Considering a Cadre Augmented Army - RAND Corporation

Considering a Cadre Augmented Army - RAND Corporation Considering a Cadre Augmented Army - RAND Corporation


-120- A Budgetary Analysis of Cadre for four periods in the next period if it is not deployed. In order to formalize these relationships, we must define the two types of variables: stock and flow. We define the stock of units in any given period as S(f,c,i,t) where f represents force type (AC/RC), c represents the status of a unit ([H]ome/[D]eployed), i represents how long a unit has been in the current state, and t represents the time period. We define the flow of units as X(f,c,i,t). Using these definitions, we can formalize the constraints on the movement of AC units. Units Deployed for One Period The number of units deployed for one period is equal to the sum of the number of units deployed in that period. For the AC, this is defined as the number of cadre units deployed in that period plus the number of AC units deployed (from at home and deployed). 138 This is formalized as: ACMaxD ∑ ACMaxH S(AC,D,1,t) = CadreDep(t) + X(AC,D,i,t) + X(AC,H,i,t) ∑ i= 1 i= 1 For RC units, the stock of units deployed for one period is simply equal to the sum of those deployed from at home (because the model assumes RC units can only be deployed from home): S(RC,D,1,t) = RCMaxH ∑ i= 1 X(RC,H,i,t) Units Deployed More than One Period ____________ 138 Deployed cadre units can only be in one state defined as CadreDep for their initial deployment. After being deployed for the first time, all cadre units are integrated into the AC force and deployed accordingly.

-121- A Budgetary Analysis of Cadre The stock of AC units deployed for more than one period is equal to the number of AC units deployed one less period in the last time period minus the number of AC units that are redeployed. This is formalized as: ∀ i > 1: S(AC,D,i,t) = S(AC,D,i-1,t-1)-X(AC,D,i,t) The stock of RC units deployed for more than one period is just equal to the number of RC units deployed one less period in the last time-period because the model assumes that RC units can only be deployed from home. This is formalized as: ∀ i > 1: S(RC,D,i,t) = S(RC,D,i-1,t-1) Units Home for One Period The stock of AC units at home for one period is equal to the number of units in the last period of deployment in the last time period minus the sum of the number of units deployed with one period at home and the number of units redeployed from the last period of deployment: S(AC,H,1,t) = S(AC,D, ACMaxD,t-1)-X(AC,H,1,t)-X(AC,D, ACMaxD ,t) The stock of RC units at home for one period is equal to the number of units in the last period of deployment in the last time-period minus the number of RC units deployed with one period at home: S(RC,H,1,t) = S(RC,D, RCMaxD ,t-1)-X(RC,H,1,t) Units Home More than One Period But less than Maximum The number of AC and RC units at home for more than one period, but less than the maximum number of periods is equal to the number of units at home for one less period

-120- A Budgetary Analysis of <strong>Cadre</strong><br />

for four periods in the next period if it is not deployed. In order to formalize these<br />

relationships, we must define the two types of variables: stock and flow. We define the stock<br />

of units in any given period as S(f,c,i,t) where f represents force type (AC/RC), c represents<br />

the status of a unit ([H]ome/[D]eployed), i represents how long a unit has been in the<br />

current state, and t represents the time period. We define the flow of units as X(f,c,i,t). Using<br />

these definitions, we can formalize the constraints on the movement of AC units.<br />

Units Deployed for One Period<br />

The number of units deployed for one period is equal to the sum of the number of<br />

units deployed in that period. For the AC, this is defined as the number of cadre units<br />

deployed in that period plus the number of AC units deployed (from at home and<br />

deployed). 138 This is formalized as:<br />

ACMaxD<br />

∑<br />

ACMaxH<br />

S(AC,D,1,t) = <strong>Cadre</strong>Dep(t) + X(AC,D,i,t) + X(AC,H,i,t)<br />

∑<br />

i= 1 i=<br />

1<br />

For RC units, the stock of units deployed for one period is simply equal to the sum<br />

of those deployed from at home (because the model assumes RC units can only be deployed<br />

from home):<br />

S(RC,D,1,t) =<br />

RCMaxH<br />

∑<br />

i= 1<br />

X(RC,H,i,t)<br />

Units Deployed More than One Period<br />

____________<br />

138 Deployed cadre units can only be in one state defined as <strong>Cadre</strong>Dep for their initial deployment. After being<br />

deployed for the first time, all cadre units are integrated into the AC force and deployed accordingly.

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