Considering a Cadre Augmented Army - RAND Corporation

Considering a Cadre Augmented Army - RAND Corporation Considering a Cadre Augmented Army - RAND Corporation


-114- A Budgetary Analysis of Cadre for one year. Third, the user must specify the post-mobilization training time for RC units. 135 The analyses in this paper assume that RC units require four months (one trimester) of postmobilization training. Lastly, the user must specify dwell time for each force. For each force, the user must specify the minimum number of periods at home a unit must have had before being redeployed. The analyses in this paper assume that RC units require five years (15 trimesters) at home between deployments while AC units can be deployed after as little as one year (three trimesters) at home. The final supply inputs required from the user specify the order in which to use forces and the initial distribution of forces at the beginning of a war. First, the user must specify the minimum AC time at home before reserve units are deployed. In all of the analyses in this paper, we assume that RC units are deployed only when there are no AC units at home longer than two years (six trimesters). The last input needed from the user specifies the initial condition of AC units at the beginning of a war. 136 The LWAM provides two options: uniform or fully rested. 137 All of the analyses in this paper assume AC units are fully rested (home two or more years). By placing a one in the box next to “Initial Distribution Uniform,” the user can specify that AC units be uniformly distributed at the beginning of a war. Table B.1 shows a uniform distribution of AC forces for a force with 42 AC BCTs and a peacetime requirement of nine BCTs. Table B.1—Pre-War Distribution of AC Forces Deployed (months) Home (months) State 0 4 8 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 AC BCTs 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ____________ 135 The model is hard-coded to assume that AC units require no post-mobilization training. 136 We assume that all RC units are fully rested (five or more years at home) at the beginning of a war. 137 The user can also specify their own initial distribution on the force allocation datasheet before assigning forces.

-115- A Budgetary Analysis of Cadre The effect of assuming a uniform distribution of forces on the attractiveness of a cadre augmented force is examined in Appendix C. B.1.3—Executing the LWAM This section describes how to use the LWAM to simulate deployments. The user executes the model by clicking on a series of buttons on the right of the input screen shown in Figure B.6. Figure B.6—Executing the LWAM The Force Demand Datasheet and Cadre Readiness The user initializes the model by clicking on 1. Create Datasheet for Demand and Cadre Readiness. This creates a new worksheet that specifies the demand for deployed forces based on the user inputs. This worksheet also leaves a blank column to specify cadre readiness. Figure B.7 shows the force demand datasheet for the first 12 trimesters.

-115- A Budgetary Analysis of <strong>Cadre</strong><br />

The effect of assuming a uniform distribution of forces on the attractiveness of a<br />

cadre augmented force is examined in Appendix C.<br />

B.1.3—Executing the LWAM<br />

This section describes how to use the LWAM to simulate deployments. The user<br />

executes the model by clicking on a series of buttons on the right of the input screen shown<br />

in Figure B.6.<br />

Figure B.6—Executing the LWAM<br />

The Force Demand Datasheet and <strong>Cadre</strong> Readiness<br />

The user initializes the model by clicking on 1. Create Datasheet for Demand and <strong>Cadre</strong><br />

Readiness. This creates a new worksheet that specifies the demand for deployed forces based<br />

on the user inputs. This worksheet also leaves a blank column to specify cadre readiness.<br />

Figure B.7 shows the force demand datasheet for the first 12 trimesters.

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