-125- A Budgetary Analysis of <strong>Cadre</strong><br />

the requirement is still not met, the model will return an error message similar to that shown<br />

in Figure B.13.<br />

The assignment algorithm will repeat the process described above for each time<br />

period. Once the assignments are complete, all of the deployments determined by the<br />

algorithm are displayed in the force allocation datasheet as shown in Figure B.14.<br />

Figure B.14—Flow Variables after Assignment<br />

B.1.4—Outputs<br />

The LWAM produces two main outputs: stress on the AC and a time phased<br />

deployment graph. The force allocation datasheet automatically summarizes the stress on the<br />

AC by calculating the percentage of AC deployments from each number of periods at home.<br />

Figure B.15 shows the summary of AC stress produced by the LWAM.

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